Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1860-18??, February 27, 1861, Image 1

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THE I Brunswick Advocate. I’l BI.ISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY •T. >. .A K y EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. / TERMS: Two Dollars a year in advance. If payment be delayed six months, Two ’ Dollars and Fifty cents. If not paid un til the end of (he year, Three Dollars. The Advocate oilers superior induce incuts to advertisers. • Job-Work done with neatness and dis- : pjdch. ' Legal Advertisements. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, i Executors. or Guardians, are required by law to nSe held on the first Tuesday in the month, be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three fin the afternoon, at the Court House in the conn-,' tty in which the property is situated. Notices of Vhe sales must be given in a public gazettee forty I days previous tr> the day of sale. Notices for the sale of Personal Property, must be given at least ten days previous to the day ot sale. Notices to Debtors atul Creditors of an Estate , must be published forty days Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary tor leave to sell Land or Ne groes. must be published weekly for two months. ’ I Citations for I. ters of Administration, must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Administration, monthly, for six months—tor Dismission from '.J urdianship. lorty days. • Rules for Foreel s tr< ofMor g; ge nust be tb- lish.-d monthly for four months—for establishing , lost papers, for the full space ot three month: for compelling litk-s from Executors or Adminis trators, where a bond has been given by the de- , ceased. the full space of three n. nths. 2 Publications will always be continued ac cording to the above rule, unless otherwise or dered. Professional Cards. T . X. GA 12 AS ’. 31. Attorney eund Counselor AT Ta A. W AND SOLICITOR IN' EQUITY, HrunsYVirk. Georgia, to him in theC ng theßt tnswiek Circuit. ~ ’ IL .. 'A.. OX, attoiix A r r law. TH AI•E i!S iI i .L. GA. th Colinr.b'.a. Nev. iliv.-r. air-i Nassau. 1. ada. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cll ? -I I. i O N '• >' I’ ?• 1 Y. GA. All orneye atL u v. i-e stf ' ■ .5"-A- x 21 i - .■ ... QTY AT*LAW. IGIA. the E, ■tern ( ireu'.t. ATTCRNSL’ AT LAW, Dll GN-WICK. GEO IL 1! A. D. -kCit it.;.- >, in the Co mti isofThom as. Lot ■- and Berrien in th S tuthern Ctr- jttly 1-i-ly 3 L A : ’5. "L S 5 " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWB K. GEORGIA. Will pr< i] yat nto > isli ssent -us te 1 to their ■ are in the Bntnsv t-k ( nut, and in ■ ... ies of Duval. St. • n I nam. > ■-- lucia and Orangt in FioriJi. July 14-1" G, *3, Wf S.i,!.N Attorney and Counselor AT LAW, WAKESBORO’, < i A, rsto T. N. < r. Esq., Br ■ 'id . Ga. ! sept 15-tt JA.IfL?- !>. IkI'OVXEIA, A'r roitAi-v A F i.AW, WALTIR H'RVILLE, LIBERI'Y C<>UNl Y GA. Will practice- in all tie. Counties of the Eastern Circuit. Also, in the counties-of > - :■<•<.•, ami Ware- of th< Brunswick Circuit. sept 15-ts Books for Sale. i person in want of Books can i-upph them •\ selves by calling at tl.l- office. where tla-y can get Bible. .School books. Law book. M-di cal book. Religious books, and Book on < ookery. < SC BL VEN HOUSE, vit 11, <*ii. \f[{< J. 15. FOLEY, Proprietress. IDIIS new ami clegmit Hotel, i routing Morm . 1 ment Square, is now in complete order, and ready to accomodate in lino style, the tb.d eijng public. The room, .re large glairy, ™<l I. equal re 1 Tn.-mot and Steamboat Landings, to from the House at half th T>ay tt' 'mention to hired runners or. the Boats who Will recommend you to inferior Houses. iune 30-ts Ordinary’s .Notice. Executors, Administrators, ami Guardian.s i ITe not made their returns for the year S-0 are hereby notified to make them forth- Xb.i.ey win Ordinary. ——- e* ii ~ixjmxj»®suaa>M-v;f.;riuu /i mu 111—!■ ■!■■■■■ 111 _ii. l ■ ■ i ii> i iiiiwßi'TFf*TTrwifTiirwrMMf~TrTiCTiTir* TJir't.. ju 7zJr** / - £ "> /-a ♦ j ■ uhflfi f VOL. 1. 50.000 Copies already Sohl? w • \ Evmbodvs Lawyer • • C axp COUNSELOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, o e t n i: r ii 11 *‘ lll Al! ' 1! It Tells Yot How t.» draw up Partnership pa pepers and gives general form.' tor Agreements cfall kinds, Bill,- o!'Sale. L.'a-'es and Petitions. I r Tells You Hew t<> dr.'