The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1857-18??, July 23, 1858, Image 1

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VOL. xxxx Told series.: C|e Sabamrali Georgian:. 18 PUBLISHED BY A. R. LAMAR, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. Comity Printer. usual ADVHuriatuißiira. Sales of and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to bo held on the Frst Tuesday in the moatb, be twoeu the hours of teo ta the forenoon aud three in thcarteru ion, at the Court House in the County in which the property is situated. Notice or these sulos must be given in a public gazette forty daya previous to the day of sale. Notion* for the sale of pereoual property must be given in like mauner ten days previous to sate day. Notices to the debtors aud creditors of an estate must also he published forty daya. Notice that application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to sell 1 And nr Negroes, must be published for two months. Citations for Jotters or Administration. Guardluu staip, Ac., must be published thirty days—tor din mis.oou from AdwinHlratiou, monthly six mouths —for dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules lor foreclosure of Mortgage must he pub lished monthly for lour months ; for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three mouths ; lor compelling titles from Executors or Administra tors, where bond has been given by tho deceased, for tho t 01l space of three mouths. Publications will always bo continued according, toihoso, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following RATES: Citations on Letters of Administration, “ 41 dismiefsory from Adui.. 0.00 “ “ ** from Guard.. 0.00 Leave to sell Land or Nogroes 8.00 Notioos to Debtors and Creditors O OO Sales of Personal Prop., 10 days, 1 square.. 5.75 Sales of Land *>r Negroes by Executors, &c. 8.00 Estrays, turo weeks 6 50 RAf a. S OEAO VKRTiSiNG. For one square, of3oo ems or ices, of any type not larger t nan Nonpareil, 76 cents for the first aud 60 cent., lor each subsequent insertion,for any timeless than one month. AH Tabular work, with or without Rules; and Ad vertisements occupying double column, shall be charged double the above rates. Advertisements of whatever length, for any time less than one month, to be charged at transient rates. For a longer time at the following rates No. o! aquarcMj’ uioj* mosja mo.<|4 mo.- jPi mot 1 Square... $lO Id S2O $24 S3O - S4V $ Squares... id 22 26 28 3i> 50 ff do .... 20 27 32 36 44 60 4 do .... 24 32 33 42 62 7C I do .... 27 30 41 40 60 80 6 do .... 10 40 ho 61 66 00 1 do .... 32 43 64 68 70 100 8 do .... v 34 46 68 62 74 110 6 do ....] 30 48 61 66 77 118 10 do J3B 60 64 70 80 126 tr.AV nmr 4 ’ inn uhAitu .\.ku For any t'.rno not above specified, a proportions oharKP will bo made. A daluotioa of 26 per cent from the above rate* will b 4 matio ou advertisements appearing exclu sively tin the fourth page of the daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, will beobarghd two-thirds the above rates. AdverQsoineut* ordored in the Weekly edition. $1 por equate tr each insertion, far any time leas than one month. Knr more than one mouth at one hall the rates upwiiloJ in the above tablo. special nottcos, 10 ceuts per Line for the first, and 6 cents for each subsequut lnaertion, and in no case to be subject tocontract. Marriage uolices sl. Fu naral invitations6o cents each. No special notices Inserted for less than 60 ccuts. Obituary Notices, Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of any Society, Association, or Corporation, ordered to be publish ed, 6 coats per line. Steamboats will bo advertised at S4O per annuv for oab boat advertised. Steamships, where but one is running, S4O per an ■uai; if two or more, S4O each. Auciioueera’ advertisements not to be subject contract, bat to be charged at the rates prescribed per tqaaro. The jner, under no circumstances, to be includ ed in a cont-*-i. ’ • x " ed,n * 6 Calls on persons to become candidates, wm ut> Inserted &s other advertisements, to be paid for ip variably In advance. Announcing candidates for office, $lO, to be paid In advance. Advertisements not marked on the copy sot specified-time, will oe Inserted until forbid, ana payment oxacted. When any bill for two months advertising, other than contract, amounts to over S6O, a deduction 86 per cent will be made, Yearly advertising, with privilege or change w bo taken at tho following rates : For one square, ronowablo once a weak, $46 u i< i* twice “ 66 * • * 8 times or oftener 70 Every additional squarecontracted for to be charg ea one half the above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall bo limited to the space contracted for. All contracts shall bo iH writing, stating definitely the nature of the business to be advertised. Any advertisements not properly con neotsd with the businoss shall be charged separate ly, and also any excess of matter ovor the nmoun contracted for. Contraot advertisements payable quarterly; vertisements from strangers and transient person na/üble in advance. All others will be considered duo whon called for. Regular