Newspaper Page Text
By A. A. G-aulcHns.
WOffice up-stairs over W. U. Phillips k Co.©ff
Advertisements arc inserted at One Dollar per square for
the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each in
sertion thereafter.
A reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver
tise by the year.
All Advertisements not othencise ordered trill be continu
ed till forbid.
Sales of Lands by Administrators, Executors or Guar
dians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday
in the month, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and
3 in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the county in
which the Land is situated. Notice of these sales must be
giren in a public Gazette forty days previous to the day of
Sales of Negroes must be made at public auction on the
first Tuesday of the month, between the usual liou.ts of sale,
at the place of public sales in the county where the Letters
Testamentary, or Administration, or Guardianship may
have been granted—first giving forty days notice thereof in
•ne of the public Gazettes of the State, and at the Court
House where such sale is to be held.
Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in
lik manner, forty days previous to the day of sale.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate, must be
published forty days.
“Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or
dinary for leave to sell Land, must be published for two
Notice for leave to sell Negroes must be published two
onths before any order absolute shall be made thereon by
*he Court.
Citations for Letters of Administration must be publish
ed thirty davs ; for Dismission from Administration, month
My six months ; for Dismission from Guardianship, forty
Notice for the foreclosure of Mortgage must be publish
ed monthly for four months ; for publishing Lost Pa
pers, for the full space of three months ; for compelling ti
t!i from Executors and Administrators, where a bond has
>een given by the deceased, for the space of three months
Griffin Georgia.,
WILL practice in the Courts of the Flint Circuit, and
in the Supreme Court at Atlanta and Macon.
Feb. IS, IBsfl 41 ly
v- .
Attorney at law,
Office froit Rooms, over John R. Wallace * Bros., corner
of White Hall and Alabama streets,
January SO, 1*58... .ts
onirm Georgia.
January SO, 1156 59 ly
Jackson, Butte County, Georgia.
May S, 18*5. ts
Attorneys at Law,
•nnxj.MK. ( Griffin, Georgia,
RATIO N. MARTIN, f ’ 8 ’
■ artforp IHUN, Zebulon, Geo.
May S, ISSA. ts
Attorneys at Law,
-Griffin Georgia.
May 3,1855. W
Attorney at Law,
Zehmlon, Georglu.
WILL practice in all the counties of the Flint Circuit.
May 3, 1855. * ts
Attorneys at Law,
Bl’Dunangh, Georgia.
ALL business entrusted to their care, will receive prompt
Si. M. STELL, E - w - BECK.
May 5, 1855. * G_
Griffin, Georgia.
OFFICE, in the basement story, under the Store of Messrs.
J. A. & J.'C. Beekj.
May 3,1855. ts
Attorney at Law,
May 8, 1855-ly 1
WILL practice in the Courts of the Coweta Circuit. All
business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt
July 4, 1855. 9-ts
~ WM. H. F. HALL,
July 4, 1855. Ms
June, 27, 1855. U
WILL give personal attention to all business entrusted
to their management, and attend the Sixth Circuit
Courtof the United States, at Marietta, the Supreme Court
at Macon and Decatur, and the Superior Courts in Cobb,
Morgan, Newton, DeKalb, Fulton, Fayette, Spalding, Pike,
Cass, Monroe, Upson, Bibb, Campbell, Coweta, Troup,
Whitfield and Gordon, in Georgia, and Hamilton county,
(Chattanooga,) in Tennessee. May 3,1855. ts
. c. omen b. rri.LKK.
December 10th, 1855. 33 ~ tf
PERSONS intrusting business to them may rely on their
fidelity, promptness and care. Dec. 10, ’65-33-ly.
attorneys at law,
H7ILL attend the Courts in the Counties of Fulton, De-
TV Kalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Car-
Mil. Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding.
Lucius J.Gartrbll, I Luther J. Glenn,
formerly of Washington, Ga. | FonnerlyofMcDonough.Ga.
May 16, 1855. 3tf^
A Valuable Plantation for Sale
Ff South-western Georgia, containing 303 j acres, as good
Land m any in Georgia ; Corn, Fodder, Oats, and Stock
of all kinds sold with the place, if desired.
