Newspaper Page Text
* Eruptions
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms of
eczema or salt rheum, pimples and >
other cutaneous eruptions proceed from.
humors, either inherited, or acquired
through defective digestion and as
To treat these eruptions with drying
medicines is dangerous.
The thing to do Is to help the sys
tem discharge the humors, and to
strengthen it against their return.
I Hood'i Saraaparllia permanently corod i.
Q.lHinea, Frank*. 111., o( eczema, from which
he .had Buffered for tom a time; and Mlaa
Alvina Wo! tor. Bor 2U, Alsona, Wl., of pim
plea on her face and back and chafed akin on
her body, by which ahe had been erectly
troubled. There are more testimonials in
favor of this Croat medicine than nan be
Hood*a Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the prom
ise, No longer put off treatment.
Buy a bottle of Hood’s today.
Both makers and circulators of counterfeit*
commit fraud. Honcat men will not dccciyc
yon Into Vuyinf worthless counterfeit* of He
witt’s Witch Hazel Halve. The origins! la in
fallible for coring pllea, sores, eczema and aU
akin diseases. W. J. Butte.
The Plant System passenger depart
ment hae recently Issued a beautiful
calendar for the year 1901, which also
contains a sheet for December 1900.
You can obtain one by calling at the
Plant System passenger office loot of
Gloucester street or telephone 52 and
y(i will haye one sent to your office,
For LaGriDDe and
enza use CHENEY’S EX
Tlie Jeweler.
Next Door to the Gourt House.
We will show you this year the finest and most varied
hiamnnfte Stock ot Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric
1/ I ill 111/ lltld a-brac, Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever
jTj 7 jT seen in the city ot Brunswick. "We also have a complete line
WfllfillfiS of spectacles and eye-glasses and can save 4sl|
■I U Mvliw yo U money. Give us a call and come early to avoid the rush.
Jewelru our Repair Department is Complete.
——— All goods bought of us engraved free.
►| Silverware We Give No Presents, bet Our Prices Make Up. lilt
6106 KS | * ■v'; ‘ 1
“The Invent or” will be the p!J for
the matinee today. Owing totbe num
ber of school children who will attend,
the enrtain will rite at 3 p. m„ to as to
give the ladies and children plenty of
time. Price* for the matinee are 10
' %
and 20 cent*.
The two week* preceding the holi
day* are generally looked npon by the
theatrical profession ae the poorest
weeks of the season.
The “Spider & Fly <*>’ will be the
next big extravagaeza company to
come here. Their date is on New
Year’s day,
George Wilson is the leading feature
with Haverly’* minstrels. They will
be here later in the (season. ‘
A Night of Terror.
-Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the
brave,Qen Burn ham, of Macbirs.Mo., when the
doctors eul<l;)jc could not lire nil morning,
writes Mra. B. H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. “AU thought she must
soon die from Pneumonia, bnt ahe begged tor
Dr. King'a Mew Discovery, saying it had move
than once saved her life and had cured her ol
consumption. After three small dose* sho rested
easily all night, and its further um completely
cared her.” This marvelous medieine is guar
anteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Du*
eases. Only 50c and |I OO. Trial bottles free at
U drug stores.
DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salvo will quickly
heal the worst burns and acalda and not leave
a scar. It can be applied to outs and raw sur
faces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it
for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth
less counterfeits. W. J. Butts.
A Talk On Lumber
With any builder in Brunswick wiil
prove to your entire satisfaction tbat
vou can buy tbe best quality of eoft or
hardwood lumber, fancy hardwood
trim or flooring at price* tbat we will
challenge competition on, quality con
sidered, <cith, anyone dealing fn lom
tnr in tbe State of Georgia. Our
stock is picked from tbo eboioeet,
fi/active Vide wralf !
ill; Young Men
wmifliamMA. %£ :i
Bears the y?W R ' nd Yo “ Wave Always
■Whole Codfish is the best.
Campbell’s ioc,
i Can makes soupTorOthe^family.
“Clover Hill” Butter has no equal.
The best io cents can olZcorn in
Tk. & 8
the city, * \
- - _!V. -
. U. and ill Jt? Jt? ill It O-
G. 11. Haatan, Lima, 0., engineer
L. E, & W. railroad,,writes: “I have
been troabled a great deal with back
ache. I was induced to try Foley’s
Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely
relieved me. 1 gladly recommend it
to any one, especially, m; friends
among the trainmen, who are asually
similarly afflicted."
When yon feel that life la hardly worth the
candle take a dose of Cbamberiam’s stomach
and Liver Tablets. They will cleanße your
stomach, tona np your liver and regulate your
bowels, making yon feel like anew man. For
sate at Bishops Drug Store.
J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois,
writes: “My little boy was very low
with pneumonia, Unknown to the
dootor, we gave him Foley’s Hooey aod
Tar. The result was magical and pnz
wled the doctor, as tt Immediately stop
ped the racking cough, and be quickly
the atove .doctor, repairs ai)
kind* of cook stove* and ranges, and
buys and sell* second-hand stoves. 414
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any ease of Catarrh that can
not be cored by Hah’a Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F, J. Cheney for the last fifteen year*
and believe him perfectly honorable
tn all business transsotions, and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation*
made by their firm.
West & Trnax, wbolssisle druggists,
Toldo, O.
Walding Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Core is takes later
ally, aoting directly bpon tbs blood
and mnoous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 780, per
bottle, Sold by all druggists. Hall’s
Family Pills are the best.
George A. Points, Upper Sandusky,
0., writes: “I have been oaingFa
ley’s Haney and Tar for hoarseness,
and find it the best remedy I ever
tried. It stopped the eongb immedi
medistely, aod relieved aii soreness,”
A Frightful Blander •
Will often cause horrible Burn, Scald, Cut
or Brulse.-Bueklon'a Aruioo ;Balve, the beat in
the world, will Kill the pain and promptly heal
ft. Cures (Mu Sore*,' Fever, Sores. Ulcers, Bofl*
Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions Best File
sure on (earth. Only S* eta, a box; Cure gusr
an teed, Sold by aU druggist.
Fragrant as ripe fruit—Pure as a
mountain spring—Hoary ~~ with ag£
and a blessing to men, when rightly
used. That’s what Harper’s Whiskey
Is. floid by T. Newham, Brunswiok,
A Card.
The manufacturer*of.BsnaerSake bureau
thortzed the undersigned to 'guarantee it for
burns, cut*, sores, ulcers, tetter, eczema and
all akin disease* You,hare year money back
fine; 1 1 vl 1 claims. W.J. Batta.
This is the season when mothers are
wia. tned on acconnt of oroup. It ie
quickly oared by One Minnte Cough
Cure, which children like to take. W,
J. Butts.