Newspaper Page Text
Page 12, September 23, 2019, The Islander
A lot going on and
to think about
There’s some interesting things go
ing on in Glynn right now that people
are going to need to think about... or
First I want to plug something for
my cop and firefighter buddies.
This Saturday, September 28, the
Glynn County Police Department and
the Glynn County Fire Department
will host the “First Annual Battle of
the Badges” softball games between
the two departments.
The games will be played at Glover
Field / Mallery Park on St. Simons
with Game 1 starting at 5:00 p.m. and
Game 2 at 6:15 p.m.
All proceeds will be split between
the “Cops & Kids” (formerly “Shop
with a Cop”) and the “Shop with a
Firefighter” charities for the upcoming
holiday season.
This will be a great event for two
great charitable causes, so let’s all
show out and support the firefight
ers and police who protect us every
day and the kids they support at
One of the things I mentioned that
is coming in the next couple months
will be the Glynn County Commis
sion’s decisions on what to put on the
SPLOST 2020 referendum.
My front page article covers a lot of
what is on the list of potential projects
- and I hesitate to even call them ‘po
tential projects, because the vast ma
jority will not make the final cut.
So before you go ballistic on your
commissioner and yell and scream
about how you’re not going to support
the SPLOST because of all these proj
ects, wait until they come up with final
list - which, as I said won’t look any
thing like their... uh, let’s call it their
‘talking points’ list.
One key item will likely be the ex
pansion and upgrade of the Court
house. I believe the Superior Court
Judges that say, while their situation
is not yet critical, it is time to start
thinking and planning for the future of
the almost 30 year old building so they
don’t get caught in a critical situation.
Remember, back in the 1980s, the
county got caught in a critical situa
tion in the old jail and a federal judge
ordered the county to build the now-
demolished Detention Center.
My suggestion to the county com
mission would be to open this up...
hold some town hall meetings and let
people talk about what they’d like to
see on the SPLOST list.
Don’t just decide on your own
what’s best for us. Because I can tell
you right now a lot of people are up
set about some of the current SPLOST
spending and if you don’t right the
ship, this could be the second SPLOST
to go down in flames.
Just sayin’...
Publisher The Islander EDITORIAL
In closing...
... I wanted to print something my
good friend Hal Hart, Brunswick resi
dent and St. Simons business owner,
sent us on Saturday - it’s not apropos
of anything in particular, just some
outstanding words about Friday’s foot
ball game and this country...
“Glynn beats Wayne tonight. Great
game, lots of scoring, but I think the
best part of tonight, other than win
ning, was the G.A. Band.
Before the game started, they
played ‘America the Beautiful.'' People
stood up, most took their hats off, oth
ers covered their hearts with their
right hand and again America was a
country to be proud of.
It just took over the crowd. It was
electric. It wasn’t just me. The group I
was with all sang a song like it had a
new meaning.
When the band finished, I realized
what a beautiful song I had just heard
... this truly is a great country.
After the game both Wayne County
and Glynn Academy’s bands hit the
field to perform.
The kids stayed, listened and
cheered for both bands.
Coach Rocky and the Terrors sat
in their end zone and watched and
listened to the bands, and not until
both bands had played did they hit the
locker room.
Our kids, our band, our team, and
coaches, and our school are truly a
class act... you should have been there.
Once a Terror, always a Terror.
I should have been there and wish
I had.
Late during the season last year, I
started going to the Glynn Academy
games with a couple of life long friends.
I went the first time because they
told me how much fun it was. It only
took one game and I was hooked as
Part of it was the group of 4 or 5
friends, former G.A. football players,
with whom we sit: the writer of what
you just read Hal Hart, Gene Wheeler,
David Kent and Duncan Shelby.
I’ve known these guys since high
school if not junior high. Gene and I
have been very good friends for years,
even though he was one of the scarier
guys I knew back in the day. That was
only because he was one big, bad mam
ma jamma football player. But he has
a heart of gold, a great sense of humor
and is a stand up guy.
I made it to the G.A. scrimmage a
few weeks ago against Valdosta but
couldn’t get to last Friday’s game due
to some last minute issues.
I would have loved to have been
there for what Hal described and I
thank him for writing it and letting us
use it.
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