The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 2

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” Eruptions Dry. moist, scaly tutor, U forms of eccema or salt rheum, pimple* and other cutaneous eruptions proceed from humors, either Inherited, or acquired through defective digestion and as similation. To treat these eruptions with drying medicines is dangerous. The thing to do is to help the sys tem discharge the humors, and to strengthen it against their return. r- Hood’s Sarsaparilla permanently cured 3. O.lHlnos, Pranks, 111., Of eczema, from which ha [had suffered tor some time; and Miss Alvins Woltar, Box 213, Algous, Wls„ of pim ples on her face and back and ehated akin on her body, by which (he had been greatly troubled. There are more testimonials In favor of this treat medicine than eaa be published. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. No longer put off treatment. Buy a bottle of Hood's today. Both makers and circulators of counlerlelte commit fraud. Honest men -will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeit# of De- Witt’s Witch Haxel Halve. Tbe orlginel ieln falilbie for curing piles, sores, eczema and all skin diseased. W. J. Butte. CALENDARS FOR 1901. The Plant System passenger depart ment has recently issued a beautiful calendar for the year 1902, which also contains a sheet for December, 1900. You can ob'aln one by calling at the Plant System passenger office toot of Gloucester street or telephone 52 and you will haye one sent to your office. For LaGriDne and enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT: A. ROTHSCHILD Tlie Jeweler. Next Door to the Qourt House. Diamonds watches Jewelry Silverware GIOGkS CONTEST IS VERY CLOSE Miss Tin Gained Over a HaiM Yesterday. Nearly five hundred votes were est in the Tutua-Caix circus contest yea. terday and the candidates are now very near each other. Miss Tison gained oyer a hundred vote*. Remember the contest closes Satur day, the votes will be counted by a com* mittee aad the name of the winner an nounced Sunday morning. OFFICIAL BALLOT. For the Most Popular Young Lady In Brunswick, I Yota tor Miss ROBINSON’S SHOW December 8. For ’Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT DeWitt’* Witch Hazel Salve will uuiekly heal the wont burn* and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be appUcd to cuts and raw sur faces with prompt and soothing effect, Use it for piles and skin disease#. Beware of worth ies# counterfeits. W. 3. Butt#. A Talk On Lumber With any builder in Brunswick will prove to your entire satisfaction that you can buy the best quality of soft or hardwood lumber, fanoy hardwood trim or flooring at prioes that we will cbslltnge own petition on, quality con sidered, with anyone dealing in lutri bw in the State of Georgia. Our stock Is picked from tbe choicest. UNG, WOOD & 00. |Soqd Positions . Young Mai SKbS&^Women , ’**** , j COLLEGE \ ******* j INSTRUCTIONS! I t WJtiftfJfatfOffm/r. %£- OABTORXA. Kind H 8” Jlwsi ' 3 We will show you this year the finest and most varied stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric a-brac, Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever seen in the city ot Brunswick. We also have a complete line of spectacles and eye-glasses “* save you money. Give us a call and come early to avoid the rush. Our Repair Department is Complete. All goods bought of us ©ngr&VGd fr©©. We Give No {resents, but Our Prices Make Up. Time Received Daily by wire from Washington THE BIUNSWIC* TIMEB-CALL, DECMBE* 6. if. Whole Codfish is the best. JiMI Campbell’s ioc, i Can makes soup*forQthe[]himily. “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. The best io ot|corn in the city, A. O. JEFFERS, . RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hausan, Lima, 0., engineer 1,. E. &W. railroad, writes; “I have been troubled a great deal with back ache. I was induced to try Foley’s Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recommend it to any one, especially my friend* among tbe trainmen, wbo are usually similarly afflicted.” When you feel cist life is hardly north the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tablet*. They will cleanse your su mach, lone up your liver and regulate year bowels, making you feel tike anew man. Tot tale at Bishops Drugstore. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois, writes: “My little boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to tbs doetor, w* gave him Foley’s Honey sod Tar, The result was magiesl and puz zled tbe doetor, as it immediately stop ped tbe ranking cough, and be quiokly reoovered.” STOVES REPAIRED. Rios, the stove doctor, repairs all kinds of eock stoves and range#, and buys and sells seooed-hand stoves. 414 Clothing * SUITS MADE m MADE SUITS, No matter which you want, we can figure wl*h you to advantage. Our Ready Mail# Clothing etcck is com plete, with a range in price from SB.OC to #30.00 Made to Order Suite from the butt tailoring house in the business. $lB 00 to 150 00. Top Coats, ulsters, oyerqoats, all prices. J LEVY’S STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove dwstor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay tercet While it it warm, you should have your winter clothing put in good or der. Bee Jim Carter.