Newspaper Page Text
lie Mercer University
..VOL. I.
Mercer University, Macon, Ga., Thursday, Oct. 28, 1920
Nine faculty members and their
friends enjoyed an -evening at Stew
art’s Mill. Over the glowing coals
of a big campfire they toasted wei-
ners and marshmallows, fried bacon,
and made coffee. Under the tute-
^ Among the students at B. P. I:
this year is found-«Jia_^of Italy’s
The 1920 class of Bessie Tift Col
lege are how scattered all over the
country, thirty of them having chos-
By Robert M. Gamble.
Voting: One; not voting: two.
This will be the tally in the event
sturdy sons. He is Frank Graecco,
- I .
By accepting challenges for de-
.bates fiom Wake Forest, Howard,
and Mississippi college, receiving one
from Davison, and fixing dates for | the men proved
the tryouts and fall term debate, the
debating council at its last meeting
started the biggest program ever at
tempted by Mercer hi debating.
The details of a triangular debate
between Mercer, Howard, and Miss
issippi were arranged. These debates
will be among a series to be held be
tween twelve colleges in the south.
They will be divided into*groups of j
three each for triangular debates.
Winners in each triangle will debate
. to decide the championship. This is
One of the most ambitious programes
( ever launched in debating by south
ern colleges. With both the societies
'booming, Mercer is expecting to put
out some exceptionally strong teams.
Before Christmas.
The time for the debate with Wake
Forest was not definitely decided but
it is expected to be sometime before
Christmas: Wake Forest is consid-
■ ered one of the best debating colleges
in the south. Their societies are
lage of Miss Townsend, the Domes- clgred war with Germany he was
tic Science teacher and the . other J living in Pennsylvania and one of
hostesses-sktlted in the cullinary art the first to offer his services. j
themselves good j. His discharge papers show a clean j
cooks. The informality of the oc- J honorab.e record. ^
casion and the auto ride to the Mill Battleg . Meuse, Arogone Forest,
was a special pleasure. ; j Tulle Sector. [
Those who were members of the , _ Wounds Machine gun shot right
party were-: The Misses McGuire, j knee, in action at Toulle Sector ' j
Robertson, Hardy, Haddock, Town- Character: Excellent. I
send, Clemans, Frank. Cornelia Fos-1 Remarks: No A. W. O. L., no
ter and Sigworth; and v Messrs. War-: ab?enC e under G. O. 31 W. D. 1912
ren Banks, Lawrence Chapman, Paul, or G q 45 w d. 1914—Service
Chapman, Guy Tribble, Josey, Tatum Bonegt and : fai thful to G. 326th Inf. |
• 'attached to the 3rd Co. 1st Tr. 154th
! Depot Brigade until- /time of dis- i
» is r rariic wraecco -- teachiig as their occupation for i that Mercer’s-'“official family” is al-
who was born in Nela, Italy. Twelvi their ^ye*r out of college. Some i lowed to exercise the voting power
years ago he came to live in Amer- continuing study courses while j under the woman suffrage act in the
ica. When the United States de- * uite a te » «« «ow “Mrs. So and I coming presidential election. <
-So.” . .
Maynard and Morse.
The following are teaching:
Mamie Sue Acree, at Camilla, Ga.
Marie |lell at Woodville, Ga.
Chlotills Banks, at Zebulon, Ga.
Bess Bivins, at Pelham. Ga.
Janie 8rim, at Soperton, Ga.
Inez Carter, at Dallas, Ga.
Lila Dkvey, at Forsyth, Ga. .
Mary Gibson, at Forsyth, Ga.
Evelyn ! Greer, at Thomasville Ga.
Marion 'Hamilton at Pinehurst, Ga.
Sarelle ; Hendricks, Bowman, Ga.
Mary.Hillis, at Gerard, Ga.
Annie Hood, at Lawrenceville, Ga.
j Who are the members of the “of
ficial family?” There are three, all
of whom are charter members. Tak
en ih order of rank, they could not
b^listed for each of them ranks high
in the estimation of Msrcer men, oc
cupying a place in their hearts that
no one else could fill in a satisfactory
Which one will be first listed? (We
can’t afford to show any favoritism.
