The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, February 27, 1856, Image 3
Tennessee Suit against the State Kail Hoad. UKPORT OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE. Your Committee, appointed by a resolution of the Senate, in accordance with the re commendation of his Excellency the Govern or, contained in his message, in relation to suits, by certain citizens of the State of Tenn essee in the Courts of that State, against the State of Georgia, for alleged damages claimed to have been sustained by those citizens, fail ing to chip promptly, and for unseasonable detention of produce and merchandise owned by said citizens, aud registered for shipment or transportation over the Western and A thin tic Railroad,have had those suits, the evidence and proceedings had therein, under considera tion, and beg leave to make the following re port: To have a proper understanding of the question un ler consideration, it will be neces sary to examine the Legislation of the Stale of Tennessee, conferring on the State of Geor gia, the right to const net a part of the West ern and Atlantic Railroad in that State. The State of Tennessee by an act of her Legislature passed January 14th, 1833-granted to the State of Georgia the right to extend and construct the Western and Atlantic Kail Road from the Georgia lino to the Tennessee river, with all the privileges, rights aud im- Jnnnities, and subject to the same restrictions, as far as they are applicable as were granted by the State of Tennessee to the Iliwassee Railroad Company. ‘I he Sta e of Tennessee by an act of her Legislature passed February 3d 1846 —conferred upon the State of Geor gia, so far as the Western & Atlantic Rail road is concerned, all the rights and privil eges and immunities, with the same res’ric tions as were conferred by the State on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Compa ny. By virtue of the privileges conferred by the acts, the State of Georgia constructed portion of the Western and Atlantic Railroad in the State of Tennessee, upon the terms specified in the above recited acts. Your committee are of the opinion, that the State i of Georgia by accepting the terms, privileges and immunities, as well as the resolutions spe cified, become liable to be sued in the Courts of Tennessee, and consented to waive so much of her sovereignty, as to authorize suits to be brought in those Courts, tor causes of action arising in the State of Tennessee, for injuries default, or negligence on the part of the Agents < f the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Your committee arc of the opinion that the causes of these suits originated for the want of a suf ficient equipage of locomotives and cars to transport the business of tlie road. In the year 1852, the amount of produce offered lor transpotation over the Western & Atlan tic Railroad was very large, and the facilities of the road for doing a heavy business was very limited. The road was mainly depend ent fur frieght cars, on the Georgia, Macon A Western and Central Railroads, which Roads to some extent claimed and exercised the right to prescribe the quality of frieghts transported in their respective cars. In consequence of the exercise of iliis right, great difficulty arose in transporting the frieghts over the road in the order of their registry, and most of the suits submitted to our examination were •predicated on a claim for damages in behalf of the plantiffs for non-shipment of produce, reg istered by them for transportation over the road, within a reasonable time, and in the or der of their registry. Annexed to this report is a Statement of the number o f suits brought, lbr what brought, of the amount claimed, and of those determined, how much recovered to gether with a brief of the evidence, in those cases, and the proceedings had therein. The suits have been brought not against the State of Georgia, as defendent, but against the Western & Atlantic Railroad, which, your committee consider irregular and erroneous, inasmuch as there is no such natural person as the Western & Atlantic Railroad, neither has there been created by the Legisla.ure of G or gia or Tennessee, any such artificial person or corporation, for all the rights, privilege* and immunities conferred by the State of Tennes see; were conferred upon the State of Geor gia; and not upon a company called the West ern Sc Atlantic Railroad. 4he Western & Atlantic Railroad, is not a Company or Cor pordtiou -but simply the line of a Railroad, extending from the city of Atlanta to the ci ty of Chattanooga, and is the property of the State of Georgia; consequently, we are of the opinion that there is and was, no defendant iu these cases, and the proceedings had here in, were, and are void as against the State of Georgia, and the jndgmets had therein of no binding force or efit-ct upon the property of the State of Georgia, situated in Tennessee or elsewhere. Most of the cases decided, have been determined by submission to arbi tions. Your committee would recommend, that the cases still pending, lie vigorously de fended in the Courts of Tennessee; and that no more of them be submitted to arbitration. Your committee would further recommend that the Road be equipped in srich a manner as to enable the agents to transact the buff ness offered, with dispatch and promptness, which we believe would largely increase the profits of the road, and greatly benefit the citizens of the State residing on that line of the road. We would further recommend, that a freight list be established, graduated in the distance, which freights are carried over that Road. l r our Committee are divided in opin ion upon the question, as to whether Georgia ought or ought not, to sell, or dispose of that portion of the Western A Atlantic Railroad lying in the State of Tennessee; and upon that subject, beg leave to m iko no further re port. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. 11. CONE, Chairman. Presidential Election. it is possible that the duly of choosing the next President may devolve upon Congress. The following table therefore posesses interest in this connection It shows the States that voted for Banks, Opposition, and Aiken, Democrat, at the recent election for Speaker : BANKS STATES. M aine. Vermont. Massachusetts. New Hampshire. Connecticut. Kliode Island. New York. New Jersey. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Indiana. Illinois. Michigan. Wisconsin —14 States. Iflwa was divided—l Banks, 1 Aiken. RECAPITULATION. Banks States. 14 1-2 J Anti-Banks State 16 1-2 ANTI-BANKS STATUS. Delaware. Virginia. North Carolina. Maryland. /South Carolina. Georgia. Alabama. Florida- Mississippi. Louisiana. Texas Missouri. Arkansas. Tennessee. Kentucky. California—l 6 States lion. .James L, Seward. Messrs Editors.—As “Southern Rights,” in the Republican of the 13th inst., desires in formation of the whereabouts of ‘Mr Seward, during the last ballot for Speaker of the House of Representatives,’ I propose imparting that information, without questioning the patriotic (?) motives actuating him. Mr. S. was in Georgia attending to some very urgent business; but before leavimg Washington City he ‘paired off’ with a mem ber supporting Mr. Hanks for Sp akcr, lienc ■ the Son h nor the First District receiving the least injury by his absence, o ould it no> be better for ‘Southern Rights’ to inquire by what peculiar coincidence Messrs Trippe and Foster were found voting with the celebrated ‘.Joshua Uhidings ? Would it n t be better for ‘Southern Rights’ to l-sun h s ominous warning to the people of Georgia when acts committed —arts m cessarv t> iuves ! Ration and if fonnd injurious to the South, then to receive that punishment which they merit. But I cannot say this forever picking at one who, whenever the issue became important or depended upon his individual efforts, was al ways found ready for the eonfl'et —I re eat, I cannot say I admire this course, especially when one is led to believg* that hostility to the individual, and not a too overweening jealou sy for sectional rights, no doubt, is the incen tive. Must Mr. Seward inform ‘Southern Right-,’ on every occasion, when he is called off from Washington City, or about vis ting his home, to first obtain his consent, that the First Dis trict of Georgia may not be awoke from that peaceful repose consequent upon a* recent political conflict, with the startling sound of word ‘look’! Must Mr S. be responsible f>r j ‘Southern Rights’ want of information, when ‘ it is a notorious fact that the reason of his ab sence at the taking the vote on the Nebraska i bill was in consequence of his sick family ? Did not his competitor for Congressional , honors, in the late canvass, repeatedly present 1 tie's matter to the people on the hustings, and was Ire not always informed that, the impera-; live demand of a sick family hurried him away, i not, though, befo e lie ‘paired off’ with a, .gen tleman radically I ostile to the bill ? These are facts, well known, I presume, at j least should be known, especially to political; videttes Mr. S. has never been know n to neglect his ; business. Had such been his character, the; city of Savannah would never have recciv j cd the appropriaiion of $161,000 for improv- j ing the navigation of that portion, of the Sav j atinnh river from its mouth to that city; and her citizens would now, no doubt, be laboring: under the burden of taxation to meet that amount. I advise ‘Southern Rights’ to look : to that. One of Mr. Seward’s Friends. Dublin Ga. Feb. 15 1840. From the Federal Union. In the present alarming crisis of the conn try, what should be done to beat back the aggression of anti-.-.lavery fanaticism, and if possible to prevent a dissolution of the Union? Allow me to answer the important question.— The friends of the Constitution everywhere, and especially the friends of the constitutional rights of the Southern States, should unite, as with the voice of one man,forgetting all for mer party i.-snes, an 1 let our enemies see and know how vain and delusive are their hopes of keeping us waring upon each other, upon exploded and insignificant issues. Let us re gard the man who would continue such Givi sions among ourselves, at this time, as our open enemy—as an emissary of the unholy alli ance of New England, Old England, and French Abolitionists. At a time like tli s, no true patriot will bo found laboring to keep alive tiie foul Demon of party strife t t e So .tli. Nor wll he lie foil and taki g sides with the negro-theories of the Nor h, in do iiouncing .nd weakening the hands of P esi dent Pierce, for throwing himself nobly and ■ atrio i aby int * the scale of t'le'C u titwtio i -1 rights of the States Ids on y a Hedged offeii e is, his masterly vindicate nos the C> n stitutioiiid r ghts avid equality of t e slave holding States The platform on wh P e iGent Pierce h s taken hi st and, ,n ail f in. important State papers, and roc t-specmlly his annual Mes ge to Congress, and it. his special Message on Kansas