The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 91. THE PENSION BURDEN GROWS LARGERANNUALLY Hundreds of New Names * Go 'On Every Year. Hitchcock says SOME FRAUD LISTS Increase of Over Four HIM Dollars. he Secretary of the Interior Thinks That We Are Too Liberal. New York, Dec.s.—SecrtUry Elhao A Uen Hitchcock of ike department of the interior, who ie here on prlrate busiues*, will return to W ashlugton to* night. “The pension roll (or the eoming year will call for the expenditure or % 140,000,003 as against *138,000,000 lot the year just closing," said Tie secre* tary last night. PENSION LIST GROWS •There are a llttls less than 1,000,000 Mimes on the roll now and these are being addad to by recant legislation, Under the old la* soldiers’ widows not wholly dependent on their own labor for tbelr support were not entitled to draw a pension. “A resent law made it legal for a wld’w receiving *u income not above •250 a year to receive a pension. This and certain amendments bearing on the construction of the disability of veter an applicants have added several those and names te the roll. “No country in the world it so liber al with Its pensioners as this govern ment and this (act has prompted dis honest men to take every sort of advan tage of the government. No dombt there are many fradulent pensioners on the rolls today, but as fast as trick ery is discovered tbe proper measures are taken to check It.’’ READY FOR WORK, Chester Paoking Company Will Start Up Next Tuesday. Ths Cheater Packing Company’s new oyster factory, oat on the Glynn ave nue boolevard, 1* now and will begin on next Tuesday morning. F All the npehlnery has bean placed Ml posittbe oana and boxes have errlv /many small boat* are aow oat aft* iters, aad tbe factory will start tw i k in foil blast bright and aarly oat* fooedny (atoning. Tl . Chester racking Company is one.. the best known oyster peeking eon wln Florida, and have several fai fee in that State, *4d tbe Tinas- Cauls glad to saa them opea In this oity,Md la sore that tbe bosiatte bare will pyre soeeeiiful. HARBOR ITEM IS TAKEN HP. River ni HarHor Commit tee Favor or uontiD itillfft Following is from the Savannah News of yesterday: "The River and Harbor Committee in tbe House, which is engaged in working out in execu tive session the different items of tbe river and harbor bill to be passed this tbe Brunswick harbor item today, but was unable to proceed with it, because the estimates of Capt. Gillette have not yet been riceived. So far as can be learned, the commit tee is a unit in favor of continuing tbs work of giving Brunswick deep water, which op to now bas been in charge of Col’ Goodyear, but there is seme doubt as to the way in which it will be done. Col. Goodyear hat pending an offer to continue the work, which has ao far been done by him through special le gislation, and the committee i* divided between this method and placing tha harbor in tbs hand* of the army engi neers. Tha indications are that the commit* tee will act favorably upon tha latter plan as soon as Capt. Gillette’s esti mate is before them. Col. Gocdyear bas a claim tor increased widths, which be bas secured under hit former contracts, and lbs sentiment of tbe committee seems to be in favor of pay ing him tbit claim. CONGER INSTRUCTED. Told to Sign tbe Agreement About the Chinese Trouble. Washington, Drc, s.—Secretary Hay cabled instructions to Minister Conger to sign the agreement or tbe plenipos tentlarieg of tbe allied powers, provid ing for tho punishment of ths Chinese officers responsible for Boxers outrages. BONI IN LONDON. Castellans Mad With Faria aad Will Lira la Old England . London, De. I.—Count aad Countess Boni da Castallsaa ara negotiating for a house ia London, says Taalty Fair, where, in tbe fotare they will spend at least a portlen ef tbs gear, Yea kart oftaa paid IlJ* for a shirt Look at ear fI.M kind, and see if we do aet egaal It, J. H. Heller £ Bro. BRUNSWICK, GA. THURSDAY MORN . DECEMBER 6, 1900. ■Kw • V F. T. Gilmore Mis TM Fate ia Clap. MONEY HAS BEEN RECOVERED Detectives and Bandits Have a Battle and Twenty Shots Were Fired. OSioago, Deo. 6.