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County to look at regs to ban business on
public property
By Matthew J. Permar
It doesn’t seem like something
you’d need an actual law for, but next
month the Glynn County Board of
Commissioners (BOC) will consider
a new ordinance section prohibiting
businesses from renting or selling ve
hicles on county property, in particu
lar on county right of way.
The item was added to the county
work session agenda last week (Sept.
17) and County Attorney Aaron Mum-
ford presented a draft copy of a pro
posed ordinance.
Mumford told the BOC that the
issue came up because someone was
using county right of way along the
south side of King’s Way near Mal-
lery St. to rent golf carts in the public
parking area.
“This new ordinance will prevent
that,” said Mumford, “It says Code
Enforcement can cite people who do.
Commissioner David O’Quinn (At
Large #1) took up the issue after see
ing golf carts being parked and rented
on the King’s Way public property and
I saw a sign this week that said
“Dear God, Send Fall.” Seems like that
is a prayer from each of us as the hot
days just hang on longer and longer.
We will be off to the mountains next
week for a Jubalheir concert in Blairs-
ville and hope for some cool weather
and some fall color in the trees.
worked with Mumford on the new
“They park them next to the Mellow
Mushroom restaurant,” said O’Quinn,
“and have trucks with advertising sig
nage. They should not be allowed to
rent them there, or to advertise there
on the side of the road. I would like to
move forward with this.”
Responding to a question from
Commissioner Alan Booker (Dist. 5),
O’Quinn added that some of the busi
ness is conducted online, with people
coming to the county parking lot to
get the carts. “But at times,” said
0”Quinn, he takes over the parking
lot. We need this area for pier area
Saying, “I fully support this (ordi
nance),” Commissioner Peter Murphy
(Dist. 2) agreed and said the problem
was going on in Mallery Park and by
the Casino on Beachview Dr. as well.
Mumford said he would have a fi
nalized version ready for the full BOC
meeting in October.
Congratulations to Frederica
Baptist Church as we celebrate our
17th Anniversary September 22. Con
gratulations to Dow and Jessica Shel-
nutt on their marriage.
Flowers were placed in Brunswick
First United Methodist Church
by Jim Langford in honor of Sandra
Property Sales
on St. Simons and Sea Island
are brought to you weekly as a courtesy of Fred Freyer
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Whalen, Joel C & Pam
Brookins, Jackie P
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Unit 46/L-3, Limeburn
S 300.00
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Village At Hampton
Plantation Condos, **46
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Frederica, **415 Colley Ln
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Paris, David M & Christel E
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$ 375.00
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Simon, Dondi R
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Trustee; ETAL
Warner, Carol S
Harvey, Susan R
Point, **115 Butler Lake Dr
Lot 43, Linkside Patio
Homes, **143 Linkside Dr
8 Warranty Deeds for St. Simons and Sea Island for week ending 5/31/19
September 23, 2019, The Islander, Page 9
Langford as they celebrate their 61st
wedding anniversary on September
20. Tammy Fluech and her daughter
Maggie Fluech are welcomed as new
Glyndale Baptist Church wel
comes new members Martha (Marty)
Stringfield and Andrew Teston. Sym
pathy is expressed to the Herrera fam
ily in the loss of Chuck’s father, to the
family of Jean Adams in the loss of
their mother and to the family of Lou
ise Coffey in the loss of their mother.
St. Simons United Methodist
Church welcomes new members Su
san Bagwell and Blanton Bagwell.
Renovation of the Sanctuary and
Ashantilly Wing of St. Simons Pres
byterian Church will begin October
1 so the last Sunday in the current
Sanctuary will be September 29 as
they celebrate their 73rd anniversa
ry. Robert Charles Anderson III and
Charles Richard Anderson, sons of
Rob and Courtney Anderson, were re
cently baptized.
A favorite song of mine is singing
in my head this morning - “Share His
love - - by telling what the Lord has
done for you” “Share His love — by
telling of your faith”. I am in awe of
the many opportunities to share and
tell through programs of our local
churches. Fall is a good time to get
involved in something new or to just
make a new commitment to some
thing you have been doing for a long
time. Pray that God will lead you to
the place where you can serve Him
and grow in your faith.
Continued from Page 6
Dept, project for fiber optic commu
nications; and the implementation of
the shoreline protection plan.
Under ‘other’ projects are a new
sewer lift station at the Public Safety
complex and the purchase of six to
ten acres for storm debris storage.
Keep in mind this is an ‘all inclu
sive’ master ‘wish’ list of sorts that
will be dramatically reduced before it
goes out for a vote by the public.
No project costs were included on
the list because County Manager
Alan Ours said getting those num
bers was a time consuming job and
felt it was better done once the BOC
had eliminated the projects they
don’t want.
Time is of the essence, County At
torney Aaron Mumford said the com
mission needed to get the final list to
the Board of Elections by the end of
The BOC asked the staff leader
ship team to prioritize the list and
present it at a special called meeting
next month.
The county also has a list of
SPLOST 2020 projects from the Je-
kyll Island Authority totalling $2.75
Neither the city nor the Joint Wa
ter and Sewer commission has sub
mitted their lists as yet.
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