Newspaper Page Text
Entitled An Act to incorporate a Rail Road
Company , to be called the Atlantic & Gulf
Rail Road Company, and for other purposes
therein named.
Section Ist. Be it en acted j>y (lie Senate
and House of Representatives of the State
of Georgia, in General assembly met, and it
is hereby enacted by the authority of the same
That Jnftie-* n Couper, James P. Screven,
Alexander Atkin-on, Edward 0. Anderson,
W. B Hodgson, Robert Stafford, Levi J
Knight’, E. i Young, vvqiKara Ponder,
Winb’orn J. Lawton, Alfred 11. Colquitt,
•Jo-epli Bon E. a. Xisbet, Joel Crawford,
John LI. Howard, Seaborn Jones, I).ivi i J.
Bailey, ■ harlcs J. Jenkins, John Milh-dge,
James M. Calhoun, Charles. Spalding, harles
J. Munnerlyn, Thomas Hamilton, X. W
Collier and James cllae, and su_*h persons
as may hereafter become associated with them
and. their successors, are hereby made a body
politic and and corporate, by .lie name and
style of the Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road
Company, to be located at and
by that name are made capable in law, to
ihave purchase and enjoy, such personal estate,’
goods and effects, as may be necessary and
proper to carry out the objects herein specifi
ed, and to secure the full enjoyment of all
the rights herein and hereby granted, and
by said name t( sue and to be. sued, plead and
be imploded in any Court of coinpe’ent
.jurisdiction, to have and use a common seal,
and the same to alter at pleasure ; and to
make, ordain and establish such rules, by laws
and regulations as shall seem ncces ary and
•convenient for the government and protection
*of said corporation, the same not being contra
ry to the laws or constitution of this tate ;
and generally to do, perform and execute, all
such acts, mutters and tilings, as may apper
tain to corporations of like character.
See. 2 lie it further That the
persons herein-before named, or any live or
more of them, shall cause books of subscrip
tion to be opned in Milledgevillc,and such other
places as they may designate, on public
advertisement of thirty days, in one or more
gazetts of Milledgeville, Stvannah, Macon
and Augusta, which bo ks snail be kept
open at least two weeks, and as much longer
■assaid commissioner may dean expedient, and
any person, firm, or corporation desiring to
make a bounded subscription to the capital
stock of said company, sha!i lie permit ed to
do so ; Provided, that no pci’s m, firm or
corporation, shall subscibe more than two
hundred thousand dollars previous to the first
election of I) rec ors, and if the’ sum oi six
hundred thou-and dollars or npwar is, shall
have been bona fide subscribed, it shall be the !
duty of tne commissioners her. in named, or
any five or more of them, who may be actual-1
ly engaged in taking subsciptions, to return a
list, of subscirbers an I the amounts sub-cribed
by each, with a certificate that the snbscirp-1
tious are bona fide and binding, and that each \
com| any, firm or co.poratlon, (in the opinion
of said connniss oners, ) wid be fully able to
pay up the sn ns subscribed by the same,
which return and certificate shall e under
oath, and when received shall be filed away
in the Comp roller Gan red's office. If said
return and certificate shall be satisfactory to
the G ivenor “f th s Sta e for the time being,
it shall be his duty to subscribe n the name
of the State of Geoagia, for stock to the ex
tent of five hundred thousand dollars, or if
the bona fide subscript ns ret mis 1 and
certified, shall exee and 600,000 dollars, t en
for such larger sum than five Inin wed thousand
dollars as will be in the same proportion ;
Provided,That no iron and no superstructure
shall be laid on the said At antic <fe vault’
Rail Road, until the Brunswick & Flordia
Railroad, or tne Savannah, A.bany & Gulf
Railroad shall have formed a connection with
the said Ailantic and Railroad, and the
cars be running upon one or ihe other of -aid
Railroads , and provided further, That nothing
: in this act contained, snail be construed so as
to authorize subscriptions upon the part of
the Stale of Georgia to exceed one million of
dollars The capital stock of said company
may be incrased five millions of dollar , divi
tied into shares of one hundred dollars each,
and in all election- of Directors, and meetings
of stockholders each share shall be entitled
to one vote.
Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That as
. soon as the sum of one million one hundred
thousand dollars or upwards, -hall have been
subscribed, as provided in the second sect.on
of this act, i shah be the duty of the Govern
or of the State for the time being, to order an
election fur nine Directors, which election
shall be held in Milledgeville, under- the
direction of the Commissioners, or any five
or more of them, after not less than thirty
days notice, and the stockholders shall vote
in per on or by proxy. The Directors so
elected shad elect a President fr*>m tiier
number,(and such oth r officer- as they mav
deem expedient,) and shall hold their offices
for one year, and until their successors arc
elected. Elections for Directors, (after the
first, ) shall take place annually on the
second Monday in February. No person
shall be eligible as a Director, except a
resident of the State of Georgia, who shall be
a holder, in his own rigid, and name of twenty
five shares of o ie hudred dollars each of the
stock of said company.
