The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, March 12, 1856, Image 4

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fp o t t v ij , For the Empire State. MACEDONIA CHI RCHYARP. BY FKANCES. Ssft, soft, yc wild bleak winds, Ye new year revellers, Stay where your wild oak bends, Above those sepulchres ; Stay, ere you enter there, Plume plume anew yonr flight, Change it from revelry. To moments soft and light. Now wend ye round each lone and silent tomb. Where gentle ones have found their long, long home, Soft, stay awhile, or hence ye fleeting go, And murmur o'er them requiems sad and low. Grow, grow ye summer flowers, Mementoes sweet of Heaven, Wreathe there your bounteous bowers, Smile in the eye of ev’en ; Exhale your odors sweet, Above the sleepers there. With richest fragrance greet. The ambient summer air. Oh, emblems of those forms as once they grew, Borne leaf of beauty e’er unfolding new, Shedding round them kindness'every where, A a ye with odors fill the neighboring air. Sing, sing, ye minstrels wild, Earth's voice of vocal praise, In accents low and mild, Chant forth your solemn lays, Or cheerly, cbeerlvsing, As blest they sing on high— Sing till the welkin rings, Sing to thelist’ning sky. 01i,sweetc-t songsters, let yonr liquid notes, Iu harmony above thoseslumberers float, That upward grief may turn her weeping eye, And list the spirit songs of melody. Be calm, mythrobbing heart, Throw back, ye traitor tears, Serenely 1 would think Upon those by gone years, When the dark angel come, With foul, infectious breath, And in our peaceful home, Left the foot-prints of death. Serenely now I wouidmy thoughts might soar Above the church-yard, seeking ever more Communion with those spirits crowned on high, Those angel-spirits far beyond the sky. Vfamtrville, Meriwether co.,Ga.,March, 185 G. Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Si tms —Loid Ardmillnn has prom um-eri judgment upon this important question. The case was. one which involved the right- t> the stircessmn to an estate in the county of Lin gmv, which was claimed by Alex. Livings; m-. ti e son of a marriage celebrated in London between h;> farther and a woman who was the sister of a former wife, deceased The parents having been domiciled in England at the date (if the inarrage, Lord Ardtnil'an holds the child being legitimate act ord ng to the law cf the dom cileat tl e date of die in ait go, the child must be taken : s leg timate all the world over As to the second point, his lordship holds that theC(n-ncctiou is not incestuous by the law of Scot la id, although Presbytei iau minis tors bound by the Conftssion of Faith, maybe liable to ecclesiastical censure f they solemnize it. The result is that I H lordship has jitieind Alex Livii gstone, the issue to such connexion in the competition for the property -London Watchman. ii E GAL X 0T I G ES . Spalding - Mieriff Sales for priS. WILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in the City of Griflin, Spalding county. Ga., within (Uie legal hours of sale, on the FIHST TUESDA V in APRIL next, the following property, viz: A lot of sundry dry goods, hats, caps, &c : levied on as the property of Carroll A Simmons, to satisfy a fi. fa. i:i fa vor of Webster A Palmes, and other fi. fas. in ray hands vs. said Carroll & Simmons. Sold by order of the Superior Court of Spalding county, Also, at the same time and place will be sold, all of the wood land of the east half of lot X<>. 54, it being S3 acres, more or less, and the west half of lot No. 53, lot No. 75, less 10 acres oil the north-east coiner) 10 acres off the south east comer of lot No. 7(i, all in the 4th disk, of formerly Fayette now SpaUPng comity : levied on as the property of C. C. Bowen, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in my hands, one in favor of Win. Amis vs John Bowen, William Bowen and Christopher C Bowen, issued from Carroll Superior Court: One fi. fa. iu favor of Dr. P. M. Cohen & Cos., vs Win. Bow. enand Christopher Bowen, surviving partners of John Bow en, deceased, issued from Coweta Inferior Court; also one fl fa ill favor of T. D. Tanning vs Win Bowen and Christo pher Bowen, surviving partners of John Bowen, deceased, issued from tue Inferior Court of Coweta county. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, all that tract or Lot of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Griffin, known and distinguished in the plan of said city as the south half of lots Nos 3 and 4, in square 23, containing one half acre, more or less ; levied on as ihe property of Wesley Leak, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa 1.