The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, March 12, 1856, Image 1
TiiiS BMP Mill STATE IS P.CUMSIIKD WEEKLY, 33y _£L. GteFULlcliriLg; *Wli§*-*'TWO DOLI.AUS IX ADVANCE. OH THREE IJO',- L VHS AFTER SIX MONTHS, I’ER ANNUM. ♦©“Office up-stairs over W. U. Phillips & Co.-^r Advertisements are inserted at One Dollar per square for tl* first Insertion, and Fifty Cents iter square for each in rtioii there iftter. AU Mtirrtimnents not otherwise ordered icitl be continu ed till forbid. Sales of Lands by Administrators, Executors or Guar dians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 8 in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the county in which the Land is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Sales of Negroes must be made at public auction on the first Tuesday of the month.-between the usual hours of sale, at- the place of public sales In the county where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guardianship may have been granted—first giving forty days notice thereof in •ne of the public Gazettes of the State,’ and at the Court House where such sale is to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner, forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate, must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell Land, must be published for two ttientlis. Notice for leave to sell Negroes must be published two onths before any order absolute shall he made thereon by be Court. Citations for Letters of Administration must be publish ed thirty days : for Dismission from Administration, month ly six months ; for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Notice for the foreclosure of Mortgage must be publish ed monthly for four months ; for publishing Lost Pa per*, for the full space of three months ; for compelling ti llm from Executors and Administrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, for the space of three niontns JAMES K STARK, ATTORN E Y A T L A IV, 4LrJllin, ‘.corgi a.. WILL practice in the Courts of the Flint Circuit, and in tlu Supreme Court at Atlanta and Macon. Feb. 13, 1856....41....1y JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, A TT O R J\ r E Y A T L A TV, Office front Dooms, over John lb Wallace & Bros., corner of White Hall and Alabama streets, A\T V GEORGIA. January 80,155 G ts W. L. GORDON, ATTORNE Y A T L A W , ■GRIFFIS GEORGIA. January 30, 1856 30 ly HENRY HENDRICK:, A T T O R N E Y A T L A TV , Jackson, Bulls County, Georgia. Hay 3, 1855. ts DANIEL &T BiSfiiUKEj All ori! tj s at La w , ■GirliUit, Georgia. L. K. DAMI'.I,, F - D * DISMtKK. May 3,1855. • • W. PC. > Rid JO SI DAN, Attorney at Law, ZebKlun, Ucorti . WILL practice in all the counties of the Flint Circuit. May 3, 1855. A. “ STELLA BECK, Atto rii c y s a t La w , M’Donongti, G foyglo • ALL business entrusted to their care, will receive prompt attention.. K. If. STKLL, Y - May 3, 1855. u _ DR. 11. W. BROW A, Griffin, Georgia. ©FFICE, in the basement story, under the Store of Mesa-a J. A. & J. C. Becks. Hay 3,1855. ___ ,T. 11. MANGHAM, ./%. •s"fc o x*as.ey £3b t; ? May 3, 1855-1 y.. .1 ” ANDREW M. MOORE, A TT O II JV E Y A T L A R , Lagrange Georgia. WILT, practice in the Courts of the Coweta Circuit. All business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt attention. July 4, 1855. c ~ lt ~~ WM 11. I'. MALL, ATT 0R N E Y A T L A W , ZEBULON GEORGIA. July 4, 1855. A I). NUNN ALLY, A T T O R N E Y A T L A W , GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. June, 27,1855. Ty. UNDERWOOD, HAMMOND h SON, ATTORNEYS at law, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL give personal attention to all business entrusted to tlieir management, and attend the Sixth Circuit Courtof the United States, at Marietta, the Supreme Court at Macon and Decatur, and the Superior Courts m Cobb, Morgan, Newton, DeKalb, Fulton, Fayette, Spalding. Pike. Cass, Monroe, Upson, Bibb, Campbell, Coweta, Troup, Whitfield and Gordon, in Georgia, and Hamilton county, (Chattanooga,) in Tennessee. May 3,1855. tl Q. C. W. C. f VI.LEK. GRICE & FULLER, A T T O R N E Y S A T L A TV, FAYETTEVILLE, GEORGIA. December 10t1i,1855. 33-ts W. L. KICE, WM.B. WALLACE. GRICE & WALLACE, AT TO R F E Y S A T L A TV, BUTLER, GEORGIA. PERSONS intrusting business to them may rely on their fidelity, promptness and care. Dee. 10, -55-33-ly. GARTUELL & GLENN, A T TORN EY S A T LA W , ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ‘JITILL attend the Courts in the Counties of Fulton, De- TV Kalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Car !>ll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. Lucirs J. Gartbf.i.l, | Lutiikh J. Glenn, formerly of Washington, Ga. j FormerlyofMcDonough.Ga. May 16, 1855. 