.w up I’-onds and Mort gages. Affidavits. Rowers of At torney. Notes and Bills of Ex I ehang. Receipts and Releases. .It Tells You ihe Laws for the Collections o Bel ts, with the Statutes of Lim itation. and amount ami kind oi property Exempt from Execu tion in every Sime. ; It Tells You How to make an Assignment properly, with, terms for Compo sition with Creditors, ami th, In -elvent Laws of every Stale, i It Tells Vou The legal relations existing lie t wee.i' ttar ii.m and Ward. M is ter .util Apnrentico. ami I.mid lord mid Tenant. I 1 r Tells You AVhatcon titutes Libel and slan der. and the law as to Marriage • Bower, the WTe's Right in Prop erty. Bivera:;-; Alimony. It Tells You The Law for Mechanics’ Liens in every St • \ and the Nmmal izati- u L ;V. s of thi< .-.juntry . and how to comply with the same. If I ELLS YOU Th" 1., - ..a' ;g Berni - mid ’now to e >;:• n nr, :;.i i th P.-e-empti m La w s t-> publi It Tells You f'_ ... t'or P. 1 ems. witii mode of pre.,-,.. ire in obtaining otte. Uli I of Fl- -. 1 r Tells You How t . \ ml!., w to Adniia.-t ■- i." E ate. the law an i ih tvinMai.'j.s th- .'cof it every Se.i -. It Tells Yet' i’,• of Ltn. Term-: in er..' .■ ■ i ...■• 11 \ -i i::.: e-. It Tells You !i ■ . ; •nt . i. i. y ■ ■ \. ; ~ io’:, bv i; > t:;;1- ' r c-' . S'n f pi i■■ ill nai p tagepaid, t ■ ■ Ev< i y ?:■ n .■ . - s< mid Everybody, in Every S fSI ■’ O'J . > ; ■ ,\ ■ i ■ : ■ . a; en .-. with <>l-ad- junct 3 Im V/'h-O; 1 £ ill ? \ I 1 ’ ’I (ir<iceries. Win ; and L plots ol all kit Is, Fo-'. S -got'. X'. Briinswiek .(in. mi .- xo-tf WnaiEvcrj ’.'/ant.-. 1116 £ iiiiiiA ijtiCiOi « e, / C‘)Nl AINIXG SIMPLE HEMECIEs. liAs-ILY t>l:TAiNill> toltTlli. Ci'ltl. I- n.SEASt.s itt ILL rO's’lS. BY PROP. IIIiNRC S. TAYLOR. ?L B. It Te;.!.s You How to ailemi u ion ii»-• sick, and h-.w to e....i. f.,r th -in: how to ;a i Low to g.t ag.iin.-i infce t: -n ft -11 !’> tit: ion 1 'iseascs. It Tells You Os v <■ •- cm- n-es of ( hil < ami give.- ii.e best ;.au simple: t mode of treatment du ring t eething. Convulsion--. Vac cination. Mea.-- Ir Tells Yot; li ■ symptoms of Croup. Cii ilera 1 iif.'.nt am. <' ■>l i c. Bi .rihu-a. V/orms.-.- dleu Hegd Ringworm ( :.i -k'-iii..Ac., and gives you ii: .• r . !,. 'is -for their c re Ii Tells You v imd ■, nd Bili >us, Yellow, l’y- l ot!1(r '•■'-'Ci'--’, mi l gives you the the best and simplest remedies for their care. It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Drop- . < ioiit. p.he'miatism, Lamia; l-i; -ipelii*. ,te.. ami gi\ s y :ico. -t I-.:;.indie? for their cure. Ir Tells You '■■■>■■ .a- .;-,i... <f ('h'.-lcr,i Mor on-. M iwii.-nt Cholera, Sm-.l Pox, 1 iy- ntery.t ’i .imp. I is ■ ■ of the Bladder, Kidm-;. Sand Liv er, and the best remedies for their cur.-. B Tells Yo l Ti -■ a.!- of Pl eu r i sy. Mump . \.-ur.dgi;-.. Apopl xy. Par. .y.-i.-. the various Diseases of iiie 1 iiroat. Teeth. Liar and Eye, ami the bc.-.t. remedies for i heir cure. It Tells Yot '1 he -.mpu.m- of Epil-qi-ey, Jaundice. Pile-. Rupture. Dis es of the i h art. 1 jcinorra-.'e. 'Veueral Disea-'.-.-, and Hydro phobia. mid gives the best rcm edie- for their cure. It Tells Yor '1 im 0.--' ami .-dmplic.itm> iit for Wounds. Broken Bone-; am! Dislocations, Sprains. Lockjaw, Fever sore-. White Swellings. L leers. \\ hitiows. Boils. Scurvy. Burns and Scrofula. Ir Tells You (Jf the \arioas diseases peculiar to fiamii --. an t gives, the best ami -impie-t remedies for then cure, together with many valua ble him- for the personation of health. The work is written in plain language, ire< from medical u mi-, -o as to be easily and tota| while its simpl -t recipes may soon d,n mauv times the cost of the book. It is. predeti in a clear and open type; is illustrat.i.-d with. io< propriute engravings, ami will be forwarded y< • your address, neatly bound and postage <l. on receipt of § 1. SIOOO A 1 iiAllS'pX-ii, erywhere, in selling the above work, as our in duesments to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms t< agents, with other information, apply to our ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street Philadelphia, P* b’ebruary 27, isei. I*V. Ti feH. N. HEIDT, AVHOLESALE AND RIITAIL Dealers in Drugs. Medicines. Perfumer','. Fan- » ey Hoods, Alehohol, Camphene, Oils. Harden Seeds, Ae„ Ac.. Ac. Orders from the country are respectfully solicit -- ed. ami the'same tilled with neatness and dispatch is Corner Broughton ami Jeilerson Streets, under s St. Andrew's Hall. Savannah. Ha. sept S-ts t- I ■ « 'I VALUABLE GIFTS 1( - WITH BOOKS a r GEO. G-. EVAN’S* Oh’ltnYAL ' Gift Book Enterprise the Werhl! I’i'JiM K.X'I’I,A' LOCATED 1 -YF l.'i'J ('IiKSTXU’i' STllbjjT l= > hiladolp'..Ma„ —: x: — >! Nl’ 1! 