The Islander. (St. Simons Island, Ga.) 1972-current, May 20, 2019, Image 1
THE ^ISLANDER Published by Permar Publications May 20, 2019 Established in 1972 Vol 47 Issue 20 "Best of the best" During their lunch meeting last week (Tuesday, May 14) the Exchange Club of Brunswick held their annual Law Enforcement Day awards ceremony honoring the “best of the best” in local law enforcement. Receiving plaques after being chosen ‘Officer of the Year’ for their respective departments were: (front row - left to right) Glynn County Schools Resource Officer Brandan Kennedy, Brunswick City Police Officer Martin Davis, Glynn Sheriff’s Dept. Deputy Sheriff James Jones, Ga. State Patrol Post 23 Trooper Deidra Stillwagoner, Glynn-Brunswick E-911 Center Communications Officer Deanna Wright, Dept, of Community Supervision Officer Andre Melville and Exchange Club member/Ceremony co-host Carl Alexander. (Back row - left to right) Exchange Club member / Ceremony co-host T.C Cowan, Dept, of Natural Resources Officer Chris Ridley, Exchange Club President-Elect George Barnhill, Jr., College of Coastal Ga. Officer Daniel Floyd, Glynn County Police Sargent Eric Koenig, Glynn Sheriff’s Dept. Detention Officer Allen Hatch, U.S. Federal Probation Officer Scot Riggs, and Exchanger Club President Kevin Higgins. Islander Staff Photo - Permar Exchange Club of Brunswick honors local law enforcement 'Officers of the Year' By Matthew J. Permar County okays SPLOST V funds for Sea Palms sewer • County settles bail bond suit for $62K By Matthew J. Permar During a brief 30 minute regular meeting last Thurs day night (May 16), the Glynn County Board of Commission ers (BOC) approved an agree ment between them and the Brunswick Glynn Joint Wa ter and Sewer Commission (JWSC) for use of $561,795 in Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax 5 funds for a long awaited sewer line rehabilita tion project in the Sea Palms neighborhood on St. Simons Island. Along with sewer issues, neighborhood residents have been asking to have their roads repaved for a long time. The hold up as been the need Turn to Page 11 County Commission SSI smoke testing reveals fixable issues • Inventory shortage discussed By Pamela Permar Shierling The smoke testing by the Brunswick Glynn Joint Wa ter and Sewer Commission (JWSC) for storm water inflow and infiltration (I&I), which finished on St. Simons last week, revealed two signifi cant issues: two cross connec tions with storm water drains dumping into the sewer sys tem including a tidal pond on St. Andrews Circle in the Re treat Club which is tied into the sewer system. Newly named interim Ex ecutive Director Andrew Bur roughs told the JWSC the good news that both issues Turn to Page 12 JWSC “There’s no room for dis crimination in this world,” said former Glynn County Police Chief Carl Alexander in his comments to the Ex change Club of Brunswick last week, “But T.C. (Cowan) and I are prejudiced about the group of people here at this meeting today,” said Alexander as he referred to the large group of local law enforcement officers who were being honored by the Club. The Club was hosting their Annual Law Enforcement ‘Of ficers of the Year’ awards cer emony at their regular Tues day lunch meeting. Alexander and Cowan, who is a former Brunswick City Police Chief, co-hosted the event as they do every year. “If you have a badge, are in law enforcement or a related branch,” said Cowan, “you are heros. And today we celebrate the best of the best of you.” Citing recent incidents of police officers being random ly shot for no reason, Cowan said, “It’s a different world out there today. Be safe and keep your guard up.” As they do every year, the Club awarded ‘Officer of the Year’ plaques to all the offi cers who were chosen by their peers and co-employees in their respective departments for the honor. Each officer was introduced by their supervisor who took a moment to share a little about their department honoree and why they were chosen ‘Officer of the Year’ for 2018. Legislators and citizens meet with to discuss suicide prevention By Pamela Permar Shierling Recently a group of citizens met (May 8) with the local legislative delegation to dis cuss suicide deaths, particu larly from the Sidney Lanier Bridge, how to prevent these deaths, myths about suicide, how to prevent suicide and help those contemplating suicide. Members of the citizens group who attended the meet ing included Kiera Byrd from Jekyll Island; Hal Hart from Brunswick; Barbara Mey ers, CEO Coastal Community Health Services; and Cap Fen- dig of St. Simons Island. The group met with Rep. Jeff Jones, Rep. Don Hogan, Sen. William Ligon, Mayor Cornell Harvey, and City Manager Jim Drumm. The group told the legis lators and city officials that their research showed that there is no accurate reporting or centralized data base that records or acknowledges acts of suicide off Sidney Lanier Bridge (SLB) or in Glynn County. They also said that Glynn County Coroner Marc Neu only could confirm three suicide deaths since 2017. Turn to Page 6 Suicide prevention Correction In the May 13, 2019 Is lander article regarding the Glynn County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting, the name of the attorney speaking for the St. Simons Land Trust was incorrectly stated.The correct name of the attorney speaking before the ZBA for the Land Trust is J.T. Johnson of Gilbert Harrell Sumerford & Martin, PC. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. County-Wide News - Read County-Wide Page 2 - Taps at Twilight Page 3 - SSI Home2Suites receives award Page 4 - Letters Page 5 - City names park after Abe Brown Page 10 - BOE outsources custodial duties Page 14 - Pew News Page 15 - Young Poets winners announced Page 16- Back Talk 0 94922 29970 3