The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 10, 1902, Image 3

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borne Little Things qJe essentia! to the at oceea of a job. are oyirlooked by iom workmen Strict attention to detail*, and the use of the beet material makes all our PLUMBING WORK • atis'actory, Out charges are - uniform'! low, but no part of a job ie slighted. A. H. BAKER, 205 Gloucester St. AN KVANGKLIST’B STOR Y. “I sufTerad for years with a bronohia! or lung: trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until 1 commenced using One Minute Ooueh Cure." writes lames Kirkman, evangelist cf Belle River, 111. “I have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers for coughe, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles Fur croup it is unequaled. Absolutely safe Very pleasant to take. over fails and is really a favorite with the children. They like It W. J. Butts FOUSaLK—On socoant of leaving the city wr offer for rale at te gain our entire s' iok of groceries md fruit at lowest pric. Ai’P'j Orsini B'os.. 401 Bay St. SHE DIDN’T WEAR A MASK Bat ber beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she ae! Bucklen’s Arnioa Salve. Than tby vanished as will ad eruption*, fever eores, bull*, ulcers, carbuncle* and felons from it* use. Infallible fur outs, corns, burns, eoatda and pile*. Cure guaranteed, 25c at all druggists. DEATH QIHCtvLY FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYS. Death soon follows from diseased kidneys unless a cure is mad* by taking tie old re liable Stuart *Gm and Bacbu The following symptons indiatte the approaob of Bright's Disease nr Dla bates and Kidney trouble Puffy or uirkoiroies under the eyes, sallow, yellow complexion, dull, heavy bead aahee, dxzy tired feelmg, faint spells, p.inordull e.ohe in the hack, uric cloudy, milk like or stringy, dark in color or offensive, painful scalding actuation in passing urine, obliged to go often duaine the dsy or nigh'. There a core in S-nar. Gin apd Buobu L Is the oner nedy y-o osn rely on. It will oorr o' -11 the** symptoms and p r>.n*n • y nr* even Br gtii’a dis ease aft < all other treatments ftil. Stuart’* G n lit Buchn wi l -eu'ral iva tb* wine and cause it to flow io a p rfecllj cal lira 1 oisii uer. A high grails kidney cu e, The inusl parf-of made Stcar.’e Gir and Buohn ’horoughly te' id for the past twenty yearn. It glvcai'fo, p *rad vigor to it? kid ney*'tu* n iklrg the blood red aud nourishing ’’’ry'Me grand o'd retu eij. Droggis'e or by express rrepaid Jl. D c scribe fro "hie an i free advice about kidney* given. Stuart Drug Cos. 84 Wail St. Atlanta, Ga. CASTOR IA . -Var Inflanta and emits ran. It Kkd You Have Always buu?jtf fHOPE! Ims of tnaligtißtit Blood Poison and Scro a were formerly looked upon as loet. arful of contagion, their friends denied :m companionship and medical ignorance lied them hope. Their life wa* woree than death and their only relief the grave. ManyenchcaeeiiwereepeciaHy sad from the fact that the anfferere con tracted dieeaee by accident or heredity and through no fanlt of their own. ilodem civilization look* with sympa ;tio consideration upon all cases ofblood isoning, and medical science, after grop jr eenturies in-darkness, nas finally :d a cure. Despair vanishes like an evil Hope shines forth like a glorious % P. P. R (Ltppmau'a Great Stemedy.) i sovereign Specific cures all forms ol Poisoning in both men and women. . P. is a permanent core for Rheumatism. .P. is the only logical treatment for rli and the only remedy for Catarrh in iced stages. . P. cures Dyspepsia in all it* manifold and is a general tonic superior to all lariilas. Iby all druggists. One dollar a bottle. Biz bottles for five dollars. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, l PROPRIETORS, i Lippman Block, Savannah, Qa. To Carry You Through Uia holidays something from our plaoe is absolutely necessary. Onetian’t get along without so ‘ a DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and the pure, good kind, auoh as is sold here, is the only kind worth y onr money. Then there may be some presents to buy I A selection from this list will please all parties Patfumee, Soap, Combs, Brushes, Fine Cand’ei and a big line of Sundries at low price’. SMITH’S PhARMAGY * 'IFS? OLD BDLDIEK S EXPEDIENCE. M M Anatin, a oivit war v* teran, ol Winchester, Lid. writes: “My wife was sick a long time in spits of good doctor t treatment, but was wholly oured by Dr. King’s New Lfe PiHe, wmob wo ked wondir* for her bealit.’.’ They aiwsysdo. Try them. Only 25c at ail drug store*. "aNNOCNCKyi ksT7 At the rf quest of my also; friends I ave Jeoided ’o beei m- a candidate far he scnatcrah'p from 'his dptno' and it their *u iy g*iloci now make my in- SDtlon kanwo As time for 'us eiec lion la far eff, 1 b'lv make this an inauoe.uen' to,! my ir.euda nay koow shat I will he iu the race. Should Ihe . avored with the nomination. I navaco iromiaos to makeexoept that I will s'- empt to faithfully guard the interests •if all of my constituent*. Very respeotfnlly, W. P. Symons, SAVED H IS LIFE “I with to ' 'hat l fe*l 1o" my life o Kodol Hyspe sia Cure,' Wmei H, 0. hrestenso of Mayfield, Minn. “For S ;■ ears i was troubl'd nilh dyspepsia so that X ooulo helduoUdag on my stomach, ilany times 1 would be unable to retain a tioraal of food Finally 1 was confined to ny bed. Do t >rs said I pould not live. I > sad one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia ’’ure and thought it he my case ead commenced its use 1 began to 1m ) rove from the first bottle. Now l am cured and recommend It to all” Digests vonr food. Cures all atomaoh trouble*. IV. J. Burts. Mantle* for Toeandesoent or Wrl-h --! aok loo, 91 per di x Gusr ssd O, K A. H. Baker. WANTED! All the set ond hand t.yuewriters in Brunswick. Also w?nt all second hand furniture, organs, stoves and old brass. •J tV, Watkins, kOB Bay £t. hOR SALE—A fu udsoiiH! silver survloe. Price reanony le, Apply 210 Reynold* street. NOTICE ret* *'■i hi ‘fy tjv f- 1 1, nitron and the pahho generally hat Mr. Pnil K ' let now in charge of the Arcade sai l in. B. Hir ch, pTI i; INK CURES Plb EH I M mey refunded if it ever lails. BRUNSWICK TIMKS-OALL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 101902 THEATRICAL TREATS *v JG'' ;v . f '£ t £ i i/ ■ . i " v The Casino Girl, George W. 1.-rt ■e •, who made the production of ‘Too Ca.iio Gir l’’ tells the following e oi v, which lie claim* does well to Ulustra e the L >, don cook* noo'e idea of faootiousnes : • I was waiting for a cab, wher I heard a big oostermonger talking to a group of admiring friends -Last night’, he said, ‘me and bill was coming down the Strand when we saw one of them swell apartment* on tire. These was tn old guy on the roof in bis night shirt sod he wa* ru niog around like a g< ezesr, Bill ysl s, “Jump, yon bleeder, jump. W.’ve got a blanket re, 1 ' My word, the bleeder jumps aid lands on is b ooming ead iu the bleeding gn-ter and breaks bis bloody neok - Me and HDI, we laefed like *ell. We didn’t 'aae no blanket ” KIDNEY DISEASES •MMHm mrnmmmmmmmmmmmmm i in the moit (autl of ail ktm numsisfik money refunded. Contoiaf rtxnedlee ptcognbtd br wok cuent phyxiciana u the pool far kidney nr and Bladder trouble* nuoaaaeitiA W. J. MUTTS. SHIP NOTICE. Neither the roaster, o’- nse • or consign ees of the Norwegian steamer Ella will be responsible for any debt! contracted by the crew of said bark Lund, Master. A DEEPMYSTERY Die a myetory why women eniara baokaob*, headache, neroume**, sleap lesacesß, melancholy, fainting aud dlacy spells wheD thousands have proved that Kleotrto B tier* will quiokiy curt eaab troubles. "I suffered for yeare with kidney trouble," writes Mrs, Phebs Cherley, of Peterson, Is., “and a Isms baok pained tn* so 1 could not dries my self, bu. Eirotric Bitter* wholly oured m*. end eltbougb 73 year* old, l now 1 am this to do all my housework," It overcome* constipation, improve* ap petite, give* perfect health. Only 600 a', all drugßtere*. WNTKD—A Lady Sterographer, Ra commendation required. Apply Bbown A Cos., ’ 20H} j Bay 3t. Try a gas stove and you’ll never be without one. E. R BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Oflice. 