The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1857-18??, December 25, 1857, Image 1

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tEfajc patettttaH 5a x% tml v->L. XXXVIII jjiDiiuutf t&jtorgun. IS PUBLISHED BY A . R. L VM A R , i>aLi/, ‘fn- Vde.cly aud Weekly. C u u it t) Primer. UAI’ 4 Ob’ f or ono .juare, of 3*X> *ma or mss, .*f *uy ty j.o .ui large* as Nonpareil, > cents for me tir.*ta;d oo seat .oreaohsuosequeu! nsertmu/or any tmioica* tuau one month. All Tabl it work, wtib r without Roes; an t w veruserueain occupying loutne col atuu, shall *e charged double the above rate*. Advertisemen ts oi wuamver length, tor any tiuii less than *ae moath, to oe charged at transioni rates. For a logger time at the l glowing rates No. .>i34uaroßilmuj2moe|i! mcs|4jios|6moajl2nm l .Square,.... $lO 16 *2O >24 >3o $4. 1 &*uaroß... 16 2*2 ; 26 28 do &j 6 do . ..j 20 ; 27 I 3* i 36 { 44 *0 4 do .... ‘24 (32 >8 42 | 62 Iv do ...I 27 36 44 I 40 60 3t 6 do .... 130 I 40 60 I 64 .65 20 7 do ... 32 43 I 64 58 i 70 : IOC i da ... 34 , 46 68 62 74 110 6 do .. 36 48 I 61 66 77 116 10 ,Jo ....1.38 | 50 | 64 | 70 1 80 | 126 for any time not abovo specified, a proportion!, charge will be made. A deduction ol‘ 26 per cent from the above rater will be made on advertisements appearing excin (lively on the fourth page ol the daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, w ye charged two4lurds the aovve rates. IdvdrtHierifcuti* ordered in ihe Weekly edition. *, jH?r -iquare for each la-eriiou; for anytime less that, •me month For more than oue mouth at one b til the rates specified in the above table. Special notices, 10 cents per Line for the llrst, ana 6 cents f*r each sabaeqeat insertion, and in no oast to be subject to contract. Marriage notices sl. Fu ueral invitations 0 cents each. No special notices •inerted ibr less than 60 cents. Obituary Notices, Reports, {jsolutious, or Proceedings or any Society, Association, or Corporation, ordered to be publish* ed, 6 ooats per lino. Steamboats will be advertised at >4o'per annum for each ooat advertised. Steam tups, where bat one is running, S4O per an num; if two or more, >3O each. Auctioneers* advertisement* not to bo snbjec contract, but to be ouargod at the rates prescribed per square Che paper, under no circumstances, to be molud ed in a contract. Professional and ousinesa cards not exceeding t lines, wii! *a inserted at >2O per annum. Calls >u persons to become • indidatea. will be inserted as other advertisements, to ie paid for in variably in advance. Announcing candidates for odioa, 610, to be paid in advance. Advertise neats n ’ marked on me copy so apooidod time, will ae inserted until forbid, ana pay melil exacted. When auy bill for two months advertising, other than ooatract, amounts to over >6O, a deduction 26 peroeut will be made, Yearly advertising, with privilege of change w be taken at the following rates : For one square. renewable once a week, $46 44 “ “ twice “ 66 , “ “ “ 3 times or ortener 70 Every additional square contracted for to bechacg ed one hall the aluve rates additional. , Yearly advertisers .ihall bo .united to the space contracted for. All oontraota saall be in writing, siati.ig ledaiteiy tue nature of the business to be advertised. Any advertisements not properly oon noo'.st with tue ouinoas shall bo charged separate* ly, and also any excess of matter over the amonn c >atrajtod for. Contract adveriuemeais payable quarterly; . ertisemouts from strangers and transient person payable iu advance. AU others will bo considered and ie when called for. tegular adveriisVrs “tad ill others sending com or requiring udtices <le*igued to call at tention to fairs, couqerts, soirees, or any public en tertainments, where charges are made for admit tance—ail notices of privai, associations, every no tice designed to oall attention to private enterprises oalonlAW >r intended to promote individual inte rests, can only bo m :orted with the understanding ’ that the same is ta he paid for. tr inserted in the edti'-fiii column (wined cau I/O ouiy uc uibcre gion of the editors) the sam e wilt be charged at the rate of uot lees than 20 corns pjr line. fiie undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tri-Weekly and -foeiciy newspapers in Savannah, Da., pledge ourselves strictly to adhirt to tho above -bill of charges, aud in no instance to deviate therefrom. fho above rates to take effect March 1, 1668, and to continue eluding, until changed by tne vote of a majority 01 ‘.Lie undersigned. N. rt.—Tuis sonodule shall uot >n auy way eiloct tue integrity of existing coutracts. All coatracts for the year or any other apecided time, shall onlv cease with the expiration of the period for which they were mad i. A. K LAMAR, Savannah Jeiyian. S*s> A Sum, Uej MM ian. Movrvn v NEWGOODSIi NEW STYLES OPENED! GRAY & TURLEY IN ViT L the ladies to examine the following goods ju-t op ced : Rich i'laid AKCaLLE, a uew style of Fancy Drees Goods. aKC iLLE Robes, 200 to 80-.', each well worth *4 to $6. ISO fcilk Robes, all styles, $0 te S2O, being Ailly 20 perceut less than former prices. 200 Linen and Cambric Melts, for ladies and misses, new, fashionable and cheap. Fine Bounet Ribbons, i2 to 25c a yard, well worlb 25 to 60c. together with our usual complete assortment ol every article in our line u v 6 Buckets, brooms, blacking, &c.