Life on the campus now is peaceful
and a life of discoid we cannot en
dure!) ,- " -
I Alphabetically arranged, they
Having completed the reorganiza^
tion the Quill Club of Mercer UnL'
versity has begun its work, for the ...
J _ | ensuing year. The club was organ- cer taking the bad breaks cons,der-
compulsory and play a large part on I ^ year , when the 0 range and ably more ofterer Chattanooga
Black was- enlarged, the
Grace Bood, at Decula, .Ga. ™ U , d b f, °" a " eqUahty fot they are
Ethel *vin, at Bowman, Ga. , al1 P , s ’ bu8,ly enea f ed ever y da y
Myra ling at Bowdon, Ga. 1 " 1 making honey for the Mercer stu-
Sarah Ledford, at Waynesboro, Ga| dents ’ * hereby ^ the life of
Julia Maynard, at Forsyth, Ga. the college community.
Mary Lou McGee, at Hartwell, Ga.,! „ Fo ^ Mercer -
Susie tee- McNiel, at Cochran, Ga. Classlfied to proxrmum
Elizabeth.Morcock, at Savannah. \* e ™ S and ^"tial difference, and
Inez S*ith, at Sylvester, Ga. ™ ted accordingly, there would still
. L . ' ' ' •. i be no beaming for the three are xo-
Cbure .fcead, at Badm N. C jordinate species, all on an equality
Emily* W»les, at Donaldsonv.lle, in the eyes of the Mercer men . ( past
® a ’ [ and present.
Most successfully mixing ath
letics and Christianity in a speech
before the student body during
the - past week so combined his
two’ motives for good that not
only did his address seem to have
a : “solid support” of the student
body for the football team but
was followed by three students
being added to the band of Mer
cer’s Volunteer mission workers.
Dr. Weaver asserted that the
reason as he saw it, for Mercer
not defeating Howard College in
the .game, of the Saturday before
was because, the Mercer players
were afraid of themselves—fear
ed injury- to themselvep—and
were not willing to just let go and
forget any consequence but beat
ing over the enemy’s line and to
victory.. The line, he continued,
was not willing in the. same way
to he’d with that fearlessness of
any consequence which might fol
low Eo themselves.
The president of Mercer then
drew the comparison all mankind
now faces in the big battle be
tween good -and evil, closing with
an appeal for Mercer men to help
in the -fight the denomination now
faces in the shortage of workers
for the field.
At the close of his address
three additions were'made to the
Mercer Volunteer mission band.
New Tsek
— Faye Spink, at Locust Grove In
Both sides fumbling the ball, Mer- gtitute. <■
the campus. However Mercer’s j"11,- members last Saturday defeated the Mercer
tocietie. ere virile to the core and pledging 'themselves to lumish ma- team by the score of 20 to 0. Chat-
.naifA AmMaJ Anf aaima a« DLa ri nst I * w ™ e J 1 f ■
have turned out some of the best
ipsaksrs in the south. This is one
. of the gnat reasons why Mercer,
probably more than any .other college
in the state, has put her sons in the
tsafrriWHng places in the political af-
terial for the enlarged paper. The tanooga fans declare .
membership of last year was made one of the most ragged e\er
up of student# from Mercer’s finrt nessed on Columbia fufld. Two of*
class in Journalism and was headed the Lookouts’ touchdowns came as a lng
by G. P. Oslin, now a member of result of fumbles on the part of ,
the Macon Telegraph staff.
_ . nans an now bshg wmtmd one street piougneo
enl'i-o Ha sphere of mMfatea both
to the college and to the member*
which each college has won and lost; Committeeg have ^ .pointed to
Mercer players.
Mercer ploughed
The process used in determining
' which of the three charter members
dor, at Ashburn, Ga. shoiild be first- listed, is one of the
Thompson, at Wpdley, Ga methods of definition, viz: descrip-
Sparks, Ga., .tion. (.Don’t get excited; we are
alker, at Soperton, Ga. jnot going to compare their natural
(IBs at Atlanta, Ga. [blessings. We did that once in dis-
May and Gertrude cussing: several women.... <f that spe-
^Uau, Ga.,. are study- \ cies of the genus homo which man
1 wbice in New York, canndt get along.with nor without!”)-
• Lee Womack is now | physical stature will be the plan of
of Millen, Ga. description, beginning with the tali-
i» Nrs. Maxwell est an dworking down with the de-
, TSmn. t create' in height.
