Newspaper Page Text
- , .*> 4? ,gj&-
No sure cure is yet known
Jor chronic rheumatism. No
man living can cure it always.
He can try. If he fails he can
try another way. &%£%&.• •,
There are;; many . ways.
S oroe hanhless; pthers \VonMf
than the rheumatism. Better
not take the chance of- qua<&?
mediciner. . . '
Scott’s emulsion of'cod-liver
oil cures rheumatism only by
crowding it out by vital force.
If that succeeds, it succeeds; if
that fails, it fails. It never
does any harm, ■(
We’ll rod ye* * liltl* to try II you like.
SCOTT * BOWMfg, ,? Peul Kriitl, New Vork.
Iwm troubled witb severe fewsl*
weakness tor over six month*. J wm
treated by six vary prominent physl
•iaa, without any marked baasftt.
Ky laet doctor waa a aklllad speeial
iit, esd ba told m the only hope lay
la *u operation. I beard of Smith’*
Sara Kidaajr Oar*, and attar ualaglt
far one month I find wyvelf cured, and
are* tba doctor who latt treated nee,
aow pronounoea me well. Mra. 3. B.
rarer, Atlanta, Gs. I’rioe 59 eaata.
air ula by all druggist*.
Saner Kraut, Dill pfokles, sour snd
sweet ploklea, at DsVos's.
IT* all need “Other People’* Money.
Fine dinner tonight. Meet
me at the Elk.
A Manner IDerll flak)
Destroying ite Tletlrn, le type of Cocjnmp. J
Moa. The power of this murderous malady is
•it ’oa organs* sad nerves end mueclee sod
brain. Th*re]s no health till it's ovetcome
Bat Dr. King’s Mew Life Bills aressatssnd
esrtain corn. Best in the world tor Stomach
Direr, Kidney* and;Bowel*. Only S&eauw at
U and ratal eta.
ji ;
*i '** tn
It. Cure* Old fcorcaj fever. Sores, litre.
Jalane, Come, all Skin Xrupfloos. Bee; Pt„ ,
•seeon earlb. Only a eta. s bo*. Outwgusr
sntsed, Sold by all drugglet. , •
■ - v i. t
Bright’* Dieeaea.
High’ living, -intomperanee, exposure and
man; other things brine on itrighPs dtstSHA-
Foley's Kidney Cure wtll prevent nright’s 41*.
•** and all other kidney or bladder
If taken In time. Takej nothing.eKS|'-.*'
Butls. jE
shake Into touribhoes.
AUen's root-Kase. a powder. Jt mice painful,
smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nailaand
inatimtly takes Uio sting out of cornu nnd bun
ion*. Ira tiiagreatoat comfyrt discovery of the
aaS.. A Ilea's foot-Xaao make* tight or new
*hocs feel easy. It l * certain core for sweat
!ax, callous and hot, til's,!, arking feet. Tit it
today. Bold by all druggists and shoe stoic*.
By mail for gac in stamps, Trii.l package free.
Addue Alien S. Olmstead, Le Boy, N. S'.
For Asthma use CHE
Silk Waists, Silk and Satteeu
Capes, Fur Neck Pieces, Golf
Capes, Skirts, Dressing Sacks,
are a few of the many attrac
tive things you can get here for
W : , / -
Many JBrunf wick friends will be in
terested iu knowing that Mr., acd Mrt,
L*'# T. aiitckltford,,formerly of Com-
tpendieg thta winter in
Sa-ADoali, "
Mx., Joseph Cbatophigna hae return
ed to St. fitoloivs Reta thott visit to
IfiuseWtck, /■ .•
Mr; Stephen Goodyear It. npeadlog a
week or two at home, among fcla Many
friends. v \5 'V -.//T' ‘
All man.bore are requested to be
present at an Important meeting of the
S’.etdtan Circle of Kings Daughters to
morrow aftornoos at half past three
o'oiook, at the home jat Mrs, 1. N,
Bishop on London street, When the
Subject of the Christmas distribution
will b* discussed.
