The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 5

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\U WP t (m i ”>— g iV v^l Women are Like rlAlt/DTC Healthy andstrong lunti . they blossoro nd bloom. Sickly, they wither and ' die. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It's her right and duty, but she might as well try to put out a* fire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organs that make her a woman. Upon their -health depends her health. If there is inflammation or weakening ■grains or suffering at the monthly period, attend to it at once. Don't delay. You're one step nearer tho grave every day you put it off. 'Yemen can stand a great deal, but Sky cannot live forever with disease M.-ging at the most delicate and v 1 organs In their body. You may hav e been deceived In so-called cures. V-’8 don't see haw you cotildhelpit— thtre is so a. ch .worthless stuff on ths market. But vou won't be dis appofntedin Brsdfield'R Female Reg- ' ulator. We beljeoe tis the one modi ciaeoneertbforw.Hnanly.ills. There 1 is as much-didcranes between it and other so-called reiuedtea .1 there is ‘ between right and wrong. B addeid’a Female Regulator soothes ;he pais, stops the drains, promotes regularity, strengthens, purines and cleanse*. It ' does all this quickly and easily id naturally. Itis for women Ht on erode, cide whether they will be healthy or sick, -radfield’s Regulator lies at hand, li per buttle ut drug store, to Sett* tor oar free booklet. * THX BIUDnCU) RIGtiLATOR CO., Atlaata, 6* ELI ZISSIMATO, 302i Newcastle St. Hi i:.. . CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kinds of< Candy. Only Few More Weeks And Then CHRISTMAS! ' i Can you afford to wait until the last day and then have to take something you don’t exactly want ? Our advice to you, is to come now, look around and if you don’t see exactly what you want let us order it for you. ||||ly | Think thatwe haven’t the goods, or that we have goods too fine, and then send away UUII I for what you want, BUT CALL AND LOOK and price and talk to us about what you want and we will guarantee that we will please you and give you exactly what you want and at the right prices. Besides we are right here at home and if the goods don’t suit you we can exchange them for you, until you do get exactly what you want. Here is a Partial List of Whal We Carry in Stock, Read It. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry ot all kinds, Sterling and Plated, Flat, Hollow and Novelties in Sil verware, clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Purses, Rich Fans, Gold Pens, French China, Statuary, Potte ry, Opera Glasses, Spetacles, and Eye Glasses, Gold andSilver Headed canes, and Umbrellas, Fine Lamps, curios Souvenirs, Etc. Our stock is finer, larger and better than fep years you can be suited. Grand Prize Gift ' ' ■■■■-. it/ *st Prize —Fine Oxidized Silver Clock valued at S4O Drawing from November Ist, to December 31st, 1900 fesSM 2nd Prize —A pair of fine large Vases valued at sl6. FREE calendar to all who purchase $lO xlsitj These expensive presents are given away absolutely worth 1 r* FREE, as a compliment to my customers, Every pur- W e give Silverware Stamps, Ask for them, and also M chase to the amount of $1 ,00 entitles you to a ticket FREE, your tickets, * YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND LOOK. WE WILL GLADLY SHOWYOU AROUND 21 si NEWCASTLE ST M fITT JEWELER AND JP® BRUNSWICK, GA. IN \J l\ lyiW 11 , GRADUATE OPTICIAN C Time Daily From Washington by wire, Inspector of watches For Southern Railway Complete IS *THE line cf 1 i ill Ms whichSl now have on | lexhibition. ■ CALL AND EXAMLNE. i . Tli. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. II . Fuf tbfr serious disease* that, attack tbe kidneys, Prickly Ash B iters is an unfallingremedy. Relieves backache, swelling of feet, and persistent headache—symptoms which indicate kidney trouble, W. J. Butts. The editor of tho Foravllle, Kj„ Miocellan eons, write* a* a poslaevipt to a business letter: “I wh cured of kidney trouble by taking Voley’s Kidney Cure,” Take nothing else, W.J. Butts Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. I.axsiive llromoiQulntno Tablet* cure a cold inlonc day. No Cure, No Fay. Price 5.5 centa THE BRUN WICK riMES-CALL DE JEMBER 6 UJQV The Oldest and Best s. S. S. is a combination of roots and herbs of great curative powers, and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general, health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not ouly a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging tire blood of impuri ties. S. 5,5. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers,' Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible.disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands. Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever is the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis eases , and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. gp* We are doing great good to suffering humanity through °ur consulting de partment, and invite you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. • THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA QA. SHAKB INTO TOUR SHOES. • Allen’* Koot-Ense, a powder, it cores paluftn, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails.mid instantly take* UK) sting out 0/ Mrnmand bun ion*. Jt’ tbe greatest comfynMUsoovei yoi the ago. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or hew shoe* fuel oasp. It 1* a certain euro Tor sweat ing, onllons and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold l.y all druggist* and woe store*. Ry mail (or 25c in stsinp*. Trial package Free. Address Allen s.Olnutood, lie Hoy, N r. — - When yon want prompt acting Utile pills that never gripe use IKtW ltt's l.tttle Varly Rlaet*. W.J.Butts. Our to Aim is to give the public perfect satisfaction for everything bought at our Pharmacy. The people have been very generous in giving us“a liberal share of their patronage for wPlch favor we shall make renewed efforts to please them Prescription The prescription department and our general business has grown to such an extent as to demand the services of a first class assistant. Mr. Jamerson, who is now with us, comes well recommended and will take in serving you in any Department Our sock is now cqmple, includihg the best lines of Toilet Articles. We handle the best stock of Soaps, from any imported to the cheapest American brands] We can satisfy the most fastidious in Perfumes, as we carry the most complete assortment to be found