The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1857-18??, July 17, 1857, Image 3

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Iprrirl Jintm fc?gy- JOHN a. BINFOBD la ‘iur duty author tied agent during our abaeuie from the city. Savannah July 18th, 1861. Jyld I.OCKKTT & SNELLINti.S AQEHCIES. BELL, PRENTISS & Cos. are Sole Ageuta for the following manufactories ; Fairbanks Patent Platform ScalM. Herring’s Patent “Champion Fire-Proof Safes.” Hydraulic Cement Manufacturing Company. Alex. Fraser's Pearl Starch. Hudson Mills Spice Company. We will cell for the above Manufactories at their lowest cash prices, delivered in this city, thereby saving to the purchaser the cost of transportation. Jylfi 2awtf MEDICAL CARD. DK FaRRAR having located himself in Savin aah, for the purpose of general Medical practice, will be attentive to all calls on hi • professionally at all hours. Office of Dr. Fareur—Corner of West Broad and Broughton streets. Rjf ?u>bncb—Corner of York and Aberoorn btroeta. j myl& 3mod DA. JUKI AH HABBISS, Oilers his professional services in the practice of Medicine and Surgery to the citizens of Savannah and vicinity. Office on Stale st , four doors east of Barnard at., May be found at night at Mrs. Savage’s Boarding House. ap2l-3m J. W. BENSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery in Oglethorpe Medical College. Residence—South Broad street, ooe door west of Whttakor Office—Corner of Hull and Whitaker streets Hours for the Poor—From 3 to 4 daily. mrl3 ts OIL PHOTOGRAPHS. A FINE ASSORTMENT of these beautiful Pictures, combining all the Truthfulness of a Photograph, AND SOFTNESS OF A PORTRAIT, are now on exhibition at NUNN’S PHOTOGRAHPIC AND FINE ART GALLERY. rbl* Establishment having the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to use the Oil Ground Patent in Chatham Couuty, the public oan thus obtain the Best Paintings at the Lowest Prices. Persons at a distance huving likenesses of de ceased or absent friends, need only send the pic ture, with giving the description of the color of the eyes and hair, (if possible, a piece of the latter,) and they will receive a MOST PERFECT OIL PAINTING, AT A LOWER CHARGE than a Portrait of equal excellence can be furnished elsewhere. my 27 Proposals for Screw-Propeller Sloop-of- War. Navy Department, Bureau of Construction, Ac., June 27. 1867. . THE Bureau will receive sealed proposals, speci fications, and plans until the 24th day of Au gust next, endorsed “ Jbr the Construclum of a Steam Propeller Sloop of-War,” authorized by the act of Cougresa, approved 3d March. 1857. Tho proposals must be for the null, spars and spare spars, rigging and blodts, sails and spare sails, awnings, Ac., boats, anchors and cables, tanks, casks, furniture and cooking utensils, the steam machinery and spare work, with all the equipments and outfits of a ship-ol'-war ; to be com plete and ready in all respects to receive her officers and men, provisions, stores, and armament. The armament, stores, and provisions will be furnished by the government. The specifications must fully describe the ma terials to be used, the method and sizes of fasten ings, the detail of sizes and arrangement of the machinery, the various fixtures of equipment and outfit, the cabin Cor captain, wardroom for 12 officers, steerage for 14 officers, apartments for 4 forward officers, the store, sail, bread, clothing, issuing-rooms, Ac., sick bay, magazines, shell rooms. spirit-rooms, holds, chain and other lockers; also, the dimensions* awura, boats, and all the other objedta. included In.the proposal, T > , Upon application to the commandant of any navy yard, the bidder can seo tbs list of stores and pro visions with which the government will furnish the ship, and for which, also, the contractor in his plans must provide capacity and convenient stowage. The plans must be working drawings, from which the ship can be built, showing the inboard arrange ments, the allotments of space for accommodations for store rooms, for the stowage of the various ob jects of equipment, outfits, provisions, and stores, the arrangement of the machinery and the disposi tlon of the coal. There must also be a j lan of the sails, showing the courses, top sails, top gallant sails, jib, and spanker. The plans wilt be accompanied by a model, which, with the drawings of the hull, must be on a scale of one quarter of an inch to a foot. The ship to be pierced for chase, stern, and broadside ports,the latter not less than twelve in number on each side, and to be 14 feet 2 inches from centre to centre. The port sill to be 20 inches above the deck ; the ports 14 inches fore and alt, and 88 inches in depth. The weight of armament to be provided for in the displacement will be 160 tons of 2,240 pounds. The total complement of officers and men will be 266 persons, and the ship must stow provisions for 120 cays, and water for 90 days, with a condenser for distiiling fresh water. Fuel to bo carried for 13 days’ full steaming, and the vessel to make under steam alone at her deep-load draught of water teo knots in a smooth sea. The deep-load draught of water, when armed and fully equipped with men. provisions, and stores of all kinds, and ready for sea, not to exceed 16 feet, and the lowest port sill to be 8 feet above the load line. The propeller to bo fitted to hoist up ; and the boilers to have a telescope chimney, so that the ship may not be impaired as a cruiser under sail, toi which she is intended. The bidder will state the lime considered ne cessary to complete the ship for sea, together with the price, fully equipped, as before named. The object of the department in inviting proposals is to obtain the very best ship-of-war that the mer cantile mariue can produce, and proposals will be received from ship-builders only The proposals, specifications, and drawings which conform to the conditions now prescribed, and oombine the greatest number of advantages, will be selected, and the price must receive the appro val of tbe department before a contract will be made. The reputation of bidders