The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, January 02, 1907, Image 1

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vol. X. REPORTANENT RIOT Made Public By Committee of Atlanta Citizens. FACTS ARE SET FORTH Ten Negroes and Two White Men Were Killed, While sixty Negroes and Ten Whites Were Wound ed—Name of City Crucified. Ti ta iu-mmitiep annniHted In Atlan ta some weeks ago to disburse funds for the relief of the victims of the September riot has finished its labors and submitted a report. The findings of the committee contain some very sensational features, and words are *< not minced in speaking of the lawless mob that “crucified Atlanta in the eyes of the world.” The committee found that twelve persons were killed and seventy wounded during the riot. Os the wounded, ten were white and sixty negroes. Among the victims there was not a single vagrant, but all were working and supporting fam ilies. To the murders, states the com mittee. robberies were added, and “men and women were treated with unspeakable brutality.” The declara tion is made that several hundred linurderers and would-be luurdsrw-s are now at large in the city. The con tributions amounted to $4,423. The re port states in detail how this sum was disbursed, and continues: “Tn connection with this statement of disbursements tie think it our duty ♦o call attention to some of the facts Z ? whir)-, have- come to light during our investigations. “Leaving out. the Brownsville cases, where a number of persons charged with complicity in the killing of Po liceman Heard, are out on their own bonds, the following facts are true beyond question: ”1. Among the victims of the mob there was not a single vagrant. (“2. They were earning wages in useful work up to the time of the riot. i«~, “ s - They were supporting them- selves «iiic( viicu iamiue» ui ucik.. « ent relatives '/ ’4. Most of the dead left small chil- dren and widows, mothers or sisters, witli practically no means and very small earning capacity. “5. The wounded lost front one to eight weeks’ time at 50 cents to $1 a day each. "G. kbout seventy persons were k wounded, and among those there was t an immense amount of suffering. In some cases it was prolonged and ex cruciating pain. “7. Many- of the wounded are dis figured, and several are permanently disabled. “8. Most of them were in humble circumstances, but they were honest, industrious and law-abiding citizens and useful members of society. “9. These stataments are true of both white and colored. “10. Os the wounded ton are white and sixty are colored. Os the dead two are white and ten are colored, two female and ten male. This in cludes three killed at Brownsville. “11. Wild rumors of a larger num ber killed have no foundation that we can discover. As the city war paying the funeral expenses of vic tims, and relief was given their fam ilies, they had ever motive to make known their loss. “12. Two persons reported as vic tims of the riot had no connection * with it ”13. As twelve persons were killed •a _ and seventy were murderously as- saultwd and as by all accounts a num ber took part in each assault, it is clear that several hundred murderers .or would-be murderers are at large in this community. • “j-t. Aimougn less tnan three months have passed since the riot, events have already demonstrated that the slaughter of the innocent does not deter the criminal class from com mitting more crime. Rape and robbe ry have been committed in the city and suburbs during that time. “In conclusion, wc cail attention to the fact that up to this time Atlanta has been a law-abiding city and crim inals of all kinds, with a single ex ception, had been punished by legal methods. "Considering this record of a law abiding community, it is amazing that the things we have recited could have happened in Atlanta, and that the small minority which constitutes the tough element was allowed to cruel ty this community in the eyes of the world, and shock the moral sense at bur own people.” GOBBLERS WERE WARY. President’s First Day's Hunt for Tur keys Was Fruitless. President Roosevelt's hunt Friday across the Hardware river, a half r’oen miles from the Roosevelt Hunt ing Lodge in Virginia, was fruitless of results, as far as wild turkey was concerned, the only trophies beinj? a few birds which were bagged on the return trip. The Miller CguiW Liberal. IMMIGRATION