The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, March 12, 1856, Image 2

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    Cjrc <smjrin Btate,
„ 7 •
‘Lily’” will find a place in our columns
next weeks. Received too lute for this issue.
Good Samaritans.
Ameeting of the order of G. S. will be held at
the Masonic Lodge Room, on Thursday evening
nest, at early candle-light. Companions and Sis
ters, are genially invited to attend .
March 12th 1856.
— ♦ #
Gedey’s Ladies’ Hook.
Thi3 deservedly popular periodical for March,
is on our table, and presents to the reader the usu
al quantity of interesting matter,for which it lias so
long been celebrated. Within the pages of this
work, may be, found treasures of thought, sentiment
and wit, which have for so many years made Go
dey a welcome visitor to every family. The South
ern people need have no fears of the political char
acter of this publication. So far as we have exam
ined its pages, we have not yet been able to detect
the slightest taint of Abolitionism in any of its ar
ticles. We regret that many of the literary publi
cations of the North, are not thus free from the
abominable isms which infest the body politic in
that region. The Ladies’ Book is now passing
through its fifly-second Volume, and is therefore
venerable for its age, as well as valuable for its con
tents. The cmbelishments contained in each vol
ume, are well worth the subscription price. No
gentleman's library or lady’s parlor should be
without this work.
Terms of the Ladies’ Book, 1 copy 1 year §3; 2
copies 1 year $5 ; 6 conies 1 year $lO. William
Patton, Book-seller, Hoboken. Now Jersey, is pre
pared to furnish this,-and a large number of other
valuable Magazines, to subscribers. Sec his ad
vertisement on our first page.
# e *
G ieat National Lottery.
The Mount Vernon Association, finding all their
efforts unavailing to procure by voluntary contribu
tions, an amount sufficient to purchase the Mt.
Vernon Estate, have found it necessary to resort
to the expedient of raising the money by Lottery.
They have made an appeal in this way, to the pa
triotism as well as the self interest of the people of
this great nation, to come forward and rescue the
venerable mansion and last resting place of the
Father of his country, from desecration. An op
portunity is thus offered to every citizen of this
.great Republic, to manifest lvis gratitude to Iran
who contj ibuted so much towards securing the
great blessings of liberty and independence, which
have become the patrimony of us all. By refer
ence to our advertising columns, the plan of
this lottery may be seen. The prizes arc grand
ani magnificent, and the two fold inducement,
above alluded to, should prompt our people to
come forward in support of this laudable enterprise.
For the trifling sum of oxf. dollar, you may secuf-e
a chance to be comfortable in your pecuniary mat
ters the remainder of your life. Let every parent
have a ticket for each one of his children ; if no
children, then one each, for himself and wife ; if no
wife, then one or more for himself; and if you have
scruples of conscience about the morality of lotte
■ ries, then send to F. Lewis, Agent at
Washington City, one, five, ten or more dollars, as
a donation, according to your ability. At all
events, do something in aid of the Mount Vernon
Pennsylvania Democracy.
The recent Democratic Convention, of Peunsyl
, vania, has put the party in that State upon the
same groui.d occupied by their brethren in every
. other portion of the Union. They plainly and dis
tinctly endorse the Kansas and Nebraska Act, de
nounce Freesoilism and Know Nothingism, and
’ approve the administration of Gen. Pierce. It is
a grand moral spectacle to sec a party standing up
in the midst of such hordes of fanatical enemies,
ftnd boldly proclaiming to the world their devotion
to those principles which make true Democrats the
same in every part of the Union. Where is the
Btate, North or South of Mason <fc Dixon's line,
, in which the Know Nothing party, or any other
party, have within the last five years, come out
Openly in support of the constitutional rights of
the South, except the Democratic party. Search
all that infected region, and not one such example
cun be found ! The Pennsylvania Democracy are
true to the Union, true to the constitutional rights
of the South, and are ready to enter the lists
against Know Nothingism, Black Republicanism,
and all the isms, which conspire to work the de
struction of this fair fabric of American liberty.
Virginia Democratic Convent ion.