affairs, cont in y sentiments, politically, morally and c nstitu tionallv. I endorse them with my whole heart. And how can at>y Southern man do otherwise? How can a Southern statesman any longer give the cold shoulder to President Pierce's administration ? We owe if to our selves, as well as to our noble, generous, pa triotic friends in the non shareholding States, to b- united among ourselves, in their support; and to repudiate, as iraitors to Southern rights, ad who wi-h t d’ryid us up on the subject* of the slave quest on'. Sta: ding on the platform which Id p I will not stop to enquire whethei a man who is sound on the slave qties'ion is a whig or demo crat, nativeboru ora natural zed citizen. Ail I ask is, loyalty to the constitution and the rights of the South. lam unalterably oppos ed to a dissolution of the Federal Union,until it is proved beyond all doubt, that t e Consti tutional rights of the States cannot be main tained in the Union. And if our Union is to be saved, the South must not allow themselves’ to be divided, but combine all their efforts, in one compact host, and present an uubr< keu front in defence of their constitutional rights, and unfffnchiiig opposition to Northern aggres sion The fanatics of the North have already driven us to the brink of the precipice. Noth iug but the aid of Northern patriotism and in telligence can save the rights of the South, and perpetuate the Union. And now let. eve ry Southern man,; of every party and every name, march up and take his stand on the platform erected by President Pierce, and with such a leader and standard bearer, the conn try will be rescued from the hand of the spoil er. WILSON LUMPKIN, Athens, Feb. 12th 1856. of Georgia. Importaiit Decision'.—At its present session, says the Journal A Messenger, the Supreme Court in the case of the Macon & Western It. R. Cos., vs. Melinda Wynn, by her next friend ; decided that in case where a collision occurs between Hie rail road train and a traveller on the highway, and both parties are in fault, and the plaintiff in the action, can avoid the fault of the defendant in the exer cise of ordinary care, and does not do so, the plain tiff cannot recover. The decision reverses the judgment of the Court below. We give publicity to the judgment in this case, because it is of great practical importance to our numerous Railroad Companies, and the public at large. C. 13. Cole, E. A. & J. A. Nisbet, counsel for plaintiff iu error. S. T. Bailey, Stubbs A Hill, and E. D. Tracy counsel for defendant.- Scene in the Georgia Senate. An interesting episode occurred in the Sen ate on Saturday afternoon, in the debate on the bill for the sale of the Western and Atlan tic Railroad. Our reporter gives but a faint -ketch of it, though it is substantially cor reet as far as it goes. u hen the provision prohibiting citizens north of Mason and Dixon’s line from taking stock in the proposed Western and Atlantic ailroad Company was under consideration, Mr. Pone made an impai-sl nod and spirit stirring - io the patriotism and conserva tism of the S utli n tto Incorporate such a feature in its policy. He denounced it as sectional, illiberal, and impolitic. He refer red to the true and tried national men of the Norr. , friends of the C-onstituth n, and sup porters of the equal rights <1 the outli in the Unimi Tie argnaed that the amo influence which had i winced Northern men to vo e tor the Nebraska Kansas ae , by which the Mis sotiii restriction was obliterated, and th so Territories opened to them equal participation with the N rtli in its settlement were still at work in the North, and were gaming strength there —that a healthy react in was going on in our fa > or, and in behalf of con-titutional principles, and that at this time an attempt, to revive geographical lines, nd inert ase -sec tional animosities, would come with an ill grace from a Southern St to—from die tate of Georgia, which had warmly approved ol the abrogation of that sect on 1 d:v sion, the Mis souri compromie Hue—w’ ieh the Nebruska- Ivansas bill accomplished, lie spoke of Gen eral Pierce in terms of commendation as a President who lmd proved himself a nation al man and sound and reliable on the question of slavery. He had proved himself a friend to those Constitutional rights so \itally dear to the South and urged he diseharg ed so nobly the duties of his high positim , the South should fel it to be her pride and her duty to strive to soothe the sectional irritation that was unhappily prevailing. !he provision under consideration was a step towards a dis solution of the Confederaeyand iato.-tine strife. It should be the ahn of ev ry Georgian who loved his country, to seek to avert that result as long as could lie done consistently with the rights and honor of our State and section. At the allusion to Pr.sident Pierce, the Senators on the democratic side could not be restrained, but responded with plaudits which were caught up in the lobby and g lle ry, in a way to show unmistakably how warm !y the conduct of President Pierce was appro ved, and how strong was his hold of admira tion on those present. Even some of the op posite side of the Senate indicated their sym pathy with the prevalent feeling Senator Wel born, of Whitfield, in reply, stated that if the exercise of the privileges by Georgia of specifying to whom she would prefer to sell her property, and whom she would exclude from the list of purchasers should be visited upon her with war and all its horrors, ho would exclaim let it