Newspaper Page Text
Page 14, July 29, 2019, The Islander
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Many thanks to
Almighty Tree Ser
vice for rescuing us
a week ago when a
big limb fell across
our driveway just
moments after I had walked under it.
God is speaking. I am listening.
Brunswick Christian Re
newal Church extends thoughts
and prayers to the family of Donnie
Hutcheson whose mother’s only sis
ter, Elmer Ellis, passed away on July
9, and to the Lane family in the pass
ing away of Buddy and Bruce Lane’s
father, Rev. Albert James Lane.
Congratulations to Marvin and Hel
en Minton on the birth of their first
grandchild, Beckett Edward Nilsson,
to their daughter Jennifer and hus
band Peter Nilsson.
Flowers were placed in Bruns
wick United Methodist Church
in celebration of Grace Horton’s 17th
birthday by Leslie, Duane, Walker
and Lila. Flowers were also placed
by Jon and Olivia Holland in loving
memory of his mother Mary Holland
and by Andrew, Avalyn and Ander
son in celebration of Alexandria Tip
ton’s birthday. Member C. McCollum
died July 5. Sympathy is expressed
to Becky and Joe Milton on the death
of her sister Angela Babu in Seattle,
St. Simons Christian Renewal
Church extends congratulations
to Susan Adams on the birth of her
great granddaughter Lakelynn Hope
St. Simons United Methodist
Church welcomes new members the
Walbridge Family - Greg, Kate, Nik
ki and Trey. Sympathy is expressed
to the family of Ed Reynolds. Con
gratulations to Charles Taylor, proud
grandfather and to parents Caroline
and David Kuhns on the birth of
Carter Taylor Kuhns.
Glyndale Baptist Church ex
tends sympathy to the family of Mrs.
Marie Rowell during their time of
loss. Happy 100th Birthday to Ruth
Warren in Whigham, GA.
Mike and Nancy Fixx are wel
comed as new members of St. Simons
Presbyterian Church. Congratula
tions to John and Barbara Dieterman
on the birth of their grandson Luca
Corrado Sammarco and to Coco and
Mark Bujold on the birth of their first
grandchild Thomas Lowry Steed.
Summer is almost gone - students
are packing up to go off to college -
band camp is getting ready for foot
ball halftime shows - the weather
is always on our mind whether we
are watching a storm develop or just
watching the heat index go up and
up. August begins a big family birth
day month for us with Father Billy
on the very first day followed by Billy
Jr., son in love David and first grand
Emily - so a big Happy Birthday with
love to each of you!
News for Local Churches From The Church Bulletins
Tour of Homes proceeds presented
to community organizations
Community Outreach Episcopal Church Women board members from Christ
Church Frederica present the $70,000 proceeds check from the 2019 Tour
of Homes and their cookbook sales. These monies are being distributed to
organizations benefiting women and children. Presenting the check are; top
row from left: Bonney Shuman, Nancy Zell, Ethel Horton, Susie Henning.
Middle row from left: Kathryn Saunders, Carol Davis, Beryl Blatchford,Charlotte
Graham. Front row from left: Jane Watson and Christine Plank.
Provided photo
Women's Prayer
Union Conference
The Women’s Prayer Union ’’King
of the Nations” Conference will be
held August 9-10 at Epworth-by-the-
Sea, St. Simons Island in the Jones
The Friday, Aug. 9 meeting begins
at 8:30 a.m. and the last meting will
be held at 6:30 p.m.
On Saturday, Aug. 10, the meetings
will last from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wor
ship by Julie Parrish, David Ellzy,
and Christina P. Godwin. Teaching
by Elizabeth Wolfe, Luevene and Je
rome Ellzy. No registration fee. Love
offering appreciated. May attend all
or part. Make room reservations with
Kelly Malloy at 912-638-8688.
WOW mammograms
• Thursday, Aug. 1, 8:30 a.m.-2:30
McIntosh Family Medicine Center,
1022 Miller Lane SW, Darien. Call
912-466-5857 for information and
• Friday, Aug. 2, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Wellness Way Medical Office Com
plex, 7000 Wellness Way, St. Simons
Island. Call 912-466-5235 for informa
tion and appointments.
• Wednesday, Aug. 7, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Glynn County Health Department,
2747 4th St., Brunswick
Call 912-264-3961 ext. 3249 for in
formation and appointments.
All mammograms require a physi
cian’s referral.
7th annual Traveling
Show moving to SSI
The Albert Fendig 7th Annual Trav
eling Show / Exhibition will move from
The Brunswick Library to The Visitors
Center, 529 Beachview Drive in the
Village on St. Simons Island for the
month of August. The Center is open
Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m.,
to 5:00 p.m., and Sunday noon to 5:00
Approximately 24 artists have their
work on display: Stephanie Adams,
Charles Bleau, Sharon Cacase, Linda
Dotter, Albert Fendig, Caroline Gill,
Phillis Harrell, Linda Humphries,
Judy Johnson, Karen Keene, Patri
cia Klinefelter, Linda Lanter, Joyce
Ledingham, Jeff LeMieux, Jeanne
M. Leonard, Judy Missildine, George
Netherton, Mimi Pearce, Jim Pearce,
Aurora Pope, Mary Ann Rosenthal,
Cheryl Simeone, Lori Ann Sweet and
Ellen Winsor.
The Show / Exhibition will move to
McIntosh Art Association (Old Jail) in
Darien for September and to the Hof-
wyl-Broadfield Auditorium in October
for display or pickup until the next ex
hibition in April 2020.
Info: George Netherton, 678-778-
Movie Day at the Library
July 30 - 10:30 a.m. A Universe of
Stories Movie Day Brunswick-Glynn
County Library, 208 Gloucester St.,
912-279-3740. Join the fun, escape the
heat. Chuck, a human astronaut, be
comes the alien in this animated movie
when he lands on “Planet 51.”
Old fashioned service, New fashioned products!
We offer a variety of small
gifts by local artists, beauty
products, prescription and over
the counter medications and
hope you’ll continue to make
us your first choice.
We appreciate your business.
Tommy Bryan - Pharmacist/Owner
Longview Shopping Center • Frederica Rd
John Waters - Pharmacist
St. Simons Island • 912-638-8676
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The Islander: 912-265-9654