The Democratic State Convention convened in
the city of Richmond, Va., on the 21th ult. An
unusually large number of Delegates were in at
tendance from yvery part of the State. Great
unanimity and good feeling prevailed during its de
liberations, and the result of its labors is truly
gratifying to every friend of the South, and of the
. Constitution. A set of resolutions were unani
momly adopted, reiterating the oft promulgated
cardinal doctrines of the Democracy of the Old
Dominion. On the subject of the Kansas and Ne
braska bill, and the Missouri Compromise, the rc_
solutions breathe the spirit which animates the tiue
Democracy throughout the length and breadth of
the Union. There is no mincing of matters, no
“ifs nor ands,” no qualifications in their approval
‘of that great and important measure. They also
cordially approve the cardinal measures of Gen.
Pierce's administration. There is something very
remarkable in the political history of Virginia.—
• The first Republican Presidents were natives of
that State, and received her electoral vole. When
the Republican Party assumed the name of the De
mocratic Party, Virginia continued true to her
principles, and has in every election since, given
her vote to the Democratic candidate for Presi.
dent. Always Republican, always Democratic
she has a bright record. What other State can say
the Same for itself?
Our neighbor of the American Union , is right
in supposing that we did not intend to represent
him as being opposed to the nominees of the late
Philadelphia Convention. Our remarks were in
allusion to the nomination, by which we meant the
modus operandi of the convention—time, proced
ure, &c
Let sao Man l>e Deceived.
In’these days of strife and struggle for party
power, there is great danger of losing sight of great
and important interests, by leading off after collat
eral issues of small moment. That the question of
slavery is the great question of the day, before the
people of this country, is apparent to every man of
common understanding. Efforts are being made
every day by designing men, to press upon the pub
lic mind the importance of putting down the Cath
olic and Foreign influence in the country, and
Southern men, beguiled by the artful representa
tions of political leaders, have in a good degree,
lost sight of the main issue, and in their distorted
imaginations, the dangers of abolitionism sink in
to insignificance, when contrasted with the horrors
of Popery, and the evils growing out of our for
eign-born population. This is the rock upon
which our ship of Southern Rights is most
likely to be wrecked. In these perilous times, no
man should be taken upon trust. Let every South
ern man put the test to every candidate who asks
Ids suffrage, is he sound upon the slavery question?
If this cannot be promptly answered in the affirma
tive, he has no claim upon the support of a South
ern man. It is not sufficient to say, that he has
heretofore been sound upon this vital question ; but
is lie sound now ? Is he in favor of the Kansas
and Nebraska bill ? Is he opposed to the restora
tion of the Missouri Compromise? If these in
quiries are not promptly answered in the affirma
tive, rest assured you run great hazard in trusting
him with power. In the days of our Revolutiona
ry struggle, no man was permitted to hold any
place of trust or power who was not known with
out doubt, to be true to the American cause. In
some instances traitors turned up, and the cause of
liberty suffered. Yet in all these cases, the perpe
trator’s of the treason held position* under
pledges of unequivocal fidelity to cur country’s
flag. We may be deceived by fair pic raises,
but that is not our fault. We ca’ not
look into the hidden recesses of the human ‘ art,
and read its secret thoughts and intentions. But
if we take a man whofy “upon trust,” without
knowing his views on important questions, or ex
acting pledges of fidelity from him, and we are be
trayed, it is cur fault. A number of the presses
in Georgia, devoted to the interests of the Ameri
can Party, have rushed into the support of Mr.
Fillmore, the nominee of the late Philadelphia Con
vention, for President. The platform adopted by
the National Council at the time that nomination
was made, guarantees nothing to the South irfpoA
tivc terms. It ignores the slavery question. And
if Mr. Fillmore places himself upon that platform,
he may still remain non-committal on the slavery
question. Do these Editors who have so hastily
adopted Mr. Fillmore as their candidate know his
views upon the Kansas question and the Missouri
Compromise ? We presume not. “Why are they
in such hot haste, to rush into his support? W e
think, in due deference 1o their superior judgment,
that they are running the risk of being deceived,
to the great injury of our section of the country.
We respectfully submit to them, whether it would
not have been more in accordance with the dic
tates of wisdom and patriotism, to have waited un
til they could have learned Mr. Fillmore's views on
the all-absorbing question of the day. Gentlemen
be not deceived.
The Convention.