advertisers and all othors sending com munications or requiring notices designed to call at tention to lairs, csucorta, soirees, or any publio on tertaiumsuts, where charges are made lor admit tauce—all notices of private associations, every no- Uce designed to oatl attention to private enterprises calculated or intended to promote individual iuto reslu, can only bo inserted with the understanding that tho soma is to be paid for. If inserted in the editorial column (which can be only at tho discre tion oftho editors) the same will bo ch&rgod at the rate of not less than 80 cents per line. The undocaigued, publishers of Daily, Trl-Wcokly and Weekly newspapers in Savaunab, Ga., pledge ourselves strictly to adhere to the above biil of Charges, and in no instance u> deviate iherefrom. The above rates to take effect March 1, 1860, and to continue binding, until changed by tho votooi a majority of the undersigned. N. a.— I This schedule shall not In any way effect the integrity of existing contracts. .11l contracts for the year or any other'speciflod time, shall only cease with the expiration or the period for which they were raato. A. R LAMAR, Savannah Qccrjian. Sxi> U ciiMs, Uepabiican. Tnowmow tg Withimotow Mnmino Sasii—Blinds—Doors Just received and Tor sale by R. B. DONNOLLY, NO. its, WHITAKER-STREET: tkp'rv PAIRS of Blinds, assorted sixes. jyfJyJ 250 pairs of Hash, do do. Bxlo, 12 Us, 16 Its, and 18 Its. 10x12, 12 Its, 15 Us, and 18 Us. 10x14. 12 Its; 10x15,12U5. 12x14,12 Its; 12x16, its. ! 12x18, 12 Its; 10x20, l 2 IN. 100 DOORS, ASSORTED SIZES. 2 ft 6xo It 6, and 2 ft Bx 6 ft . 2 ft 6x6 ft 10, and 2 ft 6x7 ft. 2 ft 10x6 ft 10, and 3 ft x 7 ft. pfp 4QF* All odd sizes made at the shortest notice. * Paints, Oils, Glass, and Broshes at the lowest price for cash. janl7 SUUAGiiTIDUkE I’IAVOEH MILLS. Swift, Bliss, Greely & Cos., New York. gConnerat, Webster & Palmes, SAVANNAH, Agents for the State of Georgia, HAVE IN CITY MAGAZINE and for Hale on accommodating terms, a fall assortment of the various grades of GUN POWDER now man ufactured at the above celebrated mills, which in quality of hikknuth and vutua is equal to any made in the United Stales. OCK STOCK CONSIBTB OP J Assorted Blasting, iu 26ft kegs; Plantation Powder, in 26ft kegs; Oauuon do, government proof, 26ft kegs; Now York Rifle Powder, in 26, 12)£ anu 6,'ift kegs, FFFg; New York Rifle Powder, in 26, 12>i and 8 % ft ko*B, FFg. Merchants, Miners aod Sportsmen can rely upon being regularly supplied at short uotice. ocll 1867. aPBIHO Alin aUMMiI 1857. GOODS AND CLOTHING. T AM now resolving my new supplies weekly V aud will be happy TO MAKE TO MEArfllhk ur furaiwh the READY MADE, to my friends and ib people from all parts of the country, at the Uweat rates and on the best terns. WM. a PRICE, Merchant Tailor, : ’wtin 147 Bay street. NEW AHTICXK, EECEIVKD this day per Express, an assortment ol GoW and Stiver Nursery Pins, a good, reli able and sale article tor use. G. M. GRIFFEN, earner Bryan and Whitaker sts., y 29 Uta M . Rtfilnian’e. BLACK LACE MANTU.L.AB. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSOBTMENT OP the above Goods. •prtl _ JEISNRY LATHROP k 03. fonsiiut 9inwKniiutß. SUMMER MiElffi I WILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY, WAY Ist WITH IT HI HU H ffl 25 CIS. 5 Tickets for $1! J. M. Haywood. Agt„ llrick building, opposite the Pulaski and Screven Hotels, Monument Square. mavl Hoop Skirts . 4 I.AI'.GK ASSORTMENT just received, vt7.: STEEL EXPANSION, “ FLOUNCED SKELETON, “ CRYSTAL, UNION CORDED, REED SKELETON, ZEPHYR NEOPOIITAN, For salo by EINSTEIN 4; KCKMAV, mr9 151 CooKreKß-t. Spring Goods ! HENRY LATH HOP & CO. HAVE received aud opeued this day a choice selection of Sring and Summer Dress Goods, embracing the following: Plaid, bayadere and sirii*ed Silks, Double tfkirt Robes, Tissue “ Chintz Organdies, “ Bnliinuls, Vollant a Quiile, Organd'oChintz Volant, “ Robes, French Calicos, Solid 001-d Bareges and Crepe I'aretz, —also : BLACK LACK MANTILLAS, COLORED SILK PARASOLS BLACK SILK PARASOL . White Goods, In Bayadere White Brilliants, Plain, Plaid and striped Nainsooks, Plain aud Striped Cambric;, Plato and flg’d Swiss Muslins, Plain White aud Printed Piques. Cliililrcii’s Goods, Mlksos’ Taluias, Roys’ Hpuct*rs, *• Pinafores, Raglans, DrcaStiH, Ac. ALSO y Loup and Short Black Net Mitts and Gloves, Ladles’, Geuta’ and boys’ Lirio 1 bread 44 44 *• 44 Silk 44 44 44 Gauze Merino Vests, Mbses and Revs’ “ 44 4 * mrlfi SPRING GOODS 1 HENRY LATHROP ik CO. WOULD invite the attention of purchasers to Lhoir Slock of Spriug Gouds umv opouing. Wc have opened and will exhibit THIS DAY u choice lut of Fancy Dross Goods, viz: Rich Itayndin U iroges Fancy Hrucade do Side Stripe do French and English Stella ShAwia, UrtUmerc Scurfs, ha. Pillow Case Liuuns Linen riNi.rH Whito Toilet Cover! Linen Bosoms, Ate fohl2 MORE NE W GOODS. IVTOW OPENING per steamer “Star of tbc 1.1 Honth:” New Spring Silks; Foulard Bilk Robes; Organdie and Barege Rohes; Challi Robes; Bayadere Bareges; 100 pieces English prints; 100 do auiencan do; for Bale by EINSTEIN Ai EOKMAN, mrlfl 116 Congress-st. Ladies Dress Goods. IT'LEG AN r BAREGES, l't Mudiii DcChcues, Organdies, Jaconets and Grenadines, French t.