My Lot containing 2 acres, and a large and convenient
DWELLING, in West Griffin. All indebted will please
call and settle. lam determined to close my business, as I
am actually determined to move to Florida.
Oct. 17, 1855. .1b.... ts C. T DEUPREE.
mim m smith’s shop.
THE undersigned have associa
ted themselves together nnder the .
firm name and style of *3-
For the purpose of carrying on the CARRIAGE MAKING
SMITH’S BUSINESS, in all their various branches. Their
Shop is on the comer of Hill Street and Broadway, oppo
ite the Georgia Hotel, down stairs, in the house formerly
ccupied by A. Bellamy Esq. Promptness, dispatch and
urability of work, they feel confident will secure for them
liberal patronage. GEO. W.^CLARK,
Griffin, Doc. 24, 1855. . 55.. ts
Ilie tome State.
3). £BBoi\
VOL. 1.
Having recently received a large assortment of
Are now prepared to execute, in the best style, and at short
notice, all kinds of
I'loiii uni! (Drnnnientnl printing,
suen as
Circulars, Labels, Business Cards,
Catalogues, Programmes, Address Cards,
Bill Heads, Fosters. Visiting Cards,
Bank Checks, Hand Bills, Freight Bills,
Blank Notes, Blanks, § c.. §-c., §■.
PR Iff T 1 JIT? N C 0 L OftS
THE following are the Rates of Charges for Advertising,
determined on between the undersigned, to take effect
from the time of entering into any new contract:—
MS”Transient Advertising, $1 00 per square, for the first
nsertion, and 50 cents for every subsequent one.
CONTRACT ADVERTISING, 3 mos. 0 mos. 9 mos 12 ms
1 square, without change, $ 6 00 $ 8 00 $lO 00 sl2 00
Changed quarterly... 7 00 10 00 12 00 10 00
Changed at will, .*.... 800 12 00 14 00 1800
2 squares, without change,.... 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00
Changed quarterly,... 12 00 18 00 24 00 28 00
Changed at will, 1.5 00 20 00 25 00 30 00
3 squares, without change,.... 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00
Changed quarterly... 18 00 22 00 20 00 34 00
Changed at will, 20 00 20 00 32 00 40 00
Half column, without change.. 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00
Changed quarterly,.. 28 00 32 00 45 00 55 00
Changed at will, 35 00 45 00 50 00 60 00
One column, without change,.. 60 00 70 00 80 00 10000
Changed quarterly,.. 65 00 75 00 90 00 110 00
Changed at will, 70 00 85 00 100 00 125 00
tar All transient advertisements will be inserted until or
dered discontinued and charged for accordingly.
A. A. GAULDIXG, “Empire State.”
A. P BURR “American Union.”
THE subscriber takes pleasure in announ- , [® We
eing to the citizens of (iritfin and
rounding country, that lie still continues theVZSy ‘ VS?
business of CARRIAGE and CABINET Making. CARRIA
GES, BUGGIES, and WAGONS made to order at short no
tice. A few of the best, made Buggies always on band.
He has recently added to his establishment the business of
SASH MAKlNG—cheap, and good as the best.
- Burial, ca
ses, newstyle. He will be found at his old stand, always
ready towait upon Lis customers. Give him a call.
Griffin, Aug. 29,1855.. . .18.. . .ts
Successors to J. E. Williams,
General Commission Merchants,
Decatur Street, near the “Trout House,” Atlanta, Ga.
63” Letters of inquiry, in relation to the Markets, Ac.,
promptly answered. May 16,1855.-3tf
WILL attend to collections entrusted to him, and remit
promptly, at current rates of Exchange: buy and sell
uncurrent Bank Notes, Coin, Ac. The highest cisli price
paid for Bounty Land Warrants, far Apply. > W. C.
Wright, Griffin. Ga., for sale of Land Warrants.
