The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 10, 1902, Image 2

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The Brunswick Times. The Sroflswlcjc Call. The Brunswick Tteea taJl, UUMOMDiIII) WOO, -V ryu** ifOMuwt uxcact BY It. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. bg, eqUaartjl byj oTler -w maUpw rjaar.W MieWr waak lieeela. Cor raaxaadarita-da lia* aufclaet* aoboUea. tol bam* of wrisorjkomld tww(any Mot*. Sak cailfttOM i Mr*a. ' MUdk alUoaaolcal#B to XHK TIMMt-CACL. Hraaawtek.Chc to sußioannnui: Bobaertkam • r***** to artity tka otto* whan they foil to gat M| !•* of tka' TUaaa 3tL. oNaatioa to oalt nattar krill’ ba apt" a uli. *1 by tka puUithora. ANNOUNCEMENT. With tbia Italia my Imm on tha Timaa-Call expiree. I thank lb* people for tbafr liberal patronage Id tha paat and baapeak for my auooeatora, kb* Naw*. tb* aanaa, I will be with ll* naw paper for awbli*. at laaet, tod traat that tb* poblio will continue tbtlr libarallly. It A, Mnllina. By virtu* of a leaa* mad* by tb* owner* of Tba Tlmea-Call, tb* Brunt, wiob flaw* I*. after tbla laaue, tha ano •**aor at tbia paper. Tb* Timaa-Oall foroa, with a few txeapUgna, will lie carried with The New*. Tii*j#t<|ounil of tb* forpe will he pabl lied at eopn a* tba iaiu* ia arranged A Valuable Book. Tb* Timee-C'ail ba* received , from tb* .Georgia Agricultural .Department U'l examined with mooh lntre*v I'* volume Georgia: Hiatorio&l and industrial," jn*t from tb* pra*. !■ Ia a voluminous work, anjoraeing mor than MO pay**, and will prov* a vain bla'atKjDlaitioo to public and priva e llbrafla*. Since tha attabliahmant of tb* Ayr! ouUaral Department In tbia date sav eial velumts* hare l.*a leaned under It* auapi***, but tbia It by far tba .moat cuiAprehaneive compilation of tba; kind yat given to tb* puollo. ft not, only •*tt forth In an attractive way eom*- thing of tb* bluer leal record of thr alata, but whit is •( vastly greater ini portaucs, m ka s ,plan did {innoiiU * , , lon of bar natural resources, lluJar appropriate subdivisions tbs geological, horticultural ml agriouttaral advaflii* gaa of Ooorrla srs i llilblfad, and dus attention is paid to public roads, rail roads, watercourse* and waiarpowar, dar*dot*d and undeveloped: irark farming, dairying, stock tilling, Irri giOo*, tuanufauiuraa, sduuatlon. ate,; • ; o Tbraa buadred and fifty pagas srs airsu or-r to sliaichsi pf tba goaulias of tha sta a. Tbs work is au iinportaal ang U -able ops. and it a cradlt to tba Agrloul. lural I'spsrtinf ot. II YOUR I4KR WORrH i CENTS? OcniginiitiTM, wo know that you bare beat dlnmppolated many limn, but maka •no mot* effort tto bo cured. Uoooli'i Mekieen Syrup hea curad thoateuda end It mill owe you Ooneumptioa lathe mult o* • food matorto! ttiat ehould go to aup port tha body and auatoio tila bain* ab j* ouamat- To OToroenta th(a ataal* of vital fotoc •*'4~fta* the lyimJatinwt to tha ayatam 4 tta uatayal to ouro. Tbit ia aewmpUehed by Uooob't Uaiioan Sytap. It nl*bt iweati, tpittlo* at blood, aoraoaaa in cheat, inflamed throat amid lunge, of jieavy p W ,d J r l‘ * i eiqpetorallnn bt jo littappoiiiied many timet. but mala ona ■ora tlert jk* tart yooietlf. Vou pan buy abotttto’aoocb't Mtilotu Syrup for 260, 1* omrtt i. timpltoongb at If byaeagle.and *• ** *(s•*-ai**V oouab. ~7' ~®, A'"*’ "'T-—'-* r.dltk drtftfi art proparly oltaoed at Cartel t- Phone 2k Tbt ooDranitno* of fee ttore—yon don't know. For Asthma us# CHE KEY’B liLF JCC 5 rORAM TANARUS, BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL: FRIDAY, ,J ANGARY l f l[©2. In an tddrat* tb tba Twaatiatb C*n tnry Club Mae*, Sarah Greed, author of "Tba Hravenly Twine/’ delerd that man Me happier than women, that they have maDagad to rxtr*o’ more of tbe juice* of joy out of life, while tbe fair *ex apuoar* to b*ve mad* a eprcielty of "dritkitg tha bitter oup. ' In other word*, according to Sarah, man hare mattered tbe art of % banl* log worry and making them* Ua think the; are happy, witila women ara ntill looking bargain oouot •r off.rlnga In gloom. Hot *f er all ia raid, ibe truth mutt be tha