3tf IMS.e E ® .53 _E3T2 21 1 j TENDERS his professional fervieos as a Physician and Surgeon, to the citizens of Griffin and vicinity. jO-Office on the same floor with the Empire State,"SO Griffin, March 5, 1856 44... .ly A Valuable Plantation for Sale IN South-western Georgia, containing 303 j acres, as good Land as any in Georgia ; Corn, Fodder, Oats, and Stack of all kinds sold with the place, if desired. aUI Ei S^ My Lot containing 2 acres, and a large and convenient DWELLING, in West Griffin. tp?.. All indebted w ill please rail and settle. lam determined to close my business, as I am actually determined to move to Florida. Oct. 17, 1855. .25 .. .ts C. T DEUPREE. CARRIAGE m fJIITirS SHOP. THE undersigned haveassocia ted themselves together under the --AgA firm name and style of CLARK & MX, For the purpose of carrying on the CARRIAGE MAKING and REPAIRING, WAGON MAKING and BLACK SMITH'S BUSINESS, in all their various branches. Their Shop is on the corner of Dill Street and Broadway, oppo ite the Georgia Hotel, down stairs, in the bouse formerly ccupied by A. Bellamy E>q. Promptness, dispatch and inability of work, they feel confident w ifi secuie for them liberal patronage. GEO. W. CLARK, S. If. NIX. Griffin, Dec.2l, 1855. .35. ts i-AT 7 2i. bib if \ .lv A vs%■ A-> I.■„ r. D. % Sqi(l;ii)o, icilOF. VOL. 1. BOOK AND .108 OFFICE HIE EJirtHE STATE, o riffixt, ge on gia . TilK PKOPaiiITOB OF THE Having recently received a large assortment of NEW ANI) BKAVTJri’L FANCY TYPE AND BORDERS, Are now prepared to execute, in the best style, and at short notice, all kinds of I'loirr milt (Drniminiiol printing, SUCH AS 3P Ml FHIsS m Circulars, Label'-, Business Cards, Catalogues, J^rogratTimes , Address ( drds, lidl Heads, Posters, Visiting Cards, Brink Clucks, Rami Bills, Freight Bills, Blank Notes, Legal Blanks, fyc.. fyc., fy. pa i H t i ms 1 m e o lo b 53 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BATES OF ADVERT! Si MG, rTVIIE following are the Rales of Charges for Advertising, JL determined on between the undersigned, to take effect from the time of entering into any new contract:— HSfTransieiit Advertising, $1 00 per square, for the first nsertinn, and 50 cents for every subsequent one. CONTRACT-ADVERTISING, 13 mos.j6 mo?.|9 pios 12 ms 1 square, without change j$ 0 00is s 001S 10 00 812 00 Changed quarterly’.. . 7 00’ 10 00! ]2 00 10 00 Changed at will, ‘ 8 00j 12 00 1 14 00 IS 00 2 squares, without change 10 00 15 001 20 00 25 00 Chauged quarterly,... 12 GO 18 00j 24 00 28 00 Changed at v.i11.F.. .. 15 00 20 001 25 00 30 00 3 squares, withm-.t change 15 00 20 0!)! 25 00 30 00 Changed quarterly... 18 001 22 00 26 00 34 00 Charmed at will.. 20 00 26 001 32 00 40 00 Half celema witlrmt change. .2500 30 00j 400!) 5000 : qimrterly... : 00 32 00 45 00 55 00 Clic.m.'cdatwil!..!’... 35 00 45 00 50 00 6000 One e<dumn. withmitcliange... 60 00 70 00 80 00 100 00 Charo-ed qeai'crtv.. .! 65 Of)j 75 00 90 00 11000 Changed at wi11,..'.'.. 170 001 85 00!l00 00 125 00 icr All transient advertisements will be inserted until or dered discontinued and charged for accordingly. A. A. GAtM.DiXG. “Rmj ire State.’’ A. P BURR “American H uion.” ~VRU®\ Ap. c- phDl MC Y LtIHSjIA Y: La $ UV,V) t P-i L i AND S A S H fvi A K I N Gi { j rtalJ E subscriber takes pleasure in a i) n ou ll -q J. cing t i flic citizens of Gnfiin and ssir rounding country, that lie Mill cnlm: c th( N: J VJ .. business of GA.RRTAGE and CABiNE'I Makii g. 1 .viiiiiA GKß, BUGGIES, and WAGONS m ule to eider t .-ami no tice. A few of the i i'a, made Btiggies always on hand. He has rcecnllv add’ and to his establi.- limeiit, the business of SASII AlAKlNG— cheap, and gmd as the best. ifs „ 11C !■- a ISO agent for lDiiiWA. l .;j ■ Metal i e Burial ca ses,” newsfylo. He wifi be found at. his.old stand, always ready to wait upon lis customers. Give him call. A. BELLAMY. Griffin, Aug. 2:'. 1855 U'.. ~tf J. K. WILLIAM!’ JN O. HI IK A WM. M. WILLIAMS. T If D r TT TT .\ \J O P- C'f\ O . ii. \\ 1I j ijli A. Al kj Cv V. V/., Successors io J■ E. IVilliams, ; t? B * “C a 13 ttliXii IU vUjii-tiiillJli'ACAA GRATE. A A COX. LARI'. FEATHERS, and TE. Y- N ESN EE FROL UC.E. GENERA ELY. Decatur Street, near the ••Trout House.'’ Atlanta. Oa. fef-Letterft of inquiry, in relation to the Markets, Ac., promptly answered., L May 10., 1855.-:?tf EXt'hAJS’G /■; BftOKER , ATLANTA, GEO. \TTILL attend to collections entrusted to him, and remit W promptly, at current rates of Exchange: buy and sell nneurrent Bank Notes, Coin, Ac. The highest cash price paid for Bounty Land Warrants. fTB” Apply > W. C. Wright. Griffin. Ga., for safe of Land Warrants. REFigßENtfEr.—John Tuoiirsox, Banker, No. 2, Wall street, and Cauhakt, Buo. A Cos.. New York ; Convkksk A Cos., New Orient: -. Atlanta, May 16, *55 ts ..I. TIIKASUKK, J. jft IIOKSEY J. J. THRASHER & CO., XYJTOIJ> ALK AND RETAIL Grocers and Oesraiisacn ISoi'chants, (At the Warehouse formerly occupied by J. E. Williams,) A TLANTA, GEORGIA. n. n. GLENN ; .?r. a. cnamelkss May 16. 