REFERENCES. —John Thompson, Banker, No. 2, Wall
street, and Cauhart, Bko. A Go.. New York ; Converse
A Cos., New Orleans. Atlanta, May 1C,’55 ts
Grocers and Commission Merchants,
(At the Warehouse formerly occupied by J. E. Williams,)
May 16, 1855. 3-ts
TIIE advertiser would respectfully announce to his cus
tomers and the public generally, that lie continues to
supply the various Magazines named below at the prices
annexed :
Harper, $2 25 ; Putnam, $2 25 ; Knickerbocker, $2 25 ;
Household Words, $2 00; Blackwood, $2 25 ; Godey,s2 25;
Horticulturist, (plain) $1 63 ; Little’s Living Age, $5 00 ;
Frank Leslie’s Gazette of Fashions, $2 25 ; Ballou’s Picto
rial, $2 50 ; Ladies’ Repository,, (Cincinnati,) $1 63 ; Ar
thurs Home Magazine, $1 63.
He is prepared also to (ill orders for standard andmiscel
laneous books, whether from the trade or persons in other
walks of industry. Having had an experience of 15 years
in the Book and Periodical trade, he can give satisfaction to
all parties entrusting him with orders.
Specimen numbers of the Magazines on receipt of six
Post Office letter stamps for the $3 or $2 Magazines, and
for twelve such stamps a sample of the $5 or s(> works will
be sent. Letters of inquiry must contain a stamp for the
return postage. Books sent post paid, on receipt of the pub
lisher’s advertised price. Address
WILLIAM I'ATTON’ Bookseller,
Hoboken, New Jersey.
*2, Publishers of newspapers giving the above advertise
ment, with this notice, a few insertions, and sending a
marked copy to the advertiser, will be entitled to any one
of the Periodicals in the above list for one year.
Feb. 13, 1856.
fla_Officeon Hill Street, over Banks'Boot & Shoe Store.
May 3, 1855. ts
THE subscriler as losttbree Notes on Hugh B.Cambell
two notes for twenty five dollars each, one for eighteen
dollars, all given the 3d of June, 1855, and due one day af
terdate. All said notes given to Berry Couch, and is the
property of the undersigned.
Feb. 19th 1856 3t....42 *
BEING left alone in the inanagemet of this Institution for
the present, the rates of tuition will be as fallows :
Ist Term. 2d Term.
For Spelling, Reading, Writing, &c 10 00 8 00
For Arithmetic, Geography,Grammar, Ac.. 12 00 10 00
j* or Algebra, Philosophy, Geometry,&c 14 00 12 00
For Latin, Greek, Trigonometry, &c sl6 00 sl4 00
<2_No extra charges, except for damage to the College
The first term will close about the 4th of July.
The second term will begin on the 4th of August, and
close about the last of November. J. M. CAMPBELL.
Griffin, Feb. 13,
Fulton (mTjI House.
D. L. GORDON, Proprietor.
January 30th, 1866. .39. .ly.
Window Glass 1
T7IRENCH Window Glass, of all sizes, for sale by
1 ♦ •
“ iio pet}! i|p co)ffc)cfe oi|ir Jotoels —Jl)c toiiolc bothies? Copllrt is (%$.”
H!* isttliantotts.
[Published by request.]
Spirit Kappings.
In the year 1848, the house of Mr. Michael
Weekman, in Arcadia. Wayne county, New
York, became, to use the popular phrase, ‘’en
chanted.” Mysterious noises were heard, and
some invisible force was used to move tables,
turn over chairs, and break crockery ware. —
This proved so annoying, that the house was
given up, and was subsequently occupied by a
Air. J. 1) Fox. Catheri e and Margraetta,
shrewed daughters of Mr. Fox, just verging in
to womanhood, conceived the idea of interpret
ing these knocks. Uneducated and supersti
tious, they referred these sounds to the agency
of ghosts By a series of experiments they as
certained, as they thought, the truth of their
surmise treating themselves in solemn silence
with their hands resting upon a pine table,
(which seemed to be particularly sensitive to
the spirits, ) with their minds abstracted Irom
sublunary thing.-, and intently fixed upon the
ghost, they could invoke their presence, and
obtain fiom them any information desired.—
Further experiments were tried, anditws at
length announced that any number of persons,
anywhere, around any table, might ‘invoke the
spirits irom the vasty deep.” The 111a ia
spread. Circles were formed all over the
country, and in all parts of the world. It is
supposed that one hundred thousand mediums
have appeared in the United States alone.—
Very soon, hewever, rapping was found too
slow a means of intercommunication between
the worlds visible and invisible, and some ol
the spirits resorted to the use of the pen, mov
ing the passive hand of the medium, and others
went so far as to make oral revelations ‘from
the interior.’