—Fred T. Gilmore, of Baxter, Is., wss kneoked senseless late last nigbt, near Miobigan avenue and Harmon court, and robbed of sll,- 32# in negotiable paper, *3B in money, and a watob. The robbers, William Cummings and George Hayes, after a desperate battle with detectives, were oaptared, and all the booty, save the watoh and money, was reoovered. Gilmore came to Chicago to exhibit oattle at the live stook show. The de tectives saw Gilmore with Cummings and Haves, whom they followup to the soene of the robbery. When the officers approached, the robbers epssag behind a garbage box ana began shooting a*/ the detectives. The lattes lined up behind a ‘telegraph pol*nftd returned tbe fire. 30 shots were exchanged at a range of not more than fifty feet, but no one was injured. Having emp tied their revolvers, tbe detectives made a rush upon the bandits and caught them as the; were trying to re load their weapons. MAJOR WOOD’S REPORT. Collections This Year on ihe Klon dike Amouu- to *900,000. Seattle, Wash., Dec. s,—Major Wood, commanding the Canadian mounted police in the Yukon territory, who col lect* the royalties on gold, report* the collecinns this year on tbe Klondike output as amounting to nearly $900,000, about 1100.000 more than waa reoeiyed last year. Ten per cent of the geld mined is supposed to be paid to the government, wbioh would Indicate the Klondike output for tbe season to have been on ly 19,000,000, bat tho general estimate has piaoed it at nearly 120,000,000. PKBTTT CHRISTMAS EDITION, Tikis-Call Will Issue One on Sunday. December 16th. Solicitors for the pratty Christmas edition of the Trtrae-CAii. are oa their round! new nnd from present Indica tions nil the leading merohanta and business men will have advertisement* is the ana*. This paper will be oa* of the prettiest ever issued from s Brunswick printing precs and will ge <o tbe homes ef every eitlteo ia tha city. Those who have not already done so should buy space at ones. WHJffil Storms Ol the MM Coast FOR Ml WEEKS Only Eleven of the Forty One Persons Were Shred. London, Dae. 6.—Storms have been sweeping oyer tks British coast aiid ships in tha channel have had a rough experieno Several minor wrecks are reported. The staamer itosagull of Plymouth fosndered off the Isle of Jersey. Hei piesengers were saved, but a boat con taining nine of the oaew i missing. The Ron gull wai an English steam er and wae engaged in the service be tween England and tbe channel Island and St. Brleaij. According to tho re port which reached here only 11 per sons put of 41 onboard were saved. HAY FAUNOKvM^' Senate Committee EqualjpTOlvMed od tbe Measure. Washington, Dec, s.—The Hay-Paun cfote treaty concerning the Nicaraguan canal was tho sabject of a few minutes ’ consideration today by the senate com mittee on foreign relations. No conclusion is possible except to decide to cre*s tha question In tho sen ate and there was a mbsiantial agree ment npon the wisdom of this rn||ey. There was no division in the committee except upon amendments, although Hen at or Bacon did not manifest any greit concern for the paissgo of the treaty !n sdv siiipe ATLANTA DEPOT BILL. Which Wss D-fea’eil Will Probably K Vo'ril on Fridiy, A'Uota.Dec. s.