Newspaper Page Text
Page 4, September 23, 2019, The Islander
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L St. project
Continued from Page 1
along L St. between Martin Luther
King, Jr. Boulevard and U.S. Highway
The City partnered with the Bruns-
wick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer
Commission (JWSC) so that the project
included the installation of new water
main along the length of the project.
A construction contract with Georgia
Asphalt Producers was executed in Feb
ruary 2019, and construction began dur
ing the spring of 2019 allowing a year
for completion.
Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) and all
other affected utility providers were
notified of the project during the design
Several weeks after construction be
gan AGL decided to install a new 8-inch
gas main throughout the length of the
project rather than relocate the existing
gas main at points of conflict.
At the time AGL’s decision, Georgia
Asphalt Producers had already begun
installation of the new 10-inch water
Following site meetings and discus
sion of the proposed gas main location,
AGL was approved to begin installation
of the new gas main. As the installation
progressed, it was noticed that the gas
main trench was very close to the newly
installed water main.
The gas trench even exposed the wa
ter main and, at one location, the trench
wall collapsed allowing the water main
to be unsupported.
AGL was asked to stop installation
of the gas main sand to re-evaluate the
installation process. After evaluation of
the gas hne location and installation pro
cess, it was determined that 440 linear
feet of water main may have been com
promised by the gas main installation.
JWSC would not accept the compro
mised water hne unless it is removed
and replaced. AGL has been notified
of the compromised water hne and the
need for removal and replacement.
Since the stoppage of the trench in
stallation, AGL has submitted plans to
install the remainder of the gas main by
horizontal direction drilling. The plans
have been approved, and the work is un
der way. As soon as the gas main instal
lation is complete, Georgia Asphalt Pro
ducers will resmne work on the project.
The first task is to remove and re
place the damaged water main. Due to
the AGL gas main trench there are ad
ditional costs associated with roadway
construction and these costs are includ
ed in the contract amendment.
The City agreed to the contract
amendment and added $119,762 to the
Alberson said that the delay had
cost the contractor two months but that
Georgia Asphalt thought at least one
month of that loss could be made up.
The amendment, however, did add 30
days to the contract to allow for removal
and replacement of the water main.
Commissioner Johnny Cason asked
if an invoice could be sent immediately
to Atlanta Gas Light for the damages.
Commissioner Vincent Williams
commented that there could be more
costs for the city involved than just the
Com. Cason looked to attorney Brian
Corry for an answer on the invoice, but
Corry did not want to discuss the situ
ation publicly without giving a reason.
Alberson told the commission that a
detailed summary of activities and dam
ages had been sent to Atlanta Gas Light.
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