1n55. 3 ts noticeT” nttHE advertiser would respectfully announce to his ens- X timers and the public generally, that ho continues to supply the various Magazines named below at the prices annexed : Harper, 82 25 : Putnam, ?2 25; Knickerbocker, §2 25 ; Household Words. 82 oft: Blackwood. 82 25 ; Godey.B2 25; Horticulturist, (plain) $1 63; Little’s Living Age', 85 00 ; Frank Leslie's Gazette of rial. $2 50; La-lie--.’ Repository,, (Cincinnati,) £1 63 ; Ar thur's Home Magazine, 81 ‘s>. He i> prepared also to fill orders for standard and miscel laneous books. whether from the trade, or persons in other walks of industry. Having had an experience of 15 years in the Book and Periodical trade, lie can give satisfaction to all parties entno-firighim with orders. Specimen number- of the Magazines on receipt of six Post Office letter lumps for the 83 or 82 Magazines, and for twelve sich stamps a sample of the $5 or $6 works will be sent. Letters of inquiry must contain a stamp for the return po.-tage. Books sent post paid, on receipt of the pub lisher's advertised price. Address ’ WILLIAM PATTON’ Bookseller, Hoboken, New Jersey. U H 8 ‘•J % -i sf 3 Si ) Jin fcj IH%i i’ w 5 R K 8 T D EAT I'll Y S I C I A X, GRP V IN, G'T’G t\f. TA. f; va.Ofliceon Hill Street, over Banks’Boot A Slice Store. May 3, 1855. ts UFiMK/y 8 t-HI I PPC gfaMi 1.1 iHfe ‘ike Tcj A ‘i- DaiEiabst <0 C® 3 T>EING left alone in the managonet of this Institution for y fhc present, the rates of tuition will be as follows : Lt Term’ 2d Term. ! For -oeniner. Reading-, Writing, Ac 10 00 8 00 For .;• n-11'-. G( o:.'r:qdiv.Grammar, Ac.. 12 00 10 00 i . Algi-.ra. Phil- * |d ,v.Ge-m< Iry.Ac 14 00 12 00 F<r Litin Greek. Tri; on um try. Ac fid 00 814 00 O'T.N > extra charges, ex -cpt for damage to the College Building The first term will close about the 4th of July. The second term will la-gin on the 4th of August, and close about the last of November. J. M. C AMPBELL. Griffin, Feb. .13, 1856... .41 ts JL‘ 381 nr.'s'a U. f£3 O. ■ ii ATLANTA, .V'■ GEORGIA. I). L. <401! LK?.A , l s j'oprii*tcr. 1 January 30th. 1856. .30. . ly. Wiirtl ‘ Vs Lfst 2 X DRENCH Window (Ilas.x, of all sizes, for sale Viv Sc; t 19, lIILL & SMlTHtf’ss-- j W. R. PHILLIPS &, CO., HAVE just received by express, direct from New York a nice anssortnient of Dlurie yhitirjuc, ami many otb j er line , fasliionalde silks, as well as a variety of other arti cles suited to the wants of both Ladies and Gentlemen. Griffin, Dec. 4th, 1855.. .31. .ts CtANDI.ES, Soaps, Starch, Pickles, Sod a, Sale ratus, Bran J dy Fruits, jutt received and lor sale by | Sept 7:5 ts HILL A SMITH. “ ?(o pspi i|j) tfncq ec.|HT f d-3 cqi* teljoJe 6ft(f}dte fe Oui'?.” GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 12, 1856. h t d’s (u h Ketuariis of Mr. Harris, of MeriweDi <_r Hpsn a inotioii 4o reconsider tire I?jJl giving Sfate aid to tise Srusis wicb &r Florida asid other Hail road Companies as: lire State of Georgia. Air. Speaker: Tlie same reasons which in fluenced my vote ajrainst the passage of the bill, now impel me to oppose a reconsideration of it; and Iliad hoped, sir, after the decision of the House on Saturday, when the j rev ions question was called for and demanded by an able champion of the measure, that we should be spared the further infliction of considering this subject again. ‘-The times have been, That when the brains were out the man would die, And there an end; but now they rise again With twenty mortal murders on tlic-ir crowns, And push us from our stools.” This sohloquy, \hough addressed to the oft repeated rising of Bunquo’s Ghost, is not the less applicable to the bill before the House I do not intend Mr. Speaker, to discuss ai length a question which has already been so fully canvassed aml thoroughly analyzed in all of its details. But, sir, the magnitude, and I might add, the enormity of the bill now pend ing, impells me to record my hostility to its passage, l icgaid this Mr. Speaker, as the most important, by far the most vitally impor tant subject. which lias or will engage the at teution of this body; and, sir, that, importance is derived, vot from any beneficial effects which will accrue to the State fitnn its adop tion, but on the contrary, from the evil consc queuce c which will inevitably follow in the wake of a measucrc, as unwise and as unjust in policy, as it is dangerous in precedent Now, sir, I lay it down as a fundamental prop ositinn- on which lias not, and cannot be re futed that in all State governments like this whe e the burdens of taxation fall equally up on nil, that the benefits nd blessings of gov ernment should be alike equally distributed. — This proposition will, j apprehend, command the assent of every intelligent mind. Is there one upon this floor, who will deny or qucNtion this truth ? Now, sir, ? u'ldertak;* t’ say. and shall en deavor to establish the fact, (hat no man who assents to the truth of this proposition, can c-msKtentiy support the mea-ire before (lie Hoit.