The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, January 30, 1856, Image 4
LEGAL NOTICES. BUTTS MORTGAGE SHERIFF'S BALES. WILL BE SOLI), before the Court House door, in the town of Jackson, Butts county, ou the First Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One negro girl, by the name of Rebecca, of copper com plexion, about eighteen years of age; Martha Ann, a girl about ten years of age ; .Sarah, a woman, about fifty live years of age ; all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, of every description, belonging to James B. Camp. One Bay Mare, one Sorrel Mare, one Buggy, one two-horse Wagon, and three Cows and Calves. Levied on as the property of James B. Camp, to satisfy a mortgage favor ot Nathan F. Camp, vs. said James B. Camp. Property pointed out in said Mortgage fi. fa. Also at the same time Jand place, sixty-three acres of land in Butts county, No. not known, adjoining lands of Mrs. Standard ou the east, W.J. Head oii the south, and Henry Britton on the west. Levied on to satisfy a mort gage fi. fa. in favor of Mickelberry <fc Mobley vs. James j Rowland. Property pointed out in said Mortgage fi fa. R. G. BYARS, Deputy Sheriff. | December 28th, 1855. SPALDING SHERIFF'S SALES. WILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in the City of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in FEB RUARY next, the following property, viz: The contents of seventeen tan vats, in the lanyard of M. M. Lockhart, in the city of Griffin. Levied on to satisfy a j fi. f*. from Spalding Superior Court, in favor of Augustus i B. Fears, vs. M. M. Lockhart. Property ed out by j Plaintiff's Attorneys. Also at the same time and place, will be old, a certain lot, with all the improvements thereon, kno an the Tan Yard of M. M. Lockhart, in the city of Griffin, containing neaud ahalf acres, more or less, together with all the ap purtenances thereto belonging, and all the stock therein, consisting of tan bark, leather, &c. Also the undivided half of a certain Negro Man, of yellow complexion, by the* name of GABE, about thirty-ffVe years old. and a shoe ma ker. Also the undivided half of a certain house and lot, Number not known, in the city of Griffin, known as M. M. j Lockhart's Shoe and Harness’ Shop, all levied on as the j property of John Lockhart, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Spalding ; Superior Court in favor of James S-'Jones vs. John Lock-; hart. Property pointed out by Defendant. Also at the same time and place, will be sold, one half in terest in a certain parcel of land, situate, lying and being-hr the city of Griffin, known and distinguished in the plan of said city and said county, as the Daniel & Johnson Tan j Yard lots, bounded north by Huson and Moseley, west by Findley, south by Mathews, and east by Futrell, No. not known, the same containing one and ou e-ha if acres, more or less. Levied on as tire property of John Lockhart, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa. issued from the honorable the Su perior Court of Spalding county, in favor of Egbert P. j Daniel, vs John Lockhart. Property pointed out in said : mortgage fi.fa. A. A. WOOTEN, Deputy Sheriff. Spalding Mortgage s*ale for M’eh. WILL be sold, before the Court House door, in Griffin,Spalding c-ouuty, (!., on the First Tues day in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, viz: One Negro Fellow by the name of GABE. of yellow com plexion, 33 or 34 years of age, and bv trade a shoemaker Levied on as the property of John Lockhart, to satisfy a mortgage fi.fa. from Spalding Superior Court, in favor of Egbert P. Daniel, vs. said Lockhart. Property pointed out In said mortgage fi fa. A. A. WOOTEN, I) B. January Ist, 1856. Spalding Postponed Sheiifl Sale. WILL be sold, on the FIRST TUESDAY in February next, before the Court House door in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, within the usual hours of sale the fdluwi no property, to-wit: The West half of lot of land, No. 53 and the East half of j lot No. 54, lot No. 75, less ten acres off of the North East corner, ten acres off of the South East corner of lot No. 70, all in the fourth district of formerly Fayette, now Spalding county. Thirty barrels’ of corn, more or less, two bay horses and one buggy, one negro man Crezar, about 70 years old; Stephen.a man 43 years old; Gabo, a man 33 years •old; Sally, a woman 41 years old; Mary, a woman 33; Amy, a girl 13; liacliel and Jane, twin girls, 0; Wash, a boy 7; Mary, a girl 6; Bose, a boy 5: Wade, a boy 2; Mat, a boy 1 j or 2 years. All levied on as the property of C. C. Bowen, I to satisfy ohe ft. fa. issued frouj Carroll Superior Court, in J favor of William Amis, and other fi. fas, all vs. John Bowen,! William Bowen and Christopher C. Bowen. Property poyi- j led out by plaintiff. JOHN G. LINDSEY, Stiff. December, ID, 1355. .tils. Butts Mortgage Site riff Sales. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Jackson, Butts County, Ga., on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: one negro boy by the name, of Tom, about 18 years of age ; one negro man by the name of. John about (50 years of age; 1 Bay Horse; 1 Roan liorse; 1 Grey j Mule; 1 Buggy, and 1 two horse waggon. Levied on as j the property of William 11. Hunt, to . satisfy one mortgage; li fa from Butts Inferior Court, in fav r of Jesse B. Hunt.; Administrator of James K. Hunt, late of Washington Conn- i ty, deceased, vs W. B. Hunt. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. ’ . . ‘A - i ■ R. 0. BYARS, B. S. • Dec th, 15.55.. .32.. tds Ad’mfii st'-••?>Suit*. BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Pike county. will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Zebuloii, on the First Tuesday in February next, between the legal hours of sale, a Negro Man ironed Henry, about 60 years of age belonging to the Estate of William W. Ar nold, late of said county, deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms, at sale. JULIANA T. ARNOLD, Adnj’x. Dec. 2Gth, 1855. Administrator 1 * NstSe! WILL be sold in Zebulon, Pike county, Georgia, on the First Tuesday in February next. SEVEN TEEN of as LIKELY ‘YOUNG NEGROES as were ever offered in Middle Georgia, belonging to the estate of D. A. Aden, Deceased, sold by order of the Court of Ordi nary of said county. Terms ou the day of sale. C. W. ALLEN, Adm’r. December 25th, 1855. EORGIA, Pike County.—To all whom 3” it may concern—Whereas, William 11. Vaughn. aud j Thomas H Edwards, Administrators upon the Estate of John Vaughn, of said county deceased, applies for tetters of Dismission from tue Administration ot said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by jaw, to show ] cause, if any they have, why said Letters’ should not be I granted. Given under niv hand at office, this 27th daw of’ December, 1855. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Ord’y. , January Ist. 1*55. 36-6 m GEORGIA— PIKE COENTT. WHEREAS, Peter E. Fossett-and Green B. M. Blount I applies to me for’ Letters of Administration on he i Estate of John Brunt, late of said county, deceased: These are therfore to cite and admonish, all and singular, tbs persons interested, to lie and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cansif any they have, I why said letters should not be granted. Given under my luuid and official signature, this the 31st of Dec. 1855. J. C. BECKHAM, Oedinary. G 1 ../li .i.v, i-iutts county..—Whereas William Peck T applies to me for letters of administration on the es tate of Joseph G. Jenks, late of said county, deceased— _ These are ther fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of s tid demised to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in Jauuary next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shall not lie granted. Given under my hand & official signature, this Ist December, 1855. UK.XRY HENDRICK, I)cc. 12,1855 30ds Ord’y. G i. li lA. Connty.—'Whereas.’ James Jordan j applies to me for Letters of Administration, icith the will urine red, ou the Estate of William Harris, of said conn ty deceased— Tnese are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to te and appear at iny office within; the time law, to show cause, if any exist, why . said letters should nit be granted. Given under my baud at office., this Cth day Os Dec. I-55. ‘ J.tYBECKHAM Dec. 12,1855.... 30ds Ord’v. PIKE SUPERIOR COURT, October Term - 1855. Larkin Wilder, vs. Libel for Divorce. Nancy Wilder. IT j.pouring to-the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, th it the Defendant is not to be found in this County, aud it further appearing tb it she does unt reside in tips State. It is a motion, Ordered, Defendant appear and answer at the next. Term of this Court, or that ‘the cuse be considered in default aud the Plaintiff lie .o’lowed to pro ceed e eparte ; and that this Rale be published once a mouth for three months, in some public Gazette of this State. By the Court, WM. H. f \ HALL, ITUs Att v. A true extract taken from the Mi nates of pik Superior Court, October Term, 1855. Joa,v A. Cocubak, Gt 8. C. Oct. 23....20....3m. GEORGIA, Butts County. llarrold N. By ars applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the property of Harrold M. Amos, a miner cliild of John R, Amos, who lias seperate property in his own right, aud *e>o is under the age of fourte’en years. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons ifl terested, to be and appear at my office ou the second Mon day in January next, pi show cause, if any they have, why said letters should lint be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 5tU day of Dfec.', 1855. HENRY HENDRICK, Ordinarv, 35 4(hl. G EOIIGIA—PIKE CO UNT Y, IXTY days nfter date, application will be made to the Oul’nary of said county, forleave to sell jU the Lands > and N iroes belonging to the Estate rota cf c, id county, deceased. CARY W. ALLEN, Adm.r. Nov. 6, 1855.. .28, .60 ds. LEGAL S AES L . j ('UBOJttGIA, Buds County—Whereas, Janies W. .T Harkness applies to me for- letters-of- Administration on the estate of James Brice, late ofyjsid. county deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud 1 appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Februa ry next, to show causm if any they have, why said letters j should not be granted. .. ‘ . . .’ | Given under my hand and official signature, this 18th j Doc., 1855. HENRY HENDRICK, Ordinary. 