Newspaper Page Text
k Bnwswifk Times.
fx'rtli ** ublu,k#a m 9, * ' .
Tk Brunswick Call.
1 lie ' Brunswick Tiines-Cail,
voyaouuATEH woo. -
' . y f?■ -y . vubaib*a •/ sx% '■■-
.1. ** ty '
*BTHOK 8. HEAVY - - - - - luitor
VOLAXD A. waum, pestae** Manager
Here*fte* a’l level adverthe
mente ntuai be paid Tor after tbe
•rat insertion. TbcmaoagemcD'
baa been pm to a great deal of
t-oub’e aud delay 1r collecting in
the pan*, and in fuinr: uruat take
advantage of tbe Ge-rgla law m
tbl eubjcc. oe f . 10, 1900,
For • whipped people, the Boer? ■'*
indeed I'vrlr .
Dieperohee eft; Kruger iuy V'*it
Am-riea loofi.
Ohrle’roa* *nd the average weed f
the boner tremble*.
Tuere i( uu reason why Georgia en
not here * cul-iy of Doer*.
If 'ri*miiy’( rnde rg-m r une
IS really a bluff, it 11 certainly ah x
celeiit one.
From preeeut ii>d-nations, fif.i tt
Clme U going to baa little shy b e
year with *mt people.
The Atlanta Journal’* “ehtp u>-
tdi" iudurelug fate baa done be
great maritime oangrrtka no hum
Tll9 mao who, although not eu ill and
fall* Into • good p attio, •tw a
§j ia a ro' Dcoe to'hf
It la someiime* vary
editor to publish legitimst* newabe-"
oaute ha often ia honor bound lo tail
tba world of the downfall of a relative
or friend.
But ha baa a duty to perform, and
let the consequeoces be what they may,
it he ia boneer, he mutt relegtte santi
meotand personal reeling. Be moat
remember that be ia at the head of a
newspaper, the bo.' inns of which ia to
furnlab the newt, fair, fearleaa, and in
an Impartial mauuer.
Sjm-timea a ih>. jei ia Sailed upon to
prosecute bl< dearest friard, and bs ia
not oensured by that friend or the pub
lto. ' ‘ .
It ia often eery painful to print
itema which are rca'ly newt, bur it
muat be done; personal frebng moat
be laid aelde, and the doty to reader*
abould be obaarved.
But that’* no reaeon why you shtuld
not glee your atoelc the beat ol feed all
the time, Cbriitma* quality of feed
given to your stock all tba time I* like
bread oast upon the water—it bring*
Ua sure return. Day Santa Claua to
your live atoek every day, by buying
tbeir feed here.
The plaoe to get tba sad beat
liquor* i* at the Brunswick W jleaale
Wine and L'quor Company, I*. Gold
smith. If you want the beat, and only
beet, order from the above Brm.
(ffy W, E. Dempster.)
It ie to be regretted tbat the sbutb,
through the action of our Meotgia eefav
tw, Mr, Olay, In hla C iamptonahtp of
the opposition to the snip subsidy Will, the chief sufferer shoald the op
position be eucoeaefut. • .
To odd pot acquainted with tbe
force's necessarily required on a ahip,
and ignorant of .be fact that all ether
advanced nations hate and Jfcre now
* ding their merehact marina in the *f
-1 >rt to maintain sue ipere*e (the pres
tige as common carriers, the
of suoßid.hg appears an ab utility. X
alvance thdh*U/>.wing reakouri First,it
is an es abltehed fact that we a * th
greatest producers of food stuffthe
w-irid. Second, that we are the latgefit
pixiueers of cotton: la the ff-irlu. Third,
that we ere the largest producers of
sb nereis, aud of appliances for the de
vslopment of mechanical forces fn tbe
world. Yet, in the face of the lore
going facts, we are a nullity in the car
rying trade of the world. Ana why?
We meet set k ihe reason*. lf.nt, cap
Ital s eks no investment tbat does not
make returns c mmensurate to cost aad
risk of the Investment. Second, we
pay for labor, professional ot otherwise,
one hundred per cent more than any
other nation. Third, our government
has hi hello failed or refused to i-ieoy-
uize our merchant marine In their ef
fort* to do their part ii the distrLuiion |
oi our product*.
* While oet In fevor of the bill a p .’H
•ruled iu tho senate, lam iu fav.rEMj
hill, ''fawn In s-mris fr as will .lefCMpT
' y J*" I
capital to not only seek but 1
moat to ship carrying agfhW’j|B-U % * ‘
trade of tbe wo Id.'' lam tshly
opposed to the granting of ub idy to
any sl|)p ojjw* - than an Aruerle" n
built ship, and d.ulre* bill drawn and
prottet our eapl'al and promote tbe
va’ue of ow labor.