't i i i‘ t) I ‘ TI! ;•] TH T r-r v *’.! /'/A ‘'y y ' X". 139 C-'Z - ■ ■. (z/kZ .- ; . ■ ~, ■■ '■ ■ - ■ ,ic to faeilitat ion bos tieula ' / ■ ’ • ' Xl'lt 1 O/Z/U-ZA <.• (t \l ’ -yc O.'/c ■■■;'■ It/bOO O 7 - ■ ■' ■' '■ W' - -T--C. Aw.,- , /-Z ’ ... .... ... :... . . , • ■ I >,■ Doll ■■ ,1 ' ■ ' ■ - . ■ ' : Zfl .. a'. .. .... ■...// , y . , ■ i . S:■ ? I > 'j’i • ( EO.RG .E G. EVJ K'S, iP.i.L'.i.LM i:?<.;: j AVI : ■ all hm-k .. Id a yy ' 1 . i ■'. V'mtlTllm: -. TOSIOO v, ■; -.j r,<;: •<; >. i . EX.\ys‘ (» •’ * . ■ »;’)< ’<!i*. < i- -Ir-.' m ■ in ii L'ni: ,-d Si..- E< i. o. I; net ' y . :: fiction <■' over L. .<",o ciiizens of Ur- i’: :;>d .- .m- . each of tial e\ idet •• ■ ol the benefits de rive; Ir. inilch: -big 1.0, It,- at Ill'S ■ '-l -’.-m-It. HEO. G. E'.ANS H- ' mm-imirc than any other publi -.or book seller in the si.wh; ■ • Io >!>.• people. . J : '. i.i .- . arc a . i.' I . 'in- -. ! ■ would ' u’-h-m ■ Y'- jG- 'li'r.-iik ; -1.. N, w.-p;.; ■ r. | Gi?'. G. EVANS K- : -■ e.iu- : n ly o-ij.amt th< tm.isi exti nsive sio'.-k.iii" great . - ■ : in: -nt of B . and .-ir ii! ! ■ ■- f: -r to all who may apply, ilm most oomph I. cata logue of Books ami < tills in the I 'nite'd States. GEO. G. EVANS ii:,.; ,G...nt go -oflered him by other imßlidiers and matiu- Ih.-tu -■•=•- Hile him io furnish his pair,.a.- with a liner meut <>!' ..-If ■■ ih.m any other I-.- I ..!■■ i ina- GEO. H. EVANS Pif.lish- - Tvo Hun- dred Pt.-- d . :n-i lidere ting | Book.-, th: 1 •.-for;-. ; gc.l.w. h <-r. Ir- i- r evtra pn-iiih.i.i. . ml .-jti.i.m- GF.t). (1. E\'ANsGii.'.j. -rn <•! .-.ui-faciion to all who :u .y send i'or books. ■ GEO. G. EVANS'New classili.-d catalogue of books eniiirm-i- the writings of ev'-n standard author in eve ry department of literature ; ai.d giv, - all Un- inforinalion relative if> th.' purt'lmsm.'. mid forwarding by Mail or Express of books ordered from I. ;.- e.-- tal'ii-hiii'-iil, logetht-i' with full . directions how to remit immey. GEo. G. EVANS'Catalogue of Book.-, will be soul gratis ami free of expense to any address in the i nited . GEO G EVANS' tits to Xo.-ut s «-;<n- j ' not nt- .-in-passed. '! I- ■ most liberal eominissions are oJi'ered ami By soliciting siiiisi-rijitions to books in th" manner pro pose' I.twenty books call'iie sold in the same lime that it i-tjeiiir ers tosell one on the old )'a:-h'u ti J ,-itl'.-‘•l ipl ion plan. Send for a <■!;'.- ified (,'atalogue, ami eve ry information will be given in reference to agenek s. Se lect your books, enclose the amotmt of money required. and*one trial will satisfy you that Hie best place in the coun try to purchase books is at o 'l’ll lx HXTE.YSI \'E Grist Book Establishment i- or ; G'A’O. <!. No. 43!) Chesiutii. Street, Philadelphia. i . '/on can, </et Hooks <>j a.ll •Books of Fact! Books of Fiction ! ■“W Books of devotion ! Books of Anmscment! 4! independent in nil Ihings—Neutral in nothing; ■ Books tor the Old Folks! Books for the f Young Folks! Books i’or Husbands! , ifboks for Wives! Books tor Lovers! q Books for Sweet hem is ! I’.ioks for Boys! Books for Girls! Books of Humor! Book, of Poetry ! l ooks of Travel! Books of History ! Books of Biography! Books of Adventure! Books about Sailors! Books about 1 Soldiers! Booksabout Italians! Books , about lluntt rs! Books about Heroes j. Books about Patroits! B inks for Far- mers ! Books for Mechanics! Books for Merchant.-! Books for Physicians! ■ Books for iniwyers! Books lor'. tea men ! Bibles! Presentation Book.- ! •* Prayer l-oiiks! Hymn l.’-ioks! Ju venile Books ! Annuals! Albumsete. <'ceil B Hartleys Interesting Biographies! Rev. J. 11. Ingraham's Romances! Smueker's Livos of Patriots A Statesmen! J. S. Lauren's Revolutionary Stories! T. S. Artur's Popiil-tr Tab's! Dr. Alcott’s Fmaily I'e-tor! .I'rs. IL iilz’s Novel-;.' Ms.