come. As the Senator from Whitfieled is under stood to lie a minister of tlm Gospel, a fact to which Judge Cone alluded in reply, ti e latter undertook to read a lecture to the Rev. Sen ator for uttering sentiments s > little in unison vith the teaching of his D vine Master, as dis closed in the New Testiment, a book with which tlieJnelge declared himself well acquaint ed. Mr. Welborn interrupting, sud lie did not know, before, the grave’ Senator, whose head was whitened by sixty winters, had be home a Bishop, to which the Judge replied, though not a Bishop he knew a great deal more of th ■ Bible than many of the Driest. He then made an a pul against s- ctional divisions and lines drawn by unfriendly legis lation—deprecated war is not only the great est calamity, bni as the greatest wickedness and folly, lie expressed n hope that even in the short remnant of his.days, lie should see a f *ongr< ss of nations organized to sct-.le peace fir !v all -ll,pntes and controversies. Tie, also ex ressed a belli f that a great and heUt y reaction was eoi g pn in the public mind at th North,, in fuvo of the Constitu tion—that, the ma-s of the pe<']de there, had been dc/lnded bv pHith-inns for the purpose of gaining office and po-v r, that it hi-: succeed ed in givug such im-n as B ik- the Speaker’s Chair, but- the people wer • now amusing up t“ ‘he dangers to whi h these exeit.•me.its were tending, and would v t come. b\ o t'-eir fuh Iky to the Cos ftitiitl-n ILi complimented Pre-id nt P roe for ni pair otic course, nd exm-e-se'd his joulidence ie is soundness 11c said t e South coal saf- ly trust, its vast interests in ‘his keepmg, as the Chief M igistr.ite f his g-a Union Rut the pro vis o;i of ti - ■ D 1 mil r I cn-s.ou declared hecoul-i not b i u ted by Georgia to hold -lock in the A’cstern a ! \tlmiti- Railroad. IF-s'owed up the absurd’ y of such a osit’.on, and up •- iel to S- ators to adopt ■: compreln- ivv aid trio tic .obey, which embr cod th- whop- Union ns our common country, and to mo o.i i the peace ful prog -ss of the gr at ands i w that was be fore us as a great “nation. I t conclusion he exelomed, I infer America now and Ameri ca forever. He denied, in rep'y to Mr Welborn, that he had denounced Gen. Pierce as unsound, had said he did not like some of his appoint ments. u e have noticed this debate, or this por tion of it, for two reasons, one to notice, the compliment paid President Pierce, and t e warm manner in which it was received For the hall again resounded with applause when Judge < one eulogised the ‘President. The other, to do justice to Mr. Welborn, who. though advocating the exclusion of stockhold ers from the North, did not express sentiments inconsistant with a Christian faith and a peace ful spirit. He said, in effect, lie would wel j come war and all its horrors, if forced upon i us, for having exercised our unquestionable rights. Oa such subject the Tcstimony of Woman should he Conclusive. New York, August 2, 1852. Mrs.Clutc, of No. 272, 2nd Street, believing her child, about three years old, to he troubled with worms, purchas ed one bottle of Ur. M’Lam-’s--Celebrated Vermifuge, and gave it two tcaspoonfulls, which had the effect of causing the child to discharge a large number of worms. The child is now enjoying good health. We would advise all parents who may suspect their children to lie troubled with worms, tp lose no time, but immediately purchase and administer Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, It will cure. The money will be refunt ed in all cases where it does not give satisfaction. tirguPersons will lie careful to ask lor 1)11. MoLANE’S CFLEBUATED VERMlFUGE,manufactured by FLEMING [3110., of Pittsburg, Pa. All other Vermifuges in compari son, are worthless. Dr. McLane’s genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now he had at all respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the Signature of FLEMING BROS. NOTI € A Called Meeting of Griffin Council, Na. 8, of It. & S. Masters, will beheld-on the first Friday night in March for the transaction of business. The members are notified to attend. JASON BURR, T- I. M . Feb. 23,1856. .43 tdm Married, On the 21 st inst., by Rev. C. R. Jewett, Mr. C. W. Dill and Miss Anna I-'. Lowe, Daughter of Mrs. W, J. Foster, all of Atlanta, Ga. Died in Oxford, Newton county, on Saturday, the 16th instant, Mrs. MARY ROGERS, consort of the Rev. Osborne Rogers, aged 00 years. Mrs. Rogers bad been for more than forty years a zealous, consistent and pious member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in the whole course of her long Christian career, sustained a reputation above censure of reproach. In all the relations of life, she was guided by the principles of Christian duty. Asa wife, she was devoted and confiding ; as a mother, she was kind and affectionate ;~ns a mistress, she was humane and merciful— as a neighbor, charitable .and benevolent. Her life was one of active usefulness. She was ever zealous in good works. The confidence of her neighbors in the sincerity of her ,Christian profession, knew no wavering. Iler kind de portment and amiable disposition, won lur universal es. teem and admiration. Mary Rogers was a pattern for eve. ry thing that was good and holy, in the estimation of l;cr a-, quaintances. But she is gone, and now “sleeps the sleep which knows no waking.” “Blessed are the dead who die iu the Lord, yea, sarth the spirit, they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.” Departed this life at Dublin, Laurens county, on day, the 30t'u uit., DzLAMOTT SHEFTALL, a member of the Bar of the Southern Circuit, in the 34th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Savannah, and a de scendant of the ancient and honorable family of Sheftall’s, whose history is identified with that of Savannah from its earliest settlement. He was a young man of promise, noble character, and much esteemed among his aeqaintances.