The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1857-18??, August 04, 1858, Image 1

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Ufee jiatettiralj ifeS® VOL. XXXX IOLD SERIES.: Ojt jsSsttamralr (Storgau. 18 PUBLISHED BY A. R. LAMAR, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. Coonly Printer. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are roquired by law to be bold otf tbe Frst Tuesday in the mouth, be tween i lie hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the aftoraoon, at the Ciuri House in tbe Coanty in which the pr >perty is situated. Notice of theae sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given in like manner ten days previous to sale day. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate must also be puolished forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for loavo to sell Land or Negroes, mast be published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration, C r ship, Jec , must be published thirty days—for dis mission from Administration, monthly six months —for dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be pub lished monthly for four months ; for establlrhing lost papers, Tor thn full space of three months ; for compelung titles from Executors or Administra tors, where bond has been given by the deceased, for tho full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirementa, unles3 otherwise ordered, at the following RATES: Citations on Letters of Administration, &c.. 55.00 ** “ di&mi&sory from Adm.. 6.00 *• 44 * from Guard.. 6.00 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 8.00 Notices to Debtors and Creditors 6 00 Sales of Personal Prop., 10 days, 1 square.. 5.75 Sales of Laud >r Negroes by Executors, Ac. 8.00 Estrays, two weeks... 6 50 R AIVcS OF AOVERTISIATG. For one square, of 300 ems or leas, of any type not larger titan Nonpareil, 76 cents for tho first and 60 cent * lor caoh subsequent insertion,for any timeless than one month. All Tabular work, with or without Rules; and Ad vertisements double column, shall be charged double tbpjsßbve rates. Ad whatever length, for any time less than one month, to bo charged at transient rates. For a longer time at the following rates N o.of Squares 11 mo 12 mos j3 n ios 1 4 race 1 6 mos 1 1 *2 mos 1 Square,... #lO ~10 **o $24 S3O s4l> 2 Squares...; 18 72 28 28 88 60 8 do .... 20 27 82 36 44 60 4 do .... 24 32 89 42 62 7C $ do .... 27 36 44 46 60 80 $ do .... 30 40 60 64 66 90 7 do .... 32 43 64 56 70 100 8 do .... x 34 46 68 62 74 110 8 do 36 48 61 66 77 118 10 do ...J 38 j 60 64 70 80 For any time not above specified, a proportions Charge will be made. A deduction oi 26 per cent from the above rates will be made on advertisements appearing exclu sively on the fourth page of the daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, will be charged two-thirds the above rates. Advertisements ordered in the Weekly edition. $1 per squaro for each insertion, for any time less than one month. .For more than one month at one halt the rates specified in the above table. Special notices, 10 cents per line for the first, and 6 (touts C-r each Subseqeat insertion, and in no cose to be subject to contract. Marriage notices sl. Fa ■eral invitations 50 cents each. No special notices Inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary Notices, Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of any Society, Association, or Corporation, ordered to bo publish ed. Scents per line. Steam boats will bo advertised at S4O per anuoar for each boat advertised. Steamships, where but one is running, S4O per an mm; if two or more, S3O each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to bo subject contract, but to be charged at the rates prescribed per square. The paper, under no circumstances, to be includ ed in a contract. Professional and business cards not oxceeding 6 lines, will be inserted at S2O per annum. Calls on persons to becomo candidates, will be Inserted • other ad vertisomottta, to bo paid for in variably in advance. Announcing candidates for office, $lO, to be paid In advance. AdverUtomoats nut marked on the copy fitt ■perilled time, will no inserted until forbid, ant. payment oxactedj When any bill tor two months advertising, other than contract, amounts to over SSO, a deduction 86 por cent will be made, yearly advertising, with privilege of change w be taken at the following rates : For one square, renewable once a week, $46 44 “ “ iwloe 44 66 44 44 44 3 times or oftenor Y 0 Every additional square contracted for to be charg •a one half the above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall bo limited to the space contracted for. All contracts shall be in writing, stating definitely the nature of the business to be advertised. Any advertisements not properly con nected with the business shall bo charged separate ly, and also any excess of matter over the amoun contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly; f ertisements from strangers and transient person payable in advance. Ail others will bo considered due when called for. Regular advertisers and all others sending com munications or requiring notices designed to call at tention to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public on tertainmants, where charges aro made for admit tanco —all notices of private associations, every no. tice designed to call attention to private enterprises calculated or intoaded to promote individual inte rests, can only be inserted with the understanding that the samo is to bo paid for. If inserted in the editorial column (which can bo only at the discre tion of the editors) the same will be charged at the /ate of not less than 80 cents par line. The undersigned, publishers of Dally, Tri- Weekly and Weekly newspapers in Savannah. 