Sec. 4. Re it further enacted, hat when
the Atlantic & Gu.f tailro and company, shall
be organized as provided in the previous
sections of this act, the said coinpa .y shall
be authorized, and is hereby declared to have
full power to build, construct and maintain a
railroad for the transportation of produce,
merchandise and passengers, from a point as
near as practicable to the i -terseetion of the
lines of the counties of App iug. Ware and
” ayne, cross ng the river at or near
Walken’s terry in the vicinity of v\arcsborn.
and thence by tiie most practicable route to
the Western boundry of tneSiate oi Georgia,
at any point between Fort in th
county of Clay, and the junction of the Flint
and Chattahoochee river-, in the county oi
Decatur, erid Western terminus to be select
ed by the Directors, after an a- curate survey
and estimates of cost shall have been made,
and with the Gulf of • exico at Mobile, or
Pensacola ; all questions growing out of the
right of way and damages thereof, to be
decided according to the provisions of the 15
section oi the amended charter of the Central
Railroad and Banking Company of the tate
of Georgia, approved the fourteenth da of
December 1835, which section is declared to
be a part ol this act, and ail the privileges,
immunities and exemptions granted io The
Central Railroad and Ba king t ompany, ; ,nd
the Georgia Railroad and Banking Com T. y,
or either of them, by the acts iiu-rporaling
rmid ci inpailie- and the ,-everal acts amoudato
ry thereof, are hereby g;anted to the sad
Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Company, so far
as the same can be made appli able to sad
Atlantic & Gult Railroad company.
ec. 5. Re it further enacted, That it shall
be the duty of the Board of Directors, soon
after they are call for an installment
of twe ty per ccn mil on the capital stock
subscribed, by giving at least thirty days
notice, and when the same shall lie actually
paid in, to certify the same to the Governor
of the State for the time being whose duty
it shall then be to pay np the twenty per
centum of the subscription made by the State,
and for this purpose he is authorized to draw
his warrant o:i the treasury, for *any money
not c-riicrwise appropriated—and if there
shall be no such funds in the treasury, or not
sufficient to pay tiie installment called for, he
shall issue and dipose of bonds of the State
of Georgia, having twenty years to run, and
bearing six per cent interest, with coupons
attached, made payable either at the treasury
or at such other place a the Governor may
think Lest to insert in said bonds,- and the
proceeds of the Wottern & Atlantic Railroad,
after deducting the expenses of the said road,
and after tiie payment of all other sums, for
j which the same lias been set apart, and pledg.
| ed, shall be applied to the payment of the
I principal and interest on these bonds, but
! under no circumstances shall any of these
! bonds be so’d below their par value But no
payment shall be made on the part of the
State until the Savannah, Albany & Gulf
Railroad e nnpany, a::d the Brunswick &
Florida Railroad company, shall have releas
ed any right to which either of said companies
have or claim to interfere with the location of
said road, on account of nay privileges
granted to the charters of either of them.
After the first installment i paid by the
subscribers, no more than ten per cent shall
be called so any one time, and then only on
thirty days public notice, and if any subscriber
shall fail to pay any installment duly called
for by the Directors, the Directors may de
clare the stock of such subscriber forfeited by
the company, with any installments then paid,
without affecting the right of said company
to sn - for and recover the amount of any
subscription, or part thereof, duly called for
and remaining unpaid. The Board of Direc
tors shall be authorized from tme to time to
receive additional bona lide subscri tious to
lire capital stock, until the road is finished,
an l when -uch subscriptions shall be returned
and certified to the Governor under oath, lie
shall subscribe an additional -urn for the
State of Georgia in the proporiion as hereto
lore provided, the installments to be paid
upon tiie same conditions, and in the same
manner s authorized for the first snb-erip
tions. But no stock shall be allowed to vote,
[after tiie first election,] of which twenty per
cent lias not been paid.
Sec (5. Be it further enacted, That the
Savannah, Albany & <-ulf Railroad Company,
and the Brunswick & Florida Railroad
Company, and cither of them, shall be permit
ted to join their tracks .with the track of the
said At antic & Gulf Railroad Company, with
equal privelegcs to both of said Companies and
with nit any discrimination whatever against
irh -r of them,it being the intention of [lie State
of Georgia, by this act to provide a Main
i rank railway across the territory connecting
the A lunt/c with the Gulf < f Mexico, t at
any Railroad in this State shall have the
privilege and right to join the-aid Atlantic &.
Gulf Railroad Company, without any dis
crimination f. r 0 ‘again-t s ? ’ch Railroad adjoi -
iug thereto ; provided, that the stockholders
thereof build said road with their own money
See. 7th. Be it further enacted, That it
shall be the duty of the President of said Rail
road company to make returns under oath
semi annually to the Governor of the Stale,
containing a fui! and accurate statement of
the pecuniary affairs of the company, with a
list of subscribers to the stock, with the
amount subscribed and paid in by each, which
returns sluil! be li’ed away in the Comptroller
General’s Office.
