The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, March 05, 1856, Image 2

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Cju <&mpn State. “ GRIFFInT GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY M . MARCH 5, 1856 Hiram Warner has been appointed by Congress one of the Regents of the Smithsonian X istitution. “Soil of tle South. 79 This most valuable monthly, for March, is on hand in due time, and brings with it its usual amount of interesting reading matter for the Plan ter and Gardener. It is a work peculiarly adapted to the wants of the South ; and the long practical experience of Mr. Peabody, the Editor, entitles his views and opinions to the highest consideration. Such a work should never languish for want of patronage. iAvingston’s Law Magazine. We have received from the Editor, a copy of the above work, for March, published in the city of New York. It contains much useful information to the legal fraternity, and should be patronized by every lawyer in the Union. The present num ber contains a fine engraving of the likeness of ex- Gov- Aaron Y. Brown, of Tennessee, with a short sketch of his life. 44 Corner Slone.” James W. Gaulding, late Editor of the “Advo cate of the South,” published at Buena Yista, has become associated with Gen. Bethune in the Edito rial Department of the Corner Stone, published at Columbus. Both these geu tlemen have for years, belonged to what has been called the Ultra Fire eating fchotl of politicians,and the paper is not like ly to abate any of its fervency by this connection between them. We hope they will not raise the caloric so high as to produce an explosion, which may prove disastrous to the country and detrimen tal to themselves. We admire their zeal in so good a cause, and trust that it may be controlled by wis dom and moderation. New Advertisements. Our readers will observe by reference to our ad vertising columns, that Mr. George W. Price of Macon, will sell goods to the people in this region. Whether or not his neighbors residing in Macon, will do so likewise, is another question. If they wish to do so, they manifest no such desire by visi ble signs. If however, our patrons go to Macon to buy dry goods Mr. Price can supply them to their hearts content. We have often been in his store and inspected his stock. Ilis goods are fresh choice, cheap, and he is the gentleman who will treat you with kindness and politeness. Try him. Post Master at Augusta. It seems that we have been the innocent cause of rumpling the feathers of Mr. Smythe, Post Master at Augusta, by a few remarks made by us in the last issue of our paper in regard to Post Office de. ialcations. If Mr. Smythe will read our article carefully, he will find that no charge was intended to be made by us against him, or any other person in particular. In fact, we specially said that there “is a screw loose somewhere between Griffin and Au gusta.” We presume Mr. Smythe will not under take to defend all the acts of the Post Office agents between the two points designated. If there has not been “a screw loose,’ some where on that line, during the last year, then some vile slanders have been published, and some gross acts of false im prisonment been perpetrated. We had no reason to believe that the fault was chargeable to the Post Master at Griffin or Augusta. The com plaints of which we spoke, can be substantiated, and the whole community is well aware of the fact! that the failures of the mails have for months past been the subject of general complaint. We are the last to insinuate that this is attributable to the fact, that the Department is now under the control of a Democratic Administration. So far from this, we are well aware that the same evils have existed under administrations anti-Democratic,and probably would do so again. It is our right, as well as our duty, to bring to the notice of the pub lie any grievances resulting from the neglect or mismanagement of public functionaries, and we hope our friend Smythe will “bide his time with patience,” until a charge is made against him be fore he undertakes to defend himself. Committee on the State Road. We have been politely furnished by Mr. Kirk patrick, of bpaldiug, with copies of the Majority and Minority reports of the Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives, appoint ed by the Legislature to investigate the affairs of the State Soad. The majority consisting of Messrs. Murphy, Sims, Phillips and Terlmne, made a re port highly complimentary to the Managers of the Road, representing it in a prosperous condition, and its affairs well administered. The minority consisting o fDr. Hill, of Troup, made a counter report, reiterating many of the charges made du ring the canvass ol the Gubernatorial election, and which were thoroughly