Senator Clay, in his speech on #0
and >or of iV ■nite.mopposlUoa to the
bill, had certainly son^unthe matter
snfßc'eui when he drew tbu
iftjmil* bjtwewt the firm r end eh'pi
j&.vSfekT ship builder, on >u I
nf 1 my jurtgmeoa a one
the pro-
‘>t WN the eblp-builUtr or
asuba dy. Why
als into ePpHinces for the develop
ment ol mech rOffeMt each and all
wheie they are ps ndipml, tUfQ With*.*
agencies of dittn
tit ion to meet and i& 'ti# dis
tribution of our oWi Ipaffttlacturcd pro
d te s, will not the farmer and the iabor
e>- as wotlns the manufablurcr be beie
■ edt Here the queaionVky he raised
that It does not matter who doee the
Osrryiug, so long as we 11° the produe
ing. This q list ion U untenable. Let
the products ol tbs' spesk for
tbemselve*. Consider o r phosphste,
the cost of carrying equaTi 75 per cent
of tbs cost of production, cotton from
*0 to 40 per o*nt, Iron ''ln similisr
Flece our merchant marine In poslMoa
to carry, end instead of carrying our
raw ma'eriaU in for.lgn bottemi we
will earry our manufactured mater ale
ia American bottom*. W’hat will b*
the resultant profit f Oeplte' will be
employed, labor wfll be employed, the
develoyment of our eoun’ry will be to
vast that all ether nations will pale
Into *ignifln*cee Incompenson.
1 consider beat tor Clay'* oppcei
ttoa lu euhsidy mimical to the in
Jm works
Poe a living. Hi ha* to, lie aurtt
itnake hay while the eun shine*," no
matter how he feela Tbe result is over
work; The etomach usually gives the
first sign of .strain. The organs of diges
tion and nutrition are deranged. Food
does" nbt nourish. Indigestion appears.
In such a caste Dr. Pierces Golden Med
ical Discovery re-establishes the Health
by a complete cute of the diseased organs
01 digei/iou and nutrition, It cleanses
the stomach, purifies the bUxxl and re
moves the cause If of disease. It is s
'temperance medicine,, and contains no
whisky nor alcohol.
"t wan troubled wttb IndlgeWten for about two
yesrts,” writ-:- W*. BowwM, Esq., of/uliaeUe
tstah Cos . htahe. l tried'abStM* doctors end
rsmedirs but to no swrft until [ wnU to JOr.
Purer and he told tits what to do. 1 suffered
with pai lu mr stomach aod left side and
tlioUrht ll would kill ste. lam abut to write and
let vowhnow that I am ell rioht. I cau do my
asA onr Without paio aud I don’t ha that
tureiMfeeUugdhkt I -used to Have. RlreboUiraM
Dr. Pietoe's Golden Medical Wseosefy and two
rial- ofhia Pleasant VrUata' cured me.”
Sick penile can consult Dr. Pierre by
tetter free. All correspondence private.
Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
•J= :—ai j —— jii*j!iE!Ug!!j —i" 'iiyefe
treat* of the South, wb eh lick
up m es bi-iag tbe richest producing
•action of our ooontry. Here aod aow
I reg ales mjtetf es bring oppes and
io' in' nil i’ by
'sitirhmadndftaaadiWnV If 'the teat
world.' say ■ Char Haadrr.a ]
i*, Take no snbadtele W J Uom . yj-'
7. :
The edit,, ol rthe VorltCla. Kjv Ul,e* Isa
•oua, writes • a iioaOcripi to a
“i wassured of ktduay uoubtohy iak!o K Foicj 1 *
Kidney Cure.'' Tskenoihinvelab. m.3,ttp^o
- ' I- VtoaiT.l |>..
■ ' 'N*.. , . .M --
FORSALlirt<riGoutt qnt-hors* pb^-
Addrose !■; Q box "A A,"
Sjte, currents, oitrofi. In
fmSG#lf*t ,r * liie,,t * for ,ruit o sltw ’
.y .. M '... -
At no t|me U m*n secure from M
tsohsof sUCb disorders of tbe stom*g|!
es eholers morbua, orerops end dtar
shoes; but these oouiplsints era mito
mou during tbe bested term,
i* dangerous to negleet them. Paid**
KJler io remedy tbet has utter
ed, and ib# eevereel attack* have hem
cured by U. Avoid subslitufe*.
i* but one P*ln-Killer, Perry D|ip|
Ac.aod 60c. - ..^gx
Brunswick, - Georgia
Florida i
25c Dozen '
Th->y are juicy, very tbin
* kin tad and t*eet. Medium
lUe golden rose* *.