‘-ec. Bth. And be it fu ther enac cd, That
the produce of tiro State of Georgia, deposi
ted at any depot within the State shall have
recede nee over through freights coming from
any other State, so long as the State of Geor
gia remains a Siockliolcb r in said road
Sec. Oth. Be it further enacted That all
laws and parts of laws m litating against this
act be and the same is hereby repealed.
imCTta i
What Was Done After Dinner at the
Phiei.adeli’hia “National K. X. Convention,
Sixty four of the northern delegates having
seceded, including the Xew York friends of
“Live Hoax George,” Fillmore was nominat
ed without difficulty a single delegate from
some of the States being allowed to cast its
ent-ir vote, ihe Xew Hampshire delegates,
Messrs Colby and Emery, having violated
their mid-night K. X. oath to abide by the
deci-ion of the majority, and bolted, their
places were temporarily supplied by a couple
of i.utsiders, who voted with the south, and
were h-udly cheered therefor. Its bsequent
ly turned out that these substitutis were New
Yorkers So the southern K s’s. cheered
for nothing. arson Brow low moved that
Gen Call, a southern, seceder, be “taken back
into the church;” and upon the general’s re
appearing, the parso stepped out into the
floor and gave him a fraternal hug, to the
great deiigi.t oi the assembled K. N’s. Sub
sequently “Andrew Jackson Do ■nelson” was
nominated for \ ice Piesident (upon the re
commendation of A. 11. 11. Stewart, of Vir
ginia, formerly one of Fillmore’.- cabinet secre
time-,) over iieury J Gardner and others.—
Srewart cooly claimed for Douclson, who was
once General Jackson’.-private secretary, the
honor of having originated and carried out
the principal asurcs of Old Hickory’s ad
mini-trati- n ! Donelson made a speech, and
as-erted that Gen Jackson was a full blooded
K X. because he (I) j never heard him say
nothing against “American principles !” Then
Parson Brownlow was called out to endorse
the nomination-, and expressed his belief that
with Mr. Fillmore and hi- (Mrowiilow,sJ ‘pa
triotic, fat, greasy friend,”,) looking at Donel
son i tney could so use up the democrats that
there would not be a grease sp"t left. n
eoiiclus.ou, no advised tne members
of the convention ‘to say liugeu and clear out!’
Upon this intimation the assemblage seemed
to h ivt* acted, and very soon after it adjourn
ed. Tiie convention was decidedly a ‘flugen’
affair. — Examine -.
—WHO- ►► -Ca*m
Conscience —An eneliaugc ‘papo s-.ys ;
“A man ii. a certain village with whom we are
acquainted, who had snuffed sngtr sol i hi , s
inserted in tie weekly paper the following
“1 purchased of a grocer in this village a
quantity of sugar f oin whic I obtained one
pound of sand; and if the rascal who cheated
rim: w 1 1 send to my address seven pounds ol
good ■ ugar, (8 -not nre measure,) I shall be
-at) fid; if it. 1 ‘hull expose him.”
D . i he. Ibl'o.voig day time seven round
pm-l-O.gCS of SU:::U‘ ’VCIV lolt lit his l’-i<i> eC,
o a- mi It*- r et eaao'S, eicli ipoo--ieg
| “luiseit to tne j ei'.-On intended.
Extract from £..ortl Derby s remarks
on the Queens Speeds.
I should like to have known what is going
on at Teheran and at Washington. (Hear,
hear.) I should have thought that as our
relations with the former court, more especial
ly at the present moment, are of some impor
tance, reference has taken place, and which, I
understand, is of such a character tint our
Ambasador has withdrawn. Then, again,
what are our relations with the Cabinet of,
Washington, where it is reported the retire
ment of our Minister is demanded. (Ileare,
hear.) I should have thought that two
circumstance to merit, at events, a passing
notice in the speech ; and that if her Majesty
had not been enabled to inform us, as on for
mer occasions, that our relations with other
Powers were upon a friendly and amicable
footing at least w.e might have been led to
amagine what danger, or security from danger
existed of any rupture of our amicable rela
tions with Persia and America.
1 hero is no country in the world with which
we are bound by such tics of close and
intimate relationship—none with wh vh our
commercial relations, exclusive of the tics o p
common language and laws, are so vast and
important —none with which a war would be
so mutually suicidal as with the United Sates.
(Hear ) I do not suppose that all the
language which we see used by the American
press, and which would be wholy unworthy of
the dignity of a great country, is adopted by
the American Government ; but if the Govern
ment have made the representations which
they are reported to have made, then I think
our relations with America arc most threat
ning, not to say most alarming,
With regard to what is called the Clayton-
Bulwer treaty, relating to Central America,
so far as I am able to judge, I agree with Her
Majesty’s Government in the explanations
they have given , nor, looking to that treaty
and to the circumstances which preceded it,can
1 conceive that a different construction can
be put upon it from that put upon it by her
Majesty’s government. (Hear, hear.] A
dispute concerning the interpretation of a
treaty is not, however, me which ought to
excite great alarm as to tiie consequences, it
forms a most fitting subject for reference to
the arbitration of a iriendly power, and 1
trust there can be no apprehension of the
rupture of friendly relotious on this account.