-sued from the’ Su perior Court of Spalding, in favor of Wm W Chapman vs Wesley Leak. Property pointed out in said fifa and tenant in possession notified Also at the same time and place, will be sold 4 sides of upper leather, and G 9 sides of sole and upper leather, levid on as the property of John Lockhart , to satisfy a fi fa from Spalding Superior Court iu favor of James S. Jones, vs. said Lockliait. At the same time and place, pail oflot of land numbers 204 and 205 in the 2d District of formerly Monroe now ! Spalding county, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres more or less. Also lot of land number 86 in the 4th District of formerly Henry now Spalding county, containing two hundred two and a half acres more ot less. All the above property levid onto satisfy seven Justices Court fi fas issued from the 1001st District of Spalding county, in favor John Neal bearer vs Theodosius Cook, principal,and Leroy W. Cooper Security, and John T. Thu< at security on stay of execution. Property pointed out l>y- Leroy \V. Cooper and levid on and returned to me by J. B. Mathews Constable. Lot of Land No. not known, in the fourth district of for merly Fayette countyjnow Spacing county, bounded on the South by lands of D. P. Elder- on the North by 11. IJ. Ogletree, on the East by lands of Elder and Ogletree, West by W. S. Beeves. Containing two hundred two and a half (2025) acres more or less; the same being the place where on Thomas Henderson now lives: to satisfy two fi. fas. iu my bands, from Spalding Superior Court, one in favor of A\. It. Phillips & Cos, and one in favor of G. 11. Page vs Thomas Henderson. A. A. WOOTEN, Sh’ff Feb. 26tb 1856 43 tds. Pike sheriff - pies Tor prii WILL be sold before the court house door, in the town of Zebulon, Pike county, on the Ist Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale, One negro girl by the name of Hetty, 8 years old. levied oi as the property of .Joliathan Baker, by virtue of sundry Justices’ Court fi. fas. issued from the Justices’ Court of the 534th district, G. M.. in favor of Jonathan P. Milner, j Giles Driver, Administrator of Jordan Driver, deceased, Salmons, Booth A Cos,, and others, all vs. Jonathan Baker. Ix'vy made and returned to me by Win. J. Ellis, constable. Property sold to satisfy the above named fi. fas., and others in my hands against said Baker. Also,one fine gold watch, gold fob chain, and seal : le vied on as the property of John W. Elder, by virtue of a fi. fa., issued from the Superior Court ofPikecoontv.— John R Jeukins-s. H. B Elder and ,J. W. Elder: levied on to satisfy said fi. fa., and others in my hand:-. Also, will bo, sold at the same time and place, the west half of lot of land No. 238, in the 9th <li t.. of originally Monroe, now Pike county: levied on a. the prooerty oi Roliert Hambrick, to satisfy a fi. fa. issue-.; from Pike Su perior Court, in favor of George Osborn vs. said Robert Hambrick. liCvy made by order of Plaintiff. Also, one buggy, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of William Williams vs. Wm. A. Wright. Property pointed out by plaintiff's att'y. A. B. VAUGHAN, Sheriff. Feb. 25, 1850....43....tds Will he sold before the Court Hom e door in the town of Zebulon Pike county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next: the undivided half interest in the following lots and half lots of land, No. 201, (except three acres in the South east corner) lot No. 203, No. 180, East half of lot No. 213, (except two acres deeded to the Baptist Church) West half of lot No. 172, pine timber- situ ated for sawing on the east half of lot 212; all lying in the flth District of Pike: lc-vid on as the property of Joshua (’. Martin to satisfy a mortgage (i fa issued from the Superior Court of said county iu favor of Martha C. Martin vs Joshua C. Martin, and tenants in possession notified. WM. H. McC'LKNDEN, Dep. Sh’ff. Feb. 2Gth 1856 * 43 tds ■\7ST- ‘jEEuec; rriHK well known SASH MAKER, may be found at his ± old stand, between the stores of A. Gray and Cole & Malone. All work iu his line done with’neatness and’ promptitude, and at reasonable prices. Griffin, July ltb, 1855. ts LEGAL SAESL . SsHtlctinsr Morfg-ag-e. Sale for SB’els. ■l& r ILL be sold, before the- Court House door. V V in Griffin,Spalding county. Ga ,on the First Tues day in May next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, viz: One-haif interest in a negro fellow by the name of GAbe. of yellow complexion. 33 or 34 years of age. and by trade a shoe maker. Levied on as tire property of John Lockin’ rt. to satisfy a mortgage ii.fa from Spalding Superior Court, in fnv*>r of Egbert P. Daniel, vs. said Lockhart. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. A. A. WOOTEN,!) S. January 12, p-50. C'ffSOJKilA, Spnl l.’m T connt.j'.~To nil whom it may T concern : Whereas James 11. Stark applies to nie fur letters of administration on the estate of Bulks W.MeCur.e, late of said county deceased ; These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors, to be end appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why letters of administration should not !.- granted said applicant. Given nndermvhnnd at office, this Bth day of Feb. B:-56. J. H. MANGIIAM, Ordinary. Feb. 13, 1856 41 Cl EOlies'* A. ‘T.’a'i'iivg cci-r all whom it may T concern : Whereas Jonas Boyd, Administrator upon the estate of Samuel Boyd, late of said county deceased, applies tome for letters of disinpiission from the adminis tration of saidestace : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased,are herbby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted said applicant at the next August term of the Court of Ordinary for said comi ty. JAMES H. MANGIIAM Ordinary. Jan. 23, ISSG 38.... Cm riISORI.