-e. Here is a bill, or rather a series of bills, (lor I ei"ss them all t'-getner, because they involve the same principles and ?uk to accomplish the .-ameemls by the ram:) means) which pledges the crcdii and character of the State to the amount ot three or four milliou cf dollars, nt.t! tor vv hat purpose ? Why, sir, to improve and developc seel ion.-, and those, too, small sections of country, by the aid of the people < f the wiiole State. Now, l would ask wlio are to be the bcueliciarie- of this sectional and class legislation ? Are the j ccple of Mid die and Western Georgia t- • be its happy re cipients ? Not so. ilow then, I submit, iho ii.cjuiry, can any man, wlio as ends ip the prin ciple that all legislation should be equal and impartial in its operation, sustain, a measure which confers peculiar and almost exclusive benefits upon certain sections and localities ? I know, sir, that it is said by t c advocates of tSiis bill, that it is an object of State impor tanec. Grant it for the sake f the argmnent. Then I wuSd ask, how are such measures to be restrained or limited ? W.ll you tell me to state objects ? Wlmt are they ? Who shall define them? lOvery man belisres that the projects which will benefit ids quarter of the State, his county, ids town, his farm it may be, or Ids occupation, to be an object of Stare importance. v(very one believes this, i say, because he wishes himself to become the cen tre of important, interests. And why noi ?-- Rvcry individual is an intcrgral member of the vvhole community, his welfare and prosperity is a portion of the general welfare and proper ty; the State is composed of individuals, and the welfare of each individual is and must be an object of the State importance. .**o you perceive the door is wide enough to admit all kind- of applicants. But we are here met again with tlie argu mein, that such legislation should lie limited to State objects alone. Sir, is that a State object which in f eres,ts only a dozen or twenty conn ties? If so, will it cease to be such when, it concerns only a half-dozen, three, two or one? Where, then, shad we draw the line of re per atiou ? Must we go back to the one-third, one-fourth, or the cue-tenth yart of the State, until we again reach the individual ? Such, sir, is the irresistible course of the argument Many objects, I grant, of a community or an individual maybe highly laudable and praise worthy, adding io the aggregate wealth and glory of a State, but does this constitute an argument why they should bo made the )e!s ot Government \ No limitation, Mr. Speaker, in fact or in can ever be affixed to this policy, It will be wise, therefore we en ter upon this wild sch.eme--be!oru - e approach this absorbing whirlpool into which the treas ury of the State is invited to pour itself, to pause and reflect. Again, Mr. Speaker, it is assumed by the ingenious advocates of this measure, and urged as an argument in favor of its adoptions, that the State incurs no risk or liabiliiy whatever will never be called upon to rede m these bonds, and that such a contingency ever arise, that Hero is ample security and indent nity provided for in the liability of he stock holder and the intri, sic value of the property Wifhoul. meaning, Mr. speaker, to reflect up in the integrity ot gentl men who make the.-c statements, I must fie allowed to say that, fact* and figures warrant no such conclusion. I i.aveyei lo learn sir, that Railroad enterprises are exempt from those vicissitudes and litielu atioiis which are incident t> everything else; and it does sometimes occur that they become a. drain upon the pocket rather than a source ot revenue. , I o be convinced of this fact, one has uiijy to call to mind i lie M mroa Railroad, and more recently, that monument of Georgia -enterprise, the Western & Atlantic which, un til a very reeeiil per.od,* lias served ralher (0 deplete limn enrich the Suite treasury. But sir, a stronger iiigurncnt still may be deduced and perhaps a iimre in.-truciive lesson taught jby recurring to i lie Ii story of this policy in | loose States where it has been adopted and fairly tested. >he first State to which I di reet attention, is that of Pennsaivuuia; and let me here remark, that the statistics to which I refer, are of undoubted authentieby, nut got ten up for the present purpose, but taken from a work which is known and respected through out, tiic whole country for its great accuracy and reliability. By reference sir. to Hunt’s Merchants Magazine, voi. xx, page 258, it will be found that the State work of Pennsyl vania comprise 118 miles of Railroad and 591 miles of Canal. i lie aggregate cost of these works amounted in 1851 to the sum of $30.