happiness ta not an much a matter of sex a* Ul* an art, To ba happy one mnet know how. Sami Annual Dividend No. 13. The D.reetora of Tbe RruoawJtlc Bank end Trnet Company have tbia day declared of three dol lar*, ((3 00). per there, out of the earn ings of the bank for the paat sax month*, to atnek'boldara of reoord Deo .20vh, 1801, payable on and after Jan 2nd, 1902. Hoyt W. G ,le, Cashier. Biuatwiek, G*.. Dec. 19 1901, STOCKHOLDERS MEKTING. The annual meeting of tbaeteaKhold era of The Brunswick Bank <fc Trait 00. for the pu>p >ee of electing a Hoard of Director* and transacting inch other bUeinaMibwt may oome before them, will he held at the, banking room* of said oi.mpany oo Taetday, January 14 h,-1902. between tke hour* of 10 a.m. add 3 P Hoyt W. CJtle, ('arhiar.- Brunawiok, Oa.< Deo. lQih, 1901. SUKBIFr’S 9 A LB. Will he told Iwfor* the enact bouse iloor the city of Bi-noawick, Glynn county, Ua.,dur tax tbe legal heiin of aaia,.m Ike lat Tuoailay in February next. Tb* wntaru one fourth of lowu CornmnualoM Mo. 67 hal ween Gor don and Jobriaou tv*et In llnibewick, Mljran county, u. Hems an eatate for yam* and leaas-iiolU letereat. IwWeii ea and aold ns tb* prooarty of Mary J. UautUna in bar poHaeanloii, nudar end by rlrtuo o >1 fn waned from tbe .luetic* ooiirt of tbe 2*tb dutriot, O. M. kilyuu comity, in taxur of D. ,W*SCmuaa for I7t nrinni ai.ooat $2.10. and agelnat tha tatd Mary J claiming. W. H BE Rlt 18, Sheri Cl, RItCMISfI) R bruin*! ic juiiuo are the cries of protest and distress fto'n tortured muscles, aching ioiuts r* uervaa. The blood hsi been j.niaoncd by the accumulattoa si waste matter in tha system, and can BO longer supply the pure and health sustain, ing food they require. The whole ayateta feels the effect of tips acid poison,; and hot until the blood lias bees purified end brought bach to, a healthy condition will the aches mid pains cease. Mr*. Jautre K*u, of.W Ninth attest, N. *. Wtshfngtos 0. c, wines u follows: **A few jnootlis ago lnJ.n attack vt Malic JUxuu flint ut U v.-orat torn. The pain was iblrnic that I be;.iir otrpfcttjr pnß- m trait 1 The Attack, wa* *n uoukUnlly *l*cic one and vay condTn.m *as regard- i cKI, one of the most able dot- ’■* H *l*i is ir 111 •' f til- JSSU to continue bic present*-' ‘toon aud i would get wIL After b*ving It filled twelve time* without receiving; tb alighted benefit, 4 declined ly canttaueJua Uylaim anj longer Having beard of 8. H S(Swtfi'aSaalSe] recommended for KlicuataUaw, Cdsaded. slra-wl In deepsir however; la give (to medicine a trial, and after 1 had taken a few bottle* I waaable ft hobble arotiaU os crutches, *ud very soon tbero after had no ue for them at all, $. S S. bavins cured iti* Bound awl welk Ail tba diic*in pains have Un mn ay appetite baa returned aud I ant happy to ae again restored to per ft J health MM tha great vegcUbU ■jrTgl ■L'N purifier and tonic, is the ideal remedy In all rheumatic troubles. ™ There qro ao opiates oi mlneralgin it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. • * We have prepared a special book an Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read,. It is the most complete and interesting book oi tha kind in existence. .It mil be gent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely.about yomr case. Wa ptalte uo charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , AH.AHTS, IE A onw broom aweepa clean, bat you don't need one to aMp tha trash ont of the D .roheatsr Breakfast Hominy like oominoo gri'a, It la perfeotly aU.n and ready fnronokmg BHIV NOTICE Neithsr master, owner# nor consignees of the British steamship Ceyo Romano will ba responsible for any debt* contracted by tha drew of aaid ileanoar V. D M . Htrachan A Cos . Consignees. Have Jl in Utrler clean and pres* your <1 > h s. Order trial picks#* of Dorobssirr Heunny (Frits from W, □. DaVoa. Oaor* W. Harper baa Dnrohaatar Hominy Oristgive bin aa *rd*r. Hare anew color put on yonr oter •oai by Jim Carter. Pbon**sVi. “ / For Croup use CHEN EY’S KXPKCTOBANT- AVifcSays: “We have four cliiiiren, With the first (tree I auKervd almost unbearable