The Mercer . Overseas Club
during the week for the purpose of
ele$ing officers and outlining pfaum
for the school year.
sideration was given to tha c<
armiatic day -celebration. It
decided that m
ating with the
Dr. John R. Stratoa,
uate one of the beat-1
ters of New York City and Wko
eral months ago “thr*W aw tha
light” in what caused oa« of Goth
am’s biggest refmms is Our soceesn.
sor to Dr. Chaxtsa
itorial writer for tha
This field of
big constitue
Hearst papers
duoe his bi-w
writes, according ■
with his editorials, with
rigorous pen. He was
make the alumni addrom last
but arrived in Macon from ]
City a day too lata. Ha
addresses to Hie asm
preachers at Mercer,
June comme
While at Me
considered the
in the South
oratorical contehfjl
making's toorof
all comers i
debate. One
leges of Geon
he was to ajqi
cancelled the
John Roach Stmhm a d
the Southern ehampiomil
Judge .Walter George' ef
preme Court Bean, Whs •;
nude of Straton While at!
during coo
gmid publicly.
H seemed they lacked the punch to| at Gunston 'HaII, Washington,
! Vach. The students of esch col-
put the ball across. Twice Mercer MJsg Irene Hardy is'assisting
effiTUadlh'V aWylntf’f .'Mh* 8b»tt - Boone
Hall, Washington, D. C.! fectionately known to
draw up rules and regulations and - l° st the l^ail on fumbles on Chat- t j, e business office at Bessie Tift.
J fectionately
“Miss Sallie” when interviewed about
the question ef exercising the right
l Miss Annie Mae McGuire is efff- to vpte, expressed herself as follows:
_ The Mercer team came back strong pi 0 yed by the State Board in the “I am a staunch supporter of the
debating council-will arrange at their | and on i y , li m ited number of stu- | in the last half and it looked a* Georgia Savings Bank Building in League of Nations and will therefore
victory un- Atlanta. ' ' 1 '. favor the Democratic party in the
ahib <fa
lege are keenly anxious for the de-, gelect a degign for t h e -l ub emblem J tanooga’s 3-ydrd line.
next meeting for the debate to be
held- The Ciceronean society at its
meeting last Monday night passed a
dents will-be admitted each year.
Journalists and writers of note iri
literary circles are to be invited to
resolution' asking the council to »c- addrega the dub on chosen subjects.
ceptChe challenge and arrange a date Am0ng thoge to ^ -Jnyited to ad.
tot the meeting. j dregg the club ate Harry Stilwell
Oa the campus. Edwards, Bridges Smith, W. H Dp-
In addition to the abo\/e program shaw, Helen Toppiy, Miller, Thomas L ancaster
there will be four regular debates E. Watson, William Cole Jones,-Col.
between .the two -literary societies John T- Bolfeuillet and others. .The
-and also', a freshman-sophmore de
bate between the two societies was
the first Friday in December.- A
subject will be selected at an early
date by the speakers chosen from
first address will be that of Geo.
M. Sparks during the present week.
Officers selected for the year are ^ hite
P. A. Greer, Pres. J. C. Groover,
vice-president; F. C. Williams, sec-
in the last
i if they were out
for i
til they ' fumbled
3-yard line.
The line
. Mercer
■ Stokes
-- L.
j Lancaster -
Johnson —
-C -
.Cowart ----
Ellison —-
— -Q-
i White
— LL.
[.Garrison --
jWeekley --
coming election.' I believe that it is
the duty of every woman to vote
now that they have been given- the
privilege, the same - as it is
done so much to make this a free
each of the two societies. The other ( retary-treasurer. The other mem-
contests between the two societies bers are R. B. Davis, ft. M. Pitts
will be- an impromptu, spring term j L. W. Hardy, A. B. Cochran, J.
and champion debates. j Cheney, G. Cleo Elrod, W. K. Wynne |jj ead Renlz f or white
Miss Mary Persons is studying mu-
sic-at National Park Seminary. ■
4 Miss Mary Doyle Rogers is now
Chattanooga Mrs. S. W. Norris of Henderson, Ky ;
..1, Tatum I' Miss Juliette Rutherford is spend- dut y to exercise that right which has
Redd (cap.) ing niost of the year in "travel.