By an act, passed at the late session of the Leg
iskture, his Excellency the Governor, is authorized
to call a convention, upon the happening of any of
the contingencies mentioned in the Fourth Resolu
tion of the Georgia Platform. The object of this
act is to prepare for emergencies which may arise
before the convening of the next Legislature. We
deem this step wise and judicious, and the threat
ening aspect of public affairs justify the apprehen
sion, that a crisis in the political history of this
Government is at hand which demands the calm
deliberation and determined resolution of every
true hearted Georgian. The Anti-Slavery power
emboldened and encouraged by recent triumphs in
the free States, seems bent on pushing its mad
schemes to the utmost extremities. Already it
has control of one branch of the National Legisla
ture, and every scheme which human ingenuity,
prompted by lust for power, and spurred on by
blind fanaticism, can invent, is being set on foot
to straighten its forces, and complete its triumph.
Artful and designing politicians endeavor to dis
guise this alarming state of things, but their efforts
will all be in vain. The issue of slavery or no
slavery, must be met, and that at a period not far
distant; and the considerate men of the South who
love their country, their homes and their fire-sides
better than party ascendency, see the danger and
will be prepared to meet it. The act then under
consideration, is truly opportune at this juncture.
A convention of a similar character, to that con
templated by the act above alluded to, was called
in 18;>0, and-the famous Georgia Platform was the
result. That Platform did not come up to the ex
pectations of a large portion of the people of Geor
gia, because they believed the crisjs at that time
demanded a sterner opposition to Northern aggres
sion, than that exhibited by the act ion of that Con
vention. But a majority of onr people decided
.otherwise, and the minority acquiesced in that de
cision, and “fire-eaters” look their position side bv
side with Union men, on a common platform.—
Should any contingency occur to authorize the as
sembling of another Convention, it remains to be
seen whether the people of Georgia are yet true to
the principles of the so called “Georgia Platform.’’
Let the people ponder upon these tilings, and pre
pare to meet any responsibility which the threaten
ed rights of the South may make necessary. No
man should be trusted with power who has not a
clear record both of word and deed, on the subject
of the constitutional rights of the South. We
wi uld not assume to act the part of an a'armist,
but we are candid in the opinion that the time is
at, hand when .there should lie no dalliance with
danger, no “pretermitting,” no ignoring of impor
tant and vital issues. ‘1 here is no middle ground
on this important question. “lie that is not for
us, is against us.” Let every Georgian, then, be
on the alert, and be ready to luce any danger that
may be presented tb him as a Patriot and a South
erner. “It may cost treasure—it may cost blood,’
but when the crisis comes, be prepared to meet it
fis°The State Senate of California have refus
ed to go into joint convention for the election of a
United States Senator. The vote stood 14 yeas
to 17 nays.
“The School Master (Should be)
The following letter was received a few days
since, by a merchant in our city, in answer to a
dun sent to one of his customers’. It is worthy of
note, if not for its literary merit, at least for the
honesty and punctuality of the writer. We give
it verbatim et literatim et punctuatim, omiting
names :
Gerg --p conty
MR you money ar Red for you at an tim
you viil Com for hit hit has bin red for you for six
monts I leant the tim to bring hit over to you
I resev you letr an vos. very to her from you I
vontyou to hav you money lam living miles
suth of the on the rod I hant got tim
to. com to se you aney tim you vill com or send you
shell hav you money noth mor at Presen only in
respet to you an ole the rest.
Noble Generosity in the cause of
It is with profound pride and gratification, says
the Spirt of the South, that we announce that our
liberal, patriotic and public spirited fellow citizen,
Col 13. F. Treadwell, has given the munificent
sum of one thousand dollars, in aid of Major Bu
ford’s Kansas enterprise. Col. Treadwell is a
wealthy planter, ardently Southern in all his im
pulses, sentiments and principles, and it is not of
ten that the ability and the will to do a noble act,
are so fortunately united in the same person.—
Such devoted patriotism cannot fail to elidear him
not only still more to his immediate neighbors and
friends, but to Southern hearts every wliers, and
especially to our gallant brethren, who are main
taining the struggle for our rights in that fair land
against the lawless hordes of the Masachusetts Aid
But Col. Treadwell, not content to open his
purse to the cause of Kansas, designs also to give
it the benefit of his personal services- He will him
sell, with such triends as he can rally, accompany
Maj. Buford to the Territory in April, and it is
hardly necessary to add that during his stay there
which will probably be protracted through several
months, the full measure of his influence and labors
will be expended in upholding that Southern stand
ard, which we trust is destined ere long to float in
triumph over that magnificent domain. Certainly
if the South held many such heroic sbirits as Bu
ford and Treadwell, the result would not admit of
Pilii!a.dc.£>lsia American Convention.
