The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, September 20, 1890, Image 1

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lI.Y .EXCEPT* SUND.Vi. -A /1 F / \ ™ /I U# #N) bn r- X\ ' IM# 1 X®rfsW I BMR * SwM u v ' ■ ■ »*■ ' t # * Ml w| ' 11 W ‘dress Does not make i. man, but it ften makes a successful one. The most precious stone, you know: must be polished. —Lord Beaconsfield. AVE ALL KNOW This saying to be a true one and to help every citi zen of Brunswick to be suc cessful 1 have laid in the v-. *’ . ’ most complete stock of FURNISHINGS, A g I > Piece Goods This market has ever seen dy There will no longer be any " e xcu.-e for a man being out I of style. MwavaoaEMf 3K&K& Ji •HWM. My Tailoring depart- I ment ixa specially corn ice, . and being in I V# 1 < I charge of Winter | I a jhe John | ’J. Mitchell Co., of New i York city, all who give me the r’ orders may !> • expect perfect fits and || ENTIRE SATISFACTION. _ 1 / will continue to keep the celebrated Stein, Blocli & Co. Clothing, Dnnlap Hats, E. & W. collars ani cuffs, hi a complete lite of Fnrnish iJUS of llio test quality and latest styles. * * * *2* * * * * * * * *L* My friends and the public will alv ays be, t r in mind that [ guarantee the <piali y and make of all goods sold from my iicuse. JAS. S. WRIGHT, CLOTHIER, T Z 1- Q JR GEJTi FUBMISHEB. PFW EVENING POST. ■A RE*. • • ‘ 4.4 NS ' Do you waul one 1 rs. ( WEBER, . j Q PACKARD. >1 O STEINWAY, ’ >2 NEWMAN. 5 EW’.BErr. ciiVBCiiNCO f' < SILVER p-oT £ l >** J cn LOW PRESS AND EASY TERMS BRUNSWICK PALACE OF MUSIC-:- B. IRVINE, Manager. JrlaMtifaefurerks Agent Write for Catalogue SEWCA- 1 LE STKEKT, BKPNSWICK, GA. Brunswick Marble and Granite Works. ■ >■ Monuments and Tombstones reduced 25 per cent. Those Contemplating building should not fail to get prices on our elegant Marble and Marbleized Slate Man teds. Estimates for building trim mings, of best stone, cheer fully given. Respectfully, Wilcox & LaManace, 214 Richmond St. SH OBEsMI TH , DENT I S T . Oeifce —Newcastle street, over J. Michelson’ Store.s DRS. BRANHAM & CURRIE. Physicians and Surgeons. Office— 3l3K Newcastle Street. Office Hoi ks —s to :i; 10 to 12 a. m. Also 2 t) 5 and 7 to 10 p. 11. . _____ YOU CAN GET MONEY FROM THE BRUNSWICK LOAN COMPANY 422A Newcastle Street. o Loans made on Diamonds, Watches, Pistols* Jewelry and all peraojal effects. All transaction* piivaic and confidential. .MONEY TO LOAN On City and Farm Property at Lowest Rates. Apply to 11. 11. HARVEY at Court House. money to loan. Loans Negotiated on Real Estate at Lowest Rates. F. E. TWITTY, Attorncv-at-Law OFFICE : 312| NEWCASTLE St. NO ACCOUNT MERCHANTS We are called, and. we rejoice in the title. We are “No Account Merchants” because we do Allo taWosss Or, in other words, we save ourselves trouble, and our customers mon ey by doing business SMy Fof Cash Reducing our expenses to the mln imu.n, taking no chances of loss, and turning money over quickly, we are able to make lowest prices on all goods. We point to our prices in proof our statements, and invite the attention of e . NO ACCOINT CUSTOMERS. 'Io the advantages offered by the strictly one price cash system. Call on vs at our One Price Grocery iMre, And we guaranUe you will have more respect for a dollar w hen you find out how much it will do for you at BALL & BLACKSHEAR. 505 Gloucester St. 505, H. T. DUNN & SOX. Dinnet and Tea Sets, Chainlx'r Sets Fine Crockery, Lanip<, Fruit Jars 4S Ba-ket>, • IL'imimM'ks. Net* Oil Sloven, I'i-u.pi.*, 141 .'pie *.u rtuti >n*ry. Biai k at 11. T OCMV A FOO, i.!4 > f BRUNSWICK, GA.. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20. IS9O. IT COLLAPSED. The Longshoremen Will Go Back to Work Monday. Jla» The Tfeup Alon_r the Wharves Comes to An End —Colored Freight Handlers Paid All They Are Worth. The indications are that the kick made by the Brunswick ’longshore men against the new arrivals wrl? have expended its force to dity, and on Monday they will be back at work on the old terms. Yesterday the effect of the Protective Union’s card of explanation and proposition, as published in The Post, was anx iously awaited by the members. From the reports received at their headquarters in Odd Fellows' hull, Gio icester and Albany streets, it was evident that there was no disposition on the part of the stevedores or shippers to acCede to it, and the prospects began to look serious. A meeting was held last night, and, after a long and heated discus sion, it was decided that there was no prospect of their demands being granted. The discussion also discovered the fact that if the mat ter was allowed to continue without some understanding being arrived at, the upshot would be that a whole steamer load of first-class ’longshore men would be on hand shortly from New York. The prospect of being left entirely in the lurch had a weighty