as successful constructors will have due weight. The specifica tions, urawmgs, and models of parties not obtain ing the contract can be withdrawn by them. jy4—2aw4w JACOB MOODY, ] saaTvasal B. A. THORNTON, Present, the Honorable WILLIAM B. FLEMING, Judge of said Court: It appearing to the Court, by tbe petition of Jacob Moody, that on the 26th day of December, 1866, William K. Turman, Charles V. Smith, and Beverly A Thornton, of said county, made and delivered to said Jacob Moody, their cer tain promissory note, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the said William R. Tur man, Charles V. Smith and Beverly A. Thornton promised, on or before the first day of February, 1867, to pay to said Jacob Moody, er bearer, tbo sum of seven hundred and ninety-nine dollars and sixty-three cents for value received, and that af terwards to wit: on the same da? and year tne said Turwau, Smith and Thornton the hotter to hc oure ihe paymeut of said note executed and deliv ered to said Jacob Moody their deed of mortgago, whoreby they conveyed to said Jacob Moody a lot or tract of land containing three thousand, throe hundred and three acres (more or less), situate and lying in the second district oft aid county, and knowu as the Stafford jbaud, conditioned that ifthe said Turman, Smith and Thornton should pay ofl aud discharge said noto, or cause it to be done ac cording to tbe tenor thoreof, together with the cost aud collecting tho same, that then said note aud mortgage should become null and void ; and ittur thor appearing that said note remains unpaid, it is therefore, on motion of William B. Gaulden, Plain, tiff's attorney, ordered that the said William R, Turman, Charles V. Smith and Beverly A. Thorn ton, do pay Into this Court, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, the principal, tmerest aud cost due on said note, or show cause jo the contrary thereof, if any they have, and that on the failure of said Turman, Smith and Thornton to do so, that the equity of redemption in and to said mortgago, pro maces be forever thereafter bound aud foreclosed; and it is ftirther ordered that this rule be published in the Georgain & Jour nal, at Savannah, once a month for four months, or a copy thereof be served on the said William R. Turman, Hilaries V. Smith and Beverly A. Thorn ten, their special ageut or att’y, at least three months previous to the next term or this Court. March the 1 ith, 1867. WILUAM B. FLEMING, Judge E. D. Geor. GEORGIA, l Ido eertity that the above Xaitjuu. County ) aud foregoing is a true oopy from the miuutes of the Superior <\>urt. Given under my hand this 3d April, 1867. J. P. R. SIKES, my2o-iaui4m Clerk. PL AST k R—6 Ocas ks Calointd’ Piaster in store and for sale low by iy* CARLKTON 4k PARSONS. Lime— 1600 casks best quality Lump lime in store and for sale by JyS OARLITON It PARSONS. ■ffiiifcgsioniil Curbs., D a'V IS & LONG, FACTORS j Jmik COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAY STREET. S'uvaiu.all, Georgia. j. ii.DAvi, (jyM-ly) w. a ionu. SABI’L H. HAWKINS, ATTORNEY” AT LAW, J ;■ AJttJSWCUH, GA. 1 Will practice in the counties of Sumter, Webster, Ferrell. Randolph, Worth, Baker,Calhoun and lee. ! Reference—Col Henry G. Lauiar, M*con, Ga.— Hon Martin J Crawford, Columbus.Ga ;Mr Wm. L Johnson, Arnericus, Ga. -wylO-ly CHAS CL CAMPBELL, attorney at law, MfLLEDGEVILLK, GA. Fractious Law in the various counties of the Oc imilgee Circuit, and the adjoining comities of Twiggs, Lauren* an i Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. B. Hilton. |e® I-* ••l’ LOCKETT A SPELLINGS, Commission Merchants, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will attend to ihe selliug of all kiuds of produce, btrici attention given to receiving and forwarding goods. _ my3l ly DANIEL & ANDERSON, attorneys at law, Office over the Bank of Commerce, Savannah, Ga. Practice in the courts ot Chatham, Montgomery, TatnaU, Bulloch, Effingham, Mclntosh, Liberty, Bryan, Emanuel, Wilkinson and Laurens. W. S. DANIEL. V. J■ AXDEKSON. janl9-ly JOHN B. GOLDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vienna, Dooly County, Georgia. WILL practico in the couuiies of Dooly aud Worth of the Macon circuit, aud Sumpter and Lee of the S. W. C. RKPBRKNCKS: Hon. Joseph D. Allen, Barnwell, C. H. S. C. Mr. Edward C. Wade, SavanuaJj, Ga, oo2tf WELLS & WILLIAMS. DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN. AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congress SI. Savannah, Ga. Jas. T Wills, lbrmerly ot Beauiort District, S C Tueofhilus V. ii.uams, of Scriven County, Ga. sep7 ‘ ___ S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, I,- wades County, Ga. Relerence—Hen. W. B. Fleming, Savannah, Ga. myll J. LAMA. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN SPANISH SEGARS FRENCH BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEY, A OTHER LIQUORS. 210 Bay Street. Will also keep on band a full assortment of all kinds of Tobacco, both manufactured aud leaf. Also Sbgars of every variety. des IT M. APPHASOM. C. DELOACH. DAVID ADAMS. E. M. Apperson & Cos., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Bagging, Rope, Groceries) Etc., Ho. (66 FRONT ROW aud 6 JKFFERSON ST., Memphis, Tennessee. Particular attention paid to Storing, Shipping and Selling Cotton. Pratt’s Cotton Grins. Wo aro agents for tho sale of 1). PRATT'S cele brated COTTON GINS, which have been bo favora bly known for the Ja3i number of years. Perßons wishing to purchase are requested to call aud ex ■"s’" 0 them. AU Oiua are sold under a full guar juue.-. [my-Bra) a. M. AI'PKKdON A Cos. EDWARD G. WILSON 7 , MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMIS SIONER OF DEEDS, At Messrs. Ward & Owens’ Law Office. my U JOHNBILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. O tl: •ii iuj Court House. myid E. Y. MARTIN. J. J. MARTIN. MARTIN A MARTIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Ga. Office on Broad St., over Guuby & Co’s store. d&trwly-jal4 PATTEN, HUTTON <& CO FACTORS. Forwarding aud Commission Merchants, Bay St. Savannah, Ga. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West aide Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. J. R. SMITH, M. 0., PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY, IN OGLETHORPE MEDICAL COLLEGE. 4b#* Office and residence at No. 158 Broughton street, Savannah. tfi—decl JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GEN E R A L COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SA VANN AH, Ga. ~ DKMTISTKY. ... Drs. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner of St. Julien St. and Market Sqaare, over S. LJ J wilmot's Jewelry store. Ofllce hours from 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 3 to 6. janll com _ WM. ACDLZY COOPKB. JNO. COUPiR FRASER. COUPER & FRASER, FACTORS & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. myll JAB. W. GRKKN. SMOOT. GREEN & SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oct26 THOMASTOy, OA. LANIER At ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly Macon, ga WRIGHT <& SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. jyl9 BBCKSWICK, QA. OGDEN, STARR At CO. Shipping & Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah. Ga. ~~ jTb7 MILLER, attorney at law, Brunswick, ua. Wilt praeUoe lu the Brunswick Circuit, comprla- Ing the following counties: Glyun, Wayne, Camden, Ware, Applmg, Clinch, Coffee aad Charlton. Also Mclntosh of the Eautarn. Janll M. WHIT SMITH, attorney at law, ALIGATOK, EAST FLORIDA. Will practloa in tho Eaatern and Southern Coun ties. Rtfer to Col. S. 8. Sibley, aud R. 13. Hilton, Savannah. fobU-tf GEORGE A. GORDON, ATTORNEY Jfc COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of tAe U. S. Court of Claims for the State of Geoi gia. Office corner of Bay and Bull streets, mylo “ 57a. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 175 Bay-at, Over Turner & Co’s Drug Store, Janll RAVANNAH, OA. WM. h 7 fabrell, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Corner Broughton A Whitaker Sts. Town aud country supplied with choice goods at moderate prloes. All orders promptly attended to aud satisfaction always guaranteed. ap!B CHAt FSKUCSON, JNO. H. MURPHY A CO. Baltimore, Md. Montgomery, Ala. FURGURSON, MURPHY & CO. Ootton Commission Merchants, BALTIMORE, mrl-Sm Maryland. Bnirtismtiita, HYGEIA HOTEL. OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. J Thin most !plightful Wa KKI’ G I'LACK i isdlSE the “bright articular” locality ot a&the t rcjjiH suuuy fjdutlj -will l*e ie-*pnied.on of Jupe 1 engage t make it H the seeker lor lb Mil tit, re 1 creation, guyoiy, au i good living, MUjirsnaely at traotrve, Foa health, no mountain retreat cap he salqr ><t any season ot the year. It is as exempt :rom dis ease i August, aud October, as in May ’ Juue aud July! Indeed, the first three are deci | dedly the most pleasant of the season. The weaih | er is nnluer. the sea breeze balmier and the lux j uries of the salt water to he had of ttuer'qusiiiy and ! iu greater profusion. There is uo more mviting j spot on the whole Atlantic seaboard. It is sirict | ly true of it’whal thepoet hath said, | ‘Oh !if there beau Klysiuiu ou earth, it is this, it is this!” j Drs. Jarvis aud Archer, aud other army surgeons ; ol the post, and ihe Medical Faculty resident in the vicinity of Fort Mouroe, all ceriity that they “have uever kuown a case Bilious or Agu< ami Fever to orig uate there, aud that there is uo healthier spot on the taev of the glooe.” (For their certificates, see Deßow’s Review ) my29-Qw JOS. 6KG AR ? Proprietor. Blue .Spring: Place for sale MTh6 subscribers oiler foi* sale the plan tation kuown as (he Blue Spring Place, about ts >£ miles from Masianu*, Jackso . (aj , Fla., on the u. 8. roa<i, chntaining iz4u acres of laud There is a comtortable dwelling house, outhouses aud a gin hou.- e ou the phic<’; also, a very large limestone Spring, whose singular formation and transparent blue waters, hive Been for years an object of attention to every person passing thereabouts. Large quant lies of limestone aud marl, lor mauuring purposes, abouuds On the laud For further pa ticulars persons are referred to Col. John Erskluo, Atlanta, Ga., Dr. Win Clarke on the premises; ur to the undersigned at Quincy,Fla. Wm. E. KILOKEASH, iel7 ts S. B. LOVE, FOR SALK. PINEVILLE, bT. MAKY’S RIVER. mTHE Subscriber olfors for sale ail his possessions in Nassau County, Florida, containing2sQacres of pine and swampa***, lanu. mor-.’ or less, with all the improvements thereon, consisting of a good dwelling house and all other necessary outbuildings. About filteen acres are under fence aud in good order forcultiva tion; it is an excellent stand for the merchandise, saw mill or brick business; it is also a good point for a ferry 10 be kept, being the neared passable route from Jellersoutou, Ga., to Jacksonville, Fla. # and if kept iu good order would he ihe most patron ized of any on the river. Address W. L. PEEPLES > mr2otf St. Mary’s, Georgia. FOR RENT. MTUE Iron Front Store No. 1 ltf Broughton street, lately occupied ;tH a Jowelrj -tore by H. P. Hoi tou. Apply to K LACKLISON, mr27 u or P-LOUGULIN. For Sale. ONE LOT iu Columbia Ward, six L ta between Margarotaud William streeis, west ol l arm st.; a wafer lot on either side of the Canal. 