— “Earth to earth, dust to dust, and ashes to ashes.” Iu Greensboro’, Ga., on the morning of the 12th instant, Mrs. A. H. DUNCAN, wife of Rev. J. P. Duncan, of the Georgia Conference. Born into the Spirit World “Ay she is with us yet Albeit we see not all her plumes of light; And o’er our path by day Her watch is set, And o'er our rest by nigat.” At Griffin on Sunday Feb. 24tli Ella On-el, Daughter of Mr. & Aim. AA r . AV. AA r oodiuff, left the earth sphere for her blissful home in the spirit-world, aged 7 years 2 months an cl 19 days. Little Eila was possessed of a pure,gentle, loving, J elevated spirit ; her earthly remains were committed to the : grave on Monday evening, but she is now sleeping sweetly on the bosom of Ilim who said “suffer little children to ! conic unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the King. 1 dom of Heaven.” “She lives! O how these thrilling Words sound through the heart’s Most hidden cell, and cause each Secret chord to tremble as nature’s Mournful music breathes “dust to dust.” She lives! Yes! she lives still, even as The memory of her good and pure Deeds live in the hearts of those Who loved her. It may he that on earth we'll gaze No more upon her placid countenance, No more will listen to her gentle Prattlings, but still in midnight’s Hallowed hour, in solitude, or shady eve A still small voice will whisper That “the loved can never die” That “death is swallowed up In victory,” and all our Cherished, mourned-for ones, That fade on earth, still Live in Heaven !” COMMERCIAL. tHUI'WA MARKET. Cotton—AVe quote as extremes to-day, 7to cents for the best. Bucos.-—lO to 12|c. Laud. —12 J.c Butter.—Country, 15 to 20 c.—Goslien,2s to 30. Cok.v—so to GOc. per bushel. Cons Mkai—r-00 to 75 e. per bushel. Flock.—4 to se. per pound, good supply. Coffee.—Rio, 121 to 14 c.; Java, 15 to 17 c. per lb. Sfgak.—Brown, 9to 10 e.; Clarified, 10 to 12 c.; Loaf and Crushed, li to 12*4 e. SviiL’P—ss to 05 c. per gallon. Salt.— $2,00 per sack. Candles, ---Adamantine, 30 to 35 c.; Sperm, 45 c. Beef.—3J c. on foot; otoßc. by retail. Nails.—p£ to c. per lb- Feathers 15 e. Scarce, AVu e at. —None < >ffering. Cheese—l 4toio c. per lb. Mackerel—No, 3,512; N0.2,515; No. 1.525 per Bbl, Blue Fish.—sl2,so per Bbl Cod Fish.—7 to 8 c. per lb. Beeswax.—lS to 20 c. per lb. Diced Peaches $1,50 to $2,00 per bushel. Daifen AfTlks. —75 c. pc-r bushel. llago kg.—Gunny, 17 to 13 c. per yd. Roi’E.—Kentucky, 12 to 14 c. pu- lb. Pons • -or lb., nett. ,-p L-v/jHI L AfH&R! ! HAilN LSts. B Jo. and Upper Leather for sale bv i . 0.24, 1 ,;G. .t- JAMES L. JOHNSON LOCKIIEREf STOLEN, on the night of the luih inst., from my house, ; in Barne -yiHe, a TRUNK containing Surgical lustra-: merits to the value of fifty dollars, belonging to my brother ; Win. R. King. 1 hereby offer a reward of FIFTEEN DOL-! LARS, for any’ one article in said Trunk, stolen as afore said. THOMAS D. KING. Feb, 2G,-56. .43. .24 _ Land For A valuable tract of land, in the Frst District of Pike county, containing five hundred acres, lying between Flint River and Line Creek, can be purchased on very aceonimoda- j ting terms by application to the undersigned.— | Tlie tract is known as the place formerly owned by A . B. Dnlin, and contains a quantity of Uoott Timbered Land, j as well as a valuable plantation, under cultivation. Those j wishing to purchase will do well to c all soon, as the place . will certainly be sold. J, B. REID, Agent: for It. & J. CALDWELL & CO. Griffin, Feb. 27th 1857 43 ts. I NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late John Brunt, deceased, of Pike county’, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those persons having de mands against said deceased, will render them in agreeable to law to GBEEN B. M. BLOUNT,/ . - , ’ P. E. FOSSETTG, j Aum rs ‘ Feb. 27, 1856.. . .43.. . ,3t LOOK AT AT THIS] HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! 1200 PRIZES 1 00,0i!0 DOLLARS ! JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY Xi <0 C U? *3? ZiEI 10. Y l MACON, GEORGIA [Bij Author it y of the State of Georgia.] 1h.003 numbers only ! I prize to S tickets ! C LASS IK. To l*e kamn Marcli lath, 18aG. nHHE manager having announced his determination to J. nuke this the most popular Lottery in the world, of fers for March loth, ‘1856, a Scheme that far surpasses any Scheme ever offered in the annals, f Lotteries. Look to your interest. Examine the Capitals, 1 prize to every 8 tickets. To be drawn at CONCERT HALL, Macon, Ga., under ‘the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and Jas. A, Nesbit, Esq. Capital 815,000. 1 prize of. $15,000 1 “ “ 6,000 1 •• “ ..: 4,000 1 “ “ 3,000 1 “ “ 2,000 5 “ “ 1,000 are 5,000 10 “ “ 600 are. 5,000 60 “ “ 60 are 3,000 120 “ “ 25 are ......3,000 500 approx, prizes of 20 are-. 10,000 500 “ “ “ 10 are ~..5,000 1200 Prizes amounting to $60,000 W.iole ‘l'icliets SKuO; Halves OO; littaittil-s .>0 Prizes payable without deduction. Persons sending mo ney by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctual ly attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all order ing tickets. Those wishing particular numbers order im mediately. Address JAMES F. AVINTER, Macon, Feb. 27,1856 -td Manager. Cl aiding o nt? ..