The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 15, 1890, Image 1

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1 eJ /-I r** 1 . WRiGirn • -■ I ’ —THE— I I CLOTHIER ’ I » < AND FURNISHER. St. Simon’s Li ne. SUMMER SCHEDULE. (Standard Ti ne.) On and after June 15th, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTUR E. From Brunswick— Steamer City of Brunswick for Ocean l li route for Cumberland, daily " a. m. Steamer rope < itlin. for Ocean Pier and Mills, a. m , 2:00 and 6:00 p. m. From Ocean Pier— ForSt Simon s Mills 9:00 a. in. ami 3:00 p. m. RETURNINS. Leave St. Simon’s Mills for Ocean Pier 10:00 a m *md *l*llo P iii. Leave i'ier for Brunswick 10:30 a. m„ 4:30 and 9:30 pm ’ SUNDAYS. City of Brunswick, en mute to Ciimherland. H *im a m *l*o|ie Catlin, for Ocean I ler only. 11:1.1 and 9:30 a. in , 2:3oand «:00| . ni. Ileturninjr—Steamer I’ope < atlin leave. £ let 7:30 and 10:1.1 a. m.. 1:00 and <.!::«> p. ni. Gnedsof Hotel Ft Simon'. diKirinr to visit < limla rland lain City of Bnin-ivnk a* Ocean Pier at 7:4.1 a m.. except on 'tinday a ■ mid parties deairon. of visiting >t. Simon a will la* Imled at Ocean Pier l>v t.lty of Briin-wiik op..n notice given, otiiosWisc tills steamer wll imp make the atop. Launeli Vision will leare Ocean Pier on M< n rtay. at 7:!3i a. in., for Ilnin.M lek, and other days when live nr Ilion-pel »->n - >i> deaire and ti iieiy uU•• I- given nt ll.d. i H -in '-. w ■ ■ 'Bs' tB iB igi IB' B 1 ■ iSSWBfiHiS ■ Dillon’s. Board Wanted. For a gentleman), wife ana' two small children in pleasant neighborhood. Private family preferred, best of reference. Ad dress Boarder, care Evening I’ ost Jelly and preserves—slb. bucket Gaels, at Dillon’s. Good I’osition. A bright, active boy, who is well acquainted in .the city, can secure a good position atotllce of The Eves ing Post. Must not be under six teen years of age. Largest stock of canned goods in | Brunswick: best goods and lowest ■ prices at Dillon’s. - Wanted. A gentleman with small family wants to rent at oncea small cot tage or three nice rooms, all fur uished or partly furnished Must be in good neighborhood* Re "erences first-class. Address with terms Lee, care Evening Post- Another Lot. James S. Wright,the clothier, cor ner Monk ami Newcastle streets has just received another large invoice of neckwear. Mr. Wright has probably sold more neckwear this season than in nnv two previous seasons and this last lot is, if possible, the most ele gant he has yet bad. ( all arid make your selection. Son ethi'g new in dies* shirts at J as. S. W right’s. iB *B 11 Hound to Win. I Boston Girl i’.ip.i, Mr. - coming hero to-night to press with you. Boston Papa—Does the young mam , apjifeeiato what an alliance with our house means I Boston Girl —Yes, papa, but Albert I I says he is bound to have me at any i price.—New York Ledger. ■» | Spectacles in Art. 1 : The earliest picture I know of is one by Domeniehino, in which St. Barthol omew “eeclesiam B. M. V. ledilicari jubet; et columna decideus Monachi ?jus discipuli jussu sistitur.” The saint stands in the center of the picture ex- * amining a plan through a pair of pinco- 1 n<‘Z., —Notes and Queries. Determined to Succeed. i ! Wadley—You have Lad a good deal s 1 of trouble getting Miss Gold ust to ac -1 cept you, haven’t you’ e; Dudely—Yes; but my last scheme I can’t fail to succeed. 1 sent her two photograplis of myself, and you know t i two negatives always make an affirma- ■ * ( iv i ■. <; 11.. ■ i>n Ili ui sdny. I7! h nun I.iw tin* team In contest will be elected, ! morning Savannah, Waycross ancr I Brunswick will cross guns again for I the state championship. The people Jot Brunswick sligll expect great things of the Glynn’s in this coming e * contest. Lime, V f from one barrel to five carload loss at Lloyd A Adams. '•S* ® vli AHjj. I* I Kiev. ‘•Little St Elij®»livth.‘*~-slr*. 1 ur-l ( ! jell. * “Micub C!a»k«.‘*—Cvfcuo Lofk. '” ! - -''•A ®