35 .COds. , S~IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, in the Stale of Gc<r* gin, for leave to fell the land and M'groesW&nging to the estate of George L. Thompson, late of said conntv.deceased. WILLIAM J. THOMPSON, Admr. Doc. 18th, 1855.. .35. .God A?! iti I tta io B*'Bi Na Sc. | VI TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, be* j V V fore the Court How* door in Uassvillc, Cass county, Lot of land No. twelve hundred and twenty. (1220) seven teenth (17th) District, third Section, originally Cherokee now i’u ss county. Bold by order of the t-ourt of Ordinary of Butts county’ as. the property of the-estate ol Stephen ii. Duke, late of Butts countv, deceased BRITON BUTTRJLL, Admr. ! Dec. 23d, 1855.. .35. .ids. “Caravillc Standard” coppy, and present. Bill on day of | Sale. GI BORGU, FIKjB COtSTV—Whereas, James M. r Trice applies to me for Letters of Administration on | the estate of Patience .Tones, late of said county, deceased: j These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors es said deceased, to be aud appear j at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show’ cause, if any they have, why said’letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this Dec. 27th 1855. ‘J. G BECKHAM, Ordinary. A<l in hi! si n\ 1 0 r J s Hale. j ; DY virtue of an order of the Ourt of Ordinary, of &pjd i Ira ding epunty, will he sold on the first Tuesday In Feb* ! Diary next, before the Court House door in. OtoWa county. | lot of LAND, No. 282, in the 28th District of the.'3d Section . (ujgiually Cherokee now Catoosa county, containing 160 acres. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of { John Bates, late of Spalding county, deceased. WM. T. BATES, Adm'r. I October 17, ’55-tds. Notice. TWO months After elate .1 shall apply to the j Court of Ordinery of Meriwether county, for leave ; | to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Robert Rag-! • land, late of Troup countv, deceased, ibis 4th Dec 1855, j ‘ ISAAC C. BELL, , Dec 19, ’55... .2m Executor. i ! Not lev. nrtWO mouths after date application will be made to the j A Court of Ordinary of Meriwether bounty for leave to j soli the Land lying in said Meriwether county, belonging i to the estate of Isaac Wdden, late of ’Meriwether County, | deceased, this 4th day of December, 1855. ELEANOR WELDON. I Dec 19 ’55... .2m Qualified Executrix, i rpwo months after date nppMcation wi Ibe made to the ! .1 Honorable the Court of Ordinary, of Spalding county, j for leave to sell a negro woman by the harrfe of Mary, be- i tween 60 and 70 years of age., belou ing to the estate of 1 Daniel Shuptrine, late of said county deceased, To be sold ’ for the benefitof tlie heirs and creditors of said deceased. I JAMES SHUPTRINE, Adminiatiator. i January 16, 1850..... .37..... .2ai era ra ok era a. ki-aldj- pe “ry.-To ail vr w. A rsav • v.T concern : Whereas Jonas Boyd, Administrator upon j the estate of Samuel Boyd, late of said county deceased,! applies tome for letters*of diemtniraion fro.m the admin is- j trutioa of saideatace ; Therefore the kindred and credit’ ra of said.deceased,are ! heibby cited and admonished t y file their objections, it” any they have, in my office, in terms of the law, otherwiie j ; letters dismissory will be y ranted said applicant at the | ! next August term of the Court of Ordinary for said coun- i j ty. ‘ JAM EH H MANGIIAM Ordinarv. j Jan. 23, 1856 38....4m * | (By’O'iojA. P!k con <y.- To all whom it may con- j I com : Whereas J. A, Potts, Administrator of the es-1 tate of Abram R. Wright, of said county,, deceased, applies ! to-me for letters of dismission from said estate ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular ; the kindred and creditors: of said deceased, to be and an-! pear at my office within the timeperccvibed by law, to I show cause, if any they have, why raid letters should not! be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 17th Jan-! arv, 1656. J. O BECKITAM, Ordinarv. j j Jan. 23, 1856 38.. .im j ‘7 / li-c.RkIA. I ike V.hcreun Amanda B. Em-1 I v T finger. Aduiihi.tratrix of the estate o f Martha T.Boyd, S deceased, me. for- klter? diaarissorv from said ea-! tate : j These are. therefore to cite and aidmofiHili all and singidar • the heira and creditor?.,, to *ba and (tppiyr at my office with- \ in the time.prescribedf v Jaw, to show cause, if any they f liave, w'hv,s.tid letters should net be granted- Given under • mv hand at office, this January 17, 1566. J. JU BECKHAM, Ordinarv, j Jan. 23, 1856 38 4m | G EOKGIA PIKE COUNTY. | Cx.nrt (if Ordinary Rif said county, January Term , 1858. It appearing to the Court, from the petition . of John Fox worth and Cudesman pope, Executors of the estate of Stephen M B. Hasclden deceased.'that they .have fully ad ministered the estate of said deceased, and’ praying to be dismissed therefrom: Ordered that notice of their said application be publish ed iti terms of the law. that all persons concerned may take notice thereof, and file their objections, if any they'have, on or before the first Monday in August next,, and show cause why said letters should not at this time-be granted. A true extract from the minutes of the Court. . JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Qrdinary, Zebulon, Jan. 22d. 1858 4 38, 6m. “ii “ii;k lira.” ; f JMIE exercises of tbis. Academy will begin on Monday ! _X the 7th of January next, under the'supervision of NA i THAN B. DRAKE. The session will close on the last i Friday in May. Students entering the school at any time ! during the session, will be charged for the remaning part j of the session; no deduction being made for abscepce, ex i cept in cases of protracted illness. I BILL OF TUI T ION. | For Orth ogre ‘by, Kcading arid Writing;! $ 8.00 “ English Grammar, Ge.'giaphy iuuTArithmetic,. . 