-L Pik •• com nl j-.—To alt whom it may con- VJT corn : Whereas J. A. Potts. Administrator of the es tate of Abram S. Wright,of said county, deceased-,applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the timeperseribed by law, to show cause, if any fbey have, why said letters, should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 17th Jan uary, 1856. J". C BECKHAM, Ordinary. Jan. 23, 1856 38... ,4m /~1 HiO'IGIA, litre ecunty. —Whereas W. J. Newell V.T applies to me for letters of administration on the < tate of John 11. Newell, of said comity, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned. to be and appear-at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should net be granted. Given under inv limd at office, this 3d March, 1856, J. C. BECKHAM,’ Only. March 5, ISaff 4 !... ,40d ‘sO lX. :si t, Ft” e e-.-uvrtj-.Whereas Matthew Coggin vJT applies to me for letters of administration on the t:> tat* of Richard Pryor, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish ah persons con cerned , to be and appear at ray office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this 3d March, D56. J, C. BECKHAM'. Ord’v. March 5, 1850 44 40d fV ■ - Li o-lA. X"KJ7 James M 1.4 Trice applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Patience Joses, late of said c maty, dc, ea ed: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors cf said deceased, to be and appear ut ray office within the time prescribed by law. to -irew cause, if any they have, why -aid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Dec. 27th 1855. J. C. BECKHAM, Ordinary. Tl Pike sinty. To all whom it may concern—Vs! revere--. Will: :m If Van rim an.d Thomas 11. Edward--. Admin!-Irate:'s ppbn th.e E-t .to cf John Vaughn, of said county deceased, applies Letter: of Disimssiqn frpm tue Administration or said Est Re: The. o are. therefore to cJ-- >•:,•! udunnwh all and --ingulur the kindred aval eHjfnfAr-• of said decea ed, tube and.appear at my nffiae. wilhin the tiino prescribed by i.-:w. to >.lrew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not’ be granted. Given under my hard re .>ffh thD 27tb day of December, Hjj. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM. Ord'y. January Ist, 1?55.. 30-fim ‘7 Oil -j ■ rty Whcren . Matthew vT Mates apn!ies to me far Letters of Administration on the E-tntc of George Yates. 1 go g F • ve* to county, deceas ed—Also, for Letters of Guard hnshh* for the persons and property of SophroniaJ. Yates .and Martha E. Yates, or phans of flie said George Yates— These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed bylaw, and show cause, if any they have, why Let ters should not be granted to said applicant. Given und< r my hand, this January 2G;.. 1853. JESSE L. BLALOCK, Only. Jan 30, ‘56... ,30ds CHWORfftSA, Wayett-e County. Whereas. N. 51 Fitts X applies to me for Letters of Dismi.- h n from th.e ad ministration on the Estate of Walker Fitts, late of said countv deceased,— Tl icse are therefore to cite and admonish all parties con cerned. to be and appear at my office, wilhin th.e time pre scribed by law and show ean.-e, if nnv they have, why Let ters Dismissorv should not. be issued. Given under my hand at office, this January 26;h, 1*56. JESSE L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. Jau 30, ‘56... .Jin spa’d ivy <or it Mimic as Leroy YJT Strkklai.,l,’ nd Beth, n Strickl r.d -y plies t > me for letters of administration on.the estate of Elijah Strickland, late of said county, deceased : These are .therefore .to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred creditors of said deceased, t > !.-n and ap pear at toy office within the time prescribed by law, to show Cause, if any they have, why inters of administra tion should not be granted the said applicant. Given un der fay hand at office, the 19th (lav of February. 1856. JAMES If. MANGHaM, Ordinary. February 27, 1856.. . .43.. . ,30ds Bsssfs SlseriUPs Sale's. ITTITJ, BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in the V V town of Jackson, Butts county, on the First Tuesday ia April next, within the legal hours of .-ale, tho following property, to-wit: One black horse levid on as the property of Asa 11. Mor gan, to satisfy one fi fa. from the Inferior Court of said coun ty, iu favor of Lucius Goddard vs said A. IT. Morgan. B. G. BYARS, Dep. FLAT. Fell. 26th 1.