The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1857-18??, July 17, 1857, Image 1

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THE SHAWAII DAILY (JEORKIAPi. VOL. XXXVII I I OLD SERIES.! <% Sabaimat) Georgian. IS PUBLISHED BY A. R. LAMAR, Dally, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. County Printer. ItATKS Ol>’ ABVKRTiSiM.. For ono square, of 300 emu or less, of any po uui larger thau Nonpareil, 76 cents tor the limtuud 60 cents tor each subsequent insertion,!'or any tiiu- ot>s (ban one month. * All Tabular work, with nr without Rules; anti A - occupying double columu, shah *e. charged double the above rates. Advertisements ol whatever length, tor any tlow less thau ne month, to be charged at transient rates. For a longer time at the following rates No. of £}q uaresJ lmoj2 mos 13 moe |4 mos 10 mos jl 2mi 1 Square, ..., $lO 16 S2O . $24 7 *3O s>fi 2 Squares... 16 22 26 28 36 | 50, 3 do .... 20 27 32 36 44 I 00 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 K 6 do .... 27 36 44 40 60 8C 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 06 00 7 do .... 32 43 64 58 70 100 8 do ..... 34 46 58 62 74 110 do .... 36 48 61 66 77 116 10 do 50 64 70 80 125 For any time not above specified, a proportion a charge will be made. A deduction of 26 per cent from the above rates will be m&do on advertisements appearing uxolu* eively on the fourth page of the daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, will be charged two-thirds the above rates. Advertisements ordered in the Weok.y oditiWLgl per square for each insertion, for'any time less than one month. For more than one month at oue half the rates specified in the above table. Special notices, 10 cents per Une tV>r the first, and 6 cents far each subseqent insertion, auct in no case to be subject to contract. Marriage notices SI. Fu neral invitations 60 ceuts each. No .special notices inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary .Notices, Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of auy Society, Association, or Corporation, ir.dered to be publish ed, 6 godts per line. steamboats will be advertised at S4O per annurr for jach boat advertised. •Steamships, where but one is running, S4O per an uucu; ir two or more, S3O each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to be aubjec contract, but to be charged at the rates proscribed per square. The paper, under no circumstances, to be includ ed in and contract* Professional and bu&nossH>and*te|4 exceeding £ lines, will be Inserted at S2O per annum. Calls oh persons to become candidates. will be Inserted ffc other advertisements, to be paid lor in variably m advance. Announcing candidates for office, $lO, to be paid In advance. Advertisements net marked on the copy fe: specifiedtime, will be inserted until forbid, anc payment exacted. • when auy bill for fcw# months advertising, other than contract, amounts to over $53. a deduction 25 p-ar jent will be made. Yearly advertising, withJpricilpgo of change w o* taken at the ‘olio win? rates : For one square, renewable <*aoo a.week, sl6 “ “ “ twice -*“ 65 M “ “ 3 times or oftener 70 Every additional square contracted for to be charg ed one half the above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the space contracted for. All contracts shall be in writing, stating definitely the nature of the business to be advertised. Any advertisements not properly con nected with the business shall bo charged separate ly, and also auy excess of matter over the amoun contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarteny; vertisemente from strangers and transient person payable in advance. All others will be considered due when called for. Regular advertisers and all others sending com munications or requiring notices designed to call at tention to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public en tertainments, where charges are made for admit tance—all notices of private associations, every no. tioe designed to ©all attention to private enterprises calculated or intended to promote individual inte rests, can only be inserted with the understanding that the same is to be paid for. If inserted in the . c-oiurop < be ■n* , y ti** 4fe<cr** rate of not less than 20 cents per line. The undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly newspapers in Savannah, Ga., pledge ourselves strictly to adhere to the above bill ot Charges, and in no instance to deviate therefrom. The above rates to take effect March 1, 1856. and to continue binding, until changed by the vote of a majority of the undersigned. N. B. —This schedule shall not in any way eilect the integrity of existing contracts. All contracts for the year or any other specified time, shall only cease with the expiration or the period for which they were made. A. R LAMAR, Savannah Georgian. Sm&d & Sims, Republican. Thomphom & WriHiKOTOir. Morning Se%at. [From the German of Gruen.] the preaching of the trees. At midnight hour, when silence reigns Through all the woodland spaces, Begin the bushes and the treei To wave and whisper in the breeze, All talking in their places. The Rosebush flames with look of joy, And perfume breathes lu glowing : “A Rose’s life is quickly pan 1 Then let me. while my time shall last, Be richly, gaily blowing!” The whispers : ‘ ’Sunken day ! Not mo thy glare dcseiveth I Thy sunbeam Is a deadly dart, That quivors iu the Rose’s heart— My shuddering soul itgrieveth !” The slender Popular speaks, and seems To stretch its green arms higher ; “Up yonder life’s pure river flows, So sweetly murmurs, brightly glows, To that 1 still aspire !” • The Willow looks to earth and speaks : “My arm to enfold thee yearneth ; I let my hair float down to thee ; Fntwine therein thy flowers for me, As mother her child adorneth 1” And next the wealthy Plum-tr 63 sigbs : “Alas 1 my treasures crush me 1 This load with which my shoulders greon, Take off—it is not mine alone ; By robbing, you refresh me 1” The Hr-tree speaks in cheerful mood : “A