(Hear, hear.) 1 wish I could speak as
confidently with regard to the other questions
of dispute, because, although 1 think every
amende and every apology have been made by
her Majesty’s government, I coimot conceal
from myself ■he fact that the government of
tiie Un.ted States have, in the first place, just
and reasonable cause of complaint. (Hear.
When the Foreign Enlistment bill was
under discussion, one objection to that, measure
was, selves in constant disputes with those
Powers wh >se subjects, without tin ir concur
rence, we n ere seeking to enlist ; and say
what you plea e, and guarded as may be the
language of the bill, it is indisputable to my
mind that in carrying out the provisions -f
that Foreign Enlistment bill, if you did not
infringe upon the letter, you have proceeded
in opposition to the spirit of the municipal law
of the United States. (Hear, hear.) I deep
ly regret that the government should have
been betrayed into such an error, and 1 do
not vvouder that at a period of great popular
excitemnr it should have ar -used angry
feeling and an insult on the part of perha, - the
most su-ceptibie nation in the w-r;d
At the same time I will e tcrlain—l won't
Ray confidence. but hope founded on the
sound co.muon sense of that great and intel
ligent community, that when the first feelings
of indignation and of anger have passed away
when the cause for which agitators are
striving to inflame the public mind s!i 11 have
ceased to exist— they will camly and deliberate
ly consider the unintnational character of the
offence in the first place given, and that full
and ample apology which I understand her
Majesty’s government lias made to the of
fended dignity of the United States and which.
I think any great nation, only conscious of its
own strength, would accept as a sufficient
reparation for the wrong done. (Hear, hear.;
1 therefore venture to entertai the hope that
in that quarter more friendly relations will
exist, though at Ihe same time I must say,
tiiat I think her Majesty’s Government would
have acted more wisely with a view to soo he
any aimry feeling, and to pave the wav to
more friend.y relations, if they had inserted
in her Majesty’s speecn a conciliatory para
graph applying to the people of that great
country, instead of passing over the subject in
a contemptuous way, as though it ere unwor
thy a moment’s consideration.
Fourth Resolution Georgia Platform
The following are the yeas and nays it: the
Senate on t lie bill authorizing tie Governor
to call a eoiiventio of the people upon the hap
ening of any one of the contingencies specified
in tlie 41li Resolution of the i latform:
l eas —Adams Atkinson Beall. Billups. Brice.
Brown ofDalu in, Brown of Gwinnett, Buch
anan, Camion, Cantrell, Coffee, Cone of
ulioeh. Cone of Greene, Cumining, Gray,
Gordon, Grant, Griffiin. Hale. Hamilton,
Harris of Worth, Hill, Jamison, Jeter, Knight
Landrum. Lawson of Burke, Liwtoii, Long,
Long Maddux .McCrimmi, McGuire Mclntosh
IMcMiliain Mtx-re o Cobb, Moreland, Morris,
Patterson, of Gilm r, Patterson, of Jefferson,
Pharr,Pool, Uenfroe, .< binson, Kudisill, Shrop
shire, Simms, S-. riven,Whitaker,and Wingfield
A a ys —Aired, Calhoun, Chastain, Crow
der, Dixon, Duniiagan. Dupree, irimibro, King,
Marshall, Moore ot Lincoln, Murphy,Murray,
Ragan, Riley, Mudstill, Swiimey, Turner,
Wales, Ware, and Welboru—2l.
Absent or not Voting —Ashe, A very,Baxter,
Boasely, Bioodworth, Brown of Calhoun,
Camden, Carlton, Causey, Colbert, Dnlmcy,
Gibson, ijiitrry, Harris of ! ailiai'ero, Horde
man, Hays, Head, i lines, McDonald, Millet
Moody, Nichols, Paulk, Peeples, Ponder,
Pope, Reddish, lioddenbc-rry, Sapp, Seoit,
Smith, Spalding Sumner, Strickland, White
and Wynn—4o.
A Dublin’ cherokee he Rome Courier
has -a ii m o unt of n duel lately I'l.ogK i
Dallas ibuilding county The parries we
Wiley Junes ami Win. Bane, relatives. Tmy
loiigut with lilies and final three limey Ai i
first shot a part of Jones le-’t. ear uas shot off.
lies not being satisfied they reloaded and
fired a part ol Jones rigid ear lock being eui
off by the ball of his autago is . Tney wore
still not satisfied loaded aga n and lived Uane’.s
ball pasing IhrougliJoae- hat just Move ais
lnad Jones t eii inmle at his antagonist with
his rifle and ‘ attempted to k i ck him down
with it, ot Bane got the advantage, knocked
him down u. <1 beat hi- brains out, and lied
. limit J-utes died i mine ! ely, md up to lae
accounts Bane had nuo been ui’iested.
By Tdlegraph for the Savannah Georgian.
