Newspaper Page Text
National Police Week
Published by May 13-May 19
Permar Publications
May 13.2019
German Village
dismissed as ‘just
noise’ by Land
Trust attorney
By Pamela Permar
During the St. Simons
Land Trust’s (SSLT) presen
tation to the Zoning Board of
Appeals (ZBA) last week (May
9), their attorney, J.T. Thomp
son, of the Gilbert Harrell law
firm, said to the ZBA after the
German Village attorney and
residents had made their pre
sentation, “Everything else
you just heard is noise.”
Pam Thompson, Glynn
County Director of Commu
nity Development, approved
a construction plan / infra
structure only application (CP
3880) allowing SSLT to install
15 parking spaces at two dif
ferent locations within the
SSLT owned Guale Preserve
(formerly Musgrove Planta
tion property) on St. Simons
The parking spaces are lo
cated at the trail-heads with
in the preserve which can only
be accessed by Village Drive,
the only public access to the
German Village subdivision.
The plans also included
a storage shed under 120
square feet in size. According
to the staff report, due to the
size and use as a storage shed,
this building did not need a
building permit and did not
trigger the requirement for
site plan approval based on
Glynn County Zoning Ordi
nance, Section 619.
The German Village Prop
erty Owners Association
(POA) filed an appeal, with
the ZBA, to overturn Thomp
son’s approval of the permit.
The POA listed eight items
for their appeal basis:
• Easement Status / Sig
nificant Use Change - Visitors
must drive through middle
of a subdivision to cross to a
Turn to Page 5
German Village
Established in 1972
Two-Way hosts kids tourney
Top photo: Young Giovanni
Buggs-Hunter lands a big
one at Blythe Island Regional
Park’s Lake Cindee during
the Two-Way Sport Fishing
Club’s annual special needs
youth fishing tournament last
Middle photo: Coming
from all across the Glynn
County School system, Amy
Shelton’s class from Glynn
Middle School was thrilled
to receive their tournament
Bottom photo: The movers
and doers responsible for the
kids’ fishing tournament - the
Two-Way Sport Fishing Club
Board of Directors: (left to right)
Rick Walter, President Carl
Alexander, Bobby Miller, Rick
Smith, Glynn County Schools
Special Education Coordinator
Laura Wallen, Mike Evans,
Buddy Baker, Tony Thaw and
Wendell Flarper.
See story at right.
Islander Staff Photos - Permar
Vol 47 Issue 19
'There's a
special place../
• Two-Way Sports
Fishing Club hosts
special needs kids
By Matthew J. Permar
A group of sport fishermen
may seem like unlikely allies
for special needs school kids,
but that’s not the case for the
Two-Way Sport Fishing Club
and the entire Glynn County
School System’s special needs
For 18 years the Two-Way
Sport Fishing Club (TWSFC)
has sponsored a fishing tour
nament for local special needs
students and this year was no
different - the event was held
Thursday, May 9 at Blythe Is
land Regional Park.
According to Laura Wal
len, the Special Education
Coordinator for Glynn County
Schools, the kids truly look
forward to the annual event
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Two-Way Club
General public
gets first shot at
rewrite of zoning
By Matthew J. Permar
During the ‘Kick Off meet
ing last week (May 9) for the
update of Glynn County’s
zoning ordinance, there was
a bit of frustration on the part
of St. Simons Island resident
Julian Smith when he was not
allowed to present his list of
questions to the consultant in
a public hearing format.
After the opening presen
tation by the TSW consulting
team, Smith stood expecting
to speak, but was told by TSW
Project Manager Woody Giles
that written, not oral, com
ments were being taken.
After being told public com
ments would not be heard
orally, Smith asked for a show
of hands in the audience of
Turn to Page 8
Zoning ordinance
County-Wide News - Read County-Wide
Page 2 - Junkin resigns
Page 11 - Sports with Dave Jordan
DNR seeks applicants for panel
Page 14 - Pew News
Page 3 - Career Academy luncheon
Page 15 - Sounds by the Sea
Page 4 - Letters to the Editor
Page 16- Back Talk