blossom bore I never ; But steadfastness is all my store, lu summer’s heat, iu winter’s roar, 1 keep my green for ever!” The proud and lofty Oak-tree speaks : ’ “God’s thunderbolt} confound me l And yet no storm can bow me down, Strength is my stem and strength my crown ; Yo weak ones, gather round me 1” The I.vy-vine kept <?lose to him, Her tendrils round him flinging; •‘He who no strength has of his own, Or loves not well to stand alone, May to a friend bo cliDging.” Much else, now half forgot, they said ; And still came creoping Low whispered words upon the air, While by the grave alone stood thore The Cypress mutely weeping. O might they reach one human heart, These tender accents croeplng ! What wonder if they do not reach ? The trees by starlight only preach, When we must needs be sleeping. Poison in Tub Pink Lack Manufacture— Our wealthy ladies who wear flue Brussels lace are ignorant of the sad fact, we believe, that in its preparation the poor female operatives often lose their lives by inhaling a poison em ployed iu removing Soger marks from it. The poison is the carbonate of lead, applied in the form of powder, in the Bnnisbing operation. A portion of this is inhaled by those who use it, and their health soon giveß way. Good wages are generally paid to those lace operatives, but so unhalthy is the business—so fatal has the lead poison proven in its effects—that it is only a work ot dire necessity to engage in it. It is a sad reflection that many a rich piece of lace worn by a lady has] cost not merely a high price in money, but the life of a fellow being. Lace manufacturers have long endeavored to find a suitable harmless substitute for carbonate of lead, but hitherto in vain. Too much for Comfort John Jacob Aator once observed, that a man with $500,000 might begin to feel comfortable. The son of that millionaire has now an income of S2OOO a day, or $1,095,000 a year ; but is not comfortable by any means, for he has the gont so bad, it is said, that he has to diet himself on Graham bread. Perhaps $500,000 is the comfortable mean, when past difficulties having been con quered and future anxieties provided against, an individual oan afford to enjoy the present. A Whoop fur tike Hoop*. Taking up oue tue illustrated papers of New York, a week oj tiro wgo, we came across an atrocious article on hoops! At-ociou. we say, for therein were portrayed all the misfortunes and absurdities ol this celebrated institution, without a word of refereuce to tbeii manifold advantages, and we, as a sensible and enlight ened mortal, felt strongly inclined to take tip the gauntlet in defense, particular'/ as our wile has just “come out” in new crinoline, and if we were not an old married man, we should say, she looked charmingly! We arc decidly of opinion that the ladies have a right to do as they please; we think also, they can manage their own affairs almost as well as we can do it for them, and in the hoop business we are ready to acknowledge that they have shown a great deal of solid sense. Don’t give up your hoops, ladies! let the gentlemen rave, and scold, and stew till they are tired—you have the right of the mat. ter, don’t concede a solitary inch of pavement room! Why, just look at the practical bearing of the matter! It we were Health Officer, one of our first sections would be to issue a regulation that all the womenkind should wear hoops. During past years our wives and daughters have been dragged down to the very ground by scores of stiff, heavy, unmanageable skirts. We have read the evil effect of this tyranica! custom iu their ashy complexions, dull eyes and laguid steps. If a mam were compelled to. carry aroond witn him with one quarter of th sense less weight imposed by fashion on our better halves, what a swearing and funning there would be. And now look at them ! Look ut their bright eyes and rosy cheeks, see the alastic step, the light and easy gait with which they swim through the treats ! Hear the unan imotfi verdict ol’ the pbyaiciutis in favor of hoo{M! Hear the testimony of the ladies themselves! We are not a lighting rneu, but how we should like to challenge the wretch who grumbles at beiug crown’ and off the pave ments by these blessed creatures and their hoops 1 Perhaps some benighted persop may not Be aware that this is the great hoop depot. If such a Rip Van Winkle exists, let him try to overtake the age again 1 We presume that ninety-nine out of every hundred hoops that dangle at the store doors, and glide along the streets under tissues und barages, bear the stamp of the enterprising firm or Douglas and Sherwoods New York. Ought not the ladies to club together and present them with a sil ver pitcher? We never folly realized tb ),-i'Ofiianee of bno . before, butstaaffiag'.,Ba&)6 these beau tifu and gjStoefifi We really becoais inspred, and ebbid have a flF.r,:,'’ The Sons of the Hoop” with the greatest ease. This firm conducted us through their spacious establjfih raen; vi-ith great courtesy, and gave us u l’- y new ideas on the subject. Three hundred A-eitriean girls are employed there, in tlie mantifactore of crinolines, (just think of that ye desolate old haeliclors !) and the celebrated Willimmtic spool cotton, s “native American” production also, which for strength and bean ly nearly equals silk, is altogether used in this establishment. . Tfcrir djwnt^dpAfi-iftibing quite an invention, as it is capable oi being expan ded and contracted at an instant’s notice The skeleton was light and summer like, but the ladies say the patent stee! spring, with “adjustable bustle, ’ isthebsst, and ot course they know all about it. We suppose our read ers all know what a bustle is, if they don’t it i-n't the ladies fault I But it is of no use for us to attempt to de scribe the five hundred different styles of hoop that Douglas and Sherwood are daily sending to the north, south, and west. The Maine damsel wears them, the Southern lady drapes them with lace and silk, and if we should hear that Brigham Young had ordered a