The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, May 19, 1970, Image 5

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AWARDS DAY ' (Continued front Page 1) Ataoriatlon of tb* United . Stetet Amy MUtaiy Htetory ftASi'S Marcar taaehart chosen for NSF "H State LMtoalESX T»° Ptotarn in tha Da- tei In qutlltias of •ebotanhlp, and baa boon tor* ■note In nirthartag tea ROTC Unit — CM* lU Richard M. Andra* of Coliun hat Aibaoateated of military taedastete. if laattawhip and pbna, cfaanactor, Md'ctttaan- and ha. baan fore- ihip - Cadet Maior John 11 - Sporttweor Factory Outkt 9106 Vinavilla Aya. All Marchondiie Guaranteed First Quality < m.u, j-a. u oapote In » program at thogon few thousandths I •££ sajstras Beaty is new Dean (town- C. Chamberlin pf Orlando, tv s. mu 2 ana- mar. rw. n-*- - man (t Oadat Corporal Jack aan of Van Baach, Fla. (Crate- Scabbard and Blade Lsadar ship Award praaanted to tha ontatandlni frateman and sophomore laadan - Oadat Sergeant DanW 0. McChaanay of Patteoon, N.JL, (sopbo moca) Oadat Miata Pint CUaa Kannath B. Forest of Macon (fraahman), and Chdat Staff Satgaant Orafoay L. ZalMac of i, (flaahman PVSC). Amartcan Legion Scholastic Modal tor tea ExcaUaoc* Award pmaantad to tha Sanior Oadat In tha upper 10 percent of hit academic dam and la tha upper 25 per cent of hh ROTC daas who has damonatwted qualities of land- McArthur wins award MACON, OA- — Miss Sara Daa McArthur of Sa vannah, a senior at Mercer Unisanity, has been award ed flnt prise by DevWon E. (Lioanaad Psychologists) of the Georgia Psychological ImoctaHoa in comp*titk>a among undergraduate stu dents. She submitted the beat paper by an undergraduate in Georgia on clinical theory and personality theory. A summary of her paper will ha presented during tha annual meeting of tea Geor gia Psychological Associa tion May 14 In Atlanta. Colons) overall average, and poml John Adnot of Jupiter, H»-. tha moat improved fleer. Outstanding members of tea Iftnuiais, the voluatacy poup tint has seestved training In aoutarlnaurgncy teettes — Oadat Maater Satgaant Richard M- Andrea of Columbus, Cadet Private Pint Chat Kannath B. Print of Macon and Oadat Ser geant William Bradley of Rocky Feed. Outstanding Drill Them Military lk. Samuel Alteon Beatty, Dean Beatty will saeceed profoaaor of taw at tea Uni- Jamaa C. Queries, who left last vanity of Atahnna School of suamaac to baeome executive Uw, hat beau anmsd Daaa of dhaotecof the Plotidh Law Ra the Waiter P. Law at Mercer will aunt Auguit 31, Ftaridaat Rufus C. aettag daaa during the current Harrh announced Thursday, school yaar. May 14. Science I cadet dkunguiehlng as an outsUndlng member of the Drill Team during School Yaar 1969-70 - Oadat Robert Jonas of Dawson. Outstanding member of the ROTC Band — Cadet Staff Sar- geaat Charles C. Outer of Columbus, and Oadat John J. Copslan of Palm Beach. Fh, TATNAU LAUNDERETTE in US DO THE WAITING You Drop ’em Wo Wash ’om You Pick 'om Up THIS IS THE LAVALIER SEASON LavaUan for All Mercer Fraternities and Sororities ition Night Fraternity Sea Pete Bondeeon or John Hollywood for Detail* Use Your Student Charge Account The T*e Macon, Qteorgio MEP, FWRH, Roberts Open 3-5 Sat. Sun. Others 8-1 Fri., Sat Student Demonstrations (Continued from Page 1) Other speakers ware Chris Zorn, Ray Woods, and Gary Johnson. Woods, who was in Washington for tha recant dem onstration, talked about tha changing attitude of tha polka after tea newsman left. He said demonstrators ware teargamed out of anas when they had barn told they would ha allow- -Si END THE WAR IN SOUTHEAST ASIA! Sign Petition Supporting The Amendment to End the War (ODutewed from Page 1) Uw totmsr governor h op posed to viotonce on campus. Ha said, “1 behave tha unhrer shy wK be batter off If Uu dates' voices and ophdona era daartv hated." Ha backs firmly long run they an more likely to succeed in achieving their political goals through fores and intimidation wither than through tha lam abrupt re sponse of an enlightened and pamiadad majority." Sanders plans to hasp uttvewjttta “Intellectually free, of communications. “Vio lence,” be mid, “la not going to solve anything. ” Sanders does not oppose dtarnnt. “I will not cut off sup port for any of our schools bo- canae of radical provocation, but I wRI do what h ternary to put an and to violance and destruction of our campuses I wffl do aO that I can to help them assure that our are safe places for work and study." On tha topic of t> movements on moat ooUage campuses, he said, “The hope of lesutettonartm k to under tlona. promo to tha for the pursuit of knon and allow all kinds of people coma on campus and dkcuas whatever they want to." When the system ignores student opinion, they "should gsnonte support! on campus and mgke their point. Than demoMtrate It terns# tea campua newspaper, peaceful demonstrations and by legtti- aate dteiogue, if they think it's really r#t. To bum or dmtroy property la stepping beyond tha right of content. Action, no long as R remains non-violate, Is one of our bast hopes for achieving constructive change hi this country." On hie own use of violence the governor of Georgia I'd ha moat re luctate to put National Ouanta- naan in a situation with live am munition.” Ha favors useful dteiogue before the situation out of control, also, if it bacomaa necaamry to send tew eitfuiceuienl agents, they should be unarmed troopers without riot helmets or loaded guns. “If • man respects the law, knows that he Is doing so but foals that It is the only way to accomplish his goals and is will lag to go to jeH far Us aetems than I respect him. But If he beeeks the taw and does not taka tha responsibility tor his actions then I'm opposed to him and to his nsadlsss vio- teaoa,” Sanders said. Nixon and hi* In the Phi Bast, “In a war I sympathise with Praai- dant Ninon in hta situation. And wa wilt only hope If w* yiaM temahaths iwwv.imi FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE-Spring 1*70 9. i«M 1 a battle ground on w»s*. to ii:ee«ooa tkte Mas* are k>in to Site pss. 7:00 p.OL to 9:M> p.a. STOP Unreasonable Insurance Rates Based on Age Alone A* Jrd period < A* SUi period < AM m A 90 period c Youth " 0:00 S.SS. to 11:00 aoae . tetOMM );aOp.a. to S OOp-a. ... of Bl r^iin, —a,mm of teo M te4 period daaa ...... A* 4Ui period dseaa ...... A*OAKeriedeSwae ..... Ah las period ekaa . a*am n tm period ctaaaae teaedwew Thaaaotehano- . L Cakhroll Comptroller General mi put am ami bo this dtoarlwtinotion Studenti Vor Lower THE MERCER CLUSTER • May 19,1970 • 5