Newspaper Page Text
Page 6, December 10, 2018, The Islander
Continued from Page 1
Brunswick and Glynn Comity.
But not before a somewhat heated ar
gument on the part of the JWSC Chair
Don Ellliott took place.
There are funds left from SPLOST
V specifically allocated to the study and
development of a North Mainland treat
ment plant totaling $1.5 million.
According to the SPLOST V list the
money is to purchase the site, get per
mits and design a new Mainland Waste
Water Treatment Plant.
To date $19,300 has been spent on
the project. Also, planning was slated to
begin upon an increase in development
activity in the area and a waste load al
location was obtained from the State.
Waste load allocations were received in
2010 and 2011 and extended in April
2018 to April 2019.
Note: Several years ago, prior to the
arrival of current JWSC Director Jimmy
Junkin, the JWSC decided the North
Mainland treatment plant was unnec
essary and voted to halt work on the
JWSC member Ben Tumipseed pre
viously discussed using these SPLOST
funds to determine the necessity of a
North Mainland Treatment plant.
The wording in the SPLOST V in
tergovernmental agreement that was
objected to by Commissioners Steven
Copeland, Tripp Stephens, and Tumip
seed stated: “The County and JWSC
have carefully considered said growth
reduction and change in development
patterns, as well as the reduction in
available SPLOST V proceeds, and
have determined and concluded that
the wastewater treatment needs of
mainland Glynn County and citizens
of Glynn County will be served by capi
tal upgrades and improvements to the
Academy Creek Wastewater Treatment
The wording went to say that the
County and JWSC have determined
that the SPLOST V funds should go to
Academy Creek.
Turnipseed’s objection was that the
JWSC had not discussed or determined
this need. Stephens suggested discuss
ing the North Mainland Treatment
Plant, but Chairman Elliott told him
that the Academy Creek plant’s needs
are greater.
‘We don’t know that,” Stephens said.
We need to look at Academy Creek.”
At this point an irritated Elliott said,
“I disagree with you. You (to Stephens)
don’t have the capability to know that.
We have a staff that tells us that (Acade
my Creek’s needs are greater) and those
of us who have been on the commission
more than a year understand that.”
‘You can get mad if you want,” Ste
phens said, “but it’s my opinion we
should look at it.”
The vote was the same on both the
agreements: Commissioners Elliott,
Mike Browning, Cornell Harvey, and
Cliff Adams voting yes; Commissioners
Stephens, Tumipseed, and Copeland
voting no.
The JWSC also approved an agree
ment with Coastal Georgia Community
Action Authority, Inc. (CGCAA) which
is the 501(c)3 that will administer the
JWSC’s Customer Payment Assistance
Voluntary customer donations will be
kept in a separate bank account and dis
bursed twice a month to CGCAA.
CGCAA will in turn determine who
will get the assistance and provide
additional services and resources to
eligible applicants including case man
agement, housing and employment
services, income management and en
ergy services.
In other business the JWSC approved
an Memorandum of Understanding
with Glynn County relating to the Pier
Village drainage project.
The comity will make certain water
and sewer improvements and be reim
bursed by the JWSC in an amount not
expected to exceed $60,000.
JWSC Director of Engineering Todd
Kline said, We expect the cost to be less
than $60,000 but we won’t know until
we see what’s under ground.”
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This week you launched an email campaign for holiday donations. Your fundraising
appeal encourages "tributes" to the Land Trust for the "gift of wilderness." You add that
your goal is “to leave each corner of the world a little better than the way we found it."
Are you truly sincere about this?
What about our corner in German Village? Our children will no longer be able to play in
their front yards as thousands of strangers are drawn into our quiet little neighborhood
from sunrise to sunset every day of the year. Our children will no longer be able to
walk safely on Village Drive to the school bus stop, as they face a daily stream of trucks,
cars, commercial eco-tours, and trailered boats making their way to your planned
waterfront park and boat launch through our only narrow street. Widows, frail elderly
and chronically ill residents will have their lives in this quiet little corner of the Island
changed for the worse under your plan. Is the creation of traffic, noise, litter and
decreased safety your idea of leaving the world better? Is this the legacy you seek?
You also point out that most of us are"trading things for purpose" these days. How true.
The Land Trust treatment of German Village is a glaring example of the abandonment
of purpose and mission for "things." In your eagerness to cut a deal for Musgrove, you
abandoned decency and secretly traded away the futures of German Village residents.
You offered our children's lives as tribute to the Musgrove owners, while gladly
accepting shiny trophies for your deal. In return, you mocked and maligned families
who had the courage to speak up against your planned park access through the heart of
our neighborhood.
Do you really want to honor children and grandchildren this Christmas? Protect German
Village children and their families. Give them the opportunity to grow up on this Island
in a safe neighborhood just like your children and grandchildren.
German Village Residents and the more than 300 Glynn County citizens who have
signed our petition to stop your use of Village Drive for park access
Find us on Face book’ at Save German Village
Paid for by Friends of German Village and Village Bluff POA, PO Box 21368, St Simons Isl., Ga. 31522