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Published by
Permar Publications •
July 22, 2019 Established in 1972 Vol 48 Issue 28
New Brunswick FBO
The new Manning Aviation FBO - Fixed Base Operator - is nearing completion at the Brunswick
Golden Isles Airport. This view is from the street side of the new facility. When it is finished it will
feature palm trees, landscaping and a brick-lined side walk. The facility represents a $4 million
investment by the Manning family. David Manning is at the door of the new building.
Islander Staff Photo - Shierling
New BQK FBO almost finished
By Pamela Permar Shierling
BOC overturns
ZBA ruling
By Pamela Permar
On a 5 - 2 vote at their
Thursday, July 18 meeting,
the Glynn County Board of
Commissioners (BOC) over
turned a County Zoning
Board of Appeals (ZBA) ruling
which would have protected
a neighborhood and followed
the County’s own zoning
The issue is simple: The
Village Bluff (German Vil
lage) Property Owners Asso
ciation (POA) has been asking
since 2017 that the St. Simons
Land Trust’s privately owned,
but open to the public, Guale
Preserve water front property
including a boat launch, not
be accessed by way of Village
Village Drive is the only
way into and out of German
Village subdivision. The only
way the POA was able to be
heard by the BOC was to ap
peal a Guale preserve building
permit approved by the Coun
ty Community Development
The appeal was heard by
the ZBA on June 6 and the
ZBA voted to uphold Com
munity Development’s issu
ance of a building permit for
a “storage shed,” but prohib
ited the use of Village Drive
as access to the preserve and
required that further develop
ment of the preserve trigger a
site plan and be sent to the Is
lands Planning Commission.
Walter Rafolski, Chairman
of the ZBA described Village
Drive in his statement to the
BOC as “a “minor street” un
der our Subdivision Regula
tions. Our County website
states “the Subdivision Regu
lations dovetail with the Zon
ing Ordinance.” Section 501
defines a “minor street” as
“used primarily for access to
abutting residential property;
designed to carry no more
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ZBA overturned
In about a month the
Brunswick Golden Island Air
port - BQK - will have a new
FBO (fixed base operator)
Manning Aviation, also the
current FBO, will move into
their new building at the east
ern end of BQKs runway.
The Manning family has
been involved in the FBO and
aviation business since gener
al aviation has been at BQK.
Manning Aviation is now
owned by brothers David and
Richard Manning.
David estimates their total
investment in the new FBO,
fuel farm, and hangars at
about $4 million.
The new location is part
of the East Apron Relocation
Project at the airport that
will allow Manning Aviation
to meet the growing demand
for hangar space and general
aviation services.
The new FBO / terminal is
4,000 sq. ft. The offices and
conference room will overlook
the BQK apron and runway.
It is being built by M.D.
McDonald Construction of
The facility will offer at
tractive, well-planned spaces
designed for pilot and passen
ger comfort.
The facility is built for pilot
convenience including a flight
planning room, pilot’s lounge,
restrooms with showers, and a
separate snack room.
The back of the build
ing, which faces the road
side of the airport, features a
porte-cochere so clients can
pull up close to the building
and under cover.
Soon the back of the build
ing will be lined with palm
trees and a brick-lined side
walk leading into the building
from the parking lot.
The fuel farm, a highly
specialized and secure com
plex, will initially house two
20,000-gallon jet fuel tanks
and a 12,000-gallon AVGAS
fuel tank for piston prop
A third 20,000-gallon jet
fuel tank will be added in the
A new jet fuel truck is al
ready in service allowing even
faster service for both resident
and transient aircraft.
Airport zoning
use changes
okayed by BOC
By Matthew J. Permar
After spending the bet
ter part of two hours on the
Zoning Board of Appeals /
German Village / St. Simons
Land Trust issue last Thurs
day night, the Glynn Coun
ty Board of Commissioners
(BOC) were faced with anoth
er knotty issue at the McKin
non St. Simons Airport.
The Glynn County Airport
Commission (GCAC) was at
the BOC meeting (Thursday,
July 18) 18) with a request for
additional commercial uses in
Tracts A, B, and C at the McK
innon Airport.
In the end, after some con
fusing discussion about four
different versions of the re
quest, the BOC unanimously
approved “Version 4.”
Tract A is the largest air
port tract and contains the
Turn to Page 9
Airport zoning
City approves
MRP plan over
By Pamela Permar
Last week (July 17) the
Brunswick City Commission
approved the Urban Redevel
opment Agency’s (URA) re
vised plan for the Mary Ross
Waterfront Park over the ob
jections of Brunswick Kiwanis
Club Stewbilee committee
The major changes are
to the southeastern portion
of the Park. Objections con
cerned the placement of the
splash pad which will be
placed in this portion of the
park slightly north and east
on the Park’s Bay Street side.
The playground will remain in
its current location along the
Gloucester St. extension.
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Mary Ross Park
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