The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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XHE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NU-M%R S'L INTERESTING MEETING -• OF THE CITY COUNCIL Acting City Treasurer Sends i in His Report MOMENT OVER I TELEPHONE GRANT \ kii laitel Ii PnR- I lisSci i ii m ii mm Placsd On Seoond Reading and Will Come Up For Final Action Noxt Thursday • , • ... v .”>f 5 %. Brunswick, Ga„ Dec. O, 1000 Present: Hon.wPean D. Atkinson, mayor, and A. ldernaen Muoi, Thomas aud Tupper. Absent: Alderman, Kraus e Brlesemck and A team i, H' - ■ ■^-.jsswu f pstio : ii.,„i*.„ ’ware read and confirmed. * rum ions and communications From T.W. Dextsr, stating that the JOlvlo County Ticket wonld publish e I ,me Oongrssj Eli lion,” and ask- I -I as arrangements be made to send 1 larked copies to mayors of princi citles. Referred to mayor with [ Ito act? Jpom Jasper G. per mission to ceoneet cioeet on New Town lot number 1878 to sewerage system. Referred to committee eu sanitation. From fl, H. McAllister, pendent of the Good Government club, saggesiing Meiers. Hopkin#, Duhberly or J, R. Kuibb as election manners. Rtceived, From C, D, Ogg, searetary of board of trade, asking the nse of a room in the city nail for the board. Granted, mayor to assign room. Report from L, C. Bodet, acting city treasurer, as follows: -Bromwick, G , be:. is;o, l'o the Honorable Mayor land Connell, of City of Brunswrik,Georgia: m, - w Gentlemen—Balow please flau a complete 1 statement of all rAeetpt* and disbursements of the City Treasurer’* oSca ftr the month cod ifl Aon the 30th day of November, 190i; '} HKcmrTß. TAXES. ■ K - Kenner $ mi ’*•■ #■ MIC C, A. I! erf e 1... 4 w Lwbsiman... sve .340 Henrvß. Garnett.sty# Cbat Otiflr ,40 Ist. ’VViUlam Tomer '...„ 3970 W. A Schoppell ssss Ben Greggs IOC C. A. McCeriet. X to Elet Olsen... 2 Mri.WtUie-Barkuloo IS 00 R. L.AlkiSson SIT J nils Lemmons. SM Dart SHOO “Ennn* Perry IS 14 W. F. Montes:....; it in Mrs. Elea Briesenlck 13 76 F. E. Philip*...,... 6 0S I Mrs. J. R. Barfield a SO A. E. Ammons g 34 63 W.%. 8arren. i.%.,,.... 1 is W.W Mrs. ttflie BogOfl t 3 74 Eendlg A Burrongtae 76 Clark Clara Dennison gas Klgertha Simmer.- i 01 E. C. Person 3 50 Mrs. Mange Bu vdert SO at miaMyrirk 983 Mary Grant,. U Fred Adama r.l Eat. T.G, Star- • 465 MrsC. Ellen.. Wslß SO .sp,|f,> l ,lßt 13 31 Vi Vf llatriaon .. 's'# Prince Jashaon 4 (5 London Polite jo 75 S. Emanuel 55 0> Everett Land Cos 340 A.W. irurn „ 44, Hitch and Brantley—' I .'44. .*•.. 1541 Hamilton Scarlett . 75Q J. W.KIrU „ sdo Mr#. M.J. Amc 36a Mrs. E. O.Tapper ,rjpo Mrs. W. I. Price Cornelia Joseph TBS Mosea Wllliami ; 793 Mrs. F.K.Mroczkowski...... 544 Silas Felder ' aas J.y. J. A. Mcßevnolds " i4B Mrs. M. Demlng 4543 A, V. Putnam ..... me] Geo. |ajo Elt.C, M. Dean* Beach 97 so Jamee Beckett 1049 Miss L.H. Bnrrougbi eg Dr. F. A. Bnrrill 707 John Deloney jgy Est. J. J. Dorr M 00 licenses. $ (Ot flip . 2 m f}}L. Parker V woo M. Greenwood 160 Jot Mainour. jooo L, J. Joel. ... (i)0 Chirln Markowlu.,,, (60 1 Mmol Walker 20W) John H. sparks' Show - jjoo E, Petersen..... .., (oj Gilbert William. 1800 J. Panente 200 D. R. Ponder > 75 qq DOG LICENSES. Peter W.Fie0a1ug..,..., 2uo Swab Cooper j M Houston Kluyd.... lco •• . 7"• * ■ % BRUNSWICK, GA. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ,7 1900. fifPiAS mm HI HUSBAND’S GRAVE. Des Molna’a, I*., Deo. 6.—While at. tending her busbaod’ funeral at New Virginia, Mrs. John Hoieiek was ar retted at ihe cemetery, charged with bit murder. She was placed ia jail at Indianeia, She took thatjSfYst oalmly, but protested her innecenoe. Hoesaok, who wae a well-to-do farmer, was killed by a blow on the head while deeping beside his wife. Mis Qoasaok olaitnad to have found her husband dead. Ellas Connor 100 Ida Ki 115...: I9t> P. O. Kessler ... 