20; ieet iu length, one ten acre lot iu immediate vicinity of the Gull Railroad, north of Lovers’ lane, aud 2 eighteen acre lots near the Ogeechee plank road. mrl9 ts J- WALUBUKG. STERLING LANIER. SAMPSON LANIER. LAMAR HOUSE. (Formerly Coleman House.) KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. Mr. Sterling Lanier, late of the Lanier House, Macos, Ga., and Sampson Lauier, late of fuskegee, Alabama, will be happy meet all friends and customers at the Lamar House, where they have ample accommoda tion for two huudred and fifty persons, uov 8 8. Si S. LANIER. Proprietors. Hudson’s Ferry For Sale. THK Subscriber offers for sale a'l her possessions inScrlven County, con taining about ono thousand acres Laud, more or less, all adjoining said Ferry, aud extending to the Augusta road. The improvements consist of a good dwell ing, ntore, warehouse; and all other necessary out buildings. |About sixty-five acres are under fence and in good order for cultivation; the land is first quality, and well supplied with fencing Umber; it is an excellent stand for the merchandise business. Tho Ferry is tho best located and most patronized of any other between feavaunuh ana Augusta,. There is aiso.passing throughthe laud a uever fail ug stream, fully sufficient to supply any grist or saw mill. For further particu'ars address me at Springfield, Effingham County, Ga. sept? ts ELIZABETH JoNEs. MILLS HOUSE. Corner Meeting and Queen streets, Charleston, S. C. MTHIS House is now adapted to ali the wants of the Travelling Public, and the efforts of the proprietor will be to deserve their patronage. THUS.B. NICKEKfeUX. For Sale. mLots No. 7 and 33, Calhoun Ward, at-d FOR REa\T. A Tenement iu Gordon Block <*pply to jy4-ti EDWARD G. WILSON. Ice ! Ice ll Ice !!! Haywood’s Ice House, Corner of Hull and Abercoru Streets fT>HE subscriber respectfully announces to liis JL friends and the public generally that he is now receiving a large supply of ICE from Boston, at his new Ice house, aud Is prepared to furnish all who may favor him with a call, EITHER AT THE ICE HOUSE OR AT HIS STORE, where ho has a box for retailißg. Orders for the country put up in good shipping order, either by the barrel, cask, hogs head or ton, received at the store or ice house. Trusting to receive a share of the public patron age, and strict attention to business to merit the same. ALFRED HAYOOD. Savannah, March 2*2, 1857. mr *22—3m notice:. mHE undersigned have this day associated in bu I .siness under the firm of RICHARDSON & MAR TIN*, lor tho transaction of a Factorage & Commis sion Business. JNO. RICHARDSON, E. M. MARTIN, Savannah, April 15th,, 1857. apltf-tt’ C-POAKTNRESHIP NOTICE MR. MAUNSELL B. FIELD, (formerly ot New York, late of Loodon,) is admitted a partner in our firm after this date. Boston, March 31,1857. M. FIELD, FOWLER & CO. Commission Merchants, Agents for the Boston Linseed Oil Mills, XOS. 13 A 15 INDIA WHARF, BOSTON, WHO HAVE FOR SALE, SUGAR—332 Htids per Vermont, from St. Jago. MOLASSES—4OO Hhds or prime ‘‘Cardenas’* to arrive. COTTON—IOO bales mid Upland. COTTON SAIL DUCK—SOO bolts of Baltimore. GUNNY CLOTH—3OO bales of light aud heavy. GUNNY BAGS—SOO do large aud small size. BRANDY—I6O packages Rochelle, Rasteau, in bond. LARDINES—76 cases of “Ooniec aud Maniu'* brand. LONDON PORTER—6O casks, piuts, Geo. Jones brand. ALCOHOL—2OO bbls, 95 per cent. WHISKEY—IOO bbla Monongahela £ Beurbou. LINSEED—IOOO tons of Patna to arrive. LINSEED 01L—60.000 gallons manufactured by Boston Linseed Oil Mills. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls in prime order. ROSIN—IOOO bbls various grades. Drugs, Paints, Chemicals and Dye Stuffs, ap2l BY TBK PACKAGE. dim ICE PITCHERS. C DOUBLE Ice Pitchers, WJj Some uew aud beautiful If designs, Hated and Hri At tbo House Puruisbing Uni Bxouunro.N Situs.', apg HORACK VIORSK. SBO REWARD. FOK dellvo ’o the undereigued at, Savaunali, or to J. Rookebaugh, Esq ,at Darien, of a JOL LY BOAT, atolan from Br. bark Sypha*. two weeks alnoa while lying at Dobey. Said boat is lb feet long built of oak, painted black top with blue bol~ toai outside, aud blue top with black bottom inside; bark’s name can be found painted with white on Kreeu by scraping off the black paint ou the stern. Jipß CABLETON it PARSON’S HAY— It balea prime North River Hay tor sale, to arrlro par eohr Targot. jy!7 HUNTER A GAtIMELI. O oolU pure Hemp Rope for salo by Jti jyj LOCkm it SN ELLIN OS. It?ains{iip!i, Itiunißots, fct. - - p" u -™ For .Yew York. wm tail Xatw/ay, MhJAy, U 3 o’clock, P. M. boteuubip.AU- I'ADKI.FORG, sf ; h 00., Aftlll. •a- Berths not secured aMp paid for. Cabin Passage f25 Steerage Passage 8 jfSf Slilppers of Ootton by Ulese steamships will please lake notice, that no OottuA will be received at the presses that is not distinctly marked on the edge of the bale. Jyie For Philadelphia. —At. .. To leave on Saturday, Jttlf 18th, at 3 P. M. The United States . t Mail Bteamship * h “A-.. k£YBTONE STATE, (si Aifl leave as above. Agent. Cabin Pa55age........ ..J 320 00 Steerage Passage 1 7 00 i'asseugers by this ship for Baltimore and Wash ington will be landed at Ne Castle, Delaware, if desired, from which.placecA’s zUrt three times daily lor the above cities, <and otter douthern points. All freight bills under 35 ptyabie on wharf be fore delivery. \ jyls For Charleston. Inland Route—Via Hilton Head & Beaufort. _ te The new and splendid steamer EVERGLADE, Copi L. M. Coxetter, wm leave me charleston steaopacket wharf every Tuesday Afternoon At four e’Jock for the above places . For freight or passage apply on board, or to COUPER k FRASER, Agents, my 24 74 Bay street. For Faint ka, E. Fla. Inland Route—via Brunswick St. Mary's, Feman dina, Jacksonville ami FicolaSa. P* Steamer EVERGLADE having been placed ib good running order, wm rcsuiuo ner usual trips on feature!ay, inst., leaving the Charleston steampacket wharf every Saturday Morning, at o’wock. A steamer will connect at Jacksonville direct for Black Creek, gomg and rf turning. For freight or passage apply to my2o COUPER & FRASER, Agents. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. g&fc Weekly United States Mail Line. The new and splendid side wheel STEAMSHIPS— AUGUSTA... .1500 tons.. Capt M. 8. Wood hall. FLORIDA..... 1,300 tons..Gapt. Isaac Crowell. ALABAiIA.... 1300tons..Capt. G.R. Scheuck. WILL LfiAVK SAVA4MAH BVEBT These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety and comfort, making their passages in fifty to sixty hours, and are com rnaudeu by skiilfui, nareru! aud polite officers. — Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New Y0rk..325 00 Steerage Passage to Nets York 8 00 riADELFORD, FAY £ CO., Savannah. s>aM’L L. MITCHELL, 13 Broadway, jaia . New York. UNITED STATES MAUL, For Puiiitku, Fast Florida. Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, Femandina, Jacksonville, Ficolata and Middleburg. nit— The new and elegant iron steamer MARY’S, Capt lames Freeborn, wilt leave every Saturday Morning, at 10 o’clock. This boat has been built expressly for this route, ami having extensive and airy state-room accom modation otters superior inducements to the travel ing public. For freight or passage apply ou board at the Florida steampacket wharf, or to C LAG HORN k CUNNINGHAM, janl3 Agents. FOR BOSTON—The A 1 fast sailing cop iffifeocred brig J W. HAYN ER, will have dis patch ior tho above pore For freight or passage apply to the captain on board or to jy!s LOCKETT k SN'ELLINGS. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The new l g££2&ud fast sailing brig ZEXTTH, Tearing, mas ter. App yto jyltt OARLLTON & FARBONS. .fill FOR PHIL ADKLFHIA—The regular pack tschr FANNIE, Captain Beaston, will have despatch for above port. . For freight a; ply to jylO C. A. GREINER. FOR PHILADELPHIA—The mew bark JjJjfljLAKoY, Coleman, master, having part of will meet with despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to Jyß HUNTER k GAMMELL. I.A FOR NEW YORK—Umox Lot*—The reg- packet >chr N RTii BTATE, Horton, mazier, will have immediate dispatch for the above port. For freight apply to jyS OGDEN, STARR k CO. jo-rx FOR NEW YORK—The regular packet P. DEMILL, Ca;t. Hoey, will have dis patcu. For freigbt apply to jyS CARLETON k PARSONS. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The fast sailing brig TOCOA. Capt. Patten. Apply to vyo CARLETON & PARSONS. AS TUTOR. A GENTLEMAN, graduate ol a University, and a skillful and experienced trainer of youth, wishes for an appointment in the above capacity iu £. Southern family. tie cau impart instruction to pupils of all ages in the Classics as well as In all the branches of Math ematics, also Euglish, French, Spanish and Ger man, Drawing, Painting and Music, and other ac complishments, ornamental and useful, to prepare thorn for business or for professions. Parents who may desire to have their children educated iu first class style at their own homes, will fiud this an uncommon opportunity for obtain ing the services of a gentleman every way calcu lated to effect satisfactorily so important a duty. Address “ SCIiOLASsTICUS,” care of the Georgian, jylO-dtf Savannah, Ga. GEOBGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. 1857. The Spring Term Commence! Mon day, January filth. Commencement, Wednesday, July 3Ad. FACULTY: GEO. Y. BROWNE, President, P. LOUD, Natural Science. J. R. SEALS, Music. Rev. C. W. STEVENS, Belles LeUree. I’HE Trustees announce with much satisfaction that they have a Faculty oP experienced and laborious officers, and that they will be assisted by ladies who are well qualified to teach, especially iu the detriment of langr. e es, and in the Schools of Music and Design. Mdlle. Manvers, a native of Paris, besides French will teach Vocal Music, in which she greatly excels. Located in the midst ol a refined and Christian community, in a healthful aud accessible neighbor hood, possessing every facility for imparting an ac complished education, the Georgia Female College relics confidently upon the public for tho patronage it deserves. Catalogues containing further information may be obtaiued by applying to either of the officers. THOS. J. BURNEY, Sec y Board Trustees. Madison. Morgan Cos., Dec. 10th, 1856. del'i-dfctSlAwtd SUNDRIES. -1 v HHDS MUSCOVADO A PORTO RICO OU” SUGARS—part very choice 200 bags Rio Oeflfee—part prime 100 nags and mats Java aud Mocha Coffee 100 hfids Mus’o aud Cuba Molasses . 0 tierces aud bbls do 100 fihds Sides and Shoulders o 0 casks limns—favorite brands 150 boxes Vb, Hb. 6's 6*s B*B and lb’s various brauds Tobacco 1000 sacks Salt 50 casks whole and udddflug Rice 600 oags Drop aud Buck Shot 6000 lbs Bar Lead 160 whole, halt and quarter kegs Powder 300 boxes Family, Pale and No 1 Soap 100 boxes Starch 150 boxes Sperm aud Adamautine Caudles 100 boxes l*i pea 100 reams W rapping Paper 250 bbls Rectified Whiskey 100 bbls Phelps* and E Phelps* Giu 60 bbls Boston Rum 60 quarter casks imiUliou aud pure Malaga Wine 60 bbls White Wine and Cider Vluegar 300 coils Kentucky Hope 26 bales Guun> b.iggiug lu store aud for sale by my 10 HQI.COMBK. JOHNSON A CO. Brooms, buckkis, wash boards, ho— -75 dot *2 aud 3 ply Brooms 25 dot *2 aud 3 hoop Buckets *2O doz Wash Boards Received and for sale by I jylfi McIiAHON A DOYLE. _ Snagrourt (g>to. KNICKERBOCKER LITE INSURANCE COMPANY. ornci 17 willum urazirr, iw tors. Capital Stock (deposited with the Comp troller or the State.) 3100,000 Accumulation 73,702 ERASTUS LYMAN, President. SraPHiur C. Whsxlib, Sect’s. Whites and Slaves insured on the most favorable terms. R. D. PHILLIPS, Gen’l Agent, 160 Bay street. Dr.C. W. West, Medical Examiner. Savannah, May 25,1857. jy4-tf Charter Oak Life Insurance Cos., or Hartford, coirsicticut. Office—opposite SUte House Square. Capital 3200,000 .Securely invested under the Official approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of that State, with a large Surplus Fund. This Company commenced its operations in Oc tober, 1850, and has prosecuted a successful and reliable business. Policies are granted to those in sound health, both on the Joint Stock and Mutual plans of Insu rance, thus affording to the public the advantages of either system at their opUon in one institution. The lowest rates of Premium are charged that can be adopted and furnish requisite security to the assured, and perpetuity to the Company. Insurance for the benefit of a married woman will be secure to her separate use and control; and contracts are executed upon any and all,condiuons appertaining to Life risks of every description. Pamphlets containing rates of premium Bind in formation on the subject of Life Insurance, may be obtained at the office of the Company, or any ofits Agents. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. JAMES C. WALE LEY, President. JOHN L. BUNCE, Vice President. SAMUEL H. WHITE, Secretary. THOS. W. RUSSELL, Gen’l Agent. DIRECTORS : Alfred Gill, Daniel PhiUiiHs, John L Bunce, Roswell Blodget, John A Butler. E D Dicker man, Noah Wheaton, Wm R Cone, Nelson Hollister, James C Waikley, S. B. Beresford, M. 1)., Consulting Physician, Apply in Savannah, of A. Wilbur, In surance Agency, No. 11l Bay at., next to the office of the Morning News. SLAVES ALSO INSURED at Low Rates. “ r FIRK Si MARINE WSIRAIfCE Farmer’s & Mechanics’ Ins. Cos., OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $1,250,000 Actual Cash Assets First Mortgage on Real Estate.. 3143,509 City, County and Rail Road Bonds and Stocks 324£,000 Deposite with Duncan, Bberman k Cos., N. Y. City 330,000 Marine, Premiums ana Notes. .3108,000 HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President, EDWARDR.HELMBOLD, Secretary. DIRECTORS : Hon Thomas B Florence. G H Armstrong, E P Middleton, George Helmboid, James E NeaU, Charles Dingee, Thomas Manderfield, E R Helmboid, F C Brewster, Isaac Leech. Jr, A. WILBUR, General Agent at Savannah, Ga., where ail c'aims under this Agency will be prompt ly adjusted and paid. Bridgeport Fire & Marine Ins. Cos., OF BRIDGEPORT, COSH. CAPITAL CASH 3300,000 Assets All safely invested in Bonds, Stocks, Mortgages and Bills, to amount of 3320,842 00. DIRECTORS : Thomas E Courtenay. E R Mason, Henry W Chatfleid, Joseph Richardson. Wm S Knowiton, W H Noble. Nathaniel Green, A W Thompson. Courtland Kelsey. T. E. CuURTNaY, President. H. W.CHATFIELD, Vice Pres. J. H. WASHBURN, Secretary. Bridgkfobt, Conn., Jan. 9th, 1857. A. Wilbcm, Agent. Charter Oak Fire & Marine Ins. Cos. OF HARTPORD, conn. CASH 3300,000 Amount ot Assets all safely invested in good Bonds, Stocks and Mortgages. 333,025 A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent and Broker, next door te Morning News ofllce, Savannah, Ga. Insurance to any amount effected on ail descrip tions of property in eny part of this State. mr 22 If INSURANCE SouUieri. Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Use Ins, Company, Home Insurance Company, of S. York, Springfield F*lre A Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks in the above Insurance Companies under taken by WM. KING A SONS, Agent s, No. SS Bay street. Savannah, 14th December, 1855. dec 18 DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Ruse, Da? is A Long is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and John H. Da vis and William H. Long are authorized to collect the as sets of said Arm, JOHN H DAVIS, WM. H LONG, R. PATTEN, J. C. RUSE, May 23, 1857. my2Z-d TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD* a Will be paid for the apprehension and <le fL livery in Savannah jail, of my servant we jgmtn PATSEY. She is twenty-three years of •jßutge, fight complexion, one front tooth miss ing and most of her jaw teeth lost. She has a scar above the elbow, on one arm, from a knife cut. She was last seen going towards Savannah. (Signed) S. M. YARN ADO£. my 30 NOTICE PUBLIC. rr\HE PRESENT STOCK OF DRY GOODS now on JL hand is offered at great bargains to the public. The object of the subscriber is to sell of his entire stock in order that the store now occupied may be repaired. He wishes to avoid the trouble ol moving any of the goods, and will sell them very low.— Gall and see them. my2o JOSEPH H. LADBON. CANDLES, COFFEE. CANDY, CORDIALS, Ac— -50 boxes Beadel’s Candles 75 boxes ada'ne and tallow Candies 50 boxes sperm Candles 75 bags Rio Coffee 50 boxes fresh ground Coffee 50 boxes assorted and fancy Candy 25 cases Cordials 50 boxes Georgia tallow Candles 25 boxes Catsup Received and for sale by mcmahon a doylk, my 14 No 205 and 207 Bay st. mOBACCO AND SEGARS— X 25,000 Stars and Stripes Segars, 20,000 Barron do, *25,000 May Flower, 20,000 Ugriea do, 25.000 Balalcavw Flower, 15 cases Twin Sister's Tobacco, IS do Indian Clues do, 16 boxes Grapes, do, 25 do Grant & Williams’ do, 50 do Goodwin’s Tobacco, Ret eived aad for sale by fob 26 mcmahon a doylk. Havana segars— -48,000 Choice Havana Segars, of the follow rands, viz: Mis Dos Hyas Lon dr os Ettoy en Regia La Medina, Palmetto, Ac. Also 75,000 low priced Segars, various braads, just received and for sale by J. LAMA, apl4 fiKTßay street CtUNDRIES— ij Crushed, Clarified aad Brewd Sugars. Lemon. Congress, Maple, Washington. Wine, Spiced, Butter, Egg, Fox, Soda and Oyster Crackers, Pine Apple Cheese. Fresh supply of self rising Flour tn bags aad packages, Georgia Flour, choice. Green, Black, Chochong and other superior Teas. For sale by ap23 WATSON It ULMER. rnKl, TWINE AND TOBACCO.—2S |half chests X Oolong Tea, t J half chests Powchong Tea, 60 caddies 4,6 and 8 lb choice Green Tea, 60 bales Wrapping Twine, 100 boxes various choice brands Tobacco, 60 cases Goodwin’s Cut do Received and for sals by apifi mcmahon a doylk. rpORAOCO— X 1*26 boxes Tobaeco. some ot which of very superior quality, via: Exquisite. Locust's Peas, Rough & Ready, May Flower, Ac. And 100 boxss 10’s S’s and 6’s Grant k Williams, McAroy, Thackeray, te; for sale by my 13 J. LAMA,2IO Bay st. FARED SCOTT—A report of the decisions XJ of the Supreme Court U. S., aud the opinions of ths Judges in the oase or Bred Scott vs J F A Sandford; pries 60 cents. Also—Harper’s Monthly Magazine for June.— With this number anew year’s subscription begins and new subscribers oan be supplied. my2B W. THORNE WILLIAMS. A LE—2O bbls Taylor ASon’s Ala ~~ LX Received and for salo by Jylfi MqMAJION A DOYLK. 25 Witnesses of Paper Monej; or THE FORGER CONVICTED. ’ The Most Useful, Most Perfect, Most Concise! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! BETTER THAN THE BEST! Published Weekly, The whole only One Dollar a Year ! Greatest Discovery of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Bank .Votes. Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance every Coun terfeit in Circulation I! Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE is EASY and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. -No Index to examine S No pages to hunt up I But so simplified ami arrange <<, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a Glance. It has taken years to make perfect this Great Discovery. The urgent necessity tor such a work ha* long been felt by Commercial men. it has been pub- | fished to supply the call for such a Preventive, and ; needs but to be known to b Universally Patron- ■ ized. It does more than has ever been attempted j by man. describes every Bank Note iu 3 } Different Languages, English, French and German. Thus Koch may Rind thv same in bl own Native Tongue. Turks.—The papvr will be about 28 by 42 inches, and will contain the Most Perfect Bank .Note List Published. Together with the rate of Discount. Alsu a List of RII tilt fliiiatt Battferrt; in SLnttruz. A Complete Summary ol the Finance of Europe a: America will be published in each editidn. together with all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also, Interesting Stories From and Old Manuscript found m the East, aad no where else to be found, li hits never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE and describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladis and Gentlemen of that Country have been so often found. The.-e stories * ;.l con tinue throughout the whoie year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to tho Public. Weekly to Subscribers only, at Si a yeor. AJi letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DTE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor. 70 Wall st.. New York. mr2o vvly j Havana Segars. F. C. A S. C. BLACK, Direct Importers, No. 11 Exchange Steeet. CHARLESTON, S. C. OUR USUAL SELECT AND ASSORTED STOCK has been replenished by recent laipurialionK per semi-monthly steamer from Havana. The attention of deaiera is invited to the follow ing approved brands, of Which we receive constant supplies, and Oder to the trace upon liberal terms: Four months credit to approved purchasers. RIO HONDO, LA MARINA, CABARGA, CETwY EN REGLA, MAN OLA LONDRES, SAN i RANCISUI, MAN OLA PRENSADUS, PaLMETIO, HOJA- D’ORO, EXCELSIOR. CHINCHURRETA. iiA IDEE. . MONTEZUMA, CRUZADaA, TRIUMPfIO, fUO HONDO, FLURLNCIA, GALANES, PLANTATION, CONaTANIE, PANETFLA, MEDIA REG ALU, REGAIJA, TRABUOO. mylT iaw3 THE CONFIDENCE MAN. ‘■'H£ Confidence Man, his Masquerade; by Uer- A nuu Melville, author of Typee, Ac; Two years ago. by Rev Ctas Kingsley . Dr Antomu, a taie of Italy, by Rufflni, Vivia, or the secret ol Power. t>y Mrs Southworta. ! author of the Lost Heiress, &c. Macaulay's new Biographies vi illustrious Men. The Days of My life, by the author of Margaret Maitland; Stories of the island Wor.u. by Nordhofl. Giesier s Text Book of Church History: Inquire Within—cevr supply; Germany, its Universities. Theolugj and Religion, with Biographical Sketches of Ihstinguished Ger man Divines, by P rv'&aff; Todd & Bowmen's Physiotagica. Anatomy, mono vol, with nearly buo .-iustrat.cns, (jus; issued) Wythe* ts Physician*s rocfcetDuuo uaO tSywipMu Bo>*k—new edition; spit) W. THORNS WILLIAMS. LACE SILK MANTILLAS. A -SMALL lot of very choice goods just received per the Florida and for sale by myfid DsWITT MORGAN. WOLFES AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, SARDINES te 100 cases if olfd aromauc Schnapps, qts and pints Id cases Sardines. -* and boxes 25 casks Byass Porter lo casks East India pale Ae. 5 bbls Rasberry Brandy 5 do Blackberry do do Cherry do *>*• sale by J. LAMa. dectf 210Bav5*roef A VAN A SEUvAHS k LEAF TOBACCO 140,000 Havana Segars, some of which are very choice, 10 bales HavahA Lea: Tobacco, wrappers and tillers; 16 cases Connecticut and Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco; 20 gross Liliecthai s A Goodwin's best chewing ~ Tobacco; 500 do. Goodwin's Smoking Tobacco, >, aad 1 lb papers; for sale by my 13 L LAMA, 210 Bay st. j Brooms, buckets, brushes, blacking BISCUIT. Ac. 75 doz 2 aud 3 ply painted handle Brooms 50 doz 2 and 3 hoop buckets 20 doz well and brass bound buckets, 100 doz shoe and scrubbing burshes 200 doz Mason's choice Blacking 25 bbls fresh sugar, soda, and better biscuit 20 cases stomach b.tiers Received and for sale by my 14 McMAHON A DOYLE. Brandy, gin, rum7ac7~ 10 half pipes and 15 quarter casks of the tauowmg brands: Pmet, Castillon A Cos; Hennessey; Olard, Dupuy & Cos, baxcrac; and Jean Louis. Also— -75 bbls Domestic Brandy, Rose Gin. N E Rum in store and for sale by myl J. LAMA, 210 Boy st OLD CABINET and: NECTAR WHISKEY— Landing per sebr lngcmar: IS bbls Old Cabinet and Nectar Whiskeys alsj: 30 bbls XXX XX X iibsou's hisky 25 bbls Old Family Rye do 20 bbl s Old Mouongaiiela do For sale by J. LAMA. my 13 210 Bay st. T7NRENCH BRANDIES— JP 35 half and quarter pipes French Brandies, viz: Olard. Dupuy A Cos. sazvrac, Pinet, Caste- an ACo Jean Louis, J. Choi us. Ac. Also 25 packages w priced and domestic Bran dies, in store and :or sale by J. LAMA, apl4 210 Bay street Table salt, yeast powder and CHOCOLATE -144 boxes superior Yeast Powder, in Lu boxes 100 dos ground rock Sait, for table use 10 boxee Fig Biue 10 boxes Baker’s best Chocolate 10 bags Shells Cocoa: for sale by my 23 J. LAMA, 210 Bay st. Bacon, lard a flour— -60 hhds prime Bacon Sides 20 do do do Shoulders 10 tierces choico sugar cured Hams SO bbls and 50 kegs selected Lerf Lard 75 bbls extra Tennessee Flour 50 bags do do do Just weired and for sale by myflß SCRANTON A JOHNSTON. French chocolate, Ac— -10 boxes Fidele Berger Chocolate 10 boxes Moutarde a maille 10 boxes Caprea fines 10 boxes Olives 25 boxes assorted Sauces, viz: Worcester shire, John Bull, Ac; for sale by my 23 J. LAMA. 210 Bay st. Bacon— *26 hhds new Sides 40 hhds old do 30 bhds new Shoulders 60 casks choice sugar cured Hams la store and for sale by ap2s HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. Eating potatoi^- 50 bbls selected Mercer Potatoes 50 bbls do Peach Blow do landing and for sale by ap3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. a LE A PORTER — Just received J\_ 20 casks East ludla Pale Aio, pints 20 casks Byasa Porter, pints For sale by J. LAMA, my 23 210 Bay at The knickobocker monthly Mag axme for May For sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, xuy9 159 Cougresa street. anttiun falls. BY BELL, URENTISS & CO. (SUCCESSOR.- Tt) PHILBRIf R A RBT.I. ) —— .