Newspaper Page Text
Published by
Permar Publications
September 16, 2019
Established in 1972
Vol 47 Issue 37
Few happy with
golf cart rules
By Matthew J. Permar
The Glynn County Police
Department held a public
meeting last week to discuss
the county’s new Golf Cart
Approved by the Glynn
County Board of Commission
ers (BOC) on July 18, the new
golf cart ordinance goes into
effect on October 18.
Leaving last week’s meet
ing, this tongue in cheek com
ment was overheard, “Well,
they did their job, no one’s
happy about the ordinance.”
That fairly summed up the
meeting which seemed to be
attended mostly by golf cart
The main bone of conten
tion was that under the new
ordinance, Personal Transpor
tation Vehicles (PVT) are not
allowed on streets where the
speed limit is more than 25
This prohibits the slow
moving vehicles on portions
of Demere Rd., Frederica Rd.
and King’s Way and the entire
East Beach Causeway.
One audience member even
accused the county of trying to
ban golf carts from St. Simons
There were two kinds of ve
hicles mentioned during the
meeting, but only one covered
in the ordinance - the PVT.
The PVT, which is the most
common and has a top speed of
20 mph. The other, Low Speed
Vehicles (LST), can travel at
25 mph.
The meeting was at 6:30
Wednesday night September
11 in the Demere Annex Fire
Station meeting room. The
only notification for the meet
ing was on the County Police
Facebook® page. It was not
on the Glynn County web
site, nor was the media given
The program was put on
by the police department’s
new Manager of Professional
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Golf cart ordinance
18 years... Never Forget...
The Glynn County Fire Department and the
Woodmen Life non-profit fraternal benefit society
hosted a Sept. 11 Remembrance ceremony last
week to honor the 412 first responders who died
on September 11, 2001 in the terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center.
Above: The American flag was raised and lowered
to half mast.
Right: Firefighter R.B. Benjamin tolled the bell
'Striking the Four Fives.’ Captain Flugh Brown
explained the meaning of the ‘Four Fives’ saying,
the sound of a bell holds special significance to
firefighters. Since 1865 when a firefighter dies in
the line of duty, department
headquarters would transmit
five bell strikes repeated four
times with a brief pause in
Left: Taking part in
Wednesday’s ceremony
were (left to right): Rep. Don
Hogan, Rep. Jeff Jones,
Capt. Hugh Brown, Governor
Brian Kemp, Fire Chief
Randy Jordan and County
Commissioner Bill Brunson.
Islander Staff Photos - Permar
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DNR head reveals
SSLT’s proposed
path through
German Village to
Guale Preserve
By Pamela Permar
Last Monday Georgia De
partment of Natural Resourc
es (DNR) Commissioner Mark
Williams answered questions
regarding the St. Simons Land
Trust’s (SSLT) use of Village
Drive as a way into Guale Pre
serve saying the DNR had ap
proved a SSLT proposal using
part of Village Drive instead of
the entire length of the road.
Williams, the featured
speaker at the Golden Isles
Republican Women’s Club
luncheon, said the DNR has
sent a letter to the Glynn
County Board of Commission
ers (BOC) which stated the
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ZBA defers odd
variance request
By Pamela Permar
The Glynn County Zoning
Board of Appeals (ZBA) was
scheduled to hear a variance
last Thursday (Sept. 12) but
after a bit of confused discus
sion and questions, the ZBA
voted to defer the variance
request until the November
The confusion lay in the
fact that the property owner
was requesting a variance
from the ZBA prior to any
decision being made by any
county elected or appointed
board, such as the planning
The property, 1.83 acres
on Altama Avenue - the old
Bowlarena site - is zoned
Highway Commercial. The
property owner wants to re
zone the property to Planned
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ZBA defers
County-Wide News - Read County-Wide
Page 2 - JWSC announces Executive
Director finalists
Page 4 - College hosts panel discussion on
revitalization of downtown
Page 6 - SGHS hosts RN hiring event
Page 11 - Football with Dave Jordan
Page 14 - COS sends relief to Bahamas
Page 16- Back Talk
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