cargo for his wives, we should come to the conclusion that he was a sensible man alter all I We are glad to’see that the adoption of this healthy and graceful article of dress is almost universal, and we hope to witness tbe day when every American lady will conform to the custom.. DoataFs bills would-be ■ntrort'-rrdrug gists would pine, our homes would be happier, and oar wives and sisters would be lovelier. Ladiea! go ahead, and “don’t give up the” hoop I Thu State of New York City. The recent riots disclose a most alarming condition of the public peace. This city, with its thousands of homes and rich depots of wealth, lie now comparatively unguarded and defenceless. We claim no superior standard in point of real decency and good behavior for New York over Baltimore and Philadelphia; we have ohr human hyenas here as well as there —creatures who, like the “Plug Uglies,” would lap gore and kill for mere wantonue.-s. But we do say that under the admirable discipline of the police force just disbanded these dan gerous elements have been repressed. The de cision of tbe Court of Appeals at once dis banded this force and left no alternative for its former head except to bid farewell to the tried aDd trusty guardians of public peace aud order. The duty of maintaining order was thrown upon the new Board of Police Commissioners and their hastily levied and imperfectly disci plined recruits. The consequences we see.— Would it not have been far better for these gen tlemen, instead of making an- attempt at once to build up a political engine, to have adopted the counsel of the Mayor, taken hold amicably with him, while the matter was depending in the Courts, visited the Station House, studied the working of the system and taken it off the hands of the Mayor at the termination of the suit in their favor? The men will, after a while, with a proper drill and discipline, become, it is to he noped, more effective. During the recent troubles they were far worse than the old leatherheads of a quarter of a century ago; they may, how ever, improve; but this Board of political wire pullers and professional pipe-layers will never be other than a nuisance. It they secure a good Superintendent—a man of decision, in tegrity and high moral character—he may be come the real head of the force, if the schemers do not thwart his plans by their political thim ble-rigging. We hope that the peace of the city may be secured; bat we fear that this cor rupt tree will yield nothing but bitter and poisonous fruits.—[N. Y. Daily News, July 13. Henry Ward Beecher. The New York Daily News of 13th inst.- shews up the humbug Beecher, and warns the public of him, aud all such interlopers in mat ters foreign to their clerical (?) calling as fol lows : The wrath of that Puritan interloper who discourses in Brooklyn upon the Sacred Writ ings, the Liquor law and the drama, has been exhibited of late, in a political point of view, in the presence of a large congregation of pious Black Republicans. From a pulpit desecrated, we may say, by this troublesome fanatic, the Democratic offi cers of our great city chosen regularly or le gally by the people have been abused to an extent alike indamatory and disgraceful. There appears to be a hcatcy desire on the part of this Henry Ward Beecher, to aggravat o the citizens of New York with his personalities aud pre dictions; his tirades upon all who differ with him or cry out aloud against the unbecomg use he has made of his call'Tig. It is not sufficient ,for him to attend to his theological dissertations and domestic duties, and leave secular affairs or political altercations to those best suited for them. Naturally we are tired aDd disgusted with the interference of the Puritan pulpit in manners foreign to its origin or its influence. By no means can the pros pects of the Abolition party be enhanced by abusive measures on the part of the clergy. The assaulst of Henry Ward Beecher are un fair, and not in accordance with bis position us a man endowed with a respectable education. In fact, his infamous aud incessant harangues u; on the sterling principle of Democracy, re flect dishonor,if not disgrace upon all who may encourage them. It is quite time, therefore, that we make an appeal to the people at large to beware of the malioe and presumption ot Henry Ward Bee cheer, as no contradiction of the assertions ut tered in the pnlpit can be made at the moment without creating a decided show of disrepect for religion. Beecher should preach the Gos pel and good will to all men, instead of being the author of evil doings and communications; but,alas! Beecher’spredence is sadly overrated, and his ideas of humanity at a very low ebb else he could not staud up in the Churchof tiro Pilgrims, and utter anthemas upon every hu> man being who cannot conscientiously pro nounce him a gentleman. A down east editor advises his readers, if they wish to get teeth Inserted gratis, to go and steal fruit where his watch-dog is on guard. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1857. ftllecelluneou* Item*. A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce expresses his belief that the Scliuyffir, fraud in jured the railroad property of the country one hundred millions of dollars, i. e. its market value. Beverly Tucker, late Editor of The Sentinel, has been offered a first clues Consulate, pro hably London or Liverpool. Talking of Sydney Smith’s cool idea of “taking off his flesh and sitting iu his bones,” as beiug the highest imaginable degree of airy comfort. “lean better that,” said a wit, re cently, “I’d knock the marrow out and have a draft through.” Columbus is a place to enjoy life and its good things and there are “several” persons there who take care that the “way-faring men” bath a “good time” in passing. The ship Manlius from the Pacific coast of South America, was spoken off Old Point Com fort on Thursday, leaking badly. A United States steamer had gone to her assistance. She was bound to Baltimore. Scurry dubs a certain class of Houston’s friends the “sap headed Democrats,” but he intimates that they are few and far between. The Itev. Whiteford Smith, D. D., posi tively declines the Chair tendered to him in the Booth Carolina College. Whom to visit—when to visit—how long to visit—these would form the staple of a useful essay, if any body would take the trouble to write it, and would write it cleverly. The bulletiu for curiosities of the Qelogna Gazette, contained lately the capricious offer of an English gentleman to a Oarlsruhe orphan ooy to pay him £IO,OOO sterling on his furnish ing him within a running year, ore million used postage stamps. We see notice of the death of Frank W. Bow den, of Heudeison, Rusk county Texas. A brilliant star has set. The effort to raise the sum of $40,000 in order to secuie the Tremont Temple building to the Baptists has been successful. It will in time, doubtless, become the headquarters of the Buptist denomination in New England, and the home of all its denominational enterprises which are located, in Boston. During the last moments of Winn, a Roches ter printer, who lately died, he was heard to say,“l’m on my last stickful—l’m coming to a paragraph—and 1 snpposal’il have to wait for old Death to put iu tub period.” Picnics are now made easy to get up, if the aentlemen will bring the knives and Jorks, as tii;- ladies, attired in the fashionable breadth of crinoline, will supp£ the spread. An advertisement lately appeared, headed “Iron bedsteads and bedding.’ We suppose the linen must be sheet-iron. The velocity of light, according to Herschel, is a million oi miles in five seconds, requiring 40,00Q.years to roach the earth. Hayti, “emancipated” itself now some 70 years ago, amid horrors that made the world shiver,and then they, as slaves, (the Haytiaus,) exported 150,000,000 pounds of sugar, but now not oue pound 1 On the coutrary, they are importers of sugar. A scheme has been initiated in Liverpool for the formation of anew line of steamers from that port to Australia, each vessel tube of ten thousand tons bnrden, guaranteed to make the passage in thirty days, end at a cost of only $2,000,000 each. “I know two tunes—the one is Auld Lang Syne, the other isn’t. I always sing the lat ter.” A wag proposes to publish anew paper, to be called the Comet, with an original tale every week. ,Sa i.t an article in the Key of the Gulf from Key West we learn that the excess of rain during certain years has caused a decrease iu salt making : In 1851, if the pretent improvements had been made on the Works, a fair crop would have been made here,—as it was, some 25,000 bushels were taken from the ground pans with comparatively few hands. In 1854, 70,000 bushels were raked from ground pans, yet in that year nearly 20 inches of rain fell in the spring and summer months —three inches at oue shower, in June,but the air was otherwise dry and hot. In nearly all of those years a fair crop of salt could have been secured, had the improvements now in progress been com pleted. The present season has, so far, been a very singular one. There was less than three inches of rein in November and December of 1856, with the months of January and February of 1857 added. The fall of rain in the past spring was about five inches, which is a little under the old average; but at no time in the past eight months has the air been very dry, or the evaporation great. There was a period of some three weeks, at the end of May and beginning of June, in 1851, that the evaporation was greater than in any two of the past eight months put together; yet by concentrating the evaporation over the whole 400 acres, that are now brought into use at the Salt Works here on some six to eight acres of carefully prepared crystatizing nans, which alone have been raked from; some 25 to 30 men have been kept con stantly at raking from the 13th of May to the 27th of June, when the first considerable rain struck the Works. A number of pans, were raked at intervals before the 13th of May, and so far, some 50,000 bushels of salt have beeu raked from ground pans. The future of the seasou depends on the period that the present rains continue. Asa matt :r of practical impoitauce to the country, it may be observed with truth, that our seaboard from New Jersey to the Rio Grande, famishes thousands of situations where the very best of solar evaporated salt can be made; it would be cheaply made, by the com petition elicited, if our people would study their own interests, thereby saving millions,) by steadily refusing to buy Liverpool, or other boiled salt, to salt provisions. On the sea coast, from New Jersey to Cape Florida, the appliances for increasing evaporan tion, now in use in France, the south of Ger many, and in Italy, would be found invaluable. Among the Florida Keys, and the seaboard from Galveston to the Rio Grande, these ap pliances would not be absolutely necessory, but would be found useful to increase the product in a given time. But all of these appliances, together with the interest on the first cost of all proper improvements, put upon a place con veniently situated, constitute a very small item in the expense of making salt, and de livering it to the vessels. At well arranged salt works, for making solar salt, the expense of crystaliaing the salt ready to rake, in the pans, is one-cigth, or at most, one-seventh of the whole expense o f making and delivering to vessels. The main items of expense are, — raking— one-third of whole expense—housing and securing from rain—another third—and shipping,—nearly one-fourth more of this ex pense. From this it will be seen that the great object is to select a place where the salt can be housed and shipped at the least possible ex pense. Heavy Bank Robbeby.—The Central Bauk of New Brunswick, at Frederickton, N. 8., was robbed on Sunday the 28th, of a large sum in gold and live pound notes. The amount is not stated but is supposed to be from $15,000 to $20,000 in gold, and a large sum iu notes. The robbers got into the basement of the build ing, dug through the masonry and got access to the lock. They selected the gold and notes and left the silver on the floor of the banking room. No oue connected with the bank visit ed it ‘form Saturday afternoon to Monday morning, so that the robbers bad ample time for arrangements, especially aa they liud cut the wires of the telegraph lines leading from the place. A reward of $2,000 is ottered for the arrest of the burglars. Look Out for Him.— A reward ot $l5O will be given to any person who will apprehend sud safely deliver to the Sheriff of Fulton coun ty, Ga., William M. Witcher, who is charged with having killed his father, 1). H. Witcher, in Atlanta, on the 25tli inst. By William Lizard, Mayor. Description. —William M. Witcher is about 18 years of age, live feet six inches high, weighing about 150 lbs., broad shoulders, sandy hair inclined to red, straight aul long, face broad and slightly freckled. He bad on | when he escaped, a blue cloth coat, light I colored casimsre pants and black gaiter shoes. CrtnsM Jtertismts. Minm. mm ttiuai sW rpHE UNDERSIGNED is Increasing his JL stock of B'JOKS and STATIONERY by every steamer from the North, and is ateo in receipt of the NEW ‘PUBLIJATIONB, of thefajiflcipal publish ins: houses, an soon as issued rrom toe press. He oilers for sale at low prices: 100 reams Folio Post, Cap, letter, Note aDd Commercial Note Paper. * besi qualities of Tissue and Draufc Paper, Bristol lioard, Music Paper, Bill Paper,- Hotting Paper, En- \ velopes of all sizes, colors and qualities ; also, the ‘ Bank Check Books on sale—2s p 4 cent lower than afforded at any other place in tbdetty. * Blank Books of all qualities, tof rther with all the staple articles ol Stationery usual r found in a mis such as Counting House, School, smcy and Pocket Inkstand*, Portfolios, Back Gammon and Chess Boards. Chess Men, Ferimonic*a?tcketbooks, Sin gle and 1 to‘ut)lc Slates, Force! W Slates, Erasing KlUper Folders, Pen Steel andQaill Pen*, Mucilage, all tbe beet Imnds of Writing, Copying and Indelible Inks, YiaUtog and Playing Cards, all warranted as good and st as low prices as can be found m asm m Also.: Bill Fiks, India RnbbcZ. India Rubber Rings, Quills, iSealing Wax, fancy and whi'o; India Drawing CardsJDrawing Slates, Crayon, Crayon Holders, Black S4nd, Sand Boxes, Bil head Boxes, Calendars, kc. 1 All of which will be sold at the ijwest prices. jyß J. B. CUBOVOUE, agt. Dissolution of Co-PMnership. THE Firm of Webstar k is this day dis solved by mutual consents Either co-part ner is allowed to use the name gPthe firm in the settlement of the business. A|i persons indebted by note or account will please make prompt pay ment. ‘ JOS. W* WEBSTER, GEORG* F. PALMES Savatmah, July Ist, 1867. ■ Co-Partnerstef. Undersigned have this an- formed a co- JL partnership for, the purposQjjf carrying on a Ge*y™ Grocery, Produce ant! Tpumission Busi ness, under tbe firm ol Webster A: Palmes, at the old stand of Webster Palmes, and respectfully solicit the custom at* their former friends anui patrons, and public generally. JO.~ KPH % CON NER AT, JO-KPH ; •£ WEBSTER, t , GEORGE H PALME*. • savannah, Jniy Ist, 1867. jy7 House Keeuinff Goods. HENRY LATHItd| > & CO. WOULD invite the attention *! purchasers to their stock of Heuse KeepfcJt Goods, as fol lows:—10-4, 11-4, 12-4 Barclay LluCa Sheeting 8-4, 9 4, 10-4 bleached Linen Damasks Brown do do %te % bleached Damask | : os Bleached and brown do Doy Richardson, Sons fit Linena Bird eye, Scotclnand Russia Diipers Fancy bordered Damask Towel? 1 do do Huckaback 0* Bleached and brown l)o>v ,a ® 40 inch to 45 inch pillow case Linens 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, 13*4 Eng Marseilles Quilts 10-4,12 4 Turkish Counterpane American and English JU*pg <Bsths 7-14 to 11-4 bleached and browi sheetings, &c, mr24 .• i More Auction Goods. .4 MOTHER largest of Auction CxocU. consisting iV t wentv MfjOTStaRT si raepiv ed ptslTfcfi.UJ6a'* XugttdUa. WAlViiO City 2uu t-Gunlry ouyers to call and see our present stock, viz: 3UO pieces French Orgamly Muslins, to seil at cents, well worth 37cents. 100 pieces Mourning do at 12£c. 250 Turkish Counterpanes 10-4,11-4, 12-4. 50 French Marsailies do. 350 Damask Table Clothe, very cheap. 160 pieces Domestic (iingham. 260 dozen Hosiery, of all descriptions. 6 cases Bleached Shirting of the beu brands mainfactured. 600 Fine French Worked Collars. 160 cheap Embroidered Bands. 75 dozen Black Lace Mitts. 156 pieces superior Family Linen. 1 cartoon lancy Bonnet Ribbons. .1 do Ladies’ French Kid Gloves. 1 do Gent’s do. 10 dozen Gent’s ready made Shirts. 60 do Ladies’ Liueu Uaudkercbietß. 25 pieces While lfineu Damask. 450 Skeleton Skins. 20 dozen Gent’s Lisle ibread Gloves. 30 do Child ten's do. The above will be soid at very reduced prices. They are positively the cheapest lot we have had this season; were purchased extremely low at New York auctions, and wc will gu ranee universal satisfaction to all, as far as quality, style, and cheapness are concerned. GRAY & TURLEY, 115 Congress Street, jy7 opposite Pulaski House SUNDRIES. Oi \ Bags prime green Uio, Laguira and O\J old Govt Java Collee 10 hhds choice St. Croix Sugar 20 hhd* choice P. Kico Sugar 30 hhds prime N. O. Sugar 20 hhds prime P. R. Sugar 6) bbls choice N. O Molasses 20 hhds aud 75 bbls WI Molasses 100 bbls A B & C Clarified Sugar 60 bbls crushed and powdered Sugar 200 bbls Baltimore Syrup 75 bbls aud 200 bags Tcnn extra Flour 60 hhds prime Bacoa Side* 20 hhds Shoulders 15 casks Hams 75 bbls old P fisHGin 150 bbls E Phelps’ Gin 50 bbls N E Rum 30 bbls domestic Brandy 150 boxes butter, sugar and soda Crackers 25 boxes soda biscuit 10 j boxes Grant A Williams’ 6s k 3s Tobacco 90 boxes various brands Tobacco 200 boxes No. 1 pale aud family soap 100 boxes Oswego Pear: starch 150 boxes Adamantine Candles bo boxes patent tallow Candles 30 kegs selected Goshen butter 50 boxes English dairy Cheese 500 bags drop and buck shot, assorted sizes 500 pounds bar Lead 5J half chests black Tea 30 ball chests Hyson Tea 100 6lb caddy boxos assorted Tea 50 doz Brooms ! 50 doz painted Buckets 100 hexes pipes For sale from store by may3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. SUNDRIES. A HHDS PRIME PORTO RICO SUGAR. JL \f 30 hhds Muscovado Sugar 75 bbls Stuart’s Crushed and Pulverized Sugar 100 bbls Smart’s ABAC Clarified Sugar 160 bags lair to choice Rio Coffee 60 packets Old Gov’t Java OotUe 20 bogs choice Old Brown Jars CoCee 50 hhds Bacon Sides 30 hhds Bacon . boulders 20 tierces Sugar-cured Hams 6 hhds Tennessee Hams 200 boxes various brands Tobacco 10 casus Tobacco, >4 lb plugs, extra quality 200 b >res No 1 ami Pale Soap 100 boxos Oswego Starch !• 0 bbls Sugar, Soua, Putter aud Pilot Crackers 300 boces A daman tiue Can dles 600 bbls Giu, Whisky, Rum, Malaga Wine and Bran ly, in sMrc ar.d for sale by jy 16 HOLCOMBE JOHNSON J; CO. SUNDRIES. SOAP, SUGAR, SYRUP, Ac. lUO boxes Family, Pale ami No 1 Soap; 76 bbls Stuart's A B &G Sugar; lft hints Muscovado aud Porto Rico Sugar; fto bbls N O Syrup, 7 ft, box us Pearl Starch; 7ft’cases Schnapps; •-ft M Imported aud American Sugars; 16 jars Macaboy uufl} 75 baga assorted Twine; 6 bags Spice; Received and for sale by jyia mcmahon a doylk. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, ~ Tho subscriber has received a Urge assortment or ready made iflftrfHfr, IfM Spring and Summer Clothing, | fiflii/v , .m.iaut Vt u ite Rid tv loves, lor sale bv WM. R. SYMONS. Draper & Tailor, apU 17 Whitaker street. BOC&LAND LI UK—IOOO bbls Rook laud Unto lor sale to arrive by jyll-S HUNTER * GAMMKLL. transient Sliiiirrtisfiimifs. Tenbroeck Course, $ I SAVANNAH, GEO . ! r PHh Second Annual meeting over this Course X will commence on the first Tues .ay of Janua ry. 1368. FIR.ST DAY—Sweepstake for three year olds, mile heats; $l5O entrance; SSO for feit; to which the Club will add $100; three or more to fill the stake; to name and close Ist June, 1867. SAME DAY—Mile heats; Purse $l5O. SECOND DAY—Two mile heats; Purse $360. THIRD DAY—Three mile heats; Purse SSOO. FOURTH DAY—Sweepstake for three year olds; two mile heats; S3OO entrance; SIOO forfeit; four cr more to fiil the stake, to which the Club will add $300; to name and close the Ist June, 1867. SAME DAY—Mile heats; 3iu 6; Purse s*2oo. FIFTH DAY—Post gtake; four mile heals; free for all ages; subscription $300; play or pay; to which the Club . will add $1600; Tour or more to fill thestake; janC-tf SUMMER GOODS Selling off at Cost! AND Nu HUMBUG ABOUT IT 11 EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, 151 CONGRESS STREET. IN order to reduce their extensive stock of SUM MER’ GOGBS, will sell from this day AT COST. They especially call the attention ol the Ladies to their choice assortment of Mantillas, of every style and fabric ; SiU, Organdie, Bare go and Lawn Flounced Robes ; black and light colored Dress Silks; Lawns, at 8 and 10 cents; Embroideries, in Cambric and Swiss Moslins; Bands, Collars Sleeves, Valeocienne and all other kinds of Laces, Dress, Trimmings, Lace Curtains, Marseilles Quilts, Do mestic Table Cloths, and Parasols. We invite buyers to examine our stock. my3l lw FRESH BISCUIT! ~ Fresh Crackers 1 ! A Fresh Assortment of Choice lea Cake, Biscuit and Crackers, from Anderson’. Celebrated New York Bakery, just received and comprising— CONGRESS BISCUIT, SPICED SNAPS, GINGER SNAPS, NEW YEAR’S CAKE, LEMON TEA CAKE, MILK BISCUIT, FOX’S CRACERS, SUGAR AND BUTTER BISCUIT, BOSTON PIC-NIC BISCUIT, &C n &C. —ALSO— A lot of excellent BLACK and GREEN TEAS, of various brands lor sale by WM. R FARRELL, my2o corner Broughton and WiEtakerjgt. Mercer Potatoes !!! JUST received in fine order, 30 BBLS VERY VINE MERCER POTATOES. 5 hhds Prime Muscovado Sugar. (various prices*) May Butter! 6 TUBS EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER, j (first of the season.) 5 boxes New Cream Cheese A Lot of line Coooanuts. For sale by WM. H. FARREtI., my 12 corner Broughton A Whitaker sts. JUST RECEIVED ; PER STEAMER FLORIDA. 1 BARREL SMALL PIG HAMS, 1 BBL SMOKED TONGUES, 1 bbl. Smoked Tongues, 10 £ BBLS. PICKED TORE AND BEEF, (Extra and lor family use.) 3 CHESTS SUPERIOR HYSON TEA, at 75 cents per pound, worth sl, 5 chests Black Tea, Inferior to none in this market, only 75 cts. rer ib 10 chests Oolong and Green Tea, at proportionally low prices, MAY BUTTER, 10 firkins prime selected Goshen, 1 CASE FIXE FRENCH FIGS, in fancy boxes, 2 boxes Plantation Tobacco, at a low price, LAYER RAISINS, FRESH DATES, Ac., &C., For sale by WM. H FARRELL. myso corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. FRESH BISCUIT AND CRACKERS JUST RECEIVED, comprising all the diiierent kinds New York affords, consisting of Congress* Egg, Milk, Wine, Lemon, Soda, Abernathy, Maple, and other Biscuit, New Year’s Cake, Ginger and Spiced Snaps, Fox's, Butter, Boston, Lemon, Pic Nic, Graham, Water; Sugar, and Fancy’ Crackers— all of which we shall keep constantly on hand and receive fresh supplies by every steamer at the Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, nov26 WM. H. FARRELL. J. W. MILLER WOULD respectfully announce that ho has re moved from Brcajhion to Bernard street, next door to Aldrich's Shoe store where he will be happy to sec and serve his old friends and the pub lic generally. Fruits; fine French and American Confections; Preserves: Pickles; Jellies, Syrups; Cordials; Spices;Sauces; Raisins; Figs; Prunes; Nuts; Crackers; Biscuit, kc, fisc; Os the finest qualities and at moderate prices. Al ways fresh and fine. ray3 LINEN LAWNS. A FEW pieces Linen Lawns, fast colors, for la dies aud childrens summer Dresses, just re ceived and for sale ;;t JOSEPH H. LADSON’S, mvl Shadd's Building. VERY CLEAR CASKS. A BEAUTIFUL assortment of superior Ivory, Fans, together with a fine lot of linen and Bilk Fan* just opeueued aud lor sale by mr2s J. H- LADSON WHITE SATIN,A KID SUPPERS. EEC ELY ED by late arrivals— Ladies White Satin Slippers, do do Kid do Misses Black Gaiters aud Morocco Boots. Ladies Polka and Jenny Lind Boots. M. J. BUCKNER, aov6 No. 71 and 152 Gibbon’s Range. GENT’S AND BOY’S WEAR. BLACK CassUuercs aud lK>eskms, Fam ,w do-, Black and Col*4 Cloths, Tweeds, Satinets, Silk YosUugs. Monuo and Cotton Under Garments, Ho siets of all kinds. Gent's i men Cambric HdkPs, Hom'd Stitch’d do. do., Col'd Borders do., Stocks, Napoteou Ties and Cravats, so., Ac For sate by nvs riaWTPT A MORGAN LINEN DRILLINGS. IXTHTTK-and colored Uucn Drillings, plain aud VV figured, received and tor sale by mr26 J. M. LA DSPS. lIUSH; LINK NS. Oi* PIECES Richardson's best Shirtiug Linens, OU stow opened and for sale by rnr26 J. H. LADGON. “liriNES, LIQUORS, &c. f T 6 quarter casks pale Sherry Wine, 10 quarter casks Madeira Wine, 5 half pipes A. Selgnctt & Go's Braudy, 6 quarter casks Cognac, do. 2 puncheons St. Croix Rum, 2 do Old Jamaica Ruin, S pipes Holland Gin, star brand, 160 boxes 6’a, 6’s, %** lt>’s pounds Tobacco, 10 cases ,lb Tobacco, superior article, in store and for sale by lob 3 HOI-COMBE, JOHNSON k CO. MAY' 'BUTTER-30tuba selectedMy“But ter, landing from steamer aud for sale by mjrdS BCRAXTOX A JOHNSTON. OATS— 200 bushels lauding aud for sale by myl OOIiKN, ST ABB A 00, Cotteru . SWAN & CO’S. I.OTTEia : The Most Brilliant Lver Drawn! aA. PIT AT. JF'IP*... 2SA.i i i TICKETS ONLY $lO. • Owing to tbe treat Cavor with w, ch our ting’.e Number Lotteries have been receive . by the p.. - lie, and the large demand lor Tickets, ih- Hat - \ J S. SWAN kCO , will have a-draw: -g each >1; - day throughout the year. The following Scheme J will be drawn in each of their Lotteries for July, j 1857. CLASS 4J 7 To bcWawn in the city of At r*-nta, t**, in pobbu. ou Saturday, july 4th, ie.57. CLASm 44. To be drawn in the city of Ularta. Ga., in SATURDAY. JULY iltii, 1857. CLASS ‘45. To be drawn in the ciij of Atlanta, Ga- in pu: .. SATURDAY, JULY JLBUI, 1857. CL AS’ 40- To be drawn in the city of ua, . ; j- ■ SATURDAY, JULY 25til, loot. On Hie Man of Single Aujibeu. Three A uousand Three Hundred and Thirty Prize*. Nearly one Prize to every Nine Tick Magnificent Scheme! To be drawn each Saturday in July. i prize of $60,000 | I priz.. >; $1,0:0 1 prize of 2V.000 | i prize of i, o 1 prize of 10,000 1 i prize 01 1.000 1 prize oi j 1 prize 01 s,i*u 1 iu pru'.s v.. .. 300 j 1 prize of 2,5.0 ) 10j priz. ■>:’ ioi. j 1 prize of i-,000 j Ibo . ot uu APPROXIMATIOy FKIZK& i 4 prizes of S2OO app’g to ; 0 pr. z. ire <8 j 4 “ 175 “ ■■ • 7ni 4 “ lUO “ . .o-JW “ 4wu 8 “ 8J “ 5. prizes U 8 “ bo 2,500 “ 400 12 “ uJ l.ooj •* Sfe 28 “ 25 500 700 3000 2O arc 60,000- 3330 prizes aiaooutrng :o $204 / Tickets $lO, Halvui $5, Quarters $2 60. PLAN OF TELE LOTTERIES. The Numbers frwm l u> o-.yjvr), cvrreipontim; with those uumberj on the i. kets printed on aep erate slips ol paperc, are enc.rclea with euiwll tubes arc placed in one V*'L Thu first 21-2 Prizes, similarly printed aid eo- 1 circled, are placed ;n anoib .s vViieci. Tne whet-fi m theu revvuv cd, and a number is drawn from the U neei of numoers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn* from the other Wheel. The number anu prize drawn 001 are opent-u anu exhibited to the audience, and registered by tne Commissioners; the Prize beuigplaced agaui*t the Namber draw;.. This operation ia repeated Dntii all the prizes arc drawn out. * Pbizes. —The two preceding and the two succeeding N uniters to thosv drawing the • first 17 r'nzrri w.,: i>c entitled to IheCb Approx.- matiou frizes, tor example: if Ticket No 11250 draw the $60,u00 Prize, Tickets numbered 11_43,1124b, lizfil, 112 will eacn be entitled to $225 If Ticket No 55 -r a wa iL- 6-0,060 Prize, those Tickets numbered 5-^> : 64.-, 551, wih each be entitled to 5-uO, aud ©o 02 ace j: ding to tne above Scheme. The SjOdOpmes ©: S2O wi.i be dieter mined oy the iast figureol the Number crawt ike sOo.voo | 1 Prize. Fur example, if tne number drawing the 1 S6O just prize ends with No. 1 thenaL the ticseis j where uie numoor ends lu 1. wili oeeat-t.. ato *-0. j il tiic number enue with No. ~ then ah the ] where tue nuinttr enda-Ut 2 wil be u> i.c \ frse**2 ***#*, ■ -C-’- —, j Certificates of Packages will be sold at iheiLs-1 I lowmg rates, which is the risk: Certifies: of packages oTIO whole tickets SSC j “ 10 hail “ ...... 40! ‘ 4 “ loqajtrter “ - j “ •* 10 eighth “ 101 IN ORDERING TICKETS OP. dRTLFTCAILS, Enclose the money to our address for the - c..-.ns ordered, -n receipt of which they will he icrwar*.:d by nrst mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may cie'-iguaie. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers inuaeoiaUny alter the ura* ing. Purchasers will please write thet t plain, and give their Post Office, County and iute. Remember that every prize is drawn, and paya ble without deduction. Aii prizes of $1,600, and under, paid immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual -sc vt thirty days. AllcommußicahOLS strictly conhdttl i’nzetickets cashed or renewed m other ucaots at either office. Address orders lor ticket; or certificates to S. SWAN £ Cos., Atlanta, oa. Office in Savannah, Bull atreec ncar^Bay. AS*A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is enuned to, will he pnb.ishel after every drawing, in the fodowmg papers : New Oriums Delia, Mobile Register, Charleston standard, Nash ville Gazette, Atlanta InteUigeoccr, New York Weekly Day Rook, SaYaauzh News uni Richmond Despatch. jy4 Royal Havana Lottery. The Best uad Fairest Lottery iu ihe World, SOETEO NUMESO 584 OKDISASIOI To be drawn July £SUi. tfejl. NEW SCHEME: $30U,000. 1 Prize es SIOO,OOO i “ ......v.y.y..y. \ so,ooo i “ ao,ooo 1 5,000 s•* ;;;; .1 *.;;;;;:. .f,ooo 52 M . 