• • j r - wksst “ ~r Fine Furniture at Auction. Postponed on account of the weather. On THIS DAY, at ll o’clock, in the three story brick house cm State street, next to the corner of Jefferson, will be sola A complete assortment orfine Furniture, consist ingof Mahogany ffofas. Chaim Sideboards, Bu reaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Chamber and Crock ery Ware, Glass Ware, kc . &c. Terms cash. Jy 17 Liquors 1 Liquors ! at Private Salo 20 bbis Brownsville Whisky 20 bbls Old Monongahola do 40 bbls Copper Distilled do 10 bbls Old Bourbon do 60 bbls pure Boston Rum 10 Holland Gin, Swan 5 half pipes A Seignette Brandy 5 quar do do do 10 eighth casks feazerac do 10 do United Proprietors do 20 cases Olard, Dupuy k Ce do 40 cases J sicard do 100 ctLsea Peinet Frer’es do. i In store and for sale luw to close consignment j jylfi j Lot No y. third Tything. Anson Ward, containing b 10 acr-s and A iraction. situated about 3 miles South on the Middle Ground Road, known ae the lot called iLe Cottage. Purchaser to pay for titles. Terms cash. A plat o-f the tract can be seen at our counting I room jylO Eastern Hay at Private Sale. Now UiHding per brig Martha Hill, from Bath: 236 bales, prime Eastern Hay for sale from the wharf in lots to sou purchasers, for cash. [jyl6 Bale Rope and Bagging at Private Sale 50 coils Dilion’s Russia Hemp, Bale Rope, 25 coils Gunny Bagging. jyltf FOR SALE BY K. J3. DONNELLY, No. 12 Whitaker Jitreet. next door toG. M. Grif ‘iin’a Jewelry itofe: 4 1 W W k LIGHTS OF SASH, Bxlo, lOx ,UuU 12, 10X14. 12x16, 12X18; 23,000 teet of Moulding, assorted; 200 Panel Doors, assorted sizes; 250 boxes of Glass, assorted sizes; English and American White Lead, Ziuc, Oils, Ac., v May and Oats , OEft BARK £. A. RAWLINS, from New X Y*>rk, for ;aie by Jyb-iw L. A L. LAMAR. Hat? ! Hats! Hats ! ! mAt the star Clothing street. Panama. Leghorn, Senate, Canton and and piaia Straw Hati just received. AisA a large variety of Cashmere and Far Hau. nJiiT W. O. PRICE. SPRING A SUMMER CLOTHING, JThe subscriber received a. . large assortment of ready ma-ie ifl|M||A| Spring and Sommer Clothing, f nfljy ana \> u ite Lid Gloves, for su.e b> w isU WM. R. SYMONS, Draper k Tailor, apl4 17 Whitaker street. MACAULYS Biographical ana Hisni sketches; Doctor Antonia, a tale ot Italy; author o! Lo- retro Benoni; Isabella, the Young Wife and the Old Love, Washington in Domestic Lite, from original let ters and manuscripts, by Rich'dßush, 6th vommeStrickland’s Queensof Welland .con tains Queen Mary’s Life; Longfellow s anl Poetical works, pocket edition, 4vols. Jean Jacque's Rousseaus Confessions. Boccaccio’s Decameron. The Child’s Book of Nature, Plants, Animate, Art, Water, &c., by Dr. Hooker. Reading Without Tears. Webster's Pronouncing and Dedning Dictionary, by Goodrich. Harper's Weekly for iSth inst. ap& _ W, T. WILLIAMS. WINES. baskets heldsick champagne, OyJ quarts and pints; 40 baskets BoucLe do do do; 20 no Gies Bouzy do do do; 26 de do Verxenay do do; 13 do Irofte Anchor, pints; In store and for saie by jy7 CGNNARaT, WEBSTER A PALM Si. RROLGIgr TO JAIL. -r . ■"A ‘Black girt calling herself YfigfctSaj says she to Dodwr -Foster, of Airguna; 17 year-? old. rather small in stature. JS PETER LI’DDY, jylO Dep Jailor, o. c. CIGARS. ?Zf\ AAA HENRY CLAY OPERAS; fJU.UUv 25,000 do do Loadres; 75,000 Buc nan an do; 25.000 La Victoria: 20,000 La Sultana; 40,C00 Young America: 20. COO Boston Cheroots ; 25.000 Spanish Sixes; 30 jars Macaboy Snufi; In store and for sale by jy7 CONNKRAT, WEBSTER & PALMES. TOBACCO. *T A BOXES Grant & Williams 6’s sill 6's OV 30 boxes feutc of Georgia, 6’s. 30 do do do, pounds; 50 do Buckeye, tf’s, 10‘s and do; 75 do assorted brands, 5 sand uo ; si> do Fine Cut, Chewing and Smokmg ; la store and for salo by jyl OOXNKRAT, WEBSrER k PALMES. WANTED. TEN or TWELVE PRIME NEGROES, to work at Fig Island Mill, for which Lberal wages will be paid. Apply to myl7-tl R. A. ALLEN A (X). lIQ'UOR'^ IHALF PIPE KLEPPER A CO S BRAN DY, very old; 4 eighth pipes Klepper & Co’s Brandy, very old; 3 half do Otard, Dupuy £ Co’s Brandy; 4 quar do do uo do, seighth do do do do.paie4dark, 4 do do Se’guette do; 2 hall’ do do do; Halves, quarters and eighths Rochelle &n4 Bor deax §ranuivs. I puncheon old Scotch Whiskey; 1 do St Croix Rum; 10 barrels Old Boer bon whiskey; Su do do Mottoogzhela Whiskey: 3 pipes Holland Gm; In store and for sale by jy7 CONNKRAT, WEBSTER k PALMES IS U A DRIES. Q i \ HHDS MOI.Aaa&S O \J 15 hhds Sugar •25 hots Stuart's ABAC Sugar 25 bbls Syrup 50 do* Lemon Syrup 100 boxes Colgate's A Headers Family ioap 75 boxes Pale Soap 75 boxes No l Soap 50 boxes Castile and variegated Soap 50 boxes Starch 25 boxes assorted Pickles 150 roams wrapping Tapper 50 bales do Twnne 50 half chests Black Tea 175 catties Green Tea 50 boxes fresh ground Pepper 25 M Havana segars 20 M American Segars 50 boxes choice brands Tobacco 100 gross Goodwin’s Tobacco 50 boxes Pipe* 20 boxes ripe Heads ,v*-T 15 kegs Washing Soda - * 20 boxes sup’r Garb Soda 50 cases assorted Liquors Received and for sale by myrt McMAHON a DOYLE. T lOUORS, LINES, LEAD— -1 i 35 bb s Gibson’s X, XX, XXX Whisky 26 bbls Gin 50 bbls Pike's Monongaheia Whiskey 76 bbis Nectar Whiskey 60 bbls N E Rum 5 half pipes OD JtCo Brandy 2do do Holland Giu 2 puncheons Scotch Whiskey •25 % casks S M Wine 50 % casks Brandy 50 bbls do 15 casks Cherry Brandy 100 doz Clothes and Plough Lines 10 kegs Bar Lead Received and for sale by MCMAHON & DOYI.K, ap‘26 No 205 and 207 Bay at. ~ SUNDKIES. t)A HHDS PRIME PORTO RICO SUGAR. fd\J 30 hhds Muscovado Sugar 76 bbls Stuart’s Crushed aud Pulverized Sugar 100 bbls Stuart’s ABAC Clarified Sugar 160 bags fair to choice Rio Coffee 60 packets Old Gov’t Java Coffee •20 bags choice Old Browu Java Coffee 60 hhds Bacon Bides 30 hhds Bacon ; boulders 20 tierces Sugar-cured Haunt 6 hhds Teuneusee Hams 200 boxes various brauds Tobacco 10 cases Tobacco, V. lb plugs, extra quality ‘2OO boxes No 1 and Pale Soap 100 boxes Oswego Starch 10Q bbls Sugar, Soda, Butter aud Pilot Craokers 300 boxes Adamantine Candles 500 bbls Gin, Whisky, Kum, Malaga Wine and Brandy, iu atere and for sale by jyld HOLWMBE, JOHNSON k GO.