—The most imp'ri aot feature of today’s sees on of tbe house was tbe adoption by (be bou-e aa a committee of the whole the rrp'.rt Ol tbe general appropriations commit tee, including $45,0p0 for the Sale university for tbe next two years, aud giving tbs teohnologioa) school $lO 0 0. One item—that of 117,500 for public baildinge and groande—wae held up, and will be oonaidered at tbn noen’s session. The Atlanta ■ djpst bill, wbiob wa* defeatsd yesterday, waa reeoeaidered, and will poaatbly be tnken up for a fi nal vota on Friday. The soldier*’ heme bill, wbioh wa* defeated several days ago, was also re eonsidersd. and its ndvoentes hops to fanvo it passed before tbe end of next week. Large assortment of Capos aad Jaok •lt—latest stylos. At your ssevios J. H. Holler A Bro. NICAURAGUA DEMANDS TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS Wants This GFreat Sum for Canal Concession <- MILLER WON THE CONTEST. III: 111 Uni. Illlti, il lit Iriisml Mira Sergeant Harry Miller was nomina ted as second lieutenant of tbe Bruns wick Riflemen at their meeting laet night, defeating all opposition by a vote of 28 to 18. The election was, indeed, a very spirited one, and a keen interest was taken in it by the members. Before tbe meeting was called to order, small crowds could be se<n gathered about ■ ' lgßsM*! ' ■ . LIEUT. ELECT HARRY MILLER the armory, talking military politios, and both sides were sure of yictory until the votes were counted. Sergeant Harry Miller, the euocess fnl candidate, ia very popular among the members of the company. He has been a member for some iitn°, and baa alwayß proved an energetic, hustling individual in everything that theooru pany haa undertaken. He has spent many years in military, having been a member cf the Fifth Marytany regi ment, soil also of the Maoon Cadets, the orsok company of Georgia. He ia a good tactioiaD, and will make tbe tompaoy an excellent offloer. llois at present book-keeper for Mr. J. J. Liosner, the wholesale grocerymau, and is considered one of the beat ac countant* of tbe city. Mr. Miller ia a Marylander, having spent hia younger day* in Baltimore aad alter graduatleg at leading eollsgea there, apent five year* in the Unlvev-' slty Leipsis Germany. LAST CALL. Tax collector H. J. Read will be at hi* offio* in the court house from to morrow until December 20, These who haye net peid their taxes should do so aa when executions are issued it will cost a great deal more, "PRICE FIYE CENTS IT IS REGARDED SIMPLY AS HOLD-UP Tie Demand Will certaii lr Be Owed Friends of the Measure Thiik That the Demand is Unjust. Waebington, Dec. 6, Nioaraugaa wanta twenty million dollar* for canal concessions to the United State*, and friend* of tbe measurejregard the de mand as a “hold up." A senator who has been prominent in his support of the eofaeme, said tha demand was unreasonable, and ft would be fought by friends of the ca nal movement. INDUSTRIAL CONVENTION. Second Day’s Suasion Opened With a Very Large Attendance, New Orleans. Dec. s,—The seoond day’s session of the Southern Indus trial Conv(yg|r Jl * i>*- <i *:/.*•> with - la,go attendance, many delegates having arrived early this morning on the trains. The ball was soaroely large enough to admit the delegtes, and tha general psblio was turned away. The committee on organization was not e hie to report. There is a strong sen timent in favor of continuing Presi dent. Hargrove for another year, but at at the same time there are several del egations here who have favorite son* to press Shortly after 1$ o’clock Cardinal Gibbons, escorted by a delegation of prominent cilisens, cleric and lay, entered the hall and was given a most cordial greeting. Hi* eminenoe, who was dressed in the robes of bis office, opened the conven tion with prayer. He said be hoped the dawning century would not olese until the prophecy ol Isaiah bad been fulfilled, when swords would be beaten into plowsbears and slokles. Presi dent Hargrove turned tbe gavel over to Vioe-President Bidney Story, aad introduced Mr. Lyman Hall, president of the Georgia Sobool of Technology, who spoke on technical education. Jackson, Wane aad Memphis have gone aotively to work to eapture tho next convention. GETTING COLD. It look* very much like the weather will be void very soon. Prepare for it by ordering a- supply of wood from Empire Wood aodCoalCo. Telephone 31. Yard: Corner Gloameter and Grant* streets.