-53 43 tds, GEOiit ji A— II K E~C OTJXTy! Court cf Ordinary of said county, Januar>i Term, 1856. It appearing to the Court .from tho petition of John Fox worth and Cadcsiuiin Pope, Executors of the estate of Stephen M B. lla-elden deceased, that they have fully ad ministered Ha: estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissed therefrom: Ordered that notice of their said application be publish ed in terms of the law, that all persons concerned may take notice thereof, and file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in August next, and siiow cause why said letters should not at this time be granted. A true extract from the minutes of the Court. JOSEPH. C. BECKHAM, Ordinary, Zebulon, Jau. 22d. 1 56 ..38, Cm. QrEOLIG I A—PIK E COUNTY. WHEREAS, Peter E. f ‘os,sett and Green B. M. Blount applies to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate ot John Brunt, late of said county, deceased: These are the,'fore to ‘ ite and admonish, all and singular, the persons interested, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Liven under my hand and official signature, this the 31st ot Dee. 1-55. J.C. BECK 1-1 A,M, Ordinary. ftxecutor’s A ,'|/ r ILL be sold before the court house door, in the town y’ of Jackson, Butt,-; county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in April next : Sixteen negroes, men, women and children ; also, one luuulretl aereof land, more or less, adjoining the lands of Be; j. Shields and Mrs. Greer, of said county. Said negroes and tund.-i are sold by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary in and for said county, and sold as the property of Thomas !5. Barford, late of said county deceased. * The terms of sale known on the day. S. H. BHRKORD,) Feb. 13, ’SO. .40. .tds A. A. BUBFORD, ;• Executors. F. B. BURPORD,) rrvvo months after ate apj) motion whl he mad: to the JL Honorable the <onit of Ordinary of Bpaldiug county, for leave to sell a negro w* man by 1 lie name of Mary, he tween 60 and 70 years oi'age, belou ing to Hie e. iaP- m Dim id Sluiptrine, late of -aid county deceased, To he sold ior the benefitof the heirs and creditors of said detca-ed. JAMES SHI'PTRINE, Admini.-Ilator. January 16, 18.16 37 2 m i.) ‘--'A VC cor-’in-.- AU persons in u doited t-> Mulcom Betlume, of said county, de stcaosfl are hereby rerp,, Red to make immediate i.aymcnt. Ami all persons having demands, against said U a.eased will reiiO- r them in agreeably to low p, T „ „ . EDMUi’ D SEGRA VES, AdmV. Jrui. 23th. 1850.. .40. ,6t. lo DihitWA st is cl t'rt'iUtvrn. pcmdils indebted t > tie c. t:\ic of Junies Reagftti. late or Pike county deceased, are u'quested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, aie rtipicslcd to j,res<* t them attested according to )•*"• JOSEPH REAGAN, Administrator. March 5, 1856 44 36d Stoieu, IpROM the residence of the subscriber, in Butts county, 6 miles south of Jackson, on the public road to the Springs, a mouse colored mare Mule, with harness marks on the rides, between (j and y years eld, medium size, heavy built ; saddle and bridle taken at ite same lime. Any in formation concerning said mu e, will be thankfully received and liocrnliy rewarded. Address me at Indian Spring, tie Feb. 13, 1t‘56... .41.... m DAVID JUGGINS. Fa 11 Trad c! ! ill iCiisfiiiisoßSS ; subscribers would respectfully inform their J*- friends and the public generally, that tl'.ev have in store and art* receiving direct'from New York, tt full supply cl i ALL A \v IN fER GOODS, consisting in part of Fa Ml-Y AND STAFI. DPiY GODD6! CLOTHING, IiATS. CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES. HARD- Vi’ ARE, CrO<'UFRY, BAGGING, ROPE. SUGAR, * COFFEE, SALT and TOBACCO, and all other articles usually kept in this market, which they would invite tire public to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, ns they are determined to sell as cheap us the cheapest. S. B. Me.WILLI-AMS & GO. At the old stand of .McWilliams A Cos, Hill Street, Griffin, Ga. Oct. 24,1355 ts ~FO'R 8 A LE ! ! T::f, comfoktab;j; Dwm.iNC. house, in w,--t Griffin, at present occupied by Col. A. B. Mathew-:.. Persons desirous of purchasing would do well to examine the premises, as the house, must positively be sold. Posses sion given first of next January. IGT Applv at the store of ‘ C. If. JOHNSON A Cos.. Griffin, slept. 10th, ’55. .20. .ts I! ill street. fmmWlidMimi r UHE umic!signed, having located in -*- Me-t Ciiiiin. ne r ihe Planter’s Hotel, is now prepared''to CUT and MAKE DR EKE I and TRIM BONNETS ia the LATEST FASHIONS: also will (.'UT aid MAKE CLOTHING for GENTLEMEN.— ALL WORK WAiUIANTKnt MISS L. E. MATTHEWS Griffin, January Bth, 1:56. W• H SSTOSESOU, ANgX; Lj nffy Carriage Maker, near Sharon. Grove, T-'av . ‘ -C-f;; mnty,Ga-., can mgkc to order at short V/Vyre” Vjp nffi:i.e. single sent and slide neat BUGGIES. FAMILY CARRIAGES AMD PLANTATION WAGONS. Also, repairing done at short notice, and in thevery best Kind of-style-” work warranted. Sep. 26, l: 55. . . .22 ts rNFIPiMARY. “ THE undersigned opened, in the city of Atlanta, an Infirmary, fer tile reception of patients laboring under medical or surgica!treatment. An intelligent nnive and faithful -ervants will 1.-o in con stant attendance, and wili give rbrir attention to the sick at all hours, day or night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. west:ior,eland, who will give prompt attention to injuries, and every variety ‘ of disease requiring surgical operations. The usual fees adopted by the physicians of the city will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board, Ac. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured tlir.l they will he properly attended to, and, if after a a ex amination it he determined that there is no prospect of re lief, they will be sent home without arv charee. W. !’. WESTMORELAND. M.D. J. G. WESTMOREL AND, M. D. Atlanta, May IC, *55. 3 ti • /THE undersigno-.!would re*'-pcctfi:Uy inform ■ -vFX hi- friend-', and ihe jm'-Ji-- g( •.• he Inis “ig--'* recently innde ext* n -iv< additions to tiis general sto b GOODS, of which the following coinpri-o only a pa: t. V : English, Anieri. ini and SPANIGiI SADDLES, Brid Ia s,. a rne •;& aull ar s A variety of Carpet and Saddle Bugs, Coach, Stage, Twig and Overseer:-’ Whips, Stirrups, Spurs, Bits and Bridle Mount mg. JUSTAnv work made to order in the neatest and most ta-ty manner,-at vino i notice. *> :~:in El attention given t. repairing in all branches of the business. The atte ition of Harness Makers and Carriage Trim mers. Ac., is caln and to his si ?ck of PATENT ENA MELEI) LEATHERS, which he keeps constantly on hand at lowest market prices. X. !>. ! am enabled t-o offer iadneements to buyers, who will find n t -their interest to give me a call before pur chasing el-ev,-here, Be .--.tire and in at- the first door north of Banks’ Shoe Shop,'east side of Itill-street. JAMES L. JOHNSON. Griffin. Ga.. May 3, 1855-1 y ! QilOCEßiko AaD STAPLE DRY-GOOCB I JUST vocoived the largest and best selected stock, of. Gro ceries and Ktattle Dry G<mds. ever offend before in this mark; t, and we are determined to sell at vc-rv short profits for the CAKJJ, among our stuck may be found the tell ow ing articles : jo;. 1 Bales Gunny Digging. 260 foils New York and New Orleans Hope, leO S,ck ■ prime Rio Gofieo, 25 “ i.and old Government Java, 50 131 il St; warts A. oiigur, 10 liiuis choice 1 N. 0. do 5 “ Pertoriro. do 3 ,’n. B-..1-S and Tierces Liquor. 100 Kegs Nails and Br..d*, 20,000 Common and f.hoice b and ("igvre, Osniiburgs. Blankets, Kerseys..Calicos, Homespun. l -, Ac., Ac- All of which will he sold low for cash bv Sept 18, ‘55-tf ‘HILL & SMITH. To Eacksmiths! T3 L A C KS.M I Til 8 Tools for sale by HILL & SMITH. F'e-t in.'ss ts imm% ! immi if GAiiLDISS'S STEAM 61!LL, subscriber lisviug leased t-lic above Mill, being an j. experienced Jbielrincst, and having supplied him.-cli’ with alt-urge quantity of the best fix;-: tsmukk, hoping to e able at short notice, to furnish those with lumber, wire may favor him with their orders—orders left with A. A. Gaulding, or A. 13. Duliu, at Griffin, will receive prompt attention. Jau. Bth. 1856. JAMES W. MOORE. HILL C&3 smith:, WJIOT.]•:.*ALE AND KETAIL DEALEKS IN 6EOOERS&3I mmmmi Staple and Fancy Bry-Gocds! S! ft .■}-( ‘or: er of Hill and Solomon Streets.*^ Griffin, May 3.1855. DO SSL2.TS.Ot; t HAS changed his residence and office to the first lot he. low Mrs. Reeves’ Boarding House, on the east side of the Railroad, nearly opposite tho Freight Depot, where lie may be found at all times ready to attend to calls, except when professionally engaged. Gridin, Ga., May 3, 1855’ ly (i ro a t Attraction! FALL AND WINTER StiOOSi npilE subscribers take pleasure In calling the attention Jl of the public- to their large stock of FALL and WIN TER GOODS! which they have now on hand and are re ceiving every week, consisting in part as follows : Ladi es’ i) re s s Goo ands ! of every description; Shawls, Mantillas, Cloaks and many other goods, ton numerous to mention. Also, a good sup ply of DOMESTIC GOODS! Their stock of Ji if ! 1) Y MA DE CLOTHING And JlcsiCJcisteii'-j Fiti'iibhiiig Gcods! Is a. splendid one, containing everything in that, line for men and Irey's u.-e. They have also a well selected stock of HOOTS AND SHOES! from their even Wlreh -ale Establishment in New York. lUi ‘LADIBS AND GENTLEMEN, as two of our firm are residents of New York, both having long’ e vpericnee in this business, and from whom we receive new supplies W F.LKLY, we ate enabled to show yen new (foods at Lower Prices than lias evt r been offered before in this market. 4A* Please give us a call and you will see the cheapest Store is at L. Si 117 EM AN & BROS. Griffin. October 13, 15,55. ;t m illj iilm FHii im. *l’ is wi ll km-wn that a good Circular Saw Mill well at b tciKltd to, yields om* hvnidrc-d percent in money oil tho ammint invested. ’1 he .subscriber h .viug comiietent ar range men L-. to procure MacEsiiscry at Cost, ’ ’ prt'pared to put up Saw Mills cheaper than has yet been lint up in Georgia. The machinery is of the bed, materials m workmanship, i.A'AI! mills warrant,d to saw from ny,‘ to eight thousand feel per day. Those wishing Saw Mm put up will do well to address me at Griffin, Ga. J 00. I.>, L . .40... ~‘im \V. \V THOM I*.SOV f B | ny - l M ri<,t T‘ !SiunU ' r ‘h-l’iihlican, will please payment I *’ Mi ’ UIK onvul ' tl nvcouuts to this place for ltunaxvay ! ft-io art i f . l, ’ rolu tho about the first of March, 1855, -fOnA ,l *> woman named Fanny, betwten 40 and 45 m y L” S ° s ! ge v hi! , s il look, and hair comes low -*=’ v "very dark complected, heavy su r'V ! U ! ‘ 101 ‘ eet . j ! M<l ve ry Doit toes. I will give o-lOloi the delivery ol said girl to me, 6 miles east of New min Coweta county, (.a or 1. dged in any safe Jail so that 1 can get her. The public will keep a look out for said ru gl!Y .. T . . 