’Flic Philadelphia papers, says the Times If Sen
tine!, contain a report of a meeting of the delegates
from the several States, who bolted from the above
convention. Ex-Governor Ford, of Ohio, presid
ed. Delegates from eight States were present.—
They adopted the following protest:
“The undersigned, delegates to the National
Nominating Covention now in session at Phila
delphia, find themselves compelled to dissent from
the principles avowed by that body. And holding
the opinion as they do, that the restoration of the
.Missouri Compromise, demanded by the freemen of
the North, is redress of an undeniable wrong, and
the assertions of it, in spirit at least, iudispcnsible
to- the repose of the country ; they have regarded
the refusal of that Convention to recognize the well
defined opinions of the North and of the Ameri
cans of the free States upon this question as a de
nial of their right and a rebuke of their senti
“They have; therefore, withdrawn from the nom
inating convention, refusing to participate in the
proposed nominations, auu now address themselves
to the Americans of the country, especially of the
States they represent, to justly and approve their
action, and to the end that nominations conform
ing to the overruling sentiments of the country on
the great issue may be regularly and auspiciously
made, the undersigned propose to the Americans
in all the States to assemble ir. their several State
organizations, and that delegates be sent to the
convention to meet in the city of New York on
Thursday, the 12 of June next, for the purpose of
nominating candidates for President and Vice
President of the United States.”
Some of the delegates decided in favor of uniting
with the republicans, while others said that if that
were done they could not remain in the organiza
tion. Two of the delegates from Connecticut stat
ed they would go for Mr. Fillmore if lie would place
hiniseli on the anti-Nebraska platform.
Governor Johnson, of Pensylvania, was at this
The following protest, signed by all those who
voted for George Law and Sam Houston, was pre
sented :
We, a portion of the Delegates to the National
American Convention from the State of New
York, protest against the Presidential nomination
made by that Convention, upon the following
grounds :
First. The nominee is not a member of the
American party, lie has never been inside of a
council room, and no act of his life, no word spoken
or line writen by him of which wc have any knowl
edge, indicates that lie sympatises with that party,
or that he would carry out its principles.
Second, llis nomination we regard as an utter
betrayal of the great American movement. A
traitorous attempt to wrest it from its purpose and
make it minister to the selfish ambition of the lead
ers and demagogues of the dead organization of
the past.
Third. Ife was forced upon the State of New
York by Southern votes against the wish of our
State delegates, and from those States which no
man pretends can carry their vote lor an A merican
Fourth, lie was forced upon the State of New
Y ork against the express wish of a large majority
of the State officers, and wc repeat, against the ex
press wish of two-thirds of our delegates in the
Fifth, lie was not nominated by a majority of
the States or by the delegates of a majority of the
States. Several States were permitted to cast
their votes through a single delegate, Who cast the
whole numbe rof votes to which his State would
have been entitled. Such votes were cast by par
ties who had previously protested against the pro
ceedings and retired from the Convention.
Nicaragua A flairs.
New Orleans, Feb 26.—A doubtful rumor was
brought by the Daniel Webster’s passengers that
Col. Kinney was arrested at Granada by General
Walker and condemned to be shot, but was saved
by the interference of Walker’s officers.
Envy.— Envy, like a cold prison, benumbs and
stupilies : and conscious of its own importance,
folds ita arms in despair.
From the Federal Union.
Tlie following Acts Stave been passed
I>y the General Assembly, and ap
proved by tiie Governor.
1. An act to authorize the Justices of the Infe
rior Court ot Washington county to revise their
Jury Box, and for other purposes.
2. An act to authorize the county of Dougher
ty to aid in constructing the Florida & Georgia
Railroad between Albany and Americas, or any
other Railroad running to said county, by sub.
scription for stock, and the issue of bonds therefor,
upon a vote of the citizens.
3. An act to change the times of holding the
Inferior Court in the county of DcKalb, and for
othgr purposes therein mentioned.