^licoe£, 41 44 Rebea, Mousliuc Delaiue 44 Barege Side 44 Black Tamurtin, Just received uud for sale hv EINSTEIN A: EOKMAN, mr9 151 i-ong ••••: MORE NEW GOODS. J UST received per uteamer Augusta a lino assortment ot LADIE3’ DRESS GOODS! Comprising. Barege Flounced ROHES; do Side do ; Muslin Flounced and Side do; Plain and Figured Grenadines ; do do do Brilliants. Together with a large assortment of SILBLS. Embracing all ihe different paitorus of Flounced and Sido Robes iu black and fancy colors. KtNSTEfN ,\: ROEMAN, apr2'2 ltt.Oongrwz-rt. NEW WHITE GOODS ■vrow OPENlNG—KmliroiJereil and Fig ix ured Swiss Jaconeu and Cambrh.*s, Plain and btriped Nausooka, Plain Swiss and Checked Cambrics, Plain aud Colored BriiliuuLs, For sale by EINSTEIN .< ECKMAN, mr7 161 Omgreas st. KID GLOVES. Afresh supply of Alexuuder Kia Gloves; Just received per meaner aud for sale by EINSTEIN Ac ECKMAN, mrlfi 151 Cungresa-st. New Goods. JUST rcceivml perstnamer Alabama, on azsort meutoi very rich French Cambrios, also Amer ican aud English Prints. bo3 HENRY LATHROP & (X). SPRING MANTILLAS. rIE SUBSCRIBERS would invito tiie attention or the ladies to a largo aud rich invoice oi the above goods, just arrived. Also, Ladies and Missus black Nut MiUs 44 Silk aud Lisle Gloves Colored aud black Silk Parasols Ivory, Linen aud Sandal Fans mrl7 HENRY LATHKOPE h CO. LINKN GOODS. JUST RECEIVED— I>-4,11-4 and 12-4 Linen Snceling, Bleached aud browu Linen Table Damasks do do do do Cloths, Richardsoßi*,Sonß & Owden’s bent Linens, Bird’s Eye, Russia, Huckaback ami Scotch Diaper, Bleached ami brown Damask Doyles, do Tuble Napkins, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 and 13-4 Wiiito Marseilles Quills, he. Wir2o HENRY LATHROP At CO SARDINES, MACKEREL, LOU3TURS 4)A BOXES pickled I obslers and Salmon, AuU 100 boxes Mackerel, 6 cases Sardines (200 boxes each), 25 boxes’ Worcestershire aud Reading Sauce, and assorted Ketchups, 26 dozen Muutarde a Made and Epicurean Mus tard, 10 doz Capers and Olives, just received and lor salo by larll J. LAMA. Hit AWLS. MANTILLA#, ULOAKSi Wm would iuvite the attention of purchasers to oar large and rich stock of tho above goods, viz: Che u* Me Shaw Is Bay State, ah wool, do Black Merino Mol Oashmera do Col’d aud black cloth Cloaki, Talmas, &o Rich black velvet do 0012 HENRY LATHROP A CO MATCHES. 1 ra GROSS R. W. box Matches lOU 160 do paper do oo 10 do wax do do JPJust received and for sale by june3o J, LAMA. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1858. NEW STORE, NEW STORE WM. O. PRICE HAH REMOVED HIS STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM AND Merchant Tailoring Establishment r f!o the new and elegantly commodious Store in JL ** Sorrel’* Building,” on too corner of Bull and Hay Streets, opposite the City Hall nnd Custom House, whi.-h ip amply stocked with every variety of Fiuo and Fasbiomcdc Gooila in his line, uud hav ing an efficient nnd competent corps of U"st rare Mechanic* hi employ, with a determination to ac romuiodate aud sell the beat or Goods at the low est rales, most respectfully solicits public patron age. may 27 SPRING . MANTILLAS. We have opened per Steamer: SILK MAN 1 ILL AS, PLAID SHAWLS, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, &C. marl IIKNRY LATHROPifc CO NOTICE. HAVING boon appoiuled agents by B M. Rhodes Ksq., of Baltimore, lor the sale of his Super 1 bosplui’o of Lime, we are prepared to till orders lu any extent. A< a fertilizer, it i prouounceil by several State Chemists to have no superior. For imorma'iou as to wuat q ’.amity is to be used on dilioreot crops, apply at our <4l toe. junt9 STARR A IURDICE. Staple Dry Goods. Bleached shirting, Superior Irish Linen , Linen and Cotton Sheeting*, Ltoen Damasks, very superior, *£ . 4-4 and -.-l Dauiask Napkins, liunKiibark D;a|>erß, Huckaback and Damask Towels, Gi tuts Cloth, Crash, utt. lust received per Btcumor Alabama and for i-aleby EINSTEIN & E KMAN, mr9 161 Congress st. ~Hat7i flats! lltttsll mAt the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Baj street. Panama, I, Senate, Canton and fancy and plait:Straw Hat; ju-t received. Also, a large variety ot’Casslmere and Fur Hale. uv27 W O I*KICK. SOLAR OIL AND CANDLES. TUST RECEIVED— f 1 f bbD i..'imp Oil; 10 boxes pure Sperm Candler; 5 ! ) do Readell tiandlcs. Soup and Starch; *•6 do Colgate & Co.’s pale Soup l lor -ale by DaVID O’CONNOR, mayC6 cor Broughton and Drayton st*. ULAMiEIS! ISLANK.KTs.ri OKAY & TIUt-LKY aAVE now tu store a complete assortment ol fine bed, Crib aud Cradle Blankets. —ALSO,— Mackinaw and Duffel Negro Blankets. Buyer* noii *o ran win exauuuu me goods* nnvS TOPLA NTERS&FRUIIGIIOW KUK. BASKETS*, BASKETS! fOsT received in greut variety, Paau, Corn, ttot (-••• —xr> (itixun Haau..l, nd for fcUlO low at 165 ami 157 Broughton street, may 12 MORSE k FAY. HAY. 1 rt\ BBLS. NORTH uivbk HAY, for Hale CSoMonivi'. 