12,00 “ Natural philosophy aid Physiology,.-. . 13,00 “ Latin, Greek, Alge ra, Geometry &e., 16,00 “ Contingent expeusi s,. 1,00 Particular attentiun wi! be given to the practical branch ■ cues of education. Griffin, Nov. 30th, 1655.. .31. ,ts. OR. W. H MOSELEY, j _ Continues to oiler ills pnfieraianal services to the citizens of Griffin and vicinity, in the various depart meats of Medicine and Surgery. He feels confident that he he can give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with tla-ir patronage. His unprece dented success for the past teu years in the treatment of both Chronic k Acute Ei&fuses, j Such its Rheumatism, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Piles, ! Fits, Affections of the Liver aud Kidneys, Cauceroua Af ! tfiWioHr’aud Typhoid |'e• j vers, Pneumonia, and the various diseases incident to Fe males, should not be overlooked by the public, in decidin'- upon his merits. V2..-U1 Ministers of the Gospel, poor Widows imdO.rphans, will be attended tc. free. of.charreL ftn.Ollii'e arid residence ori Broadway, jo/ Griffin, Gin, May 3, 1855. f jy A Valuable Plantation for Sale }N Foutb-wefitom Georgia, coniaininc 3033 acres, as good Iraud as any iu Georgia ; Com, Fodder, Oats, and Stock : ot all kinds (slid with the place, if desired. ; Mv Lot containing 2 acres, and a large and convenient DWELLING, in West Griffin. Yira.All indebted will please call and settle. lam determined to clo*e ffiy business, as I am actually determiuecl to move to Florida. o, j c - D- 1855. .25.,. ts ■>. . f. T DEUPREE. #. PERDUE, AUCTION £ [Oll MERCHANT’ GRIFFIN, GEO II GI A. Hah opened a bouse on Broadway, for the purpose of conducting ?.n Auction and Commission Busmens. All Goods consigned to him will meet w ith prompt attention Instructions will be fully and faithfully carried out. Nov 23,'55 6m Handsome Reward for tin: Thief .with ]j£f 5 ccwyrcT, . TD-jY"*, STOLEN from tny lot on thy evening of the tb nf July last, one of my FARNHSS HOUSED, ■ tkmjm about 11 years old; 15 or 154 hands high—a sor rel. He is a very notable horse from the fact that he has humps much resembling young horn? over his eyes---unite raw-bone looking, it is .supposed a negro belonging to Mr. Henry Spier, of Mclntosh, rode him off—tin, negro be ing seen on him and was lodged in Griffin Jail when next jieard from. Any ■ information to nyj <‘r C. TVDcupreii in K (lrifiia, )vjjl,h*itliikfitliy rceCived and amply compcnsa tea. My residence is about 4 miles from Mclntosh, Kiaen afoone county, and 4 milts from Richland, on the Golumbm road. . SOLOMON HARRELL. October 10.1855. • |p PIERCE fmm COLLEGE. FL A r SIIOA LS , MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. r THIi E next Session of this Institution will begin JL on the second Wednesday iu January next. The Col lege has been in successful operation for the past year though in its infancy, from the other fitany advantages con nected with strict economy, it lias enjoyed a patronage sur passing the most sanguine expectations of its friends. Its establishment is no longer an experiment, but a fixed fact. Parents can educate their daughters here, at a less expeuso, than any where else in the State. There is a full Corps ol Instructors in the Institution, 3E2 X-l. 3MI & - The usual charge in other Institutions for tuition and board, as embraced in oar scholarship, is tfom s3® > ,which wo tunush at. ... K . ..?2-.}() When a Hehdlarshlp in foil is not desired. Tuition including the Languages ....SSO Music, with use of Instrument, ■ • • - • 40 -Drawing and Paiuting,. t 20 Embroiderv, • ■> * • 20 Wax Work, 10 There are no extra charges. Board, exclusive of light, can be bud at $lO }ier-■ month._ All extravagance in dress is not only forbidden, but strict ly prohibited. There lias not been a cure of sickness in the Institution during the. past year. With these advantages, we respect ful !v solicit a c-cntinuanee of patronage. T. C. STANLEY, President k Proprietor. October 30, 1655.. . .27... .tlj. | Savannah News copy till l>t Jan.,and sendbill."¥-$. ‘Fall Trade!! NEW aOOOSTNEW 6000S1 TIIE subscribers would respectfully inform tlitir friends and tb.e pulilie generally, t’nat they have in store aud are receiving direct from New York,, a full supply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, consistiug iu part or FANCY A D STAPL DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, HABD* i W ARE, GROt EERY, BAGGING, ROPE. SUGAR. COFFEE, SALT and TOBACCO, ; ami all other articles usually kept in this market, which • they would invite the public to call and examine before ! purchasing elsewhere, as they arc determined to sell as ! cheap as the cheapest. S. B. McWILLIAMS .V CO. At the old stand of McWilliams k Cos, • Hill Street, Griffin. Ga. j Oct. 24,1655 ts FOR SALE!! rnifE COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, in West 1 Griffin, at present occupied by Col. A. B. Mathews.. Persons desirous of purchasing would do well to examine | the premises, as the house must positively be sold. I’osses ; si on given lirst of next January. Apply at the store of C. il. JOHNSON k. C’o., ! Griffin, Sept. 10th. ’55. .'2O. .ts Hill street. illfißyr i emu : rpilK undersigned, having located in | Jl. West Griffin, near the Planter's Hotel, i-> sC-'AM'iMI j now prepared to CUT and MAKE DRESSES. VSS&aUS4 and TRIM BONNETS in the LA'TEST FASHIONS; also j will CUT and MAKE CLOTHING for GENTLEMEN.