Murkett Miss Evelyn Robuk who was to n °f>on
..-.-Ansel have attended Columbia University,
King is staying at home with her mother,
-Suppdorff whose health is not good.
j -.l.:.-Clark 1 Miss_Pansy Palmer had a position of w °man suffrage, I. have felt
B. - -Read at Ba<Iin, N. C„ but resigned in or- women - who are forced’to pay taxes
B. Raulsion der to come home and will be with on thelr Property, should be allowed
a- -Cate her mother whose health is not ^ express themselves relive to
proposed law which will affect that
Not Radical.
“While I have not been
be given over entirely to honoring
those :who gave their lives' in. tho
great world war. The committee
in charge of the celebration indudea
J. E. Baynard, chairman; L, B.
Mathews, G. L. Worthy and E. B.
Resolutions were passed, asking
man s that a column in the Mercer Cluster
be devoted to club news and ^•cial
articles by the. members. The ’ob
ject is to make the club as such a
more prominent' factor in the cam*
one^5t^P us Several new members
the radical supporters of the cause ‘have been received making the ems
The ' freshman-sophomore debate , and A, H. S. Weaver.
promises to be one of the liveliest j Members of the club have aiter-
^contest of the year. Each class is | ed their new field with more enthu-
enly alive to the honor to be gained siasm than any other organization
-victory in the interlectual line, at the university.
Thos'iar the sophs have been on top
but the freshmen say they will
meet ■ on-'^an equal footing when it
comes to debating. Another phase of
the battle will be between the two
societies. Each of the societies are
urging the members of the two
classes to try out and. win some dis
tinction for their respective society.
.The date of the tryout was set for
Friday November 19th.
■ Twenty-right spankers.
r The speakers in the tryout will be
limited .to seven and one half minutes.
The contest will be competitive and
any member of either class is eleg-
ible to try. The judges will be' cho
sen by the debating council , from
the members of the faculty. The
subject. for the freshmen is Resol
ved: That the United States should
have a, third Political party. Any
speaker-,can choose the side he pre
fers and'get the material ■ for the
argument and present it in his own
style. The subject selected for the
, sophomores is Resolved: That the
United States should adopt the Lea
gue of Nations without Reservations.
With nine public debates practic-
- ally assured which will take a total
of twenty-eight speakers, theifc is
not a man at Mercer who will not
have ample opportunity to show his
1 debating . ability. This yaar more
interest is being shown by the-s**^
men than usual. Sometimes there
is not room enough in the society
hills-to seat those who attend.'
The Bessie Tift. Society of Nor
man Park Institute met- Saturday
night in .the school auditorium and
presented the following program:
Vocal.Duet—Mabel. Fowler and
Rebecca Kidd.
Declamation—Lamar Metcalf.
Reading—Ruth Norman. * -
Debate—Resolved that the Federal
Reserve Bank should lend farmers
money on their cotton.
Affirmative—Noelen Singletary
and Cleo Patrick. - .
Negative-t-Olan Batts and Maud
Patrick. . .
'-School News—James L. Joiner.
The Sniggles Family. Mother.
Margaret Keaton, Baby Giggles, Ad
ding Bateman; Dancer, - Rebecca
Kidd; Old Maid, Mary Gibson; Elo-
Referee, Tolley.
Clark, Cate. good.
, | property. -
.7 „ , c * * Miss Josie Lathrop was obliged 40. ,.g omc peop , tf contenlj ^ the
Herndon for Parker, Scott for-White-. retarn home-to . Wilmington. N C„ suffrat;e pn ' vi | e ge will cause women
before the closing of the session. She ^ neK , ect thejr home ^ In angwer _
will come back the second semester that _ f ask a fhan thrown down
and finish her course at Bessie i t business .chances just because
College. . there is an occasional election.”
iiT.At-rts . e etaoin un un un un un ( .. Miss Sallie ., said that m-her opin-
- : ! ion, the privilege of suffrage would
G1BSON-MERCER FACULTY. cause women to become interested
President Lawson E. Brown an
nounces the following faculty to that
The Shorter Sophmores had a day
w'ith the Freshmen last week,. They
posted the following rules which all
Freshmen were required to observe:
1. You shall use no-.powder, paint
or cosmetics of any kind.
