The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 10, 1902, Image 4

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"We have a fine line JEWELRY of every kind and invite your inspection, We have the finest and largest line of t Silverware and Cut Glass to be found in the city, KENNON MOTT, O D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician *ll HITMt, Bit (CIO It WlKlii Ht Itlltt), Id 1 I V- !i fill) fieri Wrtißligto RJ£J£I*KK OF I'UIS CITY CLOCKS. GET ONE OF THOSE i Portable Baskets. Buns Coal in the Open Fire place. How can you get. along without one ol times nice Haiti wood .uantele with Tile trimmings we are selling eo cheap. Come Hoe. tTiae Memorial work, Iron Fence, .to KKBI) E LaMANOEMgr. 912 Monk street. jMB/T CHRIS ARNHEITER, Wtstein Pi m, FRESHaVEGETABLES, FREsVcROCERIES FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of ererything for rhe'model housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 89 FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles in Bulk and in Bottles. Largest Assortment ct Olives and Jams in the City Larffe Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from t * Ring 245 118 A Street. JOHANNESEN & CO. TflJfi J*BUHBWIC& TIMEH-OALL, FRIDAY JANUARY 10 1902 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS OF INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES, M . J. H. Jludulph of St. Mary’* is in tbe oitjr. Mr. Rudolph 1* clerk of the Superior oourt of Camden oonnty, and a very diver and popular young man, Tho opera boaae will be dark every night next week until Saturday when •‘Herrmann the Great’’ will hold the board*. The many friend* of Dr. W, B. Bur. rough* will learn with regret that be I* quite ill threatened with pneumonia. 001, W. E. Kay, Judge 8. C. Atkin •on and Col. D. W. Krauea left on the 9 06 Southern train last night for At* lanta, where they have t>tnine*n with the Supreme court. Hurry Order to Battleship. New Orleans, Jan. 9 - The battleship Illinois will leave New Orleans ju*t a* soon a* it leave* the dock, probably Friday. The move is the regultofa hurry order to proceed to tea. The •hip will coal outside the jetties Cap taio Converse said the Illinois would proceed to Havana. Duke to Put up McKinley Statue. Raleigh, Jan 9.—lnformation comes from Dm ham that Hon, J, B Duke has ordered from an Italian aealp'or a de sign for a boroio bronze atatuu of Wil l'ara McKinley, Mr. it under stood, wants the sooth to erect the flrst memorial to tbe martyr.nj president IHH WILL INTEREST MANY. To quickly introduoe B, B. B.(Bota nic Blood Balui) the famous Southern blood cure, into new homes, we will rend absolutely free, 10,900 trial treat, menta, Botanic B oot! BA m [B. B. B.) quickly ours* old uloers, scrofula, ecxtuia, Itching skin and blood humors, oanoer, eating festering sores, boils, oarbunoiea, pimples or offensive erup. tione, peine in bones or joiuts, rheuma tism, oatarrb, or any blood or skin trouble. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B, B.) heals every sore or pimple, makes the blood pare end rich and stops all aches and pains. Batanio Blood Balm (8. 11. R.) thoroughly tested for 90 years in hospital and private practice, and has ourod thousands of cas s given upas hopeless, Sold et drug stores, * 1 per large hoftl*. Kir iree trsetmertt write to Bio and Bairn Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Medi oene sent at once, prepaid Describe trouble and fr-e medical advice given. Botanic Blood Balm (tl, B. B ) gives life, vigor and siren; h o the Oiond. The fluest Blood I’nriiier made. Bo tanlo Blood Balm (B, B. B ) gives a healthy Blood supply to tbc skin and I eutlre system $1 WAIST BOODSAt 69c. See Display in Window J. H. HELLER & BRO, ****~22o Newcastle Street. Leaders of Low Price*. NEWSPAPER CHANGE. * ; Brunswick Will Now Have Only One Newspaper. Tbe plant of the Brumwick Times- Ca l has been leased by Tbe New* and after today there will be only one paper in Brunswiok. Tbe News has cot yet decided wha will be done w th the Timee-Call plant but demis it ad visable to disoontione tbe pub ioation of tbe paper. Borne ohangea, however, will prob rbly be made latar. Tbe subscribers of this paper, who are not subscribers to Tbe News will receive the latter paper hereafter. If you are a regular sub scriber to the Times-Call and The News fails to come notify tbe manage ment. Herrmann, The Great. Herrmann, the Great, tbs famous magician, will be the attraction at the Grand on Jan 18 b. To say that Hsrrmaon la great would be too expressive He is suberb. sup-rla.ivoiy great, wonderful. The opportunity of seeing him in hie splen did magics! entertainment is a rare treat to everybody. LOST—A LADY’S BROACH. Lost—A lady’s broaoh set with pearl* A suitable r-ward will be paid for Its return to W . M . Tapper. Coifing in X - Caiinia ™ is a most delightful pastime, but whether indulged in at home or abroad, much can be added to the pleasure th reof if you tase along a box of our Exquisite Chocolates, Theo are very exhibi ting and nourishing, perfectly fresh and no better candy made. Try a small package and sec From 29c. up, faucv packages. LLOYD’S ’Phruf 255 2 214 Newcastle S! Try phon< 2V3 2 e a n'orhee oleaner, D in’t fell to the special two bargain .ley, r x Monday ana Tu day at Heller e. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Hailing Bought Direct From the Factory. Roiston’s mill fii, Riien’s Hem oats, Rein's Mil m, Role's Hoii Gins, Direct From the PURINA MILLS. A. 0. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. Jr MALLORY LINE K&i ! 1 PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM . h vV Y <HK Every Friday at 3 p m. Friday To Suit the Tide Lowest Rate, Direct Service. Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H, MaLLOBY &Cos,( KN I. Aors J. S ItAYMONDy 10 Burlir t; Slip, New Y uk. Agent, Brunwick G*. ' A With a NO &as Rame WOOD ° nly a (as Bail®. jfV K&. TheOldWJv 6 O'Clock A. M. CHINESE RESTAURANT EBTBLISHKI) IHBy, CHUE HALL ProDrietor You can get the best the market affords by eating hr*| 215 ORAIM'r T. P S. —Orders taken for £• JLaundry. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey" IS THE FAMOUS ♦ CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It's pure and wholesoni n and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rank or quality- Sold in Brunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street, I. TRAGEK & CO . Distillers, Offices Ohio, D. S. A- LIVE TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY For Xmas. I Have Just received a Large Shipent of MIXED CAM For 1-mas Trade That I am Selling at 10c. per ib.