— ! ALL WORK WARRANTED! j MISS L. E. MATTHEWS ! Grifliu. January Bth, 1856, j A YOUNG LADY, a graduate of the Synodical ColiejreJ XX who has had some experience in teaching, desires a i situation as Teacher. Reference—the Rev. Cxkusi.k P. B. ; M artix, former President of the College. Application ! can be made at tiiis office—or to Miss W. Griffin, Git. ; Dec- 19- 055 tf’ ‘ WThT “BaejlDERSOHrr | Carriage Maker, near Sharon Grove, Fay ! ette comity, Ga., can make to order at short | \AP vy notice, single seat and slide seat BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES AND PLANTATION WAGONS. Also, repairing done at short notice, and in thevery best ! Kind of style- U- sx, All work warranted, j Sep. 26, 1855....22 ts INFIRMARY. rpHE undersigned have opened, in the city of Atlanta, an .L Infirmary, for the reception of patients laboring under I medical or surgicaltreatment. Au intelligent nurse and faithful seiwnnts will be in con j slant attendance, and will give their attention to the sick at i all hours, day or night, when required, i The surgical department will be under the control of TV. F. WESTMORELAND, ; who \> ill give prompt attention to injuries,and every variety I o£disease requiring surgical operati ms. J i ITie usual fiscs adopted by the physicians of Sic city will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board JAc. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that they will be properly attended to, and, if after an ex amination it he determined that there is no prospect of re lief, thv will be sent home without any charge. W. F. WESTMORELAND, M. D. J. G. WESTMORELAND, M. D. Atlanta, May 16, ’55. 3 ts /N THE andersigncdwould respectfully inform liis friends, and the public generally.that lie has recently made extensive additions to his general stock i. GOODS, of which the following comprise only a part, viz : English, American and SPANISH SADDLES, BridleSjHarnes &Cos ars A variety of Carpet and Saddle Bags, Coach, Stage, Twig and Overseers’ Whips, Stirrups, Spurs, Bits and Bridle Mounting. ALT Any work made to order iu the neatest and most tasty manner, at short notice. restrict attention given to repairing in all branches of the business. The attention of Harness Makers and Carriage Trim mers, is called to his stock of PATENT. ENAMELED LEATHERS, which he keeps constantly cm hand at lowa-t market prices. N. B. I am enabled to offer inducements to buyers, who’ will find it to their interest to give nm a call before pur chasing elsewhere. „Be. sure, and call in at. the first door north of Banks’’ Shoe-Shop, east side olMlill-street, JAMES L. JOHNSON. Griffin, Ga.. May 3, 1855-ly 1 GROCERIES AUD STAPLE DRY-TOODST ~ JUST received the largest and best: 'elected stock of Gro ceries and Staple Dry Goods, ever offered before in this market, and we are determined to sell at very short profits for the CASH, among our stuck may he found the follow ing articles: 100 Bales Gunny Bagging, : 200 Coils New York and New Orleans Rope, j 100 Sacks prime Rio Coffee, 1 25 “ Laguira anil old Government Java, 50 Bids Stewarts A. Sugar, 10 Hints choice N. O. do 5 “ “ Purtorico, do 300 lfbls and Tierces Liquor, 100 Kegs Nails and Brads, 20,000 Common and choice b and Cigars, Osnalmrgs, Blankets, Kerseys, Calicos, Homespuns, kc., kc. All of which will be sold low for cash bv Sept IS,- ‘55-tf HILL A. SMITH. To Blacksmiths! T>LAGKKMITUS Tool? for sale by HILUfc SMITH. II Sent. 19, ‘55 ts iraStAT LBIYISEFi 11 ~ SAULDING’S STEAM MILL, r I‘AIFR subscriber having leased the above Mill, being an JL txperteaced Machinest, and having supplied himself With a lcarge quantity of the best ions. timbbiw. hoping to c able at short notice, to furnish those with hfmber, who may favor him with* their orders—orders left with A. A. Gauiding, or A. B. DtuTffy at Griffin, will receive prompt attention. Jan. Bth. 1856. Jas. W. MOORE. xixanxji cfc smith, WHOI.KSALE AND RETAIL GROCERIES! m ROWARt!! Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods!!! aarCenter of Hill aud Solomon Street*/’©* Griffin. Mav 3,1855. INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES, r PHE undersigned have opened in this city,an Infirmary J. for the reception of Negroes who may heed medical or surgical treatment. It is conveniently situated in a house just across tho Alley from the New Passenger Depot, and is now ready to receive patients, ,} The charge.* for board will V merely expenses, those tor medical treatment anu surgical dpera tious. such as customary. fl-y : .PliU)tcrs aud others who may,send tva patients from a distance, may depend-on their servants receiving every at tentiouthat may be required. JAMES MERCER GILEEN, M. D. „ HENRY L. RATTLE, M. D. __ Jocnai-y 16, IbSft 36 3m t: I T'Tupiged his residence aid office to the firet lot la- J.l lWMrs. Reeves’ Boarding llous>, on the oast side o. I l *te. Railroad, nearly opposite, the Frci vht Dentit, vvhi re >o ! iomd ut all tiiucri iciuiy to to collh, ; when pyoiemogally engaged. ...4 * 1 Griffin. Ga., May 3. 