The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 22, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 104. ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRADE The New Road Was Freely- Discussed CONVENTION TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH soi siii mas Cites From Mon Pio iQsgi Smite Gniii Energy From All Sections Insure the Success ol the Bruns'* wick & Birmingham The Brunswick Board of Trade adopted the following resolution at tttemoetlug yesterday: WnFREAB, Certain person?, eXher from unfriendly motives or a mlspoe eeption of the faete, have in to oreate the through tljfe press that the call for the Marine Congress, to assemble at Brnasittck, Georgia, on-January 0, 1901, stigated by persons interested in cer tain special legislation; sod, WpsiiKAft 'M* aot true - uob congress was s’led in order that all person* ;n t * country Interested In the m-.tter restoring the carrying trad* * f ,f ffnlted Sts'es, might be j- JU F b t t%erher to consider aud fully discus* tl# ssues anil question* in volved : Therefore, be it Vesolvud, by the Brunswick Board of '' rads, That we hereby *sure sl< persons concerned in the important matter of , e restoration and upbuilding •; tb- oiarit me inter ests of the United ;~tee, that free and untrameled tiUciiesiou of the ob jects of the Maritime Congress to a semb!* at Brunswick, O*on the 80 th day of January, 1901, will be accorded to each aod every delegate whatever may be hi* views as to bow the ties! rig? result may be bee-, acoonplisbrd; that we urge all boards of trade, maritime exchange-, eonimeroisl bodies, and those 11-eh‘p b'.iidicg and tb i n,ri! iii n o.i fi, 0 f t lie c ■nt ry gencr>ii.<, ti i-d rprent'. ,, 7e to the congress, to the and d-il’j erations and t. .lore uiyy b thor oughly iateiligaot, aod for the highest welfare of the entire country. Be it further resolved, That the ooortesy of the pres*, in girin* pub licity to this resolution aod In 00-ope rating generally with this board In promoting the success of the congress, be greatly appreciated. Take -the little ones to see “Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry at the Saturday matinee. mitt ton til Hon. D. B, Roee, of Woodbyoe, Is in Ibe city. The mauv friends of MsjorC. Down ißg'wiil be giad to learn that he is im proving. Mayor-flteci Emanue hM ffom a business trip to New York, Judge V. W. Dart, or Douglas, is vis* itiag friends in the city. REV, GILMORE RETURNS. Rtv. Walter M, Gilmore wiil return to the cify today after a few weeks va* ! cation spent in iNorth Carolina, ORDERED TO SIGN. Washington, I)to. 21.—The State de partment has ordered Congeal ' in h, the joint note | W- . : hoT ? - / . ' ShrU’’’ fuKJixsrgfit. Blfsaaa [ suitable holiday R nd is selling at ! living prioes, oologoe a spe oialty. ’ BIG OFFER,:,** r Eagjfeh Syndlp>t|VWsiiU" js6ro*. Panama, Dee. —) be / oon.ul at resenting an Engiifb b* a offered to purchase Abe rail ways and river ateamurp, foreeven and a half million dollars. jrni: > UKUIT MSN. National AMdqiaEoa Want* Protection t t of& Dih onesl Failures. New-York, Dec. 2i.-.S ac reUry Wm. A. Prendergiast. of the National associ ation oi credit men, has just returned to this city from the regular meeting of the oirctrtors of that organisation held in Bt. Louis. A matter of importance considered was the establishment of a bureau for iijwesfigauag aad prosecuting fraud u* lent failure#. After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take F-ley's Honey and Far. ft never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . The place to get the purest and best liquors is at the Brunswick Woolssale Wine and Liquor Company, L, Gold smith. tr you want the beet, and only beet, order from the above firm. J. Odgers. of Frost burg, Md., writes: “1 had