-. Soatliwo: t h’c; , Novels! Not, Is! Dickens’ Novel.;.' Waverly Nove' -! Irving’s Worlts. All the writings of e\ .' lan iard ami:.a-in every depai'tmciit of lit, r. '. in even s;yle of | biii-ling. at th ' pahli-':er‘: i.'We I n-ice. ami i'e meml that y:m pay n-> more ih m would I :;i any other t st.ilnishmeiil. an I yi.;i have the I ml v.mtage of rec-civitig an clcg.-mt i’l i-.-en:. which i ol'letiiinies is woiil; a hitmhetl. I'-’ld more :!v itmoiiiit j- id for the book. b’OK A Ct.All'.' till C ATALOG UH 01- IB O O K S . Order any hems, that you m ;y w.ait. remit the r t.;il pri< e to.’.ei I. r wiiii ihe mmmm. : giirc-i for po.-tugn. and one tri.d will a.-, i r.' y>;it th;.. ' the best i in the e-iimt! ■; to ]-.;iivii:t.-;' books ■ J i ,:;l the ‘ i G*'/? ;!< '/: Z-i- 'd .-■ .' o/' (;Ei»!■(: I'UE\_\s. Originator oi' i: e <.m L'>ok 1 .nterpris:'. No. 13:) t t r, Pi.: LA DELPHI.'.. ’ IXI A G-ENTS WANTED, ■ \ Is- :ier in 1:1 ■ -a: ::ts .m cv,-:- are of —A:iV :11. cii’ -•;• ill <(‘ of fcihal who . i. ,■./ z'/Ob', i: t.d in hieli ■i- i mi ■ ti.s * ‘ ’ .'I-.-- Z . ":ii st" ■ ! Or in. ny . ' .i. ~, nneruted in I • " •••. ■ . 7 i' •; c' h. .-ending-: . ii: : Ot' .-J : ii/: . i:-’ ;■ ; ;;/• C,f ] u ' GEOItGE ( . EXANS, f"<>i ■ , m; :.. . a' i> T 'I *- -l V ' " W 'A . . ~ - • !’• It IN THE WG’.'l.D, Z ; io//y • . XO. !' A(ui ••; v . S i i!E I ‘iil.A I'EI.l HI A. m:g l-C;.i .V. <i 2SS i? 2 5 <i-•j ;<. >? •’>; J*'; 1 1 < - U/G.i. i c ...... I 1,... il- Co-.i't hmm.' door in ’ ' I'u may a " :vo .-n li ■ 1 gal hours of <alc, one . htm ire . ml lifcy-nhic acj-cs.m< re or less, ofland. | lyliivia th.-'- uni.. . -.-.. mi. n r Pit.ii.illowav, and a j >inii glim of Willi mi Mmid ■■ Set bora Ra‘.v 11 ,:nd \ acant lai tland on the r<>ad lern'in > ' > Fort Barrin >;t in t ■ Pli I ollowar brid-e x. )'< ’agreeably io 0.-.| :• ■ ft!,.. ;; . of Ap; ling ■ ■ :i:ty. : - tl;. p ■ ; .-i ty of William i-:.lW'. .. ('• ■ . .1 ed. forth" ben-tit of ill.' l:<-h< O1 said de: Teg,is made kmi'i, t-n ’hod.v "i -a1... J. ,< ABBOTT. Adm’/. ' nov. ! .'th 2i:i ViJI h U Jk I; VJ U Fj L V I Bj2 J J ’ 0 9 =1:1 i'll* 5? a # LSISB .Si'4, <j.v. THOMAS I! ILL! EG, [’lo'-kiktoi;. ' T'Hi 's| I,m lid Hotel i op. -, f,.r tl." re.'eptkm 4 and aeconiniod.'.tion ol'P -.c ders. Tram-it tit < r Permam'ii!. 'ihe proprii"..:' \. J) -p ri . nt, pa: : ■ to m iko his gu * comfortable mid contt nted. i I he h'.-st till- c ..miry ::i;b;-ds \\ ill l.e foun I on his table. The healthfuhies.; of Brun.-wiek. at all seasons of th.-year, nr kes i: -ie-mvbl" as a residence for Invalids Seeking Health, or pc. om in s archof a lie.iltiiy siimmer resort In e >llll- < lion v ith 11. is 11- n -i- is a I'm..- large . X K Is i XA/J.X for the aeconmiodaf ion ot'those who mav desire to enjoy .Sailing Exciirsiims. The witter.- of Brunswick Harbor, are the lim.'.-t in the world For Pleasure i/xcursioiis and abound with the tim’-i Fish and (•y.-ters. A Stable is ;:ls<> connected with the House, llorsesami Bugg'ies lurmshed io all who may . desire them. july 21-Gin 't-'h? Great PiH. t A';. -I. P. f'RE.'.GER. i- (1,,. .. neral ;-g 'iil- 1 i ' whim .-..e- ami r.-lail. t'or Dr. Wheating's ee 1 . ebraied Female Pills. ?'Z-.-. /7,'0 orc li'i'Di ral- oobl'' for bulics ; I/,, n vAii. / //." -H-oolIlh) i-oiir.- s vlo-ii, tb-y looy stop hoot o.uij'o '-n u:lmt r. I hey never have failed in any ease where the directions around the bo.', containing the pill have been strictly followed; indeed, . there is no case of lai lure ever come to our kno wi nd ■-. Bein pun vegetable, they are ]terfi'et- 1 I.V safe, .'ingle boxes mailed to order, post paid upon the receipt of one dollar, by Dr. -I. P. CREAGER Baltimore city, Md. I A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent post I age stamps'as good as monev. oct 6tf 2 g>plasi£' Coss ant y. TWO months after date. I will apply to the .1 Court ot Ordinary of Appling eountv, for leave to sell a negro belonging to the estate-o Silas < 'n>sliv dee-.-a.sod. STEPHEN CPiOSRY, Executor, nov. 17th. 2in Dr. J. BOVEE DODS’ ii 53 P RIA E, Ws A g'] BI IT r J? E2 H : |R r. m,Lie from a pure and mmdiilo n'.it'd Wine, -ixwhich is about doubh? the usual strength el' other \\ ines, ami -is imported only bv one hous-.