TSiree Days Later f om Europe, Arri
val oftlie Africa, Nothing from the
Xew York, March 8.
The Royal Mail Steamer Africa has arrived at
Halifax, bringing Liverpool advices to the 23d
ult. —three days later than the Baltic. She brings
no tidings of the Peaifid.
ool. —Owing to large receipts, Middling
.Orleans and Idfcer qualities have declined l-16d.—
Other qualities remain Sales for three
days 50,000 Itales, ineluding 7,000 to speculators.
Flour has slightly advanced.
The Rothchilds have taken the whole English
loan of twenty million dollars.
The peace Conference are progressing favora
Cousois have advanced to 91s.
General Cass appeared in his seat in the
Senate on the 26th ult.. says the Washington Un
ion, having recovered from his late severe injury.
There was much gratification manifested by the
Senators upon seeing this venerable statesman
again at his post.
Messrs Yi£uderbilt, No. 185 Suffolk
Street, says of Dr. M‘JLane’s Celebrat
ed liver Pills;
Being unwell, and not knowing whether it proceeded
from derangement of the liver or merely hysterics, I was
persuaded to purchase a box of Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated
Liver Pills, and before I had used them all, was entirely
relieved, lam now enjoying perfect health, and cheerfully
recommended Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Liver Pills to all
similarly afflicted.
New York, March 25,1552.
Persons will be careful to ask for DU. McLAXE’j;
BItO., of Pittsburg, Pa. AH other Vermifuges in compari
son, are worthless. Dr. McLane’s genuine Vermifuge, also
his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be bad at all respectable
D rug Stores. None genuine without the signature of
feitro-OTE* 3T „
Died in Monroe county, on Friday 29th ult. of Scarlet Fever,
John Reuben, son of Jos D. and Martha A. Reynolds, aged
two years one month and twenty foul days. “Whom the
Gods love, die young.” This was truly a child of promise.
He manifested in his affliction a patience and fortitude
which would have done credit, to one of maturer years.—
Ilis heart seemed to be the seat of the affections. Like the
tender blosson of early spring, he opened the ten
drils of hope to the sun of promise, a blighting frost
came, and the flower was nipped in the bud. ‘This mortal
has put on immortality,” and the tender babe thus rudely
torn by the hand of death from the arms of an affectionate
mother,now flutters an angel, around the Throne of God.
“Early, bright, chastens morning dew.
Tie sparkled was exhaled and went to Heaven.”
Cotton—The Africa's accounts have had no material
effect on our market. We quote to day as extremes 7 to
iff;. The aggregate receipts in all the American Ports,
show an increase of 794,106 bales, over last year. This ap
parent increase in the crop is the result of the favorable
weather for picking In the full, and the rapidity with which
the crop was pushed forward to market.
Bacon.—lo to 12), c.
Laud—l 2 |.c
- Buttkh.—Country, 15 to 20 c.—Goshen, 25 to 30.
Corn.—so to GOe. per bushel.
Corn Meal.—6o to 70 c. per bushel.
Flotk. —4 to sc. per pound, good supply.
Coffee.—Rio, 12i- to 14 c.; Java, 15 to 17 c. per lb.
See ah.—Brown, 10 to 12 e.; Clarified, 11 to 13 c.; Loaf
and Crushed, 11 to 12£ e.
P. -.65 :<* 7.5 c. p.-c gallon.
Salt.— $2,00 per sack.
Candles.—Adamantine, 30 to 35 c.; Sperm, 45 c.
Beef.—3l c. on foot; 6 to S c. by retail.
Nails.—sj to 01- e. per lb-
Featiieks.—4.s c. Scarce.
Wheat.—None offering.—l2 to 14 c. per lb.
Mackerel.—No. 3,512; No. 2,515; No. 1.525 perßbl.
Blue Fisii.—sl2,so per Bbl
Cod Fish.—7 to Bc. per lb.
Beeswax.—lß to 20 c. per lb.
Dm ed Peaches.—sl,so to $2,00 per bushel.
Duied Apples —75 c. per bushel.
Bagging —Gunny, 17 to 18 c. per yd.
Rope —Kentucky, 12 to 14 c. per lb-
Pork Bc. per lb., nett.
Svannah March 7—Coton yesterday more active. Prices
firm. Sales 1300 bales, as follows, viz: 3at 8)<; 2,5 at !)|;
518 at 03 ; .510 at 9J-: 151 at 101; 10 at 10J; and 63 at 10
5-16 c.
Augusta, March 6, —Gotten was very active ye sterday
and about 2000 bales were sold, at firm prices.
Columbus March G—Cotton underwent no change in
prices yesterday, and we continue quotations for good Mid
dliugOj; Middling Fair 10c. There was a lot of 47 bales,
classed Middling fair to fair, sold at 10.(c.
Charleston, March s—Cotton was in active demand to
day, which was freely met ly.sellers, who obtained a very
full range of prices. About 6000 bales changed hands at
prices ranging from 8£ to lojc.