SOCIETY Os State of Georgia Is Now Ready for Business—Will Co-Operate With Commissioner Hudson. At an important meeting of the di rectors of the Georgia Immigration Association, held Friday in the offices of the chamber of commerce at At lanta, it was decided that Georgia has every necessary authority, under the recent decision of Commissioner Strauss of the department of com merce and labor to proceed with the work of bringing a desirable class of Immigrants to Georgia. WIB COnClUoioss, steps were taken to co-operate with Commissioner of Agriculture T. G. Hudson, who is an ex-officio commis sioner of immigration for Georgia, in pushing the work. The recent decision of Commission er Srtauss of the department of com merce and labor in the South Caro lina case was read and its legal bear ing was considered. It was resolved by the directors to tender to the governor and commis sioner of agriculture the services of the association in co-operating with the state authorities in every legal way possible in furthering the work migrants so rGerogia taoi nnaua. . migrants for Georgia. 'By appointment, following this meeting, the directors of the associa tion called on Governor Terrell and Commissioner Hudson at the state capitol, and both of these expressed thnnis*-' 1' °° ’n hearty favor of (losir able immigration. They gladly accept ed the offer of co-operation from the association and Mr. Hudson stated to the directors that he, as commission er of immigration, would himself lake full charge and direction of the movement, would devote his every ef fort and energy to securing for the state the very best class of immi grants to be had, and said his ef forts would be directed especially' to England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden artS Germany. Mr. Hudson said he would expect the association to co-operate with him in locating the immigrants when they arrived in such manner as would be for the best interests of the state and the immigrants themselves. James A. Strachan of Atlanta, who r ‘. o V', nnder f an llnnll . gration movement well organized, and it is hoped he wf be able within the next sixty days to bring over a large number of Scottish farmers. The immigrants which Mr. Strachan secures will be brought to Savannah, and all immigrants which the stare may hereafter bring over will be brought through that port. Mr. Hudson, who attended the meet ing from Rome, and who has already secured a number of immigrants for that city, will be made a deputy com missioner and sent to Norway and Sweden to push the work there. In addition a man will be chosen within the next few days to go to Gei many on a similar ei rand, and he likewise will be armed with a commis sion from Commissioner Hudson. A state immigration convention will be held some time in the near fu ture, arrangements for which will be made at a called meeting of the direc tors. SUDDEN DEATH FOR CASSATT. Head of Pennsylvania Railroad, and Multi-Millionaire, Goes Hence. Alexander Johnson Cassatt, presi dent of the Pennsylvania railroad, and one of the foremost railroad men and financiers in tire country, died sud denly at his residence in Philadelphia Friday. Mr. Cassatt, who was a little more than sixty-seven years old, was strick en with heart disease shortly before 1 o’clock and died before assistance could be given. Aside from being the head of the Pennsylvania railroad Mr. Cassatt was president of six other companies and a aiiectoi ju iwvKi.VHiiree concerns principally transportation companies, banks and trust companies. His wealth is estimated at between $50,000,008 and $75,000,000. PLEDGE TO BACK BRITAIN, United States Will Aid in Amelio rating Conditions in the Congo. It was said at the state department that the United States government, through its ambassador in London, had pledged to Great Britain its sup port in any steps taken by the Brit ish government toward ameliorating conditions ot affairs in the Congo. This is the first time that any ofii cial announcement has been made, and sets at rest all questions as to the stand the United States will take in the matter. RAIL HORROR IN SCOTLAND. Storm Causes Disaster in Which Six teen People Lose Life. In a railroad collision in Scotland, caused by the heavy storms of the last few days, sixteen persons have been killed and over thirty injured. The accident occurred near Arbroath, on the North British