Miss Em Waff, who is attending
school In Virginia this year, will not
return ham* for the holidays, bat will
spend them with friends la Durham,
Jwj*W fjoanllsaa
-~ w^* , • r : • , r .-gyrc?
Many Brunswick friends will bo
glad lo know that Mr. M. Isaac, who
has bean so seriously ill In Atlan a, i*
sonsswhat improved. <wJ
Rev- w. L, ... his
from aw! oit to W*n)to*a. "Mi
MZkxxemsm ' • ■
been in Atisma tortoe months past,
is expeett’di haiao sa’a law days.
There Vili ba no more meetings of
the Shakespeare Club unill aftor the
In her millinery parlors on Glouces
ter street, Miss Slater has
*Jt stock she has ought Bo<jijtj£.
a(l cordially ’inyitts
•>-, n ' T '' ; ;* ; J|Ht:h; *■ AflkJiiaife oxpeet
ed In mTOsj£^?*^W>||J^nUflSvs.
v ’.
jo&' who is atteadlng
[school IS la cxpeced homo
afUa&.B. Stanford And bright lit
■ -x Stanford, of Baxley, are
ilb'd ft, iowi Bruaswtck,tbsj
guwia ff
on l; at real.
Mr. Alton Poor, Of West I’olnt, te
sxpectcd iu Brunswlri shortly, on a
visit to the family .of Col. D. W.
Krauts, ’ r
Mias Gertrude Johnson Is expacud
home in a few days from Agnes Beott
Institute at Decatur, where she Is at
tending school this season.
. . ’-J/
Mi*o Dollie 74*60"leave* shortly for
Americas, where she expgew to spend
some time with friend*.
Mr. Keanon Mott, the jeweler, has
one of the jlnes ot hchotH
fuV tbiuga thts sepaoo . ever seen here,
aid bjo jtinctewg ar reapleudeat with
precious gfrni, #Yer ware, and fesnd
aome brie k-broc,
Mias Amaltf, Wiloy-j-rt- alto|kry,.
North who wdc mtuy
friends in Bfwawlck a wiattr or two
ago, Is sxpooled here shortly,’ the guest
of Mias LHfa Bui roughs, at her home
,on C atrref., ' ■ J";
m —u — ’ iii-'
The eaterialnment to be l/a
Excels or Literary Society of the
Glynn high school next week, wiM fm
on# of the most oharmtog sad ahter*|
talntng ever given by tka papUe, an&j
on* which premises to be an occasion 7
of great pleasure to alt.
Many friend* are glad to know thffi
Master Louis Elkan 1* making fitej
progress la bis studies at Dsbloarga, j
where he la spending this year at school
aad that he bat been promoted. '
Among the prettiest windows; la I
. J. 8. GlusH
Nsiwiys carried the lUadwiriegi and
moat complete Hueol toy* ! t)*/,'
and by honest and upright dealing*, the;
owners won the splendid pakreutge
which they enjoy, In addition W the
line of toya, everything of beauty in
the way of brte-a-brac may be found
hare, and a pretty line of statuary has
for the holidays.
Many Brunswick friends of Mr. Xi*
■mmm* °f Colihabuf, will be gJM to
he has greatly improved af
tferhis reccut illness, and w expeettd,
lo Brani wick shortly, the guest of
siator, Mrs, Louie Haym, al her pfetty:
Mome ~u Howe .tr^t
Miss Leah Johnson oipicts to
shortly for A marine*, where bo ft?H
some time wtk friends. •
,Messrs. A. Kaiser and Bro’.beAf&®*i
severs! of the beautiful ftnd at treat'.
v fJLu w '4
windows on.m%caxHeAtreel thhrkea
a|Of, a*p*%|^pk^'’.b*yis , every
prttiy'lwlfe holiday
“rflgfmsy bo found, cbartnlngly An.
ranged. *,
Little Miea Lily Oevl*. of Hertford,
Conn,, la the guest of Mr*. Joseph
Champaigns on St. Simon for several
Beautiful windows, which atixwft
much attention, are tliote of Mr. A.'
