The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1900, Image 7
SUGGESTIVE - HOLIDAY - GIFTS. *: ,v . • , * , . ‘.v- For Your lother, Vile and Sweetheart t Parasols and Uubrellas Silk and flannel waists Silk underskirts Handkerchiefs Dressing sacques Gloves and belts Nec wear Bath robes Photo cases Gloves and h’d’k’f cases Power and jewel boxes Comb and brush sets Fans and purses Sterling silver novelties I Cut glass Onyx tables Velvet rugs and portiers Table coyers Hemstitched bed Bureau starts *m- Venetian and Bohemian wares Fancy ornaments A Complete ShqwingOF Useful Obk a mental Fcrnitube Thiel E%ooe : ,C M CHRISTMAS 1900 Bottle and Can Goods. AYis department is the •most complete in the city, Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Jams, Honey, ‘ Preserves, Maple Syrup -and Extracts. Fields, Olives, Olive Oil," JSalad Dressing Ketchup, Sauces, Etc, Fish, Soups All Kinds ot Hots 1 always have the newest touts on the market. Almond*, Paper Shells, Almonds, Tarragona, Almonds, Jordan Shelled, Brazils, medium, Walnuts, extra Grenoble Pecans, Fancv Txas, Mixed Nnte to sutfc the most fastidious'. 1901 I Wish You 4 ITappy New Year 1901 Tfiii r.'^MNY Fancy Grocer 1 312 Newcastle Street. FRUIT CAKE, FRUIT CAKE, CAKES l am prepared to furnish you with all the nice English Fruit Oakes that yop ,n wish during the Christian holidays. Don’t wait until an emergency arrives. Fun filesja cite My stock of fancy cakes and crackers is complete. Candy, Fancy, Candy cheap, Candy to suit everybody I am headquarter* for most • everything thats good to eat I am yours to command THOMAS KEANY FANCI GROCER, Pboaull. 81? Newcewtlt Street. THU EtflrSWips HM*-GALU DE€Jt*Bfc IS 19* POT Fancy Neck wear Juvenile Shirts, { Fancy Handkerchief*, Litle Man *-** IV ATIWII Stylish Overcoats . ‘A ’ •• - j- - - - -- ~ • „ ■ —— ■ ■■■■■— 4 ' '/ -eV L **’■? r'* a f Gloves and Handkerchief* Horthe Sewing Sets A wA AAV Caps and Tam’shanters Patent Leather Shews and Slippers ( •a At 7*l • _ Golf Capes and Jaexets I If TIA f 1 | Pocket Books and Purses * -^*^'*r A * Silver Novelties, Fancy Ornaments Jm - jjbf J'y Fine Fruits. J Dried and Green ;o|| Fine Santa Clara ’ California Prunes * . Evaporated Apples Evaporated Peaches Sun Dried Apple! Persian Dates Symra Figs Apples, Bananas. Grapes, Oranges and Cranberries Can Meats Cheese Department, My stock is always fresh. Swiss, Imported. Muenster, Bermun Cream Neufchatel (Swiss Cottage) Club House, Domestic Edams, in Foil, Limberger, Domestic Cream, Pineapple, Medium Roquefort, I?*;';-.. soncx. Tfc* nnul meeting at fb* Jfifek- of the Brnn*wlck & Weitero R§jflfrai*iS hum pay wIR be bald in’.yhs city of Brunswick, Georgia, oo Thurs day, Jauusitj W, ktthbaiuoi tinoe add plf.r.e oi ijoliliog 'icc meet-I IBK. This Bomber t 4, 1900. K. B Smt, ii, See’y, A, ' fortta celebrated ">•*?■ Glo<e Fittiog Pa ret pattern iq lb* world for vm <Jafl and tt tlta Is>*m la.bton mm. free of charge. J. U. & Bro. ____________ Fur tbe seriuue di-eases tbat tttacfc the kidoeyt, Prickly A. 1. Bitters i* an uofailiogremtdy. . Relit vt backache, •welling of tbe fr t, and peraiateor headache—aymp'omt wfsteb indicate kidney trouble. W. J. BuU*. A Crrl. ra maaafaetarer* ac thonaetl *tt* undersigned to (foarantee it for burut.guu. sore*, ulcara. tatter, tetemt 'MI all ttltt d'.iieaMa Ton hare year money hack I <r; t< tlili putat. .t. Ot.ta. Thia is tbe season when mothers are ala Ted on eccont of eroj>. It is quickly cured by One Minute CuUgb (Jure, wbiob children like to take. W, J. Botta. , ' Tbe kidneys are small but imporian organa. Tbey need help oecaalooally. Prickly Ath Hitters ia a successful kidney tonic aud jwtem regulator. W. J.|Buu. Before osakiog your Hobday selec tions, call at I>eVoe'e,wbM you oan be suited in tbe grocery litW" A bottle o( Priokly Asb Buters kep n tbe htnse and need occasionally means good health to the whole house hold. W.J.Butts. Candied eherrle*, Mcrssch ua obat rl's, jut reoelted, at DeVae’s. For Your Father, Hasband and Beau. Bath Robe Smoking jacket Suit case Silk suspenders Muffler Cloves Smoin * set Shaving outfit Linen and silk hsnd’ercheifs Pretty smoking table Fancy vest Knox and Young hats Slippers Patent leather shoes Hosiery ** Full dress suits Neckwear Jewelry Full dress fronts sets Open evenings until io KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis eases. mi CY’C KIDNEY CUBE it i iULIT O6uaranteidßemedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRIOJ 50c. and SI.OO. 0 Thoro L- no pleasure ih life if jroo dread going to the table to rat and'l rest at nifgit on ac count or lmligetlin. Henry William*, of Koonvillo, fad,say. hr suffered that war foe yean, till hr commenced the use of Kodol Uys pepdnCuro, sad adds: -Now I can eat say thing Hike and all I was: and tlerp soundly ST.arr night.■* 'Kodol Dyspepsia Curo will di gest wont yon gat. W J. Buttf. For Croup use CHENEYS EXPECTORANT STOCK VALUES FLUCTUATE, ] L BUT VALUE OF i Stetson Hats i THEY’RE A SURE INVESTMENT | This is one reason why they i have earned a world-wide reputa tion. The new styles maintafn it. We recommend them and carry a Are you in the market for one ?, Only At. i— e: \Y y’s P. DEVARIS, Gocerics, Country Police —Vegetables etc. Also Confectioner*.’ MONK BTBEMT. BRUNSWICK. O A Rico It *is a higfcj, gn!ti#swidry soap. ' It is a good soap. It is a hardwater soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers. Ask tor it. • 4 ; % ■t, f (■■'.oriHa Sr-if Works, JaoksonTille.