4. An act to authorize the State Treasurer to
make certain advances.
5. An act to add a party of the oounty of Ware
to the county of Charlton.
G. An act to amend an act to incorporate the
Brunswick Improvement Company.
7. An act to change certain count* lines there
in enumerated.
8. An act to pardon John T Boyd, of the” coun
ty of Muscogee, now under sentence ot death for
the crime of murder.
9. An act declaratory of the intentions of an
act entitled an act for the relief of honest debtors,
approved on the 19th day of December, 1823, and
to allow persons arrested under mesne process the
benefit of the same.
10. An act to preserve and dispose of the pro
perty and effects of corporations after their disso
lution, and to provide for the payment of debts due
by the same.
11. An act for the relief of Francis Ponsell, an
infirm and indigent man.
12. An act to incorporate the Canton Mining
Company of Georgia.
13. An act to authorize Lewis Zeiglcr of the
State ofLouisana, and Henry Zeiglcr, of the State
of Alabama, to qualify and act ns Executors of
the last Will and Testament of William Zeiglcr
late of Crawford county deceased.
14. An act to change the time of holding the
Inferior Court of the county of Spalding.
15. An act to change the time for holding the
Superior and Inferior Courts in the county of
IG. An act to authorize and direct his Excellen
cy, the Governor of Georgia, to draw ids warrant
on any funds in the State Treasury, for the pay
ment of the principal, interest and cost of a judg
ment in Baldwin Superior Court, in favor of A. L\
Rood, Administrator ot Mrs. Blanche Gibson vs.
the Central Bank of Georgia, and for other pur
poses therein named.
17. An act to alter and amend an act passed
10th of December, 18-15, appointing the places for
holding the Supreme Court.
18. An act to authorize the Justices of tha In
ferior Court of Washington county to levy and
collect an extra tax for building a court house and
jail in said county.
19. Am act to incorporate the town of Cusseta,
in the county of Chattahoochee, and to render
permanent the county site, and appoint Inteudants
and Commissioners, and regulate the duties of the
20. An act amendatory of the soverel acts in
corporating the city of Rome.
21. An act to establish a <1 incorporate a Med
ical College in the city of Savannah, to be called
tin Oglethorpe Medical College.
22. An act to authorize .the selection and per
manent location of a county site in the county of
Wayne, and to authorize the building of anew
court house, and the levying an extra tax,
and for other purposes therein spc ilicd.
23. An act to change the timsi of holding the
Superior and Inferior Courts in certain counties
therein named.
24. An act to change the time of holding the
Superior Courts in the county of Newton, and to
allow two weeks for holding the same.
25. An act to lay out anew county out of the
counties of Folk and Carroll, and to organize the
20. An act for the relict of James Wright, Jr ,
Jefferson Wright, and other securities of Stephen
Wright, formerly Tax Collector of Putnam coun
27. An act to authorize and empower Chas. S.
Arnold, of the county of Chatham, to marry again,
and for other purposes.
28. An act to amend the act incorporating the
Georgia Military Institute, and to appropriate :no-I
ncy for the same.
29. An act for the reTef of Joseph White, lute!
of the county of Stewart, deceased.
30. An act to amend an act entitled an act to
amend an act to incorporate the Brunswick &
Florida Railroad Company, passed December the
22d, 1835, and also to amend an act amendatory
of the same assented to December 27, 1838.
31. An act to create anew Judicial Circuit of
Clinch, Ware, &e., and to provide for its organi- j
32. An act to create anew Judicial District to j
be called Pataula Circuit.
33. An act to appropriate money for the support :
of the Government for the political years 1856 j
and 1857.
34. Ail act to legalise the revision of the Jury !
boxes, and the drawing of the Grand and Petit Ju- j
rors of the county of Floyd, for the next term of j
the Superior Court therein.
35. An act to authorize Abner Bnrnam, of the
county of Houston, to settle with his ward, and to
make J. R. R. Haddock competent to contract
and be contracted with.
30. An act to change, define, and limit the hold
ing ot the Superior Courts in the counties of!
Crawford, Twiggs, Maeou and Dooly.
37. An act to authorize the Justices of the Infe
rior Court of Burke county, to issue bonds to
build anew court house, and other public buildings
in said county.
