Newspaper Page Text
'4 V ’.V >-■'■/>I ■*——■ ———• : \-
is but a short month off and as it is time
to begin looking around for presents, we
wish to call your attention to the fact that
our new goods are beginning to arrive
and we are going to have an exceptionally
large and handsome line of Jewely and
Don’t Send Away
for anything in my line for 1 will guarantee
to sell you at the same price and some
times less than you can get the same goods
away for, .and besides saving you allex*
pense, we are here at home wnere you can
reach us should the goods prove unsatis
Watch for our special ad next Sunday
Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
SI! Nevrciullo Street,
inspector ot Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Waehincton
Coney & Parker
Coal and Wood, Brick,
Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths.
Agent? for Morris* Brick.
Phone 18 525 Bav sl.
Batwlng Ties.
f *
2 •
25 dozen new patterns
MM 2 5
New Neckware in All the Popular
Shapes and at all prices.
Bath Robes, Fancy
Vests - Colored Stiff
Bosom Shirts, Gloves,
all new. Call and
examine them.
DECEMBER ?, 1906.
For morning wear, during the fa I
and winter, aUUrdnwn dressing ac
ques are very comfortable. TbUt
traetlve jacket is made of a deficit#
pink eiderdown, the "dges being fin
ished with bands pi oiolh in a darker
shade. - . .j -.
The garment ia close acting in the
back and shaped to the figure with an
under-arm gore. Tbe fronts are made
without darts, and fasten with silk
frogs. .
eiOO-Ladlft' Dressing B*e.
82, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 iuc&suifi,
Tbe stylish sailor collar w aa t
tractive sdditioe. It te saellopedhiH
and front, bat straight on tbe edges,
which the sleeves. It is
finished with pink ofoth aad drawn
close at the neck with a narrow ribs
The two pieoe sleeves have comfort,
able fullness at the shoulders, and are
edged with bands of cloth at the wrists.
Cashtuers, French flsnoel or llan
oeletfe, are appropriate for Iht* mode.
Toe edges may be finished with walfc
ribbon of contrasting color and the
jsoket tied with three bows of ribbon
down tbe front omitting tbe frogs.
To make the sacque in the medium
sir.# will require three jrards of twenty -
seven inch material. Tbe pattern, No,
8109, is cut in sizes for a 32, 84 , 86, 3*,
40, 42 and 44 inch bust measure.
Tbe Ladies’ Aid Society of St. Mark*
pisoopai oburcb will bold ita month-
If oxohange, at tbe Parish boose, neat
at 8:30 p. m. Oakes,
bread and other delictoies, will be
_ Mr*. J. D. Burkbeimer ha* returned
to her home in Winulngtau, N. C., af
ter a pleasant vl*it totbiacity.
Mr*. W. C. Hatcher i* quite ill at
her home on Xawcaatle street.
Little Mia* Annie Direr i* quite ill
with malarial fever to the legret of
Mi*. D. Glauber ia in Atlanta, in at
tendance on her brother, Mr. M. I.aac, <
who ie quite ili.
Mr*. J, Livjleeoh, and children, of
Atlante, are viaitiug leluives la the
Mr. and Mr*. Ernest Fleming and
little eon are the guesta of Mr. and
Mra. T. Q Fleming.
Mr, W. R left Ihta wtek for
Atlanta, titter several weeks’ reaiderca"
1 t the Oglethorpe.
Miss Emmie sqarlettTWho ha* been
vi*itlog / 4ffrTj. L, Beach, 10 Atlanta,
• itfl*
PI" Ml 1 have o P eue,;i fr new
lit ft Uiy OllUr Shoe Repairing Shop
in the Opera House Building
Best Material at the Lowest Prices. Shoes made from the
GroundUp, Give me a trial. | B. Sauebessig
iili Until Hi ii
Dim ftnr'Miii
yjting wa*. very lively in the Timks-
CaLl circus party coolest yesterday
and oyer 450 votes were cast for the
and fferent candidates.
The management has d-cided not to
announce the result day by day, here
after, but to aneoucce the final res lt
tm Sunday morning, rt was at first
the plan of the paper to continue an ill
Thtsdsy morning, but It is thought b/et
now to bring it to a c.uee on Sulurday
and atJDuuuce the winner in Sunday
morning’s paper. -
A committee off. nr oit five goalie
■men will be coked to corns up and
eodet a 1 vote* that have b .tn cast
s .
pwoe the first day, Toty have been
kept Jo a locked draw and are ja.-t us
they wfre removed from the boxes easts
day. t •
VoV lie Stoat Popular Young Lad?
iu fii uafiwlek, I Vote lor
V“'; . & %.
jOjoeoi t?ef 6.
ba%urnsd to Fancy Biufir.
..Mfi. Vf, ffcaCook Is recovering froru
a slight iilnees.
Mrs. Maunder* and Miss Nellie Kelly,
danghtefj .bf,-Cpt. O. Kelly, of the
fruiter “City of N aseauacoom part led
ibsir father hare on this trip, tod are
apsikding some time in tbe olty.
rt “fr ■ ' ":■*%&&
Gu exhibition today; Large assort
tKSot Boys’ and Girls' Reefers. Oct
them now! J, U. Heller A^Bro.
-i 7T 1
Thwkag.ving, celery and bananas
best at Lloyd*. ’Phone 2>V2
the kidneys are email but important
organs. Tbay owed hr Ip occasionally.
Prickly Ash Enters is a aucceasful
kidney tonic and ,jrtem regulator.
W.J Halts.
1 ' J
Jtoi ijrom the country, in one pound I
' ", /: A,
Try one pound, oaly 134"
If lie good we have it,
' • .... ’ . I
Boromol Tooth Powder.
BUTTS, The Druggist.
Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda
Something Delicious a
Filled accurately. i
Sold cheaper than the cheapest*
All we want is someone to enquire into the truth of'
the above assertion to make a customer of you
Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call
in and make yourself at home J
Brown Drug Col
| Square
wards, in latest designs and
patterns. Fresh and new
goods at riving weekly.
See our nfcw
Mailing ini Ms.
Whisky \
not MADE BY altruist-
I. Trager &. Cos,, Independent Diwllers.
Sold Exclusively in ilHv
206 Bay Street. |
The World
Listens When
Leaders Talk.
This is as true of jthe Fur
niture business as of state
craft, naturally, we we have '
considerable pride in being
Quite a strong expression, but
quite easily proven—the fur
niture and prices to be the
evidence, you to be both judge
and jury’. Come :nd be con