railroad, between Edinburg and Aberdeen and some dis tance north of Dundee. COLQUITT. GA. WEI >N HS'I'Y ■>. j 9() ' MEXICANS SLAIN By a Band of Bloodthirsty Yaqui Indians in Sonora. BURN RAILROAD STATION All the Victims Were Workmen on Branch of the Southern Pacific. Details of Outrage Are Very Meagre. Tire details of the Yaqui Indian out rage at Lenchb station, on the caua nea, Yaqui river and Pacific railroad, a branch of the Southern Pacific, in Sonora, Mexico, on Saturday night, in which eight Mexicans were killed and all houses burned, have been re ceived in El Paso, Texas. No Amer icans were killed, although it is cer tain but for the timely arrival of a work train with a large crew of la borers, Foreman Thompson and his wife would have been killed. Reports from rhe same, vicinity tell of murders and outrages perpetrated by the Yaquis on Thursday and Fri day nights. The victims were all Mexicans, and'were taken by surprise on their lonely ranches. Details of the outrages are extremely meagre, but show that the situation is serious For several weeks past, restless ness has been oh- ' rvert among the In dians, but an outbreak was hardly anticipated. No rnusal preparation had been made for a Yaqui outbreak and most of those killed were shot down before any effort at defense could be made. The band of outlaw Indians is said to number about 100. Rumors of their depredations were rife on Saturday When many ranchers fled to towns for safety and reported a number of mur ders in the district southeast of Guay auras. It was not believed, however, that the Yaquis would dare to attack a railroad station. Lencho is one of the smallest station on the Cananea, Ya qui river and Pacific road. About 25 men under Foreman Thompson are employed there, engaged in well bor ing. No sentries had been posted and a volley of rifle shots into the tc>. houses. Immediately after the houses were set on fire and by the light of the flames the Yaquis shot at the frightened Mexicans who were trying to escape. The reports received say that in addition to the eight men killed at the station a number of Mex icans were wounded. Cblone! H. B. Maxson, vice presi dent of the National Irrigation Con gress and secretary of the board of education of Reno, Nev., who has been spending the past few weeks in the state of Sonora, Mexico. A rrived in Los Angeles Thursday confirmed the story of the massacre VARDAMAN MEANS BUSINESS. Will U»e Treasury as Well as Mili tary to Capture Mutderers. Governor Vardaman of Mississippi, accompanied by al! the troops except twenty-five of the Jackson company, returned to Meridian Thursday after noon, and expressed himself einphat ically concerning the action of the white people of the vicinity of Scoo ba, and announced that he would use the treasury of the state as well as the etire military organizations in running down the alleged murderers of the Nicholson negro. The governor has offered rewards for the arrest of three prominent men of the vicinity, it being alleged that they killed the negro while Deputy Alexander looked on helpless Durand Says Goodbye. Sir Mortimer Durand, the British ambassador, called on Secretaries Root and Taft and the members of the diplomatic corps at Washington Thursday and bade them farewell. The ambassador sailed Saturday after noon from New York on the Umbria. OPERATOR MATTOX TO BLAME. For Wreck In Which Spencer Wat Killed, Verdict of Investigators. The official investigation of the Southern railroad into the rear-end collsion which occurred at Lawyers, Va., on Thanksgiving Day, and in W(hich President Spencer, president of the Southern, and six others, in cluding a number of prominent people, lost their lives, has been concluded and the responsibility for the wreck placed on G. D. Mattox, block oper ator at Rangoon Station, Va. FIFTY LIVES REPORTED LOST. As Result of Broken Dam and Flood in Clifton, Arizona. From information received in El Paso. Texas, late Tuesday night, it is believed that the town of Clifton, Arizona, has been practically wastin' away by the breaking of a big da» The Copper Queen hotel is said 0 have been swept tway by the fic/d and at least fifty persons lost trill Uv es. BRYAN IS A Wishes to Lead Democrat Presidential Batt's « -o Party In or Too High to D*—Hon- ine. In an interview at To; Thursday, William J. Bryan Vans., ly admitted that ho would I l icaI ’ [ dulato for the president :al m * can ’ I before the next democrati< linat!oE ' convention. national 1 “While I have not yet a that I would be a candidiounced Mr. Bryan. “I have not steti said would not be a candidate ar II at 1 intend to. Such a high *i ■ > n ■; urc-sidenfial nominati" s the (hat no American est!. - r , ffippr cline.” * ue- Mr. Bryan declared ha never stated tha.-r Pres: -m find had stolen the tbund- i of velt ocratic party, although iie ’em- president was now advocate the things favored by that parts any Mr Bryan said there was datiotn for the story that 1 ■ im printed to the effect that he ten if nominated, favor the selc ild, Senator W. J. Stone of Mis: of chairman of the democi’atic n as committee. nal “I have never told any on thing about the -anizition of t ly tional committee,’ -o said. la- “I do not want to see on th mittee men who are not good m men who want a government f< in people and not for the trusts, iie not care to see* men on the cc do tee like Roger Sullivan of Illi lit In speaking of the railroad lation enacted by ♦ongress at it session, he stated that he did m- t lieve the legislation was uh ; should be, lint ho think- that it president, took what he i uld e He said the giving of railroad pi was one of the most corruptin; s fluences exercised in this count i Mr. Bryan spoke bi'ore the Ka State Teachers' Association Thun; night. RACE CLASH IN Four Negroes and Two White WoUnded in Shooting Ass a ,an News has just been receive shooting affray which oci " "P.■?” 'QW.n ’n.’ nigh which two white- men ami fom ’ groes were ’■ .i nded; two of tl I t ter serioiislj. The town is isolated and ear| in the night, four negroes, all b.oe -.'s. by the name of Bell, entered thei ire of J W. Nichols, an:!, being i xi cated, acted in such a disorder:" in ner that they were ejected by i >ls and white citizens who were he place. Later, Nichols closed his sto nd, accompanied by a Mr Dykes. < fed for home. They had gone >nl.\ i distance when they veri by the negroes and both - iitly wounded. They return I fire wounding all four of th > > t,\ . probably mortally. Officers went out f” -nna and arrested the Pell brm king two to jail at Marianm ~ il: >th< two were so badly wor . I 1’ they . could not be moved, were stationed at the lions ■ the;, were found, tn guard tl BISHOP COKE SM H C 40. Well Known Methodi Pg e Sue cumbs After Lo. II »s. Bishop A. Coke Sm. of :e Meth odist Episcopal chiirc! t at Ashe : ville, N. C., Thursday if after a lingering illness. He v , years <-f age, having been bon in nchburg, S. C.. in 1849. He rar r ed from Wofford College, Sp. lij "g, 3 C. in 1873, and unmet i ■!! dined the South Carolina co: n He was pastor at Ch r iw, < J na, Charles ton and other Som ir'na points. He was at d!‘ erer iv a member of the fac.ul.-e~ VM ’i.Orcl. V' ;he pautc church, Nori dk, Va i i 12, lie was elected bish ip. Two y. r ago he re moved to Ash l ille for health. CHILDREN DIE IN AMES. Three Cremated in F Caused by an Expies Three children of iley Single ton, aged 13, 11 and years, were cremated *n a fire at iter station, a vi’lage iear Weston' "'a, Wednes day right. After 'he 'Singleton ■' 1 retired nat ural gr s escaping f' a defective valve, caused an e. J ’ion. The fa tl ’- .nd mother ai.he two elder children occupied < room. The ihld en were awakd by the cries <>' tleir parents, b ' tey were en vepped in flames aii cape was im- i possible. TOOK FIREMAN ENGINE I Masked Men Kidn 4on-Union Em ployee of Soi ? n Pacific. John Goldereaux /kuithern Pacific locomotive firemai Hiked int'. Ope lousas. La., Wedr-'M.. after having been taken from b .mgino by masked men 22 miles o . ■ of the town. Four masked a med men hoard ed the engine du i stop, and drag ged Goldereaux I he engine. r. aw*, ■x.unrrem•» JAP SPIES IN CUBA] . Incitin' i bellion Against United States is Report. LAWLESSf ESS IN ISLAND i Cla ! m is Adi hat They Are Not Only licit,ng Uprising in Cuba, Bat Also ir H waii and the Philipp: 'es. Secr-'laiy Tat. i: c> v’Mrui «'.l- na, li. .uiiiq th'.i a ■> ire O’- less I lin.M-1 it-.' dmo ot lllYl.i'. exists in cc.iain pci's of Cuba ami in Santa I Clam province -uii i !:>v.-i s trends - are operating and pill’, Tho.ofo at the n <l.’s in- | stance, Gt -u '.al Ik'll ■''s oiib -d a ; consider :’.b!« reinfor ■cmont of ti’ gar- I ■n ol Ain-.Tican tme-ps In th.i p or- I Q For Ct fli t time since lite i c j <-rr oci-':i i.tion of th l ’slit id be il ,'i ' Amoriean- i- ha« be tom uece-sary | for the troops to m: lertak 1 them selves the -mpi re-rion of th -se dos I peradees instead -if leaving th- task ■ to the native '.Tib - i >nrnl guard, ; which, in som c . ■• \ s regarded as an ii.-licntion of I’ 1 nal ility of tha ■ Unban civil authori s tn permanent- i ly maintain pnacc- oin fie island. Gen trtu Ec’.l. iit cot: : i. wifi General Went, wh i wilt suoi-.' -tl him is now n aking a tour of the i: 'and with spe ciai •-cf.-rence to the- military neces- I sitie.' >a case of o. hi-: ill ■' ■ -leinces ocit’ii ring. The New York World of Wednes day published a dispatch from Ha eana which 5.:,:- ; that Governor Ma , goon is investigating a report (hat -Jim Japanese are ] lanning an insur rection o,n l-\ Tr-iiir '■ I’th against I American rut ■ ii ba, lie Philip- I pines and Hawaii ■ The investigation il was stated, i, was prompted by information receiv ed f’-om a Cuban b? mime of Par i Unas, who, it is .. . d. overheard tivn Japanese, said .> in Cuba, .Iking of an ii: '-rrecthat was nned among tin necrot < ■ Cuba iltaneously with ir.-ur.<■< uons Io Y 1 , ’iilippines an Haw ni s- er-. presence of the Jaj mo an to lie fb- ha s '“.m- nof r 1 by e iieasurements >f the fortifi. :efm cf Havana. A special t orn I’i Paso Texas, says- Japanese are floei ing to the Rio Grande norder ntt -mpting to get into »l). I ,li ed st; { Most r-f ihem are said to have be . discharged from tl’e Japan -e arm’. Fifty-four were re fused mission Ph -sday. Later i I numbe were smne-.led "ver at Fort : Hance. . Texas, b.u Wednesday they j were - Uun-d by i nmigration officials j wito a patrolling the. entire liordei . H.’ILAN FOR STATE LINE’S. ■ Aged 'urh.t A Inst Increase of the Power of Federal Government. A: Washington V o 'ay Justice ; Hu an signalized liis golden wedding | | .’iini'-ersary by an emphatic dechira i tin; against an ircreav in fe.i-.ral I over state power. Ihe on- rable pi : rist said in part: ( served in the civil v. n . colo ! I nel and have been on the i ,'nch tw . I ' i. nine years the iflth J-v or this ! month. I can now sav >-’n , ; have : aid in many judicial «.hi q, ■ , and ’ such has been the uniform ictHne ,of our court, that the hii r.i -;nv ' ernment has no powers <--<ce :: se d< legated to it. by exi - ,- j b." necessary implication ■ » y. !• press grants.” n GEORGIA DIVISION 3 C. A, e s Will Meet at the Capitol in At anta I on Wednesday. January 2. L The annual state convention of the I 1 i Georgia division. Southern CoUi i. \s- ! 1 sociatioii. will be held in At!-'-J in ' 1 the hall of the house of rep-c.-v-nta. : 5 tives on Wednesday January 2. and a ; ’■ ! full attendance is urged and exp- 1 - t | ed from all sections of the slate. ANNA MUST PAY BILLS. ' Liable for Part of Claim for Jev/els ; Bought by Bon;. , It was decided by the court in Paris Wednesday that .Mme. Gould, former- ’ ly Countess de Casteliane. is liable for the claim of Mlle. Namidoff, in the sum of $24.0410 for jewels, which were brought by Count Boni, and which, he said, were given to the countess. The delivery of certain jewels by I M. Hartlg was proved, and Mme. Gould is held liable for half the amount, Count Boni to pav the other l half. RACE FEELING IS HIGH. - Negro Soldier Assaults White Woman at El Reno, Oklahoma. Race feeling at El Reno, Oklahoma, is at white heat and threats of lynch ing are heaid on every hand as a re suit of an assault committed on Mrs. T. Clifford, wife of a prominent physi cian Thursday afternoon by a negro soldier of the twenty-fifth infantry. i Carrabelle Tallahassee Georr 5 * Railr Passenger Train Schedules - NO-RT'LBOUND. Ex D'ly Sui Sun D'iy June i’ " t.M. P.M. A M. AM. 7:00 Lv Apal. H ■ ■ f ' ' Oil 11:35 . . < ... m' - ’r- • .".20 11:50 . ■ >'k • i:l4 12:22 . . Sopchoppy , Arran 11.00 1:35 Tallahissi" I, , 6:40 8. - -’23 Lv ’n-xilan -, S e- Ar 12:46 7 17 9 m 4 Ai . . | m-i r- ’ I 7:10 | 7:17 9:30 4:05 Lv •> ■ I 8:25 10:25 5-13 . . Pnhii>;, 9.23 6:10 . . ‘ml :i . I .10.16 7:20 . . . Ari .o--!, u ■ I 10:45 7:46 ~ . Edison ■■/ I 11:35 8:30 Ar . . CutiW f . Lv liirough Connections Vl.i Tn- : r.baf-rm- all. P.M P.M. A.M 7TO Ar .lacksoni file . . f-v 11.15 1<.:50 . Pensacola . A 1 A.M Via "a ■n'uidge it. Ar I 6:15 YOS 8:05 . J P.M. P.M. Via Cut'. <;■: 1:00 9: i lr . . Smtth bile . . .Lv fl 33 4-10 12 '0 . V a■’•'■ii . . . <3:35 7:55 7:10 . . A'lanta . . . 1201 P M. A.M. AM. A i. NOTE— a Id!, ir.l ti:i;i;s. daily Lv Hevaoa 7.3 b:, i Quincy r;2oa I,v Qi.lncy 11 “ " Ha ana 11'4.’.i J H. WILLIAMS. G. P A. M aaw ... —i.ii hii.hi mu .an —u« Old Maids $ f Defended by a bachelor Who is fyaitn < r.* . 4 f I { i 'tiiiam ~own. j—r-L'G ~— "• ■■ -i i.Tl'iP G 4 i b.-cifC Im-, • hink ’Cinan .he •• -• •f ’ f . ?n - b.'. i I t.. refe "e of >:.e eci reap ..idt . to'The ; com..;«& i’id su-udll inert ni--Tig army of iid male- h.u ■ * * curious , ’;<>w w : he might >. . about th< .a ing army .>. )*• bachelor" HWe -.>l ;. I pic the- unmar> i. d among the fail .■?<-:• with pr. : . ■':•■■. v • die. ate usually In sinned agaius-.. - not he . 1 : y live boei • .<> iretpie'j.J, rj le victims of nefcl.’C eii: -i<- Ar ; J :ys "oh: maids ' have been »i.i ;ned The odious epi' . • a • op.- o m . -i.irionyr io- s i.ndal lox .ng io fempet ami ever.ihim : . -io m- in woman Because she un ; -earr'od it does nor follow ,iiia' . man i h. rl loss; on the contrary, n hen • not affections ar not centered m >ne olg.-ct tuey usually are distributed among many. That women • parr ir .-.idom ow tig to the wart o. opportunity, though in s. . .< this n■ ;-y (>•. the case; for mmall-. ibei- talents are not of that u:.< . an l showy o-det most at precia od oy men They, of course, un.ieretnr, > • p. sit on i.oy ,-erupy is not the high ~ and noblest one ordaine-i tri' '.-.onie ■ l > tn .■ •innot see that it would mend matters at all to r.utlo tbi-m , eg, moi-ahant.tble articles adv et, themselves for sale and bo rt-i'rop'-ti- - ■ t..<> tughest bidder, to mend h i suspenders, darn hb hit-. -1 i tto:> , rupte » |,j s r .eais or ;>re.« • I in his d--awirig roou . ■■ .' tin •••<, nre-' m null. • oatl or ■ I | rnce to their master Perhaps you will wonder thy th v i ren t ins bachelor. If so ! 1 only to say (as no doubt tli .■<■■■>.• .. 1<• -p sex .m> th i i , nil . I waiting for Cupid to com. ' :l beo matrimonial agent ' known men who I ims’- -i 1F t tl> it. t tt’.i! .til lie solace an the." required in the peii.t- .i f' > t- so. rit. .mthm- ( >r in travel . eventually arrived a’ the ranriu- whin ■ lose pursuits >. ; pre had palled on them, that the companion hip of the iov ( . , r ( p life, i loving, womanly woman, was the stir. ii is they n. .. ; worth living. -The Sun. MUM * < - | Publicity Would Corr-a f Many Evils f 8, Henr, Ay. j. w - .---i E live in > progr-s:-: ■ we i"» ■< r through n period of am.'. bushi. - | means improver,, ~t. .< of a help and not retaro . The banking, railway, and ins j- ,-.-g. i ance communit ■ .mould, in particular, do all the? ■ ;>n t. promote it an I in vite the fullest publicity as to their iraa |"w sactious .uni methods of doing business fe-g—uu.uw The one-man power in large corpoi; tions with i lot dummy directors subservient to it, should tome 'r an end j Dummy directors are no better than so man.' .c< ’ duck -i, I the public. They are directors who do not lirec; and are ,ic* ex, - i direct by those in control who selected hem • r . No man ought to accept a place .s dii-cte. m nisi- ■ > • !or corporation, particularly in a. b,.iking, ruivay Indus*-!.i! : a ■ ance company, who does not fully appreciate the e<,, srbiiity 01 the .»*» tion and the care and vigilance it demands an in.end to faithful;.' tub cot scientiously perform its duties Directors m dealt with the officers of their corporations should have opinions cf then »• ♦b" • ex press them The." are not alone responsible for th*”.: >■.?■ t fill acts, but. for failure to expose and put. a ■ the w office: ■ o- J ov. under their control. With tu< c.ov , - w-r shall grow, no’ only wealth, but in the higher products i rc’-e civilization in th. uts and sciences and literature, and all that embellish. b ad -..rifles mankind Therefore, we should, as we go along, endeavor to correct errors, shoricuni ings and abuses, and prune away rotten and unsound ftmbers in our public and business life. The way can be best paved by promoting public spirit and sweeping away the opportunities for business wiongdoing in secret, such as .ebating, by wise laws properly enforced and backed by public opinion. This would compel the crooks, grafteis. xhaters and competition crush ers of the business world who have schemed in darkness and shunned the light to come out into open view, and publicity alone would be a perfect cure for many great evils. NO. k ? 0