Rothschild, where everything in the
jewelry line, bric-a-brac and
handsome sliver ware in great proftu
ion, is artistically divplayed.
Special Attention to Crown
and bridge work.
502 J Glou’ster St.
Do yon assd “Other People's Keeney? I
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Montgomery, of
Chicago, are slaking a host of friends
iu Brunswick, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Montgomery, on Haltiax
Miss Julia Myddeltou, of Savanaak.
‘is txpsctsd in Brunswick, sbmtty, the
StirrcflV* af .t of SI
Mrs, £ Earle bag a oka Doing assort
me^orpretl^^^j^isi^^i^ ftfaVfi't
VfASTRO.. Pb 1ofa&-A lot of
heavy Mwwmili'. and-wjsrkwuj ma
bhieery.; boilers and -Jhiigree*. Will
exchange fpt lumber and etiingls*,
•reel sstute or. iimtiur laud, .Address
P 0. box JJ7 ObaUSßOoga, Tenii.
ip .
CGv of Chicago, 111., are out again
tthikyesr distVjbaUog trp4-. sample of
famous Magic Taasr. There
a nn, waippa-or ebild
cot|j|;mliisr wii*
;Ijf thl* favorite
..towMfS fjjpiwl’ .Von made bo mfstske
"Wglo feast at 6c. a
£ad vefusa to take ireitatien.
I' J "
j rbe' j of the s’fek.
m tb;
°* orßi *’ oe Th ° r -
K &■? 10, 1901, at tbs usual
|w of bolding such meet-
This December 14, 1800.
Sy* R. B. Smith, Sse’y.
. _ "W V '" '
r " Tfltl XMfttmvot Ffst.
H your blooe pur Are yon
of Bf Do eat* or scretohes best sicyr
lyt Doe* your *T-tfcfTTff Furnf
Have yotj Jt’UDpivsf Em ptioot? Aab
log or; back? Kcserns? Old
, ; ;Er;il*r Scrofolaf Kheutas
lilooc Halm ■' viWMood.
** ' ••■'•l H; r v3^'- r "-- *
nltlOOtjr* tfc ? fI
• MmSiim TfiVvor’ It \ I.M jg 6.,
mmm&& uorfM**. ;
i; Music and dinner tonight.
Meet me at the Elk.
WlieSf want prompt acting little pills
that asp*'gripe- UitisKarly
Kiser*. V. J- Butts.
'■■V'V-VvA ' > V V*
, >tf . • . J./-' -
you will fit U jon will try
brand Mcchn and Java in 1
pound tile at 35c and Sue,
10. w. 11
al v i
Boromol Tooth Powder.
WITTS, The Druggist.
• ' ; r.r
r jX . / <ur w
‘ /Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda
Something Delicious
Filled accurately.
| ; / Sold cheaper than the cheapest
AH we want i%Aome one to enquire into the truth ot
. the ab?|£resertion to make a customer of you
Perfiimes Articles in abundance, Call
in and make yourself at’home
Brown Drug Cos.
!|We invite the attention of Christmas Buyers to our
gnificeut display of Oak ana Mahogany
cobbler seats and plush, exquisite designs and novel fin
ish . Selections at this store are made easy, and every
taste gratified. Wood bottom chairs 75c, better ones ia
cane $1,25, The largest and moat diversified assortment
of Children’s Chairs to be found anywhere.
Our stock of BUGS will be foand equally as inter
esting. Many great economies will be revealed by a visit
and critical inspection of exceptional offerings throughout
the entire store, -
AN t> Yf >nc AN’T:? B F. AT
NOT madesby!a:trust■___=*
I. Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers;
Sold "Exclusively! in Braunswickjfby
206 Bay Ste St.