50t> 143 “ ; 4 Approximation Prizes, each ol’ 16 “ “ “ 400 Whole Tickets, S2O; Halves,slo; Quarters. $5. This Lottery draws every month u Cuba. Every Prize is drawn that inentionodm tue Scheme. All orders addressed t the undersigned will be prompt ly attended to, and if too late for one Drawing, will be filled in the next. Prizes cashed at 5 per cent, discount JOHN E. KELSON, Box ISO, jys Charleston, S. C. ’ NOTICE THE Undersigned has located ;u this ettv (Amer icus) for the purpose oi’ carrrying on a general Commission and Auctioneering i cs.uess. He will buy or sell Land, and soil at Auctiua any kind of goods or produce that may bo eni usted to hm also, buy aud seil negroes, and will be prepared at all times to make libcflßAkdvacces on the same. Office in the icwerstcr/ o- tue Mcßsiu House. NEWNAN McRAIN. siraffixofi. T M Furlow, Americas, J J Scarborough, Americas, W A Hawkins. A meric us. IV W Barlow. Americas, Henry G Lamar. Macon, Thomas Ross, Macc-n. J W Lat firop & Cos, Savannah, Martin J Crawford. Columbus, lohu A Tucker, Lumpkin, Ga., K Fonder, Thonusviue, Ga., Hon lx>tt Warren, Albany, Ga. ianl3-tf HENRY LATHROI- & CO WOULD invito the attention of the lad ice to a choice lot of Tucked Jaconet overskirts, a new and desirable article. Also— Misses Extension Steel Spring skirts; Long and short black net Mitts; White Kid Gloves; Fancy Belt Ribbons; White TarUrtous; Liueu Shirt Bosoms; Bilk blond Edging, to. tn y J ” RBW GOODS. BY EXPRESS—PIus, Barrings, Flugerriup,set oi Karrings, Pin aud Bracelet, all P scroll aud fruit patterns; sploudidCoralsetw, au all Jet do, iu gold; Sleeve Collar du. aud Studs, iu ovary variety; Slides lor auMds,’ aud iu thet everything apperiain.n* to iho Jeo..y business. Call aud g*-,. fe2o ‘ lateM Kastman's. 1857. SMLLfiTU’ AHITsUMMLB lSf. GOODS AND CLOTHING. T AM now receiving Sf'uvisSißKor I and will be nappy TO MAKE TO MEASURE r furnish the READYMADE, to ray frionds and the people from nJi parts cf the country, at the lowest rates aud on * die beat terms. WM. O. TRICE. Merchant TaUor, mart ‘ UTBaybtre*. I NO 15081 Cotterds. THE FAB-FAML’D AND POPUI A-’ Maryland Lottsries, FOa JULY, 1857, 11. France ,v Cos., 7'lat: i:’ :- AriL PIUZE SCITi..H- : GRAND CONSOUDAf-iD liOTTEnY OS’ 2.133. Class I. To be Drawn Saturday, July 25tb, ia more, Maryland. DrawfUgs coodnctcfi oider the ape> aui ■ deux.* of the State Lottery Ominj.olo". ALL PLlzfi SCHEiiK I Each an.J i-ATIU/ TICK ; ... B*o<a i ’ ■ !i ■ - I 1 Jr. 1 j"--"” ■ | t£ $ %% •• •• * Gid A .s Ls - LOTTERY OF iIARYRaNL Extra Clue a 7. To be drawn :u B-. 11 And. rKI- SPLENDID SCHEME : Capital Prizes. A... roxication Pri7-i. 11 1 prize ot o.oGo I 1; r:2e c; 3 oi v ... z,Su “hr p: 1t ... 2*) .Mas of 750 8) c:..‘. ’ <r Pie zee address all or> r, : * -z :z the above .\lagnificeut Schemes to I !I HubbardCo. are our Ai*r: ffßkll orders tor Tickets in the Mary : . j THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE MU;siv ‘ j _ ■ j xr xwinal um s W; : SIaLL the ogrp^rtumi.y'toreiißrttLLaLA- w clsj | trfagfe&aa to emrfor thh Mason also. W. Knaber anab which fbr and beamy of tcu.n tad power, c.m not he surpasses. Also, cn hzm x cto::v of Home and Foreign 0029 MASBIE SCHOOL. THE ILLSSLL 2-r.HOOL will be opened cn Y-7 r.; - KfiSDAY, Octet# 15th. the SchcoL * • Apphcfiats shu.l t e receive evt/y day cf the first week, and on Mcaday of c-n-'h *u> - ceedicg week oi the Lena.'-’ ifier c are stii. sevrra. v.Catt.cics -fi tii - Schuvi. L uto ‘ viH,!*; SchooL applications airy he made to ihe l: .. who will be found ai Loom c- very . i - from sto 10. cci'tO 1 C * l C 8. MAui>N, iYiuc'vcL BOOTS AND SIIOJSS. CffiiamgStore oi George Js. Nich-xs & Cos., .. - Edits the patroxage neada and the-. m gonerai. J. , oc! T—ly SPECTACLES! SPEC LACIES I to this c:y. 1 cn Land .n Gold and Silver frames, the and ?-e . - ses, wnici: will be acknowledged far ai--* all others by every person ua. to use specs. I have them graduated :or .e and tkem wll caii early tor a, at the *.. i atmiu, corner Bryan and Whitaker street. mrl laie M. Los tman. SPRING MANTILLAS. THE SUBSCRIBERS would invue the nos the Ladies to a large and rich invoice o-i v. above goods, just arrived. A -e, Lames ana Misses black Net Mills i-uk. and Lisle Gloves Colored and biack Bilk Parasols Ivory, Linen and iancai Fans mrl* HENRY LATlißui , t C c DeWITT Ok MORGAN, WILL OP BN THIS DAY PS2t STAJIBR ALABAMA jALACK Aik and lace Man Lilas il Printed Jaconet and Organdie Lius’ ; ? India Summer Silks Crinoline Skurts; Jbtooi do Black and coi'd IVi do r'o: Parasols do do Mare Antique do Very rich fringed do Indies and Gents Summer l mbrehas Press Trimmings In every variety Hosiery, Gloves. Ac. u yZ TO BUILDERS. npHE SUBSCRIBER ia prepartl to escente J at the shortest notice, aud ui ihe imxst week manlike manner, all kinds oi Metal Roofing, t alters, Cornice, or other work connected v a t .. - tiinng or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Irou, or Sheetlron Buaiuess. HORACE SSDRiE. octlo led Brought’. RECEIVED BY EXPRKSS THUS Morning, a fine stock oi Pocket V.a ; ;. and also anew article tor Lawyer's use > fi Wrapper, and a very good aud useful couw • • all will find, that calls and makes a purcU.-> ‘ . the store of G. >i Gii i.- -i>b 26 Per. Whitaker and dissolution of co-partnerskif. THE tire* of LAIVON & ROGERS is tb\s y dir solved by mutualconsent. J- H. AO* >N wm attend to the settlement of the bUM • cf soid Arm Jtkil’H H- LaN. OORXisXHJS D. RCvi ill: Savannah, March, 2d, 1867. m HAVING thus day purchased, too entire inter .s; oi Mr G. D. ROGERS., in tho lato tin j of I*jD <ON S ROGERS- the undersigned respevU !> uouuces to the public that he will coutm; o i. ■ ole and Fancy Dry Goods at lU - stand, aud solicits a tviUinuance of th* r.t . • so hberaliy bestowed on tfco iato firm. Savanuah, March 2d, ISaT. . ” MUTILATED HONEY. THE undersigned will make ar ihc.aion tie MARINEBaNK in Savannah, u. ! n of three mouths, .tor tho redemrti- u . u bank notes- mutilated by t > lion of twenty dollars. The figured -X* vu o • . tinotinctly soon oa the right au *\ • too 1 -+* ■'!% tuau on both notes On one :s So. MM .• h© Os tho bkeucas ami under D.*aJt> uunqr ic.'O - worv’.s Cashier ivud President ntnul • Uio other Is No. SdOto tho tort oi the Rko: • mme dor D. partly mutilated—also the'.* • under 1 tvs cut--Cashier illegible ana Rreetdeot e wept the tire* last letters. JASON DODD. IWy-tfIUtUH, JK&- U