38. A u act to change and enlarge the time of
holding Superior Courts in Meriwether and Butts
39. An act to amend an act to incorporate a
Bank in the city of Savannah, to be calk'd the |
Mechanic's’ and Traders’ Bunk, approved Februa j
ry 17, 1854, and to apply the provisions of said !
act to the Bank of Commerce.
40. An act to compensate Petit Jurors of
Dougherty, Lee, Worth, Calhoun and Polk Coun
41. An act to repeal an act entitled an act to
compel persons living in the county of Wayne to
give in and pay their taxes in said county for all
property in the State, so far as relates to Glynn
and Camden counties.
42. An act to regulate fees of Pilots for the
port of Savannah.
43. An act to amend the several acts in relation
to the town of Athens.
44. An act to alter and change the mode of ap
pointing Trustees for Glynn comity Academy, and
for other purposes.
45. An act to incorporate the Hydrant Water
Company of Columbus.
46. An act to incorporate Union, Coal & Iron
Company of Georgia, and Georgia Coal Mining
Company, and Pochnliontas Mining Company.
47. An act to change the lines between several
counties therein named, and for other purposes.
48. An act to make legal the election of James
Bush, as Ordinary of Early county, and Mr. Grif
fin, Ordinary of Warren county, and for other
49. An act to authorize the Court of Common
Pleas for the City of Augusta, to change the name
thereof, and for other purposes.
00. An act to lay out and organize a new’ coun
ty from the counties of Lee and Randolph.
51 An act to repeal an act passed 18th Feb.,
1854, to provide for the education of the poor, so
far as the counties of Habersham and Carroll are
concerned, and for other purposes.
52. An act to repeal an act to alter, amen i and
explain See. 4th, of an act for the prevention of
frauds and perjuries, approved February 20th,
53. An act to incorporate the Athens Guards,
and confer certain powers and privileges on the
54. An act to repeal an act to prevent the kil
ling of deer at certain periods of the year in Burke
and Worth counties, so far as relates to Worth.
55. An act to authorize the levying of an extra
tax in Carroll county, to build a court house in
said county.
56. An act to reduce the Sheriffs bond of Tat*
nall county.
57 An act to make Surah C. •Simmons and J.
J. Simmons, of Doolv county, adopted heirs of
Hardy and Nancy Pitts.
58. An act to repeal so much of an act to lav
! out and organize a now county (Fannin) from Gii
! mer and Union, or so much of saul act. as includes
a portion of Murray, assented to January 2!st.
59. An act to make Walter R. Youllers heir of
I Valter Y oiiilcrs of Wayne countv
60. An act to amend an act assented to Decern- I
her 20, 1847, entitled an act to incorporate the i
| Muscogee Asylum for the I’cor, an ! ‘or other pur-1
Cl. Av, act so fcjiral an aof entitled nn act {!
repeal the Ik.troi Laws of this State, so far as re-j
spects the county of Glynn.
62, An act to incorporate Hahnesville Lodge
No. 185, of Fiv e am] Accepted Masons.
63. An act to make a final disposition of the
assets of the Central Bank.
| 61. An act to exempt all persons over 40 years
of age from patrol duty, and to shorten the time ;
of service of patrol companies from 6 to 3 months.’
65. An act to change the line dividing Coweta
and Meriwether counties.
I 66. An act to authorize the Inferior Court to
appoint competent Surveyors for Liberty and Mc-
Intosh counties
67. An act. to repeal an act enl itied an act to
reduce the fees of the Tax Collectors hereafter to
be elected in the county of Liberty, assented to
| Dec. 21,1853.
68. An act to incorporate Indian Spring Male
and Female Academies, and to appoint Trustees
for the same.
69. An act for the relief of J. L. Robinson,of
Appling county.
70. An act to change the residence of John W.
Darricott from Warren to Taliaferro county.
71. An act to authorize persons who own, or
may hereafter own, lands on any water courses in
this State, to ditch and embank the same, and to
protect them against freshets and overflows.
72. An act for the relief of \l*rgvet MiriYuan
of Hr v ie county, an 1 to chan jo her n imo t.o Mar
garet Watson, and for the relief of Win. Meed, of
Haralson county.
73. An act to incorporate Randolph College.
7t. An act to confer certain rights an 1 privileg
es on 0. Kh Jarrat, his heirs and assigns for twenty
five years.
