The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 11, 1890, Image 1

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I VHH W KICM CLOTHIER AN.) t I FURNISHER. I n 1 I Wtwß uwj aSS ■ I St. Simon’s Li ne. SL'MmEK SCIIEUILE. (Standard Time. On and after June 15th, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunswick— steamurCitv of Brunswick for Ocean I ler, en route torCumberlaml.'liuly 7 a. in. Steamer l’<>pe Catlin, for Ocean Pier and Mills. s:oo a. in , 2:00 and iliixip. in. From Ocean Pier— Forst. Simon’s Mills 0:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. ni. ; RETURNIN'# Leave St. Simon’s Mills lor O<*enn Pier 10:00 a . in and 4;oo |» Leave Pier for Brunswick 10:3o a. m., 4:40 and ■ 9:30 p. in. SLiNDA YS. < ity of Brunswick, en route to ( utnl»erland, 8:no a. in. pope Catlin, for Ocean Pier only. « l.» and 9:30 a. in . 2:3oand «:(<• |>. n>. Itetnrning—Steaicvr Pope < atlin leavi * Pi* i 7:.i0 un«l 10:15 a ml, f »:W and 9:;& in. (SneMteof Hotel Shiner- dr*irinr to visit I umiMTlnntl take City of Biun*wi<k a* Ocean Pier Ml 7:4-*» a in., except <»n Minday--at m;45: and |»arti»n* de<ir<HW of viMlin/ *t. niii hi’* mH belauded ft< <> can Pier bv < fly <»i Bruii-sWif < Upon notice given. utne-wi»e tuU steamer wiP fl »< make the atop. Latioeli Vlmoh will leave Oman Pier on M«*n day * at 7s:w m. mi.. f»r Ih a »*.* L k. and «>tlierdu>M when ftveor imin* per**,'** d«*Mre and li n» ly uutj-e »« ifiveii at H *te « *lll*o.l’-. I H Hti» SihmtliiM ixb iit. ■ ■. w ><i <bbb > I! i \ . I i • ..tL- Dillon's. Childrens and infants and embroidered caps from 12 cents upward at the Palais Royal. Wanted —Situation wanted by a ■ young man as clerk in oilice or store. I Recommendations furnished it de ls! red. Address Joseph Bassett, I Brunswick, Ga. Jelly and preserves- 51b. bucket Gaels, at Dillon's. _*——• ** '■■ —• Night gowns,chemises, skirts and drawers slightly soiled fl orn) handling at a mere fraction) 1 above original costa the Palais) i Royal. - - --- - - Good Position. A bright, active boy, who is well 1 , acquainted in the city, citn secure a I good position at ollice ot The Even j "no Post. Must not le under six- I teen years of t»ge. Take your savings to the Bruns ) wick Savings ami Trust C ompany ') under the Oglethoipe botch Ladies dressing sacks and icorset coven slightly soiled at . | Royal. NH| ■- ■ . B ■ ■ 1.-- ie' b .:u cd until the next regular After the Annual Badge *W The members of the Glynn gunj ' club melon their grounds this morn- I ing at 10 o’clock and began the test ! that it is to decide who shall wear the annual badge for the next ' year. The shooting up to noon was . I good all around and much specula lion was indulged as to who would ■ be the successful marksman. 1. ('all at the Palais Royal and si be convinced of the ent n I prices in arltcles in the store. i> null n!W Jas. Laces ..nd embroideries froiml i 1 emit per yard upward »it the [Palais lloyal. - foul Palais Roya