The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, October 14, 1920, Image 3

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THE MERCER CLUSTER NORMAN DEBATERS TO ARGUE FOR CUP i i Wi k' l The Excelsior Society of Norman Park meet* every - Saturday night . carrying out -programs consisting of debates, readings, speaking, music and school news. : The loving cup which was pre sented to the society by former Pres- - ident W. H. McDaniel is contested for each year- by the two societies, the one making highest in all require ments winning the cup.' Excelsior has won this cup for two succeed —tag years and is striving hard to get it again this year. In the event Excelsior wins the society will be come . the' permanent owner. • Society’s first meeting was largefy attended, 82 hew members joining; It began with the largest enrollment in its history. $40 was recently . raised by. the. members for the pur pose of improving the society hall Debaters for fall term are T. Ful ler and W. Beeves and Mr. Long al hamate. ; Following is the first program: Prayer—Rev. Bond, ocal VSolo—Caribel Suarez. . Cross questions and crooked an- ' swan ’Thomas Fuller and Miss Crias. Piano Solo—Miss Berryhill. Declamation—Jimmie Newton. • Jokes—^Robert Ward. ' FLORRIE ADAMS, Editor Maajr New Students. BESSIE TIFT NEWS Tift society of Norman Park proved itself the same progres sive factor during the rushing sea son this yjear it has always been in the past. Many new members were added to the roll and everything points toward this year being the ■oat successful in its history; The first meeting was held in the society hall, Sept. 11th, where, after . a abort program plans were made for tile coming year’s work. Short talks fall of B essie Tift spirit were made by several old members. The. following are the officers for the first quarter: , Emory* Register, president; Dewey Lanier, vice president; Maud Mc- Gttraliflpj^^lfecretary; Myrtle Hill, treasurer; J. B.-NeSmith, yell leader; Lewis Sean, critic; Addine Bateman, Sarah Dillard, Bernice Harrell, Wil liam Ford and R. T. Berryhill, pro gram committee. At the following meeting of the society it was voted to make improve ments to the hail-by getting new cur tains, shades, pennants and already everything is looking inviting. At the third meeting- the following pro gram was successfully given: Piano Solo-—Rosalind Smith. _ - Story—Lewis Sears. Reading—Mabel Fowler. Duets—Estelle Singletary. Pianologue—Hfiss Irene Douglas. Pen Pictures—Addie Bateman. . ;Vocal Solo—Rebecca Ridd. School News—Bernice Harrell. Plabo Sol(H—Lizzie Norman. After the program the society ad journed for a business meeting. Preston Singletary and Lamar Met calf were chosen, as fall term de baters wkh Lewis Sears as alter- Before adjourning for yell prac tice, Rev. McPherson, pastor of the Norman Baptist church, gave a talk. MYRTLE HILL, Editor. Tha Norman Players. An added feature of the expression department of'- Norman Institute is a club called the “Norman Players,’’ The club is to include in its memb. r- ship the expreession students, glee dob and orchestra from the school at large. . ' - ' The plan is to work up some good programs comopsed of both vocal and insrumental music and a short play, these programs are first to be given on. the institute stage and then to the surrounding towns. Political Economy have visited. one of the cotton mills this week. - Tlii-' week Reverend James F, Eilen, of Atlanta, presented to the V. VV. A: a vivid word picture of the crucified Christ, and brought the message of the -cross. His address was forceful and the girls listened to its- eagerly and attentively. The read-heads of the college are organizing. Their purpose, now a secret will'be divulged later. There was an unusual chapel ser vice at Bessie Tift on Wednesday. It was a chapter in Revelation that vas read from his own Bible with its raised letters by. Mr. Wilson, a blind man. This was followed by a prayer offered by the reader. He -then addressed the girls. Though his eyes are sightless, he sees more of; the beauty of life is more discerning ,of the characteristics of his friends and knows more -of the world about him than many who have eyes that can function, Mr. Wilson explained the work of the schools for the blind; ajnd the op portunities