-Whereas Leroy T Strickland,-nd Betheju Strickl nd applies to We for letters of administrttion on the estate of Elijah StriclilUnd, late of said county, deceased : These are .therefore,to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of administra tion should not be granted the said applicant. Given un der my hand at office, the 19th day of February, ISSG. JAMES H. MAXGHaM, Ordinary. February 27, 185 C... .43... .30ds Spalding sheriff Saks fir -t pril. WILL BE SO LI >, before the Court House door, in the City of Griffin, Spalding county. Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in APRIL next, the following piopcrtv, viz: A lot of sundry dry goods, hats, caps, &c : levied on as the property of Carroll & Simmons, to satisfy a fi.fa. in fa vor of Webster •& Palmes, and other li. fas. in my hands vs. said Carroll & Simmons. Sold l>y order of the Superior Court of Spalding county Also, at the same time and place will be sold, ail of the wood land of the east half of lot No. 54, it being 85 acres, more or less, and the west half of lot No. .03, lot No. 75, less 10 acres off the north-east co- ner) 10 acres off the south east corner of lot No. 76, all in the 4th dist., of formerly Fayette now SpaUVng county : levied on as the property of *C. C. Bowen, to satisfy sundry li. fas. in my hands, one in favor of Win. Amis vs John Bowen, William Bowen and Christopher C Bowen, issued from Carroll Superior Court: One fi. fa. in favor of Dr. P. M. Cohen & Cos., vs Wm, Bow. enand Christopher Bowen, surviving partners of John Bow en, deceased, issued from Coweta Inferior Court; also one it fa in futor of T. D. Tanning vs Wm Bowen and Christo pher Bowen, surviving partners of John Bowen, deceased, issued from tue Inferior Court of Coweta county. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, all that tract or Lot of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Griffin,known and distinguished in the plan of said city as the south half of lots Nos 3 and 4, in square 23, containing one half acre, more or less ; levied on as llie property of Wesley Leak, to satisfy a mortgage It fa issued from the Sn perior Court of Spalding, in favor of Win W Chapman vs Wesley Leak. Property pointed out in said fi fa and tenant in possession notified Also at the same time and place, will be soldi sides of upper leather, and 09 sides of sole and upper leather, levid on as the property of John Lockhart, to satisfy a ti fa from Spalding Superior Court in favor of James S. Jones, vs. said Lockhart. At the same timeantf pl;icp ; part of lot of land numbers 204 and 205 in the 2d District of formerly Monroe now Spalding county, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres more or less. Also lot of land number 86 in the 4th District of formerly Ileury now Spalding county, containing two hundred two and a half acres more or less, .ill the above property lc-vid onto satisfy seven Jutticcs’Cohrt fi fas issued from the 1001st District of Spalding county, in favor John Neal bearer vs Theodosius Cook, principal,and Leroy AV. Cooper Security, and John T. Tine at security on stay of execution. Property pointed out by Leroy W. Cooper and levid on and returned to me byJ. 13. Mathews Constable. Lot. of Land No. not known, in the fourth district of for merly Fayette countylnow Spalfing county, bounded on the South’by lands of D. P. Elder- on the North by 11. H. Ogletree, on the East by lands of Elder and Ogletrce, West by W. S. Reeves. Containing two hundred two and a half (2021) acres more or less: the same being the place where on Thomas Henderson now lives: to satisfy two fi. fas', in my hands, from Spalding Superior Court, one in favor of W. It. Phillips & Cos, and one in favor of G. 11. Page vs Thomas Headers, >i. A. A. WOOTEN,SIbff Feb. 26th 1856 43 Ids. Units Slstriff’s Sates. TTTJLL BE SOLD, before the Coutt IT*doer, in ti V V town of Jackson. Butte county, on the Pint T e-day in April next, within the legal hours of rale, tho idlowinlr property’’ to-wit: One black horse levid on as the property of As H. Mor gan, to satisfy one fi fa from the Inferior Court of said coun ty, in favor of Lucius Goddard vs said A. 11. Morgan. It. G. BYARS,Dtp. Sli'ff. Feb, 2Ct.h 1858 43 tds, Pike sherili’ -tiles for priu WILL be sold before the court house door,in the town of Zebulon. Pike county, on the Ist Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale, One negro girl by the name of Hetty, 8 years old. levied on as the property of Joliathan Baker, by virtue of sundry Justices’ Court fi. fas. issued from the Justices’ Court of the a 34tli district, G. M., in favor of Jonathan P. Milner, Giles Driver, Administrator of Jordan Driver, deceased, Salmons, Booth & Cos., and others, all vs. Jonathan Baker. Levy made and returned to me by Wm. J. Ellis, constable. Property sold to satisfy- the above named fi. fas., and others in my hands against said Taker. _ Also, one fine gold watch, gold fob. chain, and seal: le vied on as the property of John W. Elder, by virtue of a fi. fa., issued from the Superior Court of Pike county.