— oo U jxeu pamtod 2 and 3 hoop Buckets 70 do choice 2 and 8 ply Broom3 oo gross assorted sizes Btaek ug u 0 buses Fig B.ue 5 doz bbl aud half bbl Covers 26 bbls ir<sh Sugar, soda, Butter Crackers. Received and for sale by dec3 McMAHON A DOYLE. Ale, cheese,butter andlard— -26 bbis lay io. A Mon’s Ale 26 boxes Goshen Cheese 10 ilrkms Goshen Butter lo bhu Leal Lard. Received per steamer aud for sale by decs McMALiOX A DOYLE. POTATOES AND ONIONS .JL o 0 barrels Eating Potatoes; 50 do RsU and White unions, lstuumg aud lur bale by deed HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. BARDIN AM A.N KMi ArtCil—2oo hXS Bea jj dell's and Colgate r'oap ; ioo doz and X boxes Sardines; 16u boxes Buadel.'s and OBwego Starch, received ands i aie uy OCII4 AlCilAriU ‘ A DOYLE. ("lOCOAN UTS—4,OOO Uocoanuta, kt casks, J landing and Tor sale by * <teca CARLEit>n a parsons. HAY— 100 bales priu.e Eastern Hay lauding this day from hark Laroy and lor sale low by _sep2tt CARLETuN A iARSONS. TANARUS) LaßTEr—loo bbis Calcined Fluster landing this 1 day from bark K A Allen and for sale low by sepxtt CARLE ION A PARSONB. f pOBACOO—2S cases Don Quixote (half-pounds) 1 Tobacco; 60 Duxas Grant A Williams’, s’s ana Id’s, do, 100 boxes other brands and assorted sizes Tobacco, lancing and in store, for sale by octa MulOdMbE, JOHNSON A CO. HAY— 200 bales prime Eastern Hay, landin per brig Orizaba, ami for sale by octlS CARLETON A PARSONS. pKICKS—I6,OOO Northern Paving Bricks, land _D mg and lor sale low by octiß CARLETuN A PARSONS. LIME— 1,000 casks best quality of Patent Lump Lime, in store for sale by octib CARLETON A PARSONS. / ,EM ENT—IOO bbis Rosondale Cement, and lor a j sale low from wharf by octlS CARLETON A PARSONS. CANDLES —80 boxes Adamantine Candles, in store and for sale to close coußignmeut, by octlS uARLE fON A PARSONS. ANUREI MANURE 11—60 bags Rhodes’ Su per Phosphate Lime in store and for sale by aepll OGDEN, STARR A (XI. HAY —186 bales best quality Eastern Hay, land ing from bark Seboois aud for sale low by nov6 CARLE ION A PARSONS. UGAR—IO hhds very choice St Croix Sugar, O landing and for sale by novia Holcombe, Johnson a to. LATHS-10,000 best quality White Pine Laths, lauding and for sale low by oct22 CARLKTON A PARgQNG ALT—SOO Backs Salt, ui prime order, (or sale O low by uoviO CARLETON & PARSONS. C^OAL— Liverpool House Coal, lur Bale in lota to / soil, from wharf, by •0139 CARLETON A PARSONS. I OLD SERIES. Army Supplies and .Material*, OFFICE OF ARMY CLOIUINO AM) EQUIPAGE, Puiladklpiua,Dec. 4,1857 —>£ALn.D PR ’POSa- > are inv led, aud w . ! received at thi- ofll*e. mAh lo o’clock, • 11 , t*i . Urn 4 D day of .lahuary Lvzt, lor iurni.-tm-k. i> ] oohtr.ct the follow mg Army Sij plies and iiaten | al-. ueine abiu at the Undid States C**i‘ii.< ud Equipage Depo?, (Schuylkill Arscual ) inqi nut t e- | a*required, vis: 6,000 yards 0-4 dark blue (In-tigo wool dyed) cioih for caps and bauds, Wrigniug about 14 oui ces per yard. 63,000 do 6 4 dark due (indigo woed-uyed) twilled cloth, weighing 21 ouu hm per yard. 120,000 do 6-4 sky blue (iudigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weiguiug 22 ouuees per yard 10,000 do % dark blue (indigo dyed) cotton and wool flannel, weighing 6), ounces per yard. 210.000 do H white flannel, (c tton and wool) to weigh 6)4 ounces ier yarn 10,000 do 6-4 darm blue flannel, wool indigo! dyed.) 10,000 de 47 inch alpaca, (b ack ) 100,000 do X canton flannel. to we'gh 7 ounces pe> yard 176,000 do X unbleached drilling, to weigh 6* ouucos per yard. do X unbloached drilling, to weigh 7), ounces per yard 23,000 do 3d inch cotton luck, to weigh 23)* ouneds per yard 16,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 16x ounces per yard. *6,000 do 28X inch cotton duck, to weigh 14), ounces per yard. 25,000 do 28X inch cotton duck, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 3,000 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 11 os per yard. 3,600 do 22 iuch cotton duck, to weigh Our. per yard. 16,000 do 24 iuch cotton duck, to weigh i2> 4 ounces per yard. 25,000 do 33 inch cotton duck, to weign l .*s oz per yard. 12,000 army olaukeis wool, gray, (with the lc - ters U. S. iu buck, 4 inches in ieug h, in the ceutre ) to be 7 tV.-et iuug and 5 leet 6 inches wide, each blaukcl le weigh 6 pounds. 7,600 dozen p*irs half stockiugs, 3 sizes, proper ly male, of good soui.d fleece wool, and with double and twisted yarn, u> w< igh 3 pounds per dozen. 10,800 pompons lor engineers, ordnance, medical department, rifles, artillery aud iulamry. 30,000 cap bodies. 12,000 yards g<azed snk for covers. 140 N C 6 brass scales, pairs 600 sergeant's brass scales, pairs. 8,000 oorpri ul’s aud private’s brass scales, pairs. 6 N C 8 bronzed do io 30 sergeants bronzed uo do 000 corporal’s aud private's brouzed do do 76,f00 yds X i“ worsted lace, 1 yellow,scariet,sky s,oooyds >i in do do J blue,orange,green 0,700 yards red bunting. 6,000 do white do 2,900 do blue do 2,6oogross cuat buttons. 3,500 do vest do 3,600 lo suspender buttons, White metal. 4,50f’ Jo shirt do do 46,0u0 tent \< iturns, wool, small. 12,t00 do slips, do do 6,000 uo outious, do large. I,ooa do slips, do uo 10b hospital icul poles, sets. 600 wall do do ObO common do do 4,000 galvanised iron wire rods, for tem*. 10,000 do do staples, do 3,000 mess pans, iron. 1,000 camp kettles, iron, three sizes. 12,00 b tin cauteous (3 pints, weight 11), ouuces,) with stoppers I,ooopick axes, two sizes. 2,000 do handles . 1,000 camp h&tohets. 40 trumpet cords and tassels, oraugc. 40 do do do yellow. 20 do do do green. 4u drums, Artillery, complete. JO do lutaniry, do l.lou ido heads, batter. 700 (do do snare. 1 30b Vie snares, seis. • 2..0 fdo allots, pairs.