6a., pledge ourselves strictly to adhere to the above bill of charges, and in no instance to deviate therefrom. The above rates to take effect March 1, 1850, and to oontinue binding, until changed by the vote of a majority of the undersigned. N. b. This schedule shall not In any way effect the integrity of existing contracts. All contracts for the year or any othertopectfiedtime, shall only cease with the expiration of the period tor which they were made, . _ A. R. LAMAR, Savannah Georgian. Swsxn k Sixi'jitiepuzitcan. Thompbom k Withihgt;)*. Morning Nt*t, Sash-Blinds—Doors Just received aud for salo by R. B. DON^OLjy^d NO. 12, s* tk gSOv/ 260 pairs of Sash, do daJfimt.fim 8x10,12 its, 15 Its, ami 18 10x12,12 Its, 16 its, ami 1 lia. 10x14, 13 its; 10x15,12 Its. 12x14,12 Its; 12x16, -2 Its. ! 12x18,12 Its; 10x20, Its. W 100 DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES. 1 211 6x6 ft 6, and 2ft Bx 6ft 8. 2 ft Bx 6 a 10, and 2 ft 6x7 ft. 2 ft 10x6 ft 10, snu 8 ft x 7 It. Bigjr All odd sizes made at tbs shortest notice. -■ Paints, Oils, Gins*, and Brushos at the lowest price for cash, jnl7 SOUAiiUTICOKE POWDER MILLS. Swifty Bliss, tireely & Cos., Proprietors, New York. gConuerat, Webster & Palmes, SAVANNAH, Agents for the State of Georgia, HAVE IN CITY MAGAZINE and for sale on accommodating terms, a foil assortment of the various grades of GUN POWDER now man nlkctured at toe above celebrated mills, which in quality of strxxoth and vunsn Is equal to any made In the United States. OtJlt STOCK CONSISTS OF t Assorted Blsstlug, In 25th kegs; Plantation Powder, in 25th kegs; Oanuon do, government proof, 26ft kegs; OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF : Assorted Blasting, in 25ft kegs; Plantation Pointer, in 26 ft kegs; Oannon do, government proof, 20ft Kegs; New York Bide Powder, in 26, 12K anu O.ttft kegs, FFFg; New York Bide Powder, In 26, 12* and OXft kc's, FKg. Merchants, Miners and Sportsmen can rely upon being regularly supplied at short notice. ocll 1857, SPHINO AND BUUM.KIt 1867. GOODS AND CLOTHING. I AM now retiring my now luppltoa weekly and will be happy To MAKK TO HKASORK or furnish the READY MADte, to my Mends and the people rrore all parts or the country, at the lowest rates and on the best terms. WK. 0. PRICK, Merchant Taller, marl lae Wav i.vreet iiw AKTICLK. T> BCETVEn this day per Express, an aSaortmant Jrt ol Gold and Silver Nursery Pins, a guO<J, reli. Sla and tale article lor use. ” U. M. GRIFFKN, corner Bryan and Whitaker sta_, YiQ latwW gaatnlan’s, BLACK PACK MANTILLAS. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT OP the above Uooda. _____ epr'il gH? UTttROP k 00. €nniairnt aitoidiamniti. SUMMER I WILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY, MAY Ist WITH 10! ID Li 1111 IS CIS. 5 Tickets for $1! J. M. Haywood. Agt„ Brick building, opposite the Pulaski and Screven Hotels, Monument Square. mavl Hoop Skirts. A LARGE ASSORTMENT just received, vi*: STEEL EXPANSION, “ FLOUNCED SKELETON, “ CRYSTAL, UNION CORDED, REED SKELETON, ZEPHYR NEOPOLITAN, v For sale by ‘ EINSTEIN A ECHMAN, mr9 161 Congrcss-st. Spring Goods! HENRY LATHROP & CO. HAVE received and opened this day a choice selection of Bring and Summer Dress Goods, embracing the following: Plaid, Bayadere and Striped Silks, Doublo Skirt Robes, Tissue “ Chintz Oygaudies, “ Brilliants, Vollant a Quille, Organdie Chintz Volant, “ Robes, French Calicos, Solid col’d Bareges and Crepe Maretz, —also BLACK LACK MANTILLAS, COLORED SILK PARASOLS, BLACK SILK PARASOL . White Goods, In Bayadere White Brilliant#, Plain, Plaid and Striped Nainsooks, Plain and Striped Cambrics, Plain and flg’d Swiss Muslins, t Plain White and Printed Piques. Children’s Goods, Misses’ Talmas, Boys’ Spencers, *• Pinafores, Raglans, Dresses, &c. —ALSO : Long and Short Black Net Mitts and Gloves, Ladies’, Gents’ and Boys’ Lisle Thread “ “ 44 “ Silk “ “ “ Gauze Merino Vests, Misses and Boys’ •* “ 44 mr!6 SPRING GOODS! HENRY LATHROP & CO. WOULD invite the attention of purchasers to their Stock of Spring Goods now opouing. We have oftened and will exhibit THIS DAY a choice lot of Fancy Dress Goods, viz: Rich Bayadin Bareges Fancy Brocade do Side Stripe do Freuch and English Cambric# Stella Shawls, Cashmore Scarfs, Ac. AlgO- Fancy Spring Caasimere# f Pillow Case Linens Linen Diapers. White