for the blind: I He spoke of the accomplishments of .Helen KeR’ ler and’ others who have had many .odds to fight against, but who have conquered. He solicited no pity; he needed none. He left his hearers with the. feeling that it was rather those who had neglected to use their oppor tunities who needed pity. But the sympathy with him and the gratitude for the message he brought to fac ulty and students was expressed in the substantial contribution of more than eighty dollars made to him at the close of the hour. HEARN ACADEMY ADDS TEACHERS On Monday evening, October 5th, Upon the arrival of the 6:45 train,’the college girls were heard singing ana riving college yells, being led by -■iiss Allene Baker, director of the Glee Club. It was their way of welcoming Mrs. ri. H, Tift to the college. She stopped at the gaze to listen to their songs and to express her appreciation. In the evening President and Mrs. hosier -tendered a banquet to ,the faculty, Mrs. H. H. Tift being pres r ent as guest of h’onor. Not only was the splendidly planned menu im mensely enjoyed by all present, but also the speeches of Dr. Foster, Dean Miller, Profs. Twaddell and Newi se me, and the response of Mrs. Tift- The evening’s enjoyment was sup plemented by a delightful program given by some of the members of the Fine Arts Department. Professor Twaddell opened the program with “March Militaire” for organ by How ard Rowe Shelley, - putting the hear ers into a keenly-anticipatory mood ■for further pleasure. Miss Eliza both Starr sang Au Aria by , Bach accompanied by. the organ, in true classic style. Professor Twaddell nigain played a couple of organ Se lections in reflective and poetic vein showing effects obtainable by vari stops: Miss Alice Sigwortr followed with a reading front Tol stoi, which brought forcibly to con-, sciousness that we may not know at what moment we entertain angels unawares. Miss Allene Baker, so- Three new teachers appearing for their first time at the Academy con stitute one of the malty new fea tures of Hearn this year. Prof. J B. Sullivan, of Mercer and Columbia universities is principal. The de, (jartment of science and mathematics are under the direction of B. D. Finch, a new teacher of the Univer sity of Georgia. Another new teach er is Miss Martha Davis, of Breriau College, who has charge of the de-’ partmerit of. History- and French. Practically ail of the old students are back in school. Among the new pupils' from out of town are Bert I Purdy, Alto, Ga., Leonard McBrayerj of Temple, Ga., Misses Bessie Dur- rence, Dale Dubberly and Lola Dai Kicklighter, all graduates of Glen- ville high school, Glenville, Ga., Hen ry McPhail, Worth, Ga.; JoeMKtch- cock, Taylorsville, Ga;; Harry Mathis Rome, Ga.; John Arp, Rome, Ga.; Clifford Pendley, Calhoun, Ga. The school has organized two lit erary societies, the Ciceronian and Demonsthenian. All the pupils.of the school are enrolled as members of ope or the other of the societies. A program will be given twice a month each society. This will furnish a program at the school each Saturday afternoon. The Ciceronian Society will furnish the first program. Officersof the Demonstrenian are —Bert Purdy, Alto, Ga., president; Ohed Griffith, Cave - Springs, Ga. vice president; Lola, Dai Kicklighter Glenville, Ga., critic; Annie Lou iff bea. Cave Springs, Ga:, secretary. Ciceronian officers are: Weldon Griffith, Cave Springs, Ga., presi dent; Leonard McBraver, Temple, Ga., vice’ president; Audrey Terry, Cave Spring, Ga., secretary; Maude - Wheeler. Cave Spring, Ga., critic MERCER Y. M. C. A. prano, . sang Campbell Tipton’s- “A Spirit Flower," which showed admir ably the control of her. voice on sus tained notes of power and also its quality in quiet legato phrases. The henrty and insistent applause forced those taking part in the pro gram to. respond to encores, Miss Baker giving “The Star” by Rogers, and Miss Starr “Dawn in the Desert'’ by Gertrude Ross, which brought forth 'the power and magnificent quality of her voice. Upon request Miss Starr sang “Annie Laurie,” which brought to a close the pro gram'and also a most delightful evening’s entertainment. • *** - On Tuesday afternoon of this week = Mr. Wade Stemple, professor of Physics at Bessie Tift College, gave a. lecture to students In the Fine