effect on the more sensible members. They argued that, as freights were now rapidly coming in, shippers would stand no foolishness, but take immediate steps to fill up the gap. This seemed to have_a cooling effect on the more Lot-headed mem bers, and it was decided that the best thing to be done was to go buck to work at the old terms, in prefer ence to being shut out entirely for the busy season. The bosses will be notified accordingly to-day, and on Monday the wharves, which, for the pas few days have been comparative ly deserted, will resume their usual busy appearance. The tie-up although it proved a very unwise move on the part of the Protective Union, shows the dispo sition of labor organization lacking level headed management to stop work for trivial or fancied grievan ces. The local organization imag ined it was only necessary to make a demonstration and have their de mands acceded to, in view of the large volume of freight coming in. The Protective Union claims a mem bership of 500 and with the opening of the cotton season, had an idea that it was a good time to make an impression. They have undoubtedly found out that In siness is busin ss and the law of supply and demand regulates the labor as well as well as other markets Important to Scholars It will soon be time for the schools to open, and the scholars should know where to go to get their SCHOOL BOOKS and SUPPLIES. We have the largest find finest assortment of above gbods ever brought to Brunswick. We keep a full stock of Books used in th« PUBLIC and PRIVATE, WHITE and COLORED SCHOOLS and SEASIDE COLLEGE, besides a large as sortment of Pens. Pencils. anJ Penholders, Book Bags, Book Straps, Scholars’ Companions, Straps, Tablets, Composition Books’ etc., etc., from five cents up. We guarai.tee prices on all our goods. Yours truly, H. T. DUNN & SON, 114 Newcastle St NOTICE TO PUPILS Os the Public Schools, their Parents and Guardians. N -w pupils will present themselves to the undersigned at the Glynn Academy, corner Egruon and Mima fie! 1 Btrci-t*. nt to <>\ l<>< k l iieolny moi niug, W| -|'’- iubei 2.1, j J'iipii* bolding prom <>r ad tnissi- D cards will not pre*< ut lhem-j Belo-, until the -»j«Linu. of the aebuoi-. <»n the b>ll*-w|ng Monday, hept. Jttt <;«;■ 1 4 pupiu *1“ pre--ut lli.-io »< St the rare* -lab a end hu-ifa to principal u< the >»> ie-'-l. Near p< wi» I *•< ,»<, 23. a»J li-vkltng t il* <»n M-'u-lay, I o, Ki >*« If <M<W, **!*< h'«fc i< ut ANOTHER BLAZE YESTERDAY. Two Residences and a Tenement Consumed—fn a Dilemma. Yesterday was a lively one forth lire department. Besides the mom ing alarm from the burning carload of cotton, another one came in about 6p. m. from box 32, corner Albany and L streets. Policeman Lyles discovered smoke coining froin a new tenement building known as Ghnby’s Ark, at Johnson and M streets, The department responded prompt ly, and attached to the nearest plug *at AVcrlf and L streets. Both reels of hose were quickly strung out, but the burning building was a long distance from the n -zzle, and a dash was made for more hose. By the time the return trip had been made the Ark, which proved a veri table tinder box. was beyond re demption. The flames had also extended to the adjoining residences of John Brown and Peter White. The latter could be reached by the stream, and it was turned on without a moment’s loss. The steamer at this time had on a pressure of 140 pounds of steam, and the line of hose extended 3,032 feet from the plug. The fire was con fined to the house occupied by White and extinguished after the place had been nearly wiped out. Brown carried .SSOO insurance in thiT Merchants’ of Newark, N. J., represented by Mr. T. O'Connor, Jr. The Ark was recently built at a cost of $2,000, and is a total loss. The origin of the fire was un questionably the act of an incen diary. Susie Johnson, an old ne gross living in the vicinity, saw a suspicious-look’ing negro emerge from the building just previous to the fire. He disappeared inimedi ately. The police are working up the case. GEORGIA IN BRIEF Items of Interest From all Over the Empire State. The Dawson oil wells are running night anil day. Irwinton has raised SIOOO to start a newspaper. Rattlesnakes are numerous in Madison county. The Baptists, of Hawkinsville, are a successful revival. The Atlanta street car mule is. to be turned out to grass. ElectXcity did it. Simin Graham shot and killed John Snell with a Winchester rille, yesterday, at Baxley. The Gamewall police, signal has been adopted by the police commis sioners of Atlanta, Die Gress Zoological Garden han been reinforced by the arrival of a cub bear from Americus: A Bibb county candidate has an nounced through the columns of the Evening News that he can both read ami write. The directors of the Bank of Sumter, Americus, have called for fifty per cent, of the capital