Toilet Covers Linen Bosoms, Ac. feb!2 MORE NEW GOODS. TyroW OPENING per steamer/‘Star of the -Ll So*th Now Spring Silks; Foulard Bilk Robes; Organdie and Barege Robes; Challi Robes; Bayudere Bareges; 100 pieces English Prints; 100 do American do; for sale by EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, mrlo 116 Congress-st. Ladies Dress Goods. Elegant babeges, Muslin lieChones, Organdies, Jaounets and Grenadine*, French Calicoes, “ Rohes, Mossline Delaine “ Barege Side u Black Tamartin, Just received and for sale by EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, nar9 1M congress-st. MORE NEW GOODST JUST received per steamer Augusta a line assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS! Comprising. Barege Flounced ROBE 9; do Hide do; Muslin Flounced and Side do; Plain and Figured Ureuadines ; do do do Brilliants. Together with a large assortment of jgjg-T .-ESLgS_ diilereui patterns ot Flounced and SideKofllßhblack andgancy colors. apr2-2 151 Congresa-st. NEW YVIIJ® GOODS XTOW OPENlNGidered and Fig- JIN ured Swiss and Cambric*, Plain and Striped^^Koks, Plain Swiss and ‘ambries, I Plain and Coiored^^^Kte, wHeby & ECKMAN, K 161 Congrcss-Bt. Bud fLovEs. ■|u sui’irY of . Gloves; tier and for sale bv KSTEIN ft ECKMAN,*)# ■I 4 151 Congress-st:- New Goods. JUST received per steamer Alabama, an assort ment of very rich French Cambrics, also Amer ican and English Prints. bo3 _HKNRY LATHROP ft 00. spuk/g mantillas. mHE SUBSCRIBERS would invite the attention of X the I-aUioH to a largo and rtoh Invoico ot the above goods, jeat arrived. Also, Ladles and Mieses black Net Mitts “ Silk and Lisle Gloves Colorod and black Silk Parasol* Ivory, Linen aad Sandal Fans norl7 HENRY LATHROPE ft CO. LINEN GOUDS. ~ JUST RECEIVED— -10-4,11-4 and 17-4 Linen Snooting, Bleached and brown Linen Table Damask* do do do do Cloth*, Richardsons,Son* ftOwden’s bost Linens, Bird’B Eye, Russia, Huokabaok and Scotch Diaper, Bleached and brown Damask Doyloa, do Table Napkins, 104,11-4,11-4 and 15-4 White Marseilles Qullte.fto mr-10 WKMKY t.tTRKOP ft CO SARDINBS, MACKEREL, LOBSTKRS BOXES pickled t obsters and Salmon, gSU 100 boxes Mackerel, 6 cases Sardines (200 boxes each), 25 boxes Woroeswrphim and Reading Ssuoe, and assorted Ketchups, 26 dozen Montarde s Mall* and Epicurean Mus tard, 10 do* Capers and Olive*, ju*t received and tor sale by • mrll J. l-AMA. “shawls, mantillas, cloakv WE would Invito the attention of purchasers to our largo aud rich stock of Ute above goods, via: Cbonelle Shawl* Bay State, all wool, do Black Merino and Cashmere do Col’d sad black cloth Cloaks, Talmas, ftc Rich black velvet do oct# _ HENRY LATHROP ft CO^ Aspect” matchrs. 1 ftTA GROSS R. W. box Matches XeJVr 160 do paper do do 1C do wax do do Just received and for i*’ by Jtmsw J. LAMA. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1858. ; .... ..... . . w> • . i-jk ‘ 7 N m STOREJiEW STORE WM. O. PRICE , ■ HAS REMOVED DtS STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM and , •• 1 Merchant Tailoring Establhliuirnl TO the dcw and elegantly commodious ‘■’tore in “Sorrel’s Building,” on tho corner of Boildml Bay Sfreots, opposite the City Hall and Custom House, which is amply stocked, with every variety of Fine and Fashionable Goods in hia Hue and hav ing an efficient nnd competent corps of first rate Mechanics io employ, with a determination to ac commodate and sell the best of Goods at the low est rate#, most respectfully solicits public patron age. ma>27 SPRING . MANTILLAS. We have opened per Steamer: SILK MANTILLAS, PI,AID SHAWLS, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, AC. mar 4 HENRY LATIIROP& NOTICE. HAVING been appointed asrente by B. W. Rhodes fceq., of. Baltimore, lor the sale of his Super l hatfpb&te of Lime, we are prepared to fill order# to any extent. Asa fertilizer, it i* pronounced by several State Chemists to have no superior. Fur information ns to wbat quantity is to be used on different crops, apply at our office. junc-9 STARR & HARDEE. Staple Dry Goods. Bleached shirting, Superior Irish Linens, Lineu aud Cotton Sheeting*, Linen Damasks, very superior, X, %. 4-4 and -*-4 Damask Napkins, Huckaback Diapers, Huckaback and Damask Towels, Grass Cloth, Crash, Ac. Just received per steamer Alabama and for sale by KIUSTEIN & K KMAN, mr9 151 Congress-si. Hats ! Hats! Hats ! ! ATI At tbe Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. Panama-Leghorn, Senate, Cantou and fancy and plain Straw Litas just received, t Also, a large variety of Caasimere and For Half.. mr‘27 W. o. PRICE. SOLAR OIL AND CANDLES. JUST RECEIVED— -6 bbls ismp Oil; 10 boxes pure Sperm Candle*; 60 do Beadeli Candies, Soap and Starch; 26 do Colgate & Co.’s pale Soap 1 for tale by DaVU) O’UONNOK, may? 6 cor Broughton and Drayton sta, BLANKETS Z BLANKETS! I GRAY & TURLEY HAVE now in store a complete assortment of fine Bed, Crib and Cradle Blankets. —ALSO,— Mackinaw and Duffel Negro Blankets. Buyers would do well to call and examine tbe goods* novit TO PLANTERS 6i FRUIT GROWERS. BASKETS, BASKETS! JCST received i great variety. Peach, Corn. Cot tin and other baskets, and lor sale kw at 105 and 157 Broughton street. may I*2 MORSE k FAY. MAT. 1 rf\ BBLS. NORTH RIVER HAY, forsale lOU by aprU HjrwTKW *<:auwuii. CkMaui. 