a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried I’oley's Kidaey Cure wbiob gave aae immediate relief, end I was perfectly oared after taking wo bottleeeubstitate. BEUNSW LCK, CtA~ SATURDAY MOfiNING, DECEMBER 22 19QQ. ■=i MiourasS Yisterfiay Until Ja! i‘;: : i m spiwmi It Will Not Go Over Sixty Million Del lars .. - lVashtßßtoo, i|Q<'na?ri ad journed th s afternoon and many of the uißhertf'HtWjyjfe ready left for their. hom* n holidays. ”*** ;: : It ,;**,**♦" and that the river and bai-beV appropV- f‘ona will be kept wiifcih agM? i,Zt * million FINTv\uiTdAKESj j Doerflioeey Stock Oh ... The housewife, who. \w failed to; dnaae a sorry, jb,’ranee . h ’\kery ''vnerofM. o<Mil-ngef \a large iW tk *'ni ; Veweaatle\, Nh V , jtmb; of both whitflU v mwm** t<m * r *>3^ esid at amsaingly low figure* . |hf| popn'ar establishment also has all' other kinds of oake, and everything el-e usually found at a first class bakery. SHIPPING REPORT #meW Daily by Oejt.; Otis Pert el Bransick, D tC . 20, 1900. AHBIVIiD. Robert Graham On' K,l[ f , Boston, saxi.b. > -“P .'. 8. S. Colorado, Avery, N. Y.. [.as*, eogers andtnsrcbanclise, AT THE, J*.. Last night a good housk f Mabel Paige Company Iff . of Algiers and forin anco. The hit of ilus SVc-ing . Mt f J specialty turn of the Paige Meters a Carl Michaels which wm eifeored. company dost* its weejt stand hem to-I day, when Tom (lawyer W IH td ed at matinee and a Soldier 61 the Err-" pire at night. Msbsl Paige has made mvoy her stay and a crowded house will give bvr a kind farewell. DELEGATION RETURNED. The representative of Cordele who came down to talk with the promoters of the Brim,wick and BlrmWgUam rail, road returned yesterday well pleased with their interview. FORMER GOVERNOR DEAD, Boston, Dec. 81.—Former Governor Roger Wolcott died here this after noon. ,■ ARMOUR TERY ILL. Chicago, Dec. 21Philip D. Armour, the miliienaire packer, Is seriously 111. ’* ’-Y '■ V JK='. W. •-.*• t, Tliemveieit is Sira® Backefl wmiiidiii The Measure Will Bo the Lead ing Feature of the Next Assembly There aceras to bn hardly any doub I bttt that the bill Introduced by Seuator If ' Vpa’ ing lor a constitutional con tit W, tvill pses irt the nest ecsalon ■jfctiie legialature. J>/ ,;V Sj strongly b*.e.^hV. it at the i i t I? to Hue • -''liiiU.i i-lT : Sti M V i it ixiiy, timu bad v vV.,, xz'-J?’lWfßk' at* • .*■• jiZ A■y : ■ ■ ■ uA ibUU. c The meftAita wav ftivoraby by a uuaafmouj vote of the -committee to which it was referred. The senate will donbtless pus* the bill early in tjt* next session. Then it kWlll \’ha ooii {/ tee which examined the /l it wee admirtbly drawn. !■ striking feature of the Off Übat the to the one*,, so to com liMp MMS&J j “ MSHti&E BUSY. i low On aL-A’r Bfefc it '■& * *** ~ r ; t 4 i .'* Christine.* ‘ y All to e oiii Mswglr!soutbf*rn hxprefli o- ww . , j;|r 4 Manager C hit • ~m>at on Deoem bt r 24tb vf wCkUiey would keep open un UrtdL*' / u'cmak even uignt, for m 'in of lln. '" gw wt ft;he j| * R r^*r '**>? box or package they cwlfwiiy obliterated. Don’t • ( •? ”# PMkagVwith two marks; Never Jjpt glass o'f j,|^oy^(kittle of wine #;fcpikg wltl/ drees goods or a euiti of clothee, Never p’it inoujsj ia a freight paoksge, Write the addfeee plainly, giving the street, and number to whom it is sent. Notify the person to whom you seod tb* said package by the msil. : ' 4 ' DIVIDEND NO. 11 OF THE BRUNS WICK BANK* TRUST CO. BuuA-swroK, A„ Deo. 20,1900, O’b* dtrrotore of the Brunswick Beak aod Trust Company hare this day decUfsd a dividend of s3.oo_ger share on stock of record Deeember2o, 1900, out of the net earnings for the pest six month*, payable on and after Janaary J, 1901.* H, W. Gam, Cashier. FOUND.—Overcoat. Owner can btve by describing same, and payitg Ing for this “ad.” P, W. Fleming. I IMPORTANT RESOLUTION, ON MARITIME CONGRESS - ; :,v '.Vi.