-' m the I nited St a ,es. Also, from the i'.il'owin valuable Roots, Herbs. Ac., viz: Solomon’s Seal. Spikenard. Comfrey. Chamomile flowers. Gentian Wild Cherry Tree Bark, ami Bayberry. liX’ (77.1 AA/XX/X UP] WX ? HUD TO PRODUCE THE Ili EQ 0 AL: I cdo not i■■ ’ • ? ' \’ * <' ■ , • ■ Roots “know only' to the Indit n r fS nth Amer ce.. I I : : . L i : h rirto,” but wt claim to . r. ,nt to the public a truly \:-lttal>le preparation, wiiidi i-verv imol ligenl Physieian in the coiuil.y will approve of ::ml recomim-iid. As a t.-medy to; - Int ipient Consumj lion, Weak Lungs, Indig stion. I »•,c; - Diseases of I ■ a- rvous Systi m. paraly -L. Dise es pecu- H: ■ to! mail s, debility s , ami all eases - ■ niling I. . ! ■ Bor S 'i.- I’lin >a .so comm >n ai im . the Ch i— they m • truly v..!::.J,!0. lor the age-] [ infirm, or so- per-,ms oi'a : weak eon tilution—for Ministers of the Gospel. L ami .’ 'r public .-pe..1,-.- -for B;>ok l« pe.-s. fa’!".-..n-ii-e--, ; Students. Art'-ts. ■on I all i ■■ I- . ii:,.. a sed -tiuir IT' I will | rn; - truly b '-icliei.;!. ■ ■ verago, t!'c_ ... v. i. '• ■ ome, innocc nt ddel; lou to 1.- . ■ -. Tl ..... h. - , lithe ■ ' ' ■ Wine, wiiho ;nd e : i . ■ :.:-.'a vi.imible remedy for y ■■ .. ad i ;oe\e-.- i.. ■ .- of str . . :'riiii<, .mii v. i i > i-.. i .-'hi fr a i it. 'i hoy .r • j urc ;ml ; nt;rely free fr< . :!. t ' : .] i„ the 1 ■ ■■ ; ; ond Liqu ■■ w .. hi< h the ' 1 ■ ■' •" o ■'• - ;t I i;:. Im. i 11E\ i.’-. i i - ‘.and ; mid be use by ml who live in . : c tn wl re th; yvi tc ris had, Gr v . 1< re Chilis I ! - ■' ' I’ievah.-: . i-;-i:,g L .--ly imm- I e.'.-g tl : , y m; r i■ • : f.’eely to ' I".:’:!;-.',) 1. ' Im'.mi .m. . cate of "hum . should assist in ... , -.. ... . .•. ... j..-.. : . . x . Si '. .a . . in L.misim . A... 5; > I i LG I. I i-mmmijtints. 7S Witdm.i ■ ’reel. New Yot k. ■- :1 by JAMES BLAIN. ‘io ( Jonsumptives. i' g ■ er, ht v ing b< 'n rc-:forcdt;> health * in a I v simple i < Iv. as- . terhav: . ral yet -s with ;• severe hn' •'■ ■ n,*aml that dr •.: disease. Consump- ’ tion I • io hi- fellow’- ■ " ■.d. m ■ it. L. w ill -,-nd a eoi.'.-ofthe | ■m - • Itl I .;•■ e ch ,i ..j wif hI he direc- ! tsms for pr ']iat iug ami u.-im the : m<. which Hey will iimlstir -u- : ; ' ni . Asth- ' i:. "■ : s-. ac. Th" on!. .;■■ tof the Ad- vertise r is to : nclit th ■ afllielt d, an spri. d in- I fotmation w’l i< h h ■ con cives to 1.,- irn ahtable, , t.nij hi Imp? ■■ ;. sttfli r will fry his retnedy, | as it costs them iioihin.. ;md nmy prove a bless- I iug. I'artii - wishing the pr< scription will please i • R’ . Ei'-.V \I;D \. WIL.-gn' i William-; :..g. I-,’.. ountv. New ’fork. : 'Ct 2i>-ly . Til It j:s date ! will apply to tile ('curt 8 iif O', i.c .-y of inly. Hr !■ s\.-to-oil the inle’ •.-! John R. i- ctt!< s. d.-.-ji ; . l„t of l.iwl mtmlmr th ■< - hu-i-lr I ami .'-■•ven (30 . ) ' tn lite I'h D. trl'-t of Appling- county. To be 1 ■ - i i 'th ■ ben fit of the hi it s and creditors of said estate of John R. Nettle -. d. eased this '’■ 3:.:. It- m. • ! - \A‘ it. i ,\.l>; Kit. iv •=■-: ! Ai ..iii.i-irai'-r Li' < il'P 1 crg; O i j.. From a Yeti ri lary Surge< n,Ticonderoga.N.Y'.. .March. ! r. IS.>!). 'liii -is: ■e, .'l'- I. ... I. B. rds. an Eugii.-h Vet', rimiry Surg.-on i.avimr L.til i-ci'iision to pur chase a bottle of your valuable Gargling Oil of Mr. C. D. Smith, yam- Agent. 1 a’>p.lied it in a number of surgi;-: ! operations with worderful etll I. and iiti-lmg it all. am: t..ti -h more than re e: 1: ■ CO.'. I ha\e I'. - it ; 0 e,- in i-Vcry \.:lle‘ iv of disease. ; nd found it to i. ■ almost a timg-i --i-al service in ever.'. ,\s a Liiiim' so: human llesh. it i.- not - irp; . d 1 v at v other in u- -. WILLIAM E'dA ARBS. 'i iii.--. vain 11 ;le Litiimem .s tl>:• s ,ic l>v J \ .'.i Es . I LAIN. Ihmr-wiek. Ind deal ver. town, also sold wholesalc bv M. W. id. Close ,'l Co., and other I.irug-gists in New York. ,v 3 ticci’siii —Api*sa sag co.zaiJ jr j i.\ the fir.-t Tuesday in January ii"\t, will be ’ > -old i , f re IRe Court House door in Hohn, s \ iii.