— John It Jenkins *s. H. B Elder and J. W. Elder : levied on to satisfy said fi. fa., and others in my hands. Also, will be sold at the same time and place, the west half of lot of land No. 233, in the 9tli dist., of originally Monroe, now Pike’ county : levied on as the property of Robert Hatnbriek, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued ‘from Pike’ Su perior Court, in favor of George Osborn vs. said Robert Hatnbriek. Levy made by order of Plaintiff. _A ‘.so, one buggy, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vor of L illiain YV filiams vs. Win. A. Wright. Property pointed out by plain till's att'y. A. B. VAUGHAN, Sheriff. Feb. 25, 1856 43 tds Will bp sold before the Court House door in the town of ZelwlonPike comity, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next: the.undivided half interest in the following lots and half lots of land, No. 204, (except three acres in the South cast corner) lot No. 203, No. 180, East half of lot No. 213, (except two acres deeded to the Baptist ( !mrcli) West half of ated for sawing on the east half of lot 212; all lying in the sth District of Pike: levid on as the property of Joshua C. Mai tin to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from (lie Superior Court of said county in favor of Martha C. Martin vs Joshua C. Martin, and tenants in possession notified. „ , WM. 11. McCLENDKX. Dep. SlTff. Feb. 26th 1556 43........ .tds GRIFFIN HOTEL. zftlg-jk THIS large and commodious Hotelis now fill fl °P en ror tiie accommodation of the public. The furniture is new, and the rooms comfortable and well ventilated. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and no pains will be spared to render the guest comfortable. I also have in connection with the house, the large and roomy stable, formerly occupied by IV. S. Birge, IN which stock can and will be well taken care of. ‘ R- F. M. MANN, Proprietor. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1556 41 ts 3EHT£a,o!ls. Xji t> r>ss ~3~- The undersigned being ‘lie Con to transport the U. States on routes, Nos. 633 ft and 6340, 111 takes this method of informing the public generally, that be will run bis Hack as follows : Leave Griffin Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via Erin, Wnrnesyijle, Jones’ Mills, Greenville and Mouhtville—ar rive at LaGrange the same days. Lvave LaGrange Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays via the places above men tioned—arrive at Griffin the same days. Leave Griffin Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays via ‘Zebulon and Flat Shoals, and arrive at Greenville the same days. Leave Greenville Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays via the pla ces above mentioned, and arrive at Griffin the'same days. i will further add, that 1 have good teams and sober dr!- vers, who will spare no pains in making passengers com- j sortable. and put them through in good time, at very mode rate prices. R. F. M. MANN, Proprietorancl Contractor. Feb. 13, 1856.... 41 X> 33 I&T T* X Se T XL ’ST * I> 1? s. c I AR K & EMEII SO N. ■’ W igf3yi&* HAVING formed a copartnership in the practice of T) EN TI ST /? Y, would re-mectf d!y tender their services to the public. Dr. E. besides being an experienced operator, is a graduate of the Phil'ldoh'bin College of TPe- rti! -:r,ery, and brings with him all the improvements tn the practice of Pentisf-rv. The high testimonials and ben HI f 1 specimens of p r p. show that helms spared neither time nor expense to arrive at proficiency. The numerous oy,orations of Dr. Clark, whirl) conflnoe to give sat'-ftv'tion,besides the mam- prcm ?, -m awarded him at our State Fairs ■ houhi offin’ some inducements to those that are in need of his service. Neither time nor expense shall be snared vrrfrvuvng all operations in the mot beautiful and durable manner.— At the same time wl fie they consider it hertc- to rev a h-ffir more to have tenth Jared, than a trifle le s to have them ‘ruived. their charges shall nut bo higher than the same kind of operations would command n f the North. F. V. CLARK G. W. EMERSON. D. P S. Griffin, Feb. 2,1856 42 6m CO ©I&T'O., Cqs?b I’tooii flu! Music fibre, ■Just received and for sale for < sh, viz; Rose Clark. Price $1.15 McCauley’s History. 3 & 4 vol. “ 115 Smith’s English Grammar, “ 05 Parley's Universal History, “ 1 on Ton Nights in a Bar Room, “ 0/j also a well selected stock of walking canes, cheap for the Money. Feb. 17th 1856 ts. Handsome Reward for the Thief willi proof ot COHVKCT. STOLEN from my lot. on the evening of the 9th of July last., one of my HARNESS HORSES, about 11 years old, 15 or 151 hands high—a sor rel. He is a very notable horse from the fact that helms bumps much resembling young horns over his eyes.—quite raw-bone looking. It is supposed a negro belonging to Mr. Henry Spier, of Mclntosh, rode him off—the negro be. ing seen on him and was lodged in Griffin Jail when next heard from* Any information to me or to C. T. Deupree in Griffin, will be thankfully received and amply compensa ted. My residence is about 4 miles from Mclntosh, Kinch afo me county, and 4 miles from Richland, on the Columbus road. SOLOMGN lIERRELL. October 10,1855. ts- O A. CLEVELAND & SONS, HAVE bought out the interest of JOHN .