- 057, 057. The average revenue from this source for the three years immediately, preceding this period, amounted to $485,541 annually, or per eentage on the prime east of about 1 6-10 So much for Pennsylvania The next State to which I refer is Ohio. The cost of public works in this State, amounted in 1851 to $15,021,503. The average receipts from these public works for the four years immedi atelv pi":ceding the period when these statis tics were compiled, was $371,277, or less than 2 1-2 per cent. Ihe State of Mar-, land lias invested in works of Internal Improvement—ln Railroads and Canals—s 9 700,0 )4 ; and from this sum she Ims realized scarcely nothing at ail in the way of interest. This State has $3,000,000 invested in the Baltimore and Ohio Haiboad ; $2,9 0,000 in the Baltimore and Snsqnelian n.i Railr ad, from 1839 to 1549, a period ts 11 years, paid no hue rest whatever It s perhaps just to say that, within a recent period, these work- have commenced to pay a small percent. Indiana has invested in internal Improvements, $11,749,896. In this State the exper incut proved a total failure. Several of its most cosily public works have been abandoned ; others transferred to private companies With a million acres of pubi c land donated by < digress, which extraordina ry bounty induced the bond holders to under D';k> i the completion of these works, thereby relieving tiic Slate from a, most unprofitable speculation the next. last and most instruct ive monument, of the disastrus consequences of this “tate aid policy m y be found in the histo ry of the State of Illinois This State had invested in works of Internal Improvement the sum of $15,00 LOOO, which proved almost an entire loss, and which works now remain as a monument, a warning monument, of the ruinous consequences of this policy With these facts before me, I conclude that these Georgia enterprises, begun under .similar auspices and prosecuted with iiko mean-, will be attended with like results. What then is the conseqniice ! The debt, amounting to .several millions of dollars, arrives at maturity. How, Ia and., is it :u lie met and cancelled ? Will you tel! me by the liability of the stock holders ? Why, sir, the history of all cor porations of this character proves that such a liability is worth absolutely nothing—not. even the parchment upon which if is written. The las’ and only reeour-e then for indemnity, is tiic properly itself. Now, sir, what a Rail road is worth which cannot pay six per cent upon its com, 1 snail not attempt to estimate. Who wo id . become the purchasers of such property and at what price, are questions which Ido not presume to answer. Well then, the debt s saddled upon the fStnte, and two alternatives on y are left it ; either the State of Georgia, --this high toned, chivalorux Mate —the empire State of the South, must repudiate its own debts, plea! bankruptcy, and blacken ail over its own fair escutcheon, or else inflict upon its citizens such a tax as the oldest man upon tins floor has never groan ed under and Tom which the youngest cf 11s will pray in vain to be relieved Mr. Speaker, the estimated expenses of the State of Geor gia amount now well nigh half a million of dollars annually. For ibis sum the people of the State a e alrtady taxed, (I do not say uiiju-lly so) ; but, sir, shall we, their repre sentatives, upon this floor, sustain a measure which, even by a remote possibility (if you please) will increase that burden, nd infinitum? Sir, 1 hope not, i trust not, But, Mr. Speaker, the evil consequences of such legislation are not confined to the bill upon your table. ‘Fhc precedent will have been established, and in politics as well ns in private life, one false step invariably begets another ; combinations of local and sectional iutc-ests will spring up, strong enough when united, to carry measures for public appropriations which could not of themselves, if standing upon tlieir own merits, succeed. These combinations will, in Georgi as in oth-r States, lead to wasteful and ex travagant expenditures of the public money. But besides all this, Mr Speaker, I regard such a policy as unjust and oppresive in its operation upon those portions of the : tale whose Representatives and ’iconic believe the exercise of such a power unexpected md improper, and who, while they contribute to the treasury, cannot consistently with their opinions engage in the general competition lor tlie public money. Lastly, sir, sue . a policy will engen ler sectional feelings and jealousies, thereby arraying one portion of the State against