investigated at that time. The whole affair has ended about as we expected. The people are about as much enlightened on the subject as they were before the Legislature met. Judge Cone audMr. Peoples, however, said it must be done, and the Legislature had to gratify them. ‘The King of France, with forty thousand men, marched up the hill, and then marched down again.” Public Printing-. We perceive, from the Columbus Times ff Senti nel, that the Legislature has re-enaeted the law passed at the last session, on the subject of the Pub — f* c \\ hat a pity, that so much patriot ic labor has been wasted by certain Editors and their immediate neighbors and friends, to bring about a reform in this branch of the public expen ditures. Wonder why these gentlemen don’t make an effort to. shorten the sessions of the Legislature, and thereby save a few thousands of the people’s money ? It is something a little remarkable, that not one ol these gentlemen, who were foremost in this crusade against the Printer elected by the late Legislature, have made any demonstration, by word or deed, against long sessions of the Legisla ture. 1 here is something in this, inexplicable to us. Mr. Harris, of Meriwether. Through the kindness of some friend we have been furnished with the speech of this gentleman delivered in the House of Representatives, on the Bill to lend State aid to the Brunswick and Gulf Railroad. The speech is very creditable to the gentleman from whom it emanated, exhibiting a familiarity with subjects of that sort, and the ope rations of the system of State aid in other States, which would do credit to much oldej enced hands. We lmd the pleasure Mr. Harris’first efforts at speaking, in the Legisla ture, and take pleasure in bearing witness to the successful manner in which he acquitted himself on those several occasions. There is a gracefulness of manner, a melody of enunciation and an ease and elegance of diction, which indicate for Mr. H. a success in oratory of which any man might be proud. Practice and cultivution are all that is wanting to ensure this desirable consuma t-ion. We have only oue objection to our young friend, and we have the same objection to thou sands of other good men, but have strong hopes of soon having that objection removed. We shall en deavor to publish the speech next week. The State Road Saved. The House of Representatives has given a quie tus to the wild scheme of selling the Stat.- Road— a bill for which had passed the Senate. The recent session of the Legislature will be long remember ed by the people of Georgia for weal or for woe, but whatever ofevil it may have inflicted upor. the country, so far as the Representative branch is con cerned, the signal defeat of the project under con sideration, will go very far towards setting off any blame which may attach to it, for the general ac tion of the Body of which it is a component part. We should have preferred that some change had been made in the organization of the Road, but to sell it at the present time, especially after the man ner proposed in t-ha Senate’s bill, was worse than absurd. We look upon this w r ork as a great treas ure—one which is to lighten the burdens of taxa tion, and afford the means of extending the bene fits of education to all the destitute children in our borders. Hence we deem the action of the House in defeating the bill for its sale, a subject of con gratulation to every public spirited citizen in the State. Nomination for President and Yiee President. The Convention of the Know Nothing Party recently convened in Philadelphia, nominated Millard Fillmore, of New York, for President, aud Andrew J. Donaldson, of Tennessee, lor Vice- President of the United States. The Convention was by no means harmonious. Several of the Southern States were not represented at all, Geor gia being among the number unrepresented. A platform of principles was agreed upon, similar to that laid down by the National Council at Phila delphia-last year, except the 12th resolution, which was entirely stricken out. It is not oar purpose at present to speak at large of the candidates pre sented, or the platform upon w'hih they are placed. We have not yet seen a full account of the pro ceedings of the Convention, and therefore cannot speak advisedly upon all matters pertaining to the action of this body. The Platform which we have seen, is of itself sufficient to convince us that the influences controlling this Convention, were very feeble in favor of Southern interests. We can find no guarantees therein contained for the protection of our peculiar interests. The 12th plank in the old platform, was all which entitled it to the sup port of Southern members of the party, an 1 that being stricken from under them, they now- can find no foundation upon which they can stand with any safety or self-respect. We are gratified to perceive that some of our Southern American cotempora ries, have independence enough to speak out in proper terms of the action of this Convention.