1856* ‘ iy DEKTTXSTS.X. CtEAVELAND & LUNQUEST Have opened a DENTAL OFFICE at the (mpss||Sp|SKcerner of Hill Street and Broadway, Griffin, “^^JXxjlTGa., and are prepared to put in full or partial seta of artificial teeth of the l;cit mate rial ami workmanship ; the most difficulteases fitted with accuracy —also an artificial gum introduced to supply the deficiency resulting from the loss of the natural teeth, and bestows on the physiognomy all the grace and regularity which are the mostbrilliant appendages of beauty. In fact every facility and attention employed to accomplish the different points requisite to produce a PERFECT SET OF TEETH, * ; viz- a neat fit of the plate to the mouth, to be worn without inconvenience, and the requisite shade, style and proportion o.’ the teeth, ua. Decayed teeth neatly filled with gold, and ~ i,fettcare taken to render the operation attendant with as lit tf paiuaspossibte. Those past tilling, Skillfully extracted if desiied. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, and charges reasonable. AI.LEN CLKAVKLANI), JOHN M. LUNQUEST. jets’JOHN M. LUNQUEST will continue the Watch Re pairing and Jewelry b isiness. Also Daguerreotype ta ken in the best style of the art. Terms reasonable. May 3, 1855-ti 1 A. W. BENH AM &, CO., DEALERS IN PLAIN & FANCY CABINET WARE. HILL STREET GRIFFIN, GA. * J&T The public are respectfully invited to call feSupasfe-at our New Furniture Store, opposite G. 11. leJLvsr'ti Johnson & Co.’s, east side of Hill Street, / qt and examine our stock of new and beautiful :ssu , '6L;r®t.mtu zees 9 consisting in part of Fine French Sofas, Sofa Beds, Tcte-a- Tetes ; Splendid Mahogany Wardrobes, Marble Top Tables, Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut and Extension Dining tables ; Secretaries, Bureaus and Sideboards, of the very rarest quality and finish. Anew and beautiful article of Cottage Chamher Furniture. Ornamentally painted, comprising a set as follows: One Bureau, one Bedstead, Sink and Wash-stand. Toilet Table. Towel Stand, Four Parolr Chairs, and a Rocking Chair. 3Bed.iste>£ic3. cfc? • From the lowest to ttic highest prices. tfS„The above, and many other articles not enumerated, we are prepared to sell on as low terms as can he obtained in any similar establishment in Western Georgia, May 3,18 Jo. ‘ ts :mr zees ikst mm r i” <sl& ®Z2 jbfsl * PIPEIT& WHITE, WEST SIDE OF lIILL STREET, GR IFF IN, .GEORGIA. •.5 i HAVE just received their FALL and WIN- \jßi liT Ell SUPPLY OF GENTLEMEN’S -Li G-oods, -M. To which they invite especial attention. Their stock com prises careful selections from the most approved and beau tiful styles in the Now York market—Consisting of Black and Fancy Colored CLOTHS, Doeskin CJSSI MERES, Fancy Velvet and Silk VESTINGS, Gloves, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, fyc.,tyc. READY MADE CLOTHING. Sncli as Black, Brown and Blue Frock and Sack GOATS, OVERGO ATS, PANTS, VESTS HATS, AND CAPS, and a variety of other articles usually comprising a Mirren ant Tailor's Furnishing Stock!!! TERMS CASH! ©a jgyGentlcmcn who favor ns with their orders, will find our prices moderate and our goods what we represent them tube. Call and see ns. Nov. 21,1835. 30-ts wTrTphiliips & CO., kIT Lnder Masonic Hall, “&-A BEG leave to inform their friends, and the public gener allv, that they are now receiving- their stock of FALL WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, such as DeLanes, Marinoes, Persian Cloths and Silks, from $9 to SSO per pattern, moriantique styles, superior to any tiling ever before exhibited in this market ; a very large assort ment of CLOTH TALMAS, MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS, from $3 to $23. Also, a beautiful assortment of Morian tique Mantillas and Cloaks, at reasonable prices, from sl2 to SSO each ; and a very great variety ..of other articles, se lected with great care, expressly to suit the fancy and taste of the Ladies. Therefore, none need to go to* any other market to find cheaper or finer Goods. We also call atten tion to our assortment of 4E&- JSFSL.<SO& SR 9 RE A D Y-M A DE CLOT 111 NO, HOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, as well as a great many articles too tedious to mention. AH who are desirous of looking to their own interest in trade, would do well to examine their stock before making purchases, as they are satisfied they have the prettiest, fi nest, cheapest and best selected stock of Goods in the city. Griffin, Ga., October 3, 1855 NEW FALL GOODS! Corner of Broadway and Hill Streets. CIXHE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and cus- JL tomers, and the public in general, that he is now re ceiving the largest stock of DOMESTIC, STAPLE AND ‘FAN” tRY ROODS that has ever been offered in this market. I-Ie is also open a great variety of superior CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Thankful for past favors, he hopes, together with the great variety of his stock, and low prices, to merit an in creased share of patronage. JOSEPH ENGEL. Griffin, Sep. 26, 1853. 22 6m Great A tlruction! FALL AND WiNTER GOODS! C|MU; subscribers take pleasure in calling the attention JL of the public to their large stock of FALL and WIN TER GOODS! which they have now on hand and arc re ceiving every week, consisting in part as follows : Ladies r Dre s s Goods! of every description ; Shawls, Mantillas, Cloaks and many other goods, too numerous to mention. Also, a good sup ply of DOMESTIC GOODS ! Their stock of READY MADE CLOTHING Ami Gentlemen’s Fnrniuhlng Goods! Is a splendid one, containing everything in that line for men and boy's use. They have also a well selected stock of 1} OOTS AN 1) SHOES! from their own Wholesale Establishment in New York. jSS*LADII)S AND GENTLEMEN, as two of our firm are residents of New York,'both having long experience in this business, and from wlionti We receive new supplies WEEKLY, we are enabled to show you new Goods at Lower Prices than has ever been offered before in this market. AW Please give us a call and vou will see the cheapest Stove is at L. SIIULMAN & BROS. Griffin, October 10,1855. 