2. You shall wear your hair made
into a knot over one ear. The other
exposed ear shall-be tied with Htreen
ribbon. - ' • •. ‘ -
3. A skirt of-organdie or silk shall
be worn. '
4. You shall wear a middy, the
collar to be pinned, tight around the'
r You .shall Wear one tennis shoe
and one high heel slipper.
G. Your name shall be written, in
for Gibson-Mercer Academy.
Lawson E. Brown, A. B., president.
1 Capt. Woodfirin Ratnpley, B. S.,
[ Military. Athletics ' and Science.
I A. B. Green, A. B., Mathematics
and Latin..
| M iss Ethel Irvin, A. B., History
1 and French.
Mrs. A. B. Green, A. B.. English
1 and Bible.
| Miss Martha Brown, Expression.
Miss Sarglle Hendricks, B. M„.
in the bigger things of. life and
a result of this broadening
influence, our nation will be better.
“1 shali certainly v.ote,” she said.
Miss Lucy . Barrett, secretary to
the president, affectionately known
to the boys as “Miss Lucy said, in
a convincing manner:
“1 . am perfectly willing for the
men-to do jhe Voting.. You get a
[crowd of women together “and they
will get excited, lose their heads and
go with the crowd, voting for, this
rollment larger than last year. The
new members are J. V. Odom, Ed
ward Whitehead, Sears, Garrison,
Knowles, M. S. Leach, G. W. Mc-
L. B. Mathews, C. E. Bryson' K. W.
Rae, Coalson, Williams, Harrington.
The original members of the. club
are L. W. Hardy, C'. E. LiiinAaUr,
H. C. Hayes, J. E. Baynard, JC Wi
Jones' H. H. Shirley, Prof. .B. C.
Holtzclaw, C, E. Harper, T. H. Ro
berts, O. B. Newsome, P. E. Mur
ray, E. B. Turner, O. E. Brewer,
G. L. Worthy, E. B. Everett, R. A.
Lane, P. R. Anderson, W. W. Sin
clair, R. J. Me Elrath.
The officers for this year are O.
E. Brewer, Edison, President; L.
W. Hardy Sycamore, vice-president^
C. E. I-an caster, Clermont, secre
tary ;: J. V. Odom, Valdosta, trea
surer; H. C. Hayes, Clermont, his
torian and Miss Geneviene Broome,
Macon, spoonor.
. Miss Elizabeth Starr, teacher at
i-h [shall
rolled i
ill day.
cutionist, Mabel Smith; Giggler, green ink on -a placard whi
Deene Ballinger; Gryer, Sarah Oil-j be worn down your back,
lard; Chewing Gum, Giady Houston; 7. Your sleeves must be
Songster, Lizzie - Norman; Pianist, 'up am
Pearl Ballenger; Idiot, Myrtle Hill, even during meals.
After ttie program interesting 1 8, You. shall show Seniors .and
talks were given by Mr. Fry who sophmores difference 'by (ii) stand.-
was assisting at revival at Baptist ing at attention whenever you meet
church and four 6f the football play- them; (b) Holding doom for
man -or that one simply because one j Bessie- Tift, trains the chorus of
of her neighbors or fellow church | college girls who sing every Sunday
. ”—~ 7 ! workers voted .that way. 1 am a morning in the Sunday school at the
MUSICAL AT NORMAN PARK .^ auncb . Democrat but I think that i college and also the Baptist church
The following program Vas given. >the men , especially in Georgia,' are j of Forsyth, The choir girls are Ruth
by the music and expression de- bandbn( , the situation about as Rane'w, Martha Loveland Harrell,
partments of Norman Park Institute ^ ad j y as poas ; b i e and I’m not in fa- Miriam, Butler, Benita Shumake,
vor of-the women butting-Jn.