For Clerk
For Marshal
Mr. Editor you will p’eise Publish the above ticket and
Mr. Etutor: Please publish t,lie following ticket for May
or and Aldermen, to be supported at the election in April
next, and oblige MANY VOTERS.
For Mayor
Maj. Wifi. Cline,
For Aldermen
W..T Jnssoy,
A. Merritt.
Stephen .Tones,
A r ines Fish.
S. W. Maugham,
T)i\ H. W. Brown,
J. S. Travis,
J. Richardson.
For Clerk
Fol’ Marshall
/U—? ‘ .T AMES P. PERDUE respectfully announces his
name ns a candidate for re-election to the Clerk
u ship of the City Council of Griffin, at the ensuing
\pril election. Tie promises, if elected, to discharge the
defies of the office faithfully.
March 12, 1856 45 tde
OsSS* WILLI AM If. rOWELL announces Ids name as
X*Sx a candidate for the office of Clerk of the City Won ti
ci! ot Gt'ifljn, ot Die ensuing April election.
March 12, 1856..4.5 tde
<FL^—? JETHRO JACKSON respectfully announces his
ilLJgr”'mime to the citizens of Griffin, as a candidate for
a the office of Marshal, of the City of Griffin, at the
ensuing April election. If elected, he’ promises to pay
strict attention to the duties of the office.
March 12, 1356 45 tde
_ ‘S mmm
[TENDERS his professional services ns a Physici :u and
Surgeon, to the citizens of Griffin and vicinity.
)ffice on the same floor with the Empire State,“©4
Griffin, March 5, 1856 44....1y
Crijj P HRS of Mens’ Kip and Calf Brogans, at $1.60
D “1/ 150 pair Ladies’ Kid Iluskinsat 60 cents, just, re
ceived, and for sale by I. T. BANKS &CO 1
The undersigned respectfully offers himself as a
iT'-ME?* candidate for iffarshal of the City of tbriffin, at
the ensuing election, and solicits the support of his friends
and fellow-citizens generally. T. G. MANLEY.
March 4, 1856..... 44..'. .tde
to the citizens of Griffin for past favors,
‘* again tenders his services to them'as a cithdi
date for City Marshal, at the ensuing April election.
March 4, 1856 44... .tde
Z&d&SZzsß GEORGE D. JOHNSON announces his
name as a candidate for the office of City
Marshal at the ensuing April election, and
respectfully solicits the support of the citizens generally.—
He promises, if elected, to discharge the duties of the of
fice faithfully. .
March 4, 1860 44;...tde
I adopt this method of notifying the citi
zens of Griffin that I am a candidate for re
election to the office of City Mltisliai. .
March t, 1856 44....tde J. L ALEXANDER.
G 1 IS-. a -A P'nyette county.—James 1L ‘ Wiiktrope,
if of the 1088th District, G. M., tolls before me as an es
tray, one dark bay mare mule, with some white on the
mane, age not known, but old. Appraised by James Co
ker and Phillip be worth $45. Given under
my hand and official signature, this November 23d, 1855.
T do certify that this is a true extract of the minutes of
the Estmy Book of Fayette county.
March 12, 1856 4.5 4t
Handsome Reward for the Thief with proof to
STOLEN from my lot on the evening of the oth
,)f J'Gy last, one of my HARNESS HORSES,
| about 11 years old, 15 or L>£ liands high—a sor-
I rel. He is a very notable horse from the fact that he lias
bumps much resembling young horns over his eyes—quite
raw-bone looking. It is supposed a negro belonging to
Mr. Henry Spier, of Mclntosh, rode him off—the negro be.
! ing seen on him and was lodged in Griffin .Tail when next
heard from. Any information to me or to C. T. Beupree in
Griffin, will be thankfully received and amply compensa
ted. My residence is about 4 miles from Mclntosh, Kineh
afoone county, and 4 miles from Richland, on the Columbus
October 10, 1855. ts-
B Vl€ 0 ? 0 1C & CO.,
TEN years among the Mad Bags; Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence ; Rose Clark, by Fanny Fern ; Notes on Duel
] and Duelling, by Sabine ; also a large lot of GILT MOUL-
I DING, French Glass, Window Hangings, Ac., cheap for
| the money v
I Griffin, Ga., March 5, 1856 44 ts
THE subscriber is now receiving'll new and hand
some stock of FAKCT ASB STAI-EK Blil
T> liOODS, suitable for the
J among which will he found almost every article in'tliU
j line, which he intends to offer on the best* terms. Also, a
large stock of CARPETING, Oil Cloths,Paper Hangings,
( Window Shades. Ac.
CrjKllis friends and tiro public are requested to give him
1 a call. GEORGE W. PRICE.
! March 5, 1856
:o S3 Sir t x “& *2? ib ly7
D i-? S. C I. AII K & EMEIt S0 X.
HAVING formed a copartnership in the
j ‘j) iFiV TI S T R Y,
I would respectfully tender their services to the public. I)r.’
] E. besides being an experienced operator, is a graduate of
the Philadelphia College of Bertal Surgery, and brings
| with him all the improvements in the practice of Dcnti.-fry.