1 A A BBLS. in store and for sale by lUU juueff HUNTER &GAHMELL. HAY, 1 A BALES PRIME EASTERN HAY, _L~l:v/ lauding- this day from bark Chas Wil liam , and tor saie by jauttt CART.FTON * PARSONS ALLIGATOK lEETH ft wBUTLKS. ANOTHER lot received this dy; Bee shrill tone and some extra large, at G. M. GRIFFEN, may2o cor Bryan and Whitiker sts. AN .THEU FULL SUPPLY OF CC.ICAVE CONVEX SPECS, in fine Sf-J frames, at corner Bryan and Whitaker street'. G. M. GBIFFKN, t.epSff late M Kastman’s. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF DIAPER PINS, coua.eticg of German Silver, pure Silver, and Gold, received this day at the corner of Bryan and Whitaker-sts, by G M. GRIFFIN, Hl* <*ncflMnp Ui V. lAKiman CLARET WING IN WOOD. JUST received and in store Bcrleaux Claret Wine, in caeks oi 60 gallons eat h. For sale by jalyt J. LA MA. BLACK ‘LACE MANTILLAS. WE have received a lot of the above goods in Black, French and Cbanttliy Lace may* HENRY 1 ATHRCP ft CO. PEACH BUANIy7~ sßßlSfine old Peach Prandy. Juet received and for sale by Junc3o J LAVA. : a p-leT it handy. 5 BBLS c'd A; pie Brandy. Ji-id rccetVelaud for sale by junc'3) 5- LAMA. DOZ. ZINC As WOOD WASH BOARDS; jJfJ 60 boxes Yeast Powders; 50 doz*4 and 3ply iwiuted handle Brooms; 60 do 2 aad 3h op painted Buckets; 25 boxes Fig Blue; SOgrosachoice Black ing; 25 cases Brandy Cherries; 26bbls fresh Sugar, Soda and Butler Biscuits; 5 do do Pilot Bread; 16 cases Leslie’s Stomach Bitters; 75 boxes Crystaiine, Sperm and Adamantine Candles; 10 do Fancy Candy; 25 do fresh Ground Coffee; 75 sacks supe rior Family Flour; 10 cases Matches; 25 dc z Match Safes; 60 do patent Clothe* Plus; 1000 lbs Brazil, Almonds ana Pecan Nuts, received and for tale by pr2L JAMES DOYLB. 205 and -207 Bay-st SUNDRIES. IT fir boxes No. 1 MUsTaKD; 1,000 lbs. A1 mouds It) Bras-I, and Pecan Nuts, 50 boxes Pipe Heads; 75 boxes froth ground Pepper; 100 Reams Wrap ping Paper;24 Reams Letter Paper; reocived and tor sale by JAMES DOYLE, may 12 No. 206 and 207 Hay at, IJOBTER AND ALE.—2S casks Byasa X London Porter, in qls. *nd pis ;20 do East Indies Pale Ale, iu pts.; 20 tfo.'Ueffipsy’s Ale, in Slouo Jugs, landing and for sale by Jan 14 J. LAMA. WHISKEY —to Obis, old Non, boro Whiskey, for sale low to ctoso consignment. mar 25 HUNIKR ft GAMMFLT.. MANURE I MANURE It—SO bags Rhodes’ Su per Phosphate Lime In store and lor uala by sepll OGDFN. STARR ft Cl). BUTTER AND CHkKSB—IO lirkius Goshen but ter; 76 boxes State Cheese; 40 boxe* English Dairy do. For sale try : HAY —186 bales best quality Eastern Hoy, land ins from bark Schools and Ibr sale low by nov OaKLBTON & apOSS. I ATHS—IO,OOO beat quality White Pme Laths j luhding and Ibr sale low by u,,t2J CARLKIVN A PARSONS. OATS’— 200hagshoavy PennayivanUOats, land ing. aud (hr sale by mar SB _ IIITVTER h rtAMMFT.T.. POTATOES— 26 bhla Potatoes; 26 bbts Outuus, landing and for sale by .lot'js HUNTER A QAMMFI.r.. OTATOES—ISO bbis Potatoes, tu line or dor, lor salo by ja6 HUNTER Hi GAMMKI.L. LATHS— 100,000 White Pino Laths Ibr sale, to d arrivo per brig * PABttiNS. HAY— 160 bbis prime New York Hay tor salo to arrive, by declg HUNTEN A GAMWRI.L. It LOUR IN BARRELS—3BO bbis - Paragon 1 Mills,” lixlra and Superdue, in store and Ibr salo by JandU UU.NTRR A GAMMKI.L. ITtLOUfi— Too” racks Kstrs Family Hour ;o do ’ sumrftne do; 50 do Fine do. Ibr salo by jaa24 OCNkKIUT, WEBSTER * PALMES, %muss £itriis. _ FATTEN i MffiT (LATE P*TTkN, BUTTON A C 0.,) G&GOtttaN HSaGEMS, Savannah. iaiyl . David H. Galloway, COUNTY OFFICER, NOTARY PUBLIC COLLECTOR, WILL promptly execute all b juiacis eau-ueted io bim. Residence No. 73 York street, Eavzonah, Georgia. tr junelb J. LAMA, No. 210 I>ay-tit., BRING the agent in Savannah far G. K. Hamm & Uo.’e Reims OoampagDe R'ineg, P. A. Muuiui’s Frankfort O M Hock ao<l Moelle Wines, retpecifuily iniorms bis irtc-c is a-d tbe public generally, ihnt be will conslantt* beep and offer lor eale on liberal terms, an aeaorleueat es tbe abat e celebrated ‘.Tears. v,r: . . Cur.loo Rouge, Koval Roes, Imperial, Cabinet and Verbal!ay. Also, sparkljng Hock, Kouj.reil, Sparklteg Moadfe fj aprl4_ joiui i miiu & t, OBSIEAJ. Commission Merchants, BAL.TI3IOHB. JOHN F. VICKRKLL WARRINGTON. References: D. I*prigg, Cashier l erchint’s Bank, Baltimore, Aid ; W. F. Hunter, Esq., Cashier, C. A. Greiner & Cos. J G. Coopc, Garmauy A Chaoipion, Scranton k S orris, Lockett & duelling, Hunter & Gammed, Savannah. apr22U PHILLIPS, GILES & Factors & €omaiissiou Merchants, SAVANNAH, GHUHGIA. a.’ Lama. IHFOBTKK Xi:i> WIIOLKBALK DKaLKR IK SPANISH SKUAitS FUHHCH HHaNUIES, WiNSS, WHISKEY, &Oi HHK LIQUOHH. 