stock subscription of SIOO,OOO. A new, light hook and ladder truck thirty-two feet long, weighing 3,0001b5., has been added to the At lanta fire department. I', would seem from the interview with the Savannah News reporter that Norwood would be veiy glad to don the senatorial toga. A. W. Wimberly, a notorious ne gro politician who has been en gaged as a public school, teacher in Augusta, has bee i “fired.” Savannah has a dandy mayor. He was fined $25 the other day fir being drunk and attempting to make an unlawful arrest. The Rome Tribune says: “The presidents of the Whitfield, Polk, Murray and Paulding county alli ances are republicans: the trustee of Chattooga county is a republican, and the lecturer of Floyd county a republican ” ♦ ♦ - - Gov. Gordon's Appointments. To day nt Concord camp ground near the line of Forsyth und Dawson counties Gov. Gorden is billed for an address before a big gathering of farmers. His other dates as urran ged up to this lime are us <y*lloiy» At McDonough, Henry coynty, on Tuesday, 23d. At Helena, Tslfair county? on the 251h.’ Al Monroe, Walion <ounty,r>n lb* 27tli, Other uppoir.liuents will be jritvle laUr. , AHEAD OF ALL. ■ z A Gigantic Railroad and Steam l ship Combination Formed. " i . it will C< rol Rates BetwOen New Vc and All Southern Ports, Besides Interior Points— . -j Jay Gould’s Latest ! , Move. Tire biggest and moaVfar reaching 1 thing 'among trusts and pools in 1 transportation circles has just • leaked out. It includes the different lines of steamers plying between ■, the Eastern and South Atlantic and ■ Gulf ports and the Huntington and 1 G uild railway systems, together with tic principal steamboat lines in the S< uthnert. b It will be known ns the Suulheaat ’ ern Railway and Steamship Associa -1 tipn. Mr. J. F. Golden,' formerly traffic manager of the East Tennes -1 see system, is slated for the cbair- > manship of the new pool. The ar- * rangements have all been made, and ■ the contracts between the heads of the different railway and steam ship lines have been consummated. This move is an aggressive one 1 against the Terminal system, which began the initiative, only on a less I far reaching and comprehensive ■! scale. The latter has the Ocean ; Steamship line from Savannah, and also close relations with water trans j portation lines at West Point, near ‘ Richmond, besides the prospect of ■ tapping Baltimore at an early day : through the Baltimore and Ohio - ■ railroad. The position of the Mallory Line I I in the big deal is not bard to arrive at. official has been ic 1 ' ceivcd at the company’s office here— ! for publication. It can be pretty safely put down lhat they are not entirely left out in the wet in a case of this kind. The outcome cannot prove otherwise than to the advantage of Brunswick, as it presages more competition among . the transportation lines centering here. Mr. Fuller, the Mallory line’s re { postulative was not inclined to dis cuss the matter at length, in the ab sence of specific advices from head quarters. Additional details will be’ forthcoming in a few days. Draymen Race. This morning about 7:30 o’clock the citizens living on and near Lon don and Unioh streets were brought to their front doors at a double quick. The cause of all the commo tion was produced by the heavy rumblings of two old drays which were being drawn at a furious rate by the poor beasts attached to them. Two negro draymen who had evi dently heard of the wonderful feats of n tmol and Salvator decided to test _the virtue of their animals as blooded racers and the track selected for the race was on London street commencing at Union street and ex tending down to Wolf street. The racers took their positions, the word “time” was called and then began ' the greatest (?) race ever ran in thio city. The course was about four hundred yards long and the remar kable race was made in llvq minutes. ’ As each dray monopolized one half > of the street it would have been im possible for another vehicle to have . passed them with any degree of safety especially if a lady should i have hail control of the reins. This was a flagrant violation of the law and the police should give the mat . ter thorough ap prehended the guilty parties should be prosecuted to the extent of the law. A Grateful Recognition. President Ullman, of the Ogle - tborpe National bank, delighted the fire laddies this morning. To show his appreciation of their efficiency, he gave them carte Blanche at Apt's for new headgear all around. The boys were in high feather, as new caps were the one thing urgently needed. They selected a‘ neat dressmg ar j. tide of dark blue, with brass button* und heavy visor. Ihe policemen are ; nlreiuly cas'ing jealousglancA at the jaunty est 11 pro-lured. if - 1 » ♦ Take your fine reoair work to Mott, , the jeweler. The cheapest and best place hi the city, 215 Newcastle *'t. J - i Want Ml. Uui I*l gal Uiurd in a nice pii- - vale l.miiy, l omulo- nt to businsa. Apply at tjvr.Miso Post. SATURDAY’S SCRAPINGS. The Day’s Doings Briefly F ara graphed by * The new additions to the lire de partment will be completed Monday. Mr. E. Simkins and Mr. J. T. Mc- are both quite ill with fever. Hanover park is being placed in excellent condition by park keeper WilsOn. Breedlove, the stationer, sold one hundred copies of “Kreutzer Sonato” this week. Next Wednesday is the Jewit-h holiday known as Yom-Kippur <Y day of atonement. Glauber & Isaacs arc removing 1o their new quarters in the Dillon building on Newcastle street. ■ The Glynn Gun Club held a very interesting meeting on the club grounds yesterday evening. Mr. C. W. Deming, the popular manager for J. S. Wright, is a hus t'er in every sense of the woid. 'I he Centr'd hotel office is beii g handsomely furnished and is now one of the most attractive places in the city. Any merJliant or citizen receiving snninions from King Conius, should be careful to heed the same and obey, <>r the severest displeasure of the king will come upon him. Don’t forget M. J. Parker when in need of job wolk. He does his work quickly, neatly, and at very reasona ble pric-s. Call and see him, Kaiser block, over Lloyd & Adams. PERSONAL MENTION. Superintendent Edgar 11. Orr is back home from Atlanta. Mr. J. I). Turner of'Cincinnati, is in the city today. Mr. J. P. Nelson of Albany, is reg istered at the Ocean Hotel. Capt. P. S. Morris’ many friends will regret to hear of bis severe illness at his home on Richmond street. Miss Ida L. Reeve, principal of the Nelson Grammar school is ex pected to arrive the city this even ing. Miss Ida will take rooms with Mrs. Taylor on Union street. Mr. M. K..Southerland of Knox ville, Tenn., is in the city to day. He will be here to-morrow also. Mr. George M. Johnson of Dalias, Texas, is in this city for a few days. From here be goes to New York by the Mallory steamship line. Prof. Alfredo Barilli of Atlanta, is expected to spend to morrow in this city and on !jt. Simon’s. Prof. Barilli has jqst returned from a visit to his aunt Madaipe Adelina Patti at Craig a’nos cattle in Wales. Hostilities Continued Last night two white nun became involved in an alteration on H street near the East Tennessee railroad. The light was according to the Mar quis of Queensbury rules and no damage was done further than the putting of a ibnple pair of eyes in mourning and the loss jot a fqiv locks of raven hair. They escaped the vigilance of the officers. - Another fight occurred this morn ing on the boulevard just below the Brewery. This time the combatants were ebony sons of Ham. The fight brisk and to the point and as a, result one of the par ticipants is minus a couple rows of pearlj’ white teeth. They trfso made their escape. Reckless Bonfires. The practice of dumping waste paper and other debris in heaps in the street and burning it is becom ing a nuisance. Not only so, but there is danger of criminal careless ness, in the practice leading to se rious results. This morning a Post reporter ob served one instance in patticular, showing a flagrant disregard ofordi nary esution. A large heap was in full blaze within u few feet of a pile of emp y packing boxes. Na atten tion was being given it, and a sudden I gust of sin-1 would have ignited the j whole collection. New Fall hats and the popular Nelly Bly caps at Miss Shearer’s • • • ♦- The Ri’le Club. I he membership of the Brunswick yiilc < lub is being increased every day. A great deal of interest is be - ing manifested in rifle shooting just tin*, ami it is safe to Say lhat the rille club will be cue of the most pop ular mguuizstion's in Hie city in the near futus*.-, I PRICE 5 CENTS ANNOUNCEMENT ♦ v ■£. •- w We Lave taken thia space in the Evening Post, and propose to furnish the many readers of the paper some very interesting facts on the subject of Dry Goods, Clothings Boots and Shoes and Furnishing Goods, We will receive in a few days a tremendous stock in the above lines, every article selec ted with care by our Mr. Walker, end with an eye single to the especial wants of this community. Having earned the title of “leaders of low prices,” we will continue to deserve it, and our friends and the public generally may upon v.s to supply their wants cheaper than any } one else can do. A • Always keep your eye on w *■*' * this column, a list of prices will * soon be furnished that will almost startle you. 4 . You will wonder how We manage to goods, first-class goods too, so cheap, but it you _ get the goods you do not need an explanation. However, if you insist upon knowing wc will take pleasure in informing you. Every visitor to our store will be waited on courteously whether they wish to buy or not. J.J.Lissner,<& Co. Leaders oj LOW PRICES.