10 SILAS GORDON. Cov.eta co., Feb. 13, 1856 10 ts A. W. EEMHAM & CO., PLUS ill IfflET IM HILL STREET GRIFFIX, Cl. , r *. - The public resj'i'cthiliy invited to cal! ( TC- oiirXeiv Fiirriitvre SWe. opposite V • John-on o; Co.'s, oa-t side of Hill Street. j"fl *u:d exam;in m:r stock ui’ now and beautiful IT JtTLia&r TEcrss:'"iai.TisTS’.Ex: _ 9 consoling in ]>:trt of Fine French Sofas. Sofa Boils, Tote-a- Totcs : Splendid Mahogany Wardrobes. Marble Top Tables. Mahogany, Cherry, Black” Walnut and Extension Dining tallies ; Secretaries. Bureaus and Sideboards, of the very rarest quality and finish. Ane .vand beautiful ai tide of Cottage Cliassaler F;:n:i(ure. Onir.nsente-.fiy painted, c >-r pri. staff a f:i:-t. as follows: One Bureau, one ib-J.-ter-d, Sink avid WaT-taud. Toil; t Table, Towel Stand, Four Parole Chairs, ami a Rocking Chair. 23ooL“3*£0£ri.c?L cC:? <ol3.air,ss, From i lie lowest to the highest prices. tyj-T'ie above, and many other articles not enum;nite-d, we are pi •.'pared to sell on as low terms ns can be obtained in any similar e.staWP.lur.ent in V. 0.-tern Georgia. May 3, 1835. If IST 3232 W PISS <SGB d33 23SL ? riPElfT WHITE, w c. ov:w is vwS’ v i% ©x toas -id Ate to* <s2 \s wS.j C.I Cos V> WEST SIDE OF HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, a FOR GI A. vT’ HAVE just received their FALL and tVTX-v)? FAT KII S. F!’P L Y 0 F <5 EXTL EM EX : S dL l>2?es© O-qoc&js, Jlif To which they invite especial attention. Their stock com prises careful selections from the iner t approved and beau tiful styles in the Now York market—eojc-l-tii:# of Black ■Fancy Colored CLOTHS, D6 skin CASSI MEHi-'B, Fancy Velvet aud Silk VESTINGS, (Mover,, Cravat.', Shirts, Collars. §\r„ §-r. RE AD Y M ADE CL 0 TIIIX G. Such as Black, Brown and Blue Frock and Rack COATS, OVERCOATS, PANTS, VESTS lIATS, AND CAPS, aiul a variety of other silkies usually comprising a 51 etchant Tailor’s Funxifinxif Stock!!! /'-• TER US CASH! ®a XLfOentlemep who favor us with their order-, will find oar prices moderate and our goods what we represent them to be. Call and see us. X‘T. 21,1855. 30-ts W. e. PH!! LIPS & 00., t. >.i’Lndci’ r, laconic Ha!l,‘%& jOEG lev ve fa infum their friends, and the pul,lie gcucr- J J ally, that they are now receiving their stock of I’ AS l 0, UfIMTCP r ~k£Lk, cA# v-jttT l- &n wuyi'j consisting : n part of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, such as Dei.ancs, Marinoes, Persian Cloths and Silks, from .?-!) to >■"(! per patter; l , liioriantiqne style.-, superior to any Pun l ” ( n r before exhibited in this market ; a vary large - ft iiient of CLCTii mm, MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS, from to S-25. Al-o, a hear.lift:! assortment ;f Moria.i:- tirjue Slant !i!:i a: >1 IT ;,ks, ir:is'c:u’de prices, ip •;n ?]'J to SSO each ; and a very great variety of other arii’ les, se lected with great care, expressly to suit the fancy and taste of the Ladies. Therefore, none need to go to’any other market t ■ find ■ heaj or or finer G >ods. We also cal! atten tion to our assortment of CS3S-IS Si.COS> ‘.A. A SE3 EQ -12. hi 3532 && 9 F:F A i)Y-M.VI )K CLOTH XG, BOOTS, S M OE li A N J.> H A T S, as well as a ;gri 6 many mi 1 •tt : ?tj mention. All win), re desir'-vis of!; kk:g In their own iiiiercst in trade, would h>. well to ex inline their stock before making purchase.!, ns they arc .-afit-tied they vhe prcU-icst, Ji nestyheaj !■.( aval best -ckctci! stuck of ihioils in the c:iy. NE VV EALL G O 0.13 IS I Cur: cir of Bi'oa(.'.vay and Iliil Strcehu r £* ii E suiisci .her hec.'s leave t 1 ■in for: :■ Li.: friend- ; aval e: - A tamers, and Cue public in geneiT'.l, that lie is now re ceiving tb.e largest stock of I.)(VAiESTIC, S !'APL!2 AND fi’ k IVi, ‘ ihd ’ that lias cv.-r been offered in this mar.cet. lie is also open it variety of superior CLOTIHNG, HATS, BA ’> /. p, jrv ol3f \C O OwioA\ hUo ri a. o, Thankful for pvt favors, he hopes, together with the great variety of his stock, and i -.v prices. t'i merit m in viViised sinvrc of pairnnago. JOSEPH EXCEL. Griilivv, Sep. fu, 1 T. i>m - (InX /G) Th.o ’•■•.••'ririet :r of the w-.1l known stand RI- N. \ r “./ALT;), having i'dti.d up the fro; t roota in the finest style, is now oj.eniug a fine htockof Groceries and Co/feci ion aides, ail iVesli a’.'.d-“geiUiiiie,‘’ all of which he will roll b.w for cash. Among them will be found crashed and powdered Sugar ; .all kinds of Pickles ; pickled Lobsters : a fine Ft of Nat nr .1 Preserves ; Prunes in jars for table use ; pre served figs and dates ; {\ and) h iri tT P 1 uJ y *U ;ri -iJ 3 s diji -vt and Phr .Vic Crackers : Sardines and Catsup ; English and American Mustard : fine Layer liaisons : Nuts of all kinds; an assorted bit of Candies, Ground Pepper ; Carbonate of Soda ; Peal Starrii, Table Salt. Cod Fish, Irish Potatatoea, Rice, Mess Pork and Van ki c Beans : all kinds of Fruit, Dried Beef, and Cv’ Bolongna Sausages, and Saudi’ for the Ladies, Can ViL-v-Av. dies of all kinds. His Bar li ,s been befitted in tb.e rear, which will he found as usual, full of the Best rfbr ;”. Liquors find Cigars, and his well known Bar Keep-fer F?!gor will lie found always ready to make*his custom-teMRb t CIS - any thing in his line. CC Ji'E always on hand. Thankful ibr past favors, he is determined to retain the good reputation lie has gain* and ‘forhimself and house. J. 1). SHERRILL. Griffin, May 3,1835—ts I \TIS3 | tit c f BIST fit i ip ft n nfji nmxr luiiliiit MillftliS liufl iMU'i FOR SALE!! HE subscribers having determined to sell their property at this celebrated watering place, now offer for sale Cue INDIAN SPRING HOTEL PROPERTY, containing four acres of Laud. The buildings are in good condition, and sufficient!’ “omy to accomodate four hundred persons. Kitchens, Smoke-house and other out buildings, together with the Stable, are entirely new. The Hotel Furniture is mostly new, and be purchased with the property at a reduced price. Persons wishing to engage in the Hotel business, at a FASHIONABLE WATERING PEACE, or to imvst money in valuable Real Estate, can do so by call ing and examining the pu-mises. Attacked arc line Garden Spots and wood privilege. We won hi like to sell for CASH or good Paper hearing interest and will give any time desired: and new oiler a bargain. Cal! and see ns, or address us at Indian Springs, Butts County, Ga. A. .1. VA RNF.R, J. M. VARNER, C. L. VARNER. August Ist, 1855,. .15. .ts. SOIHEKO'S BREAST can be CURED b r*? ip § L :Xi b .; a TN mercy to Hie afilictul, and the gratitude andhigh opin ion 1 entertain of DR. MOSELEY as a Surgeon and Phy sician, 1 deem it my duty to mention the case of my wife. Imping at the same time that all persons similarly atilieted, may be beneiitted by it. In the first part of this “year, my wife bud - vend small lumps make their appearance in her breast; they continued to increase in size, until the whole breast became a diseased mass, and very painful. 1 procured Hie hi st medic al aid in the city of Rome,’ami notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention of our most skillful physi cians. she grow worse and worse, until they gave the case up as iunhable, and advised amputation. I was adv ised by many of my friends, to visit Dr. Moseley, of Grillin, Ga., v. hicli I did, sml. astonishing as it mav set m, he had her r; lively cured rdl'iir ore month , and she <■; now in £oinl health! I would advise all who are atilieted with Seirrlms, and (’auecrons aU'oclions to Visit, the Doctor with out dt lay. a- I am satisfied by experience and observation, that; he is the most sUllfui physician in the Southern Ktijtes, in the troutine nt of that horrible disease cancer. V.'Jl, If. MITCHELL, M. E. MITCiIELL, I hmgliti rof J. Vs. Uriußiiii'v, Rome, Ga, Rome, (la., Oi tola r 25, 1851. ’ 5 !v INFIRMARY FUR NEGROES. fpH E under.-i m cd have opened in this city,an Iniirmary J lor the tcceplieti ot Negrotv who mav need medical or surgical treatment, It. is conveniently situated in a house just aci< sk the Alky Iremllic Ne w Pas. eager Depot, and is now ready to receive patient *. The charges for houtei will be merely sufficient to cover i xpensis, those for medical treatment and surgical opera turns.sueii as eurlrmury. ti ‘L Planter.’ aud others who may send ie< patients from a distance, mav depend on their servants receiving every at tention that may he required, •JAMES MERCER GREEN. M. I). „ T HENRY L. BATTLE, M. D. Macon, January 16, 1850....3(5 ;;m A A 01 XG LADY, a graduate of the Synodical College, who ns bad some experience in ten:-hing, desires a situation ns Teacher. Reference—the Rev. Cbviu.isnn P. B. M artin, fornnr President of the College. Application can be made at, this office -or to Miss IV. Gridin, Ga. Dec. 10,1855 tfl C Aliftl A. IA 13 SE EPOS! TO RY GRiF Fi N. GEORGIA, .ilip, roeciwn'r every variety of CAR III.AGES, tvliieh liter will sell ns low as caunhW hong;it it] city Southern Aiarket ; consistifipf of * ‘ SAcKWAoI: S ’ H o I', s >: n. :m Bum m * Cm i Jtip,c or \> tigon, got up to cider, tit short notice T w ° n KTVAR R A N T R D ■ : )0 ’ ‘ 11 ; 1 '. 1 L. GORDON. Onffin. Ga., at ay 1(5. P 56. XU IT St IK,N lItMXBT. ALSO, Admirably adapted to many Diseases of Females, most especially Painful Menstruation. THE VIRTUES OF JACOB’S CORDIAL are too well known to require encomiums. Ist. It cures the worst cases of Diarrhcea. 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysenterv. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea. 4tll. It relieves the severest Colic. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 7th. It cures Painful Menstruation. Bf,h. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins. 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency. 10th. It restores Irregularities. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical Feelings. 12tih It’s an admirable Tonic. A few sthort Extracts from Sjettci's, Testi mouials, Ste. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valuable remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Georgia.” “It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial, my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a T‘: fV : ‘ Gw ‘. fi ■ Q <!-.:V...< y , -.-1 i .vs . : ■ i and tin-'dt -113 [*• 1 izetwni iri . at 1 will give priv.i i-n ----.4ruction at tl;e n eo, p ; (hi i: 17: 1 .) ihej u pds vdibe as 1 horoiiviu;.’ inctractcd a- asdbk; ’dmingthe ry. N (pupil ill he taken fm than at< i,and no de duction made for less th tu a :m nib. u A.the pupil i- pu vonted by s;ei-;r.e. s so they i ailcr.d or eontimie their I The TuiGcm mu.- ’ . iliv. iy .-ctHcd at E.c etui es each i Term. ; y .Wit;:. Tm- rm will ‘qest-ic-.iypdhercd j Lbtcd ti t •r, ; *i Ia ri:,v his a hip in ti c i Pupils upon t!:e Goi 1 :: ~! \'b;m. vGii: ho he ‘ toksii. • , I llianktt.l ba’ 1* :■ Id f n- t.i-sfi ‘.vcii, he ; Impes by strj. t nth :.t'a :. t - hi-- Pupils, in ns i.t as well as j receive a c* u.tim : me the seme. V'2Vl\ :x Vj C 2 ‘ ! ill v. Carlisle P. B. *T: rt!n. Vn -■ Gt;.t f Fyn. .:’or.i IN n ale tTdlece fur sc •,ere.l -.h,a;••* ■ us-t, ar.d ti.o* cit.h-cns of Griffin gerend’y. ‘ V.’M.!.. H ENEI.FR. Gr!‘:iu. i’“e. ,5. FT,,'..:n I - ::H’ff', of Mu. ie. St 7t PIANf I tuned to ■ nh Alt orders I est rpilE arises ..f t' Aw.i.-u-y v ! bfpin mi Mondey G-s V; : fA. .~- . : xt, tim'i rs;- -u; mi-l rof X.\- (llil mg 0 v;i ‘• lb. !'■ •’ tie- .c-i . c_- j art m;:’ -i non; a,;:-.- .. is pe; iq sci abscence, cx- BI L L 0 F TUI TI 0 BJ. For Orthogrojl’y. F. ;aii;m and Writing ,? • ,00 ’* Engli<!i Gramm-, r. Ge.-;rnip!iy and A i itimictic.. . 12.011 “ Netnr.u Phiti-s! * !,\ ar.-i Phv-i.-ifigv 13.00 ; Liifln. G.cek, A tytl ra, Geometry Ac 1f.,00 j “ (iontiugent (‘X|-enMs, l,co[ Piirtuu-litr aUeution ml be given to the prrcti-.mi branch- j cm s oft diioati-ai. A ]*lf” E 1 1 ’ i ! ■ ju ii&rfr’alst if 5 i..-1... u 3 j TAR. W. R. M<’NELLY, has jcm.-y and ‘ is i .IJ (dds'aml on Eighth Trett, ;;:;d v,;ii rive ;'F C j pr nipt idteufion to iiie ‘ ; PR A F-’ ; £'■’ -;-r F..\'2 ’• ! t 2 h:L c„ b v. i,i end all Chroute. Di. r-i <-••. IF. p. ; ten v.-ec*. | in t!: ■ treatinent f i i::.-. .- ~ t'.m, -r.-.; f, ‘.'ins.s - : m all ki d Si bin In. lin- ’ -is. DLen.-e of tl ■ E. r and i i-.-ye..(..uynr* . S;- P re. 1'!-. r -il'. ■'. ■; li* . i Hliicui'.i'r-m. 1 . I.'\ ;• F.m c. Sub;-’ j Fi-tula, IF. r.iMiii: ; •.-•:!• ell FEMALE BL-’FAS- | I.S, is mdi xcr-ih dby my \ i tb. I‘atiojdsboarded a’t per d-y. >.--•• m-edh. All ‘ eomrne.nixvH-'iis -picib <-..1. r'v, ... j formation n!! add * \ R. \\ t ■ 1 1 ‘ C.i Giifiin. i’ t .. . A) VwbAi w f- -3 h Al I lie old fail iitl of K, AV, i{ i *I he run iocii, J doors film I-! i.Luh itilonsf, M.u OX HE. ;;:G1 a. / >FFE t;s for side, at the lo\> t ; t miccs, a lor o V/ and complete a.--'rit-e ot . Swedes 1 roll, m-s“-‘i : .; ! ; i ; , ;•_> y, . English and refined tm;'. : t. i-■■: 5: ■’ . . H.'-IX’ Shoe, ( V;:l. ! I V ; ;; ; . . STEF.L— j:!ow Hte!. n to if. -T.i., . tes ter and Spring Sii ,1 ; Black noth a i’w-l:-, I ;;i. i! . i.i 1;.; v.'. , vber, liammcrs, Ac. Planter: Hoe:*, m: v: -.. R: !‘s. n.,! ;-!!>,: ■ maker. svrcn •; -ts ikon. 100 tons Swedes lr- omulci! from it to 12 i tit lies, jutjt received and for >ue by N. WEED. At the cliff land of E. IJ. Weed, Macon, Ga. Jan. 23, 155(1 J. P. t>EM)I’E, ADCTICN l ((IT MERCHANT, (I RIFF IN, a r I. HAS opened i home on Broadway, for the pit • osc of .conducting vn Auction ar.d Cenimis: .* n Busin s. A!! | Goods ooiisigucd to him will n;u I with pr> i ( i a-iention j Instructions will bo fully and faithfully carried out. Nov 28, ; 55... .Cm wnrt'e leadT~ 10n - s *°- RLx Ira and Pure White Load. just, re It,ll/ eoived and for ale by IIILLA SMITH. Griffin, Sept 19, ‘55 ts sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that If purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy. WM. 11. UNDERWOOD, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit” “I take great pleasure in recommending this invalu able medicine to. all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me. A. A. GAULDING, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.” “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and this, with ai! I hear about it as a remedy bv those who have tried it, induces me to believe that, it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. MILES G. DOBBINS, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Griffin.” “ If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jacob’s Cordial must stand preeminent above all other prepara tions for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most if not all other * patent ’ preparations. A. FLEMING, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin.” “This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used.” Georgia Jeffer sonian, May 19tli, 1853. Dr. McLANE’S CELEBRATED TERMIEUGE MYEH. PSLILS* Two of the best Preparations of tiie Age - hey are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, See. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by T'Tuiuuj (imoY sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa3 Sole Proprietors. iDi'Servl it Mead, New Orleans*, General vhiuic Bale Agents for tin Southern States, to wuoma il or (ters must be add rosed. * # *So!d by \Y, B. Seav, Grifii), Gi: John Still well, M'D nnugh ; J T ileese, Greenville ; Ilanes &. [/isseter. Jones'mmugli ; Smith & Uzz.’.rtl, Atlan ta ; Wm Barrett, Zchu'on ; .1 C Little, Jackson, McKelberry & Mobley. Indian Springs ;Harwell & Weaver. Thoniaet vi : I, Little , Bartlesville J r*. I*s, 185(5,... “(> ‘y