* turn lia - - w **arrWga*'. Ail the above mentioued articles must conlorm in all respects to the sealed standard iu this oifloe, where they can be aud sam ple pattern* will be sent by trail, with auy addi tional information in regard to them, which be requested by manufacturers or others wishing to oUer proposals. It is desirable that all the arti cles be of domestic manufacture Deliveries to commeuoo ou the 15th day of * eh ruary next, and one-hall of the quantity contract ed for to bo delivered m equal tuouihly propor tions, by or before ihe 30th April, 18 8; tbe re mainder within four xuonthß from that date, in monthly or greater pi oportions, us the contractor may Und it convenient. The privilege is reserved l*y the United states oi increasing from one-third to une-hulf the quautity •fall the supplies above mentioned, by giving the coutraoior one monin’s notice of such da-u od in crease. Payments will be made on each delivery, shouid Congress have made an appropriation' to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be aiade lor that purpose Ten per cent oi tbe amount 01 each delivery will be reutiued until the couvract shall be completed, which will be tor leiteu to the United Slates iu case of defalcation on the part of the contractor m luitiiling the contract. Bids wld be received *rom manufacturers or regular dealers only, in the articles proposed to be iurnishjd ; auu none will be considered in woich the manufacturer’s mill or dealer’s place of business is uot specifically set forth. Coutracts will oe bated on accepted proposals, for lh fulfllment of which two or more sutlluient securities will be required. The names, address, aud the responsibility ol the persons proposed as securities, with the ac knowledgment of said persons that they wul bo such security, or will see that good and suillcieut security be lurnished in case a contract is obtain ed, win be transmuted with the proposals. It is to be distmetiy understood oy every person obtaining a contract, that said contract u> uui trauslerahle without the consent of proper author ity, and that auy sale, assignment, or transfer of it, without such consent having been obtained, (except uuder a process of law,) will be regarded as bn abanuoumenvoi the contruct, aud the con tractor aud his securities will be held responsible tor all io&s or damage to the United States which may aii.s from saiu abandonment. i'r p isais will be addressed to the undersigned, uud will bo eudoised ■* Proposals for furnishing army supplies and materials ” HENRY 0. WAYNE, decb-3uwtiii.isi>4 Be. Major, A. Q Mr. MUIIIIW fumil MILLS. Swift, Bliss, (freely A to., Proprietor*, New York, iouuerat, Webster A Palmes, SA VANN AH, Agents for the State of .Georgia, HAVE IN CirY MAGAZINE and lor sale ou accommodating terms, a sud assortment ol the various grades of GUN POWDER uow man ufactured at the abovo celebrated mills, which iu quality of strength and fimsb Is equal to auy made in the United Atates. OUK STOCK CONSISTS OF : Assorted Blasting, in 251 b kegs; Plantation Powder, in *slb kegs; Oannon do, government proof, 2>H| kegs; New York Rifle Powder, in 25, I2X oou 6Xlb kegs, FFFir, New York Rifle Powder, in 25. I2X aud 6)*lb kegs, FFg. Merchants, Miners aud Sportsmeu can rely pou beiug regu.arly supplied at short notice. nil Important Information to the Ladies. nrovmiiTX ms For the Winter Fashions ! A/f AGNIEICENT SHELL OENAMENTS, IYJL Baskets, Wreaths, Bead Dresses, N> ok laces, Reacelets, Bouquets, and Flowers of various pat terns; Butterflies for the hair, Ac. The various forms of these beautiful Ornaments, in addition to their brilliaut lustre, make th. m a chaste and elegant addition lo the dress; while ‘ho characteristic aud emblematic imitations ruuuer them appropriate as aqdl to the Bridal, os the Bail Room. Having made arrangements for the importation of the above description of work, 1 am prepared to till orders to any amount, a liberal discount being allowed to the trade. Call and see the specimens at NUNN’S Photo graphic and Fine Art Gallery, 107 Broughton si., corner of Bull at ■ novl2 magazines. FiANK Leslie’s New Family Magaziu. lor No vember. Godey’s Lady’s Boat lor November. J. B. GI'BBEDGE, Agent, oct2 Ruh-st..opposite Screven’s Hotel. sugar house syrup. 64 £ BARRELS N. York Sugar House Syrup; eUt) 6j boxes Iximon Syrup, assorted; 25 do Pine Apple, Ginger, Raspberry Ld Strawberry Syrup; 200 do assorted Liquors, in store, to ar rive, 1 nd lor sale by OCU9 GUNNER AT. WEBSTER A PALMES. UMBRELLAS. A SPLENDID assortment of Silk, Scotch Ging ham, and Cotton Umbrellas for sale cheap by JOSEPH H. LADSON, n0?24 Isß Congress t. SAYANX iH, GEORGIA, FBIOAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2\ 1857, lErauairuJ Ailucruseumits. CtNTRAL RAILROAD. \I.W ON aud alter ciunday, Nov. 15th, the Passenger Trains of this Road will be ruu as follows : Between Savanruh and .tfvoon. Lcavo ?a\Muuah 1.15 u in.; 2.46 p. ru. .•\rr.vo tu M icon i0.40a m.; •. .30 a. m. LeaveM 0uu945 *tu . 11.30 p ui. arnve iu'Bavaunab 7.20 p. m.; 8.50 a. m. Between Savannah and Aut/usia. lieave Savannab 1.1; a. m.; 11.16 a. ui. Arrive in Auguata wa. m., 7 p m. Leave Augusta 2a. m.: 3 45 p ui. Arrive in Savannah 8.00 a. in.; 10.65 p. n>. Between Macon and Auguda. l.eavo 11 aeon 9.40 a m ; 11.30 p. m. j Arrive In Augusta 7p. m; 9a. in. i Leave Augusta 2a. m ; 3.45 p. m. | Arrive iu Macon 10.45 a. m.; 12.30 a. m. t rams oonnvCt ou arrival at Gordou, for Mil iodgevilie aud tiatouton, at Macon with the iraius o< the Mouth Western Railroad for Columbus and Ailmuy, and with tbe Macon A Western Road for Atlanta. Pasai ugers loaviug Savaan&b by the 1.15 a. m. train, will arrive iu Atlanta at 6 p. m sjuif day Leaving by the 245 p . train * ill arrive tu At* luuia t 9. U next nvirniug. The Augusta train, leaving Savannah at 11.16 a. m. and arriving at 10.65 p. m , will not be run on Suuday s t.MtKS JN KouTK, Gen'l Sup’t. Sav.di>.ab. Nov lDh, 18.) t. U SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over which passes the Great New lurk A \ew Orleans Mails, Two Daily Thains bbtwkkn Macon akb Columbus. Leave M&con at 1.30 A a, and 11.30 AM. Arrive at Columbus at 6.62 am, and 633 r m ; l eave Coiumbut a’ 1.56 a M, and 4 pm; Arrive at Macon at 8.66 am, aud 10.28 rm. Betwsen Macon and Albany. Leave Macon at 1.30 A M. Arrive m Alba y at 8.68 a. m. 1 eave A'bauy at 340 p. m. Arrive iu Macon ai 10.28 p. m. . eavc Macon at 7 a. m , tri-weekly. Arrive iu Albauy a. 4.66 r. u Leave Albany at 6 a. m., tri-weekly. Arrive in Macuu at 1.4 u p. m Trains tu Columbus ,01 in a throughconueotion be* tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta. Kings ville, Wilmington, Savannah, MiUedgoville and baton ton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bambridge, Ihomasville, &c. Hacks run from Smithville Ui-weekly to Dawson, Cuthbert, Fort Gaines, &c., also from Fort V'alley to Perry, Haynesvilie, Hawkinsvilie and Knox ville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the eveniog trains from Savannah and Au gusta, to avoid detention at Macon ; for other points take either train. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York on Wednesdays aud Saturdays. Passage in the Cabiu >25, Steerage SB. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah sl4 00 “ Columbua 41 “ 10 00 44 Albany. “ “ lo 60 GKO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, Nov 16th, 1857. novl9 Teußroeck Coarse, i HAVANA AH, UKO. | lll- Second Annual meeting over this Course jL will commence on the tlrst of Janua ry, 1858, with a Colt Stake lor 3 year olds. Mil U HIATS—>I6O eutrauce; >OO forfeit; to which the Liub will add >too; closed on the Ist ot June, WIUI mo lulluwlut t rSco. TijL). Li.uAu; ot. DLaVoccln, by oieucoe, out of Castanet by Imp. Mouarcb. 2. C. S. Prior uamee ch. f. by imp. Gieucoe, dam by ihek Richardson 3. Wm. T. Cheatnam names b. f. by Imp. Glencoe, out of Sonora Love by Imp Leviathan. 4. Wm. Kouudtree names cn.c. Linus, by Third tiostou, out of Salty Joues by Imp. Leviathau. 6. Wm. Roundtree names b. 1. Kale Hayes, by imp. Aloiou, out of Kudora by imp. Priaui. 6. H. C Cailey names on. c. by Wagner, out of Elizabeth AlcNatry, she oulol Piiucess Anu by Imp. Leviathan. BAM K i'Al—Jockey Club Purso, >150; Mile heats. SECOND DAY—Jockey Club Purse, >360; Two mile heats. SAME DAY—Two year old stake, Mile bouts; s2uo subscription, >6u for tell; to close Ist September, 1867. Aiutries to be adudressed to K. F. AKIN, See’)*, Savannah, Ga. TtilKD DAY—Jockey Club Purse, >600; Three mile beats. - ■- --- - SAME DAY—Saddle Horse Race. FOURTH DAY—Sweepstake for three yeur olds; two mile heats; >3uu entrance, >IOO forfeit; to which the Club will add *3oV; closed on Ist June with the fallowing entries: 1. W. W. Fayette names b l. by Lup. Glencoe, dam by Imp Mouarch, Grandam Mn>s Emily. 2. Wooiloik A Dell names ch. c. George Clemens by Imp. Glencoe, out of Prirna Donna by lmpi Priam. 3* Thus. Puryear names ch f. Columbia, by Imp. (ilencoe, out of Jfleur-de-Lis by Imp. Sovereiga. 4. C. S. Pryor names ch. t. by Imp. Glencoe, dam by Dick Richardson. 6. Thus. Doswoll names b. c. Slasher, by Cnilde Harold, out of Sarah Washiugtou by Zinganee. 6. Wiu.T. Cheatham uames b. t. by Imp. Gieucoe out of &euor* Love oy Imp. Leviathau. 7. Wm. Roundtree uutuoa ch. c. by Third Boston out ol Sully Jones by imp. Leviathan 8. Wm. Kouudtree uames b. 1. Kale Hayes, by imp. Albion, out of Eudora by Imp. Priam, 9. A. Turner names ch. 1. by ltnp. Glencoe, out of Princess Ann. by Imp. Leviathan 10. ii. C. CaUey uames cu. c. by Wagner, out of EJizabetn Meairy by Ambassador. 11. Thus, layior names ch. 0. Rasvecchi, by Imp. Glencoe, out of Custiuet by Imp. Monarch. 12. D. McDaniel names ch. c. by Imp Gieucoe, out of Motto by Imp. Barefoot. 13. Thus. G. Bacon names br. 8111 Doariug, by Imp. Al Jion, out ol Anu Chase by Imp. Leviathan. BAMh. DAY—Jockey Club Purse,>2oo- Mile heats; 3 in 6- FIFTH DAY—Post stake; four mile heats; free for ail ages, subscription $300; play or pay; to which me club will add >lobb; closed with seven sub scribers : H. C. Cailey, Puryear & Watson, John Campbell, R. F. Akin, Berry A Pryor, David McDaniel, ietmar Fleming A Trow. July 29th, lboT- Jyz9 MHS. CAUDLE’S CUETAIN LKCTU&EB. ANs W Supply of Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lec tures. iue Complete Kituhon and Fruit Gardther, tor popular and general use. Th • complete Florist, or Flower Gardener, a complete work on Flower Gardening and all kinds ol Floriculture. Thu Ladies’ Work Table Book, containing ciar aud practical tustruenous in Plain and Faucy Nee dle *>ork, Embroidery, Knitting, Netting and 1 roiohci, with numerous engravings, illustrative 01 me various studies in those useful aud laehiou abie employments. The <dueuu f Flowers, or Memoirs es the Rose, wim cuiered plates. J. B. CURB EDGE, Agent, oet24 UuU-st. t opposite Yerevan's Uotol*. WHIBKEIB. U i k BARRELS Cabinet, Nectar, Magnolia, O\J Bourbon, and old extra Munougahuia. For sale *>y dec2 J. LAMA. HATH UKAIIM*. I) ECEiVKD IHTB DAY, a full assortmem of light Xii colors. The ladies are aiso informed that 1 •mve bugles oi all colors on bauu, at low price. G. M, GKiFFKN, rnrft late tl. kA4tmav LANDLEB, CANDY, COFFEE. fIIWU HUNDRED boxes Tallow, Sperm and Ada- I. tuauuue caudles; lot) boxes aud hall boxes assorted Caudy; 50 boxes saucy Caudy; 76 do fresh ground Collee ; 100 bags KlO Collee, 75 mats choice Java collee, received aud tor sale by OCt6 McilAHuN A DOYLE. New Fall and Winter DRY GOODS. Jusr RECEIVED PER SfEAMEh AUGUSTA—A large aud well selected stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods. -JOSEPH H. LADSON, otll Shad ilia Handing. GRATES, IJA6KETS, Hardware Hollow-Ware, Wood and .O Willow-Ware, Ti - Ware, and House Furuiah hig Goods, in every variety, on reasonable terms, by HORACE MORSE, cct2u 165 and la7 Broughton-atroet. Butter, raisins, ag io Urkms extra Goshen Butter; 100 pkgs new Raisins, whole, half and qr boxes; . 60 boxes Figs; 1 Currautd, Plumbs aud Curou; > Macc&roui aud Vermicelli. For sale by/! inov29 CONNERAT, WBBJJTJCRk PALMER.„ PHIL i% lilLtS i& (]()., Factors toiuuiissioii Merciiauts* SA V v’tiAil, .T . midi. WiL T G.LIPa k Go., 01 Gidhu, (ia., • huv r - *•. aud with .u :u Ma. J<)HN T 1.. Gll.E.', t'r il ;iu pj .eol d<iug a Factorago and Commission t ->uo s iu the city of Savannah. Their loug p ri-.-uue hi.a and atlar business, iu duces them t *heve they cau give satDfaeti mi> the san'of Go >. aud .aher i*ro.iuce; and by faith fully attumli 10 iwwmess, they hope toduseitc me couiidsut id who may iav<r them w.ib theii pitroua W. R. PHILLIPS, . liJ.iN -L.‘ GILEB, TH 8. D. JgUN’SON, auglt .DMidt Ji>NKB. LAW JN A ADDISON, Cotton ad Gram Factors, KOctYV- . t>iNt* A COiUmSBiO.