***-*. M. LUNQtJEST, in the office occupied by CLEVELAND & LUXQUEST, at the ner of Hill Street and Broadway, up stairs. The copartnership of Cleveland’& Lmujuest having dissolv ed. A- Cleveland & Sons respectfully infoim the public that they are prepared to carry on the DENTAL BUSINESS, in all its variousbrakches, viz : to put up full or partial scti of Teeth on gold plate, in complete and workman-like style, with Artificial Gums, imitating nature in beautiful life-like appearance. Also Hie most difficult cases iitlcU.wjth accu* racy so as to be worn with ease; also decayed Teeth neatly tilled with gold, and great cure taken to render the opera; tion attendant with as little pain as posible. Those past fill ing, skillful]v extracted if desired. Those suffering with Tooth-ache relief given without extracting in most cases; ui*U we shall keep a Daguerreotype Office, and take Likenesses in the test of style. Satisfaction guar anteed in all cases,and charges very.reasonable. Work done on the shortest notice. Also, for sale. GOLD FOIL. GOLD PLATE. EXCAVATORS, DRILLS. BURS and DAGUER REOTYPE STOCK—also ARTIFICIAL TEETH. . \ A. CLEVELAND & SONS. Griffin, Feb. 19th, 185 C. .42. ts. Fulton House- ATLANTA, JjJL'Mi GEORGIA. D. L. GORDON, Proprietor January 30th, ISSG. .39. .ly. MilTHilFim rr -HE subscriber informs bis friends and the public gener- J. ally, that he still continues to carry on the Ti 11 and Sheet Iron Bus inessj in all its branches : that l.e will attend to roofing. pdt< r ing, and all job work, with punctuality, and in a workman like manner. He is now receiving a supply of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedious to mention—Hardware, Stoves, Castings and Cutlery, which he will sell low. Give him a call and prove for vouvself. SAMUEL PJI.SBLIiY. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856... .40... .ts CASH STORE! S’. 2?*. iailirtSTlEXEt, ilfi.VLilli IN DEI GOODS MB GROCERIES, Hill street,.., griffin, ga, RESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of his friend and the public., Jan. 23, 1856 38....1y KICIIAROs & BROTHER, KUUP A WIiOLV-AJ.K ANJ KETAII, Cheap, Cash, Book and Music Store, JV Street. Id■-.lcc-i’ fror.i the Railroad. Grijffin. Ga. SC§..I be New rubSi-Mrions receivi'd as they are Issued fivm the Press. ,:>d cfi. . York Jhttv'! jtales! p upj.Jj 1 LLEGE \ND SCHOOL 3EX I’ BOOKS, always on liand. Orelpc.’ mull, promptly at tended to. Freteblbffi and J inuary. 1-5 ’• : December 10th, 1855. 33-ly GRE.iT nmm LftTimr $300,000 Ilv PBIZES!! OH THE KAVAHA PLAII! ‘TICKETS PRIZES!! IPo-xr tli.e EeneSt OF Tlip Jilt, 0 ttw giSSfftiaiijon. THE ASSOCIATION finding it impossible to raise the means by private subscription, to purchase the KIT VISION ESTATE, Have determined to appeal to the Public, by LOTTERY , to assist them in securing the great object of a NATION’S SOLICITUDE, THE- TOMB OF mSHMGTOH. The Association would feel some reluctance in appealing to the support of the people were it for a less worthy or less noble object than that which they have in view. The Scheme which they offer, being placed under their sole con trol by the State Commissioner, they have made it so at tractive. and formed it upon so grand a scale, that they have no fears but that flic public will come forward with ooe accord to its support, and assist the Association in th successful carrying out of one of the most patriotic under takings of the present day. It not only appeals to the na tional feelings of the American heart, but also to the self interest of every man ! Those who invest a dollar.ormore, in this unoertaking, not only contribute to a patriotic object but stand an equal chance with others in securing one of th 4 prize of $50,000 is.. . 150,000 1 prize Os 20.000 i5.,.. 20,00 ft 1 prize of. 15,000 is. 15,000 2 prizes of ‘. 10,000 are 20,000 -4 prizes of 5.000 are 20,000 10 prizes of 2.000 ore.. 20.000 30 prizes 0f.,, 1.000 are,,, 30,000 ■SO prizes of 500 are 25,000 100 prizes of. 250 are 25,000 100 prizes of 100 are 10.000 200 prizes of 50 are 10.000 1.000 prizes of 10 are. 10,000 2,000 prizes of , flare,. 10,000 5,000 prizes of. 2 are 10,000 25 ,000 prizes of 1 are 25,000 33.400 Prizes. Amounting to $300,00$ ALL OF WHICH IS GUARANTEED BY THE STATE! It is the wish of the Society to dose the drawing by The 25th of’ lay, 1856, The price of the Tickets is so small as to be within the reach of all who may desire to participate in this rent National tUndertaking! The success of which must be dear to every heart. Bsshle the Ticket hi the above Scheme,eveiy purchaser will receive K CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP Os the Association, a list of which, with the amount that each one has invested, will he printed and framed, so that the visitors to the - - - Mmm AT MOUNT VERNON. May see the names of those who have subscribed to this A NATION’S TRIBUTE tAthe Father of his Country! The price of Tickets arc as follows: SingSe Tirltets, £ I P: ckase of W, IO O© Package of 20 OO To those purchasing a ‘Package of Mwenty-Five Tickets, a copy of the Celebrated Engraving l'v Fanoli.of WASHINGTON THE STATESMAN, Will he presented. To those purchasing Two Packages of Twenty-Five Tickets, a c pv of T.ritzk’s Great NATIONAL PAINTING, of cUUt}3f)iogkM) Citing ihe SeiqtotjFe, Will he presented, Correspondents will please give the name of the County, Town and State in which they reside, so as to avoid mistakes. All orders for Tickets. ,Vc.. must be addressed to tbe undersigned. Agent for the Managers. CHARLES F. LEWIS, Jan. 8,1856. —36-3 ms Washington, P. C. DARPENTER AND JOINER WORK. TTE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to carry on ti e above business in all its branches, at his shop, on the west, side of New Orleans Street; opposite Messrs. Prichard & Wood. In case of my absence, orders mnv be left at the shop, with any of the hands therein employed*, but all payments must be made to me alone or by my order. T. J. ISON. Griffin, Jan. 16th, 1856,. .37. .ts Window Glass J FRENCH Window Glass, of all sizes, for sate bv Sept Ift, HILL ,V BMTTHtf’SS-- f t - - ‘ ‘