1 i t BBLS. ill store and lor sale by lUv June 9 HUNTER At GAMMELL. HAY, I A A BALKS prime eastern hay, Uudiug this day Irum bark Chau Wil liam, and for salo by jan22 CURf.RTON * PARSONS AbUOATOK FMKTU & WHUTLKI ANOTHER lot received this day; flnoshrill tone and tiomo extra large, at U. M. GRIFFEN, may 20 pdf Bryan and WhlUKer ate. ANOTHER FULL SUPPLY OF COHO AYE CONVEX SPECS, in fine steel frames, at corner Bryan and Whitaker streets. G. M. GRIFFEN, gep-29 late U Kastman’ii. anowierlCpply OF DIAPER PINS. cons.sting of German Silver, pure Silver, aud Gold, received this day at the corner Os Bryan and Whitaker-sts, by G M. GRIFFIN, h 1 SiUMWiwnr ln M . KiiMtuixn CLAItKT WINK IN WOOD. JUST received and in store in rieaux Claret Wine, in coils oi 00 gallons each. For side by july4 J. !*’ AI BLACK LACE MANTILLAS. WE have received a lot of i he above goods in Black, French and Chantilly laco. in ay (1 HENRY 1 ATHRCP & CO. l*EA(ll'brandy. £* BBLS One old Peach Fran-ly. O Just received aud for sale by jiuie39 LAMA. APPLE BRANDY. 5 BBLS old A] pie Brandy Just received and for sale by juueO) J. LAMA. ~ Wma ES: a) ~ DOZ. ZINC A WOOD WASH BOARDS; 60 boxes Yeast Powders; 5d do* *4 and 4ply painted handle Broom?; 60 do 2 and 4b op painted Buckets; 25 boxes Fig Bluo; 60 gro-tg choice Black ing; 25 cases Brandy Cherries; 25 bbls fresh Sugar, Soda and Butter Biscuits; 5 do do Pilot Bread: 16 cases Leslie’* Stomach Billers; 75 boxes CrysUliuc, Sperm aud Adamantine Candles; 10 do Fancy Candy; 25 do fresh Ground CoUec; 75 sucks supe rior Family Flour; 10 canes Matches; 25 do/. Match Safes; 50 do patent Clothes Pius; loOU lb-> Brazil, Almonds and Pecan Nuts, received and for Mile by api-20. JAMES DOYLE. 20.* and 207 Ray-*t SUNDRIES. P* [? boxes No. I MUSTARD; 1,000 lbs. Almonds i O Brazil, aud Pecan Nuts, 60 boxes Pipe Heads; 75 boxes tie h ground Popper: 10i R ums Wrap ping Paper; 26 Reams Letter Paper; received and for sale by JAMES DOYLE, n*ay 12 No. 206 ami 207 Buy fit, I)ORTER AND canfo* Ryans X London Porter, iu qts. aud pts ;20 do East Indies Palo Ale, iu pts.; 20 do. Jcflroy’a Ale, in Stouc Jugs, lauding and for sale by janU J. LAMA. lor sals low to close consignment. mar 26 HUNTER *UAMMELL. MANURE! MANURE 1 1—60 bags Rhodes’ Su iter Phosphate Lime iu store and for salo by Supll OGDEN. STARK CO. BUTTER AND cheese—ld firkins Goshen But ter; 76 boxes .State Cheese ; 4o boxes English Dairy do. For sale by HAY —146 bales host quality Eastern Hay, land ing from bark Reboots and lor sale low by uovs CAKLKTON At PARSONS._ 1’ ATUS-loTooO best quality White riue laths J luudiug and for sale low by 00122 CAKLKTON * PARBONSL OATS.— 200 bags heavy Pennsylvania oats, land ing. aud for sale by mar Vfi HUNTER ft <4AMMKIL, POTATOES— 25 bbls Potatoes; 25 bbls Ouiona, binding and for sale by ncUfi HUNTER GAMMELL. POTATOES— 150 bbl Potatoes, iu fine or der, lor sale by j*rft HUNTER At OAMMKI.L. LATHS— 100,000 White Piuo Laths lor Bale, to arrive per brig Cecilia, by doi-,6 OARLKTON * PARSONS. HAY— 160 bbls prime New York Hay for sale to arrivo, by decl3 HUNTEN k GAMMELL. IT'LOUIt IN BARRELS-200 bbls “ Paragon ; Mills,” Extra and Superfine, in store and fur B ale by janSO DQNTER & GAMMELL. FLOUR— 10tT.sack* Extra Family Flour ; 60 do Superfino do; 60 do For sale by jas24 OONNERAT. WEBSTER & PALMES. I'USiiIHS ff'uros. GEORGE PATTEN, (LATE I*ATTKN, HUTTON 4 C 0.,) CSMM2S3I9H HSIGSAX?, Savannah. jn'yl _ David H. Galloway, COUNTY OFFICER, NOTARY TUB/At A COLLECTOR, WILL promptly cxeme all business uutrusted to him. \t Residence No mYork street, Savannah, Georgia. Wf juuelO j. 3^, Ho. 21 Eay-Bt., BRING the agent in : ivanuah for G. M. Mumrn & Co.'s Heims C .umpaguo Wines, I*. A. Mu turn’s I* rank fort ON Hock and Moselle Wines, respectfully reforms Is fnouds ad the public generally, that ho will oustantiy keep aud niter tor sale hi lil>e4il tertus, uu assortmcal of the above celebrated Wines, viz: Cardon Rouge, Royal Kose, imperial, Cabinet utd Y rzeuay. also, sjarkliug Jlook, Nonpareil, Spitrkhijg Musolle, aprl4 John f. \mm& 00, UKiJKKAL Commission Merchants, LtALIIuUOUK. JOHN F. riCKBKI’.L.. j. . .LKWIS W ARItINUTON. I'cTcreuces: D. Bprigg, Cafhitir htrehaut’s Biuik, Baltimore, Md ; w. P, HuutMl, Esq, Cashior, C. A. Ureiuor A Cos. J G. Coope, Gr.rmaiy & t humpiou, ."cruuhm .k Norris, Locaell fc rfueUiug, Hunter At Gamu.c 11, Savuuoah. pr 22 ti PUILLIIi ¥fiS & 00, Factors A. iouimissiou Mercliauls, SAVANNAH, GAURUIA. jriAMAi IMPORTER A til) WUOLKBALK DKALER IN SPANISH .SEGA 14S FRENCH BRANDIES, WINES, W UtSfa-EY, &> O IHER LlgUOlttJ. 210 Bay Street,. Will also keep on uaid a lull assortment of all kiuds of Tobacco, boU. manutuctured aud leal. Also riaoAKB of every variety . do 6 FOR SALE BY K. K. RUNNOLLY, No. 12 Whii&kor Sued, next door to G. M. Gris- Uu’a.Jowelry Store: 4f\iU \ LIGHTS OF SASH, Bxlo,lo* 2<J,uou I cel of Mouidiug, assorted; 20U Panel Doors, assorted sizes; 260 boxes of assorted sizes; English and American Wiiito Lead, Zinc, Oils, Ac., &c. ‘ aplfi-lf wt. iUuuTCOoriK jno. conpsk fbasiu. Coup Kit M FRASKU, FACTORS! & iiitkNKKAJ.COMMISSION MERCHANTS Bay Street. Savauuuh, ta. myll (K.dln, jjirAiui a od: Shipping & Couunisßion merchants, Bay Sift-et. aavauuah, Ga. toils. DENTiSTRY. At the Holicllatieni ol many ot my former palruus, I have re an otiico iu SKVfcu-.0l !iir tbo pat-pus 10l practfoiug my pro letbiou. Having f-pent tome time in New York iu making mysuil acquainted with the improvements, l am now ready to receive old aud imyLmiaunq***-*. (Mite. llli Uruiitlitou alrc..,uuß"“‘" ,1 77 I “ *. BE. I. If. LOOMIS, OFFFJts hihaervuus to tto eiUkena ol eavau itab, in tlm Practice of the Relorm System of Mudioiue, uiui l y known ihe botanical System Oiiice corner of liarnurd aud Sialosis., two doors west lroin Dr. Schley’s oiiice, und uuder mat of Dr. (iullagher, DentiaL Kooius at the Scieveu House: june22-3inos T. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mill Town, Jlerrien County.) Will pracuco tu ail ( f the counties of mo Bruns wick Circuit, und Berrien aud l/>wudeiof the doulberu Circuit. jonl7 Iverson L. Harris, Clias. J. Harris, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Xn.UtbOKVILUf, ox. TUOMASVI'.LI, GA. tl marfi MARTIN J. FORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oittce—No. 74 Bryau-stroet, lOrll SAVANNAH, Gt. flm S. N. WLNKLSR, ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, 17 6 BAY BTBE E T ANARUS, lUr9 SATANH.U, OKOHUIA. 3UIO EIJUKNI L III9IKB, ATTORNEY AT LAW!,: Tliomuavilie, Ga. 6m jau2B SA!U*L 11. If A Wli INS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERIOUa, GA. Will practice in ibe couuuex ui Sumter, Webster, Forreil, Raudoliiu, Worth, Buker,Calhoun Kefereuce—Col. Henry G. Lamar, Macon, Cu.— Hon. Mai tin J. Crawford, Columbus, Ga.; Mr. Wm. U Johnson, Amoncus, Gu. mylO-ly OHA3. G. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MJLI.KUOKViLLK, UA. Practices Law in tho various counties or the Oc mulgee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of Twiggs, iAiurcus and Washington. Keier to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. B. Hilton. fob 14 ~ JOHN U. COLDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vienna, Dooly Comity, Georgia. WILL pracuco iu the counues of Dooly an-J Worth of the Macon circuit, und .Sumpter and Luo of the S. W. C. BEFKBBNCKS: Hou. Joseph D. Alleu, Barnwell, C. H. S. G. Mr. Edward C. Wade, Savannah, Gu, nc26 . j. iu. snrrH, W. and., PROFESSOR OF PHYbiOLOSY, IN OGLETHORPE MEDICAL COLLEGE. Mdf Oiiice aud residence at No. 168 Broughton street, Savannah. tf—decl ;as. w. or ns. u. r. smoot. GREEN Si SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt26 YUOMASTOX. (lA. vvuiuHr & iUvauk, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. jylU BUUNHWICX. OA. New Goshen Buttor AMD DAIRY CHEESE. JUdl’ received per stoumi-r Augusta, aud for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, may 5 cor Brough tun and Drayton kis. ALE, ALE, ALEI. BBLS J. TAYLOR & SON’S IMPERIAL ALE, rooeived por aud for sale by .I4MKS DOYIiF. Solo Agt., Bav. DUTTKIi, CHEESE AND UK A NS. JUST RECEIVED— -5 kegs extra Goshen Butler; 5 casks Dairy Cheese; 6 bbls White Beans, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, may2s cor Broughton and Drayiou sta. BUKGU.VDY WINKS. £>£r CASES CHAMBERTIN aud CIIABLIS WINES, for sale by J. LAMA, majs 210 Bay fit. LEAF TOOACCO. Havana, Cuba and Connecticut Leal Tobacco, m store and for sale by aprlb J. LAMA. HAMS, HAMS. 1 C\ TIERCES choice Camaasee Hams, laud- XV/ mg from ateamer, for sate by juneO SHUNTER At GAMMELL. €rsuaifnt ililDfrtiscmfHfs. W. O. PRICE’S 147 BAY “STAR CLOTHING EIPORIIiH.” SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES !! Tho very boat article ever r&v* brought to this oity. I uow have on haud in Gold and silver frames, the double ten ses, which will be acknowledged far prdarablo to all others by every person that is obliged to use aped. 1 have ihoui graduated for ail sights aud those wishing comfort and convenience in wearing tkera will call early lor a choice, at tho old stand, corner K: yau aud Whitaker street. G. M. GRIFFKN, mrt late M. Kastman TO liriLDKUS. THE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute at the shortest novice, and tu the most work* manlike manuer, ail kinds of Metal RooUug, Gutters, Cornice, tw other work couucctcd with the mauufac* luring or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Irou, Zinc* or Sbovtlrcu Buhlqoss. HORACE MORSK, netl3 16h Broughton st irnit’S FRUIT CA\S ‘^-3TZ 2 THE outy giuuine article, just roceivi and per tka nior State of Georgia, and for sale at Nos 155 aud 157 Broughton street, may MORSE A FAY. “SPRING XiUMMfiR ulotihng“ Tho subscriber has received a Tra largo as.Mirimont of ready mu<ie jlffrlijlf) ftA Spring And Suremer Clothing, ntiJIL jß White i\ id Gloved for sa.e by LJ LA WM. R. BY.MOMS, Draper k Tailor, apl4 17 Whitaker street. LIMe7 LIMED lAAA CASKS BEST QUALITY LIME Xv/w \J hunting from brig Elizabeth Ibis day aud for sale by aug2tf CARL ETON & PARSONS. CO AL! 325 TON'S BItfGY.IH OHREL COAL, OK THE BEST QUALITY, IN I.UMPS, FOB KABLOB KUBPOSES, LANDING PER IS BIG BESCUE, And for sale low, IN LOTS to Knit purclkoHTH, by dec!s CAULETON * PARSONS. FURS! FUKS fr IJKNKV liATURGP A CO. would invito the at- A_l teutiou of the ladies to their stock ol fur Goods, now opeutug: Sells, Mulls aii-i Lulls ; Setts, MuQs uud Vioturmes; Scurfs, Capos