The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 09, 1890, Image 1

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J K " , a —THE— CLOTHIER —AN » FURNISHER. v J «ju \\ □L St. Simon’s Line. SUMMER SUH EDI LE. '•’tandard Time. On and after June 15th, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunnwlrk— Steamer City of Brunswick for ocean Pier, en route for Cumberland, daily 7 a. in. Steamer Pope < atlin, for < >cean Pier ami Mills. S:00 a. m , 2:00 ami H:uop. m. From Ocean Pier— • Forst. Simon’’ Mills 9:09 a. m. ami 3:09 p. in. RETURNIN* Le ive St. Simon’s Mills for Ocean Pier 10:00 a. m ami 4:00 p. in. Le tve Pier for Brunswick 10:30 a. in., 4:30 ami 9:30 11. m. SUNDAYS. < ity of Brunswick, en route io Cumberland, B:‘M> a. m. Pope ( atlin. for Ocean Pier only. 9:15 and 9;30 a. in., 2:30aml 0:00i«. in Bcturning—steamer Pope ( atlin leaves Pier 7: io ami 10:15 a. in., 5:00 and 9:3) p. in. Guentoof Hotel Simon** deairmr to visit Cumberland take ( ity of Brunswick a* Oeenn Pier at 7:45 a in., except on Sunday—at 5:45: ami parties desircm* of visiting st. SimtMi’s will belauded at oeeun Pier by < ity of Brum»u i<■'< j upon notice given, utheswiMi thia steamer wIP H »t make the stop. LauAell Vision Will leave Orriin Pi«T oh Mon day«ai 7:3* a. in., for Brue>swl< k. and other day* wh*n Ave or more iMT*ua» •-«» desire amt ti liely u given at Hotel Me U. H A ICT, •superintend i - w <w ■ , tl\lVtDgg\vit il(MB " ; escorts. 'Die most ever offered. For information apply to | Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway System, or to . B W. WRENN G, p, Agt, Imvilh. Tail Choice Melons. Choice melons and cantaloupes re ceived fresh everyday from St. Si man's. Belchei: »fc Co. Market Dock. H. T. DUNN A SON S SPE CIALTIES. Holiday ami wedding presents. Every kind of musquito net. Newest and best styles of hammocks. Rogers & Bro.’s silverware. Youths and men’s sporting supplies. I'a'de cutlery of every kind. I)i uier, tea and chambersets. Unxld in quality and price Novelties .in china and glassware. Nice articles for room decoration. All kinds of lamps and lamp fixtures. New stock of flower potsand cages. Dusters, fly ft ns and fly brushes. Stationery,blank books,office supplies Oil stoves,water coolers, I freezers Nice line of pictures, as well us step ladders, croquet sets, lunch baskets, etc Wines! Wines! Wc make a specialty of wines, the finest imt orte 1 and domestiall high grades, high priced ami yet J ist ns cheap M the same quality elsewhere. Mdl ‘Monk street. MB mb ■w M| . MB ’B <>l' Brunei b•: .1 n. >!»:.. : !,.• hasBASS in the < ity engaged in work ar.«lB : concluded to live here altogether. Mr. Miller is now completing ;c fine piece as work decorating the in terior of the “Bay House’’ and Mr. Doerflinger naturally feels a pride in the beautiful work. The beautiful fresco on ths celling in the bar is woith a long walk to see for it is certainly elegant and the imitation of woodwork is deceptive beyond belief. Brunswick bus an interest in Mr. Miller. —.. 1. * * ,1 1.1 . ■» Any size deposits received by the Brunswick Saving uni Trust Com pany. Interest allowed on time deposit*. • W; I ■ mglH' : ’ ■■'• 1.12.11' llil-U I. < .-11 ■i < < vtl« to St. Simon's. The steamer Pope Catlin ma lew double trip, accommodating all who went. Tue evening wuu delightfully spent in dancing and » U rf bulbing, and lime passed by too swiftly for the revelers. I • ' ■ j. o’clock, from St. Mark’s