Newspaper Page Text
Tle cause exist* in the Wood. Is
what causes Inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It is therefore impossible to cur*
the disease by local applications.
ft la positively dangerous to neglect
tt, because li always affects the stom
ach and deranges the general health,
and Is likely to develop Into consump
Mur kav* bo* rtwikellj mu p*maq*atlr
care* by Heed's rtar** partita. It th*
Mud and its* s Htailu ulUratlre and tents
•feet H. l-otia. rcilfotiiis Junction, lows,
writ**. "J had cstsrrk three rests, lost o*r
mmr'Mv and tonld not slssp. My bsstl pind
us sad i fslt bad sit ovsr. X took Hood's
ffsrsspssills sad DOW bar* s good appetite,
sissy wall, sad lisrs do symptom* of sstsrrti.”
Hood's SarsapmHKa
Promises to cure and keeps the prom
toe. ft Is better riot to put off treat
ment — buy Hood’s today.
The Plant Sy;on [avenger dtp rt-
Dtent baa recently iaud a be*u I'll
aalecdar f. r tbc y> ar 100'., which a'-o
cOQtalns a sheet fur", )OW.
You pan ob'an one by call in* at t'C
Plant Bve'tm rawenKbr "fHoe lo °' ~f
•lourester street or telephone 52 t>d
you will have o. e tent to your r filet.
£ —i—
You can't along wittioir “O her
Ifscpl’a Money ”
Roth u shers an<i eirewlatora of conntsrfett-s
wssu fraud. Honest men wIM not dcooi-s
you into boring worthless cminterfeltr. of I >“-
Witt’s Wtleh Hntel Halm. Tueortgtnpl Is in
fallible for eut-imt plies, sores, ecsuu.n ssd *H
sktn dles*. V.. ,1, Butts.
Do you uted “Other JP.
pie's Monej!
The Man Who Wa* Injured Soma
Days Ago Suooumba.
The unfortunate isiior who fell from
a mast of lb# bark St. Jose some days
ago and sraa aertoualy injur**, rxpirae
Sunday, mod was burls# yesterday.
Tbe uofor. ttuaia mao died far away
from born* and mother, bat bis abip
mates did everything possible for bun.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for aoy oaae of Catarrb that, can
not be oorrd by Hilt’* Catarrb Cu-e,
F. 1. OHIENRY A 00.. Toledo,O,
We, tne undersigned, Have known
F. J. Cneney tor the USt fifteen year*
and believe Mm perfeotly honorable
ID all burloess traqsaottone. and floao
oially able to carry out suy obligation*
made by their firm.
Weat A Tmax, wholesale drugglate,
Toldo, O.
Waldi eg Kinds- & Marvin, wbole.-a'f
drngglat*. Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrb Cure it taken later
ally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous uttr'ac* of tbe system.
Teetimonlal* sent free. Price 7Se, per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s
Family Pill* aie the best.
3 A. JE •X 1 O 3?*. X A. .
Bsart the Kind You Haig Always Bought
■\ * . \.V ; .I,- | .• -
J.-OJgers, of Fruelburg, Ml, write*:
“I bad a very bad at ack of kidney
complaint and tried ££tot’e Kidney
Cure which gave me immediate relief,
and 1 was perfectly cursd efter faking
wo bottles.” Take do enbsitiuie.
DeWitt’* Witch . neri Hsle* will q-deWy
hrsl the worst horns and <*tlds nod not lew r
V fi
a sear. It ean bapplied toots andrawsur
larea with prompt aad toothing rfieot, UsagC
fori piles and skin diseases. Uewsrsof woutyj
1 •*eooatoifelt*. W, J.Boit*. 1
&&&JKKUP, '\- v- v :.- r >r ,
U jgg > *\ - t * 9 -9
m : m We will uhoW you this year the finest and most varied
DftSfends, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Brie
jfßhrt; Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever
seen in the city ot Brunswick We also have a complete line
of spectacles and eye-glasses and can ve
you money. Give us a call and come early to avoid the rush.
Our Repair Department is Complete.
All goods bought of us engraved, free.
We Give No Presents, but Our Prices Make Up.
Time Received Daily by wire from Washington
Jieiifisiiiiig in Liner
That wUlatir c the attention of tboe
iD'andiog to build rr ret air we are
making In all Made of building lumber,
yellow pine il erioge, ahinglea, In ba and
finish and rough ltub r. Our offering
will i>ok like Xmas g fte wneo you con
•id-r the quelliy of or sell aeaaoned
lumber. Taler bore 147.
Good Positions I
Young Men *
> oxsr 'k
8$ cts ean of Asparagus for ..25c
20 cts can of Pears for 12c
*5 cts can of Apricots for *oc
26 cts can #f white Cherries for SOc
1$ cts ean of Baked Beans for 1()c
\ 5 cts per lb. Candy for. 8o
% cts pkg Diamond Starch for. 3c
30 cts per gStl white Vinegar. .-. 20c
•isc bottle Urange Marmalade at 15c
These prices good for a few days only-
Ci I"w? a bj Lja If 55“ I ' Wi''"i "i
S- 9 f£l \/ffi OAST I EZ- i
CG. H. H n*an, L'ma, O . M'giuecr
L. E. A W. reilreed,- wri’e" : “I rave
been 'ro< bl. and a great deal witb back
ache. I '>■ indut-ed to iry Foley’*
Kidney Cure, aodfie bottle entirely
relieved me. I gladly reoiwmend it
to any one, eapeoiaUy' my friends
a&oog the trainmen, wbo ate usually
itmtari, affl U<l.”
Whet you f*l Rat Ufa is hardly y.wtto She
candle take a tltwi < t Ohberlam 8
Mid Uver Tablesa. Thfjr win eieanM> you/
•tt laaeh, toae np your iivar *Kd rgo : tt yotfr
hCfcd*. making yon t*H-ttfce * aew roa. For
*ale*i nhkaaW.Dwm *:<'•
rOStJ Wjf rifw '' ; h
aells *ood-band atv*e. 414
51h crock of Heirnts fine
50c size Durkees Dressing for....!^')
35c can of Lobster TqPfl
8 cans of Red Seal Potash .. .‘. ..aPJ
35c: bulk CofFee -25
15c Eat Well Celatin f0r..,. 10c
25c Hara Loaf for 16
15c Brook Trout 10c
Pilisburry’s Vitos 10c
MW mt
AW •
/ Mf y ici Kid $5 50.
Patent Colt tSkin #6,
g?V STOVE" RKl'/MR) u ,. ~ „ . ‘ t
Rice, the stove .ce nr. reyalia Vhl ta U ta w,rw ’ you ibou, • , bT#
ki-.da or uol stoves sDdrargcr, bn y your winter olotbtog put in good or
an.' aells second hand etovea, 414 Bay
t r-el der. 8e Jim Oar'er