5022 Glou’ster St. ATTENTION! Have just * received [the finest line of New Wheels ever seen in Brunswick.- 50 new Ones to Pick From. We can save you s£-00 on every wheel you buy. Repairing, renting and emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND ORGAN If yon want a good Piano or’ Organ buy! a Ludden & Bates B. J. OLEWINE A. Kent* MOTHER’S WORM SYRUP. Beat worm medioln*. Children like It *o well they eat it oa bread. Hnmann The Great. Hermann, the Great who appears in b * c. y ou Ja<>. 18 at the Graoa i* the moat rum&rkabl* expert of ledgerdee main the world has ever seen. He ie everywhere proclaimed the master aixard of the present day. In the art of palming or sleight of hand be stands forth unrivalled, Ms remarkab'e d'gi* tal dexterity being everywhere com mented upon a* marvellous. Seats now on sale. RECEIVERS SALK, Uuiler and by virtue of an order of court, dated January 7th, 1902, 1 will offer for sale, at public outcry, before the court house door In Brunswick,Georgia, at 12 o'clock M., on Sat urday. January 11th, 1. to the highest snd best bidder for c-ush, either in bulk, separately iu 1 in iota, all the asset* of the Palmer Bhoe Company, consisting of open accounts, note and executions, amounting in total to J 625.25. A complete list of said assets can be seen by celling upon tbe Undersigned. E, 0. BUTTS, Receiver of the Palmer Shoe Cos. IN' THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNJTED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, EASTERN DIVISION. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of ) Dr. ,T, W. Bngg, ■ in Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) To the creditor, of Dr. J. W . Burgs of tile oity of Brunswick in the coantv of Glynn and dia t< let aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the Bth day of January A. D. 19u, the said Dr. J A. Buggs waa duly adjucated a bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditor* will bo held at Bruns wick, iu Glynn county, on the isth day of January, lfloa, at 10 a. m„ at which ti*e the said creditora may attend, prove their claims, apt oint a trustee.examine the bankrupt and transact such other business us may prop erly come before the said meeting. Dated at Urn us wick, Ua., this the Bth dav of January, 1902 A. J. CROVATT, „ Referee in Bankruptcy.!! Max Isaac, Bankrupt’s Attorney. GEORGIA—GIynn County. The undersigned by virtue, and acting under authority of an order of the court,of Ordinary of fahl countv granted at the January term 19)8, will sell at public outcry, before the court house door In said county, between the hours of ten ua four o’clock of that day, on the first Tuesday in, It beiug the 4th day of February 1902, to the highest and heat bidder, that tract or body of land containing thirty-five aorea, more or less, lying In said county, being of if regular shape, and bounded northward, eastward and westward by lands of Malachl Green, and southward by lands of the estate of the late George W. Wright, aud which lands are accurately and fully described, and a plot thereof given, in the petition to said conrt for leave to sell the same, and to which for de scription reference ie had. Said lands sold as the proper'/of the estate of I). P Jones late of said county, deceased, to pay debte and make distribution amongst the heirs. The terms of •ale easlw This January Bth, 1909. C. O, JONES, Administrator of D. p. Jones. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ri.ACEOF HOLD ING JUSTICE COURT. Upon petition of J, W. Conoley. N. P. and Ex. O. JvP., 28th district G- M. of said county, the place for bolding the said N p. and Ex. o. Justice of the Peso* oourt la berehy changed from No. 817 Newcastle street, Branawick, Ua to No. 820 Grant street, Brunswick, Ga. This change to take etieet immediat -ly after the publication of thla notice. Parties at Interest will pleats take notice. This Jan. 4, 1902. HORACE DAKT, O.dlnary Glynn County GEORGIA, | Wliereaa Fannie A. Smith Glynn County. | Adiuinletra trix of H. C Smith's estato, repretmi ,a to the court in the petition duly filed end entered on rer rd, that the hat fully udmlnlaterod H. C. Nmith’aettute, This Is therefore, to cite al I persona concern ed kindr • and creditora to anow came if any they can why said administrator should not lie discharged from ber administration and re oeiv letters of dismlaaion on the first Monday in February, 1902. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION FOR PUBLICATION, ~ William Mahoney, administrator upon the estate In Georgia of Joun M ahouy, late of Tam - ga, Hillsborough oonnty, Florida, having Bled is petition jfor discharge, this ie to cite all pertona concerned to show cause against the granting ef tide diaeharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for eald county to be held on the first Monday In February, 1992. „ Inis November J, 1901. IfOItACF DA.HA’, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALK. STATE OF GEORGIA- GlyneCounty: Will beaold before tho court house door ip the city of Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, during tho legal hour* of Kale on the fire! Tuesday In February next the following de scribed real relate, to wit; Old Town lot number one hundred and slxty nlne (169 j situate, lying and being iu the state ofGcorgia, countv of Ulyun, and tn the city of Brunswick therein, aid In that part ol said city of Brunswick, designated on a map of the same made by Goorgo It. Baldwin, A. u 15.17, a. Old Town, said lot being bounded as follows: North by Albermarle itreet one bun dr, li ami eighty feet, on the eatt ninety leet by Reynolds street, on the south one hundred and eighty feet by Old Town lot number oue hundred and seventy, and on the west ninety foot by Hich m ind street. Levied on and so’d as the property of Mrs. S.C. Jeter, under aud ly vlr toe of an execution Issued from the Hupcrltfr court of Fnlton county, Georgia, in favor of J. A Anderson and M, A, O’Byme, rroeirers for the boothern Mutual and Loan asaoclaimn of Atlanta, aud against Mrs. 8. tl. Jeter for 11,748.80 principal Insurance premiums *50.25. taxes *82.50, Cost 120.85 and all further Interest and cost less a credit of *B.OO Notice of levy given tenant in possession Jan. Bth. ljifj. W. H. RBRItIE, She, iff Glynn County Ga. MARSHAL SALE Will be eold before the court huute door oo Monday, Jan, 15 h, 1902, three black pig* unmarked, eaid pig* now Id oity pound nnoleimed, tod to be sold for impounding fee and coat. Tbia the Bth of January, 1902. 8. A. Burney, Marehal. “I am up.” 1902, resolution, service given at Carter’s Clothes Cleaning eg. tebllabment. All wo-lc property dope, sent for and delivered promptly Phone 258 2 Tbe lady who uses a ga* atove i* *1 way* smiling. SHIP NOTICE. Neither the master, owner nor consign ee* of tbe berk Hencoob will b* reaponalbl* for any debt* coDtra .-ted by tli* craw of said bark, Carlson, Mattar. ASTHMA CURE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUT ELYFfIEB ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Yoit Name and Address Plainly. There la nothing like Asthmalene. It bring instant reiid.,eveu tn the worst caeca. It cures when all else fills The Rev U F, Wells, of Villa Ridge, 1,1., anye: “Yonr trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition, I cannot tell you how thank ful I feel for the good derived from It. I wain aiare, chained with putrid tore throat aud at'lnna for ten years, i despaired of ever being sured. 