3m T ... .... . t _ , . . . . MONEY! MONY! /-MASH PAID for LIND WARRANTS. Apply to L DANIEL A. JOHNSON. Griffin, Ga., June 20,1855 5... .ts WIIITE LEAD! 1A A KEGS No. 1, Extra and Pure White Lead, just re -lUU ceivcd and for sale by HILL A SMITH. Griffin, Sept 19, ’55 ts OIL! OIL,!! Linseed, sperm, tanners, castor and ma chine OIL, for gale low for cash by Sept HI, VS-tT HILL & SMITH. Gs 1A PAIRS of Mens’ Kip and Calf Brogans, at SI,OO OoU 150 pair Ladies’ Kid Buakinsat 00 cents, just re ceived , and for sale by I. T. BANKS & CO W. lESTdff, ~ ,HE well known SASH MAKER, may he found at his old stand, between the stores of A. Gray and Colo A lone. All work in bis lino done with neatness and oraptitude, aim at reasonable prices. Griffin, July 4th, 1855. * ts T 3 THE PUBLIC! ALL persons are hereby notified not to trade ‘ for a cer tain Promisory Note,.-given by me toAlrs. Brooks, of this county, sometime in the Spring of 1854, for twenty dollars. The considerations.for which said note was giv en, having failed, lain determined not to pay it, unless compelled by law to do so. L. U, McCUTCIIEON. Griffin. October 6,1855. .28. ,St. ifflommiius culm: THE Exercises of this Institution will be re sumed under the Presidency of liev. J. C, PATTER ON, on Monday, the 7tb of- m \ Griffin. Dec 19, ’55...... aJlyur pxent. .. wfeawT,7’fn J%‘ H* ! CARRIAGE REPOSITORY GRIFFIN, GEORGiA, ‘ 00., AUK receiving every variety of CARRIAGES, winch they will sell as low as earn be bought in any Southern Market ; consisting of COACHES. SLIDE-PEAT REGGIES, FAMILY WAGONS, ROCKAWAYS, HARNESS NO-TOl’ BUGGIES. CONCORD BUGGIES, HACK WAGONS. TOP BUGGIES, WHIPS, Ao NORTHERN MADE fl HACK WAGONS WAYOHS of all sizes, for ho ii si: s. “ ITH BRAKE AXD RACIC IS® 5 * Any style of Carriage or Wagon, got up to order, at short uetiee WOKKWAIIII A N T E ! ML W. WOODRUFF, WM. L. GORDON. Griffin, Ga., May 16,1855. GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY. imi cas ii —^ ALSO, Admirably adapted to many Diseases of Females, most especially Painful Menstruation. THE VIRTUES OF JACOB’S CORDIAL are'too well known to require encomiums. Ist. It curbs the worst cases of Diarrhosa. 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysenteric. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhcea. 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 7th. It cures Painful Menstruation. Bth. It relievbs Pain in Back and Loins. 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency. 10th. It restores Irregularities. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical Feelings. 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic. A few short Extracts from Letters, Testi monials, &c. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valuable remedy. llon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Georgia.” “It gives ine pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial, my own personal experience, and tlie experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a mm mmi mvm FOR SALE!! THE subscribers having determined to sell their property at this celebrated watering place, now offer for sale the INDIAN .SPRING HOTEL PROPERTY, containing feur acres of Laml. The buildings, are in good condition, and sufficiently -corny to accomodate four hundred persons. KitchensSmoke-lrouse and other out building?, together with the St; file, arc entirely new. Tim Hotel Furniture is mostly new, and can be purchased with the property at a reduced price- Persons wishing to engage in the Hotel business, at a FASHION ABLE WATERING PLACE, or to invest money in valuable Real Estate, can do so by call ing and examining the premises. Attached are fine Garden Spots and wood privilege. We would like to roll for CASH or good Paper bearing interest ar.d will give ary time de.vr.d : at and now offer a bargain. Call ami nee ua, or address us at Indian Springs, Butts County, Ga. ‘ A. J. VARNER, J. M. VAUXKB, C. L. VARNER. August Ist, 1855,. .15. .ts. GriSin Hygeiap InstilMte. #ls now ready with ample accommodations for tlte reception and treatment of patients. Invalids hav ing either acute or chronic di ’eases, are treated l>y the only rational and philosophic method yet discovered, which sustains and builds up the sufferer, instead of poison ing, prostrating and destroying. By the skilful and sanitary application and use of pure . air and water, and proper dirt, with exercise and control'of ; the passions, the desponding sick may yet hope ft# health j aid long iiie. Diseases which .are incurable, arc greatly; palliated by this systi n:. The Institution is under the superintendence of Dr. Sam- ‘ nel t.v raffiy known in this community. It i- lo cated one mile north of Griffin—a situation nna-.-.rpusccd f.a- | beauty ar.d salubrity. Invalids will be charged accc-ruirg ; to amount of attention -required. The ustuil charge is from $7 to sl6 per week. 1 a tf* Persons coining to the WAT I *.” rtr IST- .'should furnish themselves, if at aii convenient, with necessary bed ding. and two extra sheets and blankets, ar.d umr towels.