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News for Local Churches From The Church Bulletins
United Way announces 2019 grants
Page 14, May 20, 2019, The Islander
Summer is just
around the cor
ner. We are in that
busy end-of-year
time when there
are more events
that need to hap
pen than there are days to enjoy them;
dance recitals, graduation parties not
just for high school and college but all
those early times of pre-school on up.
This is a special time for families so en
joy every minute.
St. Simons Presbyterian Church
begins their summer schedule on May
26 with Early Worship Service at 8:30
followed by Sunday School at 9:00 and
Traditional Worship Service at 10:00.
Kids will be “Submerged” at Vacation
Bible School June 11-13 from 9:00 to
1:00. Congratulations to high school
graduates Curry Hartman, Tripp
Goeldner, Alastair Campbell, Vassa
Cate, Ami Bishop, Aiden Lokey, Clay
Watkins, and Timmy Bryan, and
higher education graduates Will Sny
der, Alex Goeldner, John Morrison and
Molly Brooks.
Flowers were placed in Brunswick
First United Methodist Church
in loving memory of Jean and Tully
Moye by their children. Sympathy is
expressed to Candy and Jack Mason
and family on the death of her mother
Dorothy Allen.
“The Incredible Race” will be run at
Frederica Baptist Church for Vaca
tion Bible School June 3-7 from 9:00
to 12 Noon each day.
St. Simons United Methodist
Church extends congratulations to
graduates Chipper Benoit, Elizabeth
Brubaker, Laura Anne Lewis, Jimmy
McQuigg, and Silas Wester-McQuigg
plus higher education graduates Hope
Lamb, Parker Lewis and Kate Maupin.
Welcome to new members Steve and
Jennifer Andrews and Dana Fairman
and her son Philip Fairman. Lions will
Roar at Vacation Bible School June
17-20 from 9:00 to noon. Sympathy is
expressed to Marsha Boyette on the
death of her father J. Gilbert Boyette
in Tifton.
The month of May ends with a
weekend of remembering and express
ing appreciation to all those special
men and women who have served our
country. The service on St. Simons on
Memorial Day is especially meaningful
and beautiful with wonderful patriotic
music and great speeches. Grab a chair
and join this time of remembrance.
Literary Guild event
The Literary Guild of St. Simons Is
land Meet the Author Series presents
Mary Kay Andrews and Sunset Beach
on Tuesday, May 28, 10:30 a.m. at the
Casino Theater, St. Simons Island.
Mary Kay is the bestselling author
of over 24 novels and is a New York
Times best-selling author.
Free for members and $10 for non
members. Make reservations: lit- Cancel if unable
to attend.
Starting June 1 through the sum
mer, the book store will open every
Saturday from 9:30 to 3:30. Please in
clude these new hours in your calen
dars. The store will also open Friday,
June 7, from 12:30 to 3:30.
United Way announced invest
ments in 39 problem solving pro
grams focused on improving the edu
cation, health and financial stability
of residents of Glynn and McIntosh
Counties. These programs are man
aged by 23 local non-profit agencies
and are projected to impact 1 in 4
residents of the 2 counties in the up
coming year.
These community investment
grants will help individuals and fam
ilies access much needed services
and programs that address immedi
ate issues like increasing access to
pre-K for low income children, reduc
ing the number of children who live
in poverty, and reducing the num
ber of youth aged 16-24 who are not
working nor in school.
Twenty-four volunteers from
across Glynn and McIntosh Counties
served on a Community Investment
Committee that evaluated approxi
mately $1 million in total funding re
quests and developed funding recom
mendations for consideration by the
United Way Board of Directors. This
group collectively donated more than
1,000 volunteer hours over a three
month period during which they re
viewed applications, conducted site
visits, interviewed agency staff and
board members, and deliberated
over how to make the most impact
with the amount of money available.
Three year veteran of the commit
tee and United Way Board member
Justin Callaway said, “The job of
this committee is to make sure to
measure the impact ofs the finan
cial investments within the funded
programs and not just to fund pro
grams that reach large numbers of
More than 2,000 generous donors
made gifts during the 2018-19 fund
raising campaign, and $860,507 will
be invested and spent strengthen
ing our communities in Glynn and
McIntosh Counties during this year.
United Way implements the or
ganization’s goals of improving
education, helping people achieve
financial stability, and promoting
healthy lives. “We align with partner
agencies to achieve our mission of
improving lives in Glynn and McIn
tosh Counties,” said Virginia Brown,
United Way of Coastal Georgia Pres
ident and CEO.
17 Community Investment grants
have been funded to enhance edu
cation to Boys and Girls Club, Boy
Scouts, Coastal Pines Technical Col
lege, Communities in Schools, The
Gathering Place, Girl Scouts, Golden
Isles Career Academy, Golden Isles
YMCA, House of Hope, McIntosh
YMCA, and Safe Harbor.
15 Community Investment grants
have been funded to help people
live healthy lives to Atlantic Area
CASA, CASA Glynn, Centered for
Life, Coastal Outreach Soccer, Glynn
Community Crisis Center, Grace
House, Hospice of the Golden Isles,
House of Hope, Safe Harbor, and
7 Community Investment grants
have been funded to improve the fi
nancial stability of our citizens to
America’s Second Harvest, American
Red Cross, Glynn Community Crisis
Center, Salvation Army, and STAR
Coast Guard
Auxiliary presents
"Suddenly in
Command" course
Earlier in May the Coast Guard
Auxiliary Flotilla St Simons Island
presented a “Suddenly in Com
mand” course at Brunswick Land
ing Marina to members of the Ma
rine Trawler Owners Association
during their National Rendezvous
“Suddenly in Command” is a two
to four hour boating safety primer
designed for boat passengers who
normally are not at the helm.
The course helps prepare boat
passeners be prepared with the ba
sics in case of an emergency.
Course subjects included vessel
operating procedures, radio commu
nications and description of boating
mishaps and how to minimize them.
Misfortune on the water occurs in
seconds, are you prepared to take
the helm?
For information on safe boat
ing courses, contact Dan Hagan at
912-536-3109 or dan.hagan.cgaux@ or visit the Auxiliary
Public Boating Courses Nearby
website at
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