-. in said I'omdy'. within the legal hours of ■a’.i. one lot ofland number sixty (60), and fifty ;■ TC of lot numb sevent; -eight (•). all in th ■ f<mrth i ii-Iriet ot’ . com •. T<> he ,sold .... the properly "f Simon B. Howard, di-ceascd, for the bem fit of L-- heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of i sale, this (h-lob r 22d. I sdo. m.v :: It'd -IM 1 : . HOWARD. Adm’x. Georgia-.A opling ? otiniy, i G R EE.i BLY to an order from the Court of A Ordinary of Appling county, will be sold be fore the ('our' I louse door in Ihe town of Holmes ville in said county, on flic first Tuesdav in Feb ruary next. ('am. a neg ro boy tibotit 2S yeans of ago. belotig'ngto t bee slide of Silas Crosbv. de ceased.. Sold for dis ribution. de-2<; Si’EBHEN CROSBEYT \LL Persons indebted to the undersigned will . call and settle, as their accounts for LSdoare now'ready for collection. During the present year, it will be impossible to extend a credit of t welve months, as 1 have to pay east for most of the leading articles.— All persons then, d'-siring imlulgctiee fora short time, may expect to have their accounts present ed quarterly. JAMES S. BLAIN. jan 5-3 t Druggist. istOj 35. H-end . L"i Mjtnul complete instructions in the art of r , 1 ’■■ ■'■ ■ >il Pain in .;;; bcforward- » ed to any person in L.e United Slates, free of postage., on receipt of one dollar. Address JOHN W. HA'i'GHEi; ,| "' 22 cow t feb J ( ffersonton Ga. I’o THE PUBLIC. •? Vl<i: since my "Aromatic Schiedam” IJ-;!:<■ purest Gin lor nicdieal purposes—became • il PP reeif it( d throng liont iliih country. I have bei n constantly siilicited I y drui ‘ upcthi - ' ■ caries, and a large of out mo.-1 emim nt • | physician in all pans of the Union, to mid to j my '.tin importations pmo Brand:-‘awl Win •- mid to bottle them the same as 1 am -c t | have boi n doing- with the Schnapps; to seal with i my seal and give my certificate guarantvingthwr , undoubted purify. .1 should long ago have endeavored to com- ’ "y‘ 11 1 ‘ring requests, but I found it impos mlHo to do so, especially in n -ard to the ii , tailt '!' i ... Bo i . t -ia V. ■ I owing to the Inch prices in l-'uro- ■ e I ! ;. v 1 1 grape crops for some years. , lap ■ lor the success of my new enter}.rise the ■■■ ■' i crops for the lust and pro. . years \v■. m- i dant. ■' i: ? P°' l:t in ‘»y favor is this: the duty n .- . . On French brrnuly is }o ;>< r cent.- less than it w- < : when , my medical friends began to solicit me;, | irnuimi pure Brandy mid Wines. These favor | mg circumstances have enabled me to commence ■■ ‘.ew eim ; a;...... j have C onclu I. d to import 1 ' nnclhandj and Wines,to bottle them for nied ii ' : ‘ ; ' .' :i 10r P r ” ; lam well aware, •■'.'■u me Imier_e.\ pern nee, the vile : th -ks. the llllsn crsa l; dm ; xeisoi-b. : duriiel which! 'met with ana ceniptcrcd in the cai i of my.Sehnapps, be . ,nc ' 11 detained its } resent pre-eminence over all othei i .ms, that the new enterprise will' cattend- C'yVit.m pii.l opj-o.mimi. mor- trouble, and in k “ ! ■ of capital. These ditli- I < mt.e.-mm expenses will he much greater be cause 1 shall have to encounter the inalio-nity and enmity oi countless thousands who are'etimmed ■ !il li! ; ' lucking fortunes by "the i mmmlia-ture ol infamous imitations oi' "Brandy ' made from poisonous eompounds—lheir use la in-- d -truetive toh .ahi:y human II;'.. mid <>! ■ ooms.- speedy death to the feeble invalid, orthose ■ !n v, ’ llose e nnent phy ; ieiaus have urged upon me the importance of a pure, iuvigormin?- articl-of Brandy. 1 shall do so. in spite of a'l opposition, even that of the d< alers mid < onhestuh-inbot - call I n-L ‘ \ggs : —'Mm. P. ' sold, and which' . is no belter than Hr.? woi -'t of poisons. I mn perfectly willing mid smislicd to embmk ' 'j 1 ’/'anew miteim-i --. and have no fears, no . m ml ultimate success for my -1 A'! 1 h: ". :i '.- ;.y' and ajiothecaries in the 1 umiy-(m.-.. .mates. H the;, will heartily co-op.•- tarn with me in my efforts to drive out the v'le-.- i '■ calk d "Brandy,” and reolaw it W,(i, . pm,, urn.,; ilterated article, which i will . laiihimly and .ruiy supply. ihe medical virtues of jmre French Brandy ,!l '-- inp : io be to ! I. I’he Bra, dr imported by i wih bottle, seal with my seal, mylabi 1. and i 111 . lcate t,ia: u >- ! uflhe first quality. ■ .. " ■'/ i w ill stase my reput iiion as a man. mystaud , mg a.-a merchant, and my tried comnieicial integ r;iy. Ihm wl.m 1 pledge and certily to with mv .s•1. my 1.-:',- 1. and my rtilieme k- correct, and can be reh. d upon l.y purchaser.; in any section oI iiie ; to whi< h my Brandy m ty be sent. 1 Im-..,-mem.< with thebjst Brandy I mam m-mirer.-- m frmi-e. with tho.-e who have a I world-wale renown as the first Brandy exporters. ' 1 ■- < ibmmmii- nt linn.- who will shin me in ir Brand .