— Otherwise thev will be elnirgcd for the use of the same. May 3, Is A3. ly \c;*y v* ‘<•*.': ■’T- * / ‘\ The proprietor of the well known stand RI ALTO, having'’fitted up the front room in the. finest style, is now opening a tine stock of Groceries and Confectionaries, all fresh ar.d’‘genuine,’’all of which he will .>ll low for cash. Among them will be found crushed ami powdered Sugar ; all kinds of Pickles ; pickled Lobsters ; u line lot of Natural Preserves ; Prunes in jars for table use ; pre served figs and dates; SODA 9 UTT and PicNic Crackers : Bardine-- and Catsup ; R-: .!bb and American Mustard'; tine Layer Raisons ; Nuts of ali kinds; an assorted lot of Candies, Ground Pepper ; Carbonate of Soda ; Peal Starch. Table Salt, God Fish, Irish Potatatoes, Rice, Mes pork and Van- i kee Beans ; nil kinds of Fruit, Dried Reef, and ’Mnf Bolongna Sausigesk'v.ud StK-if Lrf! c larit*.?, Gfen •-***'die.*of all kiiKis. His Bur has be en belUtul iri l the rear, which will be found as usual, full of the Beat ft ‘ Liquor.-, and Cigars, and his well known Bar cr. will be ibm.d always ready to make his custom- ’ cr-- any thing in hi.- lido. ItriL ICE ahvas milmud. Thankful ‘or past favor-, he is determined to retain the good reputation he lr s gained for himself and house. J. I). SHERRI LI,. Griffin, May 3, i855--tf SCmRHUSEREj'SIfc be OUREfI LET THE POBiiO WM ! JN mercy to the afflicted, and t!> gratitude and high ■ ron ion I entertain of DR. .MOSELEY as a Ruv. ( iia ui l’hy ridun, I deem it my duty to mention the 1 ease of niy wife, hoping at the same"time that all pers ms similarly diluted, may lie bmetitted by it. in the first part of this year, my wife had several small lumps make (heir appearance in her nreast; they continued to im.iw. -e in isire, until the whole lu-enst became a diseased mass, and very j: land. 1 pnfeured tlie best medical aid in the city of Romo,and notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention of our most skillful physi cians, she continued to grow worse and worse, until they gave the case up as incurable, and advised amputation, “l was advised by many of my friends, to visit Dr. Moseley, of Griffin, Ga., which 1 did, and, astonishing as it may seem, he had her entirely cured within one month, and she is now \ in ‘gegd health! I would adyi- e all who are afflicted With fieirrhus, m-.U Gfincei-ous uilci tioj s to visit tlie Doctor with out delay, m I am satisfied bv OKperiehee ith.d observation, that, he is the most skillful physician iu the Sou them States, in the treatment of that horrible dl ease—cancer. ATM. 11. MITCHELL, M. E. MITCHELL. Daughter of J. AY. Bradbury, RQffie, Ga. Roinft, Ga„ Oetolrer 25, 185-L * 5-1 y W. R. PHILLIPS CK H AVE just received by exmera. direct from New York a nice oassortmeut of AJ-He and msuv oth er fine . fashionable silks, as well r- $t varu ty es othe r arti cles suited to the wants of both Ladies and Gentlemen. Griffin, Dec. 4th, 1855.. .81. ts sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that K* purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy. WM. 11. UNDERWOOD, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit 1 * “I take great pleasure in recommending this invalu able medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for’ which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me. A. A. GAULDING, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.’*’ “I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and Ibis, with all I bear about it as a remedy by those who haver tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend< its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. MILES G. DOBBINS, Cashier of the Bank of tlie State of Georgia, Griffin.”’ “ If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jacob’*’ Cordial must stand preeminent above all other prepara tions for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most if not all other ‘ patent ’ preparations. A. FLtiRIIISu, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin.” “ This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonapnrte pushed his columns into Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used.” Georgia. Jeffer- I soman, May 19tA, 1853. Dr. McLANE’S CELEBRATED YEKMIFUGE Eil YEK * PSIiliS. Two of the best Preparations of the Agee They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling W orms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory | results to various animals I subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, See. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by lemma wdicob. sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge j and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are i. worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver j Pills can now be had at | all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole Proprietors* f A Soovil A Mend, . .vile Aj cnts for the-So -c. tiers must be address VSaJtl Y W,B. y Griffin. On ; John Still well, McDonough X .* r. Greet ville ; Hanes & Lasseter, Joucs u ; . Smith I zzaul, Atlan ta ; Win Barrett, bn r; J ( tfittle, Jackson ) McKelbenv & M Yy, li'-n t S;.ii igs'; Harwell & Weaver, The inn ton': L Little, Barnesyllle. J.n. If., 4,856.. ..36... .ly