210 Bay Street. Will also keep on hami a full assortment of all kinds of Tobacco, both manufactured and leal'. Also .SioAjta of every variety. deß FOB SALE BY 11. B. DONNOLLY, So. 12 Whitaker Street, next door to G. M. Grif fin’s Jewelry 3iore: 2j.,ouu teet of Moulding, assorted; 200 Fauci Doors, assorted sizes; 260 boxe# of £ lass, assorted sizes; English and Americas White Lead, Zinc, Oils, ACv, &c. aplfe-tl WM. ACbl.Ci coorsa JSO. COUFM FRA3SX. COUPER & FIUBER, factors & general Commission merchants Bay Street, Savaunah, Ga. myll OCibhiN, ST AUK dTcTT. Shipping & Commission Merchants, Bay Street, savannah, Ga. sratissiaual Carksu DENTISTRY. , At the toliciuaions ot many of iny former patrons, 1 have re opeued an office iu Savannah lor ■ il iho purpose of practising uiy pro leasiob. Having epent coaae usoe m New York in • Hiakiug thyacn outline fmprovemciite, I am now ready to receive old and new customers. Office 116 Broughton street, opposite Nunn’s pho tographic Gallery. A, LiFLtJi. may 14 ly DR. 1. iV. LOOMLS, ‘ OFFER-’ h:s services to the ciuzeus cl Savan nah, in the i’ractice of tho Reform System of Medicine-, usually known as ttfe Botanical System Office corner of Barnaidand Slate sts., two uoors west from Dr. KcUley ’a office, and under that of Dr. Gallagher, Dentist Rooms at the Screven House; june22-3mos J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mill Town, Berrien County .l Will practice in all ts ute counties of me Bruns wick Circuit, and Berrien and Lowndes of the Southern Circuit. Janl7 Iverson L. Harris, Chas. J. Harris, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KII'LKDGKVLLLI, GA. IHOILAavnXZ, GA. ts mar 6 MAILTIN J. FORD, ATTORNEY AT LAWf Oifice--No. 13 Br/oa-streot, mrll BAVAN>~AB, C 4. 6m ‘ is. n. WiNkusa, ATTORN E Y AT LAW, 176 BAY 3TBEE TANARUS, mr9 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 3810 EUGENE L. lUNES, ATTORNEY AT LAWJ,: Tltoauuvllle, Ga. 6m Jan 28 SAM’L 11. HAWKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMKSICIiS, OA. jJWill practice in the counties of Sumter, Webster, Herreli, Randolph, Worth, Baser, Calhoun and Lee. Reference—Col. Henry G. Lamar, M.con, Ga.— Hon. Martin J. Crawford, Columbus, Ga.; 41r. IVn. L Johnson, Americas, Ga. mylO-ly CHAS. G. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tuiunxisricji, oa. Practices Law in the various counties of the Oc mulgce Circuit, and the adjoining couuues of Twiggs, Laurens and Washington. Roler to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, asd R. B Hilton. leb 14 -JOHN a. COMUNQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vienna, Dooly County, Georgia. VIPILL praotico in the counuet of Ikioly and Vs Y/orth of tbs Macon circuit, andSumpier and Lee of the S. W. C. BKFEKEECBB: Hon. Joseph D. Ailen, Barnwell, C. Hi. S, 0. Mr. Edward C. Wade, Savannah, Ga, . U 026 _ **'-*J, U. SMITH, it. f>- PROFESSOR OF fUYSiOLUGY, IN OGLETHORPE ES - .;, MEDICAL COLLEGE. *y Office and residence at No. 156 Broughton street, Savannah. tl—dec! j, w. okskx. a, r. snoot GREEN A SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 00125 vßixasttw, <u._ WItIGIIT At SAVAUK, ‘ ATTOiiNtOYS AT LAW. jy 15* natiNswicx, qa. New Goshen Butter AMD DAIIIY CHEESE. J Ust received per steamer Augusta, and Ibr sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, utay-5 nor Brougblaa and Drayton at*. ALE, AI.K, AUG. t) A BBLS J. TAYLOR Jt SON’S IMPERIAL a>v’ ALE, rvoeivtsl por steam .r, and lor sale by _,>rb lUUC4 iniYI.K A*t-. *av. ’ HtTl I'KKCHKKSE.ANDUGANS. J UST RECEIVED— -6 kegs cattaUiUien Butler; 6 casks Fury Cheese; 6 bbls White Beaus, tot sal* by DAVID O'CONNOR, may2s cor Broiigitnm and Drayton at*. UCHGUNDY W INKS. Off CASES CIIAMBERTIN and CUABMS 4rnlO WINES, for sale by J.laMa, Hat. 5 SlO Bay If LEAF TOBACCO. ~ ~Tx~ Havana, Cuba and Connecticut Inal fobaooe, in store and for sale by • prto r J. LAMA. HAMS, HAMS. 1 A TIERCES choice Camassee Hams, land- JL V/ ing from steamer, for sal* by t HUNTER * GAUMKLL. transmit BnfrftsrratHts. W. O. PRICE'S 147 1 mmnm iK lrnii “STAB CLOTIIIAG ElPOBlliM.” EPECTACLES! BPECTACLEBI! The very best article ever brought to tills city. I now have on band in Gold and sliver frames, the double len ses, which will be acknowledged far prelarable to all others by every person that is obliged to nse specs. I have them graduated for ail sights and these wishing comfort and convenience in wearing them will call early lor a choice, at the old stand, corner Bryan and Whitaker street. G. M. GOTTEN, mrl late M. &as<can. BU2LOfi£JB rjIHE SUBSCRIBER ii prepared to execute $ at the shortest notice, and in the most work manlike manner, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with the manufac turing or repairing cf Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zinc; or Shcctlraa Business. HORACE MORSE, octlS 166 Broughton t AU FUER’S Hit I F CMS riIHE only ginnine article, jast received per ttca- X tner Suae cf Georgia, and for sale at Not. 165 and 167 Broughton street, may*9 MORSE A FAY. SPUING A SUMMER CLOTHING. IThe subscriber has received a large assortment of ready maoe J|| gfijA Spring and Saatmer Clothing, [ and White Kid Gloves, for s*.e by u WM. K. BYMuNA Drajier A Taifor, apl4 17 Wo.taker street. LIMES LIMB II lAAA CASKS BEST QUALITY LIME X\JyJ \J landing from brig Elizabeth this day and for sale by aug2o CARLKTON k PARSONS. C O .IL.! 325 TONS T.T'STT ORREL COAL, OF THS BEST QDALITY, IN LUMPS, FOB PABLOB PURPOSES, LANDLSO FEB BBIU RESCUE. And for sale LOTS to suit purchasers, by declo CABLETOS H'*’ -tic. L. .