another, and giving to h-aislation a political bias which never fails to paralyze the energies o; that cardial co operation and goad feeling which are indispensiblc alike to the happiness of all and the augmentation of our greatness and wealth as a. Mate In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, let n e again say that tiie people of Georgia have a deep and vital interest in this questin. It is one which concerns not only them but their name as well ns in the name of the constituency wh eh l it; vo tiie honor in part to represent, I j rotest. against the passage of a mes-ure so iniquitous in itself and so pregnant with mis chief in the future. Tin so ladies wishing to see their “lords” wearing nice, glossy shirt bosoms will do well to observe the following receipt: “Take two ounces white gum arable, powder it in a pitch er, and pour on it a pint or more water, ac cording’ to the degree of strength you desire, and then, having covered it,let it set all night.’ In the morning lil’cr it carefully from dregs into a clean bottle, cork it and keep or use. A table speonlu! of gum water stirred into a pint of starch way will give either white < r printed shirts a look of newness that nothing else can restore to them after washing. ji) f.Ki'ij. Ct. Georgia Legislature. The Mrscoc.EE Members, Thornton and Jones, are regarded as the leaders of the oppo sition in the House, and no two men present stronger contrasts. Thornton was a “Whig, and a Union man; Jones was a Democrat;, and Disunionist. Thornton is cautious almost to timidity, (we mean politically, of course;) Jones is daring, even to rashness. Thornton weighs well what he is going to say before hand, and always delivers regular set speeches which we would think were prepared, if we did not know better, Jones springs to his feet al most involuntarily, and plunges at once into fierce debate,neither asking nor giving quarter, and spark g neither friend nor h e i hey both have line ringing voices and a pleasing and fluent declamation, and, though they speak double as often as anv member of their party, except Harris, of Fulton, always command respect and attention, nV.d are deservedly pop ular with all classes, and both sexes. Bating ther Americanism, we tire pround of the Mas cogee members. Zealous of the fame of their city, they have upheld her honor, defended and protected her interests, and never allowed the r party prejudices to blind their eyes or hold their tongues when a lellow townsman needed tlieT aid. They are both under thirty years of age, and have a bright future before them. Jones is a native of Baldwin.and Thorn ton ot Elbert county, Ga. ‘To the manor born’ they are most patriotic and liberal legislators on all questions touching the interests of ‘the Empire State of the South.’ The people of Southern and middle Geor gia are very much disposed to under rate their fellow citizens from the mountains. The dele gation from that section of the State to the present Genera! Assembly, have done much to remove erroneous impressions; and none have succeeded so well n making their section re spected, a.s the subjects of this brief sketch. Ukook, of Chattooga, is a tall, spare man, full of heart and nerves and ‘pitches into’ who ever subject engages his attention with all his mind and soul and body. To this cousli tutional peculiarity, lie owes it, no doubt, that he cannot restrain himself fiom speaking on all subjects, and very often, too long, knowing, however, that even his failings lean, to virtue s side, we always lieai'd him with pleasure, and very often with profit. Devoted to the South above ail local prejudice, and sympathising with every noble enterprise, hi.s course as a Legs ator has reflected the loginst credit up on both his iiea . and he .rt. Mr Crook is a native of South Carolina; about 33 years old; a lawyer by ptofession; and is a Southern Rights Democrat in polities. ILis early opportunities were limited, but a steady putsnit of the object of a noble ambi tion, Ims placed him at the head of the Bar in Ins circuit; and we have no doubt but that higher honors am ait him. j Mnith, of Union, is as fine a specimen of manhood as the Legislature affords. Stand ing six feet in his boots, and weighing near IDO pounds, sanguine temperament, red hair and beard, lie wou and be as dangerous a com petitor in a stout fight, as he is as a debater, lie is a young man, about 33 years of age, en dowed with qualities that will either make a spoon or spoil a horn He dots nothing by hal ves, He is incapable of a little thing, we should think, and is either a warm friend or an open enemy He attracted notice very early in the session by the animation and fluency of’ his oratory. We never saw a man whose whole nature entered so completely into h:s .'peeches. 