The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 05, 1890, Image 1

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I m ■ WRIGIJI * WH —THE— CLOTHIER AX’D FURNISHER. I) k St. Simon's Line. SUM.nEK schedule. (Standard Time.) On and after J une 15th, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunswick— . lt Steamer Citv of Brunswick for Ocean 1 ier, tn route for Cumberland, daily 7 a. in. Steamer Pope tatlin, for Ocean Pierand Mills, #:00 a. m , 2:00 and 6:00 p. in. Fnon Ocean Pier — ForSt Simon’s Mills 9:00 a. in. and 3:00 p. in. RETURNINS. Leave st. Simon’s Milla for Ocean Pier 10 :oo a. in and4:oop. in. . . Leave Pier for Brunswick 10:30 a. m., 4:30 and 9:30 p. m. SUNDAYS. City of Brunswick, en route to( umberland, S:oo a. m. f . . Pope Catlin, for Ocean Pier only. and 9:30 a. m.,2:3oand 6:00p. in Upturning—Steamer Pope Cathn leaves tier 7:30 and 10*5 a. m.. 5:00 and IH3G p. in. Guests of Hotel Ht Simon’* desirinp t<» vldt Cumberland take City of BrmiHWirk a* U”**” Pier at 7:l*. n m., except on Sunday—at and parties desirous of viMtnipl. Mmoii h will be landed at o can Pier by < ity of Bnin«wi< k upon notinfl uiveii, Mbvswbc tin. bteaiiiui wll uut niskn th« »U»p. ■ .. Launch Vhloo will Inure Oceanl'ieron n dsy.iit m..fnr Bnin.wkk, »n«l olheriiss. when lite or mon* pet><»n* so desire and tiiu* ly t»otu-v H given hi »!..«<•' St. Simon ». r 1> IKT, •iuprnnti'ndi-ut. V. ® "M' ‘"gi 'i ®' , ■ MB m House : w -■ ;J - ' W •'' MM MH i' 1 < <1 A I'll.- boy seemed u> be g 'ing to the jail when he was overhaul® and in attempting to escape they run him right to the doors of the prison which was waiting for him. lie will go up for a term. Nice lot of Clark’s Catsup and Pickles at Jordan's. Notice. The stockholders of the Merchants and Traders’ bank are requested to meet July 12th, at 12 o’clock, to take into consideration the advisability of increasing the capital stock. 7-2-3 t. A. H. Lane, Cashier, H. T. DUNN A SON S SPE CIALTIES. Holiday and wedding presents. Every kind of musquito net. Newest and best styles of hammocks. Rogers & Bro.’s silverware. Youths and men’s sporting supplies. Ta'de cutlery of every kind. Di .ner, tea and chambersets. Unxld in quality and price Novelties in china and glassware. Nice articles for room decoration. Ad kinds of lamps aud lamp fixtures. New stock of Hower pots and cages. Dusters, fly ft ns and fly brushes. Stationery,blank books,office supplies Oil stoves,water coolers, I C. freezers Nice line of pictures, as well as step ladders, croquet sets, lunch baskets, etc. Choice Melons. Choice melons uud cantaloupes re ceived fresh every day from St. Si uion's. Belch eb ik Co. Market Dock. MS ■ ‘W MH i. ' ■ -• ' • 1 ■: it:.i ■ , ' * ’ i.C yawl t.. the ( atlin. Mullet-, w. i i mIH Egmont could lender n<> assilH. '■ J-'.- on account of the fast falling tidqH was promised that a tug would H sent dawn from Brunswick with H barge, as soon as possible, which weuld rescue the castaways. Judge Courtland Syinmes and Dr. O. W. Tucker took passage on the Egmont leaving many expressions of sympathy behind them. The tide was running out rapidly and as the waters lapped the sides of the Catlin their ripples seemed to niurmer a dirge. And then begun the task of wldl ing sway the hours of waiting. For awhile laughter went round and round the decks in gay spon taneity—then the sang took up its burden. - ®j i < W ' ' ' ( , b row. I. E-il;h only . per dozen dan’s. lll* II ♦ ■ * !■ Broiled Mackerel—2 can* lor 25c | at Jordan'*. Bologna aatisage only 12Jc. \>vr , pound at W. A. Jordan's. 'pii-'.-n'* taste and liealtate to visit, the haa a separate place for them. ( all j and see Cbue 11 all, ifyou are hungry. KvtNIMU