Arts. Department, taking as his sub ject, “Sound waves, vibrations, and their physical and mathematical re lationship.” Various* devices aptly il lustrated the points tnade, one be ing that of a tuning fork when struck making a ball suspended by f thread swing back and forth by the force < f its vibrar qns.' The organ and ,fi- no were ca'le’d into rtqa.o. ti* n to illustrate the matter of over- •• ties. The lecture was not only of interest, but also of practical value to the large student body attending, the chapel being used to accommo date the number present. Ejich .evening when the duties of the -day are finished Mercer., men gather for twenty to thirty minutes for a service of song, prayer and Bible study; These meeetings were begun when the college started at Pi-nfield in 1833, and are still kept up with fine atttendance and Inter est. Their object is to secure for the college mqn the'best religious and spiritual development and are a souroe of spiritual uplift and good fellowship. The boys themselves conduct most of the meeetings. Dur ing the year special meetings are held and good speeakers secured. . On last Thursday. evennig Harry Wilson, of the Georgia Academy for the Blind, gave ^n inspirational talk- He showed what people accomplish ed even though they had entered life with the misfortune of blindness. He referred to Helen Kellar, who though blind, deaf and dumb, had lived a happy and successful life. While speaking in a great Western city Miss Kellar was asked how she could distinguish between her friends and she said that she could recogniz them by their handshake. Mr. Wil son’s remarks as to handshakin were most humorous. Some people would extend only, two fingers, oth ers would offer a dish-rag-like hand, still others would shake horizontally. The blind notice these things very carefully. The speaker also re ferred to Fannie Crosby, blind song writer, , X ■ Like most blind people, Mri Wilson is happy. He says that the blind do not need pity; jthey need love'and respect. Blindness .is not the great est. misfortune that can befall a man, laziness, is a far greater mis fortune. Blind people are never lazy, they never marry to get a liv ing, they have no time to get blue and never commit suicide, Mr. Wilson emphasized the op portunities of a college man. If one deprived of sight'-can succeed in life, how much a Mercer man should aef complish, opportunities and unlimi ted poenbilltiep. NORMAN ATHLETES ROLL ON ROCKS Norman Park Institute opened Sept. ' C * h and, the first Way Coach Jenkins had a good bunch' of rookies out' rolling on the' rocks. They came in with skit ned shanks but coach seems to have a way of- getting the spunk out of them, or-^ anyway more came out each succeeding day- Coach Jenkins goes with the boys instead of saying go. Afte$ going with them for a while., he accepted a game with Sparks College. The boys went to Sparks for good practice and to their surprise it was a real tight one. neither side scoring. - ... President Browning said, for the team to be back by. 8 o’clock." Most' t hing of'interest to one of the elect.’ of them did but there was a certain causing him to get left! He reports a real big time when he came drag ging his frame up Sunday morning The right tackle, Mr. Lanier, was the lucky guy to get left. Coach Jenkins took some, of the boys to Tifton Monday. to see the Aggies play the Douglas Aggies. There deems to> be a still small voice -aying,. ‘j Work hard,” so we are having sprite real tight scrimmage? on the old rock bed. ■ The school is putting out clean athletics this'year and are' looking forward to the triumphal march to the promised land. The competi tion is keen and there may yet be weeping and wailing. Here’s the Norman Legion: -Ward, c.; . Keese, lg; Lanier, le; Norman, rg; Bell, rt; Harrellr re; Smith, -q; Apple Ih; DH- hrd*'f-y Suarez, rh. Dillard is man ager and NeSmith captain. The girls are showing real enthu siasm in basketball practice, under the guiding hand of Miss Douglas and Mr. Roberson acting as referee. Later the athletic editor will give i XT' the biographies of some of the out standing characters eh the football team. Watch for them. ' E. L. SEARS, Athletic Ed. LITERARY AMERICA. A—recent writer in “The: New Re public" sees America rather than England as the salvation of -litera ture. He bases hie belief upon “a general though undiseriminating ap petite for good work” on the part of the reading public in tine country. • v , •m X- 'H THE. SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Louisville, Kentucky Course of study include all departments usually found in theo logical seminaries. TUITION FREE MODERATE COST. Special Features; English Bible course, devoting 9 hour* per week to careful study under professors who are experts in the original language of Scripture. Schools of Biblical Theology. ‘ School’ fo Comparative Religion and Missions. School of Sunday School Peda gogy. School of Christian Sociology. School of Church Eketawy. Catalogue giving complete information sent free upon request. Ad dress THE REGISTRAR, Norton Hall, Louisville, Ky. E. Y. MULLINS, fi MULTIGRAPH LETTERS quick service by expert operators. Send us your copy; we will multi graph the letters, fill i n the names, address and mail them for you. METCALF ADVERTISING SERVICE 7'02- 1 703 Bibb Realty Bldg. " Phone 4521 ' Raymond E. Boyles Charles S. Jones BOVliS 8 JONES PRINTERS School Work Solicited. Close Price* Give*. 411 Broadway MACON, - GEORGIA NORMAN INSTITUTE The school with twenty years splendid traditions— where boys and girls are-trained to /be more efficient citi-, zens of State and more usefuPto themselves. All courses of study;—Excellent Business Department, —Supervised study,—Reasonable rates. Writer NORMAN PARK, GA. * l - . .. Raines Barber Shop 410 CHERRY STREET 12 Barbers PALM barber shop 8 Barbers. 3 ¥9 Jm ONLY ODOM’S QUALITY ICE CREAM W’-t- it home always call ODOM’S " - Difference of Opinion. Depending on the sagacitjri''5*£-k*^ hone to carry his home. . Charlie Johnson,a negro fruit peddler, was found in his fruit wagon in front-of the Mercer dormitry. Freshman El lison. and R. L.’ Carter at once applied artificial respiration which. soon brought Charlie back to conscious^ neaa. ■ • ’’** . When Charlie’s case was diognosed -different opinions were reached. Ministerial studentts befieved he was bubbling over with ‘%olIy Rollers,” premedical students held that he had an epileptic fit while law students are firm in".their belief that’the negro wsa suffering from just plain old dopy Bacchnnalian beverage. WE DO THE COLLEGE WORK OF MACON D. A. WARUCK A SON ."]• Photographers 117 Cotton ave. telephone 767 MORGAN & MORGAN INSURANCE AGENCY 609 Georgia Casualty Bldg. PHONE 4147 ' MACON, GA IN SURA NOE Liability—Automobile—Fire—Life— Health— Accident Live Stock “Insurance that insures plus service that serves.” Insure with us and get both HALL TAILORING COMPANY A full line of Nifty Spring Suitings to select from Makers of MEN’S CLOTHES THAT FIT At the Right Price. Investigate CLEANING —PRESSING— TAILORING 125 Cotton Avenue Macon, Georgia. See ROBT. GAMBLE SHORTER COLLEGE, ROME, GEORGIA. ■ X Baptist institution for the r .higher education of women., —A Slandaf^ College whose work is accepted by the leading Universities and Colleges of America. ' - • *• ; -Entrance Requirements; Fifteen units for entrance without condition. An applicant may enter as a conditioned student, without class standing, with 13 units, if from an accredited high! school. - • —Shorter has probably the most beautiful and healthful location in the South; its buildings are new, modern and Absolutely Fire Proof. I’lan to Outer in January when 2nd semester begins! fiFur;catalog and- information address, , • A. VV. VANHOOSE, President,* '1. " Rome, Georgia. Student Body -—From freshman to senior, every man in college . is mindful of the importance of Good Clothes. The body, no less than the mind and heart, needs adornment, and we ca- " ter to the sartorial requirements of . 'college men of every degrete. For More Than A Generation We Have Stood For Quality SUITS, OVERCOATS, HATS SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, SHOES,_._ JOS. N. NEEL CO. One Price to Everybody - Welcome Mercer Bop .- ' —TO c MACON TAILORING COMPANY v * ' QUALITY TAILORING 413 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. - n 4 “Satisfactory Service Makes Frk PHONE 453. ’ - I ' Best Clothes for Men . * * ‘ - r VC- Finest of allMor Women Burden Smith & Go. Music Department has everything at most reasonable prices. Men'* Department Cherry St Tlird Street V