75. An act to incorporate the Atlanta Gas
Light Company.
76. #Vn act to nuke and constitute Ain is tat ia L.
Horn, of Bibb c vnty, an 1 others solo traders.
77. An act to appropriate momy to remove ob
structions-from Big Satilia River, and render the
same ntvigublc for timber, lumber, wool, and pro
duce thereon.
78. An act to authorize Charles Cowart and IT.
IS. Sapp to peddle in Clinch and I owndes coun
ties without license.
79. An act to authorize the Justices of the In
ferior Court of Spalding county to levy an ad li
tional tax on the State tax, not exceeding two him
deed per cent.
80. An act to authorize the Justices of the In
ferior Court of Chatham county to borrow money
and levy an extraordinary tax to build a now jail
in said county.
81. A n act to altor and amend an net to carry
into effect the amended Constitution of this State
in reference to Ordinaries, and for other purposes,
assented to Jan. 21, 1852, so far as relates to'rat
nail county.
82. An act to authorize (he Justices of the In
ferior Court of Folk and Catoosa counties to levy
an extra tax upon a recommendation of the Grand
Jury of said counties.
83. An act to reduce the number of Jurors re
quired for Coroner’s Inquests.
84. An act so change the name of the Augusta
& Waynesboro’ Railroad to the Augusta & Savan
nah Railroad, to amend the Charter, and for other
85. An act to make A. G. L. Cheek the adopted
heir of Martin and Martha Crider.
86 An act to exempt certain property of the
city of Savannah from taxation.
87. An act to add the county of Carroll to the
4th Congressional District.
88. An act to legalize the place of holding Jus
tices Courts in the 537th District, G. M., iu Up
son comity.
89. An act to protect the planters of Oyster
beds, and for other purposes.
90. An act to incorporate the Sixes Mining
Company of Georgia.
91. An act to alter and amend an act incorpo
rating the Trustees of the Southern Botanic Medi
cal College.
A Bouncer.-- Mr. John Lawrence Baz.lcr,
n the ! ouisville Times, offers to bet from $5-
000 to $30,000 that lie can do as fallows :
Jump five feet further on a dead level tliau
any man in the United tates, one foot further
than any man in the world, or that he can
stand flatfooted upon the earth and leap a
brick wall fifteen feet high and four thick. }
Extract of a JLcttcv to a Cfntlfaiaii In tills City,
Little Osaoic, Missouri, )
Feb. Ist. 1856. j
I live within fifteen miles of Kansas Territory,
that noted place that the Abolitionists of the
North and East have made such formidable organ
izations, and with immensely large amounts of
money to drive Missourians or Southerners from
that Territory, together with their slave property
&c; and as they say that if they can succeed in do
ing that, that half the work to drive Slavery from
the whole slave States, will be accomplished. We
“border ruffians,” of Missouri, have thus far been
able to keep them, (the Abolitionists,) checkmated,
or in other words, have kept the government offi
cers and laws of Kansas Territory (Reeder the
traitor excepted) in the hands and interests of the
pro-slavery party out of the reach of the abolition
ists. But in order to retain and keep control of
Kansas, it must immediately be settled by emi
gration Loin the right place, and with the right
spirit and wit: good sound pro-slave
ry men Lorn Hu Slave States of course. Missouri
can not do ad this. \\ e will do all we can; but
to make matters safe and right, all the South must
aid and assist and engage ii: the enterprise, and.
that immediately, there is no time to be lost or*
wasted by delay, but action, and immediate action,
must be the word. I lie abolitionists are going
to endeavor to fill the Territory of Kansas with.
their bought and paid vassels in the spring, and.
will no doubt be able to send there a great many
persons, consisting of the froth and scum of all the-
Lee States and Europe, and if they are not out.
numbered the victory will be lost and woe be to
our glorious L n ion if we fail of Keeping Kansas
and making her a slave Sta'e; but if we can accom
plish this, may we not hope to roll back abolition
ism so effectually us to crush the wild fanaticism
that now rages so extensively through all or near
ly all the free States, and bring them to their
senses and reason.
