The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 10, 1890, Image 1

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w . WRIGHT —the— CLOTHIER FURNISHER. ’Wa r\ V Wl St. Simon's Line. SUMMER SCHEDULE. (Standard Time. On and after June 15th, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunswick— Steamer City of Brunswick for Ocean Pier, en route for Cumberland, daily 7 a. in. steamer Pope Catlin, for Ocean Pierand Mills, SaXia. in., 2:flo and (1:00p. m. From Ocean Pier— Forst. Simon’s Mills H:00 a. m. and 3:oi p. in. RETURNIN*. Leave St. Simo i s Mills lor Ocean Pier 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. in. Leave Pier for Brunswick 10:3C a. in., 4:30 and 9:3u p. in. SUNDAYS. ( ity of Brunswick, en route to Cumberland. M:bo a. in. Pope Catlin, for Ocean I’ier only, «?!.'» ami U:UO a. in., 2:30 and H:OOp. m. Keturmng—Steamer Pope Catlin leaves Ph i 7: ’.o ami 10:15 a. in., 5:00 ami 9:30 p. in. Guest* of Hotel Ft Simon’s denirlnr to visii Cumberland take City of Brunswick a» Ocean Pier at 7:45 a in., except on Sunday— at 0:45: and partiea dcairoii* of visiting st. Pinion’* wil belauded at Ocean Pier by < Ity of llrnm»wi« n|»on hotter given, uthwaWlau tiiia »U.*Miner w II not make the atop. Launch Vuioii will leave Ocean Pier on M<«» day • al 7::ni a. in.. for BruoMWbk. and oilier da when Ove or more |M«re»n* de»trc and ttmel> notice i« given at Hotel Mi *lmmjii'm« V O VIC I*. su|»crml< ud« nt. W m Hi 1 ■ ‘ • < I « 1 ’ w' ■ > ! w \ ■ i 11 ■ ’ ■ .-W'ScW Di i . . WO-' Inxld in quality ami [nice Novelties in china ami glasswarlH Nice articles for room decoration. All kinds of lamps and lamp fixtures. New stock of Hower pots and cages. Dusters, fly fi-ns and fly brushes. Stationery,blank books,office supplies Oil stoves,water coolers, I. C. freezers Nice line of pictures, as well as step ladders, croquet sets, lunch baskets, etc. ■ ♦-- —————— Wines! Wines We make a specialty of wines, the finest imported and domestic, all high grades, high priced and yet just as cheap as the same quality elsewhere.—3ol Monk street. For Rent. A desirable seven room house within three minuteo walk of the post office. For terms enquire at The Evening Post. 7-9 3t. 1 — Sacramento,Cai..,April 27, 1889. L. L. Goddard & Co., agents for Radam’s microbe killer. —Gentle- men:—My son, fourteen years old. was cured with less than one gallon of Radam’s microbe killer, after be ing given up by physicians as incur able, with enlargement of the heart My wife was also cured of a severe bronchial trouble, after a failure on the part of physicians to relieve her. 1 consider it far superior to all known remedies. R. B. Kirkpatrick. For sale by J. T. Rockwell, sol< agent. ♦ ♦ - • liny, corn, bran ami outs cheap at Dillon's. ,/s‘ 'Ok - . . ■ ■■ C ■■ ■Il A detective agency. i? Fine Has Been Paid. The fine imposed on the owners on the steamer Pope Catlin, by Collector Deveaux, has been paid. It was immediately placed on spe-1 cial deposit,pending the final decision ' of the matter. This is done in order that the parties fined may have an oppor-1 tuu.ty of appealing to the secretary ! of the treasury for a remission or mitigation of the maximum amount allowed by law. Childrens and infanta lace and embroidered caps from 121 cents upward at the I‘alais I I’oyal, ■ w ■ 1 ' ■■ ’ I' t< : rst 1.1, i ■ i<■ j.i I- i them. Thirteen pounds extra < wlnH sugar $1 OU, at Dillon’s. w Milkshakes ami lemonade < al via's. Laces .:nd embroideries from 1 cent per yard upward at tin* ! I’.dais Royal. 11 h.m.-at .Am-.