11 is feet, his hands, his face, his very hair speak 4 , and th s too, from the very begming to the end. We ‘respectfully suggest that a little more deliberation would add to the force of his oratory, and give a fairer chance to hi.s flue, but undisciplined intellect, to display itspower. iVir. Smith is a tire eat ing Democrat, and a merchant by profession, and is particularly remarkable for ii s bold and dashing oratory, lie is a native of Tenues see. Harris, of Fulton, is a young man, notwith standing his piessing need of a wig, and ranks among the first men of the present General As sembly. His mind is clear, comprehensive and disciplined; and his oratoriai powers are of a very high order. He possesses in an eminent degree the power of self control, and never al lows his feelings to get the upper hand of his judgement This constant suppression of his emotions gives intensity to his language, which is drawn from the pure well of English, uude fiiet.l, and is often adorned with strikingly beau tiful types and figures of speech. He was a Southern Rights Democrat, but followed the Jack o’ Lantern lights of Know Nothingism into the bogs of Americanism, where, we fear, he will waste noble energies and beautiful intel lect in sustaining the baleful heresies of that new tanateisin. We believe Mr. Har ris is a native, of Georgia He is a lawyer by protessson, and resides at Atlanta. He is a small man, with blue eves, and very proin incut brow from which the hair is very rapidly roceeding. Harris, of Meriwether, is another lost sheep of the House of Israel —once a democrat, now a Know Nothing. He is a very young man, not over 25 years, wo should say, and particu larly distinguished for elegant scholarship, and relined and cultivated manners. We have not had an opportunity of hearing hint upon his feet He, too, is a native of Georgia, and a graduate of Franklin College; ami a lawyer of course, lie was a warm friend of the bill to establish a system of common shoots in the State, ami supported in a well prepared speech which made a very favorable impression upon t e Legislature Mr. Speaker Stiles, of Chatham, is too well known to the people of Georg a to require special notice at.our bands, having hereto b.e represented Georgia in Congress, and the Uni ted States at the Austrain Court during the troublous times of the Revolution in Hunga ry, of which stirring period lie lias published a clever history He is a tall, spare man,, six feet high, of delicate frame, blue eyes and feminine features, which are redeemed, howev er, by a lofty brow,and a lii.o llotilli and chin. iie strikes you at lirst sight, as a cultivated gentl man, which acquaintance confirms. As an orator he lias few, if any, equals in Georgia. Ile never speaks, it is said, without deliberate preparation, but so warm and gushing is Ins delivery that it is very difficult to believe that his efforts are not the outburst of the monjent. j Hist voice rings upon the car like- the blast o£ a clarion, and accompanied by all the - gjrnfees of oratory, which lie has evidently can HUU studied, gives uncommon force and emphasis to his well rounded, and often transccndently beautiful periods, lie has discharged the du ties <f Speaker with perfect impartiality, and by his courteous demeanor has made the sevt-fe duties of legislation pleasant and W tlie members. Mr. 8 iles, we suppose, is 45 or 60 yeart old though he appears much younger He is a native of Savannah,and a lawyer by profession. He is, of course, a Democrat Milledge, of Richmond, who was elected j Speaker pro tem, is the son of Governor Mil ! ledgd, after whom the Capital is called, and : was born in Richmond county. Though not over 40 years of age, his head is gray. The frosts of age, however, have not touched bis heart, which is as warm and gorerous a one, as. ever beat in human breast. He particularly distinguished himself this session, by hi.s cham pionship of the bill to endow the Georgia Mill* tary Institute, which he carried through solely we believe, by Ids earnest advocacy. Fte however, has advocated, very zealously, almost every measure proposed, and lias answered ‘no’ as seldom as any member of the General As sembly. He is spoken of as the next candi date of his party for Governor We hope he will see the error of his present associations before the next election, and return to his first love. Times t)- Sentinel. A Beautiful Letter. The following letter of President Pierce, in reply to an invitation to be present at the interesting ceremonies of the inauguration of Jackson’s Equestrian Statue at New Orleans, wc extract from the New Orleans Picayune, with whom all will agree that it is an eloquent and feeling tribute to the hero and the man, who, when living, had no more devoted friend than the distinguished writer, and whose memory is