- - .l Children’s Worsted Cocu VTori eu _ . - .)~t \ SACKS Extra rumdUl AdOVI OO KAACA.A Skipferii For sale by Jao2s LOCKETT inKtUKGS TOBACCO. PACKAGES of ilanufactored I'CaZKr Rougb and Ready, Belle Allies, Twin Sister*, Grant A Williams’. John Roes’, ALSO, McAvoy and Utuuu, B’s and It’s. For Ba>e by dec-! J. I AV A. HAYMA SEGARS. •too AAiiCHOICa HANANA bE JLO OV/ V/ UAlic, oi the roUowmg brand* viz: Koihchilds, La Goiondi ina, Koea de Santiago, La Jbspanoia, Etcr del Tropico, La Kiorectio, La Cachacua, Flcr ae Crespo, Ac.. Ac. Just received asd or bale by June 13 J. LAMA. CLAItET WINES A FULL SUPPLY of the Grand Yrn. and others, viz : LAFUTE, LA ROSE MARYAUX, LEOVILLE. ST. EMIUON, HAUT FALANCE. ST. JU LIEN, HAUXSAUiEKNE. For sale by J. LAMA, may 12 *lO Bay otieet. .ArTuiu IKA, grfin tVH V ft Pti'ttT WINKS 5 CASKS OLD RESERVE MADEIRA WINE 6 do amontiludo Saerry Pale do; S do Queen’s Delight Port do. —am>— - 25 oases of oaedoa. each old Reserve Madeira; 15 do and“ choice old Port Wino. 10 do JmontiUado Sherry. For sale by J. > AUA, may 5 210 Bay st. HAVANA SEGAKS. 1 JA AAA HAVANA SEGARS, T- X'XvlaV/v/Yy riou* Orandi!; ameng which are the following superior breads ; El Mango. La Banana. La Espsuola, Hercules, La Filantropa, Flor del t ropioo, Cierro, Sc, ft c. ALSO, 120,600 lew priced Began, various styles. For sate by dec2 J. LAMA. StKUAHS Otc CHOICE BRANDS. 122,000 3t£a™ R HAVASA ‘•Rio Hondo,” “Flordel Tropico,” “aeroo,” ‘•Neptano,” “Juveventud,” “BlTulipan,” “Moniera,” ••Rolhachltd,” “Flordel Preasado.” also: 160,000 low pricod aegers, various grades, just re ceived and for sale by mrll J. LAMA. SVQABS, COFFJfili, vc, JUST resolved 6 hhds liuauoiado Bogan; 25 bbis crushed acd elaridcd Sugars; 2 hhds due Codilsh; 6 bbis No 1 Mackerel; au duien assorted Brooms; 15 do Pails; 100 do assorted Clothes Lines and Scrub Brushes; 10 boxes Laier Rai-ios; ■ _ . Currant, uur.n, Oliva, 0:1, Ac., A , Ibr tale lew by DAVID o'OONNOK, may2s cor Broughton and In-ay too si*. ivOttfiiaic boxks. WHITE Criinsou and Black, just received and will be sold low by G. M. GRIFFIN, janSO Oor Bryan and Whitaker-sis. HAIR BRAIDS. Received this day, amu assortment or tight colors. Tbe ladies are also inlbrmed that I have bugles el all colors ou band, at low price. U. M. GRIFFEN, art tarn M. Eastman. WHISK SYS* Oi l BARRELS Cabinet, Nectar, Magnolia, OU Bourbon, and old extra Mouosgab.'l* tor tale by droll J. I.AMA. FOR SALK. “ I 7AA BBLS. i.'IME now landing from brig A. | UU Joseph Ir-ni Kockland, lor tale by ■ on’ yVe-KMl’ A SNELUNOA cuffkk. PURE Fresh Ground Rie and Java Coffee, daily parched and ground, and ibr sale by J DAVID O'CONNER, Oct’ja ear Ydusbtnn and Drartno-am COL'D CHALLIKS. tIST RECEIVED per steamer a large as jvsorlmuutof the above goods. r mr2o HENRY I.ATHROP A 00~ ~ BOCK WINKS, ry r CASK OF HOCK WINES, Tia: i O Sparkling Moselle, Rudesheimer, SpariUag Hock. usaßDeedesheimcr. Ibr sale by AsM J. lAMa. mart *,38 210 Bay-at. * R- . ‘ • •“ Cottcrus. Maryland STATE Lotteries FOR AUGUST, 1858, K. PRANCE & CO,. MASAGERS. They cation pnrehascre or Ticket, to beware ot ordering T:ck< tg in LoUeriea where extraordinary large Capital, are offered for a email cost sf Ticket., all each are swindle.. Tho Maryland Lotteries have been in existence for Forty Year.. They are drawn by a State Offi cer, and can be relied on. If yoa draw a prize, you will tet yoor money. Tbe whole country is flooded with Hugos Lottery concerns. Beware of them 49* Orders in tbe Maryland State Lotteries. ocAesie ,r Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class K. To be drawn in Baltimore on Saturday, A°k- 21. ’4B. 21 Dr iwi Ballot, in each package o. 26 ticket.. Making more prizes than blank,. —Every Package of 20 Tickets must contain 12 drawn numbers, Botbit there are I t prises to 32 blanks. 1 Grand prise 0f.440,020 1 prize of $2,000 I prize of to 020 1 prizes of 2 090 1 prize of IO.COI) 1 prizes or. 2,0r0 1 prise of 10,000 1 prizes of 2,000 1 prize of 6,000 20 prizes of. 1,21) 1 prize of a.fcOo ‘,O prizes of. 8 0 lprzeof 6,000 20 prizes of. 4.0 1 prize of 6.000 H3 prizes of. 400 lprzeof 2,000 86 prizes of Ji.O 1 prize of 2,008 88 prizes of. 5* Iprteor 2.000 41{8pii :w Os *.* 30 3 Cpnzee, amounting t0....<801,008 Tickets *lO Halves *6, Qrs. 42.60, Eighths 41.25. A CertiOcale of Package of 26 Wholes costs.4lfß ‘0 Do. do. 20 Halves 79 OO Do. do. 26 Quarters. 69 60 Do. do. 28 Bgbths 19 75 147 > HAVANA PLAN. All the numbers pur in one Wbeei, —and every Prizes nut in another in this pl-m, wfcifcn fjjße old fashioned mode of drawiog, every prize is drawn out Prizes paid m foil aiioout any deduction. Grand Consolidated Extra, Class G, To be drawn ia Baltimore Mcf , Aug is*A, 1858. 20.105 PKIZES-40.000 numbers. We would call particular attention to tbe follow ing t p!