How are these phcuoinAin to be accounted
for ?
It would be easy to assume a dignified posi
tion, and ex cathedra, pronouuee the whole
spirit-rapping and tab!e*turning movement a
humbug. That many pretended mediums
have attempted to palm off m.serable tricks
upon the public, there can be no doubt. But
are they all imposters ? A large ot
witnesses, of undoubted intelligence and unim
peached veracity, testify to the contrary. To
impugn such evidence would be to invalidate
the credibility ot all human testimony.
Are they,, then, genuine communications
from the spirits ? We think no'. The pre
tended revelations are too puerile. Men who
were great poets while living, dictate to the
mediums the most wretched doggeral. Men
noted for wisdom on eurtli, now give utterance
to drivelling nonsense. All the spirits—Ger
man and Hindoo, Greek and Latin—now
make their communications in English, which
seems somewhat unaccountable. All the sen
timents are commonplace. ‘1 he language is
frequently ungrammatical, and still more fre
quently unintelligible jargon.
Can pure, intellectual, enlightened beings,
make such a bungling 111 attempting to commu
nicate with the erring mortals of earth ?
Their teaching upon the subject of theology
is not uniform; some of ihem leading their fee
ble aid to confirm the truth of God, but the
most of them ’confess not t hat Jesus Christ is
con ein the flesh,’and therefore ‘aie not of
God.’ If the gospel of the Rappists is true,
man has no Saviour to trust in this life, and
no hell to dread in the future.
Daniel Webster was a man of gigantic intel
led, but can even his spirit teach, at the same
moment, theology to a circle in New Orleans,
philosophy to another in St. Louis, and politi
cal economy to stiil another in New York ?
iso it would seem irom the experiments of the
Rappists. In spite of my most earnest endeav
ors to believe in the reality of these manifesta
tions, 1 find that my faith staggers under the
effort to swallow such absurdities.
In one circle a well accredited medium calls
up the spirit of John Wesley He, in the
most solemn manner, reaffirms the truth of the
doctrines he taught while living. In anoth
er circle, an equally well accredited medium
consults the same spirit, and announces that
John V\ e.-ely, since his disenthralment from
the prejudices and superstitions of this mun
dane sphere, has become a Universalist. We
should think such glaring contradictions must
throw a shade of doubt over the minds of the
most sanguine Spiritualists
Are these rappings attributable to Satanic
agency ? Many nave so believed from their
first appearance. Henry Ward Beecher give
the influence of his name to this hypothesis,
and thousands have adopted the same theory.
That it is a work of the great deceiver of our
race, many may admit; but that it is rniracu
lously the wmk of the Devil, we do not believe.
There is uo evidence of special Satanic power.
The so-callea “manifestations” are too incon
sistent, objectless, and absurd. It is the
work of au inferior mind. Has the devil no
more important employment than that of dan
cing attendance upon every company of idlers
who may choose to surround a table and in
voke his presence to reveal the age of spinster,
or while away his time in small talk to gratify
their curiosity ?
Ihe question returns upon us: if the Rap
pists are not jugglers—if this is not the work
of departed spirits, nor of the devil, how are
these phenomena to be accounted for ? With
out presuming to decide authoritatively a
question so difficult of solution, we offer a sug
Suppose some persons of peculiar tempera
ment may have power to generate in them
selves a nervo-tnag etic force, by which they
can move bodies by mere volition, without
coming in coutact with them, as ordinary per
sons move their limbs, would this satisfactorily
account for the table turning and other physi
cal marvels ? Again, suppose that in this
state the iniud ot the medium, the clairvoyant,
or Rappists,is able unconsciously aud intuitive
ly to perceive what is passing in the mind of
the querist; would this accouut for the correct
answers which in uumeious cases are said to
be giren ?