; The high testimonials and beautiful specimens of Dr. E.
j show that hehas spared neither time nor expense to arrive
j at proficiency.
| The numerous operations of Dr. Clark, which continue
to give satisfaction,besides the many premiums awarded
him at onr State Fairs-should offer some inducements to
1 those that arc in need of his service.
| Neither tb.K nor expense shall be spared in performing
all operations in the most beautiful ami durable manner.—
j At the some time while they consider it better to pay a trifle
j more to have teeth saved, than a trifle less to have them
I ruined, their charges shall not be higher than the same
kind of operations would command at the North.
Griffin, Feb. 2,1856 42 Gm
: iWmlufß llh wif.
- rjpTE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he
j -I is prepared to carry on the above business in all its
| branches, at his shop, on the west side of New Orleans Street
| opposite Messrs, l’richard & Wood. Tn case of my absence,
| orders may be left at the shop, with any of the hands therein
employed, but all payments must be made to me aiuUme
alone or by mv ontyr.
Griffin, Jan. loth, 1856.. .37. .ts
HARNESS, Sole, and Upper Leather for sale bv
Feb. 26,1856. .ts JAMES L. JOHNSON
\l}y Authority of the State of Georgia,].
10,000 numbers only ! 1 prize to 8 tickets !
To le viawn March 15th, 1856.
THE manager having announced his determination to
make this the most popular Lottery in the world, of
fers for March 15th, 1856, a Scheme that far surpasses any
Scheme ever offered in the annals ( f Lotteries. Look to
your interest. Examine the Capitals. 1 prize to every 8
tickets. To be drawn at CONCERT HALL, Macon, Ga.,
under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan
and Jas. A. Nosbit, Esq.
@is ? ooo.
1 prize of $15,-000
1 “ “ 5,000
1 •* “ 4.000
1 “ 3,000
1 “ “ .2.000
5 “ “ 1,000 are 5,000
10 “ “ 500 are 5,000
60 “ “ 50 are 3,000
120 “ “ 25 are 3,000
500 approx, prizes of 20 are 10,000
500 “ “ 10 are 5,000
1200 Prizes amounting to $60,0()0
Whole Tickets .fUitiU; Ualvcn $5 OB; (innrtm 50
Prizes payable without deduction. Persons sending mo
ney by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctual
ly attended to. Communications confidential. Banknotes
of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all order
ing tickets. Those wishing particular numbers order im
Macon, Feb. 27,1856. —td Manager.
, v THIS large and commodious Hotelis now
it A I open for the accommodation of the public. The •
>, f 1 jSSE furniture is new, and the rooms comfortable and
well ventilated. The table will at all times be
supplied with the best the market affords, and
no pains will be spared to render the guest comfortable, i
also have in connection with the house, the lnrgeand roomy
stable, formerly occupied by IV. S. Birge, by which stock
can and will be well taken care of.
R. F. M. MANN, Proprietor.
Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856....41 ts
Ilacls. Xjlzaois
--’ c~ The undersigned being the Con
tu transport the Ik States
Mail on routes, Nos. 6339 and 6340,
■?-'takes this method of informing
the public generally, that he will run his Hack ns follows •
Leave Griffin Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via Erin,
Warnerville, Jones’ Mills, Greenville and Mouhtville—ar
rive at LaGrange the same days. Leave LaGmnge Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays via the places above men
tioned—arrive at .Griffin the same days. Leave Griffin
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays via “Zolmlon and Flat
Shoals, and arrive at Greenville the same days. Leave
Greenville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via the pla
ces above mentioned, and arrive at Griffin the same days,
1 will further add, that 1 have good teams and sober dri ;
vers, who will spare no pains in making passengers com
fortuble, and put them through in good time, at very modi*
rate prices. R. F. M. MANN, Proprietor and Contractor 1
Feb. 13, 1856.... 41.... ts
Linseed, sperm, tanners, castor ami ma
CHINE OIL, for sale low for cash by
Sept 19, ’ss*-tf HILL & SMITH.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late John
Brunt, deceased, of Pike county, are hen by ieqi.ested
to make immediate paytpK xjt. ai <{ those per.- ons hi ving de
mands against said deceased, will lender tlum in agreeable
to law to CBEEN B. M. BLOUNT, )
Feb. 27, 1856... .43... ,4d
HAVE bought out the interest of JOHN g... ~ .
M. LUNQUEBT, in the office occupied JBjm&Ut
by.(‘LEYELANI) & LUNQUKST, at the
ner of Hill Street and Brpadwiiy, up stairs.