- udid sebeme, a package of 16 whole t ckets co. Lug rniy sso—and every other LCiet being warrncted to draw $lO, determined by the number drawitg the . apitxi prize, whether odd or even. fPUtSDXD BCHUZ. 1 prize of SSS.OdO 4 Appr*x to.. ..S2OO 1 prize of 10,000 4 do .... 100 1 prize 0f..... 5,0£0 4 do .... 50 1 prize 0f..... 2.438 4 do .... 60 1 prize 0f..... 2,u00 4 do 53 1 prize of l,oOO) a a. 1 prize of l,of 8 do •••• M 1 prize of .... 50 )\ a . 1 prize of 500/ 8 ....*6O 8 do 60 1 prize of 400/ •••• 10 prizes 0f.... 250 1 a , __ 10prizes 0f.... 2wj 8 d0 ■••• 50 100 prizes of .... 160 are 10,COCO Ac. Ac. Whole Tickets $lO. Halves $5. Qrs. $2,60. A Managers’Certificate 16 Wholes, where persons wish to pay the risk only, will be sect for s*o “ *• 16 Halves, sect for.. 40 ** ** 16Qaars. sect for.. 90 “ 16 Kigbtbs, seat lor. 1> The Managers have been compelled from tbe nu merous comphiuts made of them, of uc’aithfulnesa on the pa> tof those who have been attending w> the Oiling of orders, to resume the correspondence business aad in their own name. Order ti kets from tbe Managers only. Address all letters to jane-lm R FRANCE k 00, Baltimore, Md. o NOTICE. ‘ Pggons/aV *>diaiAcce who desire to purchase S'ate Lotteries, wsli in r - i.• r* M ana<:er.-, R. !• a* v k & U ary'and. Those who desire to puiTbfiae n the Shelby College Lottery of Kentucky, wiU direct their letters to the Managers, B. FRANCE kpO, Louisville, Ky. Bargains! Fine Ready Made MJTIIf®, AT COST AND LESS, I NOW offer mj Stock es Beady Made Clothing at Great Barrains, Wholesale and Retail. Now is ihe time for all to supply themselves wi h good aed cheap Clothing by caUtng and making their selection at WM. O PRICE'S Emporium, may!9 147 Bay street. New Goods Black forelaii> kobks; Rlack Cra e Baregoe; Plain B‘*ck . * Swiss, Mull utK^p Mazlint; Mulin Col are; Tucked Cambric Skirts; White Bonnet Cord; Wbue Tariatin Muslin; Steel Extension Skirts; Belt, Ribbons, Ac. in tv6 HENRY LATHROP A CO, GEXTLEMKI'i’S AMD BOY'S WEAK. JUST RECEIVED— Pla?d and Striped Linen Drillings, White Linen and Dock do Brown and White Coat Linens, Fauze Merino Shirts, Brown and White Cotton Shirts, White Lisle Thread Shirts, Men's and Boy *s brown, mixed and white cot ion hall Hose, Men's white lisle thread ha-f Hose, Men's tiik, linen and lisle Gloves. mr2o HENRY I.ATHROP & 00. To Planters. HENRY LATHROP & CO. WOULD invite the attention of Nan tor* to their usual stock of PLANTATION GOODS. Grey all Wool English Plains Schley * Brown and Whim Twiil* ii m Pioioa Randolph “ Grey and black Kersey* “ striped “ Red Flannel—twilled and plain Bine plaid aad s'riped Homeapos* Fancy Mancheater Plaids Y and brown Shirtiugs White and striped cotton Osnahurg* Blue Denims, lie Drills, fcr. octf House Keeping Goods. HENRY LATHROP & CO. WOULD .invite the attention oT parehnaer* u tb-h* stock of House Keeping Goods, •* fol lows;—lCM, 11-4, 12-4 Barclay Linen Sheeting 44, 4,10-4 bleached Linen Damask* Brown do do K to % bleached Damatt Napkin* Bleached aad brown do Doyle* Richardson, Sons ft Dowden’* be*t.lin*ft* Bird eye, Scotch and Russia Diapers Fancy bordered Damask Towels do de Huckaback do Bleached and brown Dowlas 40 mch to 45 Inch pillow cue Linen* 10-4,114.12-4, 154 Eng Marseilles Quilta 10-4,12 4 Turkish Counterpane* American aud English Long Cloth* 7-14 to 114 bleached and brown sbeetiag*, ho mr'tt ‘ MourningjGoods. WE would Invite the attention oT purchasers to the above portion of our stock, which have bees selected with great can, embracing thelbl iowln styles Plain black Monslln JeUiucs Black Bombasines and Tam.u Goth* do Merinos, Cadimere* aad Coburg* do Silk Warp Alpacas lie English Taffeta Silks and Grc* Slain* do Ripp'd aud roult and. Sari* Second Mourning Challi 4e Lain** Mourning Cambric Robes do Gt&gbams, Prints, Ac Black Crape, tiMlars aad Sleeve* do Tarltloa do do do Lin Veil* and English Crape* octU HENRY LATHROP A CO. BACON SHOtiLDEM; 1 A BHDS, choioe Bacon Shoolden, ludv Xlf ii* per Wcamer, for .i. by / Janet) HUNTER ft GAMMKUkJ NO. 1666-3 Cottrru*. SWAM & CO’S* LOTTEKIgS, AUTHORIZED BTTBK STATE OP GEORGIA. Continue to Dram u wawat without In tvrrwpttou- 4Sk” The late attempt to iaiaro our Arm his shown htt gut Lotteries are dr.wu fair y; that oar prize! >r. pa and panctual y. and that car Schemes are more lioeral than eny ither Littery la the world ! OAPIT AT. PRXZn V3“S70,000! !iea FOB TEN DOLLARS. The following Schemo will be drawn by S Swan A 00, Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, In each of their Single Number Lotteries lor Aug-. IBSB, at AUGUSTA. Georgia, in public, under u* superintendence of Commissioners. CLASS 27. To be drawn In the city of Augusta, Ga., la public. SATURDAY, AS. 7 tit, 1838. CLASH 28. Te be drawn in tbe city of Angn-ta, Ga, In pnblic, SATURDAY, AUG. lAtta, 1858. CLASH 29. T# be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga, In public, SATURDAY, AUG. 81st, 1838. CLASS 30. To be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga., in public, SATURDAY, AUG 28lit. 1838. Ob tbe Plan of single *umbm. Hut ‘JEmumd, Four H'tndrtd and Eighty