1 saw your adverticomeni for the ours of this dreadful aud tormenting diseaao. Asth ma, and thought yon hadoverspoken yourselvcu but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonish - rnent, the trial aotod like a charm. Bend me a foil sue bottle.” REV. DR. MORRIBWECHSLKE, Rabbi of the Cong, Bnai Israel . lNew Tork, Jan. *,11901. Drs. Taft Bros.' Medicine Co.i Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is nn excel eat remedy for Attbma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which com • bine with Asthma Its suoeeta Is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analysed, we can state that Aathmalcne contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, tia RET. DR. MORRIfi WKCHSLKB. _ _ _ Avo* SrKtMOt, K. Y., Fab, L tl. DR. TArr Baos. Manicinx Cos. Gentlemen! 1 write this Mstimontui from a settle of duty, having tested the woaderfm effect of your Aathmalene, forVhe onr* ItfVlfe hat liNin afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Haring exhaust* asy own skill at well as many others, I chanted toseajourslgn npon your windows en laoth street. New Took, l alone oktalaed a bcttle of Asthmalene. My wifo commenced teklng it al eat the tratrif November. ■ I very eoon noticed a radical improvement. After using on* bottle her Asthma has dis*app*red and ehe Is entirely free from all symptom*. I feel that Ic insistently reoommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distracting disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHKL.PB, M. D. D. Taft Bugs. Mkbioihe Cos. Feb. 1,1901. Gentlemen: I was treubled with Asthma f<r ft years I have tried numerous remedies but they have all failed. I ran aoroea your adv ortlsemeet and started with a trial bottle 1 found relief at once. I bare Since nurohaaeo y*> tr full-else bottle, am! f am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and tor tin years vas unable to work. I am now in the beat of health and am doing business every day. This t tstlmony you oan make auok ase of as yon sa fit. . Home address, *BS Rivtagtoa street • 8. RAPHAEL, *7 East 1 fifth st.,City TRIAL FEES OK RECEIPT OP POSTAL, Do sot delay. Write el once, addressing DR, TAFT BUOS.' MBDICINK CO„ 79 East 130U1 St„ N, Y. Cily. J. J. LISSNER, WHUISNALE groceries. Tobacco, jFlour, Bacon and Provision, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY -216 Bay IStreet, Buns wick, Georgia. ft •/ Coney & Parker DXALIIRB iN Goal aud 'Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. ! Agents forMorris’ Brick. Phone t 8 525 Bav St. — 1 —■■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■■— "■ HLLJ'njj>— ■■ ■■■ ■—■■■■■lll ml B\OCI Ol Dyspepsia Cure elfhen tn< stomach is diseased all the other organs Buffer, hence fatal eases ol the heart, liver, lungs and kidney* areoftea Ah* result of p < *W on v. Kow’U I>ynp trsia Cure contains all the natural hy digesting what you eat, itcures theludiges tro.m the stonmch.allflwlrw if, to rest and regain it* a !s J o|l fßopJl the good loodyou want oft * n dl *' llrt i et l *t ui.'htby Irregular heart action which £. . tV *! oa account of rar t. ,nich betng overloaded with undl iMteo fooO I keep a bottle of Kodol Cuiie nearby and a <taali close always glvm rue Instant relief Kd. Thomas, Leitoh field, Ky, tt It oin’t help but do you good by E. 0. DeWitt beetle contains 2% times the 50c. slafe favorite |i iukcbold reined/ firrnj |h*. colfl 9, croup, bronchitia, grioMk Mow’ WM, rouble* is ONE MINUTE Pough Cure. It cures q.ulSSl SOUTHERN RAZE WAT SCHEDULE. FOR SAVANNAH, WAHHINGTON AED It* YOBS l.v Brunswick lUis (l*sa U Ha m iTrn^! ***•• UMin I II pm IM* a m A r New York „■ ; M 3pm ■• S roTt MACON, ATLANTA, LOCIBVaiB.CIBbIIMAtI AMD CBIOAHoT Lv Brunawlok I Me as " eeTpai ArLiiuHvllle (MAH f Mpm A r Cincinnati Steam fMpm Ar Chicago ■' Ij a Mpm V l*pm FROM NEW YOEK. WABHINGTOW Hn>UTAiB~ ’ Lv New York It I*aim IMam Lv Washington it Item *Mpm a Warn M llpm Ar Hrnnswick., FHam • •-* |*l*pm SUNDAf BCHEDULKB~BETwititN~fiRU>BWICR AND SAVANMAH Lv Bran*wick • -*M**r * •.- (Mam lieia A r Savannah "Vfßam 'Ullam *U|m Lv Savannah. lsam -imp. 7... Ar Brnnawlck Him • ■ pm DAILY EXCEPT aUNDAih " C. U CANDLKB, General Agen*