aud Cravats. also : Children’s Worsted Loots; Children’s Worsted ilitts, Aic. octie - Fl.uuk Tor bale. SACKS Extra Flour; jjO\J ou sackssuperim* . vine Flour. For Bale by j .... T.v-imrrr r<*niiMlfOO TOll AC CO. 150 PACKAGES ol Manufactured Tcoac* Rough aud U>ady, Belle Allico, Twin Sinters, Giant ft Williams’, Joliu Ross’, ALSO, McAvoyand Uhtou,B's aud 10*s. For sale bv deck LLAMA. HAVAIA ISEGAES I *>Q j ti W t CHOICE HANANA SE- V “yj Lr GARB, of the foiiowmg brauus viz: Koihcbild-*, LaGolondriua, Rosa do Santiago, La kspuuolu, Fior del Tfopico, La Floreutia, La Cachuoha. Flor de Crespo, Ac., Ac., &3. Just received and lor sale by juuel3 J. LAMA. ( I.ARET WhNES. A FULL SUPPLY of the Grand Yin. and others, viz : LAFITTB, LA ROSE MARYAUX, LEOVILLE. ST. EMiLION, HAHT FA LANCE. ST. JUEIEN, HAUT BAUTEUNE. For sale by J. LAMA, limy I*2 _ _ 210 Bay Street,. HrADWIU C'k PORT WINKS CASKS Old) RESERVE MADEIRA WINE t) 5 do Auioutdhulo snerry Dale do; 3 do Queen’s Delight Port do. —AND— -25 case* of ouo doz. each old Ifoßervo Madeira; 16 do do choice old Port Wme. 10 do Amoulillado Sherry. Fur sale by J. LAMA, may 5 210 Bay at. HAVANA SEttARS. 1 ann Havana sugars, va- wv/nous brands ; among which are the foiiowmg superior brands : hi Mango. l.a Bauana. Ia Rip&uola, Hercules, La Fiiunuopa, k lor del iropico, Ciervo, Ac, Ac. ALSO, 120,000 lew priced Scgarß, various styles. Fur sale by deck J. LAMA* SUGARS OK tUOICK R RAW US. U A/1D SUPERIOR HAVANA SKGAKS, viz: ‘•Rio Hondo,” “Flordcl Tropico,” “Cieroo,” “Neptnuo,” “Juvoveutud,” ‘‘El fulipau.” “Moutera,” “Rothschi Id,” “Flordel Preusado.” also : 160,000 low-priced Scgara, various grades, just re ceived aud for sale by mrli ,1. LaMA. SUGARS, COFFEE, Ac, JUST received 6 hhds Muscovado Sugurs; 26 bh!s crush :*i aud clariiltd Sugars; 2 Uhdrf line Codtisk; 5 bbis No 1 Mackertl; So dozeu assorted Brooms; 16 do Pails; 104 do <f Clothes Lines and Scrub brushes; 10 boxes Laiur Rabins; Currant, Citron, Olive, Oil, Ac., & , for sale low by DAVID O’CONNOR, may2s cur Brouglitou and Drayton 6ts. iVoitYDiCE UOXESi WHITE Critnsna aud Black, just received aud will be sold low by G. M. GRIFFIN, jan3o Cor Bryan aud Whitaker sts. HAIR BRAIDS. KECEIVED THIS DAY, a full assortment or light colors. The ladies are also informed that I have bugles ol all colors on hand, at low price. O. M, GRIFFKN, mr6 late If. Kastman. WHISKEYS. QA BARRELB Cahiuet, Nectar, Magnolia, OV7 Bmirbou, aud old extra Monougabela. For vale by der-2 J. LAMA. FOR MALE. IWAA BBLS. LIME uow landing from brig X I Ls U Joseph from Rockland, tor sale by •iCp 1,0- Kl-il la hNKLLINGS. ~ COFFEE, PURE Fresh Ground Rio and Java Coffee, daily parched and ground, and for sale by DAVID O’CONNER, 00t24 onr Broughton and Dravion-ata COL’D CHALLIRS. JUST RECEIVED per steamer a large as- Horimeutofthe above goodu. mr'iO HENRY LATHROP * GO HOCK WINKS. OARKS OF HOCK WINES, viz: 4 O Sparkling Moselle, Rudesh. uner, Spar<ling Hook, Desdexhcimer. Fe -sale by J. IAMA, uiar6 210 Bay-st. fiottcrlfg. Maryland STATE Lotteries FOR JUNE, 1858. R. FRANCK A CO., MANAGERS. They caution porchavers of Tickets to beware o ordering Tick, it: in Lotterios where extraordinary large tapul’ are offered for a zniall coat of Tickets, all such arc swindle.*. The Maryland Lotteries have been iu existence for Forty Years. They are drawn by a SUtc Olli cer, and can be relied ou. If you draw a prize, you will get your money. The wbolo country is il aided with Bogus lottery concerns, beware of them. Orders io the Maryland Slate Lotteries. “Maynif'ccnl Schnne ” Grnml Loltrry, Clhms L. Tube drawn in Dalt?fl)oreCity,July 24th. 1858. 14 Dr .wu ballots in each package o! 26 tickets. Making more pr.zes than blank*. —Every Pack ago of 26 Tieketa must contain 14 ilrawu uun.bors, bothat there arc 14 priz.-s to 12 blanks. 1 Grand prize of.A 10.000 J 1 prlzn of J3 000 1 prize of 10,6 0 4 prizes of 2 000 I prize of lo coo J io prizes of 1 ,'249 l prize of 10 U 0 10 prizes of 500 1 prize of 6,0u0 317 prizes of 160 l prize of i. 000 64 prizes of If o 1 prikeof 6.000 t>4 prizes of bo 1 prize ut o ouo pr ze-j of 40 lpr scof 300 U 6632 prizes of .... 20 l prize of 3 000 28224 prizes 0f.... 10 lpr-aonf y.OOO 34 412 prizes amounting t0....f601,000 Ticketsslo Halves $6. Qrs. $2.60, Eighths $1.26 A Certificate of Package of 20 Wholes costs.sl4l fO Do. do. 20 Ha1ve5.........7;) fO I>o. do. 20 Quarters... .v., .o 525 Do. do. v Eighths 17 02 HAVANA FItAN. All the numbers put iu ouo Muccl, ami every Prizes put in another in this plan, which is the old fashioned mode drawing, every pri2o H drawn out Prizes paid In lull witnout any deduction. Cfrand Uoiiaolfdntt'd Kxlrn, Class S, To be drnwu in BaUimore Md , July 31st, 1858. Wc would call particular atuniiou <o Hrejobow ing rpl udid rchome. a packagecf 16 wliide LcftetK co tug only s>o nnd every other t(f;et In iug warranted to draw S!0, dttermiovd by th<i numb r draw itg the Qipitd prizo, whether odd or cveu. BPLKMHI> UCHKVB. 1 prize or $3(,oo0 4 Appr’x to S2OO 1 prize of I<>,ooo. 4 do .... 100 1 prize of 6.0 >0 4 do 60 1 prize of 2,4 id 4 do f > 1 prize of 2,000 4 do .... 