by none of his countrymen more highly honored and revered : Washington', Jan. 31, 1856. L Ueyliger, Esq-, Secretary of the Jackson Monument Association, New Or leans, La. Sir : I have received your letter of the 21st inst., addressed to me in behalf of Messrs. Joseph Walker, A. D Crossman, J. B. Plauehe, Joseph Genois, Jas. H. Caldwell, Charles Gayarre and P. Seuzenau, Commissioners of the Jackson Monument Association, and inviting me to attend the approaching inaugura tion of Ciark Mill’s equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in the city of New Orleans, on Satur day, the 9th of February next It is particularly fitting that such a monu ment to one among the most illustrious men of our own or any other country, be erected in the city which by his genius and courage, and that of the gallant men under his command, was preserved from capture an el rapine by foreign foes, and in view of the very battle field rendered illustrious by one of the most ! glorious victories which mark the successive stages in the progress ol our national great ness and strength. So long as the mighty Mississippi shall con tinue to flow on to the sea. and bear upon it* bosom the continual tribute of commericol ajid agricultural wealth :so long as the vast and fertile valley which it washes shall be the seat cf powerful States and of thronging j millions of men, so long will future generations ! make their t ilgrimage of patriotism to the i plains ot Chalmette, and there, with grateful | and admiring hearts, dwell on the immortal ; mommy of Jackson. j Tiie penpie of the State of Lonisanna, and jof New Orleans especially, do well therefore jto testify their gratitude for servicies which j gave security to their hearths and homes, and their veneration of the memory of the hero, in the erection of such a monument within sight of the very field of fame which witnessed the crowning triumph of his military achievements. But let us not speak of the victory won there as a mere focal event. In repelling invasion from the valley of the Mississippi, the whole Union was delivered, and a thrill of ex ulting joy touched the hearts of the entiro American people, from the remotest mountains of the West to the farthest headlands of tho East. With what emotions the brave defenders were received by the old and young, by tiro strong- men and fair women ot Hie Crescent City, as they came from the field signalized by a victory which has no parallel, you will find it move easy to remember than to express. While the pulse is stirred at the thought of such a page in our history’s annals, it becomes □s not the less to reflect on the civil virtues, which throw a still brighter radiance, if pui sible, around the name of Jackson ; and to remember that his fame as a soldier was equal* ed, if not snppassed, by his fame as a states man. i lie lofty courage, the devoted patriot ism, the stern integrity, the sagacious com prehension which distinguished him in war, were subsequently so preeminently conspicuous in peace ns to secure for him a place in the hearts of his countrymen, second only to that of the great founder .it and father of theiiepublic Nothing would give me more sincere gratifi cation than to unite with you personally in celebrating such an occasion : but the obliga tions of public duty render this imporfiible, and compel me t-> c ntent myself with ex pressing my cordial sympathy with your object, and thus in lieilrt co-operating with yon, in doing merited honor to the memory of tho hero ot New Orleans. I am, with the highest consideration, your obliged follow-citizen, FRANKLIN PIERCE. ° > Tlie Sequel to Barnuins Autobio graphy. - Last year Mr. Barnmn, the great showman, furnished to Ira gulled countrymen, through the medium of his published autobiography, his key to splendid worldly success, to wit: coo!, persistent, unblushed, systematized de ceit —not to use a more harsh word. Many of our contemporaries at the time were of the opinion that the publication of such a work was calculated to produce the most injurious impressions upon the young, the inexperienced, and the unsettled in principle, by stimulating their desires to obtain enormous wealth, not through the enterprising channels of trade and commerce, but by the exercise of those ques tionable talents which had made the name of Barimm known throughout the world as & showman and a millionaire. From the revelations recently made in tho New York and Connecticut papers it would seem that there is a sequel to tho autobio graphy which carries with it its own moral. The miilionarc showman, the envied owner of princely oriental villa Iranistan, has been forced by his creditors to make an assigi.meut of his property, and there are many who do not hesitate to pronounce his affairs in a Bank rupt condition. No. 45