fivt Prixa. Nearly one Urine to every Nine Ticket* I Magnificent Scheme! To be drawn each Saturday in Aug. 1 prize of *70,000 4 prizes ot 904 1 prize of 30,000 4 prizes or 600 1 prize of 10,000 4 prizes ol 76C 1 prize of 6,u0l 4 prizes of 000 1 prize of 4,000 5u prizes of 600 1 prize if 3,000 6o proms of 300 1 prize of 1,600 leO prizes of 128 4 prizes of l.oou 230 prize, of 100 APPEOXIMATION FBI2BB : 4 prizes of 440 e spp’g to 470,000 prize are4l,Boo 4 “ 300 “ 30,000 11 1,200 4 2OO “ 10,000 “ 800 4 “ 126 “ 6,000 •* 600 4 *• 100 • 4,W0 “ 400 4 “ 76 “ 3,000 300 4 “ 60 “ 1,600 • 240 6000 “ 20 are 160,046 6485 prizes smonntiag to 4320,004 Tickets 410. Halves 46, Quarters 42 64. C3_ A Cireu arrhiwtox the plsn of the Lotte ries wilt be sent to say one deuriousof receiv ing it. Certiffcates c: Packages will be sold ml the lo lowuig rates, which is the risk: Certificate of package, of 10 whole tickets 480 ** **lo half 44 aw “ “ 1C quarter “ V.Y.Y. SO ■ lO eighth “ 16 IN ORUSHING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the money te oar addrees for the Tickets ordered, tn receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers caw have tickets endixn IB any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers prizes win he tent to purchaser, immediately after the drawing. tt~ Purchasers wilipleasewrite thairaignatarca plain, mad give their Peel Office, County and Bu>u. Remember that every prize >s drawn, and pay a bid vlihou; dMcct.ofi. Ali prizes of *I T OOO, and under, paid Immediately after tine drawing—other prizes at the nsmsltime of thirty days. ST All comm nnicmlio&s strictly coaSdaetiaL Aildrea. ordera tortlcketa or oerttScsk.. to S. aWAE * 00., AUgostu, 6a Office in Savannah, comer of Bryan and Whlta- J. J. HEELER, agent. renmw near Mauigcaery, A:a, #r Atlasta. Go, can have their orders filled, aud save time, by addressing S Swan & Cos, at either of thone aiUea list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the i-rixe that each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following papers: Augusta (Ga) CanaiituLonaUbt, Near Orleans Delta, Mobile Regis ter. Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette. At lanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News. RicLmcnd De*patch. Sew York Dispatch, Padding (Miss.) Clarion aad Little Rock (Ark.) True Democrat. aog 3 Royal Havana Lottery. r[K Next Ordinary Drawing of the Royal Ha vana Lottery, conducted by the Spanish Gov ernment, under the supervision of the CapuuA General of Cuba, will take place at Havana, on TUESDAY. AUGUST 17th, 1858. $300,000. SOBTBO NUMERO 603 OSDINAHIOI Capital Prize SUMJ,OOO. 1 Prize es SIOO,OOO 1 “ 60,000 1 “ 50,000 1 “ 10,000 1 “ 6,000 4 “ 2,600 “ i,oeo *2 “ 600 143 “ 400 20 approximations B.SCO 4 .pproxrmitioos tu the (100,000 at (600 each; 4 of 400 to (60,000, 4 of 400 In 830,000; 4 Os (40010 810,000; 4 Os 8400 to (5,000. a-Whole Tickets, (20: Halves, (10; Qn.. (5. ftft- Prizes cashed at sight at ice per cent dis. Bills ea all solvent banks taken .1 par. A drawing will be forwarded a* soon as the re sult become, known. (S~ Alt orders for Schemes er Tickets in be ad tressed to “DON RODRIGUE!, care of Uty Test, Charleston, S. C.” ly-jalyilO HENRY LATHROP A CO WOULD invite the attention of the Indie* to a choice lot or Tucked J scenes cveakirts, a new and desirable article. Also— Miasee Extension Steel Spring Skirts; Long amt short black net Witt; White Kid Glove*; Fancy Belt Ribbon*; White TSrletau; Linen Shirt Bottom; Silk bleed Edging, he. my SPRING GOODS. WE HAVE RECKIVFD PER STEAMER, and are prepared to exhibit a foil assortment of La lies’ Ureas Goods, comprising all of the latest .tyiet m Ftnoy Silks, Foulard Stik Robes, Plaid Ducats, Primed Organdie Robes, Plain Colored hayadin Barege*, Printed Cambric Robes, Cbint* cambrics, Bare*. RoOeft, Chintz Brilliants, ftc. mart HENRY LATHROP ft (XL WHITE AriN • Hli* (AiLPPKJUt. Received by iota arrivaht— Ladle* White Satin SUpper*, do do Kid de Mines Back Gaiter* and Morocco Boots, Ladle* <U* aad Jenny Lied Boots. • K M. J. BUCKNER, zevi No tl and I*2 Glhbo.’s ‘tears. HEN 11Y I.ATHRUP A CO. have received per steamship August* another choice iet of Adies’ Spring Drees Goods. In Printed organdies and Lawns; ** Bareges and Tissues; * Foulard anti India SUk* \ Fancy plaid Ginghams; Rich Cashmere scarf*. Mo. mr\f evehsg imSSsssT HENRY LATHROP A CO. IjrroULP let ite ihe attention of the ladles tea TV very select lot of Evening Drome*, received >or Tuesday'* steuner, comprising the following Pink end blue Embroidered Crape Robs* White Ma ine do lac* do do Tail* de do do Osl’d Organdie do WKNRY LATHROP ft OO mantillas, JU3T received per steamer e large assortment of Lace MsnUUas. Velvet ibbou., sad a gene ral assortment of Farcy G *ds. sort RINBTMN ft SCKUAN. 151 Cnngroas-rt GR\N4> Vl'V ST7ESTBPHB CLAIIKT. IN sldition to e well selected toek or sopeitor Utrets, I have jest recslved e hx of eho-ro St. st■ he Grand Via, In pint* and *** • ’-- eby J- LAMA. i gv 881 Sold SI. Croix Rum. *> Jttvrrv.ivel and fortal. by Ijm# *