00 1 prize of I,ooo\ o , K n 1 prize ut’ l,.*| 8 dl> 60 1 pi-iao or Mil 8 , l 060 1 prize ol 6JO | 1 prize ol 400) R . ... lpriteof 400 / 8 40 M 10 prizes of 2!0 XOprisoH 0r.... o 4 8 <io •••■ 60 100 prizes of 100 are IO.COoO Ac. Ac. Whole Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Qr. $2,60. A Managers’ Certificate 16 Wholes, where persons wish to pay the risk only, will bo sent for $Hi •‘ “ 1H Halves, sent for.. 40 ** 14 lOQuar**. seut for.. VO “ 16 Eighths, sent lor. 10 TheManaeers have been compelled from tho nu merous cftniplnints made of them, of uniai'.hfuluess on the pait of those who bavo been attending to the Oiling of orders, to resume the correspondence business uud iu their own name. M.~ Order ti kets from the Managers only. Addrcf.s all letters to juue2o-lm R FRANCE A 00, Baltimore, Md. NOTICE. Persons at a distance who desire to pnrebase Tickets in the Muryhind State Lotteries, will iu fi ture, direct their letters to tho Managers, K. Francs ACo , Baltimore. Maryland. Those who desire to purchase <u the Shelby Collego Lottery of Kentucky, will dirccttheir letters to tho Managers, R. FRANCE &CO , liouibville, Ky, . Bargains! Fine Ready Made AT COSTANDLESS, rNoW offer my Stock r,f Ready Made Clothing at Great Bargains, Wholesale and Retail. Now ih tho time lor all tu supply themselves with good and cheap f lolbing by calling aud making their selection at WM. O PRICE’S Emporium, maylO 147 Bay street. New Goods arwuc mswwm* Black forelaid silk uoueb; Black Oral o Baregos; I’laiu Black do; Swims, Mull and Jaconet Muslins; Muslm Collars; Tucked Cambric Skirls; White Bonnet Cord: \* liitn Turlatm Muslin; Steel Extension Skirts; Belt, Ribbons, Ac. may 6 HENRY LATHttOP ftOO, QBNTLBMRN’I AND BOY'S WEAR/ TUST RECEIVED— yj Plaid and striped I.inen Drillings, Whilu Linen and Duc.k do Brown and Wluio(k>at Linens, huuze Merino Shirts, Brow j and While Cotton ShirtH, Whim Lisle Thread Shins, Men’s anl Roy’s browu, mixed aud white cotlou hail Hose, Men’s wbi'e lisle thread half Hose, Men’s silk, liucu and lisle Gloves. mr2o _ HENRY l yTHROP k CO._ To Planters. HENRY LATHROP & CO. WOULD invito tin* attention of Plauters to their usual stock of PLANTATION GOODS. Grey all Wool English Plains Schley’s Browu and White Twills ** * Plains Randolph 44 44 Grey and black Kerseys “ Striped “ Red Flannel—twilled and plain Bluo plaid and a'ripcd Homespuns Fancy Manchemer Plaids \ and % browu shirtings White aud striped cotton Osuaburgz Blue Denim :, hi ,e Drills, Ac. oct House Keeninff Goods. HENRY LATHROP& CO. WOULD invite the attention of purchasers no their stock of House Keeping Goods, as lot* lows:—10-4, 11-4, 12>4 Barclay Liucu Shetliug 8-4, fl 4, 10-4 bleached Liucu Dum&sks Brown do do % to % bleached Mamas'. Napkins Bleached an 4 brown do Doyles Richardson, Sons A Dowden’s bestLinent Bird eye, Scotch and Russia Diapers Fancy bordered Damask Towels do do Huckaback do Bleached and browu Dowlas 40 inch to 46 inch pillow case Linens 10-4,11-4, 12 4,13-4 Kug Marseilles Quilts 10-4,12 4 Turkish Loan ter panes American and Euglish Long Cloths 7-14 to 11-4 bleached and brown sheetings, he, nir24 _____ __ Mourninff_Goods. WE would Invite the attention or purchasers to the almvo |>ortion of our stock, which have been selected with great care, embracing the fol lowing styles Plain black Mousiin deLaiues Black Bombazines and Tfcmwsa Cloths do Merinos, Cashmeres aud Coburgß do Silk Warp Alpacas do English Talleta Silks and Grog Grain! do Ripp’d and Poult de Sot in Second Mourning Challi de Laiuea Mourning Cambric Robes do Ginghams, Print - *, ho Black Crape, CbUars and Sloevos doTarlatoa do do do Lin Veils aud English Crapes __ octll HENRV Lath ROP * CO. BACON SIIOULDRR9. “ 1 iX HHD3. choice Bacon Shoulders, land- X” “ iug per steamer, for hlc by Jane® HUNTER * GAMMELL. 147 B A. -ST’ MTCMCJE! ■CTT NO . 16653 Ccttenei. SW&N&’ CO’s. LOTTEUUSB, AUTHORIZED nr THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Tho Late aite-rpt to iojuru our tirni has shown that our Letterlo>arodrawu fairly; that our prirc3 are pa and punctually; ami tba- rnr Sch. uies arc more liberal thau any other Leuory in the world ! capital ximrssti i3^s7o,ooon*i£ KGB TEN DO!,LiARS, Thu billowing Scheme will bo drawn by S Swan > Cos, Mauagers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Siugie Number Lo'tertfta lor May, ISB. at AUGUSTA. Georgia, in public, under ihe superintendence of Coremtsehmets. (s?lss 23. To bo drawn iu the city or Augusta. Ga., in public, SATURDAY, JULY lU|U, 18S8. CLASS! 