— The Georgia Citizen and the American Union are bold and open in the expression of their disappro bation of the nomination. These two journals have been the most zealous in their support of the American Party, and though we have differed with them iu most of the positions they have maintained in the recent canvass, w T e are truly gratified to find that they yet value the rights of their own section of the country, as paramount to the success of a national party, which manifests a disregard for all the rights which we as Southern people hold dear. If the whole Southern press of that party would speak out, as the Citizen and Union have done, the action of the Convention woulu be demoralized, and the nominess no doubt decline the positions tender ed them. We are prepared to pledge ourself in advance to repudiate the action of the National Democratic Convention, if it does not put forth a platform of principles more in accordance with Southern interests and Southern sentiment, than that recently laid down by the Philadelphia Con vention. Iu failure of this, we shall be prepared to unite with any and all Southern men in support of a candidate from our own section, and form a sectional party, let the consequences be what they may. We have strong hopes that all the sound men of the American Party, will take warning by the result of the late Convention, and cordially unite with the true friends of the South, whether living North or South, and do battle for the rights guaranteed to us under our glorious Constitution. Removal of the Penitentiary. A Bill for the removal of the Penitentiary, pass ed the House of Representatives, several weeks since, but when it was taken up in the Senate, the whole project was defeated by an amendment to lease the Institution to some individual for a term of years. It will therefore, remain where it is for sometime to come. We regret that this measure has met so unexpacted a fate. We have long been of the opinion that the Penitentiary should be removed from its present location, and we have strong doubts of the propriety of renting it out and hireing the convicts to some individual. We deem this a step from bad to worse. Appointments by the Governor. Dennis F Hammond has been appointed Judge,and W. M. Feilder,Solicitor of the New Circuit formed from Coweta, Carroll and other counties. Death of a Representative. Hon. Thomas E. Beall, Representative from Columbia county, died in Millfedgeville.on the 27th ult. after a short illness of six days. His disease was Pheumonia, before whose ruthless arm, so many of our people have fallen during the past cold winter. This is the third time, during the recent session of the legislature, that the fearful announcement has been made within the halls of our Capitol, that one of the chosen Representanives of the people is gone. His remains were conveyed to his residence in Columbia county for interment Kansas Meeting. From the Atlanta Examiner we learn that a meet ing was held in that city, on the 29th ult., by the “Atlanta Company of Emigrants for Kansas Ter ritory,” at which the following officers were chosen for the Company: BATT JONES. Captain. MARGENIUS A. BELL, Secretary DANIEL PITTMAN, ) BATT JONES, [ Com.bnFinaucc MARGENIUS A. BELL, ) The meeting is said to have been humorously attended by the citizens, and speeches were deliver ed by Messrs. Jones, Bell, Cowart and Glenn. — Strong resolutions breathing the noble sentiments of patriotism, and devotion to the rights aud inter ests of the South were adopted. We are pleased to see our neighboring city, waking up to a proper sense of duty in reference to this momentous ques tion. If every town and city in all our Empire State could be made to see and feel the importance of immediate action on this subject, we should have no fears for the result of the pending controversy. Abolitionism has arrogantly declared that no more of the public Territory shall ever be made a slave State, yet the great mass of our people manifest as much supineness and apathy on the subject of this controversy, as if they had no stake in the issue ol the struggle. They can lie down and sleep in ap parent quiet and security, while the great fabric of their, rights aud liberties is in flames above them. Southern men and Southern Journals too, have gone so far as to say that it is a mdtter of indiffer ence to us, as a Southern people, whether Kansas shall be a slave or a free State. Great God, to what are we tendiug ! The loss of Kansas, in’ our cpiuion, will be the entering wedge to a series of aggressions, which must sooner or later result in the overthrow of Southern Institutions. Awake, arise men of the South, or be forever nridonc! Middle Ground Railroad. A writer in our last issue over the signature of “Meriwether,” suggests the propriety of holding a convention, sometime shortly, in Griffin for the pur pose of making preliminary arrangements for building tlie Middle Ground Railroad. W e most cordially agree with the writer in his views on this subject, and hope his suggestion, will meet a ready response from every friend oftheenterpris ,through out the whole length of the contemplated route.— That the Road would greatly benefit the section of country through which it will pass, is a self evi dent proposition. This ’ c©’nsidera,tiou ought to arouse the energies of every man living in the region most immediately to be benefited. That the Road when built, will be a paying Road, admits of little doubt, and this is a con dderajibn which should in duce capitalists to embark in the enterprise as a safe aud profitable investment. By all means let the friends of the enterprise meet, and consult to gether. Some plan can doubtless be inaugurated to put the ball in motion, and this being done, we shall have strong hopes of success. If Newton, Henry, Meriwether and Harris will do, vvliat they once promised to do, aud Muscogee and Columbus will do what we believe they can and will do, the remainder can be provided for without difficulty. We are anxious to see the subject agitated in the public prints, and among the people, and the soon er the agitation commences the better. Come friends, “let us reason together.” . Foi the Empire State. Friends and fellow-citizens of Griffin and Spald ing county : The Legislature, for your especial benefit, has chartered the ‘Middle Ground Rail Road.” Now what is your part to do 9 Why, build the Road through your city and county.— Newton says she will do her part, so do Henry, Meriwether aud Harris. But they cannot, unless you do. Meriwether says, if you do not, she will build a Road joining, at some point, the Atlanta & LaGrange Road. What will be the inevitable consequence ? The loss entirely of the Meriweth er trade to your place. You have not forgot, have you, the effect on the business of Griffin by the structure of the Atlanta & LaGrange Road ? Here is an example for you. Action speaks loud er than words. Do you wish to see all your busi ness streets become like New Orleans Street, deso late and deserted—your trade gone, the value of your property gone, the laboring and mechanical class of your citizens pass away ? No place ever flourished or prospered with the loss of all these resources. Then rouse your energies, and “do or die.” Remember the fable of the wagoner and Hercules. Bush at the wheel first yourselves, then call lor aid. Labor aud independence is the true maxim. Get the money wherever you can, at home or abroad. Farmers that take stock, can pay for it bj work on the road. Ye mer chants of Griffin, do not stand all the day idle, leaning against your door posts, dreaming that the dimes will come into your drawers by magic.— They wont come at all. if this Road is not built. Ye wealthy men of Spalding, make your joints crack by strong efforts to make this Road. With out it, Griffin is dead as a mackerel, or foolish as a ninny hammer. Her estate, prosperity, name and glory will fade away. Then “do or die,” as Bruce said to his army going into battle, and do you say, ‘l'll try,sir?’ as the brave Miller said,when lie storm ed and carried the British battery in the battle of Bridgewater. He “done did it” effectually, and so can you, if you are not the victims of indolence, apathy and indifference to your own interest, and care not whether your city sink to emaciation by commercial atrophy Call a public meeting of county and town at the court house, at an early day, in order to hold a grand palaver, and have a sober and effectual pow-wow, then go to work, and not let it be all talk and no cider. Friends, to build this Road, all that is necessary, is to “play on a liarp of a thousands strings, and chime the dimmijohn” only at the first and last stroke of the spade and pick, and the first snort of the iron horse. “Where there is a will, there is a way,” as the resolute poor youth said, and acting on this maxim, he made a fortune, aud married. Who did he mar ry ? None of your high-flyers, but a pretty, ho liest and iudustrious ‘gal” to help him take care of it. C. F. D. Feb. 2G.—Sen ate. —The Naval Committee reported a bill to construct tea steam sloops.,o/ war.! Mr. Bell, of Tenn., spoke puthe Central Ameri can question, taking moderate grounds. House. —The Speaker appointed a committee of thirteen on the Pacific Rail Hoad, Denver, of Cal ifornia, Chairman. The Military Academy, Deficiency, Pension, and General Appropriation Bills have been reported The President has sent in a special message ask ing an appropriation of three millions for the man ufacture of additional arms and munitions of war. and the improvement of those now in use.. .. (COM.VIUNK ATED.) Mr. Editor : A few thoughts by the way. In this, as well as other communities, the practice prevails, to an alarming extent, of “ tattling or tale bearing.” No good can result from such a course The tendency is evil, and only evil--and much to be regretted. Every community has its faults —ev- ery neighborhood its news-carriers. Man was not made to vilify and bemean his fellows. The man tle of charity should be thrown around poor, weak, erring humanity. Love hides a multitude of faults. But to the point : Whenever you see a man or woman running to and fro throughout town and country, scattering broadcast as they go some frivilous tale about their neighbors, calculated to lower them in public opin ion, you may set it down for granted, that all is not right within, nd that such persons arc bad as sociates. Keej) aloof from them. Whenever you see persons looking after the faults of others, leaving .their own misdemeanors unaccounted for out of the question, watch ! turn the cold shoulder to them ! —they are wolves in sheeps’ clothing ! Whenever you see persons particularly indus trious, attending to the business of others, while their own affairs are wholly and totally neglected, set them down as busy-bodies, and let them alone- Close contact is dangerous. Whenever you hear persons making insinuations, attempting to make false impressions by inuendoes, slight remarks, kc., be careful how you speak be fore them —they are dangerous companions, and will always keep you in hot water. Shun them ! Hunt other company ! In their presence, let your conversation be yea, yea, nay. nay. In the long run it will be better for you. Whenever you see men striving to pull down their equals and superiors by watching—catching up every word said in jest, and making a handle out of nothing to promote their own selfish purpo ses, in order to gain popularity at the expense of him they seek to destroy, let such creatures slide ! They will not do to tie to ! ! Dangerous indeed !!! More subtle than the poisonous reptile that crawls upon the earth. , . Look out for these wiery, oily-tongued fellows, who are all the time ‘palavering you ; butter some times would not melt in their mouths —they would make you believe the moon was made of green cheese, and every thorn a rose bush ; besides, eve ry thing you do or say, in their presence, is just right ; but good lack-a-day ! when your back is turned, what a terrible tongue-lashing you get !! Let such alone. The further you keep away from them, the more certain are you to steer dear ol difficulties. These refiections have been drawn forth by the constant, eternal, never ceasing tattling of some people, whom we could mention, if it were neces sary. We are tired of pomueh “flummery.” We hope those who feel guilty, will profit by these hints, and keep theiftHongues between their teeth for one week At the end of that time, we are sat isfied they will feel better, both in body and mind. At any rate, it will cost but little to try the expe riment. Sweep your own doors clean, before you strike at the private affairs of your neighbors.— ‘Verbum Sat” N. Y. Z. American National Convention, We have given the proceedings pretty fully, up to Friday night. We give below those of Saturday. Upon taking the chair as the permanent President of the Convention, Air. Marsh in formed the Convention that they had met to make nominations for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, not to discuss the distracting questions (slavery) of the day. Mr Small, of Pa., offered the following as a compromise on the Slavery question : Resolved, That we repudiate all platforms adopted by the National Councils Resolved, That this Convention put forth as a simple platform of the American party— The Bible and the Constitution-and upon that rear the following fiive points of fellowship : 1 American Institutions should be cotrol led only by America’s men. 2. American labor should be protected from foreign competition. 3. American resources should be adopted by every legal means. 4. American compromises, made in good faith, should be observed in spirit at least as a guaranty of American integrity and loyalty. 5. American citizens abroad should be protected in their rights of causeience, of religious worship and honorable burial. Gov. Call of Flordia spoke. He was labor ing under a deep affliction of the lungs, but a deeper affliction of the heart The morning lowers. He was an ultra Union man, and had fought the Secessionists at the South for twenty years ; and had fought for the Union in 1812. He spoke in depreciation of the course affairs had taken here this week, and said it would not do. There are now two American parties in this house, seperated by barriers which neither can overleap. I am stisfied that this amalgamation of different panics cannot save this Union, and I have determined ther fore to withdraw from this Convention. He had faith in God, more than in man, to rescue and preserve this glorious Union Speaking of the division of parties in Congress, he said he could not act, and never whould act with that party which elected Mr. Hanks : that party which supported the gal lant Fuller is the party to which I belong, and I will belong to no other. You of the North are suffering severely from foreign influ ence—the Fope of Roma controls your elec tions. We of the South are ready to join you in striking down this influence. All we ask in return is this, that you will be silent on the subject of slavery. But you refuse to do this ; you bring Black Republicans here from Congress to sit with me. You will yield nothing to the South : the South must yield everything to you We cannot and we will uot # do it. I take leave of you in sadness and sorrow. New York delegate—Don’t take leave of New York. She will stand by you. When Gov. Call concluded, there was a great struggle for the floor, confusion prevail ed for some moments. Mr. Barilctt of Kv., President of the National Council obtained a hearing, and begged Gov. Call and other gentleman of the South not to leave as yet lie plead eloquently and with tears for the union of the American party. We have conquered our oppouents in Kentucky on the June platform. But we have modified that platform here this week to conciliate our friends of the North We think we can stand upon that platform and are willing to go home and try. Gov. Call of Flordia—l can’t and won’t stand upon this new platform. • Mr Small’s resolutions were lost The motion of Mr. Bartlett to adjourn to July 3d was laid on the table, by ayes 128, nays 13. The call of the roll on this motion commenced at 12 o’clock and was not ended until 6 1-2—most of the members, as their names were called, availing themselves of the opportunity to make explanations. Final ly amid great confusion the convention adjournetj until Monday mornning.-Nftv. Jtwr. American Convention ——Fillmore Nominated. Philadelphia, Feb. 25.—The Convention has nominated Fillmore for President, and Donelson, of Tennessee, for Yice President. Philadelphia, Feb. 25. — A resolution was introduced into the Convention this morning declaring that the Grand Council, in session last week, had no right to lay down a platform, and opposing the nomination of any candidate not infavor of a restoration of the Missouri Compromise. It was lost by a large majority The Convention then resolved to proceed to the nomination of a candidate for the Presi dency. Fillmore’s chance is best. Philadelphia, Feb. 25th, P. M.—The Con vention was about balloting for a candidate for President, when the delegates from Con necticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ohio and portions of the Illinois, lowa and Penn sylvania delegations seceded from the Con vention. American Platform. The following platform of principles was adopted by the late National Council of the American party at Philadelphia as a substi tute for that promulgated in June last. The vote stood : yeas 108 nays 17. Ist An humble acknowledgement to ihe Supreme Being who rules the universe, for His protecting care vouchsafed to our fathers in their successful revolutionary struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their descendants, in the preservation of the liberties,the independ ence and the union of the States. 2d. The perpetuation of the Fedral Union, as the palladium of <ur civil and religious liberties, and the only sure bulwark of Ameri can independence 3d. Americans must rule America ; and to this end native born citizens should be selected for all State, federal and municipal (ffice, or government employment, in prefer, ence to naturalized citiz ns nevertheless. 4th. Persons born of American parents residing temporarily--abroad should be en itled to all the rights of native born citizens 5 but. sth. No persons should be selected for political station, (whether of native or for eign.birth,) who recognizes any allegiance or obligation ol a; v description to any foreign prince, potentate or power, or who refuses to recognize the Fedral and State constitutions (each within its spin r.') as paramount to all other laws, as rales of political action. 6th. The unqualified recognition and mainte nance of tlie rescued r'ghts of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good will between the citizens of the several St o es, and to this end, non-interfer ence by Congress ui,h questions appertaining solely to the individual Mates, and non-in tervention by each State with the affairs of any c ther State. 7tii. The recognition of the right of the nativebern and naturalized citizens of the United states, permanently residing in any Territory thereof, to frame their constitution and laws, and to legulatc their (bunestic and social affairs in their own mode subject only to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, with th.e right of admission into the Union whenever they have thcreqnsite population for one Representative in Congress, Provided always , that none but those who are citizens of the United States, under the constitution and laws thereof, and who hare a fixed resi dence in any such Territory, ought to partici pate in the formation of the constitution, or in the enactment of law’s for said Territory or State. Bth. An enforcement of the principle that no State or Territory can admit others than native born citizens to the rights of suffrage, or holding political office, unless such persons shall have been naturalized according to the laws of the United States. 9th A change in the laws of naturalization making a continued residence of twen y-one years, of all not heretofore provided for an indispensable requisite for citizenship hereafter, and excluding all paupers, and persons con victed of crime from ianding upon our shores ; but no interference with the vested rights of foreigners. 1 Oth. Opposition to any uuion between i Church and Slate ; no interference of religious j faith, or worship, and no test oaths for office | except those indicated in the sth section of I this platform. 11th. Free and thorogh investigation into any and all alleged abuses of public function ! arics, and a strict ecouomy in public ex penditures. 12th. The maintainance and enforcement of all laws until said laws shall be repealed, or shall be declared null and void by compe tent judicial authority 13. Opposition to the reckless and unwise policy of the present administration in the general management of our national affairs, and more especially as shown in removing “Americans'’ (by designationJ and conserva tives in principle, from office, and placing foreigners and ultraists in their j daces ; as shown in a truckling subservience to the stronger, and an insolent and cowardly brava do towards weaker powers ; as shown in re opening sectional agitation, by the repeal of the Mi souri Compromise ; as shown in grant ing to unnaturalized foreigners the rights to suffrage in Kansas and Nebraska ; as shown in its vacillating course on the Kansas and Nebraska question ;as shown in the removal of Judge Bronson from the Collcctorship of New York upon false and untenable grounds; as shown in the corruptions which pervade some of the departments of the gorvernraent ; as shown in disgracing meritorious naval officers through prejudice or caprice , and as shown in the blundering mismanagement of our foreign relations 14th. Therefore to remedy existing evils, and prevent the disastrous consequences otherwise resulting therefrom, we would build up the “American party” upon the principles herein before stated, eschewing all sectional questions, and uniting upon those purely national, and admitting into said party al American citizens, referred to in the 3d, 4th, and st,h sections,) who openly avow the principles and opinions heretofore expressed, and who will subscribe their names to this platform. Provided, nevertheless, that a majority of those members present at any meeting of a local council where an applicant applies for membership in the American party may for any reason by them deemed sufficient, deny admission to such applicant. 15th A free and open discussion of all principles embraced in our platform. Our Relations with England.— Now York Feb 1 26.—The Commercial Advertiver of this ci ty, has authority from a passenger by the Asia who saw Mr. Buchanan on the eve of his depart ure, for saying that all points of difficulty between England and the Uuited States were in a fair way for adj ustment, and would be settled id a few days (From the Savannah Georgian.) HOUSE. Milledgeville, Eeb. 29 185 G. BILL3 ON THEIR PASSAGE. Bill to incorporate the town of Lithonia in DeKal.b count Land the town of Woodbury in Meriwether county. Passed. Bill to compel the Superintendent of the Western aud Atlantic railroad to sell such iron and other articles as may become useless, at public outcry. Passed. Bill to incorporate a bank in the town of Hamilton. Passed. Bill to amend the several acts in relation to serving out commissions of Lunacy. Passed. Bill to compel the depot agents and con ductors of the Western & Atlantic railroad to to take an oath lor the faithful discharge of their duties, and to punish violations of the same. Pass, and B 11 lo authorise tax collectors to issue som 111011s ut garnishment. Passed; Bi 1 to enable pers. ns who may have claims against trust , states to recover said claims in a court ot law, and to prescribe the manner in which the same shall be done. Pas-ed Bill to require the State printer to can't the proceedings of the legislature to be report ed. l’assed. Senate bill to lease the Penitentiary. Pass- B,!l to require persons owning lands in this .mate out of the counties in which they reside and the number, county and district and sec- Lon 111 which it w’as situated at the time it was granted. Bid to prescribe the order of dt een and sucees ho:i of the estate of illegitimate peivons who* die intestate. Pa-scd. l'-* provide a remedy for cases in the ! Supreme Court where the defendant dies be i\\ een the time of trial in the Circuit Court auu the time of filing the bill of executions, wiii, o! e 101, citations and notice msa.d court Passed. Bill to facilitate and expedite the collection cf debts due by corporations, joint stock com panies and association, in the eases where the stockholders are liable for the same. Pass ed. Bill to authorise endorsers on promissory notes and all negotiable paper, to be sued in the same action with the principal or maker. Pas-ed. Bill lo incorp. rate the Bank < f Fulton in the city of Atlanta, capital $300,000. Pass ed Lib! to alter and amend the Ist section of the <>.l i.riic eof the constitution. Prescribing’ the jink dictions in tiie organization and pow ers of the judie ary. Passed Bill in relation to the exemption of certain pr. pert)’ from levy and sale, and lo provide a mode ol seen ing the same to the wife and. children Passed. SENATE. j 811 to authorize the Governor and Comp bo *ei’ U< ueral lo correct mistakes of Receiv ! trs & 10l lectins ol (lexis whereby nOl e mon ey is | aid than is required by law’. Passed. • Bill to change the time of holding the In iv-rior Court ot Sumpter, Butts and Bibb. Pas- J sod. j Bill to incorporate the Exchange Bank im j the city of Griffin. Passed. Bill to incorporate the Bank of the Empire State in the city of Rome. Passed. ThcrmometrUnl Record for the ntantliof Ftlwn nr y, 1536, Griffin, Ga., 1856. Feb. 1 ,8 o'clock,a. m ...... .34—clear. 2 “ “ “ 34 —cloudy. 3 “ “ “ 22£ —snowing. 4 “ “ “ B —clear. 5 “ “ 10£ —clear. “ G “ “ “ 29 —cloudy. I “ “ “ 40—cloudy. s “ “ “ 43—cloudy. 9 “ “ ‘* 27—clear. 10 *. .. “ 34 — c i ear „ “ “ “ .38—rainj - . “ “ “ 32—clear. .*l3 < .. .< 40 —clear,- *4 “ “ “ 27—clear.- 15 “ “ “■ 44 —cloudy. 16 “• “ ** .48-—clear. 17 “ ** “ 30—clear. 18 “ “ “ 26—clear. “ 1® “ “ “ 34—cloudy. -G “ “ “ 42—rainv. “ 21 “ “ “ ...“ -- “ “ “ 45 —cloudy „ “23 .....48- “ “ 24 “ - “ 49- “ “ 25 “ “ “ V 41— “ “ 26 “ •* “ 41— “ “27 *• “ “ 4(; —rainy .- 2S “ “ “ . 44 —clear.. “29 “ “ “ .50—clear. The Foreign-Mails. The Atlantic’s Asia’s mails reached us at 12 o’clock last night. Liverpool advices are to the 9th iust. Sir Henry Bulwer has offered to act as mediator between England and the United States. The Manchester and Liverpool chambeis of commerce had hold meetings to take into consideration the pending difficulty. At the former a speech was made by Mr. Bright Lord Palmerston had said the matter could be amicably adjusted. He de clared that the American government wished to put a construction upon the Clayton treaty at va riance with that originally intended. Some cor respondence had taken place, the consequences of which was that the English government, while hold ing its own construction to be just, was willing to refer the matter to the arbitration of any three powers. I'othis proposition America had not yet made any reply ; however, he was willing to lay all the correspondence that had taken place on the sub ject on the table. 1 he Northern Bee of January 26, (a journal pub lished at St. Petersburg,) contains the following passage :—May God grant us peace; but should it not be concluded, Russia still has at Jicr disposal sufficient means of resistance to repel her enemies with energy. Russia desires peace, but she does not fear war. In the same number it is said : Aa regards Frauee, it may be positively affirmed, that the French nation loves and respects the Russians. —Sail Georgian. Philadelphia Convention.— Philadelphia, Feb 26.—The American National Convention adjourn ed sine die, last night. Mr. Fillmore was nomi nated on the 2d ballot, receiving 175 votes, to 24 for George Law, 14 for Rainer, of North Caroli na, and 13 for Judge McLean. His nomination was then made unanimous. — sav. Journal. Recruits for Nicaragua. - New Orleans, Feb. 27 A large number of recruits left this Jcity this morning, in the Prometheus, for Gen. Walker f Nicaragua,