-. 1 ,-h ,H mg d --i- ; -imlo it,., m iiclc by .my other name than Wolfe's Genuine , ‘ Brandy. If! were to d . otherwise it | would ho useless, for then unprincipled persons. , v, no are im-essmiily eng .ged in tin? nefarious I iriiln-of imitating all valuable articles, would i i-oi.ii imitate ami adopt me mark as a cloak m-- dcr m hica to sell their compound of poisons to I cover the yip. imposition. i lam mew prepared to receive and execute or ders ibr Wolfe's (leimine (lognac Brandy a hires s ed to me. No. 22 Beaver Street. Brices will b? given to person.;! application, or in reolv to let ters. ' ' in this circular 1 have thus far written mainly 1 al''mt }mre Cognac Brandy; I haye now to call t attention to other liquors and wines. i mu prep.nod to supply orders lor -.8.m li’.im.' imp..!-, -d ami bi tiled by me; also -fri.-ii mid S eo.cli \\ 11 isk<-y. :he jiurit v and gemiin: - ne-s oi the la: articles, imported for ymed ieul use. 1 will also guaranty with my seal, mv lable, and my certiiieat.?. I sb. I! als > impor; the pmesi and best •■.\l.-i --deir.i. "Bor:.''and ‘-.--herry'' Wines for Medical purposes. ! • I also guar.-mty with mv seal, my label, mid my certificate. In c-mchisim; pi me to add that I shall he h 'ppy to hear from those th: t this circular reaches ai ‘d " h ( )se p< rsonal or pecuniary interests mav it e fei-t, m the combination of articles thm 1 eng-ao-e t is.ippi;., Si;- aid ;m\ swh person visit New 1 . wind a I 'ruggist. Aimtheeary or Phv •w.-'.-H i si.iiH be mo.<b hap:-? to receive a per sonal call. , 'There is no imp. ro-r who }.>ossosse.s more actu al experience and ktiowl -dge of the importing liq or mid wine trade than I do, I have been en gaged in it over thirty years. I have narrated some fm-tv connected with the 11 ) e ' ! 'i ’ ! ■ ' i? - for. the }:artieu!ar information of t.-ms ■ ccuneci -d with tiie }>ructice of the sale of li hi s. it lam faviiced with the visit’s <if such, or by friends to whom thc-v letters of mlrodiiet.on to me, they c: n see with their own ■ :a "' !; - a !!i y trnthfumess by their own ob- 1 ' 'd crave, for this < !ir< nlar and its '■ y ci.-.-i fid md W,. perils:,!. I -.m rcsty- -ifully your obedi -nt servant. 1A 20. .V 22 Beaver Street. New York. WHOLESALE AGENTS. .1. !>. Gtum-’F & I--).. ?,: ./• O/'A-mn-, J.,,. s. .1. y j. j. Jones, J/.?/,.'.',-. j/,/_ llt NNICt TT A' Tavi.Oß, 6'</. ll.vvn.Axn, Cirj:sTi:i: A- Co.. .1/.-,- i» A*.l.\.' !> ,V 111 I: I ’ 11, I ,>//■' // / />//.,-_ I/< /. Bowimu ,\- Axnt-:i:s<:?.. Macijn. (in. lioi.i-oMim Co.. Sarannah, Gn. G. I'ot.l.ix. ( b:rrb>:‘)i>. N. <' june .'fO-.'tm «• o rgia Gij mi (!ouniy. f'l 11 rdl EAS, John P. Lamb, administrator of ’♦ J<>hn Lamb, latooi' said county deceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said admiiiiy ration: Theseare. therefore, to cite and admonish all to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted to said npplieant. S. J. iIpBTON, I Jan a. I si, 1 I irniiiary. G. I Aihertisements insetted at the rates o one dollar per siptnre of ten lines or lest h>r lie iir.-'i m.-crtii n. and film cent ■ for 1 each subsequent insertion. Advertisements handed in without in- , stiuclion ;<s io length of time they are to run, will be continued uiYtil ordered out ii > and charged at these rates. Coni tncts will be made with advertisers upon the following terms: • ■ J sumiue. 1 y p; mi pH .- 21 (».) ■’ " •:<» no - ; col "“ 11 " 100 oo . f 55 oo * ", 40 00 e; rly adveit!seis will have the privkl I lege to change quarterly, o>dv. 1 Vi’lLLbe sold. L,dbrc the Court Hmi.-c Door,-’ f M m the city of Bnmswiek, on the first Tues- : (tr.y m Janiimy next, between the legal hours of sale, th? ; :’j;v, aig property, to-wi’ : T wo buildings in lhe new town of Bi inswick ’ ■ a dwelling bouse and oliice, situati d on lots ‘ |"O hundred ;nd thirty-.w , ..., i hmid7ed w..' thirly-thr< .: . ..m . ... .. ( of . "■ imo-fy p..., j!ed g i:-,m t.iiiai Clip. .( >urr, in favor of the Es- z ■ '■ te , of • ! '" :| b:..p r;. out e | by li.'- Admimsiratorofsaid I . atii ‘O imw ’ir. m■! p : c,. ■ i,, t an( j - > m-wl • in Cwif !e ■.vn./'jPmm ....f.p, au d mmvvn as lot mimbci - om- himdiv),! mid si' - l L: ' '•'f ; ,i! B”' propel ‘■’<f•' im D. Dens’c-p, . "J ; y I'- la- :■> led r. .m .m-p.... r bi.