100 mnsophinc Troup 100 Gus l.owensteln ) 00 R, E. Owens 1 00 E. C. Butts 1 00 G. Aruheitcr 100 A. Borehsrdl too J. 8. Palmer... l 00 R. R. Hopkins 100 A.C.Blain ] oo J. H. llohne l 00 L. Ludwig 100 Eva Tooka l oo W. H. Barrie >8 00 Mamie Fonder l oo Bessie Perry l o J, W. Wallace • 100 Wm. Mahoney '. ICJ Will Smith 100 C. A. Itaeon 100 W. B. BurtouKhS. J Mr*, a. M. Rebert*. 100 W. A. McDonald 200 M. Jr... too Maggie Sampson • ioo Fred Gruber ..g* joe John Murrayli .... ion F. McßroWn j.- 100 John Lowe 2CO W.F.'Doorflinger.... 300 •.*• Joaephiue Hearlati ioo W, H. Hohfiea.. 1.,,,,. ~ i go Kts Harrell.. . f AI. "A j K 11 Mason . J ti | . that Morgan. ... CfJi' Laura Slmmom . wSWBIS Mary Owens Thot Oliver #Bg Dannia Ponder Willie Winn Thos Thomas 101 l F B Pbilipa...... —,T iqo Peter Biewer y qq Will Taylor i oq H Garnett 1 oo 8 Auguitiue joo Floreuce Gardner . 103 Williams l po Thomas O’Connor \ gj ITonorlne Richards. i oo Cornelia Oriffin ioo T % Floyd s ; ICO Maihllds Peters l 00 Peter Du Bigeon j oo PASegui poo J A Brown. joo R II Taylor 100 Mra A r j (jo Mr* WalterGlryiu j oq Minnie Martin B jgo Mary Burney .' jgo J B Pesnon jgg K A i'eDc.mau j 50 a J wheeler j (y M leaae 1 00 Latham 1 jo Home Brock j cQ JC E Wllyhar .......f„ 100 ..... [ft ■ ii iii. n Gets Ml Into Army fl KjLteiM " II WAS A GOOD SCHEME %. In the Army and On the Salary List Within a Day Washington, Dec.26.—Brig. General Eagan waß today restored to duty by an order of tbo president remitting tha unexpired portion of his sentence. Tha order restored him to duty with station in this city, The president’s order was immediate, ly fullowed Wy one from General Milts announcing that Eagan had been plac ed on the retired Hat after thirty years' service. Lewis Burroughs no TOWS COMMONS LEASES Ida Norwood j DISBURSEMENTS. D D AlkjOsoapfmwinwrm..,. .$ 75 oo aagi- ico erfi A H Loavy. # aoo Brunswick Bank * Trust Cos w oo National Bank of Brunswick 22 00 L C Bodet,act’g troau 1,71900 BrumL , co ~ :i so Jackie 9w.. 4 17 IfTl 18285 Board j, ‘99 og LC Bodet, act’g 1781 Bills Payable, for the following notes: % BjfcPrunswlck B and T Cos. 4,00? 00 SSpuonal Bank of 3,00000 C * C 0)...., .A 10,IK00 iillspllllm .M * W’KC a jUfUfcl.. mSBUjdpEXTS. Bank of Brum wlu.'h u- ..-ronrh made hand... 75477 ... ? Ba'ancu ~ 8U 8f Tot > .St l #,ilfl IS DISTRIBUTION OF DISBURSEMENTS EXECUTIVE lIEPAHTiIENT. Saiariiw not otherwise dOiribated % :kBSB Office eipcuse 200 Incidentals jg# Tolegrsm* 97 r .2001 % ,A- .' -V M, Ail. $331 M PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Salaries not otherwise distributed ... 35 00 Avenues streets and lanos 7992s Drains, dilohes and bridges ; 17 73 prk 13 93 'SANITATION DEPARTMENT. Hal hi tee Sot ofWwiw dlatribuisd ;je 00 Crematoryexpenses J t Removing garbage and scavenger work. rai# Disinfectant* ji Bowen* expeoics jyg^ POLICE * <?I ® 1 sty -le* ui olbtttrjpa dcatirf buwdp... . lsoyo I'OttC. . HUlhe.t, HMjrt Impeding officer . *> BAuard b'.U'.e 27 SO Bl 1 ■flHßjnk > 1 \ STREET TAXES. W L Slocum 200 Bartow Harris jqo Ed Mason 200 George Harris 200 SALE OF CEMETERY LOTS. Mrs. Hattie A. Latimer 100 TG Clark Sr j 00 YrNJoceg j 0q 1 oo REVENUES H B Randolph, H C3 H B Randolph, and brand........ , 1M) Robt. Levieon, marshal, PCU#H^pjl)W. fines Robt. Levison, marshal, Bills payable, renewal ol following N035) 4,000 00 No!i l 3 8,000 00 No 353 10,00000 Cash on hand on the Ist day of Novem be'' 1,624 07 Total receipts *20,210 13 FIRE DEPARTMENT,: Salaries not other,vise distributed 75 00 Firemen 370 to Hose, nozzles and couples 5 70 350 70 CD4IUIV AND HOSPITAL DEPAItTMENT Sexton colored esmetery 4 77 Charity orders 50 Medicine and surgical expenses 4t o’’ Burial of paupers 3 50 Matron and nurses 3200 Labor not otherwise distribuUd 8 00 f 89 92 Board ol education taxes and leases on town commons 88 63 Interest and discount 78 00 Bills payable 17,000 00 Balauce 812 81 Total UKCArtTfLATIOH KXOXIPTS; £ash 011 lmnd 1,534 v>7 Taxes ....... 939 19 Dog 1 ioonsC 103 00 Licenses M f ...... 354 60 Leasts j g;, Streettaxes so Oemetary lots 500 Impounding fees. m<k> Recording brands and marks ot but chered animals (October) 14 00 Police fines (sstober) 319 00 Executions 33 ia Bills payable 4 17,000 Total (90,213 13 msBURSIMBHTS; Operating expenses, as follows- Executlve department I-3184 Public, works do 30600 Sanltatioa,... do 47185 Police do 784 35 Plre do Charity and hospital 0933 Board of education 88 36 Interest and discount 73 Sills payable... 17.80000 *Halance,. 813 81 T0ta1...,. 1 *0.219 13 Respectfully submitted, L. C. BODET, Acting City Treasurer HE3OLUT/OJSTB. Tho following were offered and adopted : By Alderman Mason— Iteeolycd, by tbe mayor and alder men of tbe city of Brunswick, in ooun l duly assembled, That the mayor of ■ city be, aud be is hereby author ised and empowered to negotiate for a temporary loan of seven thousand dol lir, -or *0 muoh of aald sum aa be diems necessary to meet maturing ob ligations of this cty, pending tbe col lection of tasai now due and unpaid. Itisolvcd furtjjAfcg&fet tbe aaid loan c . ) P RICE FIVE CENTS. GIB J! 1 ' I HANDS 11 Heartless ffretci Has Been CaogAl HE MAY HI BURNED Be Severely Dealt With Chicago, Deo. 6.—A special to the Chronicle from Oattlesburg, Ky., tayg : “William Gibson, the man who has been long sought for torturing and killing bis daughter, wae captured yesterday at Irwin Hill, Carter county,. and was brought td the house of Sheriff Davis, who resides about two miles outside the oity, after dark. County Judge h. T. Everett made an order re moving the prisoner for safekeeping to Maysville. Deputy Bberlfr William Gieger and Jailer I. S. Hurd left tho oity for RueseJl, Ky., where they will take the train to Maysville. “Further along the line the train was boarded aift the coaches searched, but no sign of the prisoner was found l>y the searchers. At various pointf crowds are collected, awaiting far the news of the capture of the prisoner by the mob, and it is oertain that if he should be taken, be will be burned alive. It is oertain the officers, having heard of the statiouing of the mobs at the depots, have taken the prisoner off the train at some small village and are now in hiding. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Deo, 6.—John Gibson, who is allsgtd to have murdered his 2- S’ear-old step-daughter by running a red-hot poker down her throat, was brought to this oity last night at ten o’olook by pattiea who drove here in a : buggy and turned over to BheriflJ Fields, who seoreted him and sent blm > to Maysville by a deputy sheriff. a mob has been hunting Gibson for ten days, with threats of burning him to the stake. Gibaon is a ytaite mao. Lvrge assortment of Capes and Jack et—latest styles. , At your service J. H. Heller A Bro. A VACANCY. Tbe removal of Mr H. H. Raymond from this city to New York, will esuae a vacancy on tbe board of county com - raiasioners after January lt. Tbe new member will be named by tbe board. Mr. W. F, Parker left laet night for Brooklyn. WANTED—A lady to act as cashier Apply by letter only Levy’s rr-—7’ I J kanuy new crop peanuts, freablfi I roasted and tbe beat you ever trlrffl |at Lloyd e. ’Phone