*,• • . v ..." . Action of the Board of Trade Yesterday TUIN6S THEATRICAL. LADIES FREE TONIGHT, Tonight Howard Hall’s stirring ro mance, “A Soldier of the Empire,” win be presented. This play has been eeonred by the management at a high royalty, and the parts will, be dressed according to the time. Ladies will be admitted free with eaob paid ticket. Thie Is Miss Paige’e farewell visit to this city, and her numerous admirer* Should turn out in force, and give this, the last night of her stay here, a royal ytud off. Remember, lsdie* free, with §Mjt paid tioket. The matinee will no | waAt W"lea"Tom S*wym> and Rrnukle beriy Fins.” , . THE HERALDSQU AHp GieERACO* l'be Herald Square tipsra Cq/wUI begin an engagement of five nights and thres mattnees, With an Xmas matinee. This organ*.ravion is first class, s the fallowing A PLEASING PERFORMANCE. Ths Herald Sbuare Opera Cos. gave a moat delightful rendition of Olivette at the opera bouts Saturday evening. Before the end of the tirst act in the . .... - j opera Olivette, the company complete A ly- Quitted the audience present, -'■:y -.h. there ••* • Xaa^. '£>feti§-<sr't.>~* ■ was froqueot and nearty appKSinr the ilne singing and aoting, Mis* yscott, as Olivette, sang and her part to perfection. Mfe* Etta dtetfon, as the Countess of Rou silloo, made a most favorable Sion, and her several q[m ww^kung wit^^H*'--’ sc4^#fßlfi- *Jotir Laslie, as 4?oMc|ullloot, was the centre of attrac tion in the enmedy parts and made plenty of fun. The Caotain de Mer rimao of Thomas Callihan, the Valeu. tine of lUrfy-Ngisoo, the Duke de Iffs of Hubert Ran*, were well and apably taken. •Altr.gj^erjMSl' HemidSquare Opera Cos, orrfted a kip favorable impression, and Is V>y f*t the best or ganisation enr se. in mis Uanville (Ky. ) News. NOTES. Matinee this afternoon at 2:30, Ladies free tonight-last night of Mabel Paige. Mus Mabel Paige i* the recipient of numerous social attention! during ber stay in tbis a|ty, and the little comme dienne is just as popular as ever. “Brown’s in Town,” will be bere -t rl!y. “Wnen We Were Twenty-one,” is an'ettractfbo wbioh should attract the moat dtsorimlnatlng theatre-goers. Th|s ’ tgh-class attrection wi’l be here [ shortly. ■' ' ” ■ PRICE FIVE CENTS' ANSWERS CERTAIN NEWSPAPER ITEM NO Mil REPRESENTED unnpess Is Galled to Pro mote Marine Interests A Free Discussion* of Mari time Matters is the Object 4 The real object of yesterday’s Board of Trade meeting was the disoussien of matter* pertaining to the Brunswick A Birmingham railroad, and it is grat ifying to sty that /enthusiasm was $J)e order of the day. \ By a unanimuue the president was iwtrno'ted, to appoint a committee tv ~ to art atige for the bolding of a con vention here next month, rep* resentatives from every City and town along the proposed route of/the new road can meet, arrarge plans, which will rumWva their muv i tual benefit, JitUiiMiiikjt |rf| ii • null • . ;,{ ’( mgtfi ; i ' -A:': VJ ; ; m Wmbettked resentatives here, but every litUa Jrt tleraent. The more, the better. This meeting will bring the people closer togstber, and the result will be wbat we all expsot, success in every soSMotof the word. ROBERTS Relumed Fro > a tt r, P ovf,lp posed B. & Route. Cbi"( r. the B, & 8.. returnsd trr hHVicg tt,e *■ Binningba.n rs.lroad.H :s vt ry much k manner m -1 the people generally. The surveying wUI begin today or Monday. Mr. Robert* Is an engineer of ability aud experience. He superintended the building of tbe Maoon & Northern, and has been prominently ed with railroad construction iu CggnrgiaToi v number of years. LOW EXCURSION RATES. Plant System will sell tiokets to all points at one and one-third fare for round trip. Tickets on sale Deo. 22, 28, 24, 215, 30, 81, 1900, and Jan, jet, t 1901. Limited fur return ino’iidiog jd. 4tr. AM .4: week,* iSI