The copartnership of Cleveland &’ Lumpiest l.av’ng disaoNs
A. Cleveland 5: Sons respectfully inform the publio that
they are prepared to carry on the
in all its various branches, viz : to put up full or partial seta
of Teeth on gold plate, in complete ami workman-like atyh,
with Artificial Glints, imitating nature in beautiful life-lilt*
appearance. Also the most difficult cases fitted withaccu
racy so as to be worn with epee; also decayed Teeth neatly
tilled with gold, and great care taken to render the opera
tion attendant with as little pain as posible. Those pant fill
ing, skillfully extracted if desired. Those suffering with
Tooth-ache relief given without extracting in most cases; a Is#
we shall keep a
Daguerreotype Office,
and take Likenesses in the best of style. Satisfaction gnftf
anteed in all cases,and charges very reasonable. Work don*
on the shortest notice. Also, for sale. GOLD FOIL. GOLD
Griffin, Feb. 19th, 1856. .42. .ts.
T’HE subscriber informs his jriends andthe/public g*aei>
ally, that he still continues to carry on the
Ti ii and Sheet. Iron Business,
in all its branches ; that he will attend4o roofing, gutter
ing, anil all job work, with punctuality, and in a workman
like manner.
He is now receiving a supply of FANCY ARTICLE®,
too tedious to mention—Hardware, Stoves, Castings and
Cntlerv, whichlie will sell low. Give li-tn a calf srdprore
| for yourself. SAMUEL PILSttRY.
Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856 40 ts
sr. 3P* MxxjfSg'aEda,
RESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of his trend
■ and the public.
Jan. 23, 1856 38....1y
Cheap. Cash, Book and Music Store,
IIUI Sired. 2-7 door from the Railroad. Griffin, Ga.
ft - ?.The New Publications received ns they are issued
from the press, end sold at New York Retail Rates!
KOOKS, always on hand. Orders, per mail, promptly at
tended to. Establish; and January, 1855.
December 10th, 1855. * 33-ly
$300,000 IK PRIZES!!
ZSFC23E* tiSa'.o HeneSt
THE ASSOCIATION finding it impossible to raise the
means by private subscription, to purchase the
BUT list ran,
Have determined to appeal to the Public, by LOTTERY,
to assist them in securing the great object of a
The Association would some reluctance in appealing
to the support of the people were it for a less worthy cr
less noble object than that which they have in view. The
Scheme which they offer, being placed under their sole con
trol by the State Commissioner, they have made it so at>
tractive, and formed it upon so grand a scale, that they
have no fears but that the public will come forward wtta
ooe accord to its support, and assist the Association in the
successful carrying out of one of the most patriotic under
takings of the present day. It not only appeals to the na
tional feelings of the American heart, but also to the selA
interest of every man ! Those who invest a dollar, or more,
in this undertaking, not only contribute ton patriotic object
but stand an equal chance with others in securing one of the
1 prize of $50,000 is $50,0
1 prize of 20,000 is 20,000
1 prize of 15,000 is 15,00#
2 prizes of 10,000 are 20,000
4 prizes of 5,000 are 20,000
10 prizes of 2.000 are 20,000
30 prizes of 1,000 are 30.000
50 prizes of 500 are 25,000
100 prizes of 250 are 25,000
100 prizes of 100 are 10.000
200 prizes of. 50 are 10.000
1.000 prizes of 10 are 10,000
2,000 prizes of 5 are 10,000
5,000 prizes of 2 are 10,000
25 ,000 priz-s of 1 are 25,000
33,400 Prizes Amounting to $300,000
It is the wish of the Society to close the drawing by
The 2.5 th of May, 1856,
The price of the Tickets is so small as to be within tk
reach of all who may desire to participate in this great
Nattonsl iiidertaklnff
The success of which mint be dear to every heart. Bsnide
the Ticket in the above Scheme.every purchaser will receive
Os the Association, a list of which, with the amount Un
each one lias invested, will be printed and framed, so tba
the visitors to the
May see the names of those who have subscribed to thin
Father of fits Country!
The price of Tickets arc as follows:
Single Tickets, $ 1 OO
P;cknge of 12, ■. lO OO
Package of 25, 20 OO
To those purchasing a IVu kage of Twenty-Five Tickets, a
copy of the Celebrated Engraving by Fanoli.of
mtimm iz statesman,
W ill be presented. To those purchasing Two Packages of
Twenty-Five Tickets, a copy of Lkctzk's Gkeat
3iJ:) s sS)R>tjioi) CfossiiKf tf)6 J)efc}lusre,
Will bo presented. Correspondents will please give the
name of the Comity, Town and State in which they reside,
so as to avoid mistakes. All orders for Tickets, most
be addressed to the undersigned, Agent for the Managers.
Jan. 8,1856, —36-.lms Washington, D. C.
Ya n G For Pa 10.
A valuable tract of land, in the Fist District Jygfflfc
of IMke-connty,containing I've hundred
acres, lying between Flint River and Line
Creek, can be {ntr< based on very accomnioda- tWtP
ting terms by application to the o.mlersigncd.—
The tract is known as the place formerly owned by A. R.
Dullll. and contain- a quantity of fiooU Tlml-e -U
as well as a wimble plantation, under cultivation. Then*
wishing to purchase w ill do well to call men. as the ptact
will certainly l e sold. ,T, R. REID. Agewk
for R. A J. C A I.DWELL Sc Cf>.
Griffin, Feb. 27th 1857 43..