\ M .ItCHAiNTS* N() , 4 BAY STREET , avu'tuah, Ga. A, toUou sold i mo usual Commission. Liberal anr •. made on cuiisiguiueun*. . tiui* itiuutioi* will be given to ilufsaic of Timber audltuhor. R. R LAW.-*. . ep2 4bf * omo I l LAiHA. IMPOKTUIM<U WdOLSSALK liIULKK IN SPANISH .>ll>rßS FRENCH BRANUIEa, WINES, W lIXKY.dc, O 111 ER LIQUORS SM* Bay Street. - -1 Will alno keey u nauaa-uili > t all kinds ot TohaX botti mauuUct’.ired and leaf. Also Skuxks of f\ry variety Ues SALE BY K. Li. DONN ILL. A, Y, so. 12 Wh’tako treet, next door toG. M. Grlf u z Jewelry Store: 4 1 li II I JUHTB OF SASH, Bxlo. lOx •f \J i i0x14,12X16,12x18; leet ot .‘Ulding, assorted; 200 Panel j> vs. assorted sixes; 250 luxes . Ilass, assorted sixes; English aud urn*, in Wbite Lead, iuic, ui, Ac., Ac. .j aplo-tl vv’ki > a vVii.LtAMe. * DtALKitd IN OOME.sriO, iOHKKiN, ANI) FANCY i (HY GOODS. No. 149 Ci. ;ms Si. Savannah, Gu. Jab. T Wxlls, KJ.uriy o. Buautort Dislncl, SC Thxocuiu s nitiAs, ofacriven County, Ga. ‘ ; PATTS , IIUTTOIi A CU. - r'ACTQiIS, i Forw.rJmg ■ I Comuiuaion Merciiaula, Bay . SnVMitiialk, Ga. JOHJ G. F ALLIGASt; WIiOLkSA AND UKTAIL DBALKII IN WINDOW Bi.lN’- WINDOW BABH AND PANS DOORS. West side Moafeeut Square, Savannah, Ga. WM. arOLKY CUOnf J.NO. COt'PkU KKASKS. I’OL'lAjK JE FUASKK, FACTORS GfaJKaBLCOMMISSIuN M TS Bay fc'lA Savauuah, Ga. my 11 ueuShrAuit a cu. Shipping & ‘immission Merchants, el, Savaunaix, Ga. Cork WU.tJ 8 ALTON STALL, A T ToA\£\ AT LAW , oarhlv,sa>tosu county, us., Will practice in -Southern ana bouih-Lasiurn part oi Uiu &uitx 3m-octls ii A. VVIv IN S, 1TTOB; |Y AT LAW, WjMKmce, GA. - il. k .i v.ik.u i oi, V. obler, ► •rr>>■ 1 Keicro jou—CwJßryufy 5. ujiar, At .cou, l<a.— Hon. aaiuu J. v.yaturd, Go.umbus, Ga.; Mr. Wm. L. Johubuu, ua. myio-ij UxlflKLu. OAMPBELaa, ATItMTNEY AT LAW, nU.KtXIKYILLK, UA. Pracucoa Liwiiu various oouulies ol iht Oc uiulgco Circuit*Ka mu aborning counties of Twifruo, uuuic.sbTj ii. a.-diuigioii. Kelur to—Jml . ojton, ii. ,i. Grant, anu K. ii. .Uillou. *ub 14 JUiXli. CGhDiAG, AT TO WEI AT LAW, Vienna, I%| County, Georgia, ft <l.i. pr<iCiie#tit the oountius ol Dooly au.i V T •> ortn of tmsacou circuit, aud Bumpter uu a Lev ... the 8. W. ■^•PKKuiNCfcs: lion. Joseph i piL... Hiiuweil, G. H. 8. G. Mr. tslward C. Ldi uvvu. ua, Gs, a 026 ■s li.tli.MK, ATTORNEY l OOUNSELLOB AT LAW, i roupv u LuWuuos Gouuty. Ga. Keiereuce—Hou V. B. Fleming, mtkuuuah, oa. my 11 EDW, ED G. WiLXDN, MAiasrUATE, 401'AUY AAD CUM.kuS SIOI Sit OF DESKS, Al kittaari,. Ward oweus’ Law uuicu. myll J. U SMITH, ill. 0., PRUtSSSOK Ut i iVs.lulLA, I’, IN OULLTHORI’K Ml UiAi. LOLi.fc.ciiv 4MT Lillee aud at N,>. ifcfc Rrouglitou u—alvei I iA 1 IsTKV _ ft*. KO YALL A JOHNSON, & I <uste, oihcc cor nor of 81. Juhun a aud Market square, over 8. —l * V haul's Jewelry store. Otlico hours ifuia 6 to 2 tiuck, aud irom 3 to 6. jauti I com JAB. w. URKttM U. r. SMOOT. GUI £N 6i SMOOT, ATTOK IE YS AT LAW, oct2s on abton, ua. LANII : & ANDEIIBON, ATTOI i EYS AT LAW, ap&-ly MauoN, Ga. Will HT SAVAUE, ATTOI PEYS AT LAW. jyltf juhdwicx, GA. Jb. miller, attoLney at law, ■ SUMsWICK, UA. Will practice in\e Brunswick Circuit, compris ing the follow a. i; Glynn, Way no, Ware, Appling. Clinch, Collee and Gharttw Also Mclntosh ot me Eastern. jaul7 _ ATTOkJJLL\ A'I^IaAW, Oifloe 175 Bay-Stiver Turner A Co’s Drug Store, , jOUII \A7AIgAM, QA. FKlk LEAVES. 1 THRESH FERN jU\'ES, by Fanny Fern. ’ .souvenirs otprrvol, by Mad. Ootavia W Le vert. Frank Leslie’s Nw Family Magazine, for Octo ber. Little’s Living /,e. Appleton’s R&OtVl Guide for Ootober. The KnickerboAdr lor October. Spurgeon’s Sermus, third series. The London Nwa; Punch; Illustrated Times ; Beuueit’s Family <eraid, and all the late Northern Weeklies *. New supply ufJiadlng Without Tears. 4 J. B. GUBBEDGE, Agent, ootj Bdjjyopposite dcroven’s HotcL THE T\m> APPRENTICES. THE Two Apfantices, with a history of their Lazy Tour, if Dickons. Pickwick Abr< a companion to Pickwick Pa pers. By Box.-*. Wallace, the Hrpf Scotland. Brian O’Linn; o, Luca is everything. By Wm H Maxwell. 4, Robert Brucddjbo Boro King of Scot'and. By G W M Reynolds? Lawrence’s Bata Note Lost. The Gipsey CtMK By GW M R jynolds. Diary ©f a Medmi Student. By Samuel C War ren. Theodore Karnwi; or, the Heroine of Faith — vol 2. New Supplies Spurgeon’s dermoas, first, sec ond and third segas. AH the new Mqazincs for December. J. & ci) IB EDGE, Agent, Bull-street, dec3 optmsiteScreven House* jW*azujbs. Harper ror**teveaiber. UiahaoPs tfagaziue lor November, tiftllou's Lio!fci Monthly for ** Nick Nat ios November. J. U. CUBBEDGE. Agent, octal Opposite Screven's Hotel. TJ^wakted. EN or TWJ ,tfK PKIKE NEUKI.ES, to wort M Pig laianC. jyj,, tor which liberal wages will be paid. Apply t my 11-4? R. A A! IJCN ACO -feoRN. w>i \i\(\ B Id. PRIME CORN, for wile by JUUU Xp6 OODfRMY. iraabirih jiunrwi>riurats. To Planters. ii isitv i.ATHii P At GO. WO’ l.u Urt tc the i t uiHtu o. laiders to their u-nal do-. of v GOODS. Grey alt Vi Tlaiini *5, *- ‘chiev ad own and White Twnig,. “ •*’ UIUn Rand-'ip “ j G**oy aud <*la-.k Kcrsoy* stri Red r lain.el —t <. tiled and piaiu Biue plain ad riped Hotuespuu.-. Fancy Manchester iaids X and X ‘'rowu <hirt!iigs White • ua aGped tMd -u Osunburg.- Bl e *4llll , dii ODi L. Ac <n t 9 Mourning Goods. WE would dFgn chskners to ihe above our docA which has e been seleeu*u wuhgf. ui .are, embnKiug Ihe fol lowing style*:— ‘lain black Uoushu and i<uiuc* | Black rtombuxiues aud faiuu&e Cull ha auJDUL.Iv- aud Cob Tits a oiik Warp aipKYas 4 \ do t.ugli3u iaUetn Saks and t4roa Graitia do hipp’d aud Pou t ue .*ori6 Booud Mourmug Gbaiii do Laiucs Mourning cambric K*bos n do Giug.iaiu, Prints, Ac f Biaca n rape, v <*lia:s aud Sleeves do rarioiou <l' do do Lin Vvus aud hugti h Grapes Octll lid.\lU’ L.vfHROP A CU. Fall ans Winter Dry Goods. HENK.Y LAXHKOP & CO. WOULD mvtte the alieutiou of puretiasers to their usual iar.e aud varied of K4LL AMD WINTER DRY GOODS, uow opeum* We hove received per Steamer Al abama a lots of very chaico Dry Goods, viz: Faucy .*ayaueie Kobe.-, •* au Taihta ."ilks, KkOU r.veuiug iu .Nik, * * White ..-ilk Kooes, Freuch .ambus iu gr- at variety, se!B HiNKY uaTHfiOP & CO. Have heoeived peb sieamek : Ladies’ Silk aud Menuo Vests, Mens’ Mk-rtuo t auu aud Shirts, Bo.s’ aud Misses’ Merino Vests, Mens’ Brown aud Wane Cotton Shirts, Ac. Ladies’ Sila, Wool ai-d Cutton Hose, Geutb’ Merino aud Cottou )i Hose, Misses’ aud Boys’ X Whits Meriuo Hose, “ “ Cutiou Huse aud X Hose, septa ■ MEN K Y LATJELdOP & CO*. Have received per steamer : Fauey Piaid Cansimeres, Mixed aud i‘laiu Sauuela. Plaid auvi Plain fwcuds, Red and White Fiauuels, Colored 44 Plaid Linseys, ‘■ Cashmeres, Sauk Flannels of ail shades, Tao.e Oil Cloths, Ac, Blcuuhed aud dr jwu Table Lineus, Russia, Scotch anu Huckaoack Diapers, Tahiti Ci albs, Napkins aud Doyles White aud Cor'd Counter'panes, At*. se;B House Keening Goods. HENRY LATHROP CU. W'OULD invite me attention of purchasers to their stock of House Keeping Goods, as fol lows:—10-4, U-4, 12-4 Barclay Liuon Sheeting 8-J, 9 4, 10-4oloaohed Linen Damasks Brown do do X m X oleachcd Daman* Napkins Bleached aud browu do Doyles Richarusnii. Sous A uowdch’s bust. Linens a*-A,t.<a awmanuaMM rauoy uordered Daiiiusk njwuls do du Huckaback do Bleachod and urwu Dowlas 40 inch 10 46 inch pillow case Lineus ltM, 11-4, 12-4, 13-4 hug Marseilles Quilts 10 4, 12 4 turaisb • ouuierpaues Americana id i.oug Cloths 7-14 u lt-4 hieAChcd uu.i orowu sheetings, Ac, inr24 HENRY EAIHROP & CO. HAVE Received per steamer Alabama— Bruche and bteila Bhawls; Fancy Srooado do, new style; Chunitiu ecarls; Faucy 1 laid Cushmores; Side btripeu, Printed do, 1 bread Edgings aud lusurtiuga, Black Brussels Edging; Real VDouCKUUtv, Laces; Mechlin do; Black Crape Veils; Misses’ Cloth Talmas; Ladies’ Bluc.tCiotu Cloaks, Long Luwus, Lueu Cambrics, Bonuet Rib uus. Trimmings, ccc. ocU6 HEJNRY LATHROP A. OO WOULD iu\lie the alieutiou of the ladies to a choice mlu. lacked Jaconet overakirU, a uc .v and uesii'able article. AiaO— -ussea ivxieuaiou steel spring dkirts; Long aud sbort black net Mitts; White Kidoloves; Faucy Beil Kibbous; White Tar letoiis; Linen ohn 1 Bo urn. . silk bb'ua :ig, <xi . my 9 New Goods. JUoT received pur steamer Alauauia, an assort meat of very rich French ouinbnc >, also Amer ican and English Prints se3 HENRY LATHROP A Cos. SPRING MANTILLAS. IUiE SUBSCRIBEiwj would invite the alieutiou of , the iatdics to a large and rich invoice 01 the above goods, just arrived. Also, Ladies aud Misses black Net Mitts u Silk and Lisle Gloves Colored and biock Silk Parasols * Ivory, Liueu and Baudai Fans mrl7 HENRY LATHROPK A CO. DRESS GOODS. TANARUS) KCEIVED per sieamer Augusta— XV Printed Cashmeres and DeLalnes Printed DcLalue Robes Piaiu col and Giaco Bilks Col and and Mourning Cambric Robes 2 ply p aid WurUed—new ctyle. oct9 HENRY LAIMKOP A CO. SCOTCH CAPS AND WOOL SHIRTS r? r DOZEN beuvy coi’d and wool Shirts | O to j doz pnud Head Kerchiefs scotch Bonnots, Kent Jeaus Tweens, daunets, &o, for sale by oei9 HENRY LATHROP & GO. trimmings, RIBBONS, AC. JUBT KEohlVEJJ—our usual large and varied stock ot saucy Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Rib bons. Buttons, ate—comprising all the newest etyles. octS HENRY LATHROP A CO. WRITE SATIN A KID SLIPPERS. K KCEIVED by late arrivals— Ladies White Satin Slippers, do do Kid do Misses Black Gaitera and Morocco Boots, Ladies Polka and Jenny Lind Bools. M J. BUCKNER, nov6 No. 71 aud 162 Gibbon's Range* spRINU OUESS GOODS. RENKY LATHHOP & CO. have received per steamship Augusta anotber choioe lot of Ladies’ priug Dress Goods, in Printed Organdies aud Lawn*; ** Bareges aud Tissues. •• Foulard auu lnaia BiiKs. Fancy plaid Ginghams; Rich Cashmere scat fs, asc. mr 17 EVENING DRESSES. HENRY LATHROP A CO. lIfUULD invite the attention ol the ladies to a Vt-vory select lot of Evening Dresses, received per TPuosday’s steamer, comprising the following Pink and blue Embroidered Crape Robes White M&iiue do Lace do do Tulle do do do Oel'd Organdie do HkiNKV AIHWP n OO 1857. bP&INO AND SUMMER 1867. GOODSAND CLOTHING. lAU uuw rwielTta, my a.w .applies weekly aud will Ue Happy TO MAKB TO MKAriIJRK or (amisli .he KIiAUV MAUri, wmy friende and the people I'rum alt pat la ol tUe country, at the l*weat ratos and on tbe best terms. WM. 0. PRICE. Merchant Tailor, marl 147 Bay street. Hats ! Hats! Hats ! ! fn At tbe Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay lIL street. panama. Leghorn, Senate, Canton and fancy and plain Siraw Hats just rcoeived. Aiso, a large variety of Cassimere aad Fur Hats. W. (4. PRICK * MORK YKT. r I*HK SUBSCRIBER ban now lauding a large X uaeorlmcnt el’ Fancy ud Supie Hood.<M every ’ IV I m ’ * JOS£FH a LAD9ON. <£rausinr; taoirirarinruts. AT W o. PRICE’S 147 B A Y mmrm mm. 4^o . “STAB UiliiuM. SRPORiir Cash Easiness. sh * sdts anbei nts • enijvtHi I tUe store ll “> B.***.•* I Ml l*-*-’ ■p O’Connor’.- nd the Mar -hi rt ■lLiiewil; atu. ■ .. ;r ■• tirtni- <*-1 u • *• tsy ..a pi n>.- 1 all all who wul Tnoojxu ju:i winch are nndt in the w M al* •• ai to aud by the lotoaw regulations. Garmeu's hTOuo elsewhere, tba <i* no; hi ttie g*.*iit'>iuon, adl a.N-. be atteoded to. Does RepairiugvAbtVbi the shortest diet A Suit 01 ciottte&JpMre m iourt. cn uoui - Cuttingfor nmßud bo • a. n. vuiolivery P. d.—You..g me <u i tuer.- wish ug to no. <uie conversant with cutting gent.*.mens’ gai munis c.uu be taught in live (6) i> ous. .ocaia,.c. satnui r ■ quired until tbe sm cu* is snt.sUot tha. 1 have given him entire satieiaciion sep9-6iu M. CARRY, Agt. THE ONLI EXCLUSIVE ifW* M ‘ ISU frtvfi STOTIB. W. D. 2.OGUJY.OM J. CO. TI7AKE the opportunity .'•* -oir 1 frieuds and the public lor thou tuvor*. nun hope from strict atioiitioi *in t.usiues - ;ou tinuatiou of their md w a•• lier* -r*.’ rpUul!> sk 111. m,.. ‘.<• -uU;.. . .110. usually largesuh;l. 1 .• r t. . .in this season also, \V .vuabei a.. >hi.” which for elastic:ty ‘-u*. .n power, cau 00l b 1 - Us>‘ 01. u:*t.a a large assortment AD iniumu* 0 hole j col lection Ot Ix ;.<> . . >*f*ign Mum* 00t29 HoOTd AND BUOKB v TUa aUUacriber has ipeuc< .*■ v a B .Hil auu SHoh slußr ,u h.- Nos. 71 nuu 152 i< IBBUN~ uextuoot to lu* Clothing of George - Nichulx a**.o., auu so licits the patronage ot tin* * ends a*;i me public it* general. ‘4 * UI CKNEK ocl 7—l > SPECTACL Eb SP£OTACL£b! I Vc, y krtlote ever vJ*brmgbt tothibC.iy. uow have on hand .u Gold ana oilvol irame-, the doable len ses, which will be acknowledged far profariiblr o all others by every it*; -u t.ia. is obliged i< use specs, lhavethci. : . . ja'oii lor a.i sights auo these wishing comlori :u<* < ••iiveuieuco in weurinii tkem will call early a ■ < * the ••!•! ■•piih*.. corner Urj ’ti* aud “ ii > > .. GtUFrEN, mrl liii * ‘•* i,; *“'* ■*’ TO BUILDEIU. 17HE BUBSCiiIRER ia prepaica tj execute at the shortr : uoitbc, and m the most v<*rk manlike manner, aii kiuuo 01 ..ota. Rooting, Cornice, or other worn cwuuoeud ~ v>i'.: the i .u ;;ic luring or repairing >C. 1 • al a;nec oti, uo, or Sbeetlron Business . At'MACi*. MOKSig, QO.U * }_• BPU.INU Si SIIMXKK I.OI'UI .:., ..e 2uiMkttu-. 1* . 1. ; > v&k large assortmeal ol reaaj iu.n• •!.?. AS Spring and Summer i nlm JHLanu White Kul Glove,. n>r • LJBJ WM. K sYd INS. t>raper .v l, upl. , >. utuli rtrefcl Utlll! L. I .111. II lAi.n CASKS UEST QIIAUTY LIME ivl/v l*o.tuiß from brig t iuib..:. Uu- uy .oil tor rale by au,9o LaIiLKT-IN ,v i*AiibO - SUNDRIES — 60 sucks Family Flour 5 cases Flour Pali* 25 doz 2 ond o hoop I’uiis 26 boxes fresh ground Pepper 50 boxes Mustard 10 cases Matcbe -100 reams Wrapping Paper 50 boxes Victoria Blue 25 boxes ircsb Yeast Powders 25 bbis retiued Sugar 75 doz Brooms 20 casks l’orier 20 X casks t*weot Malaga V *.* Received and for sale by McMAH ‘N . .j YLE, au's kOa ail) L Bay si. BROOMS, BUCKETS, BLACKING, fcc. ONE HUNDRED dozuL> 2 and 3-ply Paitited Ilau dlo Brooms; 100 dozen Painted Buckets ; 60 do Toy Pails, 75 do Zinc ana Wood Wash Boards; 76 grous aerated Blacking; 60 cases Braun)} Cherries. 75 boxes Fig Blue; luu doz t-ersb. .-hoe a: and Stove Brushcr: 100 uoz bbl an t ali obK overs , 25 bbla fresh biscuits —-received aud for sale by ocls MoMajlon .v. DOY'i.b.. S~UNDUIEtt— i ceroou Indigo 1 case Mace l ease Nutmegs 70 mats Cassia lease Cloves 4 coses Vanilla Chocolat, imported 5 cases prepared Cocoa ’ 10 baskets Dortio’s.pure olive Oil In store and lor sule by aul2 OONNEuAT, WEBSTER A I’ALMfcS. T __ EASASI> (iOOD COFFEE, <kc.— Just received 16 chests Black and Green Teun, in X it And X 18 pack .< and lviose 20 boxM ground Kiu and Java Collee, fresh 26 do Chocolate, Mustard, and Yeast Powders 60 do Starch, Sperm. Adamantine, and Tallow dandles 10 bbis Self-Risiug Flour, in 6 18. pkgs 10 half bbis Pig Pork and Corned fieei 10 casks piut* and quarts Byass Loudon Porter Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Mace, &o In store aad lor sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, jutt? —Bronx hum A Drayton ‘•ts. U.UGAR, AiiCxi, SAiwiHwiuo— -25 hhds Muscovado aud i’oito Rw-oSagar; 76 bbis Clarlflod Sugar 260 boxes Family, Paie aud No 1 Soap; 100 boxes Pure March; 500 )* and )> boxes Sardiues 50 bbis Syrup; 10 bags Sptoos 1 case Nutmegs Received and Tor sule by sep4 McMAHON fit DOYLE. Buttes, cheese & co— -25 firkins choice Uoshon Butter 50 boxes Cheeso 3 tierces Codfish 20 hair obis new No 1 Mackerel 30 bids new No 3 do 5o bbis Scaled Herrings Landing and forsalo by oca Holcombe, Johnson & co. SUNDRIES —lut received, 60 dozen assorted Brooms, 20 do P-iln, lu nests painted and ce ilar Tubs, 60 doz assorted -scrub aud Slum Brushes, 60 do do Clothes Lines, 25 gross tialchox, 20 dozen Axe Handles, 6 do bbl Covors, 20 do Yeast Pow ders, *0 do Mustard, 60 boxes sperm ami adaman tine Caudles, Souu, Starch, ground Cotl’ee, Choco late, Pepper, Ac, Ac, Tor solo by ’ DAVID (I’tON-SOK, se26 corner Broughton aud Dray ton.sts. Goshen Atel, NEW MACKEivEL, &c-Jus received, 6 kegs choice Goshen Butter,ftouskn Dairy Cheese, 3 bbis extra No 1 Mackerel, SUO lbs NewC odflsb, and 10 boxes Herrings, for solo by DAVID O’OuNNcR, se26 corner Brougbtou and Drayton sts Crackers, ac— -100 bbis Sugar, Soda, Butter amt Pilot Crack ers; 5o boxos aoua vivacaers 50 whole aud half * egs ).ard Landing and for sale by °cii HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON a Uh Bacon -26 bbds new Sides 40 hbdb old do 30 hhds uew Shoulders 60 casks choioe sugar cured Hams In atore aud for sale by a U *2& HGLOOMBW, JOHNSON a (V. Raisins, nuts, Ac— -50 boxes Malaga Raisins. 10 bbis sotl shelled Almuudn 10 eases ts and x boxes Saruiues 76 boxes )t gall, qta and pts Pickles Landing and tor sale by i l*4, JOUNBON <1 to, V'. 16477 Cottcri hivTTT lOS. iairrEHiss, Mi” ..M> UIULLI.M SCHF.ME I 1 <->*:*- s : ‘X’ i* j.%.Xj. r> a x aaxs M ti )! TICKETS ONLY $lO. , The fotinwmg dcreme will be drawn by and Swau | .2 Cos. Manager.-’ ot tin* F>• *> ues Academy Lotte ry. *u acii ! li*. rlk tor.. . r December, ut Al’ GUBTA. Georgia. U* *v u*u eity ‘L y have reuiov .1 CLASS 05. To be drawn tu thecity <>l ugu>ta, t.u, in pebiu , >*n SATURDAY, DEC. stli. ts:7. CLASS 66* i ti. \ Dfad 12Ui, IBA7. CLASS 67. To lie drawn .uibuuliy -*u u-u Ga, u* pub.'u* •AVI KiMV, DFT. lOili. 1857. CLASS 68. -TO *n. orawn to the ray of ‘ittgusia, •, in'pV’i.i VATniDAV, OI’C. MG ill, I*so llu the Plan oi .'iutlf Auinlicrs. Five / > nwun<i. Four llumind and Ninety ■j Prize*. Neatly <*ri I’riae to every Niue Ticket,** Magnificent Scheme ! Ti‘ be druwti each Saturday iu Decern tier. i prise ol . j i prizes 01 2000 l prize 0f..... 30,f0b ( iTizesoi lboo l p. ize ol 10,000 | tiO prizes of Kot 1 prize of 6,c00 1 lot* prizes 0f.,,. . 150 1 prize of 6,0* [ 00 prizes 0f... 126 1 prize *i I luo prizes ol H*o APPROXIMATION PRIZES : iqinxe* of s;u ; app’g to soo,oooprize are>l. .00 4 . •* io.u>o “ 81.0 A • 15* *• 0.000 6.0 4 *• I 5,. do “ 600 4 1 * i a a, 1 .V 0*• -,UO 4 ** 76 2,0b0 olM) * “ in) • l,t*o*i “ 200 5000 • 20 are 100,060 147 H A. Y ** * 33 MO BL- MOO prizes amounting .. .flLc* etO Tickets $lO, Halves Quarters $2 SO. PLAN UK j.i.ii, i.UilLiiLCc'. The Numbers tr-i,.- . io to,ouo, corresponding with those u. > ’ • • •* I'm Tn'kct* printed on n-p erate slips ol ,mp ■** u ndci *-tb small tin tubes ar- i-iae*-*: . ..-iii* The Urst >iis Protea.-inula . |.m;ed and e. Circled, ur. i lac. u u> auotb. m The vs heel u*o tuec revolved, and a number ti drawn lroiu ti v\ uo4-! es uumi ‘ .id the same time a Prize - draw a irou- iln otLei v, iieel. The number aud drawn *• a are opetod and exhibited to ib< uua registered by tnr Commissieuers. the rrlgc being plaheu . gmu>t the Number drawn Tui‘>opurati"n it ‘eponted urn:! all the priai sr. ir.twri mi Approximation Pkizw.—lbe two (•receding au.t the two succeodiug Numbt-it- to those drawing the drst oPrize.- will be euLivlo- to the 82 Approxi matioi) Pir/.e For example: if Ticket No 11250 draws the sod,;itiO Priro .i.o S e . .m-r nuur.lierod 11245, 11 i*. ii.ol, U- win e-c i>* entitled to goUO li I'ltket N” f.s‘ ortws llu od,oovi eriye, lick its ..umber ii *>-*. 54.-, o. I. f>s. , wilt each he entitled t* 62->t>, auu so on according to the above Schenu . The s,oo'Jpr./i oi *.:owil‘ lv letemi'neti byti.e last llgurevi tho Number ilmtdiaw;: he *n>i,ooo Prize. For example, tl ihcuumbor .iruw>; r iht $00,000,• it.h euii; .- ill No l then at. ‘hi >'ckets whore tne number •••> * tu 1 wall neonutlculoa-v. If tltanumbertn” - w th>o , then all the inktih wh<*ri< li e iiOtuW . euda in 2 will be entitled loi-n, and so v.u to >• v CorUlloulvi*ii Puckaco- will be sold at the tvl iL . t v- "4c te:K>-U *S“ M cignth • to IN tiRJj P.I.M It,KM.-. UK bERIIMCATKP, Euclone in. .o .io v t.. out sdure. - tor iht Tickets ordered, u ret ipt.d ... •• in---., wn, <ih forward*d by llrisl mo t. in uny tigure they uuj ue.'iguate. lhe hbt ol irawij ou/ni.urs and prizes will be soul to i’. - li.i-.erp iihUßiumloly after the drawing. i’ur.uj.t- • r v. iii pie.ise write theiraignaiures plan!, mid . ‘ .•< hen •'•.>*■ i uttiee, County auo State. Remember th tt t e.j prjye ia drawn *.-ui paya ble Witinv * .ie iftion A.* prize;, n oi.uev, add uudur, paid tun edmteiy After 111. .uvt !u;.—bthei prizes at tin use . ipineol thirty tiny iir .;inuittu.vuiibsstrictly couttUortiai. A nit .i: Jorv ticket or certiucatet to - *'AN ct ui., Augusta. Ga. uiile.o in Ravenna! . tvrner of Lryau aud Whits ker btreeu: .1. J. UESI.KR, agent. us reiidiug near .Viouti; mery Aia, or Atlanta, ta. can nave tticiroruers lilieu, and save time; by .t. rc >ng - R-vau wO, at e.tlier ot those cities. list oi tue • iiaber-. toat are drawu from the whoei. with tue aui ;uut ol tUe prise luat each one is tiuiiii'-d •. oe putAn.bed alter every drawing, iu the follow in, p.iifrs: New Orleans De.ta, Mobile Regi-o r, CUarie ion otanda. and, Nash ville Gitzeti.. vilm.u luioi.igcocur, New York Weekly Huy io U, Mormug New .. Paih tnoud Despatch, York lij-.;abdi Al'gnMu (ta) ConalitiUioii.iu i. .no r. .h ng i -iiss.)’ ar on. nov26 JN E W Ai* EilS NOW IS • liE 1131 tb TO r tUSCiIIBB. PERRcN^ making up Clubs and having the pa pers delivered at uiy .-tore, will be allowed u reduction similar to the Club prices of the pub lishers. RECEIVED WEEKLY. The Loudon illustrated Nows—per anuura, *lO 00 Bell’s Idle iu London “ “ ou The Loudon Weekly Times *• “ 6 uo Pvnch ** “ 6 oO The London lllupc.uteu Times “ “ 600 Now York Wet-Kiy lieralc •’ ** i uO i'orter’s Nj>ir ol .he'i.iuos *• 800 lhe New i oik Weekly Times •• ** BuO Ballou's Pictorial “ “ 8 o Frauk Leslie’s Ihuslratod Nows “ ** 8 uo The Bostou i’nut •* “ 8 00 Harper's Weekly ** “ ‘l 80 Tho Waveriy Magazine *• “ U6O The Scottish American “ “ 2 60 The New York Clipper ** “ 54 The Home Journal ‘* * -00 The New York Ledger *’ 8 oo Flag ol our Ln;uu ** ** k t)0 The Police uazettu ** ‘8 oo The New Yorker “ ** 8 OO The lre Flog * “ 00 Tue li ion i.uer.caa “ * iUv The Irish N w* 4 * 8 *>o I he ek’-teuvnio Anicricnn “ * 2 00 Weekly brother Jouatban ‘ ” ** 2 00 The Parlor Casket “ *• 2 00 Philadelphi.- Evc-niug Post *’ *’ 2 00 New York Picayune ** “ 2 00 Nick Nux (monthly) ‘ “ “ 126 Yankee Notions “ “ •* 126 The Dollar Newspaper “ “ 1 00 The New York VNecklyßun “ ** 100 Now York Ruuday Timeo “ *• 100 Ail tbo a’vjve sold also by tho single number. TERMS STRICTLY CASH! Subscription payable iu all canes In advance. Delivcreaal ttie sioie free of postage. Papers mailed regularly loany Wtire n on re telutoftlie pubh hers atnn al sulwtripUou price. J, B. OJBBBIHia, Agent, decl3 Bull-at., ophite noun. Dissolution oi CG-Partuersliip. rK Firm oi Webat r A Palmes is tin* day dis solved by mutual consent. Either co-part ner is ailoxed to use the name of the firm Q the selUetuoni of the business. Al> person.-’ muebted by note or account will please make prompt pay ment. J.. W. WJSUfcffiK, GEORGS V. PAUIfeS. Savaiumb, July Ist, 186?. Co-Par merampl fIVIE Undersigned have tins day formed a co- X partnership lor the purpose of carrying ou a General lirrtßery, Produce aud Commission Bnsi tosa, under the tirin oi onuerai, Webster k Palmer, at the old stand ol Webster A Palmes, und respcoUuiiy solicit the ou*ium ol their former riou is aud patrons, aud public generally. JOSEPH V. OuNNKRAT, JO ; PJJ V,. WKBbXEK, UKbttbK lAI.MKS. Bavannati, luty ist.lS-E?. _jp — NEW GOODS. B\ nXPRESS-~PUu, Earrings. Fiugerrinf,BoUa ol Karr tug*. Piu ami Br*v.u‘ti *ll tf® w , P*bt* aero l und fruii patterns; splendid Coral s< ua, ana -11 jot do, Ui-ciiiu; Sleeve Bultoutl, t>Har do, and Studs, in every vertety; Slide:- .or iuatdn, Boolltea and inJEot everything *,<prunniotf to h oalnca^.. .Cal Land examine the nook at t m (i. M. GKlk'rEN'B, P leflQ lu.-M ka man's. SKIRTSI SKIRT* M TTtVEKY description of Hoop, Corded lij gairm, n.r ladies aud misses, received HtfiA— lADBQjflp