pains from •2 to 14 hum, and had to be placed under the iniliwni* of chloroform. I used three itoffk* or KAhtr’i Friend before our las. child came, whi. h mg it a strong, ftt and healthy boy doing my housewrrk up £ to within tw 1 hours J birth, aid sui- \ isiedbul aft w hard <ly_j pains. This lioi- Y“ go. mentis the grand-/ fj A W J M remedy * v ‘f m Mother’s J will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota i nother who write* the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy it a mifUltc to l paid ior in pain and suffering. (father’s I '-tend equips the patient with a •Gong bod)- and clear intellect, which be turn are imparted to the child. It rebum* he muscles and allows them to expand, it relieves mi knag sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organa concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor ia sho< and practically painless. Dan ger of fii/ sg or hard breast* is altogstber avoided, ar 1 recovery is merely a matter of aiew dayi Druggists .all Mother's Friend far tl a bait I*. The firadAeld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, 6a. yHT hfif fr— Uhmtrßtß# feowk Fall and Winter hats have never been ex celled in any previous display, These hats are all of very artistic conception and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty. Perhaps no such value has never been offered HISS KATE SLITEB •* 4M>frcm*afc st*. amifu- iwff w-" " ....j...jgj. 11 . 'i''ii la jmnm■ isHW rjßfcjßn 6- JWs f 7jf n A Uf —r rvCWA/V'•' caUAMtE %XJCANROrPIUS To our* SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, •fid all dlswaaea arising from In digo *fir- They will purify h r. ska you room plea lon la- ; A LILY. They are is crd. PRICE *6 C*H!S. HHIP NOTICE Neither the ms •nr, owner or soßeigu atsofUia Russian bark Launst n wIH ba rsaponiihls for suy dents oo..traded by the craw of said itark Krholm Usstsr. At Hid Nswasslln s'.rsar can h* saea 1 the uaes of gsa in npm ation HEALTH AND UKAUTY. a poor complexion it usually the remit of a torpid lives or irregular action od tha 1 bowel*, U nlaaa nature • rafusa it orri*A off II will turaly cause Impure blood. Pimples, bolls and other eruption* follow. This ia nature's maitiol of throwing off tha poisons which tha bowalo fallal to raaaov*. I>*Witt’s Uttl* Early Kltsrs ar* world famous for rgmtdying this condition Thtry atlmulat* tha liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels hut never cans* griping, cramps or die ts***. Bar* pills. W. J . Hints, CHART# K.)R SALK. Charts tide tables and Ovher publications, U, 8, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by 0. W. Doming, Phones' 1?2 or SI, A gas afovr, you don't hava to light a half hour bafota the -cooking oats-1 atnoas. Wednesday Jan. 8 r LIEBLER & CO saT" = " HARBOR THE BEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN BY JAMES A. HERNE. "A SYMPHONY OF THR SEA SHORE." 4 Months in Boston! 4 Months in New York. 3 Months in Chicago! 1 Month in San Franciseo! OF BKNAFIT TO YOU. D. 8. MitohaJl. Faiford, Md. Daring* long illDtee I w*t troubled with bad tor**, was edvleed to try raWltt’e Witch Haul halve and did to with wonderful results. I was perfectly oared. It is the bet talvt on tbe market." Bur* our* for pile*, tor**, burnt. Bawara o( counterfeit*. W. J. Butte. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— CUMBERLAND UNITE. $3 to Jacksonville. 42 to Fernandina. SIIMSIIIH MIS, "Baist on Earth,” and equipped with all the latest improvements SOLD ON E ASY TERMS (J. F. GAY, 504 Gloucester Street- OAHTOniA, Baas* tka sf V* Km* fa Hwe 41*1)1 BgUgllt TB f?RK A RR TWO BIDBH to be considarad, the inside and oat of buying lumbar—ptios aud quality. You ‘ will Bud both rigLt It you buy ot ua. Wa Lata every bind of lumber yon oso need— every kind reliable la quality and right in price You save money whan you buy hare, whan yon ocuridrr what you get, Kiln dried flooring and cailiag always instock. Phone 197. Lang & Wood PL&fung Mill. TOT CAUSES NIGHT AT,ARM. “Ona night mi hroiher’e baby vat taken with croup," wrlftt Mrt. j 0. SaMar, af Crlttendeo, Ky , “It teemed , il mould tteacgltbtfore'tre-tonld *at a doctor, to wa *art It Dr. King’* Now Dleoorery, whltb gar* quick relleftnd permanently cured it. Webfwajt ktap it to tba buuta (o protect oar children from croup and wboopiag cough. * It curtd me of aohronlo brotohlal troubla that no rtbtr remedy would relieve.’' luftllibla foreoughe, ooldr, thrott end lun* (rouble#. SOo. and SI.OO. Trial bottlaa tree at abdro**lett. METROPOLITAN MOON. TOimilUlitt!.!