24. To be ilrawu in tho city of Augusts, oa, in public, SATURDAY, JULY 13111. INGb. CLASS 25. To bo drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga, in public, SATURDAY, JULY £4III, I*sß. CLASS 2G. To be drawn in the city of Augseta. Ga., in publlo, SATURDAY, JULY 3lsl, ISAS. Ou tiie Flan of .Single Numbers. Five luoumuul, Four Hundred and Eighty five Prize*. Nearly one Prize to every Nine Tickets! Magnificent Scheme! To be drawn each Saturday in July. 1 prize of $70,000 j 4 prizes oi pro 1 prise of 80,000 | 4 prizes of sro 1 prize of 10,000 j 4 prizes ol 7cC I prize of 6,00 ii | 4 prizes of. ouo 1 prize of 4,000 j 5o prizes of 6uo 1 prize i 3,o'* I 60 prizes of 31U l prize of, 1,600 j l< 0 prizes of Iz6 4 ol l,00:i | -oO prises oi, 100 APPROXIMATION I’KUKH : 4 prizes of s4oo app’g to $70,000 prize aresl,6oo 4 ‘ 4 ouO ‘* 80,000 • 1,200 4 “ 200 * 4 10,000 “ 800 4 “ 129 “ 6,000 44 6UO 4 “ 100 “ 4,i*jo “ 400 4 44 76 •* 8,000 44 300 4 4 4 6 0 44 1,60 0 44 200 500> 44 20 are Ic)O,OCQ 6486 prizes amounting to $820,000 Tickets $lO, Halves $6, Quarters $2 60. tJL A Circular > towing the plan of the Inlto ri s will be soul t • any ouo ue-unourfef receiv ing it- . Certificates of Packages will be sold at tbefoN lowing rates, which is the risk:. Certificate ofpai kagesof 10 whole tickets SBO 44 44 16 half 44 JO 44 44 1 0 quarter 44 20 44 44 10 eighth 44 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the money to our uddross for the Ticket! ordered, *u receipt ol which they will be forwarded by first tnail. Purchaser* can have tickets ending iu any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will he soot to immediately alter tho drawing* Our Purchasers will please write ibeirsigusiurta pl iiu, aud give their Host Olllce, County aud Htate. Rcmembertbal every prize is drawn, and paya bio without deduction. All prizes or SI,OOO, and under, paid Immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usualtime of thirty days. rnr Ail communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or ccrtiiicatvs lu 8. BWAN A CO., Augueta, Ga. Offlco in Savannah, corner of Bryau and Whita ker-stieets. J. J. PEHLER, ageut. AfifPersons residing near Montgomery, Ala, er Atlanta. Ga, can have their orders tilled, and save time, by addressing S Swan & Cos, at either or those allies. 4gP*A list of the numbers that are drawn Item the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each jue is entitled to, will bo published after every drawing, in the following papers: Augusta (Ga) ’ oustitutionalist, New Orleans Ikdla, Mobile Rcgla ter, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, At tain a Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning Nows, Kiel moud Despatch, Mew York Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion ana Little Rock (Ark.) True Democrat, jyß Royal Havana Lottery. THE Next Ordinary Drawing of tho Royal Ha vana Lottery, conduct’ and by the Spauiah Gov ori'.toont, under the super vision of the Captain Geaural of Cuba, will take place at Havana, on TUESDAY. JULY 27th, 1868. $300,000. BORTEO NOMERO 602 ORDINAUIOI Capital Prize §IOO,OOO. lHrizoef SIOO,OOO 1 44 50,000 1 “ 80,000 1 44 10,000 1 44 ‘ 6,000 4 44 2,000 5 44 1,000 62 44 6uo 143 44 ; 400 20 approximations 8,800 4 approximations to the SIOO,OOO of si‘>oo each; 4 of 400 to $50,000, 4 Os 400 to $30,000; 4 of S4UOtO $10,000; 4 Os S4OO to $5,000. Mar Whole Tickets, S2O; Halves, $18; Qrs., $6. Brizes cashed at sight at five por cent dis. Bills on all solvent bankztekeu at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the re sult becomes known. All orders for Schemes or Tickets to be ad dressed to “DON RODRIGUEZ, care of City Pi .fit, Charleston, S. O.” Iy-july7 HENRY LA Til HOP Sc. CO WOULD iuvite the attention of the ladieß to a choice lot of Tucked Jaconet ovorskirta, a iuw and desirable article. Also— Misses Extension Steel Spring Skirts; Long and short black net Mills; W iiitc Kid Gloves; Fancy Belt Ribbons; White Tarletons; I mm Shirt Bosoms; Silk blond Edging, &c. myfi SPR L>G GOODS. t IfE HAVE RECEIVED PER STEAMER, and are VV prepared to exhibit a foil auHurtmeni of la des’ Dress Goods, compriHlug all or the latest <ty es in Fiocy Silks. Foulard Silk Robes, l'iaid Ducais, Printe l Otguudie Robes, Plaiu Coiured iuiyudm Bareges, Printed Cambric Robes, Chintz Cam hr ics, Barege Holies, Chintz Bridiaota, Jtc. mar* HENRY lATHUOP fk CO. WHITK SATIN k KID SjLITFK*&. RECEIVED by late arrivals— . Ladies White Satin Slippers, do do Kid do Misses Black Gaiters anil Morocco Boots, Lndtes Polka and Jenny Lino Bots. M. J. BUCKNER, ttovH No 71 ted 162 Gibbon’* Range. SPUINU DRIfiSS UOODS. HENRY LATQKOP 4 CO. have received per steanihlup Augusta aooihor choice lot of (sidies’ Spring Dress Goods in Printed Organdies and lawns; 44 Bareges and tissues; Foulard and India Bilks| Fancy Ginghams; Rich Cashmere scarfs, he. mrl7 KVKiVINO DRESS FCsT HENRY LATHROP 4 CO. WOULD invite the attention of the ladles to a very select lot of Evening Dresses, recoived per Tuesday’s steamer, comprising the following Pink and blue Embroidered Crape Rohea White Maline do Lace do do Tulle do do do GoPd Organdie do d*lo tTTVRV f ATRRf'P It CO M A NTILLAB, JUBT recoived per steamer a large assort men I and Mantillas, Velvet Ribbons, and agene rai asportra<'nt of Fancy Goods. apr4 BINSTTfcIN h FOKU AW. J&l Oongiets-et Tliu American Watcli. Which is truly gaining favor throughout the United States, is now on sale and I can ■i. 3k. Bll roly guarantee them as good and relia bie time keeper*. M. GRIFFIN, junc9 Successor to late M Kastman. IS addition to a well selected stock of aupertnr (’arets, I have just received a lot or cboire Bt. Irt t ho Grand Via, In pint! nnd qi*r*. bj JontU l, LAMA.