Too Busy Now
Piano solo-
Louise Jones,
-Gavette, bty Frimil—
Reading---“A Modern -Miracle,”— fectionately known to the boys
Miss Nelie Bertcy, bookkeeper, afy Butler, Oma Tafpley, Cornelia Fos-
ers from'Douglas A. and M.
Wife (buying 'new lot
if bird shall 1 - liaye nil i
Hlil/hv. - GjVt one With a
What s.. r t
and allowing them to pass in; front
of you (c) Standing up when they
enter a room and remaining.standing
until they are seated.
!>. • No word shall be spoken by
any Freshman while - in thedining
Miss Nellie,’'. did not appear to be
particularly enthusiastic over the
prospects of. journeying to the polls
to scrutinize the names and pictures
of the modem Romeos. “I am per-
Miss V’ieree and Myr- fectly satisfied to do all that I can
t ohelp make our students true Mer-
Ralph Norman.
I Vocal solo—A May Morning, by
L. Denza,—Garidad Suarez.
Reading— “l.asca”—Jas. N'ewton.
; ‘ Double 'Piano Sojo—Scarf Dance,
| tie Hill
Readings-. 1 'Somebody Did,”
| Norman..
Vocal Solo—May Time,
Ti itfei— Rebecca Kidd.
(s-^jting from the play,
t -f, y- -—Mar e Berryhill.
Louise Dodd'. Daisy Butler, Lucile
Norman, Josie May Johnson, Wilma
ter, Bonnie Williamscon, Sarah Smi
ley, Wills Berta Rogeirs, Josephine^
Clark, Elizabeth Moore, Florencri
Darmielly, Charlotte- Jerks, Kathleen
Estes' and Sarah Summerford. Miss
Marguerite Robertson is the able ac-
compainist. . T
the student body that my thoughts
Ruth cerians and- leave the conduct of
public affairs to theta able hands,” jwill always be. occupied as they have
Love she said. “I have been too busy this been this fall.” .
fall to think about politics, and my j Democrats: Three; League sup-
Madam hope > s that each year will see on'porters; three Busy “B’s” three,
the campus so many new faces in ALL for fiercer I
the school auditorium at Ifil
October 26.
The ehazactors repreocatad are:
Co him McCormafk Franiiis
ton. '
A prosperous Irish fanai
County Kfidare. a
Maurice Fitzgerald—Millard Vial
ham—A rich yoni Dahlia artist.
Terry Crcigaa—Robert
McCormack’s nephew, a
Patriot in Exile.
Mr. Archibald PonnywR Lias
Barrett—A wealthy young Engffah
Mr. M<chae: Pepperdius .Vivian
Stubbs—An eminant
ter. ■ 'i ^9
Shaw McGilly— Olin Barid^Rer—
The laziest , man in county KSJnsu.
Ann Mary Me
ith a-
He CartlftefeX-t
bank and an eye on Cohria.
EUeM Fitzgerald—Mies fiisabeta
Barreht—A Dnblir Hoiro«. . '
Lade Agnes BarricHim 1 Mini
Giady Dorian—Who h.«t||p#f at
nothing. '-^3
Pegeen Burke—Mias Vannie Lock
Tyler—A servant on tha MeCoctoadt
. Rose Creigan—Miss Eiiiabcth Mc
Rae—A WQd Irish Rosa.
Lads and Lassies.
Piece—County Kildsre.
Time of Playing—Two boon
One-half Hours..
Act L^-Colnm M<
fenn yard on the-ootekirts of a
lage in County Kildare, Ireland. “St.
Patrick’s Day in the Morning.”
Act II.—Same scone a» Act
few hours later. ‘The 1
ACT. HI.—Scone IH
of Fitagenld’S house
year later. "The last
Scone 2.' Same as Sc—a 1,
hours later. “Msvourasoa.”
Build upon resolve, sot^apou
' L
— i—--
oils regtet, the structure of thy
Grope ’ not among the - shadows of oM
line but lrt thy soul’s light shine upon
path of hope and dispel the dsrkaees.
Was(e no tears upon the blrtted record
of lost years, but turn the leaf sad
smile, to see the fair white pages that
remain to thee—Selected. * [
V Viui ik.: