The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, November 24, 1926, Image 1

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—r. . Z.iXr Y// // A .. .- . .. Miller County Liberal NO 13 From The Church Builder Rev. D. V. Cason has been circulating weekly a “folder’ which he calls “The Church Builder." V From the last issue of the Builder we of bis arti oles, being well assured that our readers in ail parts of Xhis section, will appreciate them. Last WiU Be First —— —• Two wealthy Christians, a lawyer and a merchant, joined a party that was going around the world. Before they started, their ministers asked them to observe and remember any unusual and interesting thing they might see in the missionary countries through which the party was to travel. The men promiaeed—carelessly, perhaps to do so. In Korea, one day they saw in a field by the aide of the road a boy pulling a rude plow, while an old man held the handles and directed it. The lawyer was amused, and took a snapshot of the scene. “That’s a curious picture. I suppose they are poor,” he said to the missionary, who was guide and interpreter to the party, “Yes,” was the quiet reply, "that is the family of Chi Num. When the church was being built they were eager to give something to it, but had no money so they sold their only ox and gave the money to the church. This spring they are pulling the plow themselves. The lawyer and the business man by his side were silent for sometime then the business man said: "That must have been a real sacri fiiee. "They did not call it that,” said the missionary. "They thought it was fortunate to have the ox to sell.” The lawyer and the business man had not much to say. But when they reached home the lawyer took that picture to his minister and told him the story. “I want to double my pledge to the church,” he said. "And give me some plow work to do, please. I have never known what sacrifice for tne church meant. A converter! heathen taught me. lam ashamed to say I have never yet given anything to my church that cost me anything. How much does the modern church member sacrifice for his religion: How many who call themselves Christians ever sold an ox and then bitched th'm aelves up to the plow. —Selected. ~ " A Thanksgiving Prayer Help us to be thankfni, Our Father, we pray. For all of the blessings Thou givst us each day. Help us unto others More kindness to show, For thou art most kind To thy children below. Winifred C. Jones. Head Marks fJ i Grimes School for month of November: Adn Lee Grimes 5, Myrtice Barb ree 5, Eager Thompson 2, Willie Debary 4, Nan Grimes 3, Donnie B. Andrews 3, Vera Alston 1, Jim mie Debary 3, Clifton Powell 2, Verna Andrews 4, Wilma Barbree 3, M. O. Tabb 1, Pearl Alston 4, Garvis Alston 1, Luoile Pope 1, Willie Andrews 2. Mrs. W. J. Pridgen, Teacher. L. Good Timber The tree that never had to fight For sun and sky and air and light, That stood out in the open plain, And always got its share of rain, Never became a forest king But lived and died a scrubby thin•. The man who never bad to toil, Who never had to win hisshare, Os sun and sky end light and air, Never became a manly man, Bnt lived and died as he began. Good timber doesn’t grow in ease; The stronger wind, the tougher trees Farther sky, the greater length, More the storm, more the strength, By son, cold, rain and snows, In tree or man good timber grows. Where thickest stands forest growth We find the patriarchs of both, And they hold converse with stare Whose broken branches show soars Os many winds and much of strife- This is the common law of life. —Merchants Journal. WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTHWEST GEORGIA PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT 7~,T 7 "■ " Painfully Hurt Near Macon Sunday mornimr, while driving near Macon, enroute to see their daughter, Mss Muriel Watson, a student at Wesleyan, Mr. and Mrs 8. M. Watson and their two sous, Masters Marshall and Don, were in an accident serious enough to cause those who saw it to wonder how the occupants of the two cars escaped with no more injuries than they sustained. The car from here had just pull ed out from behind a slow moving car, to get ahead of it, when a young man in a new Chevrolet roadster, driven at a terrific speed, dashed into the Essex Coach, driv en by the Watson family. It was a “head on’’ collision. The impact threw Marshall and Mi. Watson, who were seated on the rear seat, with much force against the front seat. The flesh near the lad’s mouth was torn from the gum, and the gum, too, was lacerated. Ths other members of the car were badly shaken by the shock, but they were not hurt much. Marshal was rushed to a hospit al, where the wound was dressed. The two care were badly dam aged by the accident, Mrs. Watson and the two boys reached home by Ry. Tuesday. Mr. Watson returned Tuesday night. Friends and relatives here re joice that there were no fatalities. I ■■■■■■■■■ ■lia.iiri a , n „„„„ COLQUITT, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24 192& Prosperity Os The Few (Charles G. Livingston in Chicago Tribune.) William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, said in a signed sermonette on the editorial page oge of the "Sunday Tribune:’’ “We should be more conscious of the fsct that the material pros perity of the few shouldn’t be ac quired at the expense of the many.” Quite true. A briok layer gets $1.65 an hour and lays 700 bricks 'a day when be could lay 2000 2 1-3 Cents a briok is a plenty. Carpenters are getting $1.5(1 (Oct scale); plasterers and lathers, sl3 a day, and other building trades in proportion. A non-union clerk, a salesman, an accountant, a small profession al mau or shopkeeper, who yearus for a home for hie old age, is pre vented by the high cost of build ing. Food, fuel, clothing, housing, (the janitor gets his pound of flesh) movie shows, with high waged mu sicians, railroad fares,—all pay toll to the greatest trust in the world today College professors, with their average $2,400 a year salaries, 32,- (MMIOUO farmers. whose - net . in comes las* year amounted to $876 each, struggling preachers and doctors, are helping to pay inflated wages of th? 3,780,000 trade union ists of this country. These artificial wages, paid to a powerful preferential class that doesn’t stop nt violence to gain its ends, hits you when you get your hair cut, when you have a suit of clothes cleaned, and when your remains are transported by unionized drivers to a trade union cemetery. "Material pro.iyerity of the few” ie right! o— - New Pastor Here Rev. M. W. Flanders has been sent by the annual conference to succeed Rev. Henry W. Mjngnm as pastor of the Methodist church here. Rev. Mr. Flanders comes highly recommended, end it is believed he will make the church a good pastor. Il is with regret that Rev. H. W. Mangum will not be here for an other year. He was well liked by both denominations, and it ie hop ed by his many friends that he will be as successful in his new field as he was ; n Colqnitt. 0 For the clock of Life is wound but once, And no man bath the power To say just when the bands will stop, At late or early hour. Now, now, ie the only time you own, Live, love, foil with a will, And give no thought of the mor row, For the clock may then be still. -Ex. , : Liberalities Socials, Locals, and Personals. Mr. Barry Stein spent Monday ' attending to business in Albany 1 j r Mies Charley Bush spent Mon day in Albany. Mr. L E. Millirens, of Cooktown, was attending to business in the , metropolis of Miller Monday, ! • Mr, B. H. Fletcher, of Rochelle, i spent the week-end here, visiting at the home of Mrs. Alice Grimes. (Mr. Graves Williams will visit , id Macon during the Tbanksgiv ( io*; season. 5 Ar. J. E. Tabb, from Cooktown, ’ wus among the crowd here Sat. uyday. 1 ‘F ■Mr L. E. Calhoun looked after business affairs in Albany Mon d.,y. Mrs. Fannie Powell leaves this ’ Seek to spend the winter months hj Bradenton, Fla., with the fam fey of her sou, Mr. J. G. Powell. » K *’ :||Mr, and Mrs. Lieton Raduey and of Damascus, epeat the week , end here at tiie’home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Radney Misses Monitor Elliott and Thel ma Hanson; are to spend their Thanksgiving vacation with friends at Panacea Springs, Fla. Miss Mary Kelley, of Hawkins ville, k> to be the guest of her sis ter, Miss Louise Kelley, dur ing the holiday season. Messrs T. M. Bowen, from the western portion of the county, an.l •lames Cheshire, from the Harmo ny District, were mingling with relatives and friends here Monday. Mrs. L. E. Calhoun will enter tain during the Thanksgiving sea eon Mrs. J. W. Hatfield and her two sons, Masters William and Tillman, of Macon. Mrs. Emmet McKinnon, of Ed ison, came down Sunday for her mother, Mrs. McMurria, who ex pects to spend the winter with her in Edison. Miss Cappie Bush was the guest of friends m Andrew College last week, attending with them the concert given by the Mercer Glee Club. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Walters, of Port St, Joe, Fla., and Mr. J. J. Walters and wife, of Bainbridge, spent Sunday, delightfully at the home of their sister, Mrs, S. B. Wilkin. Misses Mary Lois Cowart and Louise Mims are to leave this af ternoon for Bessie Tift College in Forsyth. spending Thanks giving with Miss Alice Cowart at Bessie Tift, the visitors will visit in Milledgeville, at the G. 8. C. W. Mr. Isaac Cowart will carry bis sister and her friend over to the i institutions on bis ear. 1 j Mr. W. S. Nowall, bis son and Mr. O. W. Roberts spent Sunday in Clav county among the relatives and old friends of the former. They brought home a specimen of the oil and water which ie gushing from a spring in Clay county. The The specimen showed fully a fifth oil to four fifths water. The dis covery of this valueble fluid in South-West Georgia is surely cre ating much speculation. The oil portion smells and burns like gasoline. A crowd of Colqnittans went up to Cuthbert to enjoy the entertain ment put on at the A. F. Collage by the Metcer Glee Club Saturday evening, Messrs Isaac Cowart and W. H. Drake, ascompauied by Misses Louise Kelly and Mary Lois Cowart, were in one oar; Mr W, H. Grimes aud son, Master Billie, and Messrs W. C. Under wood, Bill Grow and Graves Williams also enjoyed the concert. Mr, aud Mrs. G F. Middleton and children spent Sunday at the home of bis mother, Mrs. Viola Middleton. In the afternoou they heard a splendid sermon by Rev. D. V. Cason, who has raoently be come pastor cf the Union churqh. This church is among the strong eat, and, need we add that it is al so one of the moat beloved rural churches, in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Dozier have left Cocoa, Fla. They reached the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs G. N. Cook, Friday. He is an experienced pharmacist Their many friend> here are glad to see the popular couple. Sunday Mrs. Rosa Jones and daughters, Misses Golden and Ma mie Jones, accompanied by Master Percy Price Jones, motored over to Sales City, and were guests of Mrs. Jones’ eldest daughter, Mrs L. W. Cobb. They found Miss Bailie Cobb, who had been indis posed, convalescing. Mrs. Yates and her daughter, Miss Margaret, of Thomasville, were guests Saturday at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. S. B. Wilkin They were accompanied home in the afternoon by Mr. S. B. Wilkin Jr., who visited in Thomasville dur ing the week end. * Mr and Mrs. W. B. Johnson and son, Master Beverly, and Mr Ben Johnson, of Atlanta, were guests for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fudge. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Barbree, of Oklahoma City, Okla , are enjoy ing a visit at the home of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillips, three miles east of town. I Some man has rightly said: I “There’re two road—success apd < failure”—and you are not travel ing both. Hurt ki Miami —■ i » Messages reaching here Frday brought the sad news to Messrs W. C. and J. L. Underwood that their brother, Mr. E. B. Under wood, had bean eerioualy hart In 1 Miami, Fla., where he operated a filling station. He sustained a fractured skull and a broken leg. At the filling station Mr. Un derwood was knocked tp the pave ment, and a oar rap over him. Their many friends throughout this entire section of South-West Georgia join The Liberal in hop ing that the injuries of•' their es teemed brother will not prove fatal, and that be wili eeon ba rs -1 stored to perfect health. -W ■ We feope that all opr readers will observe Thanksgiving Day with due appreciation. The world is all right.-‘-It's just you and me. In some places they say the A. A. A. (Act|va Alcohol Adherents) aeem to outqngiber the K. K. K. Messrs Watson Miller, Cliff Dan cer, Jim Tom Bosh Mians and a Mr. Neel. St Mercer University.faMaeon, reach ed their respective homes Tues day. (.’dr, Nesi is the guest of Mr. Jim Tom Bush.) TbisThanks givin will briu£ much pleasure to this quintet from Mercer. Mr. Charles Stapleton, who has been made president of his olaas in the law department at Mercer University, ie to come home for the Thanksgiving festivities. Hie friends here appreciate the fact that this honor, was worthily be stowed. Cane grindings are claiming the attention of scores of planters, who find when they’re engaged io the manufacture of syrup that they have many, many friends. Thy old custom of extending a cordial invitation to acquaintances to "come to (he cane grinding" still exist in most of the in Miller. Mrs. W. J. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Jackson, ail of Jack sonville, Fla , are back . mingling with old friends and relatives in this section. The fprxper is here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonie Ivey. Col. P. D. Rich is here today attending to business. Fresh Florida Oranges Fresh Sweet Florida Granges 13 per box of three hundred large size. Sound fruit, and, satisfaction guaranteed or money back. We pay express charges. A box of these makes an appreciated Christ mas gio. ACME -FARMS, lots GainesvfMei Fla. VOL XXX