We think the existence of soch a newro-mag
netic force will Account for the most marvel
lous physical table-turning phenomena, even
the lifting, several feet from the floor, of the
table upon which Senator Taltnadge was
placed. Admitting that such a force may be
generated, and there is no fixed limit to its op
erations, it may become as potent as electrici
ty. Before Ihe the time of Plato and Aristo
tie, llippocr..tes observed the existence in the
human frame of such a power Different wri
ters, in various ages of the world, have made
similar observations. In 1784, a commission
for the Academy of Arts in Paris was sent
to witness the experiments of the celebrated
Mesmer. Dr. Franklin was a member of this
commission. In their report they ascribe* one
class of his effects to this unknown force,
which they denominate animal magnetism
In 1846, Angeline Cattin, a nervous facto
ry operative, in France, was observed to have
this power in an eminent degree. Mons. Ar
ago, the great mathematician and astronomer,
visited her, and discribes her power over mat
ter as being truly wondtrful She could, at
will, without touching them, move large bodies.
He ascribes the effects to the possession of
this myster ous and unexplained force. What
is there more uiiacountable in the existence of
magnetism in the human frame than in the ex
istence of polar magnetism and ordinary elec
tricity ? An uneducated person enters a
room where an individual stands upon an in
sulated platform highly charged with electric
ity. Ignorant of this, he attempts to shake
hands with him and finds himself so shocked as
to be hardly able to stand. In his amazement
he would ascribe this to the devil Is there
any thing more wonderful in this force, as its
effects are seen in the experiments of the mes
merizer, the biologist, and the table turner,
than in the electrical power of the torpedo, or
the facination of serpents ? We believe that
in time the existence of this nervo-magnetic
agent in the human system will be rigidly de
monstrated and all its wonderful phenomena
explained. This will at once, and for ever,
settle the question of superuatuarl agency in
producing these effects.
The mental miracles next come up for ex
planation. The clairvoyant and Rappists pro
fess to give answers to inquir es propounded
in a manner incomprehensible and mysterious.
Without venturing an opinion as to the just
ness of these claims, we may admit them for
our present purpose. Aside from all supernat
ural agency, this is a really recondite subject,
and one which, with our limited knowledge,
seems incapable of solution. We class the
spirit-rappings and clairvoyants in the same
category, because the phenomena observable
in both appear identical Both require the
same notionless condition of the body, and
abstraction of the mind, to induce this state
The same persons are mediums, and the same
class of persons believers. The communications
made are of the same import We throw out
the suggestions, that possibly the medium,
when in this nervo-magnetic state, possessed
the faculty, unconsciously, of intuitively per
ceiving what was passing in the mind of the
operator or circle The most cursory observer
of the teachings of clairvoyants must have noti
ced that the subject becomes a mere echo of
the sentiments of the operator. The vaga
l’ies of Andrew Jackson Davis had been previ
ously published to the world among the spec
ulations of the self-styled rationalistic preach
ers of Universalisra It was not the noviity of
Davis’s revelations that gave them currency;
it was the fact that an uneducated youth could
make use of such language, and deliver such
sentiments. Davis was mesm-rized by a tal
ented (Jinverbalist preacher, and in his clair
voyant state re-echoed the semtiinents clothed
in ti.e language of bis master. Has any clair
voyant or medium ever given utterance to a
sentiment or item of intelligence not previous
ly known to someone present? We think
not; and farther that no new truth will ever
be so revealed. We might give numerous
facts in illustration of this position, but one
must suffice. We are indebted to the nation
al Magazine for this, and quote from memory.
A clerical gentleman visited a circle, aud in
quired concerning a deceased relative. To
his astonishment, the answers were all rapped
out correctly. He was almost convinced, and
determined to visit the circle again. This time
he prepared three sets of questions. He knew
the answers to the first class perfectly well,
but presumed die medium did not. The se
cond class were such questions as he could not
answer satis.actorily to himself. The third
class were such as he did not know the answers
to, but couid ascertain bv reference to history
The first class were answered very correctly;
ttie second were answered very much as ’he
would have answered them himself; aud 011 ex
amination he found the answers to the ques
tions of the third class all wrong. I his case
illustrates our position The medium obtains
its answers not from disembodied spirits, but
from spirits inhabiting tlesh aud blood, present
in the circle. Here, tlien, vanishes all the
boasted comma ideation with the spirit-world
Solomon says there is nothing new nnder the
sun. I here is certainly nothing new in this
pretended consultation wiih the spirits of the
dead. Our inquisitiveness, and interest in the
great question of a future state of being, orig
inates every conceivable method of obtaining
information relative to that state. A dear
member of the family circle, or the idol of the
nation, dies, h eeping ones naturally inquire,
where is Ids spirit ? Anxiety induces creduli
ty, and we imagine,upon the slightest evidence
that we have obtained the information desired
Divination and necromancy were practised in
the Court of Pharaoh, in the time of Joseph.