The Abolitionists have declared that Kansas is
tv be the great battle ground, and if the South is
true to herself she wi.i say amen, as Missouri has
*“<{> mid have ta r Aims there prepared to meet the
question fu;ly, and settle it for ever, by making
Kansas a slave .State a- soon as possible, at all
Hazards, ami at any cost or sacrifices whatever.
i here a great deal of good land in Kansas Ter
r.tury, ami stave labor can be made profitable be
rml a doubt, but dollars and cents sink into in--
signiueanc: ami nothingness when we look to the
great questions and consequences that are depend
ing upon, involved in, settling this matter
I'tgl- ‘ • y■ r the .South, and injustice to the
whole Union.
Null,lug less then a disolution of the Union
must follow, if we fail to mal-.e Kansas a slave
! State; but if we succeed, may we not have the Un-
I ion indissoluble, and in the end have ail our con—
! stitutional rights respected and observed in
violate; ] i< ] c mi believe that Georgia will
come to the rescue, but L say elo not be too late, or
all may be lost, and fur e\\r, and past recove’
In regard to all difficulties that have occnred in
Kansas, 1 presume you have sufficient accounts
in tne papers ol the day, without any comments
trom me upon then), I can say to you that there
has been some trying times in Kansas, but the
pro-slavery party have thus far always triumphed,
but with very great cost, and sacrifices of both
time and money. Let all the South do their duty
and all win be right and sale; agitation and excite
ment will die and rise no more upon this subjects
1 remain very respectfully.
Your ob’t. ser’vt,
C. 1). BALL.
A Beaiitifiii TSaought.
It was night. Jerusalem slept as quietly amiif
her hii.s as a child upon the breast of his mother.,
i ne no is less sentinel stood like a statue at his post,,
and the philosopher's lump burnt dimly in the re
cess ol his chamber.
But a darker night was now abroad upon the
earth. .V moral darkness involved the nations in
its benighted shadows. Reason shed a faint glim
mering over the minds of men, like the cold ineffi
cient shining of a distant star. The immortality’
of man's spiritual nature was unknown, his rela
tions to heaven undiscovered, and his future desti
ny obscured in a cloud of mystery.
It was at this period two forms ofetlicrial mould
hovered over the laud of God's people. They seem
ed like sister angels sent to the earth on some em
bassy of love. The one was of majestic stature
am! hi the well formed limbs, which her snowy
drapery hardly concealed, in her erect bearing and
steady eye, exhibited the highest degree of strength
and confidence. Her right arm was extended in an.
impressive gesture upwards, where night appeared
to have placed her darkest pavilliou, while on her
left reposed h*T deucatc companion, in form andl
countenance the contrast of the other, for she was
drooping like a liower when moistened by refresh
ing dew.*., and her bright but troubled eve scanned,
the air with ardent but varying glances. Sudden
ly a light like the sun tin died out from the Heav
ens ami haitli and 1 lope hailed with exulting songs
the ascending star of Bethlehem.
5 ears rolled away, and a stranger was seen in
Jerusalem. He was a meek, unassuming man,
whose happiness seemed to consist in acts of be
nevolence to the human race. There were deep
traces of sorrow on his countenance, though no
one knew why he grieved, for he lived in the prac
tice of evert virtue, and was loved by all the good
and wise. By and by it was rumored that the
stranger worked miracles ! that the blind saw, the
dumb spoke, and the dead leaped to life at his
touch ! that when he commanded, the ocean mode
ruled its chafing tide, and the very thunders artic
ulated he is the Son of God. Envy assailed him
with the charge of sorcery, and the voice of impi
ous judges condemned him to death. Slowly and
thickly guarded he ascended the hill of Calvary..
A heavy bent him to the earth. But Faith,
lean and upon his arm, and Hope dipping her pin.
ions in his blood, mounted to the skies!
r l iie Aimlcgv. The Washington Union has
the following pat-graph with regard to the
apology said to havo made by the British
Government on the score of the enlistments.
“It has been said that an apologv lias been,
tendered by England to the U States for the
wrong done to the r laws and sovereign right*
ami that our Government refused to accept it
and an effort ts made by the organs of the-
British Ministry to impress the English pepel’e
with the belief that President Pierce's adtninis
tration is unreasonable, but from what we have
heard of the correspondence we venture to
assure our readers that the facts therein
contained will expose this stratagem and
prove to the satisfac tion of every candid man
that no such apologyMias boon made.