^ ONLY THE riNEST Visit, Liquort ui Cipri, EI.EOANT LTTtfCH SERVED DAY ANDJNIGHT. •TNO. td AT STREET. BRUNSWICK. A. fttinmm. tu-.w [9oo Drops] AVegelahle PreparalionforAs aimilating tlicFoodandHegula ting the Stomachs aadßowels of lM VN is-/4 HII DKI.N Promotes ness and Resl Contains neither thuum,Morphine nor Mineral NotN-uicotic. Ayr arou a-sduvnnraoß frmtpkud Seed ' \ dibiSmuM * 1 HmkdUSJM- i dtuee Smfi - I Zk!SSSSMMWdt i HSrmSeed - I Aperferl Remedy rorConslipa flon, Sour Slotiiach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fee Simile Signature or New york. AI b mo.l 111-. <>i o )) itosVs - j jC ! MS tXACT COPY OF WRARPOt Christmas for Gentlemen. Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S, J DOWmNGi m.'Mßi, E. H. MiMil, VHB-rituiiiu>. a, u, ALtEK,Cmn> THE NAIIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK, CAPmAX $150,000. LOAN'S—DISCOUNTS—EXCHANGE—COLLHCTIONS. —SAFE SOTSBSIK F3B REST, Allowed On Deposits in Savings Department UIKCUTOK* W HKNNET, 0, DOWNING, AXBKKT JTJtNUIG, Nrtnieirfck Circuit, Pr Dowmia* Cj of BroUton. FendijAOo. W. G. BHA.NTLI Y, 8 H. iHBOH; *. D. WALTKH, M. 0. llth Ga. Diet. of 8. H, Muob 4 00, Oukiir HENFI P, TALMAOOK Pr*t. So*ther* rimt 00., A Strong Woman lowa City, lowa, Aug 15. ioos BV fnjH' Mt w'fa *u. ck ft;.- tbrra i .ara. Wa irlrfl 1. T yWr Na ararything without reliaf and .pent much 1| fxsrrfr // ■ money. My wife tried Wine of Cartful am! four H botUea cured her. Bhe took two more boU lea, %• st W knowing she would hare to work hard during ■ Jy s'J ■ tha hay hurreU. She attended to all her houao- Wa la . / 6 f n J al hold duttea and loaded and unloaded ail the VI Fflr/fi /A- ffl I hay. Thla medielne gaa her atrenglh Poo ■ I jiff f IfjftTl O merly aha waa weak and tirad and could hardly ■I. j M JIMiJJf] ■ get atxmt. but tlnoa ahe haa bora taking Wine awll rl nawi H °f Cardui ahe feela better and stronger than l i II liilVtiMM ■ hea SI years of age. JOB. A. Klbfe.NH AtKK. till WTIHStiU I Mr*. Ehtnhaftr had tried everything during SJ HU f/ij/jimOf ■ her three year, sickness and had spent consid -BkM ■ trable money. She was weak and could hardly iwffil IB ■ J<* about for three years before she look l/ f %J WINE w CARD LI iBtBBwEi Now, after taking the Wine of Cardui, she can work with her husband in the hay field. That ls hard work, but It Is not as injurious fa a woman's health as labor in stores, factories and offices where thousands of girls ire closely con. fined year after year. With the aid of Wine of ;i v i Cardui > woman can do aav reasonable work and en|oy food health. The health that Wine of Cardui brings makes a woman vigorous in body and mnd. M Freed Irom those terrible devastating pains a woman grows well and strong naturally. Wine of Cardui regulates the disordered menstruation and cures ieucorrhoea, failing of the womb and periodical palm in the head and back fig CMoed by standing or sitting a long time in the tame position. Thcdfortfs ■ f^Rk-Draught puts the bowels, stomach, liver, kidnevt end blood in proper ■N shape. Oreatlv increased strength end endurance it the natural result Most mg cases are cured quickly. Alt druggists sell $l.OO bottles of Wine of Ccrdtii and 25 cent packages of Thedford'i Black-Draught For and llNnlnn, ddr*. girluf •fmi-tum*, "Tk* T 4e* .U**>o* J lintact Ik* CaaW—ofa Madecixi* i oiuptay, CAMutioofa. TmL J. M. Bnrnett, i,e Grain and Provisions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed. emu For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the J t Signature / W a JfV* In nr S8 For Over Thirty Years* CASTORTA THE CINTbUN COMPANY. N(W VO CITT.