And though it was condemned by the statutes
of Moses, we find the Israelites guilty of this
heathenish custom. Among the Medcs and
Persians, the Assyrians and Babylonians, the
Greeks and Romans, we find the same pre
tensions to necromaucy. Under apostolic
preaching Simon the sorcerer was converted at
Ephesus, and numbers more practising the oc
cult, tricks were converted,and burned up their
pernicious books. After a venial” priesthood
cursed the Church, ihe priest announces au
thoritatively that the soul of a departed fellow
being is suffering purgatorial torment. After
a handsome reward for his prayers, he announ
ces that the spirit has ascended to Paradise—
Need we remind the intelligent reader of the
number of fortune-tellers, conjurors, and con-
fa BdtWft
suiters with familiar spirits, who have swarm
ed through Europe, astonishing the nations
with their feats,, and drawing a large revenue
from the pockets of the credulous ?
Neither the pretensions nor wanders of the
Rappists are new. In 1604, the Rosicrucians
appeared in Paris. This was a singular sect,
who were supposed to have sold themselves to
the devil ‘1 he claims of this sect totally
eclipse both the clairvoyants and the Rappists.
They claimed that they could make unlimited
supplies of money—that they could at will
transport themselves with the velocity of
thought to any part of the univeise, and reveal
what they saw and heard—that they could
render themselves invisible, and enter the
most secret closets in spite of bolts and locks
they could call up the spirits of the dead —tell
fortunes—discover lost articles—communicate
to the man who from good motives willed to
join them, all knowledge, past present and to
come. For two hundred years this sect fiilled
Europe with its marvels, and it is probable
that some of the popular superstitions of the
present day may be traced to this origin. Be
fore such pretentions the commonplace sayings
ani doings of the table-turners must sink into
utter insignificance.
We would caution cur lady readers against
lending their presence and influence of the
“circles.” Tins excitement has already made
many maniaces It has confirmed thousands
in their false notions of the future state. It
has weakened the faith of some in the world of
God It has done no appreciable good Its
effects have been evil, ami only evil, and that
continually. If the whole thing is a trick,
you ought not to desire to become a dupe. If
it >s of the devil, you certainly do not wish to
place yourself more under his control than you
are in the ordinary transactions of life If it
is the work of bad spirits, it is necromancy,
and is plainly prohibited it: the Bible as theft
or murder.
The astute metaphysician ami philosopher
may, nay, ought to give this subject a tho
rough scientific investigation Le Verrier, in
his closet, by rigid mathematical calculations,
demonstrated the existence of a planet in the
solar system exterior to the orbit of Uranus
He determined its distance from the sun, its
size, and its periodic revolutions. The man
who can bring to bear upon the subject pre
sented in this essay, the talent and patient
perseverance widen the Frenchman displayed
in his astronomical researches, may succeed in
solving all its mysteries, and explaining all its
phenomena. Such a discovery would confer
immortality upon its author, if not upon the
age in which he lives, and link his name in hon
orable association with the names of Coperni
cus and Harvey, of Newton and Franklin, and
other great benefactors of our race.
Obtaining Revenge.
Mr. Snarl resides in Forsyth street. Mr
Snarl is an old bachelor, with an Irish girl
for a luuse keeper. Mr. Snarl lives in a good
style, but has some queer notions. Snarl
dislikes dogs above all things, organ grinders
not excepted.
Snarl’s next door neighbor is Harry Samson
Now, Harry is the opposite of Mr. Snarl.
He sets a high value on a dog, and thinks
there’s only one article equal to a Newfound
land —that’s woman. Harry has several
specimens of the canine race. The other
evening they got up a howling match, because
the moon became eclipsed. 1 hey commenced
about 10 o’clock and kept it up till the suu got
an inch and a half above Williamsburg.