-trici. (1. AL. in f-.vor of -w Thetford . Levy made and rcturnc 1 to me by a Constable- HENRY R BEACH. - 1 110 v •’< Sheriff G. C. 8 , 1 1-1 ESI: 3%'? r tST*' ,‘i PmiSo. GEG P ! A —AV AY N. iCOUN TY. , ‘A I:.! -e sold die t>:. iia ;k.y in ]■ cbi nary '< be ( Tart i door in said eoun- ■ >y- 'ytlna li I: L.m . f sale. (2AH) two J- ; !l in '■■'l ia ■ <:•;■ ••;,•■.•■!:•> :ml one-lir’'!' ■ eres of ■ Luidmore oi r -,j ~, fa mm,;.;.,- , , f.,>i.y. . . tw>i in tli-- >i o ■ trict of said . tmtv. . | Also. (1 OU/mie hundred acres. Also, lot : . ... 2 | ..... , j n6 - '"°) ' 'r.•:. :m . . ... . y in the (3d) I sir I district of- - Sel-i as the J ■■'."■lty'f Jam.->A. Siickhmd.' - , •<’■•-•■•>■ '■ 'or the o. ;. .. ■, t:, j, ;111 ■ credit- ors oh nd 0....... 1. t r; ,, s , ; .- . : MA it's E. KL VNB. Adm’rx. i \\ ILLIAAI STIUCKL\N i>. AdmT. December '. 1800. s: . Honey the Best of Honey,' t; : I i'wL the receipt of 50 cents, i will .‘••(.nd a . •- u»L:-.'receipt f<.r nicking iIt'NEV. which I ' im 0. We m. kc mi I ute it in •ur '. mi’v. , !i, ■ nd consider it as good as’the best ariicle of ecmiim- i ;e ni; de Ihpiev. Oant v:hich ■ /■ '.■/■< .my person w: win make and [ ' ll ... cm c.wy !■ (■.,!• i.em e, <2 ]cr day: , ■ it only reipiires four arti.-lcs to make it. ; nJ they i can be had at any store for 50 (.cuts. ; . E very family may h. ve:hisdelT| iful ba-mry. i 11 / r a!I A 1 ‘By ( "" m L> j. : ■>. m f( m- imie. : If you re lly want ■■ ■ . ; ... P ,;, , L ■ s : t i: " ”Av ashing re:-ii■<->■. |. ;iy ; ,r C rR I claim i ihem, awl should le in ewrv family ' -Idd/ws , Dr. J. P. CRI-LIGER, ..• < ° <J Baltimore. City. Md. .3 J. Aj.-■j.'jA’xi.d ji N; Oy.Ai.s in's friemts customers, that lTcf~v i i hrs jm arrived fro low nrk wi?h large- J assortment of ail kinds of GOODS, and whi try .-li •■!-. j; ; . , V as cw-r ho- . fore . . id in thi • i::;;rkei. I’i-w" •■iround I : purchasin''- else where. FOK SALE. ybm. a lot ! iw :,itu:-i. < Top Bereau. 1. ‘isT : ds and Boding. Marble Top * Washstand. ■ y(i ndi'.g mv.) Couire Table, a”' l - What-ii ■. .J a l.i - f iim. un( i ('roekcry A\Tre. For terms, gid.- ‘ or oil; ■■•/.formation, applo ’A Ijv.'-iy ]■; .? New Goodsll Fall and Wisakr Nlcek s ’ ‘ o.' rd ’L. 1 \ Dl'jß CO have rc-.-eived their ' R fall and tl'inter ,k of goods, which th -y are now mferi:i rm : ■ :s.-.n CT- . i-m,.,. Uwir SUekJuisb. -11 •:--tod V. by one of the iirm. /: the Now A'.irk marke!. mid consists of i'-HY GO: HiS, Y'EA. !)\ Ai A !>K < ’I? ii! B/ots euQcl Shoes., H.;i w. i ps. Bomiets. lii >b >ns. Pocket mid T; i- ■ i utlerj. Hard wan■. wo<>d •* w-. Cx-i'-ooeries, I ; H()\ ISIOXS, TOBACCO. AND " SEGAIi k JYIA.’, Ei’C. in ,a"l. o i". ihing which, may be expected in - alirst clas ■-ypo d and woe.-ry store, flal and, seel nov lOtt G'OCA'Y'-G'-’'kbL-'Ap At ■ r T n \. .IT ./. ■ Jesse b;t ... ■. h ; .’mN’ and s1 * '-'" I'■' ’’• I" ■ ‘ . ■■ e'P.i . . , .umermi. im : v ;/• .... < ~-;il ’ apply tpCm I .r.lmaiyof sC! couni fr letters '■i Di-''mi ■ - m.i Iro.n 11 -ir a 'j.;.i ;I r : jj. •,!] on estate, all poison ■ mie;-.->ted. .hereby notified t > liio th'm o jeet-.ons. it a::y they h we. I/.-the irsl m i i.Tm\ n ■■■:. i.i - r..'- -'-'lute thi-iD eembortlie it!.. Is./;. J. I.i li I’SEY i ’idinm-y. ' .’ • IVOTIpE. .- k . Ihe ; ;\.-;-i.. -aiem-; oi the Si er.ll of Camden count , will nereaxter b - pu h-.’n.-G m tlicßrans w. -a oivo -m ■ a, ■ m’ V ■ .-..v nm.h RepublT can, as her ■ .-. '.. , pu;-' - ■ C. dwr ip.-; A;;?’. c>£2 f-JBilllh’ ’ T: > A id. Vs i: >.’>! i’;’ j.i ■/ i•( i jlv. "s.tS Vi iR.w -RA' ■ '< v .- y " ;-,•!. r (fi irt ■ ■ ’ ' ’ " ■ o. '.V fa- !■ . .■ I ...-dm of i'. o O' w.- ./■ .: ■ A cd: Th o. :ire . therefore, ■•!,.- /.J admonish all •• wtiom itnia; cone.-rm t ii.- .-.nd appear at my -. ott.oe within Ila lim pr. , :io< .1 bv law. and file their objections, if any they have, otherwise’ A ' said letters will be '..-■ra:;u- 1 sew ■: '■" Re '< - ; ■ ITg jgy November 2f)th. IS6O. ‘ ' 1 11 • : eil.ary. ATeor^ia—- G-lymi Gonnty. * • ii TWI > moutiw : i'"-rdmc application will be made t to th-Ordinary of Glynn comity for sei] th" real e.-late ■■■!' 1’ ii. M< Conn, late of said ’ .. county d ••eased. J‘>H N McDONOUGKj e-. 15 y.,lm’r. TVOTICE. iI- -realiertheLeg:d advertisement is of the Or dinary of Charlton comity will be published in the Brunswick ArZr .E. M. SMITH i i. idi -|' 11111, N v. 2‘.i. *,i) O;*iliuary C. C ■