A I*o fauuy N. T. 6 ate eat
ing Apples, fancy Malaga
Grapea aod fresh new Uocoa-
'FH.ONR 855-8
(Nut door to Flsmißg A Waff)
Ws will sell on Tuesday, January
Btb, to tbo blehest bidder for tbe catb,
that oertam tw i-etory houa-, situated
in the O and Toffn of tbit city, on Ellis
vtreetj end known as the weetern ona
l\lf nl tbe northern oiv-hsif of Old
ToW-o lot §BO. A*eo. tb*t one-sjtary
bdti<e, situated on E<rooobstreet, said
boue beipg oo tot yn *wr, * the east
ern oue-bs.'f of tbs w<>rb.ern>e-he l f
of Old Town lot 310. ”
This property i* Jn gwd condition,
and both rented. r T , '
Bhobston, Faubtc A 00.
The prudl ol sgold mine depends, f not on the
amount of rock crashed au4er the scamps but
pon the amount ol gold which ean he extract
ed front thf rock. Iu a slmlltr way the value
of food which ie eaten duet not depend on the
quantity which it taken Into the etomach bat
upon (he amount of nourishment extracted
from It by tbe Organs of nutrition and digestion
When these organa are diseased they fall to ex
nourishment t n sufficient quantities to
beetle of tbe eeverai organs of the
too- *!*d* organa caano* work srithont
CWMmBpSU, The tweuit to hear} tronb’e. liver
luoay other attsm-at*, Djp, int ree s
tftdSippeitlilg Disc -very/aeime on every or
| *8 suit eysteio, re
ftrWf" *'**’ and vlgir. It cures disea-es
storoeeh tiitoiigh the etotnsch
A'whK.ti,.e£sy. Golden Meqtoal
•■i -
Our tDMRpRr-i^pdcfeDst
For , J. Newton Heth
lit mm fcckt-*eie,ii£od todeiy
to staMd Sitte ltewd bf b Sft
■eflKt icl'-oid of kaif--or caattiVy
per coat, of all eases. In
WttuhSusent of loss of vital forces
aetvoaa ißiorfftrs. kidney and urinary
MjkpiillirilrPßtdlyelA blood poisoning,
catarrU snd diseases pochl
afetti vrtmfea. lie is equally euccoesful'
Tlnitniiwar’s practice u more Misti
Kaif*'ff-Mb*t .Of any .qt#t<#'fSmdiaU*.
fOSe prou.miuMid ttf*Bl3ee by oibur
.'.l.rskdapf,, wSm eteliVu Si *■*•.
(fis'ct. Write uuit to.tdy -*1 ’
F yiltl- cape Ue Makn* . m W'to > v
‘ c wb' ati-ui dridrloo at b i'.'-
Itci or oy mail. sa££>.. ->•
. -Sfi Bryan SD-ro*. Hava**
*i#gl nr F
- eneemUlcb*' *>-ar„
Ur ital test't* -tuoagh an *>; ; a itw
awful iithspeyt rti'WM, X vc'hUnt, t .
iryihk toer her
u i --x yv . * f • .
tain Loi mmendft* o* tjiftg
njjbjtoowy ,V l*arli. i' hsrf, with a .1t)
[oiryo of orange*, hamna*. *' ells,4tc.,
| wb. ob are betug sole at low pricer.
LThose tatarealed in curabasing fioit
Bor Xrner, would do Well to call enh
tolfti Captain K-Hy.
Neither tbe master, nnr owners
of J be American haik-M try lUtbrough
will be reapon*ibl for eoy drb’r
contracted by ( b" cr?w cf *aid
bark. I-gosUb, Master.
.Mnkeft Urge provision for tbe damb
animals nodtx bis oar*. They c<d’i
talk bsek, you know; oevertbelees
tbelr sppearane* will tell the tale.
Treat your dumb friend* as faithfol
ear vent*—feed them with tbe good,
feed tad grata yoa oan get tere, eleep
more comfortably o'oight*, and, If
ion ere poltoj-wi*e, notice (be bene
dcial retoits.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
fn use for over 30 year-,, has borne the signature of
. —and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy,
v -wr-;W; / Allow w> one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains nev 3r Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie
substance./. A age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
Colic, it xievr . Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Fir ienc.v. It assi* iiltes the Food, regulates the
Stoma ni Xto.vels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
Tbej: yd?cnS I* macea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
►Prickly ash bittern ◄
Our store will be open until * o’clock p. m,l I
Space dot a’nt perm tasto go into dotm'ia as to {
our magnificent sock of grola, it would take J
pate*. All we aek 1= to pay us viait and it will :
fullyjpay you to go to that much trouble, tor j
will be Mtoundel at the revelation . j
When in aearch of a wedding present yon <
will find what you want at our store.
Ghristmas TUi^gs^
Are better seleeted before the rush.
A few Lints.
Bath Robes SJ.SO to 18.00,
Umbrellas f’ey handles $2.50 to SB.
Handsome Neckwear all prices,
Walking Canes 50c to $1.50,
Handkerchiefs Silk and Linen
Mufflers $1.?0 to $2.00
Silk Suspenders $1.25 to $2 50