This annoyed Mr. Snarl, and he had Harry
“jerked up for a nuisance,” and lined ten
dollars. Ihe next fhorning the following
advertisement appeared in the Herald :
“Wanted—At No. Forsyth street* two
bull dogs and four spaniel pups. For full-blood
ed dogs the highest price will be made.’ Call
between 5 and 6, F M. James Snarl.”
We need not say that the advertisement
was inserted by Harry. His reason for making
thecalis between 5 and 6 P. M., was because
Mr, Snarl was always out at that time, taking
an airing around the Battery.
At the hours specified, dogs and pups might
have been seen going up the Bowery to G rand,
and out of Grand to Forsyth, to the mansion
occupied by Mr. Snarl.
The first person that pulled the door-bell,
was a butcher from Centre market, with a pair
of dogs that would make mince meat of a tiger.
Ma ggie answered the bell, when the following
colloquy took place :
“Does Mr. Snarl live here ?”
“lie Joes. Why do you ax ?”
“I’ve got some dogs for him.”
“Dogs for Mr. Snarl ! Mother of Moses !
You’ve mistook the door !”
‘‘Devil a hit. —read that ”
Here Sykesy took out the morning Herald
and showed Maggie the advertisement. Mag
gie was thunderstruck ; there was no denying
the advertisement. She accardingly told
Sykesy to go into the yard with the dogs and
await the return of Mr. Snarl. Sykesy did so
In about two minutes Maggie was again
summoned by the door bell.
“I’ve got some dogs for Snarl.”
“You have ? Well, then, go into yard with
the other blackguard.”
No. 2 followed No 1 ; No. 2 was soon follow
ed by No 3, who succeeded by lots 4, 5 and 6.
By half-pas., five o’clock, the back yard contain
ed twenty-one bull dogs and fourteen spaniels.
The former got up a misunderstanding, and
by the time Snarl arrived, seven spaniels had
been placed horse de combat , wh lea dog from
Fulton Market was going through his third
round with a yellow terrier from Mott street.
Mr. Snarl reached home a few minutes
before six. Maggie opened the door for him
and burst ont as follows :
“For the love of the holy virgin, go back
and stop them—they are eating each other up,
and if not choked off, will devour the owners.
Since the days ol Crnmmel, I’ve never seen
such a hallabuloo intirely I”
Snarl “went back.” He looked into the
yard, and would have sworn, but he could not
find oaths sufficiently powerful to do justice to
his feelings. When we left Mr Snarl was
emptying the back yard with an axe-helve.
“Mother,” said a little boy, “I’m tired
of this pug nose, it’s growu pugger and pogger
every day.”
Presidential Stimulations.
It is but natural that tile friends of the
many prominent and deserving men attached
to the National Democratic party should feel
an anxous solicitude that the claims of ttie'iP
favorites should receive a fair consideration
from the approaching Cincinnati Convention,
and the great number of names pfeSvuted from
different sections for the nominations to be
made by that Convention would seem, tc the
outsider, calculated to embarrass its action ;
Siich, however, will not be the case It is
generally understood, we believe; that the
Delegates to the Convention from all of the
different States which will be represented in it,
are left free to act for the best interests of the
party and the country. Our individual choices
are subject to the will of the majority, which
from time immemorial has been held in vener
ation by the Democratic patty, and there is nr
fear that the direction of that will be towards
the best interests of the country, and the
constitution unimpaired, and its vindication
from the insults and aspersions of fanatics and
traitors North and South. Some of our op
position cotempdraries sneer at what they term
the want of unity in the Democratic party;
when they see the efforts of the friends of the
proposed condidates. “The wish is father to
the thought,” and, not to discus tlie cynical
disposition manifested by such sneers, it is like
wbistlihg against the wind, for there is noth
ing to apprehend for the harmony of the Con
vention. Since it is so universally understood
that upon the action of that convention, and
the ultimate success of the men and measures
it promulgates, depends the permanency of this
gouernment, it comes badly from the month of
these editors to attempt to sow seeds of discord
amongst its delegats ; but opposition to De
mocracy is so deeply rooted and in their nature
that to sneer it seems a part of that nature, a
practice handed down irom generation to gene
ration until it lias wholly occupied much soil
which were better appropriated to the growth
of conservatism and patriotism. But let them
rail on. Let George Law represent the views
of all such men as speak lightly of Democracy,
and the Cincinnati Convention. Let their
traditional hatred to the name of Democracy
drive them to the sacrifice of every Southern
sentiment upon the “live oak” altar, and let
them complete their estrangement from the
South and her honor by perfecting their far
advanced nffiiation with abolitionism and its
kindred fanaticisms until they receive the
amount of obloquy due their unfair and
unnatural course. God save tfidse men who
would throw cold water upon the last hope of
a constitutional union. —Atlanta Examiner.
No. 44
From the Georgia ConstitntioimlL-it
David J. Baily, President of the Senate;
shall be the subject of our first effort,though we
only see him in his official capacity,and hence
have less opportunity for judging cf hism ental
powers. He lias quite a large physique,
though so well proportioned, that one would
hardly notice he is larger than ordinary, unless
he should be noticed when standing by others.
His countenance generally wears a pleasing,
good humored, thorigh rather indolent aspect;
Hiß hair is commencing to turn grey ; he has
a smiling eye, nose rather Grecian, and a
mouth indieating some firmness. He is free
and easy in his manners, and evidently has
some fun in his composition.- He is careful
and particular, though sound iu judgment—
impartial and considerate in his decisions, and
has always been found equal to legislative;
constitutional emergencies. His decisions,
wherever they have been appealed from, have
been sustained by the Seuate. The ability,
grace, and dignity manifested in the discharge
of his official, as presiding officer of the
General Assembly, prove him a man of mind,
well regulated. Georgia need not blush il
she always has such raeu td preside over her
Rob’t. McMillan, of Habersham Mr.
McMillan hails from the Emerald Isle, and
bears, in his general appearance, his manners,
his disposition, his voice, &c. f unmistakable
evidence of his nativity. He is ot.medium
size, carries himself erect, and walks with a
measured tread. His hair is never parted ;
but is always thrown back from his forehead,
is black, and when he is excited seems to rise
and stand. There is some defect iu his eyes,
both of them not turning the same way, not
very noticeable, however. Fine lawyer, and
excellent debater, and a warm, enthusiastic,
wholesoul man. A strong Southern Rights
inan. Iu his support of measures,- too otteu
carried by excels of feeling into a too violent
advocacy of them. Courteous and obliging by
nature, lie is a warm friend, and ever ready to
do favors, thus proving a heart in the right
place. Conscientious. A;
■* 4 i
Quick Work, ano an Inopportune Kiss.—
The Lewisville Journal of the 20th instant;
learns that on the previous day a valuable
female servant beloning to Mr. J. W. NeW
land, of that city, escaped to Indiana, but
was brought back in less than two hours.
According to her own account, a whitt mau
saw her the night before,and made arrangements
with her to meet him in the morning after
breakfast at the Portland Railroad Depot,
whence the two were to go off together. She
went to the depot at the appointed time, found
her white companion there, and took passage
on the cars, having several dresses oil and her
face thickly veiled. Those who saw her sup
posed her to be white.
The black woman and white man, the latter
a big burley fellow, crossed the river on the
ferry-boat, she being.supposedall the while to
be a white woman ; and, when the boat arrived
on the other side, lie passed out and ascended
the bank first She folk wed about ten steps
behind, and, when they were both on the top
of the bank, the amorous and impatient rascal,
thinking all safe, and wishing to seize the first
golden moment, raised her veil and kissed her.
That raising of her veil was fatal. The ferry -
mau saw, that although she had a white lover,
she bad a black face, and rushing np the bank,
he seized her and demanded where she Was
going; She protested that she was free, but,
not being able to show the documents, sko
was brought back and lodged in jail even beforo
being missed by the family to which she be
The Abolitionist was shortly after seized
and carried off to Louisville, where ho ia
safely lodged in jail.
A Good One.— A correspondent of the New
York Tribune says that recently during tho
balloting for the Speakership aud old Democrat
from Tennessee remarked “that during the
previous twontyfotir hours he had fancied that
he could see the form of the immortal Jackson
hovering over the Assembly and with all the
energy and determination that formerly
characterized him exclaiming, ”By the Eternal
no more Banks 1”
Getting married is like getting corned, you
feel much better after you are through with
the ceremony.