The Islander. (St. Simons Island, Ga.) 1972-current, September 23, 2019, Image 11
September 23, 2019, The Islander, Page 11 Burroughs updates JWSC on Dorian preparation By Pamela Permar-Shierling Even though Hurricane Dorian did not damage Glynn County the Bruns wick Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission (JWSC) were prepared and took the opportunity to pump down the entire St. Simons Island sewer system manually. Interim Executive Director An drew Burroughs reported to the com mission in their regular meeting last week (Sept. 19) that the exercise went very well. “There are 65 pump stations on St. Simons and shortly before the ex pected arrival of Dorian, staff had the entire system pumped down in four and a half hours in order to provide as much sewer capacity as possible,” Burroughs said. “It was a good exercise because we found a couple of minor problems that we were not aware of and were able to correct them,” he said. “We had good communications with the other agencies,” he contin ued, “and we were well prepared.” In other business: • The commission awarded a $216,000 construction contract to Bio- Nomic Services, Inc to rehabilitate 55 manholes. According to Burroughs there are 8,000 manholes through out the JWSC system. Previously the manholes had been repaired two or three at a time, Burroughs said. “We decided we could cut the cost in half by lumping the work together so in stead of costing $7,000 per manhole the cost will be $4,000 per manhole. The repairs will help eliminate I / I (inflow and infiltration) into the system. As an aside, 90 manholes will be repaired during the SPLOST North Mainland work. • The commission approved the $15 million GEFA (Georgia Environ mental Finance Authority) loan at an interest rate of 2.38% to be paid back monthly over 30 years. $10 million will go to rehabilitate the Academy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and $5 million will be spent on reha bilitation of the Brunswick and St. Simons Island sewer systems. GEFA requires construction completion by Feb. 2022. Commission Chairman Ben Tur- nipseed pointed out that the Academy Creek design was underway; smoke testing had been done on St. Simons Island; Brunswick smoke testing is underway. Interest will not accrue until the loan is drawn down and draws won’t start until construction starts. The loan documents now go to the City and County Commissions for ap proval as the taxing authorities. • The commission approved the unsolicited proposal from Hillpointe Residential, LLC for improvements to Lift Stations 4056 and 4059 and the Old Cypress Mill Road Force Main. The work will increase capacity for the 240 unit apartment complex to be located at 3061 Cypress Mill Rd. • The commission approved mov ing $1 million from fiscal year 2019 operating funds into the JWSC Re pair and Replacement reserve. Ac cording to Burroughs this will give the JWSC $5 million in uncommitted funds in the R&R Reserve. • Burroughs notified the commis sion that the JWSC has received an award letter from GEMA notifying them of a grant for 22 transfer switch es for critical wastewater facilities. The total cost approved was $58,762. With a federal share of $44,071 and state share of $5,876 the JWSC’s cost will be $8,814. The JWSC has a total of $3.1 million in two FEMA / GEMA applications for disaster mitigation funding. During the Finance Committee meeting (Sept. 18), where the 22 transfer switch grant also was dis cussed, Burroughs said that GEMA purchased a pool of generators for the state. “We (the JWSC) buy the switches and borrow the generators,” Bur roughs said. He also said there may be an op portunity to get generators outside of this grant request. During the Facilities Committee meeting, the Magnolia Park Subdivi sion water improvements were dis cussed. The JWSC budgeted $1,150 million for this project but accord ing to Director of Engineering Todd Kline, the city wants the JWSC to pay for the paving costs related to the water line replacement, and the city also wants the work done under the road. Kline said the options were to place the new water line under the street at a cost of $2.4 million (pav ing priced at $1.4 million) or in the road shoulder at a cost of $2.3 million (paving priced at $1.5 million due to curb and gutter replacement). Commissioner Don Elliott said, “We need to look at what’s best for the JWSC in the long term not at the city paving requirements. After a brief discussion the facili ties committee decided to support placing the new water line in the shoulder of the road which would make future repairs easier since the road would not have to be torn up. The JWSC will also bid the project two ways: open trench and trenchless and compare the costs. The Colors of Ute Kleeman in Wilcox Gallery Golden Isles Arts & Humanities will host the vibrant Colors of Ute Kleeman in the Millie Wilcox Gallery opening with a community reception during the First Friday festivities on October 4 from 5-8 p.m. at the Ritz Theatre in Downtown Brunswick. The exhibit will remain on display through November 22. golden isles arts presents & humanities Footworks Percussive Dance Ensemble Hot Strings and Flying Feet Friday, September 27, 2019 7:30 pm Historic Ritz Theatre A dazzling and diverse array of traditional and original music and choreography For reservations & information call 912.262.6934 or visit Advance tickets Members: Adults $i5/Seniors $10 Nonmembers: Adults $20/Seniors $15 Ticket price increases day of show Students always only $5 Welcome to Starke Florida! Just off highway 301 is Florida's most exclusive manufactured housing community, Armadillo Acres. (OK it’s a Trailer Park). Here you’ll find Jeannie the agoraphobic wife of tollbooth collector Norbert. Throw in the hilarious trio; Betty (the Trailer Park manager), Lin (husband is on death row), and Pickles (suffers from an hysterical pregnancy) as they sing us through the lives of the folks at Armadillo Acres. And let’s not forget Duke, the long lost boyfriend of the new girl in town, the exotic dancer Pippi. Sit back and enjoy this fast paced, over the top funny musical. You’ll find yourself clapping your hands and tapping your toes to the country-rock and blues style music. Come join in the fun and forget your troubles for a couple of hours. **light adult humor Casino Theatre 530 Beachview Drive St. Simons Island 912-638-0338 Oh 1HI: ifur«o I I4MI f Mkfjie & Liri« *D&c/id 7